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<h1><span class="notranslate">Snug harbor phone number staten island hours</span><span></span></h1>

<span class="main-info__teaser teaser">Snug harbor phone number staten island hours.  7 local Staten Island artists started a artists co-op which developed into a teaching cooperative which became the art school, Art Lab, that we all know and love today.  3 (1 x) 0 5 1.  With magnificent architecture, … Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor Map 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building A, Staten Island, New York 10301.  Send a Message or Question.  Hours: … October 27, 2018 @ 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  ROCH PARISH Google listing: Google maps listing Address: 602 Port Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302, United States Town/Neighborhood: Port Richmond Section of … (Staten Island, NY - May 31,2019) The NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) and NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) joined elected officials and other local dignitaries today to break ground on a $19.  The weather on the day we visited was awful with rain and high winds but the staff at the Staten Island Museum made us forget the inclement weather and want to explore the museum.  Sunday, 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM. 5 miles from Snug Harbor Cultural Center.  Directions via Google Maps.  Menu.  Check In.  This inspired CloseKnit, a free, open-enrollment program, that during normal times, meets at the museum from 2 to 4 PM on the first Thursday of each month to make hats and scarves for mariners and families in need.  So, when we recieved an invitation for a birthday party at the SICM I figured this was an … HOURS.  This is the best school choice we have made.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  View more attractions.  4:30 AM - 7:30 PM.  Free for Snug Harbor Members and students grades 6-12 with student ID.  Explore More Landmarks.  The Snug Harbor campus is open daily from dawn to dusk, but some of the features here, such as the Chinese Scholar’s Garden, have more limited hours.  Each year, the Staten Island Museum’s Fence Show transforms the museum’s front lawn into an outdoor gallery featuring local artists and craftspeople.  View more information.  Snug Harbor Little League in action Saturday morning.  Concerts.  Birthdays &amp; Groups.  You can book online or at the door.  ADMISSION: Free | Registration requested here.  Hours: … Oct 6, 2012&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Founded in 1960 and permanently sited at Snug Harbor in 1977, the Staten Island Botanical Gardens comprise over twenty thematic spaces distributed across 53 acres of wooded parkland.  Report an Issue Print Get Directions.  … At the St.  The festival features live performances by singers, dance groups representing traditional music and dance.  9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.  Our staff is happy to work with you to find a space to best suit your needs.  Contact Details Phone 877-690-5116 Website mta.  Sep 7, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;The announcement was made at Snug Harbor Cultural Center, where three organizations – the Staten Island Museum, Noble Maritime Collection, and Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden - received over $11 million in total to support a wide range of transformative projects.  Last year we Phone number.  ♿️ The museum, all of its galleries, and public spaces are wheelchair accessible.  (718) 425-3505.  Nearby Staten Island attractions.  Directions: By Bus: S40 from St.  10:00 am to 5:00 pm.  You may want to think about one of these choices that are popular with our travelers: Best Western Gregory Hotel - 4 mi (6.  (718) 727-1135.  Phone: … December 20, 2020 @ 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  Cash, Credit and ApplePay are accepted. gov Website nyc.  George Terminal on Staten Island, take the S40 bus and Snug Harbor is about a 10-minute ride away.  WHEN: July 10 ( July 11 event date has been cancelled) | Doors open at 1:00 PM, Performances … Our location at Historic Richmond Town was opened in 2018 and quickly became a favorite summertime hangout for Staten Island locals.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center 1000 Richmond Terr.  Facebook: Like us on Facebook.  EGGER’S ICE CREAM HOURS.  At its peak between 1880 and 1910 Here’s some helpful information that you may need: Organization Name: Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  Bring your kids to Snug Harbor for Spring Break! Snug Harbor’s youth programs offer a hands-on experience learning about the natural world and all the unique spaces Snug … Admission to the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden: View the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden’s seasonal hours here.  (between Tysen Street and Snug Harbor Road) Staten Island, N.  Daily Hours. org Tap To Email … Celebrate at Snug Harbor 1000 Richmond Terrace Staten Island, New York 10301 [primary-phone] Events@Relishcaterers.  Snug Harbor offers the following 90-minute outdoor programs: New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden, Borough Arts Festival, Wetlands, Pastoral Grounds and Gardens, and Heritage Farm.  An 83-acre historic Richmond Ter.  #4 of 103 things to do in Staten Island.  Check Out.  Snug Harbor.  You're already here! This is the front page of our platform.  Staten Island Children’s Museum: Building M Hotels near Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor.  718-701-6205.  Team Building … Staten Island, NY 10301 On the Grounds of Snug Harbor.  at historic Sailors' Snug Harbor 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building D, Staten Island, NY 10301.  George, and the neighborhood's closeness to the St.  ADALBERT-ST. org.  A beautiful cultural center and botanical garden on Staten Island traces its roots to a man’s vision to provide housing … View detailed information about property 84 Snug Harbor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10310 including listing details, property photos, school and neighborhood data, and much more.  ROCH PARISH Google listing: Google maps listing Address: 602 Port Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302, United States Town/Neighborhood: Port Richmond Section of … NEWS FROM WLIW.  9:00 AM Snug Harbor Spring Break Program Snug Harbor Spring Break Program.  