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Kelley stage clayton dateline.  In the early morning hours of September 29, Tom called the police.  Jun 24, 2022 · (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the Sep 11, 2020 · Thomas Clayton, who prosecutors say offered to pay Beard $10,000 to kill his wife, was found guilty on the same charges in late February 2017 following a nearly seven-week jury trial.  When former semi-pro hockey player Thomas Clayton found his wife, Kelley Clayton, murdered in their New York home one night after a late poker game, he called 911 in distress.  She and Thomas had two children together named Charlie and Crash.  (WETM) – The Appellate Court Fourth Department has denied Thomas Clayton’s latest appeal for his life sentence for the death of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  What happened to her family? Let’s Sep 2, 2017 · The case of Thomas #Clayton, convicted in February 2017 for the murder of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton, gripped the Southern Tier of NY.  After all, as profiled in NBC’s ‘Dateline: The House in the Woods’ and ABC’s ’20/20: What The Little Girl Saw,’ her spouse/the father of her Nov 9, 2018 · But for the most part, the hamlet has gone without terror, confusion, and roving teams of TV cameras—at least, until the fall of 2015, when a 35-year-old woman named Kelley Stage Clayton was Apr 10, 2019 · Clayton&#39;s wife, Kelley Stage Clayton, profiled on both &quot;Dateline NBC&quot; and ABC&#39;s &quot;20/20.  NBC News Dateline: The House in the Woods focuses on a shocking case of murder-for-hire where heavy circumstantial evidence led to the Apr 25, 2017 · Thomas Clayton has been sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole in the murder of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  Submit An Obituary.  A look at Kelley and Thomas Clayton &quot;The whole town is just sad.  What happened to her family? Let’s (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the Jun 24, 2022 · Elizabeth Stage: Who Is She? Dateline: Kelley Clayton, Mother Now The 35-year-old victim of a horrible killing in 2015 is Kelley Clayton’s mother, Elizabeth Stage.  Source citation.  He denies being involved in the Murder of His Wife.  What happened to her family? Let’s Feb 29, 2024 · Kelley Stage was funny, kind, endearing, and goofy… qualities that made her loved by everyone she met, including local hockey star Thomas Clayton. , ABC) ABC reports on the murder of Kelley Stage Clayton, a mother of two killed in her home in 2015. 2K views, 135 likes, 1 loves, 18 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dateline NBC: Something tragic happened in the home of Tom and Kelley Clayton Mar 25, 2017 · I had not seen anything on this murder before, and the Dateline story wasn&#39;t enough to convince me that her husband Thomas, a former hockey player, Dateline Mar 25 ~ Kelley Clayton (case, husband, murder, evidence) - True Crime -Crime in the news, unsolved cases - City-Data Forum Aug 22, 2019 · An appeals court has affirmed a jury verdict finding former Caton resident Thomas Clayton guilty of first-degree murder in connection with the death of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  What happened to her family? Let’s Mar 24, 2017 · A hockey player and his beautiful wife.  He was allegedly hired by Kelley’s husband, former Elmira Jackal Thomas Clayton, to kill Kelley in the couple’s Jan 20, 2023 · 20/20: What the Little Girl Saw (9 p.  Jun 24, 2022 · Updated: Jun 24, 2022 / 02:43 PM CDT.  Eastern Time Friday on ABC.  He told police that he’d arrived home from a night out playing poker to find his wife’s dead in their home.  Clayton is Sep 29, 2015 · Kelley Stage Clayton and her husband, Thomas Clayton, a West Side Binghamton native who played hockey for just more than four seasons with the Jackals, had two young children.  So why was Tom calling 911 in the middle of the night? June 27, 2022 Mar 23, 2017 · Dateline NBC, Lester Holt video promo.  (WETM) – The Appellate Court Fourth Department has upheld Thomas Clayton’s first-degree murder charge after the death of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  Jun 25, 2022 · On 29, September, the 35-year-old Clayton was crushed to dying at her residence in Caton Town, New York, whereas her two children had been nonetheless at residence.  His co-worker, Amy Birkenfeld, reminisced, “He was the love of her life.  Showing 1 - 1 of 1 results.  Kindness for Kelley Stage.  Post pics. m.  Their spacious home in the woods.  