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<h1 class="title single-title">Take off meaning </h1>

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Take off meaning.  Recentemente c&#39;è stato un picco nel numero di ragazze madri.  away from a place or position, especially the present place, position, or time: 2.  to make a negative….  학교를 결석, 휴학하다 라는 뜻이 됩니다 take a year off는 1년 휴학, take a semester off는 1학기 휴학이 되는거죠 off뒤에 from 장소가 나와주면.  take off synonyms, take off pronunciation, take off translation, English dictionary definition of take off.  8.  TAKE SOMEONE&#39;S MIND OFF SOMETHING definition: 1.  Take down = 아래로 가져가다 *Reporters took down every word of his speech.  the act or process of making an aircraft airborne.  It’s the verbal equivalent of rolling up your sleeves and getting down to business.  A construction takeoff will contain a list of all of the materials a project requires. El dependiente descontó $20 del precio.  (세트를 내리는 데 도움을 줄 사람이 필요합니다.  translation in hindi for Take off with similar and opposite words.  If an….  to make something unpleasant….  Lately there has been a takeoff in the number of teenage mothers.  take off phrase.  How to use takeoff in a sentence.  French Translation of “TAKE OFF” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online.  5. ] mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner.  (lid, etc.  [count] a : a performance in which someone copies the way another person speaks, moves, etc.  Normally, it is considered complete when 3 days ago · take time off: 1 v take time off from work; stop working temporarily Synonyms: take off Type of: break up , cut off , disrupt , interrupt make a break in TAKE OFF - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus Jan 6, 2022 · This process is known as takeoff — or material takeoff (MTO) — and is an essential part of the estimating process.  4.  to suddenly become successful: 3.  TAKE SOMETHING OFF Significado, definición, qué es TAKE SOMETHING OFF: 1.  Nov 25, 2018 · Take off.  앞 뒤 문맥을 정확해 지겠죠? take off to - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.  The verbal phrase is earlier as &quot;remove from position&quot; (one&#39;s hat, etc. , in usually a humorous way.  quitar.  the country&#39;s economic takeoff.  I have been hesitant and confused for years.  Mar 4, 2024 · The phrase &quot;take off the table&quot; refers to removing something from consideration or making it unavailable for discussion, acceptance, or further deliberation.  something that….  See examples of TAKEOFF used in a sentence.  Also you will learn Antonyms , synonyms &amp; best example sentences.  ONE-OFF definition: 1.  ·.  1.  2.  L&#39;avion a décollé après un bref retard.  &quot;This song takes off from a famous aria&quot;.  If she spent time not-dancing, it would be, &quot;She took a break&quot; explicitly.  It&#39;s most commonly used as a &#39;phrasal verb&#39;: VERB + PREPOSITION.  Definition of take gloves off in the Idioms Dictionary.  TAKE SOMETHING OFF translate: 脫下, 脫下,脫掉(尤指衣服), 休假, 休假, 起飛, 起飛;飛起, 成功, 突然開始成功;開始走紅, 離開 Takeoff definition: a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane.  to take the day off.  take [sth] off, take off [sth] vtr + adv (lid, etc.  Tags for the word Take off: Hindi meaning of Take off, What Take off means in hindi, Take off meaning in hindi Take Off Definitions.  How to use take a/the day off in a sentence.  sacar.  to remove something, especially without permission: 2.  7.  to suddenly….  an act of mimicry; imitation.  Benign early repolarisation (BER) is a usually benign ECG pattern producing widespread ST segment elevation that is commonly seen in young, healthy patients &lt; 50 years of age.  Learn the meanings and usage of the phrasal verb take off in different contexts, such as flying, leaving, copying, removing, and reducing.  See pictures, pronunciation, synonyms, and related words for each sense of take off.  to accept the statements of take off.  9.  The salesclerk took $20 off the price.  To get into one&#39;s hands, control, or possession, especially: a.  Dec 18, 2019 · In my experience, &quot;I&#39;m gonna take off&quot; and &quot;I&#39;m taking off&quot; both have roughly the same meaning.  Take a load off, Fanny.  From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English take off phrasal verb 1 take something ↔ off to remove a piece of clothing OPP put on He sat on the bed to take his boots off.  [count] : a sudden increase in size, activity, or popularity.  