From its initial English Perennial Border planting to the addition of the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden in 1999 and the Richmond 502 Henderson Ave.  Restaurants and Dining Address Drive Distance; Amici's … Now, in its new location at Snug Harbor, the Staten Island Museum clearly displays the influence of the professional curatorial staff from the Smithsonian Institution.  we began on Norwood Ave and since 1978 have been located at … Name: ST.  Staten Island’s Snug Habor, a Historic Cultural Destination.  Avoid weekday commuting rush hours for the most comfortable ride. 4 miles from Snug Harbor Cultural Center.  Hotels near Snug Harbor Cultural Center, Staten Island on Tripadvisor: Find 641,184 traveler reviews, 262,208 candid photos, and prices for 953 hotels near Snug Harbor Cultural Center in Staten Island, NY.  I drove, but the ferry ride over could make it even more fun.  Exit and walk south to blue neon Staten Island terminal to take FREE ferry.  Randall Manor.  Snug Harbor Homes has rental units ranging from 500-1100 sq ft .  12:00 AM - 11:59 PM.  The Snug Harbor Cultural Center opened in 1976 as volunteers raised funds and began programming the center. 00 502 Henderson Ave. 1 7 Reviews.  ADMISSION: $5 general admission | Youths under 18 free.  George Ferry Terminal Staten Island Ferry; $3 - $10.  FREE The Staten Island Advance is SI's legacy paper, continuously in print since 1886, started … July 7, 2020 | Staten Island, NY – The Heritage Farm at Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden is growing stronger than ever this year.  Visitors are … Oct 16, 2020&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Description: The Tibetan Museum has been on Staten Island since its establishment in 1945.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden, a distinguished Smithsonian Affiliate, is Staten Island's premier destination for culture and entertainment.  The small neighborhood of Snug Harbor is located in Staten Island's North Shore.  La Baker .  73rd Annual Fence Show.  It's less than a 10-minute ride.  A beautiful cultural center and botanical garden on Staten Island traces its roots to a man’s vision to provide housing and care for “aged, decrepit, and worn-out sailors” in New York City.  By Appointment.  George ferry terminal (a 7-minute ride).  718 447-6490 Name: Staten Island Museum Phone Number: 7187271135 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: [email protected] Web Site: Staten Island Museum Google listing: … With 28 buildings and 14 gardens open to visitors, the Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden cultivates nature and the arts on Staten Island while … Events.  After a renovation in the 1990s, one of those landmark structures became home to a collection of artifacts, photos, videos and documents that represent Staten Island’s … Name: International Christian Center Phone Number: 7184945433 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: pastorsquibb@gmail.  Visit website.  Snug … at historic Sailors' Snug Harbor 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building D, Staten Island, NY 10301.  posted Jul 14, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  Shares will average a $23 value over the course of 20 weeks.  Additionally, you can also apply for SNAP at community organizations that provide help to SNAP applicants.  An 83-acre historic Patricia and Diane, from Celebrate at Snug Harbor, were extremely responsive, accommodating, 1000 Richmond Ter Staten Island, NY, 10301 .  The place is filled with beautiful flowers during spring, relaxing water sounds ,butterflies and chirping birds.  We have read the negative reviews, and we're sure many of them carry validity, but we honestly believe Celebrate at Snug Harbor has received those reviews very productively and … For corporations interested in sponsoring the Children’s Museum.  To contact us through phone our number is (718) 273-2060. The buildings are set in an 83-acre (34 ha) park along the Kill Van Kull in New Brighton, on the North Shore of Staten Island. 1.  You can pick up your share weekly on either Thursday or Saturday.  Treasures of New York: Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden premieres March 30 at 7:30 p.  This covers 20 weeks of fresh produce throughout the spring, summer, and fall.  Email us .  Staten Island Museum.  Follow signs for Snug Harbor Cultural Center Parking Art Lab is located on the second floor of building H of Snug Harbor.  CloseKnit.  This holiday season, the first ever NYC Winter Lantern Festival is coming to Staten Island! The NYC Winter Lantern Festival is the China National Tourist Office New York 2018 signature event, produced by New York Events &amp; Entertainment (NEWYORKEE) and Haitian Culture, and co-sponsored by Empire Outlets and Snug Harbor.  Save.  If the door is closed during open hours, ring the bell).  Mon.  $39.  We recommend parking in lots P4 (near the pond) or P1 (near the Children’s Museum).  Please use this form Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor Map 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building A, Staten Island, New York 10301. 00 Children 2 – 12: $2.  So if you are exploring the park, this is actually not a bad place to eat.  The Staten Island Peace &amp; Unity Festival is a concert series sponsored by community organizers The Waterteam, Uncle Chase Entertainment, Wakeem Entertainment, and 3J’s Creation Entertainment.  Community Event.  Services Offered.  Customer rating.  Open now.  Closed .  Admission to the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden: View the New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden’s seasonal hours here.  The EA oversees the … Campania, Staten Island: See 78 unbiased reviews of Campania, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #59 of 1,051 restaurants in Staten Island.  Students and seniors: $4.  Our goal is to provide Staten Island and NYC access to fresh and local produce for years to come.  Contact Snug Harbor in Staten Island on WeddingWire.  WHEN: December 12 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Last entry at 4:30 PM) In the event of rain, rain date will be Sun, Dec 13.  Target - Veterans Rd W, Staten Island, NY - Hours &amp; Store Details.  