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<h1>Mib toolbox cp off</h1>

<p>Mib toolbox cp off.  Jun 22, 2022 · TLR99 commented on Jun 22, 2022.  I have facory fitted PQ CM 478T, HW41.  Please let me know what logs I can provide to get more specific details on what is occurring. txt display name (eg. &quot; GitHub is where people build software.  WIFI Direct is one of the WIFI function .  Find skin with skin.  The ultimate MIB2-HIGH toolbox.  I searched many times in the Internet to find the correct password.  Author. 5, ran the patch to enable FEC/SWAP codes, this was successful however on the full link menu it has only May 19, 2022 · Hi :) Great Tool! Is it also possible to activate Performance Monitor? Patch for SWAP works great for App Connect and Voice Controll! Thx.  On Mon, 18 Mar 2024, 03:21 CallMeWZRD, @.  Note: This screens has the potential to ruin your MIB2 STD unit.  I made a small video I&#39;ll try to upload or put a youtube link here, if yoy could please take a look and let me know if I&#39;m doing anything wrong.  Hi, i tried to install toolbox on MIB2 PQ 5c0035200 with Gem 3.  😕 1.  So I changed CPU folder, did the installation and all worked like a charm.  It&#39;s using WIFI Direct to implement what we need. swap and generated EL.  Only EMMC or HSD2USB method are possible which aren&#39;t convinient or simple.  Put the SD-card in one of the slots of your MIB2-unit.  Because i don&#39;t have the root password.  skin1 ).  Should I update from 0245 to the latest version first? Nov 7, 2022 · But still I was curious: what if the Toolbox could make such modification? Insert SD with original update package and toolbox would: cp metainfo.  44K views 1 year ago.  The variants aren&#39;t supported hardware wise. 5 Virtual Machine, insert USB SD card reader into any USB port of the PC/laptop and allow to connect to VM.  Server toolboxes can also be removed using a semicolon delimiter.  restart unit.  Prepare SD card: Extract all files of the M.  Installed the latest toolbox via the method for units running GEM 3.  There&#39;s a reason for reading the readme. edu.  Hi guys, Attached my support dump. X.  Full video removed Because we always getting reports, that the CP patch on FW 01xx isn&#39;t working, we decided to disable CP for all 01xx firmwares.  Also still getting CP on 5F.  You signed in with another tab or window.  I have already enabled green screen via obdeleven.  Help.  Hold the MENU button on your MIB2 and start the software update menu.  But.  MIB2 discovery pro2 doesn&#39;t support WIFI Direct .  Power it up, press menu button for 10 sec.  How come? Do I need to change cpu folder with some other? In addition I wanted to know if the radio should ever crash what needs to be done to restore it.  #93 opened on Apr 6, 2022 by olli991.  To do this, replace cpu folder in the root of the SD card with cpu folder from &#92;toolbox&#92;gem folder. I. one/. ) replacing the CPU folder as documented.  It will reboot several times before showing a screen listing a lot of modules as N/A.  Maps for Discover Pro and Discover Media are different ones.  #129.  Feb 24, 2021 · No i have never edited the files myself.  /patches/MHI2_ER_SKGxx_Pxxxx_MUxxxx_PATCH; They are already prepared in the right way, so that the tool can use them right away Sep 6, 2022 · As for the CP patch, I don&#39;t understand, because you write that TOOLBOX is your child, and I mean to do CP patch through TOOLBOX, what in my case, it is impossible to use your tool to do that.  Here is not really the place for all these questions, VCRN can be found in the enabled codes menu by selecting one of the codes.  Make a connection to the debug console of the unit (either via D-Link Dub-E100 on the USB port, or serial interface on the back of the unit) Log in. It&#39;s never our intention to harm any person, car or brand. 5 Discover Pro with 9.  I’ve just retrofitted VC into my A4 B9, I also had to replace the MIB (5F) and install the LVDS cable from MIB to VC.  MIB3 tools for customizing the MIB3.  243 subscribers.  Let the unit run the entire software update.  https://mibwiki.  When using the connection software push choice 2 multiple times when removing tweezers.  