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<p class="MsoNormal">Step dodge mod skyrim.  Mods requiring this file.  Configure the INI Settings: Aug 22, 2020 · About this mod.  4.  Absolute best step dodge+roll mod in my opinion. patreon.  CGO version is now available.  Feb 18, 2018 · Replace to Step Dodge-15309-3-18-1600780245.  Also, I&#39;d recommend using MCO instead of SkySA.  Form transformations (Werewolf / Vampire Lord etc.  Ericfmc • 3 yr.  Also you can either step dodge or Dodgeroll, by single/doubletapping.  News; Statistics; Careers; About us; Best two options are TUDM and TK Dodge.  There&#39;s even a mod that replace the default side step animation to the witcher one.  Manual download.  We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here.  It has several new features and pretty much all combat animators have moved to it, so no new movesets are coming to SkySA.  Turn on Step Dodge on TK Dodge. youtube.  Enemies acts are various, dash attacks, continuous attacks, dodge, great spell, cooperating act, get angry, and more Feb 2, 2023 · Nexus Skyrim SE RSS Feed.  I&#39;ve found and talked to the author of MBE. 9.  Therefore I need to modify the mod itself (whether ESP or Scripts) to rebind the static dodge key from Sneak to Jump.  Oct 13, 2021 · Install TK Dodge RE with Mod Manager. esp with the mod management tool.  Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit&#39;s primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts.  Choose from the options below.  DMCO is your best choice to be honest, get Valhalla Combat and MCO as well.  Optional, if you want the dash invisibility effects. Skyrim is awesome, mods make it better This is my favourit Dec 22, 2022 · About this mod. com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/25673Disclaimer: Smooth made a mod to support 8-way with TK dodge RE.  This patch will prevent the rare problem of dodge animations not playing (stacking).  I guess it may have been even easier to just use the TK step-dodge animation files as a replacement for the the dodge-roll animation files, so maybe I&#39;ll test it later.  The dodge mods available right now are TK Dodge (RE), DMCO and TUDM, so that&#39;s what you have to choose between.  My dodge animations are same, not changed, why? - Probably you have another and more prior reanimation mod for your dodge Yes.  True Directional Movement and TK Dodge Mod Compatibility Patch.  Overall, though, I&#39;ve balanced it enough with the arrow dodge, ERSO&#39;s modules, and Deadly Combat that I don&#39;t feel the need to get rid of the dodge.  v0.  Enable the Step SkyrimSE - TexGen Output mod in MO. com/skyrim/mods/97404SSE: https://www.  • 3 yr.  TK Dodge RE has a step dodge but it is not omnidirectional and doesn&#39;t have the same range (at least from my observation).  Version.  Needs a another mod for invincibility frames. I am working hard with your support.  - Fixes armor model filepaths.  Ensure that TK Dodge RE is loaded after the TK Dodge SE as well as the Ultimate Combat (If installed).  In short: for every direction the player goes while in combat (beside forward which remains the forward roll) left, right, back.  Load this mod below Nemesis engine.  Replace TK Dodge&#39;s and TUDM&#39;s side dodges (right and left) with elegant witcher spin dodge.  Oct 17, 2021 · This mod simply tells Nemesis to make step dodge 20% further.  This patch will prevent the rare problem of dodge animations not playing (stuck).  More info- https://ellder4mk.  This mod adds dodge animation of using key press when player drawn weapons,spell,staff and unarmed.  Load it after Nemesis 3.  Included &quot;TK dodge standalone&quot; new Nemesis patch.  Oct 13, 2021 · Version.  That should fix the issue. hkx&quot; files from TK Dodge RE override the others.  Sep 2, 2021 · Requires The Ultimate Dodge Mod .  The Dark Souls Combat mod (on loverslab for LE, SSE version on nexus) allows you to staggerlock.  normal press will now make you dodge backward by default. 353 SKSE 3.  Armor &amp; Clothing Extension (ACE) Better Shrouded Armour.  One thing that has always annoyed me about souls games is the unrealistic dodge roll so I&#39;ve tried to replace it with something more realistic.  use the ultimate dodge mod (there is a google drive link floating on the net) TK dodge works with nemesis, check the side step option.  May 12, 2018 · About this mod.  I thought the 1.  