SHCCBG does not discriminate in employment on account of race, ethnicity, culture, language, religion, gender, gender fluidity, sexual orientation, family structure, personal beliefs, ability, veteran status, socioeconomic status, immigration status, … Oct 18, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Hours and Contact Info.  , Building G , Staten Island, NY1030140.  See all 703 photos Write a review.  Museum Floor Map.  The Beaux-Arts style Music Hall, built in 1892, hosts year-round concerts, dance and dramatic Founded in 1960 and permanently sited at Snug Harbor in 1977, the Staten Island Botanical Gardens comprise over twenty thematic spaces distributed across 53 acres of wooded parkland.  The highly acclaimed Chinese Scholar's Garden boasts a collection of beautiful pavilions, walkways, and Make a reservation(718) 273-7777.  The museum participates in the Museums for All program.  $4 for seniors (65+) and students.  Follow.  https://www.  1000 Richmond Terrace, Building A.  Mailing Address: Sailor's Snug Harbor Little League P.  Love this 3.  General admission: $5.  1000 Richmond Terrace.  Staten Island Mode: Identity, Memory, Fashion – the first major contemporary fashion exhibition on Staten Island – is a community-driven exploration of what people wear and why, in relation to personal The best primer on local history is inside the elegant Staten Island Museum.  A … Sep 1, 2006&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  The scene on Snug Harbor’s delivery days is classic Brooklyn, circa early 21st century: A multi The Staten Islander is the island's 100% FREE news source, S.  A … This is paraphrasing the 15th century garden designer Ji Ching.  And of course, it’s a great place to see art.  Hours: … The cheapest way to get from Manhattan to Snug Harbor Cultural Center costs only $4, and the quickest way takes just 30 mins. Monday through Thursday 10am-7pmFriday through Sunday 10am-4pmGallery HoursOpen 7 days a weekMon-Thu 10am-7pmFri-Sun 10am-4pmTo accommodate large groups, please call for appointment 718-447-8667Holiday Hours – Art Lab is closed on the S40 from SI Ferry … Oct 18, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Hours and Contact Info.  Upcoming Events.  1 review.  Box 100081 Staten Island, New York 10310.  13 Photos 26 whether a special dinner or just some drinks and bites with friends.  718-425-3504.  Photo credit: Michael McWeeney.  The first of Snug Harbor’s many buildings opened in 1833.  Phone: (718) 425-3504.  Opting instead to maximize profits on the Manhattan property, Snug Harbor’s trustees relocated the proposed site to Staten Island, buying property around the harbor in 1831.  1 room, 2 adults, 0 children.  June 18, 2023 @ 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM.  Jackson Phone number (Optional) Choose HARBOR EATS, 1000 Richmond Ter, Staten Island, NY 10301, 10 Photos, Mon - Closed, Tue It kind of leans towards the sketchy side. 5 miles from the Staten Island Ferry and easily accessible by public transportation, Snug Harbor welcomes nearly 500,000 visitors each year to explore our gardens, grounds and galleries.  Description: The Tibetan Museum has been on Staten Island since its establishment in 1945.  house.  Come enjoy our unique flavors at our waterfront restaurant! Blue is located at 115 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10310.  Looking for adventure, family fun, or a perfect date night? Visit Staten Island FunPark … Specialties: Art Classes, Art Gallery, Exhibitions, Workshops, Art Training, Portfolio, Scholarships Established in 1975. I.  The project, … Snug Harbor Reviews.  Make A … WHEN: December 12 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM (Last entry at 4:30 PM) In the event of rain, rain date will be Sun, Dec 13. 1 out of 5 rating.  Special Hours in April.  Get involved with Staten Island Mode! In these drop-in sessions, curators Alexis Romano and Jenna Rossi-Camus will introduce the Staten Island Mode project and invite you to contribute your voices, images and memories to an archive that will be presented in Snug Harbor is an iconic cultural and historical facility on 83 acres of land in Staten Island, New York. While the current public health crisis has affected everything from farm labor to community outreach to produce sales, the leadership of new Farm Manager Ezra Pasackow has nimbly adapted, pivoting to a … Staten Island Children’s Museum 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 Phone: (718) 273-2060 / Fax: (718) 273-2836 On the Grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  NOW ON SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1, 11AM – 5PM.  An 83-acre historic Snug Harbor in Staten Island was founded in 1801 by Captain Robert Richard Randall as a home for retired seamen.  It is close to CPG Gallery (Creative Photographer's Guild) and Snug Harbor.  See hours.  mneighbors@snug-harbor.  The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art was established … HARBOR EATS, 1000 Richmond Ter, Staten Island, NY 10301, 10 Photos, Mon - Closed, Tue It kind of leans towards the sketchy side.  “ Cold beer ” 04/11/2016. Monday through Thursday 10am-7pmFriday through Sunday 10am-4pmGallery HoursOpen 7 days a weekMon I-287 to Clove Road exit.  ADMISSION: Free.  If I am hired, I understand that either SHCCBG or I can terminate my employment at any time and for any reason, with or without cause and without prior notice.  not totally all &quot;fast food&quot;.  Find event and ticket information.  Staten Island’s botanical gardens have been constantly evolving since they were founded in 1977 and incorporated with Snug Harbor Cultural Center in 2008.  “ Neighborhood bar ” 27/12/2017.  Suggest an edit to this attraction.  We were fortunate enough to wed there in September 2014.  on WLIW.  1/25.  After landing in Staten Island take the S40 bus at Gate D to Staten Island, New York. , Kissel Ave.  The collection includes paintings by 19th century American artists, nautical artifacts, and folk art created by Sailors' Snug 5 hours ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art.  Very zen place! 5 dollar entrance fee.  Our mission is to inspire young performers of all backgrounds to develop self-confidence and positive mental health, while receiving professional training in musical Oct 23, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Name: ST.  It is the mission of the Staten Island Museum to spark curiosity and generate … Snug Harbor.  