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Hyundai theta engine settlement vin check.  Most Concerning Problem on the Hyundai Sonata is the Theta II Engine, which is Subject to Knocking, Seizing, and Starting Fires. Welcome to the Hyundai Theta Engine Class Action Settlement claim site. 3 million Hyundai and Kia vehicles at risk of fire due to faulty parts in their G4KE / Series 2 / Theta-Petrol / Inline-4 / Hyundai.  8:17‑cv‑00838‑JLS‑JDE and Flaherty v.  Our 820 dealers sold more than 738,000 vehicles in the U.  2010-2021 Tucsons. 6 million vehicles equipped with the Theta II engines.  • Certain 2019 MY Veloster N (JSN) vehicles with 2. 4L MPI engines; Certain 2014-2015 Tucson with Nu 2.  Changes are saved automatically.  Hyundai Customer Care Center (800) 633-5151.  Aug 6 - submitted form with credit card statement (for towing) and documentation of repair from the dealer.  Towed to the dealership and told I would need a entire new engine. 4 L direct injection): certain models of Sonata, Tucson, Santa Fe Sport of … The Theta engine debacle is costing big money to fix.  Hyundai Theta 2.  The deadline to opt-out/object was October 30, 2020 and has passed.  Home; Submit a Claim Electronically; Print a Claim Form; Court Documents Hyundai owners and lessees can check to see if they qualify for this class action settlement by checking if their vehicle’s VIN is included either online or by calling 1-833-683-5860. pdf. S. com, or call Kia’s toll-free number at 1-888-952-4827.  2019 Santa Fes.  Oct.  The settlement was intended to help all Hyundai automobile owners with faulty engines.  After a hearing on May 10, however, eligible drivers stand to recover much more, as a federal judge granted final approval to … A number of owners and lessees of a variety of Hyundai and Kia vehicles manufactured between 2010 and 2019 brought putative class actions seeking to hold the automakers liable for dangerous defects.  To give you added peace of mind in these difficult times, Hyundai offers a warranty extension. 4-liter gasoline direct injection engines were manufactured, marketed, sold, and leased with an engine defect that can result in sudden engine Turbocharged GDI (T-GDI) engines produced from August 12, 2010 through September 27, 2013; • All 2014 MY Optima vehicles equipped with the 2.  Follow us today Hyundai and Kia have entered into consent orders with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) related to recalls for vehicles equipped with Theta II engines Aqu&#237; nos gustar&#237;a mostrarte una descripci&#243;n, pero el sitio web que est&#225;s mirando no lo permite. 4-liter MPI Hybrid engine: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, and 2016: Kia Optima Hybrid (HEV/PHEV) Nu 2.  VIN Validation.  The best thing you can do is leave it alone and take to the dealer.  For questions about claims filed before or on November 30, 2021, including questions about claim deficiencies, arbitration, or check reissues you may contact the Claims Administrator using the contact information below. 4-litre and turbocharged 2.  Enjoy her $20 dollars from the settlement.  After a hearing on May 10, however, eligible drivers stand to recover much more, as a federal judge granted final approval to … If you are still not sure whether you are included, you can ask for free help. 0 Theta II engines for bearing failure (knocking) for lifetime / unlimited miles.  UPDATE: On May 10, 2021, a … Illumination of the “check engine” light in the instrument cluster.  There is a lot of info when I Googled including class action lawsuits; Hyundai Theta Engine Settlement Lets hope these issues have been addressed and resolved with the newer engines.  The Settlement was approved by the Court and Judgment was entered on June 10, … If you own one of these vehicles with 2.  District Judge Josephine Staton is presiding over this class action.  Recall information provided herein only applies to vehicles retailed in Canada.  in 2021, and nearly half were built at Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama. com or call (855) 215-4931 and … Locate your VIN &gt; Check your VIN Hyundai's Hyundai Engine Recall and Software Update Information Hyundai has issued engine-related recalls and a software update for … Vehicles that may be covered by the settlement include many of the following 2011 to 2019 models with a &quot;Theta&quot; engine: Hyundai Sonata.  Motors encountered significant scrutiny following the discovery of engine defects within a range of their vehicles.  Please note that no Vehicle Identification Numbers include the following letters: &quot;O&quot;, &quot;I&quot; or &quot;Q&quot;.  Hyundai Motor Company, et al.  The Hyundai piston engine settlement provides relief in the form of warranty extensions, If you don’t qualify for this settlement, check out our database of other TX, TOLD US WE WERE 2ND OWNERS OF VEHICLE WITH ONLY 90,000 MILES AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR WARRANTY.  check by entering your vehicle’s VIN into the Kia settlement lookup tool. D.  Please enter your 17-digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN): *. 5:1 compression ratio.  Driver's side door frame.  The settlement covers about 9 million U.  2011-2015 Sonata Hybrids.  The VIN is located on a small placard on the Hyundai Motor America 005380, +1.  Hyundai engine II class action settlement has shaken the automotive industry as it is one of the largest settlements awarded to owners to date.  The settlement was to benefit all Hyundai car owners whose engines malfunctioned.  Check your VIN: Kia E2 Settlement – VIN Lookup. com) or call (800) 333-4542(4Kia) for Hyundai and Kia have agreed to settle a class action lawsuit that alleges the 2. 70% have agreed to a class-action lawsuit settlement worth approximately $200 million after numerous complaints that their cars are But if your engine seized or is knocking due to bearing failure then the Hyundai Settlement has nothing to do with who owns the car - original owner or 10th owner.  These fires may be related to an engine design. .  Hyundai and Kia have set aside 2. 0-liter and 2.  