figurative (enjoy sudden success) (figuré) décoller ⇒ vi.  take [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep (lid, etc.  a.  offtake: [noun] the act of taking off: such as. : remove) ينزع شيئًا عن شيء : يفتح شيئًا : Could you please take the lid off this jar for me? take off vi phrasal (plane Definition of take off in the Idioms Dictionary. : remove) rimuovere ⇒, togliere ⇒ vtr.  We eventually took off at 11 o&#39;clock and arrived in Venice at 1. 7%.  Charlie was taking off his shirt when the phone rang.  They are often also said with &quot;now&quot; on the end, but whether or not they have &quot;now&quot; they all have an implication that you are actually leaving (i.  What does take gloves off expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.  ( intransitive, slang, dated) To take drugs; to inject drugs.  For aircraft traveling vertically, this is known as liftoff .  Learn and practice the pronunciation of take-off.  It’s like saying, “It’s Definition of take off from work in the Idioms Dictionary.  (retirar) a. : remove) togliere [qlcs] da [qlcs] vtr.  See take-off meaning in Hindi, take-off definition, translation and meaning of take-off in Hindi.  Determine Your Method.  Over time, it evolved into a metaphorical expression to offer comfort and rest.  I took the sheets off the bed to wash them.  took , tak·en , tak·ing , takes v.  sacarse v.  OFF meaning: 1.  take years off somebody; take the edge off (something) take your eye off the ball; take the weight off your feet; take your mind off something; take the shine off something; take/blow the lid off something; take the gilt off the gingerbread; I take my hat off to somebody; take something off the market/shelves (get/take/keep your) hands off Sep 14, 2023 · Ed Burns and Robert Buttner.  What does take the gloves off expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.  Learn more in the Cambridge English 1 day ago · 3 meanings: 1.  ( transitive, slang, dated) To steal (something) or rob (someone).  What does take off from expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.  If an aircraft takes off, it begins to fly.  to remove something, especially a piece of clothing: I’d better take my shoes off.  Also expressed &#39;take oneself off.  Take off your shirt--it`s very hot in here.  To grasp or grip: take your partner&#39;s hand.  Find out the synonyms and related words for take off in British and American English.  This is what I need.  3.  Find the answer of what is the meaning of take-off in Hindi.  Know answer of question : what is meaning of Take-off in Hindi? Take-off ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Take-off का हिंदी में मतलब ).  Not to be confused with &#39;I&#39;m going to take off now&#39; which is just a colloquial expression meaning &#39;I am going now&#39;.  The way you heard it before is this way: Just a few minutes after the plane took off, the US military sent fighter jets to pursue the plane.  to take the crumble bit off.  used with….  (intransitive) This phrasal verb is most commonly associated with planes (or aircraft) and how they become airborne.  mainly UK, informal (parody) caricatura, parodia nf.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2013.  The company took off when it launched its new products.  TAKE YOUR HAT OFF TO SOMEONE meaning: 1.  to subtract a number (= remove it from….  Definition of take-off noun in Oxford Advanced Learner&#39;s Dictionary.  Take off definition, pronuniation, antonyms, synonyms and example sentences in Hindi.  What is take-off meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase take-off refers to .  TAKE THE EDGE OFF SOMETHING definition: 1.  Sample translated sentence: A photographer suggested someone take off the boy’s hat for a picture.  Marius took off so quickly that I didn&#39;t have a chance to say goodbye.  Apr 25, 2024 · If you take off for Thanksgiving you must work Christmas and vice versa.  Historically, the phrase might have been used literally, referring to unloading goods or removing a heavy backpack or load.  I said, &quot;Wait a minute, Chester, you know I&#39;m a peaceful man&quot;.  Definition of take the gloves off in the Idioms Dictionary.  He took himself off to Mexico.  The film is a takeoff of a classic Dickens novel.  Rotation before reaching Vr can result in a tailstrike To take off at a dead run.  If you say that you take your hat off to someone, you mean that you admire them for an….  descontar.  to take somebody off something.  Collins English Dictionary.  Mar 28, 2023 · With a basic understanding of a takeoff, let’s take a closer look at how to complete one for a construction job.  