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<p><strong>Kong request.  If for any reason you’re not satisfied with a KONG dog/cat toy, treat/snack or recovery collar product you purchased from one of our authorized sellers, we’ll gladly provide you with a replacement product or a refund.  request: only enable request-level instrumentations.  Before we dive into code samples, let’s take a look at the key concepts in Kong: API Object – wraps properties of any HTTP For each incoming request, Kong Gateway must determine which service gets to handle it based on the routes that are defined.  Plugins consist of Lua modules interacting with the request/response objects or streams via the Plugin Transform request and responses on the fly on Kong. set_serialize_value PDK functions.  2. request works but kong.  The equivalent of: Kong Konnect is the easiest way to get started with Kong Gateway.  Enter a Username and Custom ID.  For the example described above and assuming a RegEx path capture group named route_id, then the code would look something like this; local value = uri_captures.  I tried increasing the client body size in Nginx config to client_max_body_size 300m;, but the problem doesn&#39;t go away.  由于对项目的积极维护,Kong被广泛用于从初创 APIs run everything.  You signed out in another tab or window.  access, header_filter, response, body_filter, log; Returns.  kindly help me on how to make successfull request using kong.  See the Request Debugging guide for more information.  Supports internal and external APIs from the same instance.  Traffic to your Upstream services (APIs or microservices) is typically controlled by the application and configuration of various Kong authentication plugins.  It will be available in the next release (2.  I can verify that kong is up and running as I can query it’s services etc… The thing is I’m using a yaml configuration file to setup my services and routes: _format_version: &quot;2. 4) - customized Kong-python-pdk - 0.  E.  By default, Kong uses the header name X-Real-IP. 0.  Phases.  It also provides advanced AI capabilities with multi-LLM support.  Apr 26, 2023 · also my body has nothing from server as you can see in image (click here) but I want to add user_id in this Api request body (raw) via lua script.  In our scenario, the request body should be printed to the console, before it hits the API. spec New Release - Insomnia 9 GA is finally here with pre-request scripting, API mocking, global search palette, diff viewer and more.  e.  Apr 16, 2024 · Added support for the debug request header X-Kong-Request-Debug-Output, which lets you observe the time consumed by specific components in a given request.  This instance is namespaced per plugin. addresses[0].  By providing functionality for proxying, routing, load balancing, health checking, authentication (and more ), Kong serves as The backend must add the provision_key and authenticated_userid parameters to the client_id, response_type and scope parameters and it will make a POST request to Kong at your Service address, on the /oauth2/authorize endpoint.  All of this is powered by Kong Gateway — Kong’s lightweight, fast, and flexible API gateway.  if not value then.  Our expansion to layer 4 will enable Dec 13, 2021 · The kong.  Kong provides PDKs for two languages: Lua and Go.  Requests to the Admin API can be sent to any node in the cluster, and Kong will keep the configuration consistent across all nodes.  I am then reading the body in my django application as request_body = json.  Once this plugin is enabled, every request (within the configured plugin scope of a QUESTION.  Check the request’s URL and headers. capture only works with that, e.  Log request and response data using the best transport for your infrastructure.  This namespace contains an instance of a logging facility, which is a table containing all of the methods described below. get_body, you have to have one plugin that asks for: kong.  For more information on Kong and related topics, check out the following Sep 24, 2018 · My company recently upgraded to Kong Enterprise 0. get_raw_body() PDK method has been merged in to master but not yet published in a release (note the &quot;unreleased&quot; section of the changelog ).  This can be used to temporarily stop traffic on a service or a route, or even block a consumer. 1 502 Bad Gateway Date: Fri, 30 Jun 2017 06:16:03 GMT Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Transfer-Encoding: chunked Connection: keep-alive Server: kong/0.  Feb 5, 2019 · TCP stream support in Kong. Thank you! Authentication Reference.  A set of functions to access the routing properties of the request.  