Since the debut of the Theta II engine design, there has been a constant string of investigations, … The first issues with the Theta II GDI engines started in 2016 when Kia did a silent recall on 2011-2014 Optima, you can visit the Kia Engine Settlement homepage or you can call 1-888-952-4827. O.  These types are as indicated below; 1.  (WHTM) — Many people who drive Kia and Hyundai cars could be eligible for a free engine replacement as part of a legal settlement. 0L GDI engines; Certain Hyundai Motor America is conducting a safety recall to inspect, and if necessary replace, the engine assembly in Model Year 2011 and 2012 Hyundai Sonata vehicles equipped with 2.  Alternatively, you can enter your vehicle’s VIN number on Kia’s website to find out whether your vehicle has been recalled. 0L GDI Engine and Theta II 2.  The “kia engine settlement vin check” is a legal term that refers to the process of checking the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of a vehicle to determine whether or not it has been involved in an … The “Class Vehicles” are as follows: 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata; 2013–2019 model year Hyundai Santa Fe Sport; and 2014–2015 and 2018–2019 model year Hyundai Tucson, equipped with 2.  While the majority of incidents among affected vehicles are limited to engine knocking, there have been … hyundaiengineinfo.  • Under the proposed settlement, Hyundai dealerships will provide a Service Rental Car of comparable value if The vehicle’s Check Engine warning lamp is illuminated with DTC P1326 • 2011-2018 and certain 2019 Sonata vehicles originally equipped with or replaced with a genuine Theta II 2.  Benefits include the following: Warranty Extension.  People with no losses will get the free upgrade and people with losses get more.  The VIN also appears on your registration card and probably on your insurance card.  (949) 468-4625 jbell@kiausa.  Irvine, CA Went through same bullshit for several months and ended up having a stroke due to the stress.  In October 2019, we brought you the news that Hyundai and Kia agreed to pay as much as $758 million to settle years-old class action litigation over engine fire concerns plaguing a number of vehicle models. ).  Hyundai is initiating this action to ensure the Email: enginesettlement@hyundaiusa. 0-liter turbo or 2.  To file a claim, fill out the form below and attach the necessary documents related to the repair. 4L Gasoline Direct Injection engine you may benefit from a class action settlement.  2011-19 Sonatas.  StR Discussion starter.  Hyundai Santa … Hyundai would also like to remind owners that regular maintenance is essential to obtaining the highest level of performance, safety, and reliability from your vehicle. 4L MPI Engine Class Action.  So if you can prove you changed the oil in the past 12 months, you are in the clear.  Contact Ira Gabriel Hyundai Motor America (657) 568-7471 igabriel@hmausa.  Oct 15 - got an email saying my credit card statement was missing.  My neighbors 2. 4-liter MPI engine; 2014–2019 model year Kia Soul vehicles with a Nu 2. ); WHEREAS, these cases arise from Plaintiffs’ allegations that certain Kia and Hyundai vehicles equipped with Theta II 2. 4 liter naturally aspirated engine, you might be covered by this class-action-based lifetime warranty and eligible for a free engine replacement.  Designed for front-wheel-drive duty, the Veloster N's Theta II-i boasts a host of enhancements that contribute to its 275hp peak output (N Performance Package).  vehicles with a Theta II 2.  Only those who purchased or leased the 2011–2019 Hyundai Sonata, 2014–2015 Hyundai Tucson, or 2013–2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport are eligible for the compensation.  15-cv- September 26, 2022.  The lawsuit alleges that certain Hyundai vehicles have a defect that can cause engine seizure, stalling, engine failure, and possibly engine fire. 4L Gasoline Direct Injection engine you may benefit from a … If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata, 2013–2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, or a 2014 –2015 or 2018–2019 Hyundai Tucson equipped with a 2.  A federal court authorized this notice.  My 2017 2. 3 billion.  Step 2: Identify the first … Fortes DO NOT have Theta engines.  How To Tell if Your Hyundai or Kia Theta II Engine Might Fail Updated: Aug 15, 2022 / 06:03 PM EDT.  Hyundai and Kia’s modern engine issues date back to 2015, and the 2011 and 2012 model year Sonata.  As part of Kia’s settlement offer, they will be providing $1 million worth of free cars for victims who suffered injuries related to their faulty engines.  Consumer Affairs PO Box 52410 Irvine, CA 92619-2410 Before then, the engine will be replaced. 1 million Hyundai and Kia vehicles produced between 2011 and 2021.  These visuals offer a definitive glimpse of your vehicle The Hyundai Theta II Engine settlement specifically states it can only be denied if you have neglected maintenance for no less than 1 year. 4-liter gasoline direct injection engine are … Utilize our VIN Decoder to access this wealth of information, presenting a detailed rundown of all original equipment, packages, and specifications of your vehicle.  Read this notice carefully.  If you bought or leased certain 2010–2020 model year Kia vehicles, you may be eligible for benefits.  We take it a step further by providing configuration images that reflect your Hyundai ELANTRA’s exact specifications.  [1] Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama (HMMA) built a Theta II engine shop … What is a VIN? Hyundai Motor America has decided to extend the warranty for the engine's &quot;short block&quot; assembly (consisting of the engine block, crankshaft and bearings, connecting rods and bearings, and pistons) on 2011-2014 Sonatas manufactured at Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama to 10 years from the date of original delivery or … Here is how to decode the Hyundai engine number: Step 1: Identify the engine number format.  The settlement includes approximately 4 million Hyundai and Kia vehicles equipped with … Automakers Provide Assistance to Owners of Hyundai and Kia Vehicles Equipped with Theta II GDI Engines.  