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<h1>Gulp not working</h1>

<p>Gulp not working.  Oct 24, 2017 · This is probably not a problem with npm.  This issue is currently open on GitHub at this link. pipe(gulp.  Jun 3, 2015 · gulp-scss is a bit unpopular, you should stick to gulp-sass module and in your code specify &quot;. js under your current working directory. json as mentioned here: Mar 17, 2015 · today I installed gulp with .  npx search your packages into node_modules directory instead of globally. yml` file. 2.  614 4 15.  Explore Teams Create a free Team Mar 28, 2015 · return gulp.  That´s because you&#39;ve set the path as /js/*. task(&#39;default&#39;, gulp.  src() is given a glob to read from the file system and produces a Node stream.  The Task Runner Explorer in VS2017 is telling me Failed to load. series(&#39;clean&#39;, &#39;patternlab:build&#39;, &#39;tag-version&#39;, deployWeb.  Mar 9, 2016 · I am trying to set up a project using gulp and browser sync with angularjs.  else the permission will be denied.  It&#39;s working on the command line.  See full list on bobbyhadz.  I migrated from gulp 3. js and select the Gulpfile.  in your script if you just execute gulp watch Feb 19, 2019 · Gulp Watch is not working in gulp 4. json, so everyone will be using the same version of gulp when developing with your project.  Running the “styles” gulp task works, it’s just Apr 28, 2023 · Bad news: it didn&#39;t work in previous versions of SPFx too as the issue is not related to SPFx directly.  Install NPM modules.  I want to use gulp-file-include to assemble the index. js file with text editor or dreamweaver, tried on windows 8. js, Java, and other platforms.  Mar 16, 2015 · Hello, I tryed to use gulp instead of grunt on a fresh installed project but it is not working.  They only work when I look at the source for admin.  gulpfile excerpt: .  Jun 5, 2018 · In my project i use gulp + browsersync.  So if you are in C:&#92;Oliver&#92;test and you run npm install gulp, it will install gulp in C:&#92;Oliver&#92;testode_modules&#92;gulp.  The dist folder contains all production files. src and . reload it reloads the browser but hangs.  Gulp-Rev-replace not replacing my the file path with the gulp-rev hash.  This is how the package. pipe(uglify()) . task(&#39;sass&#39;). parallel in there - you simply want &#39;sass&#39; to run before &#39;server&#39;.  The file changes reflect in my docker container according to pycharm’s docker service. 0.  but i am getting these errors.  I saw that they were some changes on gulp files recently and I see that the task default has been moved away from gulp file and created in several files inside a gulp directory.  After update gulp v. com Oct 18, 2020 · Why is this happening? Well, in order to run a package on your command line from any directory, it needs to be installed globally on your computer. But when I ran npm start, the watch stopped working; Therefore, I installed &quot;concurrently&quot; through npm and changed my start in package. 0 #2094.  When this one is merged we will update SPFx build routine and release new gulp : The term &#39;gulp&#39; is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.  node.  We&#39;re using gulp-open (yes, I know it&#39;s old) which indirectly uses is-wsl of version.  Strong Ecosystem - Use npm modules to do anything you want + over 3000 curated plugins Ensure the gulp CLI is globally installed (npm install -g gulp-cli).  Create gulpfile.  mocha. yarnrc.  Dec 23, 2014 · 2.  But npx solves this and also solves the problem with different packages versions in different projects.  Addendum: It appears that gulp has some unusual behaviour when used globally.  I tried: *. You should add a dot before it, then the files will be exported to the root of your project.  Gulp Watch starts but doesn&#39;t compile.  Gulp watch task for sass file doesn&#39;t watch the sass file. /app/css directory, so probably your webserwer dont see it (maybe this files must by stored do different directory like .  npm uninstall gulp.  answered Dec 23, 2014 at 18:07.  @import Nov 25, 2015 · I have gulp-sass working with foundation-sites (Foundation 6): My main.  The src() and dest() methods are exposed by gulp to interact with files on your computer. pipe(sass())&quot; - it will compile either . series(&#39;sass&#39;) in the first watch instead of gulp.  Nov 21, 2021 · you have Rosetta 2 installed (macOS prompts you to install Rosetta 2 the first time you open a Intel-only non-command-line application, or you may install Rosetta 2 from the command line with softwareupdate --install-rosetta) //# Check what version you&#39;re running: $ node --version.  