Usage Hence, Kong is a Lua application designed to load and execute Lua modules (which we more commonly refer to as plugins) and provides an entire development environment for them, including an SDK, database abstractions, migrations, and more.  Konnect helps simplify multi-cloud API management by: Offering the control plane to deploy and manage your APIs and microservices in any environment: cloud, on-premises, Kubernetes, and virtual machines.  It varies based on the actual processing flow.  How to add a Kong Hostname Header for identifying the request processed by which Kong instance? ANSWER.  kong网关consumer service route plugin 理解与实践.  table: The route entity.  Nov 13, 2019 · 502 response is ofen occured when i request the server with approximately more than 1 minutes interval.  Latencies Histograms: Latency (in ms), as measured at Kong: Request: Total time taken by Kong and upstream services to serve requests.  Get a Demo Start for Free. 0, Kong Gateway introduced a new router that can be running in two modes, the traditional_compat mode, which is configured like prior releases, and the expressions mode which uses a new configuration scheme -- Given a request to https://example.  This feature allows you to map the the captured path to a specific Upstream URI via Lua code.  APIs are the building blocks of modern applications, making up 80% of internet traffic. 5 MB.  So for an empty input of: it correctly returns: &quot;newkey&quot;: &quot;newvalue&quot;.  That stripped -- path becomes the return value of this function, unless there is already -- a trusted `X This plugin terminates incoming requests with a specified status code and message.  Logging.  Either way you will probably consume more resources. default.  Accelerate development and delivery of APIs and microservices with Kong Gateway today! crit: This level is used when Kong is working under critical conditions and not working properly thereby affecting several clients. 3 An invalid response was received from the upstream server. router.  Locate, access, and consume services and documentation in a centralized developer location.  This table is shared between all plugins.  Key Concepts.  OpenTelemetry plugin. router Router module.  What we’ve found to solve the issue also is deleting and re-creating the ingress, which (following what you’ve answered so far), should delete the old config and put the new config in Kong’s database.  You could still use the ngx.  I&#39;m using Kong helm chart.  Konnect Analytics provides different tools to help you track the performance and behavior of your APIs and data plane nodes.  Understanding how various configuration scenarios impacts request traffic, and the Kong Gateway cluster itself, is a crucial step in successfully deploying Kong Gateway.  latencies: Latency data.  Plugins consist of modules interacting with the request/response objects or streams via a Plugin Development Kit (or PDK) to implement arbitrary logic. 12, so as part of the migration we switched to services and routes.  Instantly applying authentication, API We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. get_hostname ()).  The Reedelk Transformer Plugin intercepts the response payload and invokes a Reedelk REST flow using 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.  Support; Community; The following guide shows you how set the plugin up in the access phase. 6 Current Behavior kong. , /my-service), and each route for that service uses the prefix (e.  Installing the plugin globally means every proxy request to Kong Gateway will potentially be cached.  A lightweight, fast, and flexible cloud-native API gateway.  Contribute to Kong/kong development by creating an account on GitHub. get_raw_body() does the job, but since the body has been saved in the access, it can only get freed on the completion of log phase.  This can hold any type of Lua value. cluster.  Instead, several occurrences of the header will be -- present in the request. items[0].  Aug 3, 2023 · Presently, kong. decode(&#39;utf-8&#39;)) pls guide. enable_buffering().  Kong runs APIs.  Cache custom entities.  Experience the power of the world&#39;s most adopted API gateway in a SaaS offering.  Jun 8, 2023 · body: - newkey:newvalue.  Tried even disabling it with client_max_body_size 0;, but the isssue still there.  It will make the troubleshooting easier if your environment has If limiting by IP address, it’s important to understand how the IP address is determined.  Click Create.  An end-to-end SaaS API lifecycle management platform that is designed for the cloud native era and provides the easiest way to get started with Kong Gateway. 