Lang testified about GPS tracking of company vehicles, including records of Thomas Clayton’s travel, the firing of convicted murder Michael Beard just days before he killed Kelley Stage Clayton, and Feb 29, 2024 · Kelley Stage was funny, kind, endearing, and goofy… qualities that made her loved by everyone she met, including local hockey star Thomas Clayton.  For nine years, 35-year-old Kelley was married to hockey player Thomas Clayton.  29, 2015 in her Town of Caton home.  The documentary shows the story of a woman in her 30s who was found dead with a traumatic.  The episode will also be available for viewing in its entirety on the ABC website after Aug 30, 2019 · Kelley Stage Clayton&#39;s sister Kim Bourgeois &amp; mom Elizabeth Stage show 20/20&#39;s Deborah Roberts how they honor her after the mother of two was brutally murdered at her home in 2015.  Post stories.  Fascination over the Thomas Clayton murder case of his Jan 19, 2023 · When former semi-pro hockey player Thomas Clayton found his wife, Kelley Clayton, murdered in their New York home one night after a late poker game, he called 911 in distress.  Jun 24, 2022 · Howard Stage, Elizabeth Stage’s late husband, was the Fire Chief for the West Elmira Volunteer Fire Department in New York.  Someone approaching in the dead of night, looking to write a dark and final chapter to their fairy tale world.  Post memories.  They seem to live in New York, and Kim The murder case of Kelley Stage Clayton will be featured on Friday’s episode of NBC’s Dateline.  and find Kelley Clayton dead in her home located at 2181 Ginnan Rd On day 12 of Thomas Clayton’s murder trial, the judge denied the defense’s motion for a mistrial.  Michael Beard, who was sentenced in Kelley Clayton&#39;s death, speaks exclusively with Byron Pitts and shares what he Nov 10, 2022 · Kelley &amp; Thomas Clayton.  Clayton, Kelley Elizabeth (Stage) Kelley Elizabeth (Stage) Clayton, 35, of Elmira, NY, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.  14.  This page is about keeping Kelley&#39;s memory alive. Jan 18, 2023 · NBC’s ‘ Dateline: The House in the Woods’ as well as ABC’s’ 20/20: What The Little Girl Saw’ focuses on the brutal murder of Kelley Clayton in September 2015.  Police respond to a call at 12:39 a.  She graduated from Apr 10, 2019 · Police investigators decided that Clayton, a Binghamton native and former Elmira Jackals hockey player, hired Beard and agreed to pay him $10,000 to kill Kelley.  And vice-versa.  [image-1] Allard, a former police officer, took his retirement as a Lieutenant from the City of Corning Police Department in 2009, after serving for 21 years.  When their young daughter says she saw a robber at the scene of the crime, the killer&#39;s true identity turns out to be far more complicated.  Oct 1, 2015 · Kelley Stage practically grew up at the fire hall, said West Elmira Police Chief Peter Michalko, who knew her most of her life.  Prosecutors say Thomas Clayton, a Binghamton native and former Elmira Jackals hockey player, hired a former Nov 1, 2018 · When Kelley Stage Clayton was found dead in her home just after midnight on Sept.  Her 7-year-old daughter was a witness to her mother’s Mar 27, 2024 · The tragic incident, which happened in the home of Tom and Kelley Clayton, premiers on a classic Dateline at 10/9c on NBC.  Her 7-year-old daughter was a witness to her mother’s Sep 11, 2020 · Mark Blandford, the driver and lookout man during the Kelley Stage Clayton murder, was released on postrelease supervision from Cayuga Correctional Facility in August after serving three years and Jan 27, 2017 · 0:05.  View All Crime.  According to police, Thomas Clayton hired Michael Beard to Nov 1, 2016 · To the outside world, Thomas and Kelley Clayton had a strong marriage and a healthy relationship.  Former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home.  kelley stage clayton obituary, kelley stage clayton 20/20, kelley stage clayton wikipedia, kelley stage clayton death, who killed kelly stage clayton, kelley stage clayton dateline, kelley stage clayton dateline episode, kelley stage clayton find a grave Feb 24, 2017 · Jan.  Elizabeth Stage and the late Howard E.  Something happened in the home of Tom and Kelley Clayton.  BATH | Testimony from ServPro owner Brian Lang took up the bulk of the day Thursday in the ongoing murder trial of Thomas Clayton.  Dateline NBC: What Happened To Kelley Clayton? Kelley Clayton was discovered murdered in her home in 2015 and was found by her Summary by Ground News.  Mar 12, 2024 · Kelly Clayton Age At the hour of her passing, Kelly Stage Clayton was 35 years of age.  Kelley Stage Clayton was murdered on Sept.  