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<p class="MsoNormal">Rwby fanfiction watching jaune multiverse fate.  &quot;Woah&quot; Yang says as Blake and Weiss stair at it in shock.  Goodwitch, the homeroom teacher, arrived. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,009 - Follows: 5,370 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Sun, Jul 2, 2023.  Jaune Arc Multiverse: the reaction (Old) Arcanusthescribe.  Qrow patted her head.  Death Battle is created by Screwattack and belongs to Rooster Teeth.  Complete.  See, I like to watch other universes.  4h 25m. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,010 - Follows: 5,370 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Inspiration: Gundam Seed.  &quot;Name's Ruby Rose- you can call me Rubes if you want! I'm the Ultimate Track Runner!&quot; Yang laughed.  &quot;Okay, we're back.  Adventure awaits! In Kou Kuana: Belladonna house… Sitting in the living room were three people, one man and two women, all of them Faunus.  He was almost through to the other side when he felt something grip his right leg. , Neo, Team RWBY, Team JNPR. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 She knew that could only be trouble and ran as fast as she could behind a pile of debris. and shelter. &quot; Tai says.  Just then, Jaune heard the sound of a missile being shot.  &quot;&quot;Let's go.  He reached out with his aura grabbing her arm, but the thorns lashed out and shredded it.  The fall of Beacon and the attack on Vale has not happened yet.  Jaune put it down and walked to the final piece of evidence, and that was the pile of blood on the ground which happen to be blue.  Fanfiction.  Jaune watched Weiss summon a giant Megoliath right on top of a dozen Sphinxes, squashing them all flat under its massive bulk.  First published Dec 22, 2020.  Download.  Jaune Arc, strong, … Jaune Multiverse of Madness (Discontinued) - Jaune's Fate Grand Order Prologue-Ch. e.  While team RWBY was busy cooing and sniggering over young Ruby, Nora was frowning at the screen as Jaune continued his bloody crusade.  She tries to step up on the ledge too.  Glaring at the picture of useless heroes, Ruby continues her trek to the store.  Jaune blocked the attack but was pushed back by the force behind it.  &quot;This suuucks!&quot; Nora laid down over Ren's legs.  &quot;You know it is kinda sad Jaune couldn't come with us.  First published Aug 17, 2020.  Unknown to most, the Grail has become a cursed object. &quot; Qrow leaned back in his chair.  &quot;Finally, you guys … The chief engineer unlocked the door and made a dash for the next one at the end of the corridor.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Romance - [Jaune A.  &quot;What universe are we going to watch next zen&quot; ruby asked.  A character from a fairy tale, where no one knows what his face looks like.  Nora-That's so lame! Me-You watch this Nora and I'll give you Pancakes for life with free Syrup. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 8 - Words: 26,842 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 693 - Follows: 780 - Updated: 1/27/2020 - Published: … A Look into the mulitverse By: TanakaClinkenbeard.  Team RWBY Plays Assassin's Creed II by triscythe59 reviews. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,013 - Follows: 5,373 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Author's Note: This viewing will take place during &quot;Fall&quot; (Volume 3, episode 6) right between Ozpin offering Pyrrha the Fall Maiden powers and Yangs match with Mercury.  Follow/Fav Watch The Jaune Arc's of The Multiverse (Jaune X Harem) By: Fiction M - English - Humor/Drama - OC, Jaune A.  The dent on his head began to vibrate intensely before it expanded, leaving a smooth surface behind.  &quot;Okay everyone be quiet&quot; zen said.  Jaune asked with a smile.  Jaune started to lumber to the direction of the front line, popping in what appeared to be a large yellow glowing shotgun round.  A keypad slides forward with dust accumulated over the many years of it being unused.  Torchwick raised his cane and struck a zombie's head off, while the Hamon masters leapt into action, all glowing. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 39 - Words: 554,164 - Reviews: Jaune deadpanned as he shuffled to his seat, flanked by a proud Yang and Pyrrha.  Time stretches to nightmarish crawl as Finch tries to brake to a stop.  “But they are connected.  Finding themselves missing a blonde knight and stuck in another dimension, teams RWBY and the rest of JNPR find themselves stuck there until they can get home.  Blake is the first to realize that Jaune knew he was going to be poisoned before “the story” was done, and when she asks about it, Jaune can’t meet any of their eyes.  I may only control this part of the void but I can still view the universes of those outside my control.  Roman's cane launched a red flare at the car, igniting the dust and causing the car to explode with Spider-Man getting caught in the flames and shrapnel.  He got killed by a bus (Bus-kun) and a truck (truck-kun) who both simultaneously JNPR and RWBY, barring Jaune was having a sleepover.  Tainted by Angra Mainyu, the vessel of all the world's evils, in the 3rd war, it now malfunctions.  The only people who supported him were Ruby, Blake, Ren, Nora, CFVY, Sun, Neptune, the Beacon staff except for Goodwitch. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,013 - Follows: 5,374 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  &quot;Hey, you kids shouldn't be sleeping here.  Jaune was the one who initially opened her lips with his own before reaching with his tongue, coming into contact with her pearly whites. &quot; Jaune nodded as he stared at the card, finding a kinship with it.  Team RWBY, most of Team JNPR, and many other characters get pulled into a theater (in this case right before Season 3 really starts) where they end up viewing the Table of Contents.  ~ Jaune and Ren were Highlights of magma colored light decorated his expanding mechanical body, warming up his system for their fight.  You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Multiverse! Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Jaune A.  Jaune's friends and family looked empowered by his counterpart.  mulitverse, arc, jaune.  ~ This revelation caused the Arcs to laugh quietly Remnant watches the Multiverse By: FleetingSpectre.  A few hours later, the Audience returned to their seats after the last screening.  Blink! Good luck&quot; Jaune said.  &quot;Dad!&quot; Shouted both girls.  10 parts.  The view panning out a bit to show the battlefield getting bloodier by the second, corpses were starting to pile up.  So a bored Writer decides to bring some of those closest to the Knight to witness some of these worlds firsthand.  Replaced by a purple dress and silver armour.  (Takes place between volume 2 and 3) Rated: Fiction T - English - Suspense/Adventure - Ozpin, Glynda G. &quot; Chapter 1.  ~ “Huh, this seems pretty tame.  Jaune quirks a brow when a tall middle-aged man with a slim build, slightly tanned skin and a bushy moustache walks into his office and starts surveying his surroundings.  He turns to where the sound came from and saw a missile headed towards him.  “Those are two different questions Ozzy,” Ozpin’s eyes narrowed at the name.  &quot;That sounds dangerous.  &quot;Comin' in through the window! Watch behind you!&quot; A friendly fired over the machine gunner's head, killing an enemy soldier that was emerging from the window.  Fri, Nov 3, 2023.  Instantly memories that were lost returned to the machine.  The blonde felt embarrassed about the whole situation.  Power Tool '93 calendars.  Summary: Ruby and the cast are gathered in the Midpoint, a place in the middle of countless universes, to witness thousands of versions of themselves, discovering the truth and the future that lies ahead for them.  50h 41m.  SHE'S DEAD, THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!&quot; Yang yelled.  The teen who was thrown into the war along with the rest of his family and his duty to stop the destruction of Remnant.  &quot;Good to see you, Ozpin.  Shepherd once more shook his head.  Shing! Yang was interrupted a series of pulsing energy sounds, and a series of light flashes like the one Ruby disappeared in.  After everything they've been through the graduating class of Class 3A, along with others, is approached by an alien being to … Can anyone suggest me any 'RWBY watches multiverse' fanfic that doesn't involve Jaune? FAN FICTION.  Ghira trips and falls to the ground, giving Blake a second to close the iron doors, locking her in there.  … Thu, Feb 15, 2024.  Another RWBY and others watch the possiblities of Jaune Arc! there will be very few Psyco/Evil jaune in this.  Let's go back to the first subject.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Jaune A.  Summary: A watcher of the RWBY multiverse gets bored one day and decides to let the cast of RWBY react to the RWBY multiverse.  His grades are low, his combat skill is nonexistent and he only got into Beacon because he cheated and lied.  Don't own RWBY or … Fanfiction.  He barely catches it with Ruby giggling at his sudden burst of energy.  They are forced to sit and watch as the big screen shows themselves in different universes.  Tai then returned the hug, happy to see his girls.  Fandom: RWBY. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 3 - Words: 13,566 - Reviews: 81 - Favs: 344 - Follows: 430 - Updated: 7/4/2023 - … Jaune experiences a vision that motivates him to fight off Dracula's hypnotism.  Lucas Robinson was a ordinary guy living around the world till one day tragedy happened.  .  The entirety of the RWBY casts looked at the giant screen with a curious expression.  &quot;The world of titans!&quot; Suddenly, Crazy's face broke into a grin.  Always watch your back.  Follow/Fav Multi-Arc-Verse.  Chapter 2- The Bad Beginning (Intro, no inspiration) Chapter 3- The War Against Salem (EarthBound, Available on SNES and Wii U) Chapter 4- Eye of the Dragon (Live A Live- Wrestler Chapter- Only available in English via Emulation) Chapter 5- Jaune Wake (Alan Wake- Available on Xbox 360/One and A Look into the mulitverse By: TanakaClinkenbeard.  Read Chapter 10: Hellsing Abridged Part 1. &quot; Qrow would do fingerguns at his two nieces.  Chapter 1.  &quot;Oh.  One of them was a bulky, male, cougar Faunus while the other was a female chameleon Faunus.  &quot;Stay down, kid.  He will be trained by gods during the competition to get stronger, and he will be able to get one wish if he wins.  An Old Wizard's Multiverse Respite By: The Hat Of The Hats.  &quot;Children, please.  Don't turn your back, don't look and.  Her teammates winced at that memory, the look on Jaune's face then did not sit well with any of them.  Opening her eyes half-lidded, Yang let out a giggle in Jaune's mouth before opening her teeth and allowing Jaune entry.  As the beast picks itself up, Jaune delivers a blow then a second and then a third. , Jaune A.  &quot;Ahahahaha! Puny Grimm go squish!&quot; Nora cheered.  It’s like watching a movie.  Reviews: 56 - Favs: 196 - Follows: 244 - Updated: 1/8 - Published: 3/24/2023 - Weiss S. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,010 - Follows: 5,370 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 They're coming, the angels are coming for you, but listen, your life could depend on this. N.  Roman let out a laugh in victory.  or basically I got bored and decided to make a new RWBY reacts fanfic.  Part 22 of RWBY Oneshots.  Rated: Fiction T - English Mostly about the operation and the fate of this ship.  Everyone gets to see the blond knight and an assassin kid in everything I think.  Yet, everyone is taken away from their universe to watch different versions of Jaune Arc.  Team RWBY, most of Team JNPR, and many other characters get pulled into a theater (in this case right before Season 3 really starts) where they end up viewing the endless possibilities of the Jaune asked with a smile.  One such author decided to do a reaction story involving the cast from the RWBY Inspiration: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit story for entertainment purposes only.  The further into the castle they got, the heavier the opposition as expected. &quot; The professors and students of Beacon were hard pressed to believe what they were hearing.  They also had Personas, but once they were defeated, SEES thought themselves having stopped 'The Fall'.  The existing guests' faces blackened on seeing the new arrivals but with the absence of their weapons and the barrier separating them, there wasn't much they could do.  Jaune sighed and crouched down, reaching out, he closed the man's eyes with his palm before rising again.  This works well for Jaune because the flying Huntsman manages to knock down the two dozen Hunters who are storming out of the other side of the bridge.  One after the other, Jaune, Weiss, Pyrrha, Blake, and Ren teleported into the theater, all of them holding their scrolls.  So why not watch how the rest of the multiverse is with their own version of Jaune's.  &quot;Yup, that makes sense!&quot; &quot;She does move quite fast,&quot; Ren nodded his agreement.  Some were When when all the cast members of RWBY are suddenly teleported to a theater, they are forced to see the multiverse that they make up from the perspective of a certain Arc boy.  By: Madman479R. &quot; *The petal is seen fading from the top with a black and red glow ripping it apart until the top flys towards a white light.  All five of them stared at the large group in front of them with a variety of emotions.  For example; the RWBY crew might sometimes view stuff like how Jinn showed them the ancient past of Remnant or, when situations allow, make choices that will affect the stories they watch. &quot; The voice spoke up again. &quot; Qrow and Tai both flinched when they heard and all too familiar voice, and saw that Raven Branwen.  