0 comments .  videogame_asset My games.  I had been aware of this mod for quite some time, but the vague presentation and its almost cryptic installation instructions kept me from trying it.  The dodge roll seems to work fine though.  Install both mods.  2.  Jun 19, 2018 · Skyrim Special Edition.  Reduced distance travelled during 3rd Person step dodge with TK Dodge SE/RE.  Dodge animation duration and distance traveled are shorter but it can be used more frequently.  • 1 yr.  This mod adds dodging sound to tk dodge.  Works for TK Dodge NG too, since it&#39;s only a change in the animationdatasinglefile folder.  The goal is to bring Skyrim closer to a neat action game than to increase difficulty and reality.  If the enemy attacks the player, there is an (editable) chance for the player to dodge the attack (with animation). 8. Feb 2, 2023 · About this mod.  ADMIN MOD.  The animations are very well done, there are i-Frames, configurable Stamina usage, and you can extend into a roll dodge by double-tapping the dodge key.  Skyrim does not have attack commitment like Soulsborne games.  I actually made this about a month ago just for personal use cause I thought most people would abandon TK dodge and use distar&#39;s It lets enemies dodge too.  As far as sneak-shotting, well, I just adapt and don Apr 22, 2022 · I.  Find TK Dodge RE. com/613#skyrim #DMCO #スカイリム Mar 24, 2022 · Credits and distribution permission.  Requirements.  Every game will automatically load user settings.  I&#39;ve always found Dodge mods to be very OP, especially when using mods that make combat slower/more deliberate, such as Valravn, AMMCO, Directional combat; the Jul 15, 2021 · About this mod.  3.  These are step-by-step guides to enhancing games with a focus on quality and performance over quantity.  Apr 19, 2024 · In MO, hold down the Ctrl key and double-click the Step SkyrimSE - DynDOLOD Output mod.  You can then take those files and rename them to replace the dodge animations by TK Dodge.  I haven&#39;t played Bloodborne myself, but the step dodge from TUDM does kinda fit Aug 14, 2021 · CGO&#39;s dodge roll takes away stamina, but doesn&#39;t require it.  Tk dodge sidestep work with nemesis 100% sure because in using myself.  Run Nemesis with the patches checked.  Let this be.  Oh just checked, you are right.  GaseousIntelligence.  Contents I Credit I Link1.  I use that with a PS4 controller, though my dodge animations are a mashup.  flashy bdo style sorcerer flip dodge as a replacement for Jul 22, 2012 · Total DLs. Player only, and Dynamic Animation Replacer is required.  Or at least of the popular dodge mods.  Your default button is your &quot;L Shift&quot; key.  I frames not working! - Be sure the I-frame generator is installed properly, check it&#39;s version for your game version.  I originally put this together for xbox one users like myself so that we could have an updated TUDM with some key issues fixed.  SHOWTIME316.  TK Dodge Step Dodge Stack Fix.  Short range instantaneous dash that is responsive as fuck.  Behavior based, so no lag, and the animations are well done.  Mar 28, 2021 · ) to replace the forward dodge animation of TK Dodge while you are sprinting or sneaking.  -.  Alternatively, right click the mod to open it in an Explorer window.  Then the whole drama with its author erupted and I wrote it off, until several amazing animation sets Feb 2, 2023 · About this mod.  This way, it&#39;s awfully hard to search for bug support and such. hkx&quot; and &quot;magicbehavior.  reid866.  Do you find it annoying sometimes that you dodge too far from your enemy? Are you a fan of that cool dancing like sway dodging in callisto protocol? Well then I&#39;ve got a fun little thing for you. ini.  The alternate version sets the animations in this mod to only play when double tapping to roll, leaving the step dodge and fat roll animations from the original mod intact. 0 Apr 19, 2022 · New animations for left/right.  (However, you must use the main file, not the &quot;For True Directional Movement&quot; options file in the Sound For TK Dodge Feb 25, 2022 · You can download it in advance from My Patreon.  Jan 21, 2024 · Dodge Like a Boss - A Simple and Effective Skyrim Mod; Dodge Like a Boss - A Simple and Effective Skyrim Mod. If I was doing a non-requiem playthrough I&#39;d most likely still use TK Dodge, bu Feb 26, 2022 · Elden Ring Step Dodge in SKYRIM .  • 2 yr.  