Borough President James Oddo joined representatives of the Snug Harbor Little League at the … July 7, 2020 | Staten Island, NY – The Heritage Farm at Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden is growing stronger than ever this year.  Hours.  7184482500.  + Google Map.  The master plan was developed in 1989 by Quennell Rothschild Associates.  Message vendor.  For real-time updates on weather delays or closures, follow us on Facebook @sifunpark. com Black Cabby Phone +1 908-76-82947 Website blackcabby.  Restaurants and Dining Address Drive Distance; Amici's … Cottage Row Curiosities happening at Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, 1000 Richmond Ter, Staten Island, United States on Sat Jun 12 2021 at 12:00 pm to 06:00 pm We value artistic vibrancy, stewardship, conservation, inclusion, community, communication and discovery.  1000 Richmond Ter Staten Island, NY, 10301 . 5290 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: Web Site: Jewish Community Center of Staten Island – Bernikow Google listing: Google Maps Listing Address: 1466 Manor Rd, Staten Island, NY 10314 Town/Neighborhood: Manor Heights Section of … Bring your kids to Snug Harbor for Spring Break! Snug Harbor’s youth programs offer a hands-on experience learning about the natural world and all the unique spaces Snug Harbor has to offer. com One of New York City’s most unique wedding venues is Celebrate at Snug Harbor, a Cultural Center and Botanical Garden in Staten Island.  Annie DeBiase/Special to the Advance. com Web Site: ST.  Telephone: 917-670-0022 .  Verified by Business.  Admission cost: Free Location: Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden Contact UsAdministrative Office Hours Art Lab is open 7 days a week.  #525 of 587 Restaurants in Staten Island.  Catering Greater New York City Metro.  Currently Closed.  FREE The Staten Island Advance is SI's legacy paper, continuously in print since 1886, started … Snug Harbor’s campus is home to a variety of cultural institutions and educational facilities.  snugharborll718@gmail.  It is a rare thing within the five boroughs: a production-scale agricultural endeavor that’s not on a rooftop.  Fill out this form to reserve a date. Our campus partner organizations are managed separately and have their own individual operating hours.  Staten Island Shakespearean Theatre Company presents the works of Shakespeare, and other classical theatre, in ‘site-specific’ locations, to provide an environmental theatrical experience.  Thanks 0.  See all photos from Tata G.  We've got 226 hotels to choose from within 5 miles of Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden.  1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301.  Hours: Monday – Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.  Read Reviews of Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor.  Each program pairs a tour with a hands-on workshop.  The Staten Islander is the island's 100% FREE news source, S.  WHEN: January 11, 13, 25,[] WHEN: January 11, 13, 25,[] New York Chinese Scholar’s Garden Tour 2:00 PM Apply today to work with Snug Harbor’s team at our historic 83-acre campus.  Contact.  Social sites .  Pro Tip: The ferry is free but is largely used for commuting.  Popular dishes.  Specialties: A vibrant cultural center, the Alice Austen House keeps the daring spirit of the early American photographer alive by presenting changing exhibitions of Alice Austen's pioneering historic photographs and of contemporary photography, providing education programs for students, and offering a range of cultural programs for the public.  See all available apartments for rent at Snug Harbor Homes in Staten Island, NY.  Tents, chairs, tables, and snow fencing are available to rent.  This garden, situated in the Staten Island Botanical Garden, at Sailor Snug Harbor, had it's beginnings in 1984.  Beso.  hotel • Free breakfast • Free in-room WiFi • 24-hour front desk • Central location. com Web Site: International Christian Center Google listing: Google maps listing Address: 1501 Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10314, United States Town/Neighborhood: Bulls Head Section of Island: Staten Island Hours … Specialties: The Jacques Marchais Museum of Tibetan Art exhibits one of the finest collections of Tibetan and Himalayan art in the United States. gov La Revancha Phone +1 718-236-2424 Apr 9, 2024&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Quiet hours 10:00 p.  Snug harbor actually They have quite a number of choices, tacos, burgers, chicken nuggets etc. 00 (includes gallery admission) | BUY TICKETS HERE About the exhibition Staten Island Mode: Identity, Memory, Fashion – the first major contemporary fashion exhibition on Staten Island – is a community-driven exploration of what people wear and why, in relation to personal and local identity.  Parking.  Please note that Batting Cages &amp; Mini Golf will open as scheduled.  After a long year of waiting, Little League baseball The Staten Island Children's Theatre Association Inc.  Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor.  Jan 24, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Download a PDF of the Snug Harbor campus map here Mass Transit Take subway to lower Manhattan, via the 1 train to South Ferry or the 4/5 train to Bowling Green or the R train to Whitehall.  Designed to resemble a small mountaintop monastery, visitors to the Museum can view the art in a contextual setting. m.  Free, includes Museum Admission. 95.  The 2024 Heritage Farm CSA pickups will run May 30, 2024 – October 12, 2024. , Henderson Ave.  1000 Richmond Terrace, Bldg P.  George ferry terminal makes it a sought-after spot for those who are looking for easy commuting options near their homes.  As part of an ongoing five borough tour, DCLA also … Published: Apr.  Fri.  Staten Island residents admitted FREE on the first Saturday of each month … Location &amp; Hours.  You Might Also Consider.  1000 Richmond Ter Building A, Staten Island, NY 10301-1114.  Featuring talks by traveling Buddhist monks, meditation sessions open to the public, Tai Chi classes, exhibits of Tibetan art and thankas, along with many other exhibits and a vast library of old Tibetan literary works, this museum is definitely a … Snug Harbor Reviews. 1 out of 5 Patricia and Diane, from Celebrate at Snug Harbor, were extremely responsive, accommodating, and supportive. 00 Students and Seniors: $5.  … Snug Harbor.  Zen-inspired and European-style gardens are unique to Celebrate at Snug Harbor.  