It&#39;s good manners to take off your shoes before entering a house in Japan.  DISCLAIMER: These example sentences appear in various news sources and books to reflect the usage of the word ‘takeoff&#39;.  직장에서의 휴가, 휴직.  Apr 23, 2024 · The origin of the idiom &quot;take a load off&quot; is somewhat unclear, but it&#39;s believed to have roots in the physical act of removing a heavy burden.  I take your silence to mean that you agree.  Click for more definitions.  take off [sth] vtr + adv.  1 of 8) Take Off : کپڑے اتارنا : (verb) remove clothes.  In some contexts, &quot;took off&quot; could mean &quot;ran away,&quot; but this one is pretty clear that it&#39;s referring to taking off like a rocket.  opposite put on 2 to have a period of time as a break from work I&#39;ve decided to take a few days off next week.  alisin, magtanggal, tanggalin are the top translations of &quot;take off&quot; into Tagalog.  to help take down the set.  take the gloves off phrase.  v.  Take-off meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Take-off in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages by ShabdKhoj.  Takeoff.  to make something unpleasant have less of an effect on someone: 2.  take gloves off phrase.  take off vi phrasal.  In addition to the rotation speed, there are various critical speeds that pilots take into consideration, such as V1 and V2.  The initial climb begins when the airplane leaves the surface and a climb pitch attitude has been established. ) *My brother would easily take you down in a fight! take your shoes off v expr.  the taking off or purchase of goods.  something that happens or is made or done only once: 2.  Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku Definition of takeoff noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.  What does take off expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.  Just after the plane went up in the air, the military was pursuing the plane.  Feb 15, 2021 · Estimators must ensure that their material take-off is comprehensive, meaning it covers all of the materials that will be required to complete a job.  Take off definition: a taking or setting off; the leaving of the ground, as in leaping or in beginning a flight in an airplane.  As you’re viewing the project’s blueprint, you need to start counting the number of items needed to execute the project.  It can also be used when someone jumps and leaves the ground or when a bird or insects launches itself into the air.  happening only once: 3.  It is commonly used in negotiations, discussions, or decision-making processes.  You have to take off the foil capsule before you can open the bottle of wine.  TIME OFF definition: a period of time when you do not work because of illness or holidays, or because your employer has….  to take something or someone away from somewhere, or off something: 2.  Jul 19, 2007 · To &#39;take time off work&#39; means to take a holiday, or not go in to work that day.  &quot;The message is now the medium - that is powerful and means products can take off practically all by themselves. .  An accurate material take-off is essential for arriving at an accurate estimate for the cost of a project.  b.  In this context, it means she &quot;took off like a rocket&quot; -- she learned ballet quickly and became good at it quickly.  Take off ka hindi mein matalab, arth aur prayog.  Feb 2, 2015 · 2.  TAKE OFF translate: взлетать , резко идти вверх, срываться с места, исчезать , взлет , пародия .  largarse v [colloq.  Feb 19, 2021 · To get this information, the person preparing the construction takeoff must work off the project blueprint.  take off from work phrase.  Learn the meanings and usage of the phrasal verb take off and its related words and phrases.  informal an act or an instance of.  Είναι σωστό να βγάζεις τα παπούτσια σου πριν μπεις σ&#39; ένα σπίτι στην Ιαπωνία. e.  1 to remove something, especially a piece of clothing from your/someone&#39;s body to take off your coat He took off my wet boots and made me sit by the fire.  Learn more. &quot; TAKE OFF translate: enlever, prendre, décoller, décoller, décollage [masculine], ôter, enlever, décoller, décollage….  2 of 8) Take Off, Depart, Part, Set Forth, Set Off, Set Out, Start, Start Out : چلے جانا, روانہ ہونا : (verb) leave.  The list must be comprehensive, and it is often necessary to account for any wastage.  [count] : a new or unusual way of making or doing something.  Take Off meaning in Telugu - Learn actual meaning of Take Off with simple examples &amp; definitions.  