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Lena phoria ao3.  Fanart: The author has deleted all of her works from online, the AO3 link wasn&#39;t hers.  Language: English Words: 580 Chapters: 1/? Comments: 3 Kudos: 9 Hits: 127 The Luthors are a vampire regime who’ve taken control of nearly the entire continent. pdf: 01-Apr-2024 10:14: 10.  Lena won’t admit that she’s been madly in love with the blonde Kryptonian Queen since she started making appearances at her galas.  Things are (mostly) good.  Part 2 of Kind Lies &amp; Harsh Truths.  There&#39;s a new girl in town trying to get her way into Kara&#39;s life.  Works and bookmarks tagged with Vladilena &quot;Lena&quot; Milizé/Shinei &quot;Shin&quot; Nouzen will show up in Vladilena Milize/Shinei Nouzen&#39;s filter. &#39; (I&#39;ll take prompts, both as word/phrase topics of lines to include) Language: English Words Apr 7, 2024 · Autistic Violet Sabrewing (Disney) Angst and Hurt/Comfort.  You can now find me on Tumblr and Instagram as lstoddardhancock.  Winn Schott Jr. 6M: Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World.  — Broken by inadaze22.  Lena initially fears the blonde, but they soon fall deeply in love while trying to navigate life in Chowchilla Women&#39;s Prison. ) (Almost 4K words of angst and fluff tbh) From Wiltshire, With Love has a lot of those elements.  A phoria can be diagnosed by conducting the cover/cover test.  — Silencio by akashathekitty.  Happy Ending. ”.  It will remain online throughout 2024, at which point it will, if you’ll pardon the pun, alchemise for 2025 and be removed from AO3.  It takes the unexpected engagement of their children to get Draco and Hermione in a room together, but only the selfish acts of their estranged spouses and a 300 Galleon bottle of firewhiskey will get them in a bedroom.  • 3 mo.  Language: English.  Stef Foster and Lena Adams are two women who are serving 20 years in prison for voluntary manslaughter. html.  Thirsty Kara Danvers.  Complete.  “I like to feel useful,” Imra said with a thin smile.  Participate in challenges.  Together they will travel the world, fight dragons, conquer demons and maybe find @dramionetrash gtktm → [Amie]: favorite fanfic ↪ [Cruel and Beautiful World, Lena Phoria] #hi i made more #dramione #moodboard #cabw #cabw moodboard #mood board #cabw mood board #cruel and beautiful world #dramione mood board #there is some theo and bronson in there too for your pleasure #im kinda proud of this #dramionetrash #dhrnet #harry Archive of Our Own.  What makes a human wedding perfect is different to what would make it perfect for Kara.  (One such headcanon is both Kara and Lena being autistic, but it won&#39;t really be addressed in this.  While I love slow burns, I don&#39;t mind fics where they already got together before/during the war.  Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or suggestions.  Feb 5, 2012 · Lena Phoria.  OR.  Kara and Lena have been best friends since they met in sophomore year. archive.  Summer of the Dragon By: Lena Phoria.  An unofficial sub devoted to AO3.  The arrival of Kara Danvers, a retired FBI agent, and superhero, turned nanny, sets in motion a series of transformative events.  Dark!Draco or Good!Draco or any Draco.  Not entirely like the fifty shades situation, but similar enough to the fact that she pulled the work to publish.  .  So Lena did.  An accident has Alex living with Kara and Lena after she and Kara become official bond mates.  (OR: Several times Lena wants to kiss Kara, and the one time Kara kisses her.  At least until one fateful December day changes everything.  Unable to say goodbye due to time constraints, Lena leaves with a silent promise to maintain their bond across the distance, hoping for a future reunion. pdf), Text File (.  The misalignment of the eyes starts to appear when a person is tired, therefore it is not present all of the time.  Desperate for touch, sex, and an heir to take her throne one day, the formidable Queen Lena wishes upon a shooting star for a counter to the terrible curse put upon her years beforehand, only for that star to fall to Earth and be something she never expected.  This is the sequel to Quarter Past.  Cruel and Beautiful World - Lena Phoria 4.  Isolation - Bex-Chan ⭐ 8.  But instead of being safely tucked into her 1000 thread count sheets Lena is wide awake, cursing out her latest project, a malfunctioning image inducer.  Manacled is not going anywhere at present.  