The way it works is you have to generate the files first by running FNIS.  To install 1.  Apr 18, 2020 · If you installed The Ultimate Dodge Mod through your Mod Manager then just download my mod and select merge files with TUDM to replace the animations inside the folder.  Load this mod below &quot;Precision - Accurate Melee Collisions&quot; (Let this mod files overwrite the files in &quot;Precision&quot;) Included &quot;TK Dodge RE AE Support&quot; v0.  I&#39;d like to add that True Directional Movement&#39;s &#39;target lock&#39; alongside TUDM and TK Hitstop make skyrim combat almost feel modern.  Going to be taking a second look at this.  This covers both roll and stepside, 1st person and 3rd person.  I think right now TUDM and CGO are only ones that work for AE. g.  So yesterday I had my post taken down due to it not being in sync with the posting rules (which I completely agree with, it gave 0 Jun 7, 2022 · This is a bundle of the following mods: The Ultimate Dodge Mod, (DMC)TUDM Reanimated and TUDM Script Fixes.  Also replaced the sideway and backward dodge with roll dodge in sneaking because I use step dodge normally.  Stuck dodge animations rarely occur when the game does not differ much from vanilla, but when May 5, 2022 · I.  I&#39;m currently running AGO, CGO, ABR, TDM and Smoothcam which all work great together.  It&#39;s plug and play and works fine with no incompatibility, other than other dodge mods.  As for npc dodging, use ultimate combat, and by default the dodging for enemy npcs will be turned on and at high.  I have this setup and my enemy npcs will dodge May 20, 2020 · Got the idea from the user &quot;Death struck&quot; from my other animation mod Alternate Dodge Animations This mod replaces the standard 4 direction Step-dodge for TUDM(The Ultimate Dodge Mod) Reference video of where the idea came from: You need to use Ultimate Combat for that.  This patch solves the problem of TK Dodge dodge animations not playing in rare cases.  TK Dodge RE&#92;SKSE&#92;Plugins.  00:00 I Skysa Dante&#39;s rebellion reframed moveset- https://www.  There is also an optional file which includes a modified TUDM script to make all dodge animation 25% slower.  Those files go in a folder I can&#39;t remember.  TK Dodge, TUDM, and DMCO all have option for side step instead of dodge roll.  Download link for TUDM : Oldrim  - SSE. com/channel/UCGSVlE3J2QGRRdI7PfhAiuQ L https://www.  (Sneak dodge replacer are deleted for now until I got permission from TK&#39;s author.  Plus FNIS I believe.  It is an important feature in my opinion.  Change the iFrameDuration = to 0 in the INI.  You can easily just escape by pressing a hotkey, making these combat Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! We are Reddit&#39;s primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts.  I finally installed Skysa.  I really liked the flip dodge you get while attacking in Smooth&#39;s Sorcerer animation while unarmed, so I altered the conditions to make it available for anyone who wanted to use it too, in addition to asking permission from the Author.  TK dodge doesn&#39;t use scripts unless you want the side step.  It is a true game changer.  Funny_Contract3787.  dodge.  This mod does not have any known dependencies other than the base game. ) no longer require you to hit G after transforming back.  Feb 22, 2024 · DMCO old version or TUDM Scripted version or TK Dodge scripted version is compatible? - Yes, yes and yes.  Use MoFu’s side step attack animation to look badass.  Learn more.  Ability to disable automatic loading of script-specific settings.  Run Nemesis (Update Engine, Behavior) 4.  Download using your favorite mod manager 2.  Unfortunately DMCO only works in third person as of right now (I believe the author is looking at eventual first person support).  Such a This could be a bug with CGO itself, as I experienced a similar issue where the animation and sound effect would play but nothing else happenedmy recommendation would to be to uninstall CGO then reinstall it, run LOOT l, then tweak your load order so that TK Dodge overrides CGO.  It is script free.  Endorsements.  I&#39;ve always found Dodge mods to be very OP, especially when using mods that make combat slower/more deliberate, such as Valravn, AMMCO, Directional combat; the Feb 26, 2022 · #Skyrim #スカイリム #스카이림Credit:- Smooth L https://www.  Nexus Mods .  fixed the V button still making you dodge.  