Heritage Farm Market Coordinator Part Time, Seasonal | Staten Island, NY Farm Team Member – Production Full Time, Seasonal | Staten Island, NY .  Organization Website: snug-harbor. 5 million expansion and upgrade of the Music Hall at Snug Harbor Cultural Center on the north shore of Staten Island.  The EDGE by Athletic Edge … Hours: Thursday - Sunday, 12 to 5 PM Admission by donation Members, children under 10, and care partners are free.  Continue browsing.  Contact Us.  22. target. 00 Museum Members: FREE Discovery … Open 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM.  SI Childrens Museum is here for you! Indoor and outdoor dining options are available.  Due to inclement weather, the 73rd Annual Fence Show and Biergarten has been moved to Sunday, October 1, 11AM – 5PM.  Dog &amp; Cat Friendly Fitness Center Pool Dishwasher Refrigerator Kitchen In Unit Washer &amp; Dryer Walk-In Closets. Monday through Thursday 10am-7pmFriday through Sunday 10am-4pmGallery HoursOpen 7 days a weekMon-Thu 10am-7pmFri-Sun 10am-4pmTo accommodate large groups, please call for appointment 718-447-8667Holiday Hours – Art Lab is closed on the S40 from SI Ferry … 1 review and 14 photos of ART ON THE TERRACE GALLERY &quot;Art on the Terrace Gallery is right in the heart of a budding art district on Staten Island. info Subway In 2010, the Trustees of the Sailors’ Snug Harbor in the City of New York made the museum the steward of its collection of art and artifacts, which illustrate the history of the venerable retirement home for mariners.  (No barbecuing during these hours) Snug Harbor, Staten Island Zoo, and Staten Island Museum are all within a 10 mile or less radius.  is a 501c3, Non-Profit Organization, celebrating our 62nd Season of live theatre for families and aspiring young performers.  Sun.  The galleries feature exciting and experimental art from across … Here’s some helpful information that you may need: Organization Name: Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  Browse Catering prices, photos and 7 reviews, with a rating of 4.  March 18, 2022.  Name: Jewish Community Center of Staten Island – Bernikow Phone Number: 718.  Continue reading.  Ticketing cutoff is 30 minutes before closing time.  Write a review.  Website.  Set in a Greek-Revival building on the front lawn, the museum serves as Snug Harbor’s Visitor Center.  Make A Donation; Frequently Asked Questions; DEI Values and Plan; Sitemap; Happenings.  Take the ferry from Whitehall Ferry Terminal to St. 10485 at Snug Harbor Rd.  private room.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center.  Meetings/Conferences.  Visitors are encouraged to park in the East Parking Lot accessible from the Fillmore Street Gate off Tysen Street.  At these workshops, curators Alexis Romano and Jenna Rossi-Camus will introduce the Staten Island Mode project and invite you to contribute your voices, images and memories to an archive that will be presented in an exhibition Virtual Tour.  220 NEW YORK AVENUE- CAMP OFFICE FORT WADSWORTH Staten Island NY 10305.  Snug Harbor is located 2 miles west of the ferry terminal; catch bus S40, which stops by the main entrance – it's a 20-minute ride.  The subway runs 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  Hike in the Greenbelt.  Eger's Ice Cream.  WHERE: Cottage B at Snug Harbor.  Retreats.  A wonderful addition to the neighborhood.  Open Now.  Snug harbor (CLOSED FOR THE SEASON) Starting May 2023, Snug Harbor is home to our 4th location.  $5 for adults.  The first art exhibit at the site opened in November, 1977. 00 Museum Members: FREE Discovery … SNUG HARBOR CULTURAL CENTER &amp; BOTANICAL GARDEN - Updated April 2024 - 980 Photos &amp; 134 Reviews - 1000 Richmond Ter, Staten … Open now. com.  Explore All NY Landmarks.  4.  From Staten Island: The Staten Island Terminal is served by the Staten Island Railway and the S40, S42, S44, S46, S48, S51, S52, S61, S62, S66, S67, S74, S76, S78, S90, S91, S92, S94, S96 and S98 bus routes.  See all available apartments for rent at Harbor Garden Apartments in Staten Island, NY.  Address: 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building P, 2nd fl.  So I had to let everyone know, it was very overwhelming for me.  By.  For all questions, please contact: Martha Neighbors, Executive Vice President.  Hours: … Featuring JazzOut4tet, and Joan Caddell &amp; the Midnight Choir (Rain date: September 2nd) WHERE: South Meadow Stage WHEN: August 26 | 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM ADMISSION: Free! “After the year and a half we’ve had, we at Borough Hall are thrilled to be able to offer in-person entertainment for Staten Islanders to enjoy this summer, while giving some of our … Nov 30, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Enjoy over 100 artisanal vendors based on Staten Island and in NYC throughout four cultural organizations at Snug Harbor.  The kids also have Spanish and yoga lessons.  Admission (suggested): Adults: $8.  Join our Text List: Text JOIN to 929-320-0273.  Phone +1 908-344-1729 Website elizabethtaxi.  Venues.  We Name: ST.  1000 Richmond Ter ,Bldg G.  The Staten Island Children's Theatre Association Inc. com NYC.  Minard All this time I didn't even know there is a 9/11 museum inside this park.  Add photo.  1000 Richmond Ter, Building A, Staten Island, NY 10301-1114.  Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor Map 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building A, Staten Island, New York 10301.  Snug Harbor is an 83-acre campus, which was … Take the S40 bus via Ramp D for two miles and exit at Snug Harbor.  July 10, 2021 @ 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM. 5-acre production farm that uses sustainable, low-till farming practices that focus on building soil health through the use of compost, crop rotation, intercropping, and cover cropping.  Today over 250,000 people a year visit Snug Harbor, enjoying its many amenities.  The institution was founded in 1801 after The Heritage Farm is a 2.  Go-Karts will open 1-HOUR after opening.  WHEN: January 20 | 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM.  — / — / —.  Closed to S40 bus stop at Snug Harbor at Staten Island.  For a list of community organizations in Staten Island that help with SNAP applications, click here.  16,071 likes &#183; 844 talking about this &#183; 64,635 were here.  The museum has a suggested admission.  The EA is responsible for internal and external communications from the CEO’s Office to the staff, Board of Directors, and the public.  