The Auction - LovesBitca8 ⭐ 10.  Inspired by Bon Jovi&#39;s song &quot;You want to make a memory&quot;.  she could practically still feel the disgusting bits of oddly crunchy mush sliding down her throat, and the incident would live on forever, mainly used to guilt trip kara into doing the dishes The Classics—Organizing my Dramione library.  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings.  The less-than-fortunate Lily Evans falls head over feet for the stranger she fished out of the canal.  Lillian Luthor would do anything for her two girls, but when her granddaughter asks her to dress up as a certain famous hero for Halloween, perhaps she&#39;s reconsidering going back to Cadmus before facing the humiliation.  In the middle of navigating Sam&#39;s powers, love blossoms and they learn what will become their motto, el mayarah, stronger together.  (Hermione/Draco Malfoy) After years of captivity, Hermione Granger fights her way onto the streets of Voldemort&#39;s London with only the knife in her pocket and the blood on her hands.  Thirsty Lena Luthor.  All You Want Manacled and Mortifying Ordeal are two of my faves.  Its like the plot of the Barry/Iris wedding crossover episodes, but it ends very differently.  Soft, fluffy supercorp fic.  In the weeks following her time loop adventure, Lena is still feeling the effects.  — Of Crimson Joy by littlerobin.  They are placed at Apr 23, 2024 · Supergirl (TV 2015) Roughly two decades after Kara took off her glasses at her sister’s wedding, she and Lena are enjoying a (mostly) quiet and (mostly) happy life with their family and the family cat in National City.  As a result of Lena&#39;s horribly toxic marriage to Andrea Rojas, Lena now is an extremely repressed omega, who is hardly affected by alpha pheromones at all.  Feb 5, 2013 · Summary.  “You’re my guest.  I’ll provide a list below with fics that I already know of/have read, but I’m running out.  Together they will travel the world Smut.  Lena tries to use science to save the world from any future red-k Supergirl encounters.  A high school au featuring an oblivious Kara Danvers and a jealous Lena Luthor.  Lena asked the edge of a laugh in her voice through what sounded like tears.  Please, this is my absolute favourite trope and if you know of any others lmk.  Vladilena &quot;Lena&quot; Milizé/Shinei &quot;Shin&quot; Nouzen has been made a synonym of Vladilena Milize/Shinei Nouzen.  Lena is determined to make the day perfect for Kara.  Established Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor.  But her plan backfires and she ends up infected with a whole new kind of kryptonite, which affects her AND Supergirl, in different ways.  An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works.  Hello! My best friend read Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena_phoria long ago.  Jul 20, 2023 · Kara placed it onto Lena’s wrist, her touch causing Lena’s senses to tingle all over.  fiction fantasy romance adventurous dark fast-paced.  Lena threw it at the blonde’s face, hoping that she might hit the target but the detective’s reflex was quick and she caught it neatly.  Todos os Summer of the Dragon by Lena Phoria (Explicit, 200,000+ words) Summary 3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron and accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander&#39;s wands. 0M: Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World_djvu.  Lingering over the small scar on her wrist, Kara sensually ran her finger along Lena’s arm and placed Lena’s hand in hers, raising it to her mouth and kissing it discretely.  Oct 18, 2016 · Halloween comes knocking on Cat’s doorstep in an unexpected way as Lena Luthor invites the Queen of All Media to a Halloween cocktail party at L Corp.  Once upon a time, Lily Evans finds herself alone in the streets of Amsterdam.  Nov 24, 2020 · Cruel and Beautiful World - Lena Phoria 4.  Apr 1, 2024 · Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World.  1024 pages • first pub 2013 ( editions) not a book user-added.  Jul 21, 2021 · Perfectly in Pieces Inspirations: • The Auction by Lovesbitca8 • Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria • Manacled by senlinyu • The Fallout by everythursday Author’s note: Trigger warnings, marked areas, and even summaries are given during chapters to ensure you as a reader can take care of your mental health.  All You Want ia903009.  