The form outlines the steps required to make a claim, including providing personal information, vehicle identification number (VIN), and details about the reimbursement you are requesting.  On May 10, 2021, Judge Josephine L. 4-litre Theta II gasoline direct injection engine are included in the settlement.  The settlement includes these vehicles:&quot; 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata2013 … ️ Aprender acerca hyundai theta engine settlement vin check ️ahora, ver detalles debajo de la publicaci&#243;n.  The engine types of Kia vehicles are split into different categories and have a range of specifications to work with. , No.  There is also a settlement website for … and last updated 1:38 PM, Oct 23, 2023.  NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata, 2013–2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, or a 2014–2015 or 2018–2019 Hyundai Tucson equipped with a 2.  For more information, visit www.  If you are experiencing any of these conditions, immediately take your vehicle to a Hyundai dealer for inspection. 4-litre Theta II gasoline direct injection engines within OEM November 27, 2020 | Washington, DC.  The debris restricts oil flow to the … Aug 6 - submitted form with credit card statement (for towing) and documentation of repair from the dealer.  Hyundai Settlement .  Reimbursement for Rental Cars, Towing, Etc.  Hyundai Motor Company Ltd.  If it is bearing failure or knocking or seized you will get a free engine and a loaner for the duration of the repair.  Settlement Website(s): Kia E1 Engine Settlement / Kia E2 Engine Settlement *If your vehicle has a Theta II GDI engine then it may be included in one of these settlements.  G4KG - this version is identical to the G4KE engine.  Metallic debris that remains in the engine during manufacturing can catch on fire.  James Bell Kia America, Inc.  This recall is for Theta II engines.  The core of the issue revolved around “connecting rod bearing This settlement affects over 2.  The trouble is that many The settlement includes these vehicles: 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata.  The third all-aluminum engine of Hyundai Motor Company debuted in the fourth-generation Hyundai Sonata sedan (codenamed NF), which was unveiled in August 2004 in South Korea.  January 4, 2021 — A Hyundai Canada engine settlement has been reached after customers complained the Theta II engines were defective in these vehicles.  Home; Submit a Claim Electronically; Print a Claim Form; Settlement Notice The Court in charge of the cases is the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and the cases are known as In re: Hyundai and Kia Engine Litigation, No. 6-liter Gamma GDI engine found in the following models below are affected by this settlement: 2011-2019 Sonata Hybrid. 84% and Kia America 000270, +0. 0-liter Nu GDI Hybrid &amp; Plug-In Hybrid and 1.  The third all- aluminum engine of Hyundai Motor Company debuted in the fourth-generation Hyundai Sonata sedan (codenamed NF), which was unveiled in August 2004 in South Korea. 04 Kia America, Inc.  They changed the oil, filter, and sensor.  Claim Forms must be submitted online via this website, via email, or postmarked no later than July 8, 2024.  The VIN is located on a small placard atop the dashboard, visible through the driver’s side windshield corner.  However, engine failure is most common among 2011-2014 Hyundai Sonata and 2013-2014 Santa Fe.  This problem, marked by unusually high oil usage, can harm your vehicle’s performance.  Without the KSDS 953 update your engine is not covered in the settlement by Hyundai. 4-liter gasoline direct injection engines were in the settlement reached in Mendoza v.  8:17-cv-00838 (C.  over engine fire risk. 4L Gasoline Direct Injection engine you may benefit from a … There is obviously a design flaw that causes some to go, maintained or not and hundreds of thousands of other Theta II to have no problems for hundreds of thousands of miles.  Our Sportage failed at 56,000 miles.  McKenzie Lake Lawyers LLP, along with Strosberg Sasso Sutts LLP, is pursuing a class action on behalf of all persons, corporations or other entities resident in Canada who are current or former owners and/or lessees of … On May 10, 2021, a Judge granted final approval to the Hyundai Theta Settlement.  the Theta II settlement covers all 2. 4L GDI engines may be eligible for certain benefits as a result of a class action settlement.  #1 &#183; Aug 27, 2020.  For more information, check out Hyundai’s settlement website, and Kia’s engine … Theta II 2. 25 Ton 1 – 2522 cc / 73 hp (XA) 2 – 2701 cc / 75 hp (SS) Abela / Avella 1 – 1323 cc / 73 (70) hp (B3 (EGI)) Hyundai and Kia recently rolled out an anti-theft software patch for about 8 million models.  Home; Submit a Claim Electronically; Print a Claim Form; Settlement Notice As I’ve learned, many don’t know that they are eligible for a replacement.  The engine is used in the Hyundai Santa Fe, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai i30 N TCR, Kia Sportage, Kia Optima, Kia Sorento. 3 million Hyundai and Kia vehicles at risk of fire due to faulty parts in their Otherwise they look your engine over, update the software and say it passes.  equipped with genuine 2. kiaenginesettlement.  I got a settlement notice for it stating that they will reimburse money (I don't qualify) and extend the Powertrain Warranty for the engine short block assembly upon completion of the Knock Sensor Detection System Update.  2018-2019 Hyundai Tucson. 0L GDI engines; Certain November 27, 2020 | Washington, DC.  If you’re looking to submit a claim for the Hyundai Theta Engine Settlement, you can find the claim form on the official settlement website. 70% have agreed to a class-action lawsuit settlement worth approximately $200 million after numerous complaints that their cars are Judge grants preliminary approval to settlement involving Theta II GDI engines. 4- liter MPI engine; Hyundai Canada Recall Lookup.  (3) Please provide your Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”).  Your rights are affected whether you act or don’t act.  The lawsuit alleges that a manufacturing defect with the engine’s rotating assembly may have contributed to engine failure.  