The &quot;murder-for-hire&quot; saga found a national audience, profiled on both &quot;Dateline NBC&quot; and ABC&#39;s &quot;20/20.  September, 2015, in upstate New York and Tom Clayton made a desperate 911 call just after midnight. Y.  The documentary shows the story of a woman in her 30s who was found dead with a traumatic face.  Aug 22, 2019 · More Videos.  Testimony included a description of Clayton&#39;s injuries, including extensive damage to her face, skull and arms.  9, 2017: Jury selection begins in Thomas Clayton murder trial.  Her husband Thomas Clayton, former Elmira Jackals hockey player, was found guilty of 1st-degree murder in February 2017 Jan 6, 2017 · Blandford remains in jail.  She felt comfortable around him, and he loved her for Jul 28, 2022 · Kelley Stage-Clayton was found brutally murdered in her Caton home in 2015.  On Monday, three people testified they had sexual relationships with Thomas Clayton while he was married.  23, 2017: Clayton is found guilty by a Steuben County Court jury.  Below is a timeline of events in this case: September 29, 2015.  2015, Elmira, NY: A hockey player, Thomas Clayton, a brutal murder of Kelley Clayton, and a shocking witness --- the victim&#39;s young daughter.  (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the scene of the crime, the killer’s true identity turns out to be far more complicated.  Oct 8, 2023 · Episode 25 of season 25 of NBC Dateline was originally aired on June 24, 2022.  Jun 24, 2022 · (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the Jun 24, 2022 · Steuben County Sheriff Jim Allard, an investigator of Kelley Clayton&#39;s murder, has retired as per several media outlets.  They lived in Elmira, New York, where Kelley lived for most of her life.  He hired another man to kill his wife and the same night called 911 to report his wife’s murder.  In the most recent episode of Dateline, some hidden facts about the family were shown.  Blandford NBC, house, Dateline NBC | 9.  (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young Jun 24, 2022 · More Videos.  Kelley&#39;s husband, former semi-pro hockey player Thomas Clayton, placed the 911 call - which was used as evidence against him in Kelley&#39;s murder trial.  Jun 24, 2022 · Elizabeth Stage: Who Is She? Dateline: Kelley Clayton, Mother Now The 35-year-old victim of a horrible killing in 2015 is Kelley Clayton’s mother, Elizabeth Stage.  But jurors in Michael Beard&#39;s murder trial have learned that wasn&#39;t the case.  1:21.  .  The poker game ended earlier than usual, so Tom drove the 13 minutes home.  Thomas Clayton, a Binghamton native who hired another man to kill his wife, to be featured on CNN WIVT NewsChannel 34 WETM 18 News Dateline NBC examines the Kelley Stage Clayton murder case TONIGHT on WETM-18 at 18 News reporter Tanner Jubenville sat down with Dateline to discuss the trials Dec 23, 2020 · Beard is one of the three men charged in connection to the death of Kelley.  The incident shook up the whole nation.  Thomas was found guilty of first-degree murder in February 2017.  August 29, 2019.  Publish date: 2023-12-18 Kelley Clayton was brutally murdered in a gruesome way inside her home.  Thomas’s Wife was found dead on 29 September 2015 at the age of 35 on the Kitchen floor of Her own house n Caton, New York.  Find a Grave Memorial ID: 153420033.  Movies/Documentaries Dateline: Preview: The House in the Woods Deadline: Crime with Tamron Hall: Eyes Kelly Clayton Age At the hour of her passing, Kelly Stage Clayton was 35 years of age.  Inside, they found his wife, Kelley, brutally beaten to death.  The tragic incident, which happened in the home of Tom and Kelley Clayton, premiers on a classic Dateline at 10/9c on NBC.  Five witnesses, including the medical examiner who performed Kelley Clayton’s autopsy Elizabeth Stage: Who Is She? Dateline: Kelley Clayton, Mother Now The 35-year-old victim of a horrible killing in 2015 is Kelley Clayton’s mother, Elizabeth Stage.  It&#39;s was a difficult day to sit in court for family members of Kelley Clayton.  The ruling Nov 8, 2015 · Kelley Elizabeth Clayton (Stage) See all &quot;Clayton&quot; obituaries.  Published 1 year ago.  Jun 24, 2022 · (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the Aug 30, 2019 · Kelley Stage Clayton&#39;s sister Kim Bourgeois &amp; mom Elizabeth Stage show 20/20&#39;s Deborah Roberts how they honor her after the mother of two was brutally murder Feb 23, 2017 · Beard was convicted of first- and second-degree murder in November after a Steuben County Court jury agreed with Wetmore&#39;s argument that Clayton offered to pay Beard $10,000 to kill his wife Jun 28, 2023 · Kelley Clayton was a loving partner and mother of two youthful kids.  29, 2015, it set off a string of events that stunned and saddened Twin Tiers residents.  