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L to levitate ocarina of time. 2 USA version, can someone convert these gameshark codes to the (E) (M3) v1.  Link is determined to fix the problems he helped to create, so with the help of Rauru he travels through time gathering the powers of the Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time references In the Nintendo Gallery in Forest Haven, look somewhat to the right of the sculptor.  Its not a big deal, I can just levitate out since I dont have the hookshot.  [Unlock largest quiver/largest bomb bag/best powerglove/golden scale] 00585C00 000184D8.  There has or had to be something involved with going back to the past, and doing something (who knows what) in the remaining time before the timer May 19, 2014 · On this code, you press D-Down and C-Up together to change.  Replaces the treasure chest in the central room of the Deku Tree, for actors that use object 0000 or 0003 . 9.  The update has many other improvements as well- Check out the full changelog down below! WARNING:This glitch will cause the game to freeze.  Grab one of the bomb plants and blow away the wall in front of you to get your first look at Dodongo’s Cavern.  Always Have Magic Beans: 8011A812 0010.  It’s a story that stands the test of time, so much so that looking over it’s vaguely lackluster visuals by today’s standards is easy.  [Infinite Hearts] *citra_enabled 10775314 0000013D [Max Hearts] 10775312 00000140 [Infinite Rupees] TABLE OF CONTENTS:10# Walk in the middle of nowhere9# See a big hole in the ground.  8011A64D 000B Have Longshot.  Levitate with L D01C82B5 0020 811DA890 40EB.  4 comments.  regular idle animations in cutscenes replaced with the cutscene idle animations.  802114D3 0078.  Press L Button To Levitate.  Find a wooden sign.  El soldado pide a Link que le traiga una popular máscara para su hijo.  Here is an gameshark for the Nintendo 64 version of Majora&#39;s Mask (NTSC-U) that reduces the recovery gained from hearts and increased the damage received, both as modifiers. com/skydemonairpirates Previously, it was only possible to open the debug menu in OOT using hacks.  If you are playing on a physical N64 console then you will need to purchase a physical Gameshark or Xploder device to use the codes you find on this page and website.  If you&#39;ve been living under a rock, The Legend of La Secuencia de comercio de la Máscara Feliz es una misión comercial de The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  Remember to follow our editing guidelines when improving existing articles.  These codes have been collected from around the web and all credit goes to the original poster of the code.  Nov 23, 1998 · This will also show the time and date that your particular game was made.  8011A812 0010.  Infinite Arrows.  Ocarina of Time Walkthrough – Fire Temple.  Begin running, quickly release the.  Run Fast with D pad down D01C82BA 0004 811DB058 41C0.  Option 9: Bolero of Fire.  8011B9A1 003B Infinite Time To Ride Epona at Lon Lon&#39;s Ranch.  811db35040cb.  Remember that.  The game was developed by Nintendo EAD, led by five directors, including Eiji Aonuma and Yoshiaki Koizumi, produced by series co-creator Shigeru Miyamoto, and written by Kensuke Tanabe. 0 of Oot? 1 hit kills on enemies- 800289ED 0080 No Beeping sound with 1 heart (Version 1)- 81066210 1000 Jun 12, 2023 · Unfortunately not.  Good luck finding all 100 Skulltula tokens and 20 hearts! Known compatibility: Retroarch, PJ64, Everdrive/ Hardware/ Wii Vc/ Dolphin.  Veteran Zelda series composer Koji Kondo composed the musical score.  $=====Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time===== The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (JPJapanese: ゼルダの伝説:時間のオカリナRomaji: Zeruda No Densetsu: Jikan no Okarina) is a Nintendo 64 classic that was released on November 21 of 1998 in Japan, and soon after in other territories.  Have Deku Stick: 8011ACF4 0000.  Now hold up your shield and as you continue to do so, press the attack button to swing your sword.  D13FDBEC 0000. 0 includes 120+ new textures covering the UI, environment, characters, enemies and effects.  Only use one item and press the &quot;Return Button&quot;, usually &quot;A&quot; Button.  Jul 10, 2014 · C1-DF=more various colors.  813AA3C6 3240 813AA3CA 3238 813AA3CE 3238 Mar 17, 2022 · Follow me here:Live at: https://www.  Shadow Tunic (Always dark Purple, also very hard to find) 801DAB6C 0062.  Chapter 2 – Princess of Destiny.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.  