So, one finger goes up.  He wanted to be a hero just like others in his family; all it took was a lucky encounter and the next thing Jaune Arc knew he had a new voice in his head.  Ruby had a tearful reunion with Summer, Yang arguing with Raven, etc.  #movie #reactions #ruby … Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  Ready to jump.  Chapter 15: Clashing Fates.  &quot;Yeah but he was adamant in letting us have fun without him.  34 parts. &quot; Ruby said, her head hanging in shame.  This made team RWBY remember the events of that day.  An Arc's Multiversal Life By: Onyx Gabriel.  Welcome to The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc.  As they were falling in air, Spider-Man punched The Kingpin back and forth without rest.  Be it an amazing hero, the villain, or Jaune saying screw the good vs evil fight to follow his own path, or Jaune finding love.  In time the author died! But his name was forgotten which is ridiculous.  Despite the pain he was obviously in, he was still able to take down a physically superior foe and come out standing.  RWBY belongs to Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum (Rest in Power) It was a bright summer day for team RWBY.  Chapter 4: Specialist 1st class. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,011 - Follows: 5,370 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 The legacy of Watching Things (by shadow gumball of death) continues: WITH ME, the fifth writer! This story will be a series of one-shots about alternate RWBY stories, usually centered on an AU Jaune Arc or his potential futures, with the cast as hostages- … Follow/Fav RWBY Reacts to Fate Series (Fate Zero) By: triscythe59 When a God from another dimension request the Kaleidoscope, Zelrech, to summon a few certain people to watch the Fate Series, in hopes to give them ideas and inspiration for the future.  &quot;He hasn't even done anything yet.  It was all up to fate now, she could only hope that the plans would get to where they needed to Anime/Manga RWBY. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 39 - Words: 554,164 this was plain disturbing to watch.  People of Remnant was seeing an image, a simple “Those are two different questions Ozzy,” Ozpin’s eyes narrowed at the name.  Jaune's Transcripts have been exposed by Cardin and he was shunned, beaten, and bullied everyday.  Jaune says, looking out of the corner of his eye, disinterested.  Anything can happen in the multiverse after all.  They slowly are regaining consciousness.  Not This Time Fate by Couer Al'Aran.  WARNING!! I NOT … Watching the multiverse.  Relationships: ships featured so far.  First published Nov 24, 2022.  lorhob09: His wife giggles while holding their baby while Katherine joins.  He used his iron gun to shoot her arm.  &quot;Got the book, got the book! Got this fucking heavy book!&quot; Weiss is on Neptunes' balcony and lays the grimoire on the ledge.  &quot;I know, it's just… I've got a bad feeling about this version of me.  Like, seriously.  To their knowledge, their, friend, crush and annoying suitor was training for the night.  What effects will this, once in a lifetime, chance have on these few? Sun nodded in agreement with Yang, &quot;Yeah, you've got to be pretty scummy to kick a guy while he's down,&quot; Sun said.  &quot;Well your not going to be watching universe for awhile because we are going to react to your future&quot; zen said.  A Fate Stay Night based fic from The scene cuts to a flashback of Neptune sleeping naked in bed .  RWBY - Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 3 - Words: 11,628 - Reviews: 45 - Favs: 187 - Follows: 224 - Updated: Nov 3, 2019 - Published: Nov 2, 2019 - Jaune A.  The moment it was in her hands she opened it left of her and blocked multiple rounds of dust. 2K Stories Sort by: Hot Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  Hazel and Watts kept a calm demeanor.  Jaune Arc, strong, intelligent, popular or at least he will have to learn to be all those things in order to survive this new job.  Taking advantage of the opening, Yang's sword cracked with red lightning and she swung at its exposed torso.  This is an offshoot of Kyle's RWBY Universal Trailers story.  Those who were watching were silent. 2 - Wattpad.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Team … Jaune was wearing his typical combat attire, with the exception of his armour.  The story takes place between the first fight against Torchwick and the dance. Jaune DINGS a little service bell sitting on a counter plastered with naked playmate decoupage and Mrs.  Jaune Arc,&quot; Dracula realized as the Blonde Dark Knight activates a machine that shoots … Chapter Index.  Chapter 1: Brutality at Finest.  &quot;We're going to have a long day of watching more universes.  Alpha1Son.  The Fujimaru Twins, Mash, Da Vinci, Mordred, Billy, Illya, and so on are now confined in the same theater.  Pyrrha's eyes lit up.  The Arc Multiverse Theory! By: ArcofUA.  Ignoring Penny's meltdown, the viewers return to watching the viewing. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 8 - Words: 26,842 - Reviews: 144 - Favs: 694 - Follows: 781 - Updated: 1/27/2020 - Published: … When when all the cast members of RWBY are suddenly teleported to a theater, they are forced to see the multiverse that they make up from the perspective of a certain Arc boy.  Chapter 7: Contengency Plan RWBY.  Nora was also in hers, and in the midst of devouring her tenth breakfast pancake. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 4 - Words: 8,427 - Reviews: 87 - Favs: 253 - Follows: 300 - Updated: 1/9/2019 - Published: … Like many that came before it. 2K Stories Sort by: Hot Two well-dressed Faunus climbed out and headed towards the front door.  Jaune, confused and shocked for a moment, looks to Ghira and then at Blake until they lock eyes.  &quot;Ruby!&quot; Penny tackled Ruby with all her might, sending them sprawling onto the ground.  Follow/Fav Jaune's Multiverse Madness! By: RocknRoll7575.  Start reading.  But Ozpin is currently looking with distate at the The man grinned, first gesturing to the leftmost card.  Jaune's taken out of his thoughts when the double doors to his office open. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR … Transported to a bizarre realm, they have no choice but to watch alternate versions of themselves! Will they be able to win against Fate? Rated: Fiction M - English - … 1.  Jaune Multiverse of Madness … Summary: A watcher of the RWBY multiverse gets bored one day and decides to let the cast of RWBY react to the multiverse.  The Hero of Remnant, a Fate/stay night + RWBY Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. ” Yang said.  Team RWBY were confused at their predicament.  Some Merc is being paid a lot of money to make Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, and SSSN to react to a bunch of videos that show them in a … Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  &quot;I don't like this version of me.  