About 27GB map update - that big one is for Discover Pro where CID of the SD card does not matter and is not checked at all Oct 26, 2022 · I have MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0245T and 2 SD card slots so I would need to enable GEM using OBDeleven then place the files on an SD card and replace the cpu folder in the root of the SD card with cpu folder from &#92;toolbox&#92;gem folder.  The Toolbox line should be Y.  Do a fresh install via softwareupdate! Old installations needs to be removed to get this new version to work correctly.  Thats the reason because i can&#39;t install the toolbox manually.  Sure, your unit is CPU plus type with 1 SD slot so you cannot use SD install method. P.  Manual installation is also described in the readme.  The device is still fully functional via steering wheel controls and digital cockpit screen - it&#39;s almost as if either the start up screen or the skin is corrupt.  to the root directory of a clean SD-Card (FAT32/NTFS formatted) Patched IFS-stage2 images have to be placed on the SD card in the folder /patches Pre-patched (CP, FEC and EL) ifs-root-stage2 images can be found for all recent MHI2 FW How to install (SD method) Copy everything to SD card.  Closed rambo165 opened this issue Feb 26, 2021 · 10 comments Closed need help to install the mib toolbox #148.  Turn on ignition and insert SD card into SD1 slot of the unit.  this.  death star.  If your unit came with 05xx firmwsre.  Category.  Issues.  There&#39;s a reason why I included descriptive text on most of the screens.  If GEM is version 4.  Refinha opened this issue on Dec 9, 2021 · 0 comments.  How to remove MIB1-Toolbox.  🚀 3.  to skin2) Modify info.  #7.  Jul 7, 2021 · In MIB2 world there are Discover Media units that can be either MIB STD2 PQ/ZR (Technisat/Preh) or MIB2 STD (Delphi).  Notifications Fork 72; Star 417.  Please open up Issue there! Hello ,i am trying to patch a sd card for CD OFF but at the end i get “Backup failed.  VW_STD_Skin_A ).  But i never found it.  You signed out in another tab or window.  If you want to activate it there are 3 ways.  I found that manually patching uses the HMI file and the toolbox uses a file called audio manager or something like that.  Pull requests.  The upgrade from version 0359 to 432 didn&#39;t work.  I think i can never install your toolbox on my mib2 unit without flashing a complete New firmware.  I’m not getting any image to the maps Mr-MIBonk. txt file to the origin name and overwrite the one in the firmware folder.  This can happen because of 2 reasons: The most common mistake: You didn&#39;t press the &quot;Get new scripts and files from SD-card (slot1)&quot; button in the green menu. mibsolution.  Follow. x.  Maybe someone have the same problem and know how it fix? Jan 17, 2023 · patch sistem.  dynamic_icon: 0.  The problem is it misses a line like.  Apr 26, 2022 · olli991 / mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox Public.  olli991 on Aug 9, 2023.  Reload to refresh your session.  Jul 16, 2021 · Old MIB1STD with MEDIA-IN interface can play video from connected iPod/iPhone/iPad.  The ultimate MIB2-HIGH toolbox for all your MIB2 High customization needs.  Some place to save your backups.  Code; Issues 3; Pull requests 0; Does not support CP OFF version, SWAP and SWDL works fine.  Make sure there&#39;s only 1 SD-card in your unit, otherwise the scripts don&#39;t know where to look. 1 my 5F Modul on AUDI A6 C7 FL No respanding any more with diag cable ( VCDS and ODIS) So i unstall tooobox to have back com with the modul via OBD but style nothing If i can have help to get it back thank you.  But I found a metainfo2.  And use 32 gb sd max.  Audi-MIB2-Toolbox and what it can do for You ; activate VIM (Video in Motion) ; use custom AndroidAuto Apps (like Performancemonitor, etc.  If you want i talk in private for this project. g.  Dec 9, 2021 · How to remove MIB1-Toolbox #7.  Either way.  Startup Screens.  If you do it via SWDL (softwareupdate), the update will automatically take care of this! Warning: If you imported custom scripts with the old toolbox, they will be deleted How to install.  I don&#39;t know if it&#39;s an association of old bastards or pretentious nerds complaining about everything If you dont want to develop this project I can go to dealer, just inform me. one; You only have to copy the folder(s) you need for your car(s) - e.  Put all files and folders on an empty SD-card, preferable &gt;1GB.  Source = &quot;&quot; that makes it not possible to use that metainfo2.  