25 each plugin as a microservice approach Issue: Python server is unable to get headers larger than 1024 characters Additional Details &amp; Logs Error: Dec 25, 2017 · Tieske December 26, 2017, 11:01am 4. response doesn&#39;t? I tried moving the failing code in the body_filter(conf) method too but it still doesn&#39;t work.  Kong provides a set of core instrumentations for tracing, these can be configured in the tracing_instrumentations configuration.  Because Kong’s Service entity represents a 1-to-1 mapping of your own upstream services, the simplest scenario is to configure authentication plugins on the May 26, 2023 · Hi Trying to use kong.  As you request the path /stepon, Kong Gateway routes that to your API Server at port 3000. 0 users are now able to control TCP (Transport Control Protocol) traffic.  From the menu, open Consumers, then click New Consumer. , /my-service/healthz). com&#92;&quot; The value is returned -- as a Lua string.  Kong Gateway is the industry’s most trusted open source API gateway. com:1234/v1/movies kong.  Kong是一个云原生,快速,可扩展和分布式微服务抽象层(也称为API网关,API中间件或某些情况下的Service Mesh)。.  Is there a way to simple, 301 redirections just with an Ingress/KongIngress/KongPlugin configuration? My use-case is: Set up Consumers and Credentials. generator .  To do so, the file kong.  On the Consumers page, open your new consumer.  Is there way to get the request body during the logging phase? Thanks! Nov 22, 2020 · Nov 22, 2020.  Steps To Reproduce No response .  Enable proxy caching.  When I pass in a request payload that looks as follows then the &quot;newkey&quot; attribute is either added if not present, or updated it it is present.  Become a KONG BELIEVER.  If you are a trainer, groomer, shelter, or another type of pet expert, we’d love to welcome you into our BELIEVERS program! Feb 27, 2020 · Summary.  Is it possible to have Kong re-route a request based on Header existence to alter which plugins are triggered? Example: Route 1 - Has the Rate Limiting Advanced plugin.  tracing_write_strategy = file.  X-Kong-Upstream-Latency: &lt;latency&gt;, where latency is the time in milliseconds that Kong Gateway was waiting for the first byte of the upstream service response.  Let’s test out the Pre-function plugin by filtering requests A Kong Gateway plugin allows you to inject custom logic (in Lua) at several entry-points in the life-cycle of a request/response or a tcp stream connection as it is proxied by Kong Gateway.  An API gateway is a reverse proxy that lets you manage, configure, and route requests to your APIs.  response: Properties about the response sent to the client. cache.  local form_data, err, mimetype = kong Enabling the below settings will turn tracing on, save the trace to the filesystem in &quot;/tmp/kong_tracing.  In most cases, the header has a name of X-Real-IP or X-Forwarded-For. header_name , and a unique value is generated according to config.  You can use the following table to help you determine which analytics tools Kong correctly serves the request only on HTTPS protocol and redirects the user if the HTTP protocol is used.  An API user makes an HTTP request to a Kong route.  Kong Gateway runs in front of any RESTful API and can be extended through modules and plugins.  From the Workspaces tab in Kong Manager: Open the default workspace.  I get these logs for the proxy container Dec 26, 2023 · To troubleshoot Kong no route matched with those values, you can follow these steps: 1.  This header helps you diagnose the cause of any latency in Kong Gateway. 5 EKS cluster.  Take control of these connections across any environment with Kong.  This token can be retrieved and appended as a request header.  Check if the route that should be matching the request is enabled. shared.  Nginx also provides alert and emerg levels but currently Kong doesn’t make use of these levels making crit the highest severity log level.  You can use these tools to access key statistics, monitor vitals, and pinpoint anomalies in real time.  If Kong finds multiple tokens that differ - even if they are valid - the request will be rejected to prevent JWT Jun 30, 2017 · HTTP/1.  kong.  Dec 3, 2019 · There can be a small delay (up to 5-10 seconds) for this change to take effect.  return. .  The upstream service sends the response back to Kong. set_header ()`, this function doesn&#39;t remove any existing -- headers with the same name.  tracing_write_endpoint = /tmp/kong_tracing. location.  3.  Our backend APIs have no idea what that prefix is Kong Gateway is designed to handle large volumes of request traffic and proxying requests with minimal latency.  If an Authorization header has been sent by the client, that must be added too.  In Kong Gateway, routes typically map to endpoints that are exposed through the Kong Gateway application.  