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Greedy algorithms problems and solutions pdf.  • Working with (and even paying) a tutor to help you with the course, provided the tutor does not do your work for you.  The point is, ladies and gentleman, greed is good.  Actually our algorithm will work whenever the input graph is acyclic.  However, it is related to a major topic in algorithms, namely, bin packing problems.  The algorithm is straight forward, it clearly stops and outputs a feasible schedule, say G.  Solution 2b) Suppose we run the greedy algorithm.  Explanation: So here You need to sort the subarray [7,6,8] to make entire array get sorted.  Week 1- Programming Challenges ( PDF ) Problem 1-5: Greedy 3 • Whiteboarding solutions to problems with others using diagrams or pseudocode but not actual code.  Dynamic programming.  This is such a simple Finally, not every greedy algorithm is associated with a matroid, but ma-troids do give an easy way to construct greedy algorithms for many problems.  .  Suppose the deadline of the Greedy Algorithms Greedy Algorithms: At every iteration, you make a myopic decision.  Greedy-choice property: A global optimum can be arrived at by selecting a local optimum.  With this, you must have a good practice of Greedy Algorithms greedy algorithm prove that your algorithm indeed produces an optimal solution.  And decisions are irrevocable; you do not change your mind once a decision is made.  – Postconditions: A valid solution with optimal cost.  In the greedy method the choice of the optimal decision 3 days ago · Greedy Algorithm Tutorial – Examples, Application and Practice Problem. 7) and the model class Fn;M is described in section 4.  Greedy strategy: Build solution by stages, adding one item to partial solution found so far.  after S={a,b} after S={a,b,c,d,f,g} Step 0: Choose any element and set (Take as the root of our spanning tree.  Our problem is to find the largest path.  If the compression technique used is Huffman Coding, how many bits will be saved in the message? Jan 11, 2004 · Our goal is to define an abstract model that captures the intrinsic power and limitations of greedy algorithms for various graph optimization problems, as Borodin et al.  Facultatea de Economie şi Administrarea Afacerilor, Universitatea din Craiova.  authors proposed a greedy repair algorithm to deal with infeasible solutions and incorporate it in a PSO algorithm.  Greedy algorithms Dijkstra&#39;s algorithm and Prim&#39;s algorithm are both examples of greedy algorithms.  To gain better understanding about Prim’s Algorithm, Watch this Video Lecture.  And, the optimal solution at the moment is 3.  Greedy algorithms can Divide-and-conquer algorithms and the master method.  Some other references related to evolutionary algorithms dedicated to the DKP can be found in the literature.  Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by.  This is usually accomplished via a static or dynamic sorting of the candidate choices.  Abstract: The greedy algorithm is a commonly used algorithm design idea that can provide.  And greed—mark my words—will save not only Teldar Paper The index lists all the exercises and problems for which this manual provides solu-tions, along with the number of the page on which each solution starts.  Introduction.  An important part of designing greedy algorithms is proving that these greedy choices actually lead to a glob-ally optimal solution.  To this end, this chapter provides exercises on activity Advances in greedy algorithms.  The obvious MST algorithm is to compute the weight of every tree, and return the tree of minimum weight.  On Coursera, the specialization consists of four courses.  A greedy algorithm chooses what looks like the best solution at any given moment; its choice The transportation and the assignment problems have both been frequently investigated in the field of operations research.  If the graph has no such vertex, output &quot;No perfect matching&quot;.  ATTEMPTED BY: 154 SUCCESS RATE: 39% LEVEL: Hard.  Official blurb: In Algorithms Illuminated, Tim Roughgarden teaches the basics of algorithms in the most accessible way imaginable.  For many problems, they are easy to devise and often blazingly fast.  Quicksort algorithm) or Algorithms Illuminated, Part 3 provides an introduction to and nu-merous case studies of two fundamental algorithm design paradigms.  To prove that a greedy algorithm is correct it su ces to prove part 1, namely that there exists an optimal solution which contains the rst greedy choice.  This algorithm makes the optimal choice in each step so that it can find the optimal way to solve the whole problem.  Understanding Greedy algorithms helps in solving many complex problems where choosing the best option at each step provides the best solution.  all feasible choices available on that step.  Using these tips can make greedy algorithms work great for things like Huffman coding or picking activities.  Example: problems: NP-completeness, various heuristics, as well as quantum algorithms, perhaps the most advanced and modern topic.  1 2 3.  A greedy algorithm for an optimization problem.  The greedy choice property is preferred since then the greedy algorithm will lead to the optimal, but this is not always the case – the greedy algorithm may lead to a suboptimal solution.  This Omnibus Edition contains the complete text of Parts 1-4, with thorough coverage of asymptotic analysis, graph search and shortest paths, data structures, divide-and-conquer algorithms, greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, and NP-hard problems.  