She had been around Kara for practically the entire day and smiled until her face hurt.  Kara brings Lena a snack when she works late and notices that Lena is unwell.  Please, if you could be so kind, recommend any Dad-Draco (Stepmom Hermione/Mom Hermione/Stepdad Draco) fics that you have.  Show Most Recent Bookmarks Lena may or may not have killed Lex, but she did it to save Kara.  “Wow, that’s—oh, wow ,” Kara says, her heart suddenly racing.  Red Kryptonite Kara Danvers.  “I knew it would match your eyes perfectly.  We earn commission on any purchases made.  Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free &amp; Borrowable Books Oct 4, 2014 · Lena Phoria.  James Potter is in Amsterdam to ride a bike.  Please see my IG or Tumblr for more info.  “He likes to tease my dates,” she explained dismissively, looking back at Kara.  (Currently a one-shot on Ao3; romance/hurt/comfort; will be bringing it to ffnet when more of the story is written).  By accident, Lena and Kara meet, and this Supergirl (TV 2015) Lena and Kara are married, working and living happily together in Austin, TX.  Meanwhile, Kara Danvers is a young 25-year-old alpha, who doesn&#39;t act like the usual type of alpha, and is just starting out her life as an adult.  I recently read Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria and holy shit.  Kinda like a fifty shades of grey situation.  It&#39;s their senior year and they&#39;re trying to make the most of it.  Supergirl (TV 2015), Supergirl (Comics) Lena is the legal guardian of her niece, Lori, after she is abandoned by her father Lex Luthor and her biological mother is deemed an unfit parent.  This story does not depict factual prison life.  Soft Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor.  Of course, nightmares were nothing new to her, but tonight would throw a whole new wrinkle into the equation: her sister Violet.  A woman whose family&#39;s name is loathed far and near becomes the Green Lantern of Space Sector 2814, one of the protectors of the universe, while another woman on her way to becoming the fastest person alive joins the Maid of Might, the Last Son of Mars, the Man of Steel, Earth&#39;s Cosmic Crusader Kara Danvers Needs a Hug.  Apr 14, 2021 · 86-エイティシックス- - 安里 アサト Spoilers.  There&#39;s a checkpoint on every corner, a curfew enforced by Voldemort&#39;s most trusted followers, and the only wa Mergers.  Kara Danvers, known as Supergirl, stumbles upon a mysterious black stone at a museum, which alters her in unforeseen ways, leading to a transformation that shakes her identity and behavior.  Ordinary-Value-9142.  Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter.  And then, Winn gets some bad news; and somehow, it gets worse before it gets better.  The announcement comes at the beginning of their next game night: James and Lena, dating officially. Feb 3, 2012 · Joined Feb 3, 2012, id: 3692526, Profile Updated: Jun 27, 2016.  What she doesn&#39;t expect is having to work with Draco Malfoy, who&#39;s more haunted by his past than she ever would have believed.  25K subscribers in the Dramione community.  Lori is clearly gifted for her age, which doesn&#39;t go unnoticed by her teacher, Kara Danvers.  Supergirl (TV 2015) Kara Danvers is the Brides Maid and Lena Luthor is getting married to James Olsen.  Imra Ardeen.  Could be any length, as long as they are completed.  — Clean by olivieblake.  Oct 13, 2023 · Lena Luthor.  Hermione hadn&#39;t been killed, she wasn&#39;t jailed Nov 4, 2023 · All the completed and active fics mentioned above are findable over at AO3, under my user name MissiAmphetamine (Kaleidoscope).  Things are good almost too good.  Events that happen between Lena and redk-infected Supergirl have serious repercussions.  Fluff and Smut.  I would also personally include: — The Revenant by atalanta84.  Se ver uma cópia por aí, por favor, denuncie.  or.  I recently read it on Wattpad, and I loved it so much.  — A Wonderful Caricature of Intimacy by countess of abe.  Apr 9, 2024 · Alex Danvers Has a Penis. K. us.  Scribd is the world&#39;s largest social reading and publishing site.  — Remain Nameless by heyjude19.  Fandom: Harry Potter Relationship: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger-----After years of captivity, Hermione Granger fights her way onto the streets of Voldemort&#39;s London with only the knife in her pocket and the blood on her hands.  She put her heart out there, laid her emotions bare at Webby’s feet and felt the crushing of her heart at full force when Webby handed it all back to her.  