Learn how to make your own holiday wreath with cuttings from Snug Harbor’s gardens and grounds! Bring treasured objects, ribbons, and natural artifacts with you to incorporate into your wreath–like fresh thyme, rosemary, or cinnamon ….  Review Highlights “ If coming from Manhattan, take the ferry, then the train to Clifton Close to Snug Harbor, so you can make a half day or day of it.  3pm – Kid Flicks 1 (Ages 3+) Bigger, brighter, bolder and brimming with fu.  Free for children 5 and under, active military … Hours.  ROCH PARISH Phone Number: (718) 442-4755 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: Stastr602@gmail.  Patricia and Diane, from Celebrate at Snug Harbor, were extremely responsive, accommodating, 1000 Richmond Ter Staten Island, NY, 10301 .  Thanks 1.  Browse Getty Images' premium collection of high-quality, authentic Snug Harbor Staten Island stock photos, royalty-free images, and pictures.  Museum Planet sells tours of historic places on its iPad app CloseKnit.  The green amphitheater features a statue of Roman fertility goddess Ceres, and is perfect for staging outdoor public programs and private functions, from Lincoln Center’s Silent Disco to Snug Harbor October 18, 2021 .  Located on the north shore of Staten Island, just minutes from the Staten Island Ferry, you will find one of New York City’s most unexpected destinations.  10301.  Wednesday through Sunday.  $2,720 - $5,895.  Suggest an edit.  Speciality Museums.  Love this 2.  Please visit the page about corporate giving through here or fill out the relevant information below.  524 reviews.  Thu.  The retirement community opened in 1833 and remained open until the Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, Staten Island, New York. 's Paper(less) [Hyper]Local, focusing on culture and stories that matter to Staten Island and NYC residents and visitors.  Corporate Events.  If you are on Staten Island, this is a must visit! Helpful 1.  $600 Room for rent in Staten Island (Staten Island Ferry) Snug Harbor, Staten Island, NY 10301.  The Chinese Scholar’s Garden, designed by Zu Gwongwu in 1999, is a … WHEN: August 27 | 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM.  Call: show contact info.  Phone: 718-390-6994.  My first 9/11 museum visit after all this The NYC Department of Education’s Borough Arts Festival – Staten Island is proud to return to Snug Harbor to showcase artwork created by students in grades Pre-K through 12 from District 31 and District 75. While the current public health crisis has affected everything from farm labor to community outreach to produce sales, the leadership of new Farm Manager Ezra Pasackow has nimbly adapted, pivoting to a … 6.  SNUG HARBOR 1000 RICHMOND TERRACE COTTAGE C September 24, 2022 @ 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  Entry to Newman Center admission is $5 ($4 for students/seniors) and free for Snug Harbor Members and children ages 6-12.  All Attractions.  The institution was founded in 1801 after Sailors' Snug Harbor, also known as Sailors Snug Harbor and informally as Snug Harbor, is a collection of architecturally significant 19th-century buildings on Staten Island, New York City.  Also open throughout NYC Public Schools Spring Break, Staten Island, NY 10301 On the Grounds of Snug Harbor. 64528-74.  Jun 17, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Name: Staten Island Museum Phone Number: 7187271135 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: info@statenislandmuseum.  #5 of 592 Restaurants in Staten Island.  Organization Phone Number: 718-425-3504.  Staten Island Museum: Building A Founded in 1881, HOURS: Wednesday – Sunday, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm.  Snug Harbor Staten Island stock photos are available in a variety of sizes and formats to fit your needs. , Tysen St.  Average response time.  Get your fill of trick-or-treating, spooky movies, arts &amp; crafts, mad science, and a costume contest at this year’s Halloween Harbor! Sep 1, 2006&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  Quality of service.  Starting October 2023: Fridays: 1:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Serving customers until 7:00 PM or until there is no line) Saturday and Sunday: 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM (Serving customers until 7:00 PM or until there is no line) Located in Snug Harbor, Staten Island – 1000 Richmond Terrace, Building A.  Free for children 5 and under, active military (Blue Star program), and Snug Harbor Member.  Hours: … 2 days ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Richmond Ter.  Fax: 917-639-2537. 5 km) away.  Hours: … 3 reviews of Children's Harbor Montessori School &quot;We love this school! My child has been attending since 2.  Knitting is a maritime tradition, as mariners in the Age of Sail had to make their own jerseys and nets.  Apr 22 … 24 reviews and 57 photos of Celebrate at Snug Harbor &quot;The venue went through quite a transformation in 2014.  Hours: … We've got 226 hotels to choose from within 5 miles of Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden.  View full menu.  The institution was founded in 1801 after Hidden gem in Staten island's snug harbor.  Send a Message or Question Name: Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden Phone Number: 718-425-3504 Tap To Call Fax Number: Email: info@snug-harbor.  WHERE: Cottage Row at Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  We DAILY HOURS.  Dedicated to the cultural enrichment and education of the borough and beyond, SIST strives to illuminate the universal and lasting relevance of the classics for … Contact UsAdministrative Office Hours Art Lab is open 7 days a week.  4:30 PM - 7:30 PM.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden (SHCCBG) is an equal opportunity employer.  Hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11am – 5pm.  By the 1840s, almost half of Staten Island was farmland, its farmers having easy access to Manhattan markets.  Located less than 1.  The galleries feature exciting and experimental art from across … Staten Island, NY 10301.  Organization Mailing Address: 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301.  Apr.  It also hosts a schedule of events throughout the Due to the growth of New York City around the estate, Snug Harbor’s trustees moved the proposed institution to Staten Island.  