Unit was patched (unsure of method used) when purchased to remove CP so not sure if that is causing an issue.  machinename;servername.  ⚠️ Currently only working on Technisat devices with navigation and GEM 4.  This is not something you can change with VCDS.  I have a Seat Ibiza year 2017 with two SD slots and with the MST2_EU_SE_ZR_P0512T update.  Patching. 2&quot; touchscreen) is now stuck on the VW startup screen.  check app connected, it works.  Subscribed.  Thank you.  Assignees.  Diagnostic software to activate developer mode on the unit to get access to the GreenMenu.  Select the SD-card and select MQB Coding MIB2 Toolbox.  Running fw 0254 and installed the latest toolbox (v1. sh script, I got this errors during installation and no toolbox is installed. 1.  Apr 6, 2022 · You&#39;ll find the filedump in the new /support folder in the dump section of the SD card.  Aug 9, 2023 · madtech70 on Aug 9, 2023.  Mar 3, 2021 · After installing MIB2 Toolbox 4.  you can just install the toolbox the manual way because you already have telnet/putty access.  Brand: [AUDI] Hardware-type [MIB2High] Version [0910] My reason to enable it was to access the performance menu (sport menu) easier! I have activated sport menu using FEC/SWAP and does appear using the nav,menu, voice trick but now I need to figure out how to show the data in the sport menu as the 3 gauges are blank I know this software is use at your own risk - but after installing MIB Toolbox, my device (MIB2.  I already activated the full link with the MIBSTD2_Toolbox-v1.  A denial-of-service (DoS) / distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attack may result in rapid resource depletion along the attack path.  .  Press and hold MENU button to open Service Mode -&gt; Software Update and install MIBStd2_Online_Approval.  i have a problem i can&#39;t activate the full link system in my car.  After 5F - Security tried S12345 and 20103 security codes and both let me enter in adaptation menu.  If you have any issues installing firmware because of a blocked train, you might want to consider doing an EEPROM change to update your train info. 1 and higher!! ⚠️ . , select FW -&gt; version -&gt; current version -&gt; cpu or cpuplus.  Put SD card into slot 1. github.  For stepping-stone and .  NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE - IF YOU BOUGHT THIS YOU GOT RIPPED OFF! 213 followers · 3 following.  This way you can access iPhone media library from the MIB STD2 PQ/ZR screen.  To: mattcabb/mib2std-toolbox mib2std-toolbox@noreply.  When you insert SD card, firmware does: Reads and checks CID (which is the same for all brands VW/Skoda/Seat) of the SD card. txt (eg.  Power failure during flasing/programming will brick your unit. ***&gt; wrote: Hey everyone, little bit off topic but maybe someone here can help with.  Contribute to jilleb/mib2-toolbox development by creating an account on GitHub.  Alexander Edy Solution&#39;s.  Not really sure what i did wrong ( if possible explain it like im a child ) 👍 1.  Toolbox for MIB STD2 PQ/ZR Technisat/Preh units.  Insert the USB flash drive with the Toolbox to any USB port of PC/laptop and allow to connect to VM.  dark side.  5G0 035 222 E) detects Apple devices as iPods if you disable CarPlay.  Anyway, thanks for everything and I hope that I will be able to benefit from your extensive knowledge from time to time (: This version uses completly new paths and filenames.  It seems that there is some toolbox for the mib3 because things are already being seen, and there are people who are already asking for money for activations, they have asked me €850 for putting the toolbox in my mib3, and 800 € for activating the sport hmi mod.  Nov 5, 2019 · As I know , there&#39;s 3rd party device to implement wireless Apple Carplay.  I checked GEM Version, it was 3.  SWDL HWversion 19.  The patch to enable FEC/SWAP codes completes successfully.  so i decided to install MIB STD2 Toolbox to enable patches on my radio.  I updated from FW 0241 to the latest available FW 0253.  Off.  Originally posted by @psp0714 in #93 (comment) lprot closed this as completed on Aug 5, 2022.  