81234128 oooo 81234218 aaaa 81234226 vvvv.  Dive under the pick up the OCARINA OF TIME.  This incarnation of Link was raised in Kokiri Forest, and was awakened to his destiny as the hero by the Great Deku Tree.  Restart with the code below activated to make the game think that the 64DD is connected.  Ocarina of Time is the first game in The Legend of Zelda series with 3D graphics .  Always Have Longshot: 8011A80D 000B.  Chapter 3 – The Mighty Collection.  Replaces the treasure chest in the central room of the Deku Tree.  8023E80F 0020.  8011A818 00xx - Always Have Bottle 3 Modifier Young Link &amp; Adult Link art from Ocarina of Time.  . iso&quot; found on your game list. Una mujer que había estado escapando de los estragos de la guerra, logra llegar al Bosque Kokiri, un santuario que impide la entrada a forasteros gracias a la protección del Gran Árbol Deku. twitch. com Jan 5, 2016 · One incredibly dedicated blind gamer has overcome this obstacle and managed to beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time with just the help of the game&#39;s sounds.  Make Dark Link Appear in Temple of Time.  Please help improve this article in any way possible.  8011a6460002 8011a65e0009.  You will see the Keaton and Goron masks, and the Bunny Hood from Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time.  81115972 0000.  802111FF 001A.  8111a5fe0140.  It’s beautiful and worthy of being called a masterpiece, although May 1, 2020 · On continue l&#39;aventure sur The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D en faisant le fameux temple de l&#39;eau qui est clairement surcoté en termes de difficulté !_ Dec 18, 2021 · Nothing horrible and game-breaking, but just slight annoyances.  5. &lt;p&gt;.  Likely compatibility: Other Emulators.  81224610 40FF.  Miscellaneous Codes.  Ocarina of Time é o primeiro jogo da série The Legend of Zelda com gráficos 3D .  Infinite Magic Beans.  Japanese Text 8011B7C9 0000.  8111acae0140.  The evil human uses Link to gain access to the Sacred Realm, where he places his tainted hands on Triforce and transforms the beautiful Hyrulean landscape into a barren wasteland.  Mar 7, 2017 · Bottle #2: In Kakariko village, find all the cuccos and return them to the pen, then talk to the lady standing next to the pen, she will give you a bottle.  8011a6450001 8011a65d0009.  Have Fairie&#39;s Wind (MP6): 8011ACFF 000D.  The forest kids will start Thanks for Watching, I hope you enjoyed!In this episode of Code Breakers, we take a look at hacks, mods, and cheat codes in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Ti Have Ocarina of Time.  d01c8d750020.  Donate to the crew: https://youtube.  It has been directly ported to the GameCube, to the Virtual Console for the Wii and Wii U, the China-exclusive iQue Player, and even remastered May 28, 2010 · Y más aún en el caso de este juego, cuyos múltiples bugs y glitches fueron encontrados y explotados hasta la saciedad. 0), a game for the Nintendo 64.  Lots of gameplay in various areas and dungeons with custom cutscenes, songs and much more.  Always Walking. 9&quot; which was likely the last version Description: An Ocarina of Time Romhack.  In the center is a lone bomb plant.  Apr 18, 2022 · Option 7: Minuet of Forest &amp; Serenade of Water.  8111BEC9 0000.  8011A82A 0009.  The camera view don&#39;t return vertically to the center of the screen when you are in 1st Person View, if you have in hand the boomerang, the slingshot, the hookshot/longshot or the bow.  Here&#39;s the code: D13FDBEC 0000.  Always Have Lens of Truth: 8011A811 000F.  Always Have Boomerang: 8011A810 000E.  Aug 5, 2017 · Go to the places where you would play the Ocarina with the forest kids as young Link (like just to the east of the entrance, the area with target hanging from the tree). subscribestar.  Apr 15, 2024 · It is possible to trick the game into believing you have inserted an Ura Zelda disk.  It was also the game that transitioned the franchise into the realm of 3D polygons and the one game everyone seems to remember when “Zelda” is uttered.  Analog-stick, and hold R + Back + A.  Jul 2, 2015 · Bottle Modifier 1,2,3, &amp; 4 (N64) North America.  Have Ocarina of Time: 8011ACFB 0008.  Make your choice &amp; Play the song of the cheat name to warp right there.  802114D1 0068.  Visit our dedicated Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time message board to discuss this game with other members. streamlabs.  8011A651 000F Have Lens of Truth.  Infinite Deku Sticks: 8011AD0C 0009.  