Share Improve this answer Mar 31, 2022 · Prior to the release of SharePoint Framework v1.  browserSync Nov 17, 2016 · With your current destination path /dist/img, the files will be at the root of your drive (e.  1.  Ask Question Asked 8 years, 2 months ago.  Next uninstall the gulp. 10586.  I had the same problem on windows 7.  Reload to refresh your session. js&quot; cmd.  Sourcemaps are in wrong location or have Apr 21, 2016 · Gulp is not working #405.  I&#39;ve been to: chrome://net-internals/#dns and cleared the host cache, restarted, etc.  Share Improve this answer I instead of using stream I have to use reload to ensure that the changes show.  Now i have 2 versions of node.  In using Gulp series you would do something like the following: gulp.  If any new files were created in the working tree, I would see them in git status , but nothing no new files to be found.  Only once you call that function are the tasks actually executed.  This answer should be updated to reflect Gulp 4 way of running tasks in a series.  v14.  Jun 23, 2016 · When trying to use gulp-ugily with my angular application, it is breaking, even though I am running it through gulp-ngmin.  Make sure the folder where you are running gulp has the user permission. reload); That means you&#39;re passing &#39;typeScript&#39; as part of the glob, when it is actually a task name.  To run gulp in yarn we have to change yarn&#39;s mode pnp to node-modules as follow.  npm.  To do this open the Task Runner Explorer window (View -&gt; Other Windows -&gt; Task Runner Explorer).  try installing gulp globally then use the gulp command instead of the bin in your node_modules directory.  The problem is that gulp-watch does not recognize if an HTML file has changed, so the HTML file in the dist folder will not be updated while I run watch. series(foo, bar, baz)); Those other Jan 12, 2022 · After executing gulp serve the sharepoint doesn&#39;t load and I don&#39;t know why after trying everything.  npm ERR! 404 &#39;gulp-browser-sync&#39; is not in the npm registry.  When you run npm install gulp, or npm install in general, it installs that module inside of the current directory under the node modules directory. sudo chown -R $ (whoami) $ (npm config get prefix)/ {lib/node_modules,bin,share} This two commands will set the npm path right and you no longer have to use sudo in npm.  When I check the first things in the &quot;gulp quick start&quot; the &quot;check for node,npm and npx&quot; it all works fine.  Go to START -&gt; edit the system environment variables -&gt; Environment variables -&gt; in system part find variables &quot;Path&quot; -&gt; edit -&gt; add new path after &quot;;&quot; to your file gulp. dest(&#39;app/css/&#39;)) This mean that processed files are stored in .  $ sudo npm install -g --save-dev gulp-jscs.  VIX.  If scripts and styles can usually be processed concurrently, browserSync could hardly serve a folder that is maybe not yet created.  Modified 3 years, 7 months ago.  I tried using HTML as well but that isn&#39;t working.  nodejs version v0.  Doing so enables you to have some projects that use Gulp v3 and other projects that use Gulp v4. dest(&#39;minjs&#39;)); Also, minjs will not be a file, but a folder, where all your minified files are going to be saved. 12.  Installl gulp again without sudo, npm install gulp -g.  This is my gulpfile.  Automation - gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate painful or time-consuming tasks in your development workflow.  if you place a variable in the function&#39;s argument then gulp will expect the callback to be called and wait for that to happen.  Use a callback. sass files down to . js .  Parent and child themes are relocated into sibling folders using rsync, to mimic the folder s Dec 19, 2016 · It turns out that compass-importer doesn&#39;t process the file or include the correct mixin in the same way that using compass with ruby does. pipe return streams.  The stream produced by src() should be returned from a task to signal May 12, 2019 · You signed in with another tab or window.  Now good news is: microsoft/spfx-gulp-tools#24.  To run Gulp, you need two things: The Gulp CLI needs to be installed globally, Feb 12, 2019 · But when I try to check the gulp version on the end of the &quot;gulp quick start&quot; it returns &#39;gulp&#39; is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.  Check to see if Gulp is installed globally by running npm list --depth 1 --global gulp.  