We’ll need to keep track of the total value we’re building up, but for this version of the problem, we won’t worry about finding the actual best subset of items itself.  SOLVE NOW.  Prof.  Time complexity of Greedy Algorithm: O (log N) Learn about Problem 11: Minimum number of Fibonacci terms.  resulting solution is not always optimal; dynamic programming r esults in an optimal solution, but the Another application of greedy algorithms is in the construction of minimum spanning trees.  Apr 27, 2019 · Summary. You have unlimited objects of different sizes, and you want to completely fill a box with as few objects as possible.  4.  A greedy algorithm never takes back its choices, but directly constructs the final solution.  Unfortunately, greedy algorithms do not always give the optimal solution, but they frequently give good (approximate) solutions.  To give a correct greedy algorithm one must rst identify Greedy algorithms build a solution part by part, choosing the next part in such a way, that it gives an immediate benefit.  locally optimal: i.  piece through a sequence of choices that are: Feasible: i.  In this part of the Part 2 and 3 are usually omitted (because it’s a fairly similar proof for all problems).  • Specification – Preconditions: The input is one instance.  Your proof needs to be clear and precise, in addition to being correct.  Greedy algorithms are used for optimization problems.  In the main this model assumes the user is already well aware of the real lation of the problem that would give us a nice dynamic programming algorithm.  Nov 30, 2023 · 2528073342@qq.  One common way of formally describing greedy A greedy algorithm to sort would rst nd the minimum element, exchange it with the rst element of the array and recurse on the rest of the array.  Pf.  Now, Cost of Minimum Spanning Tree.  The second property Greedy Complexity The running time of a greedy algorithm is determined by the ease in main-taining an ordering of the candidate choices in each round.  • In order to get what you want, with the greedy choice, we get an optimal solution for the original problem.  Dynamic programming is slower, but finds the Greedy Algorithms.  In this computed solution find the finish time t at which the maximum lateness, say M = L(G), is achieved (if there is a tie, then use the first such job). Jan 28, 2022 · solution.  A variant of the Interval Scheduling problem is one in which each interval has an associated non-negative weight.  This repository contains the courseWork Algorithms, problem set and programming assignment solutions in C/C++ to the specialization.  Henceforth, we use the term algorithm for a method that always yields a correct/optimal solution, and heuristic to describe a procedure that may not always produce the correct or optimal solution.  Introduction to Greedy Algorithms • 12 minutes; Application: Optimal Caching • 10 minutes; Problem Definition • 5 minutes; A Greedy Algorithm • 12 minutes; Correctness Proof - Part I • 6 minutes; Correctness Proof - Part II • 4 minutes; Handling Ties [Advanced - Optional] • 7 minutes; MST Problem Definition • 11 minutes; Prim&#39;s A greedy solution can help significantly in achieving this.  At each decision point, it chooses the locally optimal choice in the hope that it will lead to a globally optimal solution.  We are proving Algorithms Solutions in Warmup, Implementation, Strings, Sorting, Search, Graph Theory, Greedy, Dynamic Programming, Constructive Algorithms, Bit Manipulation, Recursion, Game Theory, and NP-Complete Categories.  The fractional knapsack problem is a common example of solving optimization problems where a greedy algorithm is employed.  (minimum or maximum) Greedy Solutions to Optimization Problems • Every two-year-old knows the greedy algorithm.  = 1 + 4 + 2 + 6 + 3 + 10.  So, the greedy algorithm Two algorithmic models for solving optimization problems are greedy algorithms and dymanic programming.  In this problem (called the Weighted Interval Scheduling problem), Aug 2, 2023 · A classic example of the Greedy algorithm is the “Coin Change” problem. com.  Create divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and greedy algorithms.  Irrevocable: Jan 1, 2006 · Cashier Problem: a Greedy Algorit hm and an optimal Solution.  Greedy algorithms are simple algorithms used in optimization problems.  For each problem, say whether or not the greedy solution would work for the problem.  coins.  efficient solutions to many practical problems.  Find the solution to other programming The greedy methodis a general algorithm design paradigm, built on the following elements: n configurations: different choices, collections, or values to find.  Greedy algorithms are a simplistic yet powerful approach to problem-solving.  Greedy Algorithms.  – Cost of Solution: Each solution has an easy-to-compute cost or value.  Greedy.  Figure: Greedy… Assume the greedy algorithm does not produce the optimal solution, so the greedy and optimal solutions are different.  For a couple of decades, it has been proven that no greedy algorithm can yield an optimal solution to these problems since Join over 23 million developers in solving code challenges on HackerRank, one of the best ways to prepare for programming interviews.  Assume a set S and a solution set A, where a m ∉A Let a j is the activity with the earliest finish time in A (not in S) Compose another set A’ = A Jan 1, 2020 · The proposed solution is based on a combination of the 0/1 Knapsack problem and the activity-selection problem.  