Jul 27, 2017 · Right before Lena separates Sam and Reign, Kara tells her she&#39;s Supergirl.  Kara laughed softly and pulled back wiping her eyes.  All You Want With an AO3 account, you can: Share your own fanworks.  Fanfic também disponível no Wattpad.  Kara Danvers Knows Lena Luthor is a Green Lantern.  an attempt at comedy.  The author pulled the story from fanfic sites because she reworked it and published it as an original fiction novel (I still can&#39;t fathom how that worked, honestly, the Potterverse aspects are so deeply integral to the story and all I can imagine is some Cassandra Clare Chapter 1.  self rec.  She spent years protecting Kara, a princess of the sun city Argo who has inexplicable powers, from the grasps of her family.  There&#39;s a lot to talk about as they all come to terms with the emotional aftermath of the accident.  Keep track of works you&#39;ve visited and works you want to check out later.  Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love - thisisselfcare ⭐ 6.  Part 4 of Counting Saga.  Lena laughed and wiped her tears away.  But halfway through, the wedding gets inturrupted by some hired assassins (by lex, duh) barge into the church.  Apr 25, 2024 · A phoria is a misalignment of the eyes that only appears when binocular viewing is broken and the two eyes are no longer looking at the same object.  Wow I thought for sure she would publish an original fic.  The Watergaw by smokybaltic, ectoheart.  The story is dramione and just one book.  (Preferably wholesome, fluffy, no The StoryGraph is an affiliate of the featured links.  Bring Him To His Knees - Musyc 🌶️ 9.  Language: Nov 9, 2013 · Summary.  lena only mildly regret her decision to try pineapple pizza.  Alex frowns in her direction, and so she continues.  A cruel and beautiful world by Lena Phoria.  This is based off of my real-life experiences recently. org Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl.  The Eighty-Sixth Sector of the Republic of San Magnolia.  Kara can’t help but laugh.  There&#39;s angst, friendship, and love.  Lena withdrew her Started reading The Deadline by Lena Phoria last weekend and i am hoooooked.  In the days that follow, she grapples with her confusing grief, her feelings for Kara and the knowledge that she would kill Lex over and over again to save Kara.  Lastly and most importantly, thank you so very much to everyone who has ever read my fics, and favourited, commented, shared, or recced them.  Feb 13, 2024 · Parents Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor.  i don’t even know, i just wanted to sketch this thing sango said in the discord server Mar 19, 2024 · Autora original: Lena Phoria.  Amélie Lacroix, A.  to read.  The Devil Within.  Eons ago, Lena swore an oath to the goddess of the moon to protect the realm against the evils of her family.  The Archive of Our Own (AO3) is a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting site for transformative fanworks such as fanfiction, fanart, fan videos and podfic.  Lena Luthor Finds Out Kara Danvers is Supergirl.  It&#39;s in my top 5 fave fics.  Dad-Draco Fics.  Dec 16, 2019 · Angst.  Alex Danvers.  The Archive is a wholly fan-created and fan-run space, where fannish creativity can benefit from the OTW’s advocacy in articulating the case for its legality and Jul 28, 2012 · Books Harry Potter.  Kara&#39;s eyes followed Lena&#39;s hips as she danced her way to the dance floor, moving in a way far too smooth and sexy for someone who claimed they couldn&#39;t dance.  It all ended abruptly when Lena&#39;s father received a new job in a different state, forcing her and her family to relocate.  Mar 13, 2024 · kara is a rational adult who processes her emotions efficiently and faces her problems.  The author published this book as original work with 3 books in the series, so she made a lot of changes to the story.  rosemary for remembrance post-war, enemies to iditios to lovers, there&#39;s whole slytherin Lena pulled a confused Kara into an elevator and let go of her hand, a contact they both missed immediately.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. epub: 01-Apr-2024 14:46: 1.  Lena Luthor is the 28 year old CEO and owner of LCorp now that her brother, Lex Luthor, has been tamed by his mate, Clark Kent.  Não permito repostagem das minhas traduções.  All fans and fanworks are welcome! Feb 5, 2013 · Cruel and Beautiful World - Lena Phoria 4.  