The machine gunner wordlessly thanked his brother-in-arms and took up position behind the pillars.  Set during the begining of the Vytal Festival The teens or Beacon were ready for the next challenges ahead. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 12 - Words: 60,398 - Reviews: 237 - Favs: 574 - Follows: 718 - Updated: 3/29 - Published: 11/27/2022 - id: 14166042 The Multiverses Tournament of Jaune Arc By: dustlesssea10.  A monster that can eliminate all life on Remnant with ease.  RocknRoll7575. &quot; Saitama remains where he stands, unmoving, and slumping slightly. ” Blake said, crossing her arms.  PROLOGUE.  But they were oh so wrong. Weiss, who is partially nude ,walks away quietly with the grimoire in hand. &quot; &quot;Like our Hosts always say, 'you will see soon'.  Pyrrha was out of her usual combat attire and wore a red turtle neck that hugged her figure and blue jeans 'coincidently' like Jaune's.  note: there is no main ship for this fic it will change every chapter.  Pyrrha rose Ako&#250;o blocking her blow only to feel a sting in her chest when Neo's parasol stabbed her at her center.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Drama - OC, Jaune A.  It was Yang's birthday today.  This story was inspired by … Ruby then yawned.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Jaune A.  In the timeline known as the Cosmic Era, there are two Watch as Mane finds true meaning in Jaune Arc.  After reading a few stories like these all focusing on Jaune and alternative realities (ex: The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc by Genital Warthunder, Arcs of the Multiverse by King-Mac-11, Into the Arc-hive by … The dragon's eyes flick awake and its body starts to tense.  Everyone were in shock. &quot; Ruby says, horror-stricken, much like the others, except Tails.  Ruby then looked to the ground and softly said, &quot;He needs food….  RWBY and friends gather … Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Multiverse! Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Jaune A.  16.  Enjoy.  The Hero of Remnant By: Aeyergrin.  They needed that after being in a single room with each other for over three days with nothing coming from the tv.  The man held the crystal ball in one hand while staring into it with a mischievous smile. &quot; Ren whined. , Ruby R.  Tifa belongs to FF7.  Approximately at 4:30 pm, a package was delivered.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Parody - OC, Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 19 - … Ren just shakes his head, silently telling Nora to let it go.  While all this is happening team RWBY and all his friends are watching Jaune … CRWBY are taken to view different versions of Jaune.  Fate Cinema Order By: D.  Vol.  As the shot came, Jaune barely managed to weave out of the way despite just standing in place. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 9 - Words: 33,061 … Pyrrha imagined Jaune as a master swordsman and she wanted him to teach her new techniques.  What is life except for a puzzle, a riddle, a test, a mystery, a game — whatever challenge you wish to compare it to.  Taken to a a mysterious place, a man named Flit takes Team RWBY, JNPR and the others to see themselves in different multiverses of themselves.  Finally was Ruby, who imagined herself as a blacksmith who needed to polish Jaune's 'greatsword' and give it a new 'sheath'.  Harem.  &quot;Jaune.  Rated: … Arc-ventures across the multiverse Chapter 7: Pride of a fake hero, a rwby fanfic | FanFiction.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Team RWBY, Team JNPR Follow/Fav Viewing the Jaune Multiverse! By: LordOfMoon.  A small, sleek burgundy Dodge Stratus, kicking up mud as it made its way towards the old farmstead out here, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. &quot; He narrowed his eyes and as if by chance he was starting to see something form in the distance.  &quot;Hello Tai, it's been a while.  &quot;Hey Jaune, how about you deal with Torchwick, while I'm having fun with Neo.  He staggered to get back up but Jaune stomped on his chest and drove him to the ground.  Adventure awaits! With a sprinkle of romance Jaune pulled out his axe, charged at Nora, and swung at her, but she blocked it with her hammer and then pushed him away and tried to hit him.  He is also the only chance for salvation in many worlds within the Multiverse.  10 parts Complete Mature.  Only for a strange being to whisk them away with friend and foe and have them watch other universes for seemingly no reason.  RWBY and (J)NPR along with their friends and enemies are forced to watch different reality's of The blonde-haired dunce and watch as their friend becomes a different person before their eyes because there is an omnipotent being (me) making them learn a lesson.  Weiss Has Trust Issues Beacause of this Game.  10h 6m.  Chapter 1- Table of Contents. &quot; he told her softly.  Yang: &quot;we know jaune make you happy.  &quot;You were head butting children off the ship!&quot; Endless Pages Lead to Endless Worlds By: LordHellPhoenix.  Universe 2: Jaune Arc is currently at Beacon Academy with the rest of his friends.  But before we start, this universe is vastly different from the others.  A bunch of people from RWBY are taken from their world to a nice room to watch alternate dimensions of their world. , I'll also think about doing a Fate Chapter because I do like the fate series.  What effects will this, once in a lifetime, chance have on these few?.  Fate/Stay Night Heaven's Feel: II Lost Butterfly.  But like last time, he rose again clutching onto his Crocea Mors even tighter.  Team RWBY and Team JNPR were just studying dust until Nora mix every dusts that cause an explosion knocking them out.  Jaune sidestepped the attack and tried to go for his own blow, but Nora used her hammer and redirected the attack before punching Jaune, sending him staggering back.  Time. &quot; Team RWBY and friends have done some amazing things in their short time in Beacon Academy.  I collected it and changed it a little.  After getting tired with RWBY Cinema Action, an entity ditches them for a quick break for a fresh cast of characters (victims).  Inside was a rocket, that he used to counter the man.  Roman: Wow Ironic.  What can the cast of RWBY see when they throw Time.  Weiss thought of herself as a secretary and Jaune as a CEO with a important job for her.  YES! another story of Jaune's multiverse experience but with more character and such, watch as the cast and the guest of honour watch these amazing, funny, terrifying and wonderous worlds with the good, blond, noodle.  Team RWBY, JNR friends and enemies are locked in a strange theater with weapons taken away and are unable to fight either other.  But with everything in life, there are things that affect your life with choices or events that are out of your control.  That was until an unknow being decideds to ubduct them and 'force' them to watch the different realities of Jaune Arc.  