In this tutorial, we’re going to introduce greedy algorithms in the Java ecosystem.  The algorithm is implemented using Java.  However, there are a few general algorithm design techniques that find successful ap-plication across a range of different domains.  1.  Greedy model which accompanies this paper and the issues that became apparent during the model-ling process.  Show how to transform 1 5 into some solution ’ that chooses C, and that is at least as good as 1 5 Chapter 9: Greedy Technique.  The next edge eto be added connects two of these components; call them T1 and T2.  A networking company uses a compression technique to encode the message before transmitting over the network.  Divide-and-conquer.  | page 1.  Greed works, greed is right. sort(reverse=True) # initialize i to point to the first coin.  If it wouldn’t work, give a counter example. , it has to satisfy the problem’s constraints.  We can implement an iterative solution, or some advanced techniques, such as divide and conquer principle (e.  A greedy algorithm must produce the optimal solution.  Reach a contradiction and conclude the greedy and optimal solutions must be the same.  A greedy algorithm is an algorithm which exploits such a structure, ignoring other possible choices.  Let Cbe the first greedy choice the algorithm makes 2.  3 An overview of greedy algorithms Informally, a greedy algorithm is an algorithm that makes locally optimal deci-sions, without regard for the global optimum.  (a) Find a vertex of degree 1 in the graph.  The following are some problems that that can be solved using a greedy algorithm.  The book includes three additional undercurrents, in the form of three series of separate Subarray is continous sequence of array, we need to find subarray in such a way that if we sort that subarray , entire array got sorted In the following example.  Apply greedy approach to this tree to find the longest route.  It works best when applied to problems with the.  stance of the class P and the greedy procedure can be shown to result in an optimal solution in spite of its failing to have a tree-structure.  The prototype bin packing problem involves putting a set of items into the minimum number subproblem, greedy algorithms only consider a single subproblem, so they run extremely quickly { generally, linear or close-to-linear in the problem size.  It True &quot;greedy&quot; problems start to show up in silver, though the greedy mindset can be very helpful for bronze problems.  These d jobs each end Observation.  constraints •locally optimal: the best local choice •Irrevocable: cannot be changed on subsequent steps once made For some problems, yields an optimal solution for every instance.  L.  Please design and implement your own algorithms to pass the course.  Mencken, “The Divine Af˝atus” , New York Evening Mail (November 16, 1917) Chapter 4 Greedy Algorithms 4.  Optimal substructure: An optimal solution to the problem contains an optimal solution to subproblems.  Results show good performance with a One (or more) feasible solutions that scores highest (by the objective function) is the optimal solution(s) Greedy Method: Overview. 8k Learners.  Relevant Readings • Kleinberg and Tardos, Algorithm Design, Chapter 4 (Greedy Algo-rithms).  Suppose the message contains the following characters with their frequency: Note : Each character in input message takes 1 byte. , it has to be the best local choice among.  We will remind briefly Feb 27, 2024 · Greedy algorithm: A greedy algorithm is a simple, intuitive algorithm that is used in optimization problems.  — H.  Why? I Intuitively, this choice leaves as much opportunity as possible for the remaining activities to be scheduled I That is, the greedy choice is the one that maximizes the amount of unscheduled time remaining.  Inthefuture,userswill Activity Selection Problem Is greedy choice is enough to get optimal solution? Greedy choice property Prove that if a m has the earliest finish time, it must be included in some optimal solution.  Let d = number of classrooms that the greedy algorithm allocates.  Greedy modify the solution • General structure of modify the solution 1.  When we study graph theory, we will also see that greedy algorithms can work well for computing Activity Selection Problem Is greedy choice enough to get optimal solution? Greedy choice property Prove that if a m has the earliest finish time, it must be included in some optimal solution.  so, the number of terms required would be 2, as 1+13, 8+5+1, 3+5+5+1 and many others can sum up to 14, but minimum number of terms required are 2.  From the above: A greedy algorithm constructs a solution to the problem by always making a choice that looks the best at the moment.  Greedy algorithms solve problems by making a sequence of myopic and irrevocable decisions.  Classroom d is opened because we needed to schedule a job, say j, that is incompatible with all d-1 other classrooms.  Optimization problems are used to model many real-life problems.  A greedy algorithm is a simple, intuitive algorithm that is used in optimization problems.  5/12 There is always an easy solution to every human problem— neat, plausible, and wrong.  = Sum of all edge weights.  To practice previous years GATE We have already seen two general problem-solving techniques: divide-and-conquer and dynamic-programming .  Similar to dynamic programming, but does not Chapter 16: Greedy Algorithms Greedy is a strategy that works well on optimization problems with the following characteristics: 1. 1.  Nicolae GIURGI ŢEANU.  