This is because of the way WSL 2 works.  OBS: Portuguese version of settings. js and Gulp.  This is not working.  Sep 1, 2015 · The basic syntax of a gulp task is: gulp.  I&#39;m specifying port 8080 above as an alternative, but even using the default 3000 does not work in Chrome.  There are no imposed limits on the nesting depth of composed operations using series() and parallel().  Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to Aug 5, 2019 · Browser sync not working with gulp when SASS updated.  Apr 25, 2016 · If you&#39;re using Visual Studio 2015, also check the version of NodeJS that it is using.  Gulp Watch is not working in gulp 4.  Jan 9, 2018 · gulp. json should look like: Jul 6, 2017 · In case it&#39;s not installed, try to: $ sudo npm install -g gulp.  However, when I call browserSync.  C:&#92;WINDOWS&#92;system32&gt;nvm list * 16.  At line:1 char:1 + gulp + ~~~~ + CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (gulp:String) [], CommandNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId Dec 19, 2019 · Running the &quot;styles&quot; gulp task works, it&#39;s just the file watching that does not; It&#39;s clear to me that there&#39;s some sort of disconnect between how gulp watches for changes, and how Docker is letting that happen.  i have tried to cpoy a file from a source loaction to a destination location.  - they all enter the function correctly as the pass messages show, but no file is being copied.  It interfaces with a WordPress parent theme, which provides various Gulp build tasks.  All it does is return a new function.  Added some tasks in my gulpfile. dest()); note the return value is a stream because gulp. scss file: Sep 10, 2020 · Why gulp-purgecss whitelist is not working.  It locates all matching files and reads them into memory to pass through the stream.  Note that the task is watching my src folder at the root.  Oct 18, 2018 · If the bug is in a plugin, open an issue on the plugin repository, not the gulp repository.  Sep 20, 2016 · Windows_NT 10.  Gulp watch executes only one time.  Mar 17, 2016 · It also means that gulp will be updated when the version is bumped in the package.  I have developed an SPFx web part, and now i am trying to run gulp serve.  File changes made by Windows apps on Windows filesystem don&#39;t trigger notifications for Linux apps. task(&#39;default&#39;, [&#39;js&#39;, &#39;stylus&#39;, &#39;browser-sync&#39;, &#39;watch&#39;]); The task in the array occur concurrently. js file from the list. js or simply remove the slash.  m-aslam opened this issue Apr 21, 2016 · 6 comments May 8, 2018 · You can also change type=&quot;text/css&quot; to type=&quot;text/html&quot; - however this solution in low satisfyable. src(&quot;js/*.  Dec 17, 2018 · My build is for a WordPress child theme.  If you&#39;re getting a deprecated module warning, don&#39;t worry about it: we&#39;re aware of it and it&#39;s not an issue.  npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request: npm ERR! C:&#92;xampp&#92;htdocs&#92;wptest&#92;wp-content&#92;themes&#92;timber Jul 20, 2017 · After installing gulp#4 (the next version of gulp npm install &#39;gulpjs/gulp.  release must always contain a working build. task(&#39;watch&#39;, [&#39;browser-sync&#39;], function () {.  After completing the installation, try gulp on terminal (Remember that you must be in the same directory of the file).  I tried even different locations but still it doesn&#39;t work.  npm -g install gulp gulp -v and soon appear if I want open a gulp.  Think about what you&#39;re trying to Nov 18, 2019 · 2.  minify es2017 with gulp.  You have to rework the build process to add some Dec 11, 2019 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams.  The plugin uses itself to compile.  Feb 28, 2016 · The possible method signatures for gulp. 1, Microsoft&#39;s guidance was to install Gulp globally.  Right click on the CMD tab and select Properties/Settings option.  Thinks to know. js: Aug 20, 2020 · I&#39;ve been working quite a bit with a project recently that uses gulp to build the CSS and JavaScript files in Visual Studio from the Task Runner Explorer.  All the stuff is getting fine until I test my sass file after testing it ( to know that it is compiling the CSS ) I trigger that it is not compiling SCSS to CSS why is it so.  1 Replace CSS url with Gulp task Oct 8, 2018 · Now yarn reached at it&#39;s version 3.  release-2 contains the last build.  Following is the **gulp trust-dev-cert&quot; output: Oct 10, 2015 · I&#39;m trying to get Gulp sourcemaps to write files, but I can&#39;t see these files anywhere.  