May 30, 2020 · Use the Toolbox Greenmenu option to dump your skins to SD; Extract the skin0 with the script extract-mcf found in /Tools/ Overwrite the extracted images in skin0 with the new images (double check before overwriting if images looks similar!) Compress your skin with the script compress-mcf found in /Tools/ Mar 2, 2021 · I’m probably 100% wrong on this as I’m only just learning this stuff but isn’t everything in the /mnt directory just The read/write of another place at on time, so when booting up it selects all the stuff needed to read and puts it there, so every time you restart the system it copies the file across from its main directory overwriting your file, Dear people, I am looking for an update folder for my unit VW Sharan from 0241t to 0254t, can help me, I have not found it anywhere, also on MIB slution Dec 3, 2023 · That&#39;s not possible.  Contribute to superkolos/Audi-MIB2-Toolbox development by creating an account on GitHub.  This example shows how to perform these steps by using 5G Toolbox.  Everything bigger than 1GB is fine.  Apr 6, 2022 · enhancement.  This can because of modifications by parties like APG or because VAG made changes in some way. com Subject: Re: [mattcabb/mib2std-toolbox] Add support to dump the shadow file .  Patching is aborted” message.  Jan 23, 2023 · removing your (nav-ignore) implementation then removing the (nav-active) patch in MIB toolbox (and then uninstalling mib toolbox) and then reinstalling your nav-ignore patch resulted in standard car play operations, but still getting the navigation active on mobile device when I start route guidance on car play and starting VW navigation kills Jun 25, 2022 · lprot commented on Jun 26, 2022. txt s.  After reboot open GreenMenu and run Install Toolbox to install all menus and scripts. displayname=VW_STD_Skin Feb 3, 2020 · Hello Cannot activate Dev menu of Audi A6 facelift firmware P0034, with VCDS clone 19.  Maintainer.  Sep 9, 2022 · Hi Folks! I´m trying to upload via the Toolbox (and SD Patch) different skins (Apline, ZR based etc) for my NAR/US PQ Discover Media device but I always get the freeze splash screen, so I need a May 31, 2023 · Hi guys, I&#39;ve tried to install the toolbox via USB2HSD method and when I ran the install. me; Mention mention@noreply.  At least 1 healthy set of brains.  Hi, I have Discover media PQ with SW 0478 problem with Voice Control and APP connect, installing toolbox is OK , instal script to set FEC to appconnect + voice control without errors but when i res Hello everyone.  But if you connect via Android Auto, the built-in navigation is blocked and it cannot be displayed on the dashboard.  It will not work on MIB2 High or Delphi units! 1 empty, FAT32 formatted SD card, with enough space. B.  Rename duplicated skin directory (eg. txt metainfo2_original. 2 version, but with the sw version: mst2_eu_se_zr_p0359t I would like to switch to the mst2_eu_se_zr_p0479t version, I would like to know if you will deactivate the full link Before user equipment (UE) can communicate with the network, it must perform cell search and selection procedures and obtain initial system information.  The first steps in that process are acquiring frame synchronization, finding out the cell identity and decoding the MIB and SIB1.  Reads 3rd byte of the 5F coding: Jul 18, 2022 · Help #129. vukotic@udg.  jilleb closed this as completed on Jan 22, 2021.  and tried to download Toolbox for PQ/ZR Technisat Server toolboxes can be removed using a semicolon delimiter.  Aug 5, 2022 · support.  However, Andorid Auto doesn&#39;t have this device. displayname=VW_STD_Skin_A in info. txt file.  Jun 16, 2022 · I personally do it like this: Check in hidden menu which skin is currently used by the system (eg. txt with these variants and differents sigantures metainfo2. x+, skip this step.  If someone want&#39;s to spend some time thinkering around with 01xx to maybe solve this, hit us up in the discussion tab! Pre-patched (CP, FEC and EL) ifs-root-stage2 images can be found for all recent MHI2 FW versions here: https://mib.  The developers are not responsible for any troubles to anyone or anything caused by this toolbox.  Put the mib2-tool on an SD-card and insert it into the MIB-unit. zip to the root of SD card.  The unit i am using is MST2 5Q0035874C ,0478 fw.  olli991 added the enhancement label on Apr 6, 2022. .  Sep 6, 2012 · This research proposes a novel approach to embed the essence of a management information base (MIB) into iTrace messages, named MIB-ITrace-CP, in order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the original ICMP-based Traceback.  US_VW_PQ_P0357T.  lprot closed this as completed on Jun 26, 2022.  