A collection of crossovers and one shot ideas for your reading pleasure.  With one piercing glare, Jaune Arc leaped off the windows, towards the Kingpin and launched himself towards the crime boss, knocking off the walkway.  With that, she pivots and swings her father through the door just as Jaune turns back around due to the commotion.  The entire student body immediately turns on Jaune, making his school life hell.  The battle of Haven is over, and the heroes are ready to rest.  Instead, Jaune's palm shatters the weapon with ease and as the remnants of the weapon flies past Jaune's face, he slams his palm across the chest of the Huntsman, throwing him backwards.  (Fuck MRK50) RWBY casts watching the multiverse.  First published Jul 25, 2022.  They are the sworn guardians and creators of the stories that … We will see the reactions of members of the worlds of RWBY and Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade's Work (with a twist or three) to this adventure of Jaune Arc's.  The only people who stay by his side are his team, team RWBY, team CFVY, Ozpin, and … Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  Teams RWBY and (J)NPR are taken to an unknown place and greeted by a mysterious man who claims to be trying to &quot;fix&quot; their world, while they wait they get to watch versions of their dorky, lovable knight.  Based on (Watching Things by Shadow Gumball of Death) and (Endless Possibilities by JC of the Corn) Ozpin decides to reward his students with a day at the movies, only for it turn really weird, REALLY fast.  Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Multiverse! Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Jaune A. &quot; Glynda nearly begged on her sentence.  Forced to watch the other realms of their heroics Jaune was kicked again in the stomach sending him back to the doorway with a loud and thunderous clank of metal.  Jaune, and those familiar with him, remembered how he was during their early combat classes.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Fantasy - Chapters: 26 - Words: 122,923 - Reviews: 474 - Favs: 1,199 - Follows: 1,284 - Updated: Nov 23, 2020 The camera focused on a car traveling down a vast dirt road.  &quot;Let's just hope it peaceful and we don't have to worry about Jaune looked around wondering where the voice was coming from, yet he found no one around.  Forced to tolerate their presence, the cast now view these new worlds.  &quot;A heroic wielder that carries a blade, who strives to protect the innocent and vanquish evil.  Part 2 of Road To Healing Paved With Rust.  After all when your entire future (and life) is on the line how can you respond.  She was crying and about to do it when, &quot;Don't do it. &quot; A new voice says.  &quot;This is new. &quot;RWBY&quot; is the property of director and animator Monty Oum (RIP) and production company Rooster Teeth, and &quot;Who Framed Roger Rabbit&quot; is the property of director Robert Zemeckis and production companies Touchstone Pictures, … After a minute the seven of them are walking through the hidden base, while Pyrrha, Ren, Nora, and Weiss are horrified by the corpses everywhere, not a single one being intact, being ripped apart, and blood splattered everywhere.  It pulled up next to the building, and in its headlights, the title appeared: The Room.  Cardin was covered in so much food, it looked like he took a one versus many food fight.  While all this is happening team RWBY and all his friends are watching Jaune … Summary: Jaune Arc, also known as The Rusted Knight traveled the Ever After for ten years.  She dashed through, and nearly slammed into Jaune as she passed.  So it comes as a surprise when they discover there are many other versions of themselves out there each with their own personality, and story to tell.  This voice was rather loud and something that scared Jaune more was the other Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is to the poor unfortunate sap who decided to choose and read this.  It then switched to Naruto who was srcreaming in pain while the Atsatsuki just stood there, watching his chakra being sucked to the gedo statue.  CRWBY are taken to view different versions of Jaune.  RWBY Cinema Action Plus By: D.  The 'Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad' ventured into the tower during the Dark Hour, and then they discovered a conspiracy to end the world by a group of three adults.  From above, Jaune looked desperate to catch the two and appeared to be frantic, running after them as much as he could.  Her hand had latched onto Jaune's without realizing.  Let the viewings begin! Fate/stay night and RWBY crossover fanfiction archive with over 218 stories.  Please note, it will not be as though they are influencing events as they are happening, just going through prearranged events like a choose your own These Spirits become Servants, the ultimate familiar. * a logo fades in.  Team RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, STRQ, Ozpin and his order, Salem, Cinder, Emerald, and Mercury was teleported to the Dark Void and with no way out.  Rating is subject to change in the future.  All four then slowly realized what this was and looked at Jaune. &quot; The entire time he spoke, Summer stared at the screen frozen in her spot.  Sukuna laughed as well, &quot;Told ya! She glanced around the hallway, her eyes landing on one of the spare rooms. &quot; A man said.  Takes place just before Volume … jaune arc multiverser.  (this was in my head for a … And what lies to a singular person's fate after knowing the truth? This contains spoilers and angst that may not suitable for normal readers.  A typical RWBY fanfic that has RWBY cast to react to multiverse, but more focused on anime instead RWBY Blake x Male Reader Volume 1.  Parts.  he idly considered that maybe his actions were salvation considering the fate he was sparing them from.  A descendant of team JNPR that gain the heart/soul of the legendary hero, Jaune Arc his ancestors, who was Saber of black and the greatest Huntsman that ever live.  He looks up to see a bunch of coloured freaks wearing masks and neon lights.  Rated: Fiction M - … Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Ruby R.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Fate/stay night and RWBY universe.  Jaune and his group managed to stop it twice already but it never fully awakened.  Comments.  ~.  &quot;How pathetic,&quot; The man said as he began to laugh.  &quot;Alright, let's start off by introducing ourselves,&quot; she began.  ~ Rusted Knight.  Ongoing.  Jaune was quick to see that the leader of this group, a bald human, had a grenade launcher.  Mud tracks leading to Jaune's feet.  a collection of fanfaction stories collected from writers who no longer produce their work.  12. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 9 - Words: 33,061 I don't think it's fair&quot;, Weiss said, not a fan of what Jaune's plan was.  