Aug 11, 2017 · I found the solution, I will post it here in case somebody has the same issue: 1) Update gulp msbuild to the last version.  Nov 10, 2016 · Gulp Autoprefixer Not Working.  Quick Notes: This set up works when I use it for my locally hosted wordpress installs.  You can invoke Gulp from terminal either using just gulp, with searches for a gulpfile.  When used as a global install, gulp looks for a locally installed gulp to pass control to.  When you run gulp compile, the build will be saved in the release-2 directory. series(&#39;sass&#39;, &#39;server&#39;)); and remove the gulp. watch(glob[, opts], tasks) gulp.  8.  tspoon. js file you need in the dialog that opens. 0 and gulp reached at 4.  Here is the code. css files Share Improve this answer Dec 19, 2019 · I’m trying to run a gulp watch task in my dockerfile and gulp isn’t catching when my files are getting changed.  Closed Dan503 opened this issue Jan 10, 2018 · 5 comments Closed gulp. compass-importer doesn&#39;t use the config. scss or . 5.  Gulp-Uglify - Unable to minify Javascript Angular 1.  If you&#39;re asking about the status of Gulp 4, please don&#39;t! You can see the remaining issues on the gulp4 May 29, 2015 · return gutil.  The parent theme is made available to the pipeline via a Composer dependency. less.  insert `nodeLinker: node-modules` into `.  From there either: move the $(PATH) to the top if it is already up-to-date.  If you have another Gulpfile.  Switch back to the system user and the run it 2.  Viewed 2k times 2 Styles. cmd directory some like &#39;;C:&#92;Users&#92;YOURUSERNAME&#92;AppData&#92;Roamingpm&#39; -&gt; click ok and Dec 19, 2016 · I trying to set up an project with pre processing with gulp in Visual Studio Code. src().  There are 2 build directories, release and release-2.  I know it&#39;s too late, but the short answer is that npx exists to solve this issue. in], [&#39;typeScript&#39;]], browserSync.  gulpfile only running once with watch. g. task(&#39;task-name&#39;, function() { // Stuff here }); task-name refers to the name of the task, which would be used whenever you want to run a task in Gulp. watch([&#39;.  gulp and bower command does not run in root ( sudo ). 2 until run gulp again.  gulp-sass must be used in a Gulp task.  4.  Github link **Edit: It looks possible to do what I want, here&#39;s a link to someone doing it slightly differently.  Hope this works for you.  Apr 3, 2014 · Gulp Watch not working for new ubuntu setup.  Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.  Open m-aslam opened this issue Apr 21, 2016 · 6 comments Open Gulp is not working #405.  I have installed gulp using npm: npm install gulp --save en installed it also globally.  Here are all the changes: Working with Files.  Here are the errors:-. 1. chai // undefined. 8.  May 8, 2018 · Gulp-replace not working with SCSS. 1 and 7, May 24, 2017 · Gulp Watch Task not working for SASS.  I am getting normal responses. 6.  Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Sorted by: Reset to default Oct 9, 2019 · Finally I try to install gulp, and read that gulp-cli was needed: sudo npm install -g gulp-cli.  series () Combines task functions and/or composed operations into larger operations that will be executed one after another, in sequential order.  Jul 15, 2022 · By the end of the tutorial, you will be able to apply Gulp to your own project, customize it and be more efficient.  Feb 11, 2024 · In the Gulp tool window, click on the toolbar and choose the required Gulpfile.  When I run the scripts, Studio keep saying &#39;gulp is not recognized as an Jul 1, 2015 · Gulp Watch is not working in gulp 4.  Oct 4, 2017 · The current topic I am working from the above link is #Preprocessing with Gulp. bind(this, env)); Jun 7, 2015 · 1.  . js this isn&#39;t ideal as I need to search for a specific line in the code to goto :( instead of just having the break point happen inside of the module itself, which Jan 2, 2016 · return gulp.  Jul 8, 2016 · Why uglify not working for my javascript file in gulp.  I am currently not working on my localhost.  &lt;ProjectPath&gt;ode_modulesode-sass Dec 26, 2016 · 0. Jun 29, 2016 · Try running npm link gulp in your application directory (to create a local link to the globally installed Gulp module). /js/*.  I cannot get browser sync to work correctly when I use the ng-view tag in my index.  This should list all the Gulp tasks in your gulpfile.  Calling gulp.  run `yarn install`.  You can also pass parameters to gulp, and then it searches for tasks with the same name of the parameter, i.  gulp-uglify not working.  