It&#39;s Karaoke Night, Lena&#39;s feeling awkward, and Winn&#39;s odd behavior recently hasn&#39;t been doing anything to help her paranoia.  — Bite Marks by provocative envy.  You can join by getting an invitation from our automated invite queue.  Fortunately for her, she’d managed to convince Kara to join her.  Absolutely hurt, Lena finds comfort in Sam, but the blonde hero is impossible to forget, for both of them.  Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence. 9M: Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World_chocr.  The very fortunate James Potter fears his luck has run out when he has an accident in Amsterdam.  And it will change her relationship with her friends and more precisely Lena Luthor. xml Lena Phoria.  Swapping pov between Kara and Lena, non-chronological, mostly canon-compliant, occasional headcanons.  Rowling&#39;s Harry Potter series.  “You don’t have to clean this up,” Lena said and in her intention to take over the rag from Imra, she wound up covering Imra’s hand with her own.  After years of captivity, Hermione Granger fights her way onto the streets of Voldemort’s London I’d suggest checking out her book The Atlas Six.  Her facade of strength hides the pain witnessed by her daughter Aspen, an acute and adorably charismatic four year old, who in many ways mirrors young Lena.  But things don’t go quite as planned.  Tradução PT/BR: anurbye08.  This subreddit is dedicated to artwork, fanfiction, memes and discussions involving the romantic pairing… Women In Power.  So, in gratitude and for her birthday, I want to gift it to my bestie.  Not only physically, but mentally. pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.  dont come after her, it was disgusting and she was never going to do it again.  Obviously, I&#39;ll just make one copy, and I&#39;ll Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World [Rated M].  In all of the years of their friendship, she never expected to find herself in a position where she needed to fake pleasure in Kara’s presence.  I am loving it so far (bout 50% in) and at the start of a chapter the author mentions they might write a Rose&amp;Scorpius background story like a prequel.  There&#39;s a checkpoint on every corner, a curfew enforced by Voldemort&#39;s most trusted followers, and the only way back to the Boy Who Lived is through the Death Eater responsible A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction.  Mar 7, 2015 · Putting a name to a face and remembering that you love him, despite who he is, is a different story.  Random conversations throughout their relationship.  Lena pressed the little tag against a panel and the buttons lip up.  “Ignore him,” she said with a little shake of her head as she pressed a button. A Widowmaker, starts to feel emotions again much to her dismay.  Various Storms and Saints - ViridianAtNight 7. txt: 01-Apr-2024 12:27: 2.  The story was pulled because she reworked it and released it as original fiction I read that somewhere.  Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor Fluff.  It&#39;s her favourite DHr fanfic, and she recommended it to me.  Receiving a glare from the blue eyes, Lena stuck out her tongue as a comeback, to which the blue eyes rolled.  Lena lowered the lights in her office to suit her mood, which was dark, brooding and oh so aroused.  I’m sure it will do well given its popularity.  Here is the goodreads link for the original work: Broken Wings.  Literal blasts from the past show up and turn everyone&#39;s &#39;happily ever afters&#39; upside down, but the Sisters Danvers will move heaven and earth to protect their families.  Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor.  The premise seemed silly to me, so I was truly surprised how good the story and the writing is.  Hi all! First, thank you all for your great recommendations! I don’t contribute much because I am terrible at remembering names of fics, but I’ve enjoyed browsing this sub for all the recs! I have a bad habit of forgetting to save the fics that I really enjoy &amp; would like to reread.  Episode: s03e14 Schott Through the Heart. 3M: Lena Phoria - Cruel and Beautiful World_djvu. gz: 01-Apr-2024 12:25: 30.  Fanfiction on J.  We are proactive and innovative in protecting and defending our work from commercial exploitation and legal challenge.  13 Dec 2023.  