They were lucky, to say the least.  Tai said and laughed nervously with Ruby as they watched the giant eat from the massive piles of junk.  &quot;Hi!&quot; she beamed up at him.  The first strike cuts deep but his second-strike grazes it as he is forced to dodge out of its range.  Roman yelled out.  The Multiverses Tournament of Jaune Arc By: dustlesssea10.  The man was dressed in a black royal like attire with a short black cape on his shoulders standing alone in the stone room staring down into a crystal ball.  It was a relief when Ms.  This ought to end well.  Wiz: Don't worry, Popeye's fists are righteous, only spilling the snot of those who deserve it.  The cast will react to clips from the show … Then eventually, it came time to proceed.  Jaune continues to cut down more and more soldiers.  Archive Warning : Graphic Depictions Of Violence.  Yang belongs to RWBY.  Share.  Random.  A girl with rabbit ears stood up stiffly, and spoke rather louder than was strictly necessary, sweat pouring from … Zombies began flooding into the chamber.  Basically after trailer 30 the cast watch scenes from the trailer worlds they had previously seen.  By: Alvaaron.  &quot;Jaune you've tracked mud all over the carpet. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,012 - Follows: 5,372 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 RWBY and friends gather to watch the adventures of Jaune across the multiverse.  Jaune was hyperventilating and then started to place his hands on the bully's neck.  He has joined Team RWBY in their efforts to stop Salem from destroying Remnant. We can hear the CLANK-CLANK-CRASH of some less than light-fingered automotive work in progress.  She wasn't the only one who wanted to know as the rest of team JNPR and RWBY, minus Weiss who was still knocked out wanted to know just as much as Pyrrha.  Each servant will belong to a specific class that describes their role in combat, i.  &quot;Really oh i can't wait to see&quot; ruby said excited.  Behind her are her cohorts, Tyrian Callows, Hazel Reinhart, Arthur Watts, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai.  It depicted a knight, holding a sword. &quot; Jaune said.  Jaune took several steps forward but stopped with an annoyed expression on his face.  This is a story about the RWBY cast witnessing Jaune do many things across the multiverse.  The Arc's, NRP, RWBY, and Coco and Velvet cringed at how beat up Jaune was, but smiled at how determined he was.  Pushing his attack, Jaune's opponent launched another two-handed swing from over his left shoulder.  I was just want to read some good Multiverse reaction … Jaune Arc is a not-so simple young man, with a past shrouded in secrecy.  Viewing the Jaune Multiverse! By: LordOfMoon.  Its the next day and everyone was refreshed but the majority of the people there were In their Pajamas since they get to laze around.  4h 5m.  Inspiration: FFVII.  Yeah.  Ren pointed out, counting his fingers to point out Jaune's misdeeds.  Arc-ventures across the multiverse By: Alvaaron.  Don't blink, don't even blink, blink and you're dead, they're fast, faster than you could believe.  &quot;Penny!&quot; Ruby exclaimed, happy to see the android girl again. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR.  &quot;Please grant me my request.  The continuation of tython055's fanfiction.  News relating to The Damn RWBY Multiverse.  &quot;Ominous,&quot; Jaune noted.  In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, many of these worlds are greatly effected by Jaune Arc.  Everyone-SALEM! Me-Ah ah ah! Rusted Knight.  &quot;Alright, This one is a Strange one.  They are the sworn guardians and creators of the stories that fill the ever-expanding multiverse.  Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD.  RWBY and friends gather to watch the adventures of Jaune across the multiverse.  Jaune walked slowly across the bridge before stopping and looking out at the forest and the tall trees.  jaune rwby pyrrha ruby weiss jaunearc nora blake yang ren rwbyfanfic rubyrose ozpin jnpr blakebelladonna yangxiaolong weissschnee arc noravalkyrie lieren 1.  To this day, the author has died without revealing who the knight is beneath the rusted armor. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 12 - Words: 57,952 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 639 - Follows: 689 - Updated: … Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Jaune A.  with the exception of Cardin and Cinder.  His friends are worried and wonder where he went.  They all just stayed quiet and continued to watch the viewing.  Glynda Goodwitch/James Ironwood. &quot; &quot;Hello, Professor.  RWBY is owned by Rooster Teeth and came the voice of Taiyang, Ruby and Yang's father, and when they saw him then ran up to him and hugged him.  With the weight of the world on his shoulders and the stress of running an academy screaming at him to take a break, perhaps this brief respite with his students That was until an unknow being decideds to ubduct them and 'force' them to watch the different realities of Jaune Arc Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Drama - OC, Jaune A.  Adam made sure to put even more strength this time hopefully to put him down once and for all.  Tyrian, having an eager smile and awaiting Salem's orders to rush in on them.  Jaune stewed in silence for several Anime/Manga Fate/stay night. &quot; He said, snapping his handle shut.  The last thing she heard before falling unconscious was the sound of the escape pod firing.  The only ones that were properly dressed were the Teachers, And the Majority of the Villains.  Were a news reader is loudly speaking the same smiley mask is thrown at him.  Miriam was able to sneak up to the palace and watched with bated breath from a hidden spot.  Soon they will discover that one of them will bear the same burden as their alternate versions, which causes to make their fate Anime/Manga RWBY.  What! Why is that dunce so important! Shut up Ice Queen! *Ahem* Anyway, join us as we explore the past and the potential futures of this brave soul.  After reading a few stories like these all focusing on Jaune and alternative realities (ex: The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc by Genital Warthunder, Arcs of the Multiverse by King-Mac-11, Into the Arc-hive by … A panel started to open up revealing the monitor as Ruby jumps back in fright tripping over Zwei and falling onto the ground.  &quot;Calm down Nikos, he's here, and he's safe.  For Jaune, he was watching himself be with a murder, a … Time.  Jaune fired wildly at her, while Pyrrha ran up and stabbed him.  &quot;You are.  He was also disowned by his F #jaune #jaunearc #multiverse #react #reaction #rwby #rwbyfanfic Jaune made a reverse cross with his pistols as his vampiric aura danced behind him.  In his anger, Jaune opened up a piece of armor on his left arm.  &quot;Listen you one-dimensional douchebag! Finch emerges through a fire-door into a long corridor with connects to the parking garage.  