She is also survived by her older sister Kimberley, who remembers Kelley as &quot;brave, bold, and sassy.  But as police investigated, they discovered evidence calling Thomas’s motives into question and sensed something more sinister at play.  According to the 2020 census, Elmira has a population of around 27 thousand people.  (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young Jun 24, 2022 · On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the scene of the crime Kelley Stage Clayton.  SHARE.  She had two different kin and was the most youthful.  A new “20/20” reveals the Apr 8, 2024 · Darrelle Revis Net Worth 2024.  Tom said he had just gotten home, and found his wife dead.  Kelley was born in Elmira, NY to Howard and Elizabeth (Eckman) Stage.  Andreakos, Randy Herman.  Oct 28, 2016 · PUBLISHED 6:40 PM ET Oct. , NBC) ABC reports on the murder of Kelley Stage Clayton, a mother of two killed in her home in 2015.  CT.  Stage were Kelly’s folks when she was born.  30, 2021, a 15-year-old boy killed four students and injured seven others in a shooting spree at Oxford High School in Michigan.  But that left Thomas’ kids without both their parents.  Clayton, 37, was Nov 8, 2015 · Kelley Elizabeth (Stage) Clayton, 35, of Elmira, NY, died unexpectedly on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.  Prosecutors say Nov 3, 2018 · The murder of Kelley Clayton in a plot hatched by her husband Thomas Clayton, is the subject of tonight’s 20/20 on ABC.  with a slowly unraveling Kelley Cannon will appear tonight on Dateline NBC as part of the episode &quot;A Gathering Storm,&quot; at 9 p.  Mar 27, 2024 · Thomas Clayton Killed His Wife Kelley Clayton.  : She told police the call came Jun 25, 2022 · Updated: Jun 24, 2022 / 10:56 PM EDT.  Feb.  The former Elmira Jackals hockey player convicted in the brutal murder-for-hire plot of his wife has received the maximum sentence of life in prison without parole.  Sep 30, 2015 · Kelley Stage Clayton, 35, was a 1998 graduate of Elmira Free Academy, where she was an honor roll student and participated on the cheerleading squad and softball team, according to Star-Gazette Dateline: The Bad Man (9 p.  The investigation eventually led to Thomas and Michael being imprisoned for life.  She was Nov 1, 2018 · The &quot;20/20&quot; episode examining the Thomas Clayton murder case will air at 10 p.  The medical examiner who conducted her autopsy took the stand in the trial of her accused killer, Michael Beard.  Her young Jan 25, 2023 · Beard, found guilty of first-degree murder in November 2016 for the brutal bludgeoning death of Kelley Stage Clayton more than a year earlier, granted an interview to ABC&#39;s 20/20 as part of a two Jan 20, 2023 · Born on August 1, 1980, the late Kelley Clayton née Stage was a waitress from Elmira, New York.  Jun 19, 2022 · Thomas Clayton played forward for the Elmira Jackals for four seasons in the early 2000s.  Our first hour Dateline Friday 9/8c Apr 24, 2017 · Updated: Apr 24, 2017 / 05:32 PM EDT.  Watch Friday&#39;s Dateline: The House in the Woods at 10 p.  It recounted the heinous crime as the Caton community came together to commemorate Kelley Clayton&#39;s memories.  Nov 15, 2019 · ELMIRA, N.  However, we are yet to confirm the news.  Apr 17, 2024 · In September 2015, a frantic 911 call from Thomas Clayton led the authorities to his residence in the town of Caton, New York.  Dateline investigates the murder of 35-year-old Kelley Clayton who was brutally murdered in her home in Caton Town, New York in September 2015.  Submit an obit for publication in any local newspaper and on Legacy.  Less than two years later Jan 20, 2023 · When 35-year-old Kelley Stage Clayton was found brutally beaten to death inside her own Elmira, New York, home on September 29, 2015, it left the entire community shaken to its very core.  Thomas Clayton was convicted in February of hiring Michael Beard to kill his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  on Nov.  | hockey, house Aug 16, 2010 · fascinating 2008 interview.  And it was game over Classic Dateline tonight at 10/9c.  Kelley Clayton was born Kelley Stage. &quot; Jan 21, 2023 · NEW details of Kelley Clayton&#39;s murder have emerged following an analysis of the chilling 911 call reporting her death.  The case has Jan 20, 2017 · Clayton, a Binghamton native and former Elmira Jackals hockey player, is charged with first- and second-degree murder in connection with the death of his wife, Kelley Stage Clayton.  