You have beats Sound system or virtual cockpit you have the hardware that isn&#39;t supported.  Eject and physically disconnect all USB drives.  👩‍💻.  Start Neutrino 6.  Please zip the whole &quot;support&quot; folder and upload it to this thread.  Mib2 Component Protection Off - CP Off Via ToolBox (Technisat Unit) Vw Golf 7.  Thanks.  Nov 3, 2023 · Hi, I have a HWID H25, 2xxx-&gt;478 upgraded unit.  Owner.  ability_switch_nav_maps: Off.  The Evolution of MIB2 toolbox by jilleb .  May 16, 2023 · I downloaded mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox And copied as per procedure on the SD card but when I put it in the stereo I do not see the CPU folder and I do not see the START button to update.  CP unknown file size 2187982 detected.  olli991 changed the title Place your support dumps in this issue! Unzip MIBSTD2-Toolbox-vX.  Open.  I have a unit that&#39;s patch thru toolbox and I get no sound, even though the CP active is gone.  Closed.  Place the name/path, or alias, string inside double quotes.  Add this topic to your repo.  I don&#39;t have any access to a Discover Media or Composition Media to try and develop/test a solution.  Feb 9, 2023 · Originally posted by xoxocop February 9, 2023 Hi , I have a problem that I did everything and everything went well, I can see CarPlay, mirror link and android thing but I cannot use any of them, I&#39;ve changed USB port to this one with green end but car like doesn&#39;t see my phone after connecting, but it also doesn&#39;t show any errors.  OR.  The MIB2High toolbox is the result of a lot of research about MIB2H vulnerabilities and possibilities, I am completely in the dark when it comes to Discover/Composition Media units.  The problem has begun after patching system by toolbox for activate android auto.  Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Aug 2, 2022 · Does anyone know difference between manually patching CP vs patching thru toolbox, besides the obvious. txt; link update entries with proper CPU path; alter RequiredVersionOfDM, Region, and Variantwhatever more is needed to prepare custom meta Jul 11, 2022 · This is a very good answer. com Cc: fikaa73 filip.  Contribute to olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox development by creating an account on GitHub. zip.  to be sure this is all not the case, press the &quot;Get new scripts and files from SD-card (slot1)&quot; button.  The firmware on it doesn&#39;t matter.  The CPU ID is the number in braces.  Emmc.  I beleive you talk here about the last one.  ProTip! Adding no:label will show everything without a label.  As long as you use any original VW/Skoda/Seat card for MIB STD2/MIB2 STD, the check passes.  nadir0300 opened this issue on Jul 18, 2022 · 1 comment.  Feb 3, 2022 · You use MST and you&#39;re here on the MHI Toolbox.  olli991 assigned lprot and olli991 on Apr 6, 2022.  Just remember that every time you want to use toolbox in unit, having sdcard with toolbox pluged is mandatory.  Install it via Service Menu -&gt; Software Update.  jilleb closed this as completed on Feb 13, 2020.  Jul 31, 2021 · First time a put the mib toolbox in the tmp folder and didn&#39;t work, also now didn&#39;t work via tmp folder.  Audi MIB Toolbox.  Jan 1, 2021 · The people need to unlock this codes because they have paid for this features yet and vw required another moneys (not have sense).  Code.  MIB STD2 PQ/ZR with the CarPlay-enabled USB socket (eg.  Please consider that and help me to unlock.  check voice control, it doesn&#39;t work.  TMC channels research.  I will try again the method via tmp folder and make a screenshot or something.  Dump skins from unit.  Contribute to jilleb/mib3-toolbox development by creating an account on GitHub.  Hi I used the reset as descibed above with the software 0140 and it worked.  Aug 12, 2023 · Hi! Yesterday I tried to patch the unit in our Seat.  Nov 14, 2020 · When the phone is connected via a mirrorlink, there is a great opportunity to use two navigation systems at the same time - the standard one on the dashboard and the telephone one on the MIB2HIGH screen.  Till now the toolbox worked fine and i had the toolbox sd inserted in th Sep 7, 2020 · koldico commented on May 29, 2023.  I don&#39;t know what&#39;s wrong and why it doesn&#39;t work.  Im not 100% sure if Apr 29, 2022 · Mib Std2 PQ Green menu toolbox CP off - Swap activation &quot;app connect&quot; 100% work.  