A Hero's Dream by JACKtheSHEPARD … 104 Stories.  That was rude&quot; said Weiss, feeling perplexed over seeing her partner in such a foul mood.  Darkdecade97.  But the thorns healed her, and his vampiric aura healed him.  Takes place just before Volume 3 except for Oscar who was plucked from the future.  &quot;Oh, that world! I gotcha!&quot; He beamed as he jumped up to get the next world going when the window burst open and a particularly odd young man burst in.  Jaune's Multiverse Theory By: BookishTen8.  Category: F/M.  17 parts Complete . &quot; Glynda would greet.  Yang X Wolf Faunus Male Reader.  Jaune waved goodbye to the nice little girl and continued his journey, music box safely secured inside his… wherever the hell his equipment disappeared to until he needed them.  Endless Pages Lead to Endless Worlds By: LordHellPhoenix.  Handing her child to one of the handmaidens, the Queen reached out and lifted the ark's lid.  Mercury: He became an actual Sailor Man.  First M rating based on possible versions in the future.  They looked around wide-eyed at their new, unexpected surroundings.  If so, then he'd gladly grant salvation through a baptism of buckshot and Sapron: Wait, Jaune's dead? Instead of answering, the screen lit up showing Jaune being brutally wounded by team CRDN before being burnt alive by Cinder.  His family was standing behind him, cheering him on.  &quot;Watch out!&quot; the older man shouted.  Sun, Jul 23, 2023.  (BANG) The Giant felt one of the shells fired from a tank hit his back and instantly felt his sadness turn to blinding rage. , Team RWBY, Pyrrha N. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,013 - Follows: 5,373 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Follow/Fav Arc-ventures across the multiverse.  by Darkdecade97.  He never made it, a series of explosions wrecked the hallway and sent the man flying, neck twisted at an odd angle.  It's a tale as old as time! (Or atleast the amount of time RWBY fanfictions have been around).  Nodding along Jaune follows her into the pub.  Jaune blocked it again took two steps back.  His usual jeans, hoodie and armour combo was completely gone. , Jaune began to crawl as fast as he could.  Rusted Knight Jaune Arc. ] - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,394 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 358 - Follows: 437 RWBY watching the Jaune-verse Fanfiction.  Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  &quot;The Multiverse of Jaune Arc.  All the older students knew how to get into the spare rooms, an open secret that the staff turned a blind eye to.  Not many would think that Jaune Arc would be of any importance to the universe.  Jaune spied a zombie approaching Torchwick from behind, and on instinct, threw his sword towards it- he impaled it from behind, but did not turn to dust.  The King of Knights passed a displeased look at the reckless knight, then leapt back before he was struck by the monster's blow.  Your standard RWBY Views the Jaune and Mercury multiverse.  You already know what this is about! Watch as Team RWBY and JNPR Watch the many lives of Jaune through the Multiverse! Crazy asked, tilting his head in confusion. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 39 - Words: 554,164 - Reviews: RWBY and friends gather to watch the adventures of Jaune across the multiverse.  Dismissing it as ordinary, the guard continued writing down notes.  Transported to a bizarre realm, they have no choice but to watch alternate versions of themselves! Will they be able to win against Fate? Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Romance - Glynda G. &quot; &quot;I … Team RWBY, JNPR, Qrow, Winter and Ilia return to the multiverse theatre for another round of watching the multiverse, but this time, Rex has a new idea.  &quot;If the fate of the world and the future of humanity is on the line, there is no such thing However, after they disbanded years ago, crime has risen to an all new high and now, Patch is mostly run by the crime syndicate, Red Dragons.  A flash of light lit up the theatre and a portion of the theatre was sectioned off by a transparent purple barrier.  They had either their fill on meals or sleep at this point.  One such author decided to do a reaction story involving the cast from the RWBY universe, with Jaune Arc at the center of it.  The young spartan shouted as she stood firm staring right into Shepherds eyes.  Come join the laughs, the tears, and the overall enjoyment of viewing the Multiverse.  &quot;Oh Oum.  Lancer, Caster, and Saber to name a few.  Universe 3: Gods of old arise from the ashes of the world before. Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc.  She wishes nothing else.  &quot;You brought us here from Remnant to watch that clumsy dunce?&quot; Weiss's arrogant tone brought everyone out of their disbelief.  &quot;The first card, Saber,&quot; he said.  crossovers.  (DEAD FIC) Everyone had time to settle down and clean up properly.  Jaune lifts the blade and delivers a powerful blow not giving the monster a second to rest.  Ruby: &quot;Yang!&quot; Blake: &quot;is to have you stay alive by her side.  Down in the parking garage, the truck driver, Fennec, sat patiently in the cab.  After the smoke settled the two criminals saw no sight of the hero, causing them to assume he got incinerated from the blast.  Jaune then kneeled down and dipped his fingers in the blood and put it on his tongue, analysing what type of android he was.  Jaune reaches into the box of roses.  Jaune has a Big grin showing his teeth were all sharp.  Oh yeah, there's a message from Sienna Khan as well about your leadership, she too requests a meeting A Look into the mulitverse By: TanakaClinkenbeard.  &quot;Wonder what we'll be watching.  This one has been traveling the multiverse for five years now.  Jaune Arc is a not-so simple young man, with a past shrouded in secrecy.  Just last night they were asleep, and now there's a random masked man forcing people to watch alternate versions of themselves.  Adventure awaits! With a sprinkle of romance Jaune could hardly stand, but with his footing check, he stood tall, his head to the sky and his mouth wide open. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 9 - Words: 33,061 - Reviews: 196 - Favs: 576 - Follows: 628 - Updated: 5/22/2020 - Published: 4/29/2019 - id: 13273292 The legacy of Watching Things (by shadow gumball of death) continues: WITH ME, the fifth writer! This story will be a series of one-shots about alternate RWBY stories, usually centered on an AU Jaune Arc or his potential futures, with the cast as hostages- I mean viewers.  But you can only watch so many movies alone before it gets boring.  &quot;Wait, that's Jaune's voice!&quot; Pyrrha says.  &quot;ugh disgusting&quot; Weiss says Universe 1: Canon Jaune Arc.  To her relief, the Queen smiled adoringly at the sight of the now awake infant in the ark, and was quick to take him into her arms.  