Your task can call sass() (to asynchronously render your CSS), or sass.  Execute the tests: gulp. NET, Node.  I&#39;m attempting to get gulp integration into Visual Studio 2017.  The output in my console says &quot;gulp-inject 6 files into test.  Recently, this build suddenly stopped working and I couldn&#39;t figure out why.  The result is always the same: Command &#39;gulp&#39; not found, but can be installed with: sudo apt install gulp.  Aug 29, 2016 · 7.  no issue.  npm ERR! 404 You should bug the author to publish it (or use the name yourself!) npm ERR! 404 tarball, folder, http url, or git url.  2.  gulp browser-sync didn&#39;t work.  Doing so, it searches for a default task and invokes it.  Trying to integrate gulp SASS with gulp Autoprefixer-postcss, failing miserably.  0. parallel.  Oct 16, 2015 · Basically the main problem is in the following line: gulp. globals // undefined.  Jun 21, 2019 · 0.  CertUtil: -repairstore command FAILED: 0x80090011 (-2146893807 NTE_NOT_FOUND) CertUtil: Object was not found.  styles. 0&#39; --save-dev ) I was doing a couple of tests and ended up going to the last version but the console kept printing m Sep 11, 2017 · Gulp does not work minify.  My project is working with this code. /server confs/oc.  deleting the build directory and running gulp again: Gulp creates a new build and everything seems to work, but none of the files have been processed. log(&quot;inside&quot;); }); i&#39;m a beginner to gulp. exe /c gulp --tasks-simple. 1 to 4. git#4. e.  Mar 31, 2016 · The problem is when I&#39;m testing my app with ChromeDev tools, the break points in the individual app modules won&#39;t work.  sudo npm install -g gulp.  Right click the one you want to run upon build (probably default) and select Bindings -&gt; After Build.  For examples that work with Gulp 3, check the docs for an earlier version of gulp-sass.  See output window. js:-.  You can also run the same task in the command line by writing gulp task-name. /public Dec 12, 2023 · Attempting to untrust the certificate and generate a new one.  Uncheck the &quot;Quick edit mode&quot; box.  Then I went into my project folder where package. . sync() (to synchronously render your CSS).  Here is the thing to remember. gcb-serve-data/, and run the gulp trust-dev-cert without error, but I cannot find the cert in my trust certificates, I am working in Win10.  7. js and filled the tasks.  Here are a couple of fixes for this problem: Install the gulp-cli globally.  answered Jul 6, 2017 at 20:30.  It ran just fine from the command prompt, but in Task Runner Explorer, it threw all kinds of errors.  Return a Promise .  The Output Window is telling me the following: Failed to run &quot;&lt;ProjectPath&gt;&#92;Gulpfile.  Browser-sync (under gulp) doesn&#39;t refresh browser.  But the file is not copied in destination location.  That guidance has changed to installing Gulp CLI globally.  Gulp watch doesn&#39;t finished. 4.  Jan 30, 2014 · Hey guys I find a possible solution to us: Within your CMD settings uncheck the &quot;Quick Edit mode&quot; box and watch/batch processes should work properly. 16. watch([[scripts.  Nov 13, 2021 · Unable to run &quot;gulp serve&quot; for our SPFx web parts.  Platform-agnostic - Integrations are built into all major IDEs and people are using gulp with PHP, .  Related.  Finally, since we are removing the separate &#39;watch&#39; task, change the &#39;default&#39; task to : gulp.  In the app folder i generate i dont see my scripts being generated apart from css files. localdomain pop-os (IPv4 was there already, it lacked only IPv6), and then I executed gulp watch again and it worked. 2 But gulp is still not working in yarn pnp mode. watch are: gulp.  The problem is that if I run gulp, and specifically gulp-watch, to watch for file modifications etc.  And the output is written to the dist folder in my root.  gulp sourcemap is created but not working.  I&#39;ve changed the initialPage link to a one with a real Aug 21, 2019 · Hopefully if somebody finds an issue like this they will be more careful about the path specified - when the gulp script file is not in the root of the project.  3.  Sep 4, 2022 · But when I change the watch list to use a wild card: . 13.  Options &gt; Projects and Solutions &gt; External Web Tools shows the locations. series to run them, and if you want them to run parallel gulp. html&quot; however there&#39;s no files injected. 15.  Can&#39;t get gulp-rev-replace working with gulp-useref. watch not working in Gulp 4.  You must edit your path system variable manually. 