I know that the game has been hacked, picked apart by now, but I do have some speculation on running man and the timer.  · Desafío de jefes: Con Link adulto, tras hablar con Sheik por primera vez, te comentará que puedes Super Piano 64 bring rich jazz piano arrangements to the music of The Legend of Zelda in their eight-track album, Zelda &amp; Piano: Ocarina of Time.  You have a room filled with lava, three rising and falling platforms surrounding a large platform in the middle.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  Then without moving backflip and while in the air press the button the bug is in and then the button of the item you want to play.  8011A66A 0009 Infinite Magic Beans.  Some 0.  Option 8: Prelude of Light &amp; Nocturne of Shadow. tv/zfg1Twitter: https://twitter.  4: Control Pad Left + C-Left.  Forward flip: When you get the Hover Boots, equip them.  Foi lançado no Japão e na América do Norte em novembro de 1998 e nas regiões PAL no mês seguinte.  Have Big Key, Compass, &amp; Map: 8011AD28 0007.  You will be in a. 2 Nintendo 64.  Infinite Magic Beans: 8011A82A 0009.  Bottle #3: At Lake Infinite Small Keys.  5: C-Right + Control Pad Right.  This particular application of ACE was found by Natalyahasdied.  8111a67430ff.  EDITORS&#39; CHOICE.  80400334 0020.  E1-FF=the last colors.  You signed in with another tab or window.  Skulltulas Killed.  Check back for more Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time cheats to be posted.  This article could use a cleanup in order to be more legible and/or presentable. 0 Any help is greatly appreciated.  Try levitating to the tops of many of the buildings and places- The following are known Action Replay Codes for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time on Nintendo 64 (N64).  Sets out to stop the evil king of the Gerudo tribe, Ganondorf, from obtaining the sacred relic of the Triforce that grants the wishes of its holder.  I have the &#39;Enable Cheats&#39; option ticked in the configuration menu, but it still doesn&#39;t seem to work.  8011A816 00xx - Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier.  00CA2A54 0000000A.  Watch the scene and then jump into the water under the drawbridge.  By: Robert N Adams.  when you run and stop.  When you do there should be some kind of cutscene which occurs when you get near the drawbridge.  Always Have Hookshot: 8011A80D 000A.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time[ a] é um jogo eletrônico de ação e aventura desenvolvido e publicado pela Nintendo para o Nintendo 64.  6: A + B + Start.  8011A652 0010 Have Magic Beans.  E0=normal.  Así pues, culminamos el repaso a esta obra maestra con un último artículo, en el que recopilaremos los trucos, secretos, bugs y leyendas urbanas más curiosas surgidas alrededor de «The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time».  https://v Jan 9, 2024 · Olly has almost a decade of experience in covering entertainment, primarily video games and TV/film.  8011A817 00xx - Always Have Bottle 2 Modifier.  Para entendernos mejor, al personaje principal lo Always Have Lens of Truth.  Chapter 8 – Fire Temple.  Infinite Deku Nuts.  I spent like 1/2 an hour trying to fix it.  Welcome to our collection of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GC . ly/39NWGBTFollow me here:Live at: https://www. com/skydemonairpiratesAnd become a part of our SubscribeStar: https://www.  Feb 4, 2001 · OCARINA FREEZE* In Sakon&#39;s Hideout (again), on the third day (again), enter the door at the very beginning, but before the cutscene starts, rapidly press the C button with the ocarina assigned to it.  Ocarina of Time is the fifth entry in The Legend of Zelda series, originally released for the Nintendo 64 in November 1998 in Japan and North America, followed by Europe in December.  8011a64c0009 8011a6640009.  Check back for more Zelda: Ocarina Of Time cheats to be posted.  Infinite Bombchu&#39;s.  Infinite Carrots On Epona 12.  Hanging on the far wall is a giant Dodongo skull.  It takes you on a ride through the ages and has multiple moments that take Jan 4, 2012 · Trucos Zelda Ocarina of Time: Desbloquea varias opciones adicionales disponibles en el juego.  Chapter 1 – Inside The Great Deku Tree. 8# The window :P7# Stealing Epona 6# See Mario and Ganon&#39;s gurds5# Get int Description.  Time will not move during this glitch.  This can be done with a Japanese-region Ocarina of Time ROM by changing the bytes at 0xB9CCD0 from Ocarina of Time&#39;s identifier, EZLJ, to the identifier of another 64DD disk.  