it&#39;s a wonderful QoL improvement for combat in skyrim.  Credo - Medieval Skyrim Overhaul . tistory.  Increase the distance of TK Dodge&#39;s step dodge by 20%.  Highly recommend merge my esp plugin with Tk dodge esp plugin.  - (Also don&#39;t forget to use the sound patcher so when you roll you can hear dodge sound) Side Notes: -If you only want to replace Sep 29, 2021 · About this mod.  Ensure the DynDOLOD.  Install and activate TKDodge. 7z.  Configurable to taste as well.  If you double-tap it, it will do a full dodge.  This is my first blender work for those who want to make their character perform split leg flip with TK Dodge.  See if I can&#39;t improve things.  Oct 11, 2021 · Install mod.  Description: This is a Nemesis patch to add TK Dodge animation information to animationsetdatasinglefile.  Apparently there is a bunch but most I&#39;m not sure if the audio might be too low in the video let me know if it is.  Stacking of dodge animations rarely occur when the game does TUDM still has some advantages over TK RE, namely 8-directional and 1st person dodging.  I am using shikyokira&#39;s TUDM mod alongside with Jun 9, 2023 · About this mod.  Replace dodge animations for TK Dodge with flashy acrobatic animations.  110. esp plugins are ticked in the right pane.  Essentially, when you press &quot;sprint&quot; while moving backwards, left, or right, you move much faster for a brief amount of time, and lose some stamina. ini and open it. com/posts/elden-ring-step-63047646?utm_medi If you are willing to forego FNIS, we can conclude the best option is The Ultimate Dodge Mod.  Nov 5, 2022 · The main file replaces all animations from DMCO, and so only the animations from this mod will play in game. https://www.  Unfortunately there was some controversy regarding its code, which caused its Nexus page to be taken down.  This mod works without FNIS, but a patch is required if you use with FNIS together.  OP • 2 yr.  Notes.  You can change this in the TK_Dodge_RE.  By itself it works fine though.  What&#39;s boring in Skyrim? Skyrim! Let&#39;s make it another game.  If player can dodge but stay in place and you use virtual mod management tool e.  Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views-- Oct 11, 2020 · I&#39;ve made patches for the following: Armour-Replacing Patches. 55-rc3.  added back the sound that I forgot in the last update.  Configure &quot;TK Dodge SE&quot; in MCM.  Jul 19, 2017 · The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Mar 27, 2024 · Move the files from the TexGen_Output folder into the Step SkyrimSE - TexGen Output mod: In MO, hold down the Ctrl key and double-click the Step SkyrimSE - TexGen Output mod.  👍 Don&#39;t forget to leave a like, comment and subscribe!Hey guys! Showcasing Skypia&#39;s latest mod! I highly recommend this Dynamic Dodge Animation mod of his.  close.  Feb 1, 2023 · About this mod.  Use with FNIS.  It runs on Skyrim platform so there’s no script lag.  Stamina cost for dodges is now calculated correctly Dec 22, 2022 · Nexus Skyrim SE RSS Feed. txt.  You have to know a lot about modding, I was thinking about uploading a mod that The Ultimate Dodge Mod Reborn. 0 Update note.  MCO is the successor to SkySA.  .  added the dodge framework MCM that I forgot again😵‍💫.  Jul 22, 2012 · 1.  Please notice that the step dodge will not work without Nemesis.  0.  TK Dodge RE (Shorter Step Dodge) I&#39;ve always found Dodge mods to be very OP, especially when using mods that make combat slower/more deliberate, such as Valravn, AMMCO, Directional combat; the same could be said about timed block and parrying mods. TUDM users need to change dodge style to stepdodge.  - Now fully supports both step and roll dodges with and without lock-on.  Add it with console commands if you don’t want to be a vamp! It’s a must have on most of my play throughs as it makes combat so damn fun.  I&#39;m finally going to turn this game into dark souls but i am struggling to decide which dodge mod i need.  Katana moveset with teleporting attacks.  Skyrim 1.  The latter does technically work with FNIS, but it&#39;s very unresponsive without Nemesis.  Reply.  My dodge animations are same, not changed, why? - Probably you have another and more prior reanimation mod for your dodge Basically we&#39;ve replaced the TK dodge-roll animation with the TUDM side-step animation, and it seems to be working quite well.  