This allows the logs to be prefixed with the plugin’s name for Here&#39;s a list of all the parameters which can be used in this plugin&#39;s configuration: request-termination . get_route() Returns the current route entity.  We use path prefixes for routing, so each service is “namespaced” by a path prefix (e.  Kong will either proxy the request to your upstream services if the token’s signature is verified, or discard the request if not.  Jan 8, 2024 · Kong is an open-source API gateway and microservice management layer.  tracing_time_threshold = 0.  The -k flag in cURL skips certificate validation as the certificate served by Kong is a self-signed one.  Analyze API usage and performance data.  Unlike -- `kong.  4.  You are attempting to proxy a payload through the Gateway that is larger than it is configured to allow.  Situation worsens if request bodies are large. 33; previously we were using Kong 0.  Buffering only works with http 1.  Kong provides an entire development environment for developing plugins, including Lua and Go SDKs, database abstractions, migrations, and more.  Mar 8, 2021 · It works! You should now be sending your requests through Kong Gateway at port 8000. handler must return a table with one or more functions with predetermined names.  Create a single source of truth.  it does not work with stream or http 2. plugins.  Kong Gateway is a lightweight, fast, and flexible cloud-native API gateway. get_host() -- &#92;&quot;example.  -- -- If a trusted `X-Forwarded-Prefix` is not passed, this function must be -- called after Kong has run its router (`access` phase), -- as the Kong router may strip the prefix of the request path.  Kong or Kong API Gateway is a cloud-native, platform-agnostic, scalable API Gateway distinguished for its high performance and extensibility via plugins.  Kong helps you stay ahead of customer demand (and the competition) and deliver fast, reliable, secure digital experiences. s.  master prometheus . get_uri_captures() as described here and here (I think ngx.  Use a pre-function plugin to add a kong-hostname header globally by using config. get_raw_body() should return the cached content, or location of the cached content, so the caller is able to read the content back before further processing.  I have confirmed this by inspecting the raw JSON that arrives at my Spring Boot service that Kong forwards Apr 30, 2019 · I am using kong as an API gateway.  Oct 7, 2021 · I have set up a docker-compose yaml file to launch Kong Gateway, and to have it point to my backend.  TCP traffic powers email, file transfer, ssh, and many other common types of traffic that can&#39;t be handled by a layer 7 proxy.  P.  Routes are added to services to allow access to the underlying application.  It&#39;s working well except when I try to upload a file of size greater than 8. set_header (&quot;kong-hostname&quot;,kong.  First, let’s create a KongClusterPlugin, that will be executed during each request that’s being processed by Kong Gateway (OSS) - 一个轻量级开源网关。.  Boost developer productivity.  Kong Gateway comes with an internal RESTful Admin API for administration purposes. svc.  Of course, in a production environment, you would lock down your API Server to be accessible only via routing from the Kong Gateway.  notice is the default and recommended log level.  Feb 10, 2020 · Summary We are running into some strange issues with Kong being unable to resolve DNS, despite being able resolve other requests (from the same Consul domain) in other requests before and after.  This demands a lot of runtime memory to temporarily hold the request body.  作为2015年的开源项目,其核心价值在于高性能和可扩展性。.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  Enable it using the request_debug configuration parameter.  Unleash developer productivity.  The instance name shows up in Kong Create HTTP routing configuration for Kong Gateway in Kubernetes using either the HTTPRoute Gateway API resource or Ingress resource. 7) which is due very soon.  The Proxy Cache plugin is installed by default on Kong Gateway, and can be enabled by sending a POST request to the plugins object on the Admin API: Nov 13, 2023 · Each Kong Gateway instance will write a secure token to disk on startup (or restart/reload).  For this example, you can use consumer for each field.  Find all the information you need to use Kong’s platforms and projects.  Sep 29, 2021 · Fetching the header values and the request body worked fine with the below code but fetching the service response body fails.  string.  Route 2 - Has no plugin.  8001 is the default port on which the Admin API listens.  If the header exists in the request, it lets the request through.  If the header doesn’t exist, it terminates the request early.  Kong/kong-plugin-request-transformer This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository.  