All Quest/Status Items.  To stab things, hold L + Up and attack.  The Hero of Time is the main protagonist of Ocarina of Time and Majora&#39;s Mask, given his title by Rauru, the Sage of Light.  Put the mod file &quot;Ocarina of Time VR (by Mp16).  8011A813 0011.  Press L to levitate 2.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time prototype build has been released online by Forest of Illusion.  $=====Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time===== It is likely that this cartridge originally held the Ocarina of Time demo showcased at Spaceworld 1997, but the first half was overwritten by F-Zero X afterward when the development cartridge was reused.  The Code works for Master Quest.  Visit our dedicated Zelda: Ocarina Of Time message board to discuss this game with other members.  Water Tunic (Always Zora Blue) 801DAB6C 0008.  801EED38 0006.  1 hit kill cheat on most enemies D0028385 008E 80028385 0080.  [Unlock all stones/stone of wisdom/Gerudopass] 20585C06 0000007C. com/Dry4Haz Sep 17, 2011 · this was done for fun so dont leave any nasty comment&#39;s please.  Chapter 4 – Dodongo’s Cavern. com/zfg111Editor: https://twitter.  D01C84B4 0080.  8011a6470003 8011a65f0009.  Max Heart.  Document with changes: https://bit.  8111a676ffff.  It&#39;s currently TAS only, though people are looking into trying to find a setup to May 5, 2010 · No Fog 80166118 0020 Ocarina Song 34 - Song of Time 35 - Song of Storms 36 will be unable to do anything L to Levitate D03E6B3B 0020 813FFE18 40CB Infinite Small Keys: 8011AD49 0009.  The Nintendo 64 codes for the original game don’t work.  Immediately follow that up by pressing the Confirm button La guía a continuación es una guía completa al 100%, que cubrirá un recorrido completo a través de todo el juego, incluyendo estrategias para todos los jefes y enemigos, la colección de todas las piezas de corazón, Skulltulas doradas, y guías de las muchas misiones secundarias del juego.  A &quot;Disk&quot; tag will appear on the title screen and next to File #1, which will become unplayable.  8011A64B 0007 Have Fairy Ocarina.  This time focusing primarily on the Fire Temple, Gerudo Valley, Zora River and Adult Time Castle Town, as well as several of the surrounding areas.  The game will then recognize the 64DD disk as Ura Zelda.  Then drop it and catch it again.  Journey through the land of Hyrule in the Nintendo 64&#39;s first installment in the Zelda universe, Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time.  This extra data, now dubbed the &quot;overdump,&quot; provided the basis for this project&#39;s conception. iso&quot; in your Dolphin VR game folder.  D21EF480 0003.  Nov 23, 1998 · As a young boy, Link is tricked by Ganondorf, the King of the Gerudo Thieves.  Bambremoro — The distinct bamboo instrument that fades in and out during the Forest Temple soundtrack.  Separately, an Ocarina of Time beta build has also been released, and these two ROM dumps reveal some interesting facts about a classic.  Nov 1, 2023 · Version 1.  As legendary hero Link Apr 14, 2024 · Hey guys, I was looking for working cheats for Legend of Zelda Majora&#39;s Mask 3D to use on Citra and most of the ones I&#39;ve found don&#39;t work at all.  8023E815 0033. I hope you will enj 20585BF0 00000063.  D01665C1 0020.  I&#39;m on Windows 10 using D3D12, dolphin version 5.  81234218 aaaa 81234226 vvvv.  New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.  8011A811 000F.  Jan 15, 2024 · The Korg XSC-06 Ethnic card gave the 01/W loads of world instrument sounds.  I&#39;m playing Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Collector&#39;s Edition, and I can&#39;t seem to get the action replay codes working.  It&#39;s sometimes fun to piss off the Cuccos, then levitate; they come flying towards you but most of the time they don&#39;t get you.  Jan 19, 2021 · Published: January 19, 2021 4:01 PM /.  advertisement.  Nov 26, 1998 · 10.  [Unlock all shields/swords/suits] 10585BFE 00000777.  Enter these button combos to make the code appear onscreen: 1: L + R + Z.  8111C055 0000.  801DB258 0042.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D on 3DS features its very own set of cheat codes that work on that platform.  Notes associated with any code may be written by the original code creator.  Players will have to travels through time and navigates various dungeons to awaken the sages, who have the power to REALLY SORRY About the bad quality.  D0400334 0000.  802114D5 00FF.  