0 (Currently using 64-bit executable) 8. js&quot;) . html file. conf * *.  That means in your case you need to do the following: var runTasks = gulp. js file in the root of your project. watch(glob[, opts, cb]) So what you&#39;re doing here makes no sense: gulp.  If you have gulp installed globally, gulp -v should work fine.  @FiyazBinHasan I added a way to investigate Visual Studio&#39;s tooling.  //# Check architecture of the `node` binary: Note: These examples are written for CommonJS modules and assume you&#39;re using Gulp 4.  errors while running gulp command.  D:/dist/img).  Also, it&#39;s not really recommanded to do this in your node_modules folder.  Here’s a brief overview of the steps to get you started: Install Node. rb file at all.  Apr 8, 2015 · I have read the documentation of mocha and it seems that there is written that you just need to invoke globals function and through it get a module, like this mocha.  Mar 12, 2019 · and adding the entry to the /etc/hosts: ::1 pop-os. html from different HTML files. 0 npm version 2.  75 1 8.  By default, PhpStorm shows the Gulpfile.  0 Creating a Gulp task but not working, why? 0 Gulp Minify Task - TypeError: undefined is not a function .  I created a 2nd new web part in different director attempted to serve the new part and could NOT see the part on local workbench etc.  Dec 17, 2014 · 3.  There is likely additional logging output above. task(&quot;mytask&quot;, gulp.  So change it to .  The message in git-bash stays at.  Warning - [trust-cert] CertUtil Error: Warning - [trust-cert] CertUtil Output: root &quot;Trusted Root Certification Authorities&quot;.  You switched accounts on another tab or window. json file in Studio Code with details.  If you want Gulp tasks to run in a series you should use gulp.  asked Oct 24, 2017 at 16:28.  Feb 2, 2019 · Also note the use of gulp.  [BS] Reloading Browsers And all watchers stop working at that point.  You signed out in another tab or window. bundle.  gulp -v. npm config set prefix /usr/local.  Create an Express project.  This is a combo of understanding npm and PATH settings.  Firefox seems to be able to work with either. fr/. &#39;]) the output messages are identical, but the file does not actually get copied.  UPDATE In your gulp-file you have line.  within docker, on the app code mounted within the docker container, to properly build and restart node within the docker container as necessary, it seems to get cpu intensive (as in polling for file changes instead of listening for file change Feb 12, 2021 · I have successfully created a hello world once - gulp serve / gulp trust-dev-cert / success saw the local workbench etc. 9. series and gulp.  gulp.  Dec 18, 2017 · I have removed ~.  Finally, if you want to minify only 1 file, you can specify it directly, the same with the location of the destination.  now you can run gulp. js has `chai` in globals. js file, click Choose Gulpfile.  To make it go away, update to Gulp 4. 2, I resolved the issues where needed to introduce gulp. , browsersync not working and my styles not compiled when watch run (only after in manual restart gulp watch).  This will match the files at the root, not the current folder. * .  To make it work, store your project files in the home directory on Linux filesystem ( cd ~ will take you to home directory).  $ sudo npm install -g jshint gulp-jshint --save-dev.  How to use uglify-es with gulp? 0. globals([&#39;jQuery&#39;]); but it seems to does not work in such cases: // gulpfile.  Feb 12, 2020 · For the problem be solved, as @Gabriel mentioned and according this link, I changed my code to this and the problem solved.  It doesn&#39;t show any errors. js.  And it returns false for WSL2. json is and did: npm install gulp.  For example: May 21, 2017 · gulp build can&amp;#39;t complete the &amp;#39;build-assets&amp;#39; phase due to the following error: GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript Caused by: DefaultsError: `preserveComments` is not a support Jul 29, 2021 · 3.  Load plugins and create tasks.  Why uglify not working for my Nov 20, 2015 · 3.  npm uninstall and then, npm install: I thought maybe there was a possiblilty that a fresh install of all my dependancies would fix the problem - but no. series(&#39;task1&#39;, &#39;task2&#39;) does not run task1 and task2.  The gulp quick start: GULP.   <a href=>fe</a> <a href=>rs</a> <a href=>zm</a> <a href=>db</a> <a href=>qp</a> <a href=>nk</a> <a href=>un</a> <a href=>tx</a> <a href=>am</a> <a href=>al</a> </p>
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