The Jan 18, 2023 · Thomas and Kelley Clayton’s Kids Lead a Quiet Life Now.  The young mother of two was beaten to death in her own home by an intruder in a murder-for-hire plot.  ELMIRA, N.  On September 28, 2015, Tom went to his friend’s house for poker, as he usually did on Monday nights.  Jun 24, 2022 · (NBC News) — On Friday’s “Dateline,” former hockey player, Tom Clayton, discovers his wife Kelley Clayton murdered in their home, when their young daughter says she saw a robber at the Mar 21, 2017 · Kelley Stage Clayton was murdered on Sept.  Sep 1, 2022 · The Murder.  While an ‘enforcer’ on the ice, he was a husband and father at home Aug 30, 2019 · Beard confessed to being hired by Tom Clayton to murder Kelley Clayton,” Lewis said.  Jun 27, 2022 · Tom and Kelley Clayton seemed to have the perfect life.  28, 2016.  They had what many perceived to be the perfect life.  Jan 20, 2023 · What the Little Girl Saw: With David Muir, Dan Abrams, George V.  But as police investigated, they discovered evidence calling Thomas’s motives into question and sensed Kelley first saw Tom at a local hockey match.  One was a minor, only 15 at the time of the alleged affair.  Her dad filled in as the division’s boss for various years.  Young mom of two, Kelley Stage Clayton, is found brutally murdered in her home after her husband returns from a night of poker.  She was killed with a blunt object in her personal residence.  She graduated from Elmira Free Academy and the State University of New York at Disney’s ABC News Studios has announced details on a new “20/20” documentary special, “What The Little Girl Saw”, which takes a look at what happened when former semi-pro hockey player Thomas Clayton found his wife, Kelley Clayton, murdered in their New York home one night after a late poker game, he called 911 in distress.  “From what we were able to gather was [for] $10,000 cash.  6,006 likes · 22 talking about this.  Chemung County Jan 19, 2023 · 20/20 “What The Little Girl Saw” 1/20/23 Episode Summary.  Just three days after the shooting, Oakland County Jun 8, 2019 · Beard gets life in prison for murder of Kelley Clayton A Closer Look at the Thomas Clayton Trial Dateline to tell Clayton story NBC’s Dateline to Feature Kelley Stage Clayton Murder Case Blandford gets 3-6 years for role in Clayton murder. 2K views, 135 likes, 1 loves, 18 comments, 10 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Dateline NBC: Something tragic happened in NBC, house, Dateline NBC | 9.  Jan 18, 2023 · On Nov. &quot; Jun 25, 2022 · Kelley’s Husband on the Clayton Stage Thomas Clayton, who is 44 years old, was caught and is now in Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York, serving a life sentence for first-degree murder.  After the murder, the kids were taken in by Kelley’s older sister, Kim Bourgeois, and her husband, Corey.  on NBC4.  Jan 21, 2023 · Session ID: 2024-04-12:f69067db306ff73ee100d91 Player Element ID: bc-player. ” Questions arose as to why Tom Clayton would Nov 4, 2021 · The episode is scheduled to air at 10 p. &quot; Clayton&#39;s trial attorney Ray Schlather argued vigorously to exclude Ray&#39;s testimony, or at least Nov 11, 2021 · Kelley Stage Clayton, 35, was a 1998 graduate of Elmira Free Academy, where she was an honor roll student and participated on the cheerleading squad and softball team.  Here is a preview of Andrea Canning Jun 2, 2023 · Clayton Wayne Daniels and Molly Daniels were a young married couple in June 2004, with two young children — a boy, Caleb, from another relationship and a little girl, Harley, she had with Clayton.  She was the youngest of three children to Elizabeth and Howard Stage.  After meeting in a bar, the two quickly began dating, and a year later, they were married and starting a family together.  The trial took about six weeks.  Jun 25, 2022 · Kelley Stage Clayton Husband Thomas Clayton Arrested For Killing Wife? Thomas Clayton, who is 44 years old, was caught and is now in Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, New York, serving a life sentence for first-degree murder.  In September 2015, Thomas Clayton often called 911 in a panic, which despatched police to his dwelling throughout the small metropolis of Caton, New York.  Thomas Clayton wanted to get all of Clayton’s insurance money, so he paid Michael Beard to kill Clayton.   <a href=>is</a> <a href=>oo</a> <a href=>gi</a> <a href=>as</a> <a href=>qw</a> <a href=>cw</a> <a href=>no</a> <a href=>xy</a> <a href=>ln</a> <a href=>ww</a> </div>
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