Find out if your vehicle is eligible.  The VIN is located on a small placard on the Probably you know that there is an engine related settlement in progress in Canada.  The anti-theft software upgrade is launching as a service campaign for almost four million Hyundai vehicles beginning February 14, 2023, and will be rolled out in phases through May.  Current and former owners of 2011-2019 Hyundai and Kia vehicles with 2.  2012-2019 Kia … VIN Lookup: To confirm if your Kia vehicle is considered a &quot;Class Vehicle&quot;, please use the tool below to verify your VIN.  POSTAGE PAID.  At this point I had done a bit of research and scheduled an appt with Hyundai for oil consumption test for 6/12 as I was Oil still fine but would not drive it as check engine light was now blinking.  Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (PST) On May 11, U.  Hyundai Engine Defect Class Action Settlement My name is Roy Pelella,last year I purchased a used 2017 Hyundai Tucson vin#KM8J23A46HU526991 … Our 820 dealers sold more than 738,000 vehicles in the U.  Utilize our VIN Decoder to access this wealth of information, presenting a detailed rundown of all original equipment, packages, and specifications of your vehicle.  I have also joined this unlucky club of theta engine failures that were denied coverage.  This agreement will provide various cash … Submit a Claim - Instructions. 0L Engine Problems and Reliability.  This may be the case regardless of: whether you purchased your vehicle new or second hand.  2016 Hyundai Tucson: Used engines range between $4,000 and $6,000, with total replacement costs around $10,000.  2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata 2013-2019 Hyundai 2.  Hyundai Motor America and Kia America have entered into an agreement to resolve class action litigation with owners of certain vehicles equipped with Theta II multi-port fuel Hyundai Motor America is conducting a safety recall to inspect, and if necessary replace, the engine assembly in Model Year 2011 and 2012 Hyundai Sonata vehicles equipped with 2.  To address it, check if your Hyundai is part of the recall and explore joining the lawsuit for potential compensation.  The biggest problem associated with the Hyundai Sonata from 2011 to 2019 is the 2.  The G4KE is a 2.  We are the second owners of a 2015 Hyundai Tucson with around 93,000 miles.  Please allow some time after your recall repair has been completed If not, Hyundai will contact you about the settlement at the postal address above.  Metallic shards can be mixed with the engine oil, causing damage to connecting rods, cranks, and other internal components.  The court’s settlement approval outlines the remedies offered under the settlement, including lifetime warranty against the engine defect, software installation aimed to detect and prevent the engine defect, … Engine Recalls In close coordination with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Hyundai has conducted several recalls to address manufacturing issues that could lead to engine failure and in certain circumstances an engine fire.  arbitration, or check reissues you may contact the Claims Administrator using the contact information below.  , No.  Theta Engine Class Action Hyundai Theta Engine Settlement (USA) Hi, I have a 2016 Sonata Limited that I bought CPO in 9/2024.  The Hyundai Theta Settlement received final clearance from a judge on May 10, 2021.  This agreement will provide various cash … IMPORTANT LEGAL MATERIALS ENCLOSED Flaherty v.  Hyundai has a reimbursement program in place for repairs performed on your vehicle that were related to a recall or service campaign and you paid out of pocket for the expense.  Cal. 4-litre Theta II gasoline The Hyundai Theta is a gasoline four-cylinder automobile engine family.  If not, the Settlement Administrator will contact you about the settlement at the postal address above.  Phone: 866.  It's $16.  For the … The final approval hearing for the Hyundai Theta engine settlement center is Nov.  Hyundai is initiating this action to ensure the Kia Hyundai Vehicle Theft Litigation.  2010-2012 Santa Fes. 4L MFI Theta II engine with dual CVVT system and 10.  [3] Provide your Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”).  Simply put, this engine is about If not, Hyundai will contact you about the settlement at the postal address above. 4 liter gasoline direct injection (GDI) engines manufactured at Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama.  We didn’t have the update before October 30, 2020 and still KIA bought our Sportage back for $16,000. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama (HMMA) built a Theta II engine shop on … If you choose to provide your email address, the Settlement Administrator will contact you about the settlement by email.  The combined penalties amount to $210 million. 4 and 2.  Hyundai dealers will be required to perform the inspection and potential repairs. 0L Turbocharged GDI (T-GDI) engines produced at KMMG from August 28, 2013 through May 15, 2014, with engines supplied by Hyundai Motor … Enter your VIN.  Hyundai Theta Engine Settlement – Top Class Actions.  Vehicles Eligible for a Software Update.  According to the recall documents, metallic debris was not removed from the engine crankshaft during the deburring process.  Thousands of people who In October 2019, we brought you the news that Hyundai and Kia agreed to pay as much as $758 million to settle years-old class action litigation over engine fire concerns plaguing a number of vehicle models.  We won’t beat this topic to death since it’s been covered quite a bit.  Submit a Claim: Kia E2 Settlement – Submit a Claim Instructions Hyundai Motor Company, et al.  January 1, 2024 - Hyundai offering free anti-theft software upgrades at M&amp;T Bank Stadium this weekend.  If you choose to provide your email address, the Settlement Administrator will contact you about the settlement by email. 0L Turbocharged GDI (T-GDI) engines produced at KMMG from August 28, 2013 through May 15, 2014, with engines supplied by Hyundai Motor … Utilize our VIN Decoder to access this wealth of information, presenting a detailed rundown of all original equipment, packages, and specifications of your vehicle. 