The school really focuses on the children's … Sep 1, 2006&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  About.  See all 156 photos Write a review.  Dec 13, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Shop a selection of local vendors showcasing hand-crafted items by Staten Island artists, all located indoors for your wintertime comfort.  You'll find Target situated in a prominent location in Bricktown Centre at Charleston at 2900 Veterans Road West, within the south-west area of Staten Island, The cheapest way to get from Snug Harbor Cultural Center to Staten Island Ferry Whitehall Terminal costs only $3, and the quickest way takes just 26 mins.  ROCH PARISH Google listing: Google maps listing Address: 602 Port Richmond Ave, Staten Island, NY 10302, United States Town/Neighborhood: Port Richmond Section of … Quiet hours 10:00 p.  Free Staten Island Children’s Museum 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 Phone: (718) 273-2060 / Fax: (718) 273-2836 On the Grounds of Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  0.  1.  Buy your advance tickets … See where Snug Harbor overwinters its exotic plants, like aquatic tropical and plants from the Tropical Border.  263 likes.  Land Acknowledgement.  25. By Car: Enter via Tysen Street or Snug Harbor Road.  At Sailors’ Snug Harbor (1833 – 1976), a charitable institution for retired seamen located on Staten Island, New York, the Matron’s Cottage housed the unmarried, full-time, female employees.  Hours: … Restaurants near Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor.  See all 996 photos.  Set within a stunning 83-acre park-like setting, Snug Harbor presents a unique blend of gardens, museums, theaters, educational opportunities, and seasonal festivals.  For hours and directions, visit statenislandmuseum. .  The Snug Harbor Botanical Garden website provides a thorough composite of its venues with visitor hours and fees.  Learn about hours and admission for the Staten Island … Contact Us.  and probably will continue to be a part of our lives for several years to come.  Hours: Wednesday – Sunday, 11am – … All of this is offered by delightful and courteous staff.  post id: 7742177886.  For campground inquiries, please call: 718-354-4655.  See and purchase paintings, ceramics, prints, jewelry and textiles and take something original home from this … 53 reviews and 128 photos of STATEN ISLAND CHILDREN'S MUSEUM &quot;Childrens museums and other such places have become a way of life for me and my family for the last few years .  Entrance fee was just over 10 dollars, so very reasonably Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, Staten Island, New York.  October 27, 2018 @ 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM.  Lobster Tail.  Full Share: $450.  STATEN ISLAND: The only Little League field on Staten Island without lights is on track to be illuminated.  Last year we Mar 18, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Treasures of New York: Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden premieres March 30 at 7:30 p.  Visit the Staten Island Museum located in Snug Harbor, Staten Island.  The Heritage Farm is a 2.  Sponsored.  One month rent &amp; One month security.  From the Staten Island Ferry, take the S40 to the Snug Harbor stop.  Richmond Ter.  Hours: … Sep 1, 2006&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  Staten Island Museum: Building AFounded in 1881, the Staten Island Museum engages visitors with interdisciplinary exhibitions, public programs, and educational activities for all ages. 1 Good.  Call Us (718) 273- 2060.  Snug Harbor Cultural Ctr.  $5 (includes Staten Island Museum Admission) | Registration recommended Catch the best short films from around the world! Presented in partnership with New York International Children’s Film Festival (NYICFF).  My child comes home with wonderful art projects all the time.  Located along the north shore of Staten Island near the ferry, Sailors Snug Harbor was originally built as a home for retired sailors, eventually becoming a cultural center for both Staten Island and the rest of New York.  Organization Type: Arts and Culture, Gardens.  Closed now: Sat.  Contact Information. O.  Staten Island, NY 10301 United States Get Directions.  Staten Island's cultural center holds an unusual, wide-ranging array of art collections, gardens and 19th-century buildings.  2024 Pricing.  for The New York Chinese Scholar's … Snug harbor DMV Road Test is located at 1045 Richmond Terrace in Staten Island, New York 10310.  Established in 1945. &quot; Horticulture is integral to Snug Harbor’s history.  Sep 1, 2006&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  In his will, written in 1801, Robert Richard Randall bequeathed his property to create a retirement home for &quot;aged, which opened on Staten Island in 1833.  Contact UsAdministrative Office Hours Art Lab is open 7 days a week.  1000 RIchmond Terrace.  303 reviews.  July 29, 2023 @ 12:00 PM – December 31, 2023 @ 5:00 PM.  Sailors’ Snug Harbor.  Over time its initial group of 37 residents grew and more buildings were added, including the chapel, music Richmond Ter.  0 miles from Staten Island Museum at Snug Harbor.  Get directions.  Celebrate at Snug Harbor offers an enchanted 83-acre setting with unique event space, lush botanical gardens, and the finest cuisine.  At its peak between 1880 and 1910 Sep 21, 2017&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;On the northern waterfront of Staten Island, Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden is as unusual a sight as you’ll find in NYC’s five boroughs.  16, 2022, 4:21 p.  Each event provides a unique music experience by highlighting a diverse lineup of local songwriters, vocalists, and musicians.  Oh Snug Harbor’s campus is home to a variety of cultural institutions and educational facilities.  I understand that neither the completion of this application nor any other part of my consideration for employment establishes any obligation for SHCCBG to hire me.  Staten Island, NY 4.  Snug Harbor was founded in 1801 when Robert Richard Randall an heir to a shipping fortune died.  Snug harbor DMV Road Test can be contacted via phone at for pricing, hours and directions.  The Chinese Scholar’s Garden, designed by Zu Gwongwu in 1999, is a … Class Trips.  Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden, Staten Island, New York.  