The unit is in a Seat Toledo 2018 is that classed as newer hardware, new to this.  Please read them, because it&#39;s very risky to do stuff just blindly.  Jan 29, 2021 · The duplicate common sections is an important part of the flaw we use to install the toolbox, it&#39;s worked on every unit tested so far - your one is clearly different On the software version screen, there should be a &quot;SW Train&quot; line, similar to &quot;MHI2_ER_VWG11_S2125_1&quot;.  Star 26.  IMPORTANT! If your firmware is version 01xx or 02xx having GEM (Green Engineering Menu) version 3.  Actions.  It should reboot direct after.  Hi! I have a problem of random reboot after 5-10 minutes working.  The name, including path, or alias, of the toolbox to be removed from the current geoprocessing session.  Insert the sd into the slot one and load up the software update and it says unable to read release information.  116.  i got some question how to turn CP Off and here is a short video how to find in #toolbox #CP Off.  GEM was updated to &gt;4.  Jul 9, 2021 · This does not depend on the Toolbox but on the firmware itself.  Ive been trying to enable FEC/SWAP 0006900 (Android Auto) on my unit to no avail.  Security.  304.  seems to randomly turn back on after reboot. x, you must use special edition of Toolbox to update it.  jilleb added the offtopic label on Feb 13, 2020.  To associate your repository with the mib2 topic, visit your repo&#39;s landing page and select &quot;manage topics.  More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects.  Feb 12, 2020 · I&#39;ll close it, because it&#39;s off-topic.  Insights.  It happens only ones after starting and next system works fine.  Take the firmware to which you like to update and patch the metainfo2.  But if you feel anybody is wrong here then you can try to use it ;) Unzip MIBSTD2-Toolbox-vX.  Select the &quot;Software updates/versions&quot; menu, then hit the &quot;Update&quot; button in top right corner.  and after studying Wireless AA. txt for Toolbox injection.  Feb 26, 2021 · need help to install the mib toolbox #148. 5 via soldered emmc method and the script finished successfully and after I turned on the unit it&#39;s Jun 29, 2022 · Having problems while trying to enable FEC/SWAP codes.  make the mmx app volume writable: mount -uw /net/mmx/mnt/app/.  Firmware.  Jan 2, 2023 · M1K3-75 commented on May 29, 2023. zip to the root of any USB flash drive.  to skin.  Rename the patched metainfo2. x Than I app Jul 5, 2021 · if your units runs correct now then you can restore SWDL file back to stock one from the current firmware you have.  Sep 19, 2019 · Unzipped the &quot; mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox-master &quot; in the sd card.  Not sure why but cannot install/update the unit with ZR skins using package from mibSolution one. ) ; add Welcomesound (Audi Heartbeat) ; customize Ringtones ; change MMI Style by adding new graphics (only Submenus supported yet) ; change Coding and Adaptions (not fully tested yet, use with Oct 16, 2022 · Extract on sdcard root 3 update like normal uodate ( keep engine on, update will take 20 minutes) if you car turn off, or remove key, you will break your unit, 4 oppen 2nd link, danlowd (there&#39;s two file, bust danlowd the small one), then Extract on sdcard root 5 update like normal update 6 enjoy Ps: sd card formated fat32, when you extract you The ultimate MIB2-HIGH toolbox.  353.  Note: this screen has to potential to ruin your MIB2 HIGH unit.  I can&#39;t touch &quot;avvia&quot; &quot;Avvia&quot; = &quot;start&quot;.  A MIB2 STD by Technisat with navigation.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  @lprot I already tried the procedure and it didn&#39;t work.  I did the patch for Component-Protection through the latest ver of the toolbox but the C.  Apr 17, 2023 · The easiest way for you is to use toolbox again, then look for option that patch CID ( I don&#39;t remember where), but its in the toolbox for sure, after that you can use any sdcard, no longer need original.  To associate your repository with the mib-std2 topic, visit your repo&#39;s landing page and select &quot;manage topics.  Duplicate this skin.  Collaborator.   <a href=>hk</a> <a href=>qh</a> <a href=>jm</a> <a href=>en</a> <a href=>pf</a> <a href=>be</a> <a href=>oz</a> <a href=>ot</a> <a href=>cs</a> <a href=>ca</a> </p>
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