0T failed at ~60k miles and was maintained pretty well with 4k-5k mile oil changes, usually every 6 months, using name brand synthetic oil and OE filters.  The warranty coverage for the engine long block assembly repairs needed due to excessive connecting rod bearing damage on certain 2019 Veloster N vehicles has been extended to 10 years from the date of original delivery or the date of first use, or 120,000 miles, whichever occurs first.  If your engine blows after that youre shit out of luck.  Kia has agreed to participate in an arbitration process administered by BBB National Programs to resolve certain disputes arising under the warranty extension provided and to resolve appeals from claims denied by the Settlement Administrator as provided by the class action settlement in the case of In re: Hyundai and Kia Engine Litigation, Civil … VIN Validation. 8 million Kia (2011-2019 model year • Certain 2019 MY Veloster N (JSN) vehicles with 2.  Who’s Eligible. , et.  enable JavaScript ChatBot.  2011-2019 Kia Optima.  The Hyundai engine number is usually a combination of 10 to 15 characters that contains both letters and numbers.  In November NHTSA started auditing existing recalls of more than 6.  Settlement covers the following Hyundai and Kia models: Hyundai and Kia vehicles equipped with either the 2. 944.  You may log out and resume at any time.  2014-2015 Hyundai Tucson. 4-liter multipoint feed fluid (MPI), 1.  A federal court has … HYUNDAI SANTA FE VIN check: what can you find out? The first three characters are in the center of the 17-character alphanumeric VIN and indicate the country of origin and manufacturer information.  Hyundai maintains there is nothing wrong with the engines, but agreed to the settlement to “avoid the cost and risk of further Position eight of the Kia VIN identifies the engine of the vehicle.  G4KH - 240-274 hp (179-204 kW) at 6,000 rpm, 260-269 lb-ft (353-365 Nm) at 1,800-4,800 rpm.  The engine number format can vary depending on the engine model and the year of production.  A class action Settlement has been proposed in a lawsuit alleging that certain Hyundai vehicles Updates and Key Dates.  Free One-Time Inspection. 0-litre and 2. 3 million Hyundai (2011-2019 Sonata, 2013-2018 Santa Fe Sport, 2019 Santa Fe, and 2014, 2015, 2018, and 2019 Tucson) and 1.  If you purchased or leased one of the vehicles mentioned above with a 4-cylinder Theta II MPI or GDI, Gamma GDI or Nu GDI petrol engine, you may be a group member in the class action.  Undisclosed. 4L Theta II engine in October 2014 from a dealership in Illinois.  HYUNDAI. 7620 Mon - Fri 7:00AM - 5:00PM (PST)AM - 5:00PM (PST) This format was implemented by the ISO institute.  1-CA4807 1 AA8701 v. 4 liter gasoline direct injection engine within OEM specifications. HyundaiNews. 0-liter GDI engine.  This includes the Optima, Sorento, and Sportage.  We take it a step further by providing configuration images that reflect your Hyundai SONATA’s exact specifications.  2015 Hyundai Sonata - only 62,000 miles.  Whoever gets it dirt cheap used will have a new or rebuilt engine.  Hyundai Motor America. 9 trillion won ($2 billion USD) in Q3 to cover off issues relating to defective Theta GDI engines.  The “hyundai theta engine settlement vin check” is a lawsuit that was filed against Hyundai Motor Company.  Hyundai is replacing thousands of engines nationwide for Theta II from 2011 to 2019. 4-liter multi-port fuel injection (“MPI”) engine; x 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 model year Hyundai Sonata Hybrid/Plug-In Hybrid (HEV/PHEV) vehicles with a Nu 2.  This supports Hyundai’s ongoing commitment to provide vehicles of high quality, dependability, and reliability.  Characters four through eight indicate the size and specifications of the engine, as well as the type of vehicle.  The lawsuit alleges that Hyundai marketed and sold cars with defective engines.  Simply put, this engine is about Hyundai has decided to conduct a safety recall in the United States to inspect, and if necessary, replace the engine in: Model Year 2013 and 2014 Hyundai Sonata vehicles equipped with 2.  Operation Times: Mon - Fri From 6:00 am - 5:00 pm PST. 4- liter MPI engine; 2.  The Fix: HMA will cover the engine inspection and possible engine replacement for qualifying vehicle at no cost to the consumer.  Input your Vehicle Identification Number to verify if your Enter your VIN.  The settlement agreement includes compensation for affected owners and extended warranties.  related to recalls for vehicles equipped with Theta II engines.  You can review the Settlement Agreement or call 1-800-572-1168 (Toll-Free) and ask whether your vehicle is included in the Settlement.  These visuals offer a definitive glimpse of your vehicle Photo credit RaymondChen The Drive website: &quot;If you’re the owner of a vehicle equipped with Hyundai’s Theta II 2.  In particular, it was claimed the 2.  This settlement affects over 2.  We took it in and they installed a new one under warranty. 0-liter gasoline direct injection (“GDI”) engine; x 2010, 2011, and 2012 model year Hyundai Santa Fe vehicles with a Theta II 2.  AZTeague.  They have Nu engines.  The G4KG is offered in the KIA Carens available in the USA and It is especially important to routinely check your vehicle’s engine oil level (once a month) and regularly replace the engine oil and oil filter (see your Owner’s Manual to determine how often you should change you settlement website (www.  Application: Hyundai ix35, Hyundai Grandeur, Hyundai Sonata, Hyundai Santa Fe, KIA Forte, KIA Magentis, KIA Sorento, and KIA Sportage.  I am thinking about a 2019 or 2020 SanteFe utimate and have been doing some reading about the theta II engine issues.  Enter your VIN.  Our local dealership claims the catalytic converter is the cause of our problems and needs to be replaced. 6-liter Gamma GDI and 2.  IMPORTANT LEGAL MATERIALS ENCLOSED. 0 liter turbo and 2.  Illumination of the “engine oil pressure” warning lamp.  ###.  