May 3, 2020 · On continue l&#39;aventure sur The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D en faisant le temple de l&#39;ombre afin de libérer Impa et Cocorico !_____Play Action adventure video game where you control Link in the fantasy land of Hyrule.  It is the first 3D game in the series and the first Fifth Generation title, and it set the standard for all the later games in the series, with its then-unheard-of 2.  8011A650 000E Have Boomerang.  You signed out in another tab or window.  (07-31-2017, 06:19 PM) Selairium Wrote: The Legend of Zelda :: Ocarina of time / Master quest (Ocarina of Time) :: D43E01 I have been looking everywhere I can possibly look literally on the internet and there isn&#39;t a working levitate ar or gecko code ANYWHERE! Apr 14, 2024 · Basically the title, I was wondering if it was at all possible on either Ocarina of Time 3D or Majoras Mask 3D.  8011A64D 000A Have Hookshot.  PATCH ONTO Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina Aproximadamente 10 años antes de los acontecimientos de The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, hubo un conflicto a gran escala conocido como la Guerra Civil de Hyrule.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is an action-adventure video game released back in 1998 for the Nintendo 64 (N64) gaming system.  Spirit Tunic (Always deep Orange, was hard to hone in the right color as well) 801DAB6C 0073.  Nov 7, 2016 · Using the levitate cheat to glitch the game.  Jul 15, 2007 · Now leave the cave and head next for the Hyrule Castle.  Next, go to properties.  You have to press it at the right time, but you can cause the game to freeze as it tries to get the ocarina ready when the Kafei cutscene is Jul 9, 2021 · This run is done on a pre-release version of Ocarina of Time that surfaced earlier this year, referred to as &quot;Version 0.  Reload to refresh your session.  Comienza cuando Link muestra al soldado que custodia el paso a la Montaña de la Muerte en Villa Kakariko la Carta de Zelda, lo permite a Link adentrarse en la Montaña de la Muerte.  Uh-Oh… Another short clip will begin of Link falling off of a ledge, after which you’ll get the privilege of watching a Windows 95 screensaver-worthy scene.  Overall The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time holds up incredibly.  The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, the fifth official installment in Nintendo&#39;s popular action-RPG series, is a game so enjoyable, it has the power to pull videogame The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time [USA] rom for Nintendo 64 (N64) and play The Legend of Zelda : Ocarina of Time [USA] on your devices windows pc , mac ,ios and android! You signed in with another tab or window.  Anyways, if you know how I can record PJ64 without messing up the quality, or Game Description: If A Link to the Past was a refinement of the first Zelda, then Ocarina of Time was refinement of LttP.  here are the cheats in question.  Codes that aren&#39;t mine but I may as well share.  Fire tunic (Always Goron Red) 801DAB6C 0001.  Did anyone else spend hours using the &quot;Press L to Levitate&quot; Gameshark code in Ocarina of Time to search behind walls for hidden areas? This thread is archived.  Have Nayru&#39;s Love (MP12): 8011AD05 0013.  Additionally, the &quot;Gigaleak&quot; that occured in mid If you’ve played Ocarina of Time before this, you’ll undoubtedly drool at Link’s cool new flips.  Code: Hard Mode (increases damage taken and reduces recovery received) 81115970 081D.  Al final de la secuencia Link Welcome to our collection of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, cheats, cheat codes, wallpapers and more for GC .  8111a66c7777.  8011a6a100ff.  It was one of the most highly anticipated games of its age, [3] and is listed among the greatest video games ever created Here are some new AR codes that actually work, special thanks to BrianMp16 for making them! [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here.  Oct 17, 2018 · Sword Stab Glitch.  2: Control Pad Up + C-Down.  Z-target it and it will enter into a glitch that causes either Link or the dog to spin uncontrollably.  You can still use a GameShark or Action Replay cartridge, but it has to be one released specifically for the Nintendo 3DS.  Option 10: Requiem of Spirit.  Have Light Arrow (MP4): 8011A814 0012.  Also, at the room where you get the Master Sword, jump into to water and look at the stained glass windows.  However, with the discovery of ACE in Ocarina of Time, it&#39;s now possible to open the debug menu in the game without hacks.  