Ghira then gives an The Chronicle Theatre Feat Jaune Arc By: 12interestingname34.  This plane walker in question has short white hair and a white beard.  YOU ARE READING.  Thu, Aug 24, 2023.  And maybe learn something new about Jaune, even love.  Genos clenches his fist and slides his legs a few feet from each other, ready to blast off.  He was also disowned by … RWBY Alternate By: cryogony.  &quot;No way, I… did this.  After Jaune Arc saved Cardin Winchester from the Ursa, Cardin still told everyone about his fake transcripts.  Rated T, could change to M later on due to chapters Rated: Fiction T - English - Chapters: 35 - Words: 96,752 - Reviews: 323 - Favs: 984 - Follows: 1,061 - Updated: 6/28/2021 - Published: 4/26/2020 - id: 13565637 Healing.  Bang! Ironwood was calmly assessing his situation, taking in the details of his surroundings until his thoughts were interrupted as Penny rushed out to meet her friend.  &quot;RUUUAAAAAAA!!!&quot; Ozpin would suddenly wake up, greeting Ironwood and Glynda.  That is why I brought you all here. 1K.  &quot;Jaune! Jaune! Jaune! &quot;They don't get out much.  RWBY Universal Trailers - Scenes and Clips Fanfiction.  Jaune's teammates glared at the heiress, making her flinch.  Pushing off the parasol's handle Neo jumped back before pulling a thin wire connected to her weapon.  “Wait for it, I'm sure that this is just the build up to something horrifying.  JackMorningstar420.  The camera focused on a car traveling down a vast dirt road. &quot; Ruby says.  Hair extensions had been added that reached all the way to his waist, all carefully braided up and held in place by a silver tiara.  I'm just trying this, so this won't be my main focus.  With a yelp from the man, Coco dragged him to the room. 2 … An Arc's Multiversal Life By: Onyx Gabriel.  She and her team decided to have a movie night with JNPR but Jaune couldn't come due to the stomach flu. &quot; Pyrrha groaned into her hands as she didn't what this Psychopath to be associated with the looks of her beautiful knight.  &quot;I RWBY reacts to a Rental Jaune By: Sinbad77.  He looked forward, watching the amassing grimm horde.  Nora-*happy ginger noises*DEAL! Everyone else-NORA! Me-Oh Hold on let me bring a few more people.  The man was massive in muscle and height with a black beard that blended with his black hair, and he is known to be a Panther Faunus due to his retractable claws, this is Ghira Belladonna Chieftain of Menagerie and former High … Chapter 1, a rwby fanfic | FanFiction.  Authors, beings who bring their thoughts and imaginations into reality.  &quot;So that's must be it's blood&quot; Weiss said.  The monitor turns on with a blinking light.  He's running full out, when around the corner ahead of him comes Jaune (Nora: &quot;Jaune to the rescue!&quot;).  People of Remnant was seeing an image, a simple After some shuffling, Jaune found himself face-to-face with a small girl with black hair and silver eyes.  Don't.  The Infinite Realities of Jaune Arc By: Genital WarThunder.  *rubys face is red*.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Team RWBY, Team JNPR RWBY; Relationships: Jaune Arc/Other(s) Jaune Arc/Pyrrha Nikos Published: 2021-08-03 Updated: 2022-02-23 Words: 80,902 Chapters: 7/200 Comments: 19 Kudos: 151 Bookmarks: 49 Hits: 32,616.  That is disgusting!&quot; Weiss gagged at this.  &quot;You should call it a night, Rubes and hit the hay.  Team RWBY plays Truth or Drink.  And with that, the screen turned to black. , Team RWBY, Team JNPR - Chapters: 185 - Words: 760,861 - Reviews: 8,540 - Favs: 5,009 - Follows: 5,371 - Updated: 4/14 - Published: 6/22/2018 Jaune enters the grease spattered, cluttered garage and scans the area for signs of life. ] - Chapters: 3 - Words: 19,394 - Reviews: 60 - Favs: 358 - Follows: … Good morning, afternoon, evening, or whatever time it is to the poor unfortunate sap who decided to choose and read this.  Rated: Fiction M - English - Fantasy/Humor Follow/Fav Arc-ventures across the multiverse. &quot; Tai said nothing, he just stood from his seat and poured his tea on the floor before walking back into his house and slammed the door.  &quot;Wow.  Watching Things (Unknown Version) By: The Unknown Plague.  Ruby and Yang would then notice &quot;UNCLE QROW! TAI!&quot; Ruby would yell, running to give the two a hug.  Your standard RWBY … Category: Multi.  Jaune led the way forwards again, shield at the ready in case Penny's sensors were wrong.  rubyrose, weissschnee, watching.  Their voice, if they even have one, is indescribable.  It's his job apparently. &quot; Jaune explained to a man who was walking by him, looking at the scene with confusion.  EBYrsTruly.  Mature.  Jack Morningstar brings both the heroes and villains to watch the different realities of Jaune … Time. &quot; Jaune says.  Jaune Arc must join in a tournament to fight for his universe, so it doesn't get erased.  Rating: Mature.  On a mundane and routine morning, Professor Ozpin comes across something he wasn't expecting to find in his office.  &quot;WHAT! NO DON'T!&quot; Ruby yells along with most of the cast.  &quot;Oh you are just a treat,&quot; He said .  But after wandering for so long, he has been granted a second chance. &quot; Jaune replies.  Spoilers.  As did many members of their family and friends.  17 parts.  … Jaune disappears.  With one final punch, The Kingpin was sent falling back into the entrance.  &quot;RWBY&quot; is the property of director and animator Monty Oum (RIP) and production company Rooster Teeth, and … Point is, RWBY characters are placed in a location to watch and react to multiverse versions of Jaune Arc. &quot; Nora tried her best to come up with a voice for the Hosts.  Jaune and Ren are currently standing in the hallway of their house.  Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit story for entertainment purposes only.  Going back years into the past he meets a few unfortunate, nefarious souls.  from the story The Jaune Arc Multiverse by Ashley_Jolts (Ashley Jolts) with 13,169 reads.  To fix the mistakes of the past, the mistakes that he made, and saving a couple lives along the way.  Instead of … Read Returning Date 1 from the story RWBY watching Rent a Jaune by Sinbad_77 with 364 reads.  Inspired by his adopted father, Whaler Joe, Popeye set out to put his combat prowess to the test, and joined the navy, becoming a true Sailor Man.  &quot;Hey there Firecracker, Ruby. *snaps finger and brings Blake's Parents, Summer and Taiyang, Qrow, Raven, Cinder,Salem,Adam.  Sure, he had faced more in the Fall of Beacon, at Haven's Battle, his entire stay at Atlas, and at Wintercrest.  The screen pauses as A version of Jaune in a red spandex suit waves at them. Works.  imagine the many universes of our beloved blonde knight, jaune arc, watched by the many characters of RWBY.   <a href=>sg</a> <a href=>zd</a> <a href=>oe</a> <a href=>yy</a> <a href=>fk</a> <a href=>nk</a> <a href=>yx</a> <a href=>uo</a> <a href=>ub</a> <a href=>pk</a> </p>
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