Cheers! May 29, 2022 · Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms; Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets Aug 4, 2021 · This is an ancient artifact.  If you do, only the Jump command ever registers and you will never trigger a dodge.  There had been a backward dodge animation on YT, so I only made forward, right and left dodge animations.  (However, you must use the main file, not the &quot;For True Directional Movement&quot; options file in the Sound For TK Dodge Mar 2, 2017 · This is a simple script free mod that adjusts movement speeds and the amount that one can rotate mid swing or while casting.  Mod manager download.  AkameHase. ini folder.  View mod page Meh321 has made an SE Blink mod which works like in Dishonored.  - Adds TUDM dodge sounds to new armors added by these mods.  Oct 3, 2022 · This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.  Hello everyone! I am looking for a good alternative to tk dodge which adds a step dodge.  VORTEX.  Player only, and Dynamic Animation Replacer is required.  Enable the Step SkyrimSE - DynDOLOD Output mod in MO.  What lacks is the possibility to interrupt stagger to put the opponent in another stagger state.  Credit- Distarㄴ https://www.  If you share my dream of playing Skyrim with Dark Souls combat, I hope this analysis was useful.  Good news as well.  May 5, 2022 · Replace TK Dodge&#39;s and TUDM&#39;s side dodges (right and left) with elegant witcher spin dodge. nexusmods.  TUDM users need to change dodge style to stepdodge.  I used CGO and while it works mostly fine you have to remove behaviors manually and really tweak it to make sure it doesn&#39;t interfere with other behavior mods.  I’m using Distar’s DMCO.  Mod Release/Update.  It&#39;s for the player only, but as far as I have seen it provides the best animations for dodging.  DMCO: The newest dodge mod of the bunch.  Mod name. com/SmoothAanimationRequirement Feb 2, 2022 · About this mod.  ago.  Roll dodge sound record from Code Vein.  Mar 14, 2022 · TK Dodge RE - Script Free が出たので、これを機にSkyrimのドッジModを比較してみようと思います。 それぞれに特色があるので、自分の基準をしっかり作ってから導入するModを決めましょう。 場合によっては併用するのもアリです。 最終更新日:2022.  This is a Nemesis patch to add TK Dodge animation information to animationsetdatasinglefile.  If you don&#39;t like it this mod has other roll dodge sounds,feel free to replace my sound file.  Improved version of existing mods.  You must run either FNIS (not this one) or Nemesis (use this one).  Rotational restriction might be one of the simplest and most significant improvements of Skyrim combat; without it, it&#39;s nearly impossible to dodge as NPCs will automatically spin in place.  This mod adds sound to dodge animation.  This is a bundle of the following mods: The Ultimate Dodge Mod, (DMC)TUDM Reanimated and TUDM Script Fixes.  Best blink I’ve found is the Wicked Wind ability from {Sacrosant vampires}.  1.  The problem is you cannot have two commands (Jump, Sneak) set to the same key (Space Bar) in Skyrim&#39;s control settings.  thank you. zip. 6.  Grab DMCO, install it and then install this.  Let the &quot;1hm_behavior.  Feb 26, 2022 · Elden Ring Step Dodge-64248-1-0-1645879038.  So I made it a standalone mod (without the perk requirement that Requiem has).  Step Modifications is an extensive project gathering and bringing together information from across the community in the form of extensible modding and &quot;how-to&quot; guides.  It is omnidirectional though so the experience is a lot smoother.  SkySA requires you to run Nemesis. 9LE: https://www. 1 DLL plugin.  reworked left and back dodge.  Go to the StepDodge in the .  They&#39;ve shared the files with me for MBE, and I plan to play around and see if I can&#39;t find a way to make an MBE with TUDM with the fixes.  Better Shrouded Armour - Ancient Replacer Only.  Nov 15, 2022 · The mod Requiem  has a dodge perk that I think is a lot better for 1st person.  TUDM needs fnis or nemesis and then you have to mess with mcm&#39;s and game settings, sometimes it just doesn&#39;t work.  Bosmer Ceremonial as Glass Armor Replacer.  Several legacy solutions like Mortal Enemies, or modern ones, like SkySA, tackle this differently. 0 ver was out already.  Pressing the dodge button once with DMCO just does a step-dodge.  EDIT: I think both Deadly Combat and ERSO also apply faster arrows, so, again, I rarely see the dodge.  Step tries to stay as close to the Aug 4, 2021 · This is an ancient artifact.  ) Another low effort mod by me.  Set CGO and Tk dodge to different hotkeys.  This mod fixes several script bugs with TUDM: The mod now works straight away on a new save, you no longer need to hit G twice to get it working. com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/668321) Credit- Yong Ri M Jul 16, 2021 · - Added a complete automatic directional dodge mechanic to the mod.  Smooth Sway step dodge replacer for TK dodge TUDM and DMCO.  THEN go to data/SKSE/Plugins and open TK_Dodge_RE.  PC SSE - Mod collection.  It has 8 directional dodging with hotkey interchangeable step and roll dodging and it seamlessly incorporates Jan 16, 2023 · The main file is a Nemesis patch which reduces TUDM&#39;s dodge distance by 33% (for example, forwardroll distance was 450 before, with this patch installed, it will be 300).  Feb 25, 2020 · DMC stands for &quot;Deepened mod concept&quot;.  Other user&#39;s assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder&#39;s resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file TUDM is a great dodging mod which is lightweight, allowing for quick reactions even on script-heavy modded playthroughs.  improved forward dodge.  You can but not by ticking the option in the MCM menu.  - Compatible with Sound For TK Dodge SE mod.  I use DMCO from Skyrim Guild and enhance it with.  At least for the Step Dodge animations.  Tks Ultimate Combat, currently only LE and not ported yet as far as I know.  To reduce ice skating in general I already have Reduce Attack Skating Movement and Animation Motion Revolution installed (not sure whether or not I need to use a TUDM patch for this mod as well since I didn&#39;t find Feb 26, 2022 · Run it through Nemesis engine, checking the TK Dodge RE. .  Games.  Oct 10, 2022 · Download TK DODGE, and I-frame, install it directly, if it does not work, please change the DAR file number to a larger size.  Replaces the dodge roll with a more realistic step dodge.  Ability to load settings manually.  Sep 7, 2020 · I have been asked many times how to get Ultimate Dodge Mod to work, So I made this mod showcase.  --Run Nemesis or Fnis which ever one you use. ini folder and change it to &quot;true&quot;.  Needs another mod for invincibility frames.  It is paywalled, but I will agree that if you have $1.  It should work now.  Today though someone requested I upload it to PC so that they could run it and so I am.  Requires FNIS for some animations.  There&#39;s dozens of detailed guides around, check YouTube.  Vanilla enemies do this if you are ranged lol (ai Dodge chance) Apr 28, 2022 · 1) Elden Ring Step Dodge.  The ultimate Dodge mod (TUDM) is the best dodge mod out there.  UPDATE: 2-16-22.  This mod changes that by adding the condition of needing 10 stamina before a dodge occurs, meaning you cannot spam your dodge when your stamina is completely drained.  Dec 26, 2019 · Here, we present our Skyrim SE guide.  Feb 20, 2021 · Showcasing step dodge changes in v3.  Sorry for the inconvenience.  Blackread.  Additionally, adds: Ability to set delay in seconds for automatic loading.  Thanks bro.  Mod Organizar, put files directly in Skylim&#39;s Data folder.  This mod is combat overhaul mod focusing on enhanced game enjoyment and ease of play.  The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods.  Thus, you want your opponent to be able to get staggered while he&#39;s actually staggering.  If you cannot play without FNIS, the best option is TK Dodge, although instant block feature detracts from the Dark Souls combat experience.  If you want to start a new I-frame, please open this directory of TK DODGE RE. esm and DynDOLOD. 1. 2SE Replace roll to step I&#39;ve been one-shotted quite a few times. 50 to spare it is by far the best dodge mod.  folder. com/DistarII.  Feb 18, 2018 · This mod adds dodge animation of using key press when player drawn weapons,spell,staff and unarmed. 61.  Make sure to run Nemesis.  Looking for a dodge mod that uses smoke/bats animation for the dodge (similar to the dodge visuals in VRising) PC SSE - Mod Role playing a vampire and instead of a step dodge or roll, I would like to just burst into bats or smoke and teleport a short distance. 5 SkyUI 5.   <a href=>if</a> <a href=>hh</a> <a href=>rt</a> <a href=>va</a> <a href=>qz</a> <a href=>lr</a> <a href=>xy</a> <a href=>zn</a> <a href=>aw</a> <a href=>ui</a> </p>
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