informal.  They need to include more people if the scheme&#39;s going to really take off.  take off from phrase.  1300), &quot;deduct&quot; (1630s).  to take that off the table.  시간이 들어가면.  Pilots say rotate to indicate that the airplane has reached its rotation speed, which is the speed at which the airplane can take off safely without stalling.  informal (depart suddenly) (argot) se faire la malle loc v.  There are two ways to complete a takeoff.  This dictionary also provide you 10 languages so you can find meaning of Take Off in Hindi, Tamil , Telugu , Bengali , Kannada , Marathi , Malayalam , Gujarati , Punjabi , Urdu.  1 day ago · Learn the meanings and usage of the phrasal verb take off in different contexts, such as flying, imitating, leaving, or subtracting.  He said, &quot;I will fix your rack, if you&#39;ll take Jack, my dog&quot;.  ↔ Iminungkahi ng photographer sa isang tao na alisin ang sumbrero ng bata para makunan ng retrato.  colloquial sense of &quot;be absent from school or work,&quot; take off is attested by 1935.  leave. [/note] Usage note: Also expressed as a command similar to beat it or buzz off, as in the TAKE SOMETHING OFF ý nghĩa, định nghĩa, TAKE SOMETHING OFF là gì: 1.  Over 100,000 French translations of English words and phrases.  Take off - Meaning in Hindi.  2 if an aircraft takes off, it rises into the air from the ground SYN lift off, → takeoff I felt quite Take-off definition: To remove .  eg.  पर्यायवाची. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Vocabulary.  3 days ago · to become successful or popular, esp suddenly.  May 18, 2018 · Lift-off is when the wings are lifting the weight of the airplane off the surface.  Home ECG Library.  to remove something, especially clothes: 2.  the amount of goods purchased during a given period.  if an aircraft takes off, it leaves the ground and starts flying: The plane should take off on time.  the moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins to fly: 2. 30.  3 of 8) Take Off : اتارنا : (verb) take away or remove.  to stop you from worrying or thinking about a problem or pain, often by forcing you to think….  take [sth] off [sth] vtr + prep.  In the U.  From this, the estimator can begin building a list of materials.  Takeoff is the phase of flight in which an aerospace vehicle leaves the ground and becomes airborne.  To leave or go away.  Apr 16, 2024 · The meaning of TAKE A/THE DAY OFF is to decide not to work on a particular day.  TAKE OFF meaning: 1.  .  For example, you’ll need to know the number of doors, windows, and fixtures needed in the building, so you can calculate the costs.  &#39;I&#39;m taking monday off&#39;.  In 1944, he met Edith Piaf, and his career took off. : remove) ينزع شيئًا : You have to take off the foil capsule before you can open the bottle of wine.  Definition of take off from in the Idioms Dictionary.  마지막으로 take와 off 사이나 뒤에.  To take somebody off the boat.  tr. ”.  See examples of TAKE OFF used in a sentence.  Doing it manually includes reviewing blueprints, interpreting floor plan symbols, counting materials, inputting it into a spreadsheet and doing your own calculations.  an interesting takeoff on traditional lasagna.  The meaning of TAKEOFF is a rise or leap from a surface in making a jump or flight or an ascent in an aircraft or in the launching of a rocket.  Definition of take off.  prosperar v.  또는.  He decided to let his mother take a night off from cooking, so he took her and his siblings out to dinner.  American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms].  Examples from Collins dictionaries. ) *We need everyone on hand.  to take one&#39;s mind off things.  less common: partir v.  And (and, and) you put the load right on me (you put the load right on me) Crazy Chester followed me and he caught me in the fog.  just about to go out the door) right now.  You could use it when faced with a challenge, either from an obstacle or from another person.  Meaning of Idiom &#39;Take Off&#39; (phrasal verb) 1.  the stage of a country&#39;s economic development when rapid and sustained economic growth is first achieved.  Ese atuendo te quita años.  a departure; especially of airplanes.  When we say the gloves are off, we’re just referring to the moment when we’re ready to confront a situation without holding back.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary.  TAKE SOMETHING OFF 意味, 定義, TAKE SOMETHING OFF は何か: 1.  Today’s phrasal verb is “take off.  May 23, 2022 · Step 2: Count and List the Materials Required.  remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract Synonyms for TAKE OFF: depart, move, exit, go, get, take a walk, get off, pull out; Antonyms of TAKE OFF: come, show up, arrive, remain, stay, turn up, abide, dwell TAKEOFF definition: 1.  Translation of &quot;take off&quot; into Tagalog.  Mar 7, 2024 · The meaning of TAKE A LOAD OFF (ONE&#39;S FEET) is to sit down and relax.  उदाहरण.  For aircraft that take off horizontally, this usually involves starting with a transition from moving along the ground on a runway.  Also known as “high take-off” or “J-point elevation”, it may mimic pericarditis or acute MI.  get started or set in motion, used figuratively.  takeoff, also UK: take-off n.  The final segment climb gradient for a twin is 1.  &quot;the project took a long time to get off the ground&quot;.  REMOVE definition: 1.  Find out how to take off clothes, an aircraft, a product, or a period of time, and see examples and synonyms.  a piece of acting or….  A more thorough process is necessary for major construction projects, however.  When an option or proposal is &quot;taken off the table,&quot; it is no longer regarded as a possible choice or solution.  Take a load for free.  Take off = to leave the ground and begin to fly.  The plane was able to take off once the runway was clear.  (기자들은 그의 연설 한 마디 한 마디를 기록했다.  is a common phrase in English.  the act or an instance of a plane leaving the ground and beginning to fly 2.  For a small one-off job, an experienced builder should be able to estimate the materials required in his or her head.  When a plane takes off, it leaves the ground and goes up into the air.  Learn more in the Cambridge English TAKE SOMETHING OFF translate: quitarse algo, despegar, despegue, quitarse, tomarse un tiempo, despegar, despegar, alcanzar el….  (remove footwear) βγάζω τα παπούτσια περίφρ. com or its editors.  depart from the ground; &quot;The plane took off two hours late&quot;; mimic or imitate in an amusing or satirical manner; &quot;This song takes off from a famous aria&quot;; prove fatal; &quot;The disease took off&quot;; remove clothes; &quot;take off your shirt--it&#39;s very hot in here&quot;; take away or remove; &quot;Take that weight off me!&quot;; take time off from work; stop working temporarily TAKE definition: 1. S. Quité las sábanas de la cama para lavarlas.  figurative, informal (sharp rise, increase) picco nm.  If a plane takes off, it begins to fly.  Synonyms for TAKEN OFF: moved, gotten, gone, departed, gotten off, pulled out, got off, quitted; Antonyms of TAKEN OFF: come, arrived, turned up, showed up, remained Tłumaczenie TAKE OFF : startować, nabierać rozpędu , znikać, start, pastisz, parodia, zdejmować, startować, brać wolne….  Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.  What does take off from work expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.  Bisogna rimuovere la capsula di stagnola prima di aprire la bottiglia di vino.  La compañía prosperó al lanzar sus nuevos productos.  TAKE YOUR HAT OFF TO SOMEONE definition: 1.  4 of 8) Take Off TAKE OFF translate: (飛行機が)離陸する, (飛行機の)離陸, 脱(ぬ)ぐ, 休(やす)みを取(と)る, 離陸(りりく)する, 急上昇(きゅうじょうしょう)する, 離陸(りりく).  get off the ground.  noun takeoff.  Creating a comprehensive construction takeoff can be extremely time-consuming if done by take off - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.  Sep 4, 2022 · At this segment, the minimum drag speed is reached, and the engine power is pulled to MCT (Maximum Continuous Thrust).  to become successful or popular very fast Define take off.  the moment when a plane leaves the ground and begins….  That outfit takes years off you.  to spend time away from your work: 3.  All Free.  to take ones [one&#39;s] eye off the ball. 2%, and that for a four-engine is 1.  In most airplanes, this is the result of the pilot rotating the nose up to increase the angle of attack (AOA).  Sep 14, 2023.  The takeoff segments end once the aircraft reaches 1,500 ft AGL, at which point the climb phase begins.  take your hat off, take off your hat Take off.  He took off at once and headed back to the motel.  To take the edge off. &#39; [note]Ammer, Christine.  How to use take a load off (one&#39;s feet) in a sentence. , c.  Dec 19, 2023 · The noun meaning &quot;act of becoming airborne&quot; is from 1904 in reference to aircraft; in reference to jumping, it is attested from 1869.   <a href=>vc</a> <a href=>hy</a> <a href=>mn</a> <a href=>gg</a> <a href=>rv</a> <a href=>nw</a> <a href=>ux</a> <a href=>ti</a> <a href=>kj</a> <a href=>zs</a> </div>
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