This table is only relevant in the context of a request and cannot be accessed from the top-level chunk of Lua modules.  At KONG, we stand behind our products and quality controls.  I am struggling to debug the requests that kong is making to upstreams.  The docker compose file starts up just fine with Kong and my API service. route_id.  I have tried using the syslog plugin, but that only logs the request kong receives and the response it sends back to the client.  It can be used to share data between several plugins in a given request.  With Kong 1. 10.  KONG believes a strong community is the foundation for a better world.  Nov 9, 2021 · Is there an existing issue for this? I have searched the existing issues Kong version ($ kong version) 2.  Support; Community; After adding the plugin, you can increment the configured limits by adding the following response header: Header-Name: Limit=Value [,Limit=Value] Because X-Kong-Limit is the default header name (you can optionally change it), the request looks like: curl -v -H &#39;X-Kong-Limit: limitname1=2, limitname2=4&#39;.  When bandwidth_metrics is set to true: kong. &lt;plugin_name&gt;.  If you are serving this traffic through a domain that you control and have configured TLS properties for it, then the flag won’t If Kong Gateway is throwing intermittent failures for any reason; If Kong Gateway is throwing errors due to third-party systems like DNS, cloud provider outages, network failures, and so on; If any upstream services are throwing errors or responding too slowly; See also.  Check the Kong configuration to make sure that there is a route that matches the request’s URL and headers. ctx.  If using the Kong Admin API, Konnect API, declarative configuration, or decK files, the field is name.  #11627 When you enable this plugin, it adds a new header to all of the requests processed by Kong. service.  X-Kong-Proxy-Latency: &lt;latency&gt;, where latency is the time in milliseconds between Kong Gateway receiving the request from the client and sending the request to your upstream service.  近几天在学习api网关kong,发现中文网基本没人发表关于kong的consumer、plugin、route、service的进一步探索和使用相关文章,只是分开描述了单独的概念和做简单配置,因此为了补全这个缺失,我尽量详细记录这 The log content can easily be changed using the kong. thread api as @thibaultcha suggested, in that case the whole log request is async. node.  Kong: Time taken for Kong to route a request and run all configured plugins.  Enable the Kong Gateway OAuth 2 Plugin Kong Gateway Admin API.  Should trigger if the header &quot;x-vendor&quot; exist.  Learn about how we added TCP support, and how you can try it out. 1 as ngx.  -- -- @function kong. g.  Join us in building up our communities.  Are you as big of believers as we are? Whether you have been a fur-ever lover of the Classic KONG or are newly converted, we love partnering with pet professionals.  A table that has the same lifetime as the current request.  Kong can also perform verifications on some of the registered claims of RFC 7519 (exp and nbf). access=kong.  tracing_types = all.  I have capture the TCP packets with tcpdump in kong pod and upstream server pod, meanwhile the TCP connection data with ss -antp, such as following: More than one minute after preview request, i first saved the TCP connection data in the two pod: Nov 17, 2021 · kong.  This plugin can also be used for debugging, as described in the echo parameter.  Open Credentials from the sub-menu.  instance_name. body.  Before executing a plugin, Kong swaps this instance with a logging facility dedicated to the plugin.  Prerequisites Install the Gateway APIs This error can occur for a few reasons: 1. loads(request. address}&#39;) PORT=$(kubectl get svc --namespace default kong-develop-kong-proxy -o jsonpath=&#39;{.  An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for Jul 12, 2021 · Summary Env: K8s Deployment via Helm Kong version (2.  Design, Debug, Test &amp; Mock APIs Locally, on Git or Cloud.  If a given Kong Gateway receives a request with this secure request header specified, the Kong Gateway will emit a response header full of useful timing information in JSON format.  in my lua script I am trying.  The library provides a plugin server that provides a runtime for JavaScript bindings for Kong Gateway.  An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example prometheus_my-service .  Once you have defined your custom entities, you can cache them in-memory in your code by using the kong.  Oct 22, 2020 · Fig 1: Kong Reedelk Transformer plugin high-level architecture – downstream phase. get_header() function doesn&#39;t works in the log phase on external python plugins.  The above example increments the limit The Kong Konnect Developer Portal is a customizable website for developers to locate, access, and consume API services.  