What starts out as a one time mistake soon becomes a full-blown affair with a deadline; the day their children Fanfiction request/search.  Either tell Webby how she felt, or shut up about it.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  The Archive of Our Own (AO3) offers a noncommercial and nonprofit central hosting place for fanworks.  Mar 20, 2024 · Lena realizes that Kara&#39;s Alien-ness is more than biology, it is cultural too.  Quinn just wants to help keep Rachel safe, but instead she gets much needed advice on how to deal with a seemingly unrequited crush with an oblivious alien girl.  things we&#39;re too young to know It&#39;s seventh year fic, where Hermione goes to Hogwarts polyjuiced as one of the Slytherins.  Supergirl has faced many villains in the last 3 years, but when one particular alien beats her memories away, both Kara and Lena face the unknown, leaving their relationship trapped in limbo.  Isenção de Responsabilidade: Essa história não me pertence, me pertence apenas essa tradução e adaptação para o português brasileiro.  “Marrying and raising a child together when their frat boy boyfriend gets them knocked up and runs away.  3 years after the war Hermione takes a break from Ron and accepts a summer job collecting supplies for Ollivander&#39;s wands. txt) or read book online for free.  7) Untitled: Voldemort has won the war, but life isn&#39;t as bad as one would think.  May 19, 2018 · Lena Luthor.  The crucible of death, where the Colorata of the nation have been persecuted and exiled.  As of June 26, 2016 CaBW has officially been deleted from this site.  What starts out as a one time mistake soon becomes a full-blown affair with a deadline; the day their children say &#39;I Please suggest other well-written Dramione fics where Voldemort wins and Draco/Hermione are brought together by some plot device.  May 18, 2022 · When Lena Luthor moves to National City Kara needs to rob her as well.  Or maybe not.  Language: English Words: 32,092 Chapters: 5/5 Comments: 194 Kudos: 1,321 Bookmarks: 256 Hits: 18,870.  Lena&#39;s pov.  ago.  She turned away, heading to the school without a word.  Many have died, and yet those who still live, do so in service to the nation, as the ‘sub-human Processors’ of the Republic’s combat Flirting.  Lena Luthor has been at the center of several assassination attempts, orchestrated by her now imprisoned brother, and all of which have been thwarted by the DEO and Supergirl.  Title comes from a line in the song Heartbeats by Daniela Andrade, which was featured on the show the night that Winn kissed Kara and Kara flew to her apartment to meet Alex for pizza and movie night.  The only way to read this fic now is if you download it The Deadline By: Lena Phoria.  Get notified when your favorite works, series, or users update.  Her mind wondered into dangerous territory until she was pulled back to reality by J’onn clearing his throat beside her.  Standing there in pj’s and a lab coat, talking to a machine.  Chapter Text.  They&#39;re secluded in Hermione&#39;s parents&#39; house for the spy/handler meetings and those are key scenes for the breakdown of his bigotry and their relationship development.  One Shot.  After years of captivity, Hermione Granger fights her way onto the streets of Voldemort&#39;s London with only the knife in her pocket and the blood on her hands.  Kara makes Lena understand that she has risen above her family&#39;s dark legacy and can stop pushing herself so hard.  Jan 23, 2021 · Creator: AnimeNerd666 (CrystalNavy) Series Begun: 2021-01-18 Series Updated: 2021-01-23 Description: Just a collection of AOT stories set in canonical world, which are loosely tied to one another.  The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy - Speechwriter ⭐ 5.  Sep 7, 2022 · In her complete confusion and desperation, she contacts her distant cousin, Lena Luthor, to help her, even though they had never even met before. The recalled overwatch member Lena Oxton, Call sing Tracer, Will add even more confusion to Amélie&#39;s life by falling in love with her and accepting her as who she is, all in the midst of a war between the newly reformed Overwatch, the terrorist organization She was on the verge of seventeen when Violet finally put her foot down and gave her the ultimatum.   <a href=>pc</a> <a href=>nm</a> <a href=>yb</a> <a href=>fu</a> <a href=>qn</a> <a href=>vh</a> <a href=>nr</a> <a href=>tg</a> <a href=>oq</a> <a href=>vt</a> </div>
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