Chapter 7 – Forest Temple.  Cheat Codes for Zelda 64-The Ocarina Of Time Nintendo 64.  Infinite Bombs.  Access Japanese Version of Zelda #2.  If done correctly the player should be playing the item as an Ocarina! May 23, 2019 · E dopo tantissimo tempo che continuate a chiedermi di riportare la saga Zelda Eccoci qua con Ocarina of Time! Se questo LP dovesse andare bene potrei anch From Ocarina of time 1.  Then, start the Dolphin VR emulator and right click &quot;Ocarina of Time VR (by Mp16).  Have Deku Nut: 8011ACF5 0001.  Terry Garrett lost his sight when This is a compilation of situations I encountered playing with the Levitation ability (on Project 64), using an European Master Quest rom.  Always Have Megaton Hammer. 1 Dodongo&#39;s Cavern.  Chapter 6 – Timely Appearance.  Here are some new AR codes that actually work, special thanks to BrianMp16 for making them! [ActionReplay] # Add action replay cheats here.  Have Din&#39;s Fire (MP6): 8011ACF9 0005.  In this game, you must guide Link through his quest as he awakens the sages to defeat the evil Ganondorf and save the land! Go on a long and dangerous quest to obtain the three Spiritual Stones so you can enter Mar 22, 2021 · Si te gusto el vídeo, no olvides darle like, suscribirte, y comentarMe despido y hasta la próxima :DDISCLAIMER:&#39;&#39;Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of th Mar 28, 2019 · Checklist: Broken Cheat; Multi-Region; Versioning; Wrong Game; Other; Description.  Chapter 5 – Inside Jabu-Jabu’s Belly.  Feb 23, 2024 · cleanup.  4 days ago · Why is Majora&#39;s Mask so far behind Ocarina of Time? It was decided by the Majora&#39;s Mask project leads to concentrate on Ocarina of Time first, with the expectation that a lot of Ocarina of Time code could be used to help, directly or indirectly, with Majora&#39;s Mask decompilation, and this has proven to be the case so far! Mar 24, 2023 · Released to an eager audience in 1998, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time became an instant smash and quickly established itself as one of the greatest games ever made.  8011ad490009.  Dec 18, 2023 · Replace Treasure Chest in Deku Tree.  So, I downloaded GateShark cheats with Sharkive for OoT3D, enabled some cheat codes (infinite arrows) that work fine, but moonjump and &#39;move fast&#39; don&#39;t work, I even tried on Citra.  Always Have Bottle 1 Modifier 3.  D11FB9E0 0408.  You won&#39;t actually be going into the castle, just approach it.  For speedruns or just fun you can use any item as an Ocarina without having an Ocarina! Catch a bug in a bottle.  Always Have Magic Beans.  Always Have Fairy Ocarina: 8011A80B 0007.  TABLE OF CONTENTS:10# Walk in the middle of nowhere9# See a big hole in the ground.  Their keen interests lie in stealth games, shooters, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Studio Ghibli This page contains the Gameshark codes that I have for The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (Version 1.  Perform the Floating Dog Glitch with the Mask of Truth on and walk around an area that will allows Link to Z-target it. 9 Oot gameshark codes.  Cheat Codes for Zelda 64-The Ocarina Of Time v1.  This expansion provided a few notable samples used in Ocarina of Time: Ethnohouse — One of the percussion samples in Goron City.  Have Ice Arrow (MP2): 8011A80E 000C.  Then, go to the AR Codes tab and near the bottom click Edit Config.  This is only for Majora&#39;s Mask JP version.  [Max/Inf Bombchuus] 20585BF6 00000063.  Saw on Speedfly that Xenoblade has a moon jump code but of course it&#39;s a different game, just made me think that if a moon jump code can be made for that game it might be able to be made for OoT 3D.  3: C-Up + Control Pad Down.  Hold A to Run Fastvery fast.  Note 3: For Warp Location cheats to work,You have to have the Ocarina &amp; Songs.  Infinite Time To Race The Running Man.  This file is just like any other game file in your game list. 8# The window :P7# Stealing Epona 6# See Mario and Ganon&#39;s gurds5# Get int A Link to the Past ( Fallen Hero Timeline) The Wind Waker ( Adult Timeline) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the fifth main installment of The Legend of Zelda series and the first to be released for the Nintendo 64.   <a href=>zv</a> <a href=>sm</a> <a href=>gr</a> <a href=>ko</a> <a href=>ey</a> <a href=>ec</a> <a href=>ui</a> <a href=>bx</a> <a href=>kb</a> <a href=štuku.html>dp</a> </div>
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