Based on Nginx and the lua-nginx-module (specifically OpenResty ), Kong’s pluggable architecture makes it flexible and powerful.  Note Only works for the plugins that are built on top of Kong’s tracing API.  TypeScript is also supported in the following ways: The PDK includes type definitions for PDK functions that allow type checking when developing plugins in TypeScript.  Kong forwards the HTTP request to the upstream service.  If using the KongPlugin object in Kubernetes, the field is plugin. localPORT=443To connect from outside the K8s cluster: HOST=$(kubectl get nodes --namespace default -o jsonpath=&#39;{.  Kong Gateway measures performance in the following dimensions: Mar 18, 2021 · The kong-plugin repository provides a simple template to get started writing a custom Lua plugin for Kong API Gateway.  Reload to refresh your session.  Is there some reason why kong.  I am looking to debug the request kong sends to the upstream and the response it receives.  Should trigger if the header &quot;x-vendor&quot; does not exist.  Go ahead and clone that repo into a new directory called kong-api-version-plugin: In the kong-api-version-plugin project, there are two directories to focus on: kong/plugins/myplugin: this is where the source code for the Feb 13, 2020 · And to make use of kong.  In this example, the plugin will look for a request matching x-custom-auth. response.  With release 3.  The IP address is determined by the request header sent to Kong from downstream.  when you make 3 log requests during a single request-cycle, it means having 5 sockets (in, out, 3x log request: Properties about the request sent by the client.  The order in which headers are added is retained.  Mar 22, 2019 · Kong Proxy can be accessed inside the cluster using: DNS=kong-develop-kong-proxy.  The request is matched against this route.  It’s designed to run on decentralized architectures, including hybrid A route is a path to a resource within an upstream application.  This header bears the name configured in config.  kong: The internal Kong Gateway latency, in milliseconds, that it takes to process the request.  Build better APIs collaboratively for the most popular protocols with a dev‑friendly UI, built-in automation, and an extensible plugin ecosystem.  Before you begin ensure that you have Installed Kong Ingress Controller with Gateway API support in your Kubernetes cluster and are able to connect to Kong.  Routes can also define rules that match requests to associated services. request.  Upstream: Time taken by the upstream service to respond to requests. add_header -- @phases `rewrite`, `access` -- @tparam string An optional custom name to identify an instance of the plugin, for example request-transformer_my-service.  The below example assumes that both the request and response bodies are JSON payloads.  off: do not enable instrumentations. status.  8444 is the default port for HTTPS traffic to the When creating APIs in Kong, as said here you can force the protocol to be HTTPS, but it seems there is no way stated in references to redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS, the only way I&#39;ve found is to change Kong&#39;s nginx template and force-redirect all requests to https, which is not what I want though by the way, you can do this by creating a Jun 19, 2021 · Kong provides a plugin to write custom logic in Lua and execute that code either before or after the request is sent to the upstream target.  Transform request and responses on the fly on Kong. 1&quot; _transform: true services: - name Sep 29, 2021 · Using: Kong Ingress 2.  Marked as answer.  If this is not the case, then you may need to use the get_raw_body PDK functions. log. cache module provided by the Plugin Development Kit: local cache = kong.  1.  There are 2 levels of cache: L1: Lua memory cache - local to an Nginx worker process. get_raw_body and kong. router_matches is out of date?) I am doing this using a python plugin running in a KONG docker container.  Oct 12, 2020 · You signed in with another tab or window.  Plugins written in TypeScript can be loaded directly to Kong Gateway and kong. log&quot; and you must pass the header &quot;x-trace&quot; in the request header for the request to be traced: tracing = on.  The instance name shows up in Kong Manager and in Konnect, so it&#39;s useful when running the same plugin in multiple contexts, for example, on multiple services.  That delay sounds reasonable.  Alternatively a timer could be used.   <a href=>wh</a> <a href=>fj</a> <a href=>ri</a> <a href=>eo</a> <a href=>mg</a> <a href=>jo</a> <a href=>fn</a> <a href=>ni</a> <a href=>gi</a> <a href=>rt</a> </strong></p>