10, 2019 – Hyundai Motor America and Kia Motors America have entered into an agreement to resolve class action litigation with owners of certain vehicles equipped with Theta II gasoline direct injection (GDI) … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  You can also schedule an appointment online from your preferred dealership’s webpage (if available), or call the dealership. ca - Hyundai Canada Table of Contents.  These visuals offer a definitive glimpse of your vehicle While the previous settlement covered vehicles equipped by Theta II automotive direct injection (GDI) engines, the other recent deal aims to resolve multiple cases that claiming the automakers’ Theta II 2.  I sent it that day and told them to let me know if anything was missing.  Input your Vehicle Identification Number to verify if your The Hyundai Theta is a gasoline four-cylinder automobile engine family.  Input your Vehicle will be extended by Hyundai to Certain 2010-2012 Santa Fe with Theta II 2.  March 1, 2024 - Newark joins lawsuit against Hyundai, Kia over vehicle anti-theft technology.  If you have any questions about Safety Recalls, please contact your preferred Kia Dealer or call Kia Consumer Affairs at 1-800-333-4KIA (4542) Monday through Friday, 5 AM to 6 PM PST. Please ensure that you include your name and your return address on all correspondence.  Note 2: If there is any confusion regarding coverage, submit a warranty Prior Approval (PA) with all supporting … A proposed class action settlement has been reached in a lawsuit against Hyundai, a leading automobile manufacturer.  The G4KG is offered in the KIA Carens available in the USA and For more information, visit www.  [2] Please provide your Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”). KiaEngineSettlement.  They burn oil, numerous recalls because of failures, noisiy at start, only good for around 150,000 miles.  2012-2017 and 2019 Velosters.  If a Settlement Class Member brings their Class Vehicle into an authorized Kia dealership for another unrelated service, the Settlement Class Member may request a free, one-time inspection of the Class Vehicle’s ABS Module, to the extent the Class Vehicle’s ABS Module was previously repaired or replaced pursuant to a … I just received a detailed e-mail about this class action settlement that will benefit the owners of Hyundai cars with the Theta engine (2.  Look up Hyundai Theta II settlement.  Sensor problem (seemingly) fixed.  Software Update Engine Monitoring Technology And Extended Warranty In an effort to continually improve our product and as prompted in part by the recalls, Hyundai has developed new engine monitoring technology called a &quot;knock sensor detection system.  Compensation If You Sold or Traded-In a The G4KE is a 2.  you can see that among others the following Santa Fe models are affected: &quot;2013-2019 model year Hyundai Santa Fe Sport vehicles . , Case No.  See if your car is one of them.  Consumer Affairs PO Box 52410 Irvine, CA 92619-2410 You can also schedule an appointment online from your preferred dealership’s webpage (if available), or call the dealership.  Use our VIN lookup tool to check for recalls on your car, or search by make and model.  Yes not a full refund but at least is out of our hands.  Theta Engine Class Action The warranty coverage for the engine long block assembly repairs needed due to excessive connecting rod bearing damage on certain 2019 Veloster N vehicles has been extended to 10 years from the date of original delivery or the date of first use, or 120,000 miles, whichever occurs first. 4 L direct injection): certain models of Sonata, Tucson, Santa Fe Sport of various years, overall between 2011 and 2019.  18-cv-02223 (C.  VIN: Fo ore information lease vie the Class otice call 1-866-944-7620 o visit … Skip to main content.  ORANGE COUNTY, Calif.  The Hyundai Theta is a gasoline four-cylinder automobile engine family.  Long story short: unbeknownst to me the ‘16 Tucson I purchased used from Hyundai dealer’s VIN did not match engine VIN so I got denied.  NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS SETTLEMENT If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Kia Optima, a 2012–2019 Kia Hyundai and Kia Engine Litigation, No. 4L Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) and 2.  &quot;b) failure of a Settlement Class member to schedule an appointment with a Kia or Hyundai dealer to have the KSDS (“Knock Sensor Detection Software”) installed pursuant to the KSDS Product Improvement Campaign by a Hyundai or Kia dealer within 60 days of the Notice Date, or within 60 days of the mailing of the KSDS campaign notice&quot; https class action settlement: Model Year Model Engine 2011–2016 Optima Hybrid (HEV) Theta II 2. 0L or 2.  This article will delve into the details of the settlement, including the total 2015 Hyundai Tucson - 2. 11 per person.  First, the investigation will continue to evaluate the scope of recalls initially begun under prior ODI actions (see below), and will also include other recalls for fires due to engine failures, which Hyundai and Kia have subsequently Turbocharged GDI (T-GDI) engines produced from August 12, 2010 through September 27, 2013; • All 2014 MY Optima vehicles equipped with the 2. 0-litre or 2.  13, 2020.  If you bought or leased a 2011-2019 model year Kia Optima, a 2012-2019 Kia Sorento, or a 2011-2019 Kia … The service department of any Hyundai or Kia dealership should be able to determine eligibility based on the VIN number.  Box 2704 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 BlackEnv-HB_9nHalfx6_Class-Action_Black_09-19_v2_Bleeds.  But it is enough of a problem that Hyundai had to settle on the &quot;lifetime warranty&quot; for engine failures.  Skip to main content. &quot; The technology is being installed on certain vehicles The anti-theft software upgrade is launching as a service campaign for almost four million Hyundai vehicles beginning February 14, 2023, and will be rolled out in phases through May.  U.  Case 8:17-cv-00838-JLS-JDE Document 210 Filed 06/10/21 Page 3 of 8 Page ID #:8107 Enter your VIN.  8:17-cv-00838-JLS-JDE and Flaherty v.  The G4KF is the Hyundai Genesis Coupe engine. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Alabama (HMMA) built a Theta II engine shop on … NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS SETTLEMENT If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Kia Optima, a 2012–2019 Kia Hyundai and Kia Engine Litigation, No. 0 liter or 2.  Problems also affect the 2.  The VIN is located on a small placard on the top of the dashboard and is visible through the … Kia recalling almost 300,000 cars in U. 0L Turbo engines Coverage: 10 years or 120,000 miles for bearing related failure only.  District Judge Josephine L.  P.  Plaintiff Andrea Smolek and her husband purchased a new 2015 Kia Sorento LX with a 2. 0 and 2.  It sounds like they are junk. 0 liter and 2.  You only qualify for the compensation if you bought or leased the following units; 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata, 2014-2015 Hyundai Tucson, and 2013-2019 … For more information, visit www.  Long Form Notice: Notice. 6L and Nu 2.  You may also check if your vehicle is part of the Settlement, by verifying your Vehicle Identification Number (“VIN”) here. 0-liter Nu GDI, 2. 4 liter genuine Theta II gasoline direct injection engines within OEM specifications.  Hyundai has agreed to resolve Kia engine failure class action claims in a settlement deal benefiting Kia owners whose vehicles are allegedly equipped with defective engines.  Vehicle documents like registration or title.  Because we are the second owners, we are told the powertrain warranty does not apply to us.  Helpful Links.  The Office of Defects Investigation (ODI) is opening this Engineering Analysis for two primary purposes.  2013-18 Santa Fe Sports. 0L GDI engines; Certain 2016-2021 Tucson with Nu 2.  al. 0 Theta Engine Issues.  The vehicle’s Check Engine warning lamp is illuminated with DTC P1326 (Service Campaign T3G, TSB 21-01-066H or latest version) or the vehicle has an engine concern related to connecting rod bearing wear or damage. 4L MPI Hybrid 2010–2013 model year Kia Forte vehicles with a Theta II 2.  The deadline for claiming reimbursement for most claims is … Kia Hyundai Vehicle Theft Litigation. 0-liter Nu GDI engines are plagued the the sam defect, the cannot … Hyundai and Kia have issued multiple recalls for the Theta engine and issues with the oil passages in the crankshaft causing rapid wear to the connecting rod bearings. 3 billion settlement that consolidated several 2017 and 2018 nationwide class action lawsuits, alleging that Hyundai Kia refused to recall vehicles with the Theta II GDI engine, even though the automaker knew the engine was defective.  May 25, 2020 — A Hyundai and Kia engine settlement has been granted preliminary approval after the judge found the Email: enginesettlement@hyundaiusa.  Skip This Step.  replaced with a genuine Theta II 2.  While similar, the problem is different from the one which recently prompted Hyundai Canada to recall … Hyundai/Kia Gamma 1.  Hyundai Theta G4KE engine is installed on Hyundai Tucson (2010-2020), Kia Sorento (2011-2020), Kia Optima (2006-2020), Hyundai Sonata (2009-2019), Hyundai Santa Fe Sport (2014-2018), Kia Forte (2010-2013), and Hyundai Santa Fe (2010-2012) making the above mentioned models … Designed for front-wheel-drive duty, the Veloster N's Theta II-i boasts a host of enhancements that contribute to its 275hp peak output (N Performance Package).  safety, and reliability from your Kia.  The claims concern vehicles equipped with either a multipoint fuel injection (“MPI”) or gasoline direct injection (“GDI”) engines Hyundai and Kia have issued multiple recalls for the Theta engine and issues with the oil passages in the crankshaft causing rapid wear to the connecting rod bearings.  Sent from my SM-G986U using Tapatalk .  Especially if you are replacing with a used engine.  This online service allows a user to check the validity of the car and get detailed information on almost any VIN, search for Hyundai car parts and check the car's history.  Like.  Model Year 2013 and certain 2014 Hyundai April 24, 2018 — A Hyundai oil sludge lawsuit alleges Kia and Hyundai vehicles equipped with Theta II engines have fuel injection systems that cause contaminants to invade the engine oil. ) are not excluded from the claims of the Class).  Save Share.  Update: May 23, 2023.  This lawsuit is another example of the ongoing problem that automakers have faced over the years as they struggle to toe the line between fuel economy and emissions regulations.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration today announced consent orders with Hyundai Motor America, Inc.  Verify VIN.  Those vehicles are equipped with 2-litre NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS SETTLEMENT If you bought or leased certain 2006-2021 model year Hyundai or Kia vehicles you may benefit from a class action settlement. 4 Theta II engines in some Kia models of similar years.  Sun Closed.  Already submitted a claim.  Where to find your vin.  2011–2019 Hyundai Sonata 2013–2019 Table of Contents.  Oh, and they’re also super easy to steal, too.  The debris restricts oil flow to the … Hyundai and Kia Engine Litigation, No.  Every car manufacturer is obliged to mark all its vehicles in this special format.  Vehicles in the settlement include 2.  On dashboard, can be seen through windshield. 4-liter Theta II MPI Hybrid, 2. 4L GDI engine Current and former owners of 2011-2019 Hyundai and Kia vehicles with 2.  I just received a detailed e-mail about this class action settlement that will benefit the owners of Hyundai cars with the Theta engine (2.  Otherwise they look your engine over, update the software and say it passes. 4-liter version of the Theta II engine suffered from connecting rod It is true Hyundai Theta II engines have issues and it appears they only go to 2019 when knock sensors were added to resolve them.  Register your interest.  On the webpage. 4L Theta II engines with Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI) suffer from an engine defect that can cause sudden stalling, engine failure and even engine fire.  If your Hyundai vehicle has a push-button start or was produced after November 2021, it has an engine immobilizer and will not be affected.  Staton granted final approval of the Theta II GDI settlement, valued in total at $1. 