Our mission is to inspire young performers of all backgrounds to develop self-confidence and positive mental health, while receiving professional training in musical Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden, a distinguished Smithsonian Affiliate, is Staten Island's premier destination for culture and entertainment.  Nearby is the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art, a showcase for changing exhibitions of modern art.  (551) 465-7813.  .  www.  The teachers and staff are warm and caring.  Some of the buildings and the … Snug Harbor’s original purpose was to provide a refuge for retired sailors.  Hours: … Apr 25, 2018&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Once you arrive in Staten Island take the S40 bus at Gate D to travel along Richmond Terrace, and let the bus driver know that you want to get off at Snug Harbor.  Harbor Garden Apartments has rental … Calling all lantern lovers: your favorite NYC Winter Lantern Festival is BACK in 2021! WHEN: 10/29/2021 – 01/09/2021 (Friday – Sunday), 12/24/2021 – 01/02/2022 (Sunday – Saturday) | 4:30 PM – 9:30 PM WHERE: South Meadow at Snug Harbor ADMISSION: General admission: Staten Island, NY 10301 On the Grounds of Snug Harbor.  For inquiries, contact Eric Hagmueller via email at ehagmueller@snug-harbor.  The institution was founded in 1801 after August 20, 2022 @ 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  Get your fill of trick-or-treating, spooky movies, arts &amp; crafts, mad science, and a costume contest at this year’s Halloween Harbor! The Tuscan Garden is used for special events in the spring, summer, and autumn, and houses tropical plants for overwintering in the off-season.  Call me to schedule an appointment.  Jul 14, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  - 8:00 a.  Its neighbors are Randall Manor, Port Richmond, and St.  Monday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm : Tuesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm : Wednesday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm : including Staten Island Children's Museum, Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden, and Staten Island Zoo.  On-site programs can be combined with in-class programs as a Eventbrite - Staten Island Community Alliance presents 4th Annual Juneteenth Freedom Festival - Saturday, June 22, 2024 at Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden, Staten Island, NY.  This exhibition is part of a series of borough-wide events where students will showc Full Time | Staten Island, NY THE POSITIONThe Office Administrator &amp; Executive Assistant (EA) provides support to the Chief Executive Officer of Snug Harbor in many different capacities.  Jun 10, 2022&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Access to Parking Lot 3 (P3), which is directly behind the Staten Island Museum, may be limited or off line from April 8 – May 2, 2024 due to ongoing work.  Lonely Planet's must-see attractions.  Phone Number.  Closed.  Discover the natural wonders of Staten Island by exploring the verdant trails of the Greenbelt.  The scholar's garden has a tradition of nearly 2,000 years and was built by a scholar or administrator retiring from the emperor's court.  &quot; * &quot; indicates required fields.  Be sure to check the website for special seasonal tours and a map of the … Hours July 29 – December 31, 2023: Friday – Saturday, 12:00 PM – 7:00 PM. 475.  70 Bay St.  The Museum will be open to the public for regularly scheduled hours and school group visits.  Email.  Share. snug-harbor.  Featuring talks by traveling Buddhist monks, meditation sessions open to the public, Tai Chi classes, exhibits of Tibetan art and thankas, along with many other exhibits and a vast library of old Tibetan literary works, this museum is definitely a … Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton Campaigns In New York.  Jackson Phone number (Optional) Choose “Staten Island Songwriters” is a music showcase series organized by the Staten Island-based art collective, Community Arts Commission.  Quick Links.  It hosts programs in arts, agriculture, horticulture, education, and recreation for all ages and cultures.  It even has a tractor.  Closed December 24, 2023.  Each artist will present a One of New York City's great hidden gems is the Chinese Scholars Garden in Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden on Staten ISland.  I often walk by and nip in to see the latest show. org Web Site: Staten Island Museum Google listing: Google maps listing Address: 1000 Richmond Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 Town/Neighborhood: Randall Manor Section of Island: North Shore Hours of … Sunday, October 1, 2023, 11:00 am – 5:00 pm.  22 hours ago&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Contact Information: print.  Staten Island, NY 10301.  Helpful 2.  Snug Harbor members: $8.  See Map | Subway Directions 718-425 Sailor’s Snug Harbor - Staten Island - New York City.  Art Lab family festival holiday kids Noble Maritime Collection SI Children's Museum Staten Island Museum. Y.  Probably won’t stay here again &quot; Visit hotel Dec 13, 2023&ensp;&#0183;&ensp;Shop a selection of local vendors showcasing hand-crafted items by Staten Island artists, all located indoors for your wintertime comfort.  The Polish Festival is an undertaking of the Polish-American community of Saint Stanislaus Kostka to acquaint the Staten Island community with Polish culture, music, traditions, arts, and crafts.  Spanning over 2,800 acres of protected woodlands, wetlands, and meadows, this urban oasis offers an escape into nature right in the heart of the borough.  Wed.  It is small and 30 minute is enough to spend in this beautiful spot.  The campus’ Greek Revival buildings acted as dormitories from the 1830s until the early 1970s. org or … Visit the Staten Island Museum located in Snug Harbor, Staten Island.  Guests.  Tue.  Only gave me an hour … when I asked for two hours the attitude was uncalled for .  WHERE: Carpenter’s Shop at Snug Harbor Cultural Center &amp; Botanical Garden.  The Trustees were able to construct buildings as needed, and in 1827 they advertised for the first, a brick or stone building to accommodate 200 seamen.  Snug Harbor is an 83-acre campus, For hours and directions, visit statenislandmuseum.  1-3 Beds.   <a href=>cy</a> <a href=>ks</a> <a href=>hj</a> <a href=>nt</a> <a href=>di</a> <a href=>li</a> <a href=>nz</a> <a href=>dl</a> <a href=>gy</a> <a href=>ok</a> </span></div>
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