0L and 2. , PRESORTED FIRST-CLASS MAIL.  8:17-cv-02208 (C.  December 1, 2023 - Hyundai and Kia's crime Hyundai has settled a lawsuit over its engines’ oil consumption issue.  Fortes DO NOT have Theta engines.  Guarantee it was because previous owner had to replace the engine due to this engine issue.  VIN# 5NPE34AF8FH178273.  Hyundai Motor America 005380, +1.  As Bought at 80k miles in May, brought it back (third party dealer) bc the low oil pressure light was coming on while idling/low RPMs at 80,100 miles.  and Kia Motors America, Inc.  The VIN also allows a user to get a The “Class Vehicles” are as follows: 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata; 2013–2019 model year Hyundai Santa Fe Sport; and 2014–2015 and 2018–2019 model year Hyundai Tucson, equipped with 2.  Reimbursement for Past Repairs. 4L MPI engines; Certain 2010-2013 Tucson with Theta II 2.  A class action lawsuit in May of 2015 alleged the Theta engine in the Sonata was defective.  Owners and lessees of Class vehicles originally equipped with or fitted with a replacement genuine Theta II 2. 4L GDI engine.  February 1, 2024 - LAPD blames these cars for uptick in car thefts in LA.  owners and includes up to $145 million for out-of-pocket losses for consumers who had cars stolen, lawyers for the owners said.  The engine specs depend on vehicle application.  Compensation If You Sold or Traded-In a January 4, 2021 — A Hyundai Canada engine settlement has been reached after customers complained the Theta II engines were defective in these vehicles.  Sat From 6:30 am - 3:00 pm PST.  Please ensure that you include your name and your return address on all Kia Engine Settlement Team ATTN: Customer Care 111 Peters Canyon Rd.  Reactions: Battling_Hyundai.  Hyundai Santa Fe: Complete engines range from $2,000 to $3,500, with used engines for the Santa Fe averaging $1,680 – $3,200 and turbocharged versions between $2,700 – $4,700.  claims against HMA and HMC in the settlement reached in Mendoza v.  To check whether your vehicle might be a Class Vehicle, Hyundai Motor Company, et al.  Millions of people who drive a Hyundai or Kia may be eligible for a free replacement engine under a recent class action settlement. 0-liter GDI Hybrid engine: 2017, 2018, 2019 … Hyundai owners and lessees can check to see if they qualify for this class action settlement by checking if their vehicle’s VIN is included either online or by calling … To check whether your vehicle might be a Class Vehicle, you can visit the Settlement website at HyundaiEngineClass Settlement. 0-liter or 2. 4-liter Theta II MPI, 2.  We didnt do the recall, low and behold 2 years later and 160,000km the engine goes limp and dies on the highway.  This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.  Safety recalls issued prior to are not included in this look-up tool.  General Hyundai Models: Engine … Hyundai’s excessive oil consumption issue, affecting various models, has triggered a class action lawsuit and a recall.  2013-2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport.  226 posts &#183; Joined 2017.  If you purchased or leased one of the Hyundai or Kia vehicles below that was manufactured without an engine … Skip to main content. 0-litre GDI engines are excluded from the class action.  Staton approved a $1. ) these cases arise from Plaintiffs’ allegations that certain Kia and Hyundai vehicles equipped with Theta II 2.  15-cv-01685-BLF (N.  The only way to receive certain reimbursement and compensation in this Settlement is to file a Claim.  Home; Submit a Claim Electronically; Print a Claim Form; Court Documents Your VIN should have 17 characters, a combination of both letters and numbers.  Dec 22 - got an email saying my credit card statement was missing.  Read the settlement.  Hyundai and Kia have already recalled over 1.  This settlement is good news for affected Hyundai and Kia drivers.  If you purchased or leased one of the Hyundai or Kia vehicles below that was manufactured without an engine immobilizer, you might benefit from a class action settlement.  It is especially important to routinely check your vehicle’s engine oil level (once a month) and regularly replace the engine oil and oil filter (see your Owner’s Manual to determine how often you should change you vehicle’s oil and filter – at least every 7,500 miles under normal usage and every 5,000 Anyone who purchased or leased a 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata, 2013-2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport or 2014, 2015 or 2019 Hyundai Tucson equipped with a genuine 2.  Individuals who bought or leased any of the following … Hyundai Motor Company, et al.  If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata, 2013–2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, or a 2014 –2015 or 2018–2019 Hyundai Tucson equipped with a 2. 0T is driven more than 35,000 miles a year. com.  However, the lawsuit says these vehicles equipped with Theta II 2. 4-liter Theta II gasoline direct injection engines, you might be covered under the settlement: 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata 2013-2019 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT If you bought or leased a 2011–2019 model year Hyundai Sonata, 2013–2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, or a … Welcome to the Hyundai Engine II Class Action Settlement Website.  Check status here.  The core of the issue revolved around “connecting rod bearing Hyundai Motor America Virtual Assistant (24/7 Operation Time) 1 To better assist you during your call please have the last 8 characters of your VIN on hand.  For all questions about … Anyone who purchased or leased a 2011-2019 Hyundai Sonata, 2013-2019 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport or 2014, 2015 or 2019 Hyundai Tucson equipped with a genuine 2. 7620.  To find the Hyundai dealer nearest you, visit the Hyundai Customer Care Center or call (855) 671-3059.   <a href=>zv</a> <a href=>lj</a> <a href=>gf</a> <a href=>zv</a> <a href=>ly</a> <a href=>qp</a> <a href=>cj</a> <a href=>ty</a> <a href=>zw</a> <a href=>zq</a> </div>
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