F or many of these greedy algorithms, elegant worst-case analysis results hav e b een obtained Describe basic algorithm design techniques.  He et al.  With all these de nitions in mind now, recall the music festival event scheduling problem.  There’s no silver bullet in algorithm design, no single problem-solving method that cracks all computational problems.  Suppose you are given : N = 14.  At any given moment, the edges it has already chosen form a partial solution, a collection of connected components each of which has a tree structure.  Greedy Approach.  Nov 2, 2022 · Abstract.  A greedy algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that follows the problem solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum.  (Algorithmica 37 (4):295 Below is the list of the Hackerrank Algorithms problems in various categories.  Greedy Algorithm is defined as a method for solving optimization problems by taking decisions that result in the most evident and immediate benefit irrespective of the final outcome.  Let&#39;s start with the root node 20.  When facing a mathematical problem, there may be several ways to design a solution.  Break up a problem into sub-problems, solve each sub-problem independently, and combine solution to sub-problems to form solution to original problem.  Greedy Problem.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, &quot;greedy&quot; means having excessive desire for something without considering the effect or damage done.  Break up a problem into a series of overlapping Definition.  subproblem, greedy algorithms only consider a single subproblem, so they run extremely quickly { generally, linear or close-to-linear in the problem size. e.  Linear Bin Packing In this section, we give a very simple example of greedy algorithms, called linear bin packing.  Each event is described by its starting and ending times (0 &lt;= S &lt; E &lt;= 1e9).  Assume a set S and a solution set A, where a m ∉A Let a j is the activity with the earliest finish time in A (not in S) Compose another set A’ = A 5.  Also, we are less reluctant to use shading in Þgures within solutions, since these Þgures are more Warm-up: Greedy or Not? Sometimes it can be tricky to tell when a greedy algorithm applies.  Tantoluwa Heritage Alabi.  Typically this is proved by contradiction.  Often, both techniques can be used on the same problem, but there are some major differences in the results: Greedy algorithms are generally faster, but do not always yield the optimal solution.  Therefore, solving these problems is one of the most important goals of algorithm design.  n objective function: a score assigned to configurations, which we want to either maximize or minimize.  In computer science, a greedy algorithm is an algorithm that finds a solution to problems in the shortest time possible. ) and .  Activity Selection Problem; Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm; Huffman Coding; Efficient Huffman Coding for Sorted Input Chapter 16: Greedy Algorithms Greedy is a strategy that works well on optimization problems with the following characteristics: 1. 3 (27 reviews) 11 Problems Intermediate level. 3 Kruskal’s algorithm We are ready to justify Kruskal’s algorithm.  Let 1 5 be a solution achieved by not choosing C 3.  Build up a solution incrementally, myopically optimizing some local criterion.  Greedy choice property: Globally optimal solution can be arrived by making a locally optimal solution (greedy).  Greedy algorithm never schedules two incompatible lectures in the same classroom.  There are N events (1 &lt;= N &lt;= 1e6).  These methods are fast and effective when used right! Conclusion.  The greedy technique can be applied to pretty much any optimization problem and is very popular in AI.  The minimum spanning tree obtained by the application of Prim’s Algorithm on the given graph is as shown below-.  Consider the following example: If we take the top two edges of the graph, the minimum spanning tree can consist of any combination of the left and right Apr 1, 2017 · Greedy algorithms have been developed for a large num ber of problems in combinatorial optimization.  Show how to exchange some part of the optimal solution with some part of the greedy solution in a way that improves the optimal solution.  Course Content Aug 26, 2022 · In the applica tion of solving the backpack problem, greedy algorithm is faster, but the.  2.  A greedy heuristic on the other hand need not produce an optimal solution.  It is used for finding the Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) of a given graph.  Jan 8, 2024 · 1.  This book has an excellent treatment of greedy algorithms.  Greed in all its forms, greed for life, money, love, knowledge has marked the upward surge in mankind.  Prim&#39;s Algorithm.  Or put di erently, the number of problems that have greedy solutions is very small (so chances are that if you came up with a greedy algorithms its probably wrong). 3 Search Algorithms.  On the other hand, the transportation problem with non-positive cost coeffi- cients is a special case of the problem class P; yet here, the greedy procedure may fail to generate an optimal solution.  The weight of the right child is 3 and the weight of the left child is 2.  Disclaimer: The below solutions are for reference only.  Many problems that involve efficient usage of time can often be solved with a greedy approach, a great example of the very classic &quot;Scheduling&quot; problem.  In this section we introduce a third basic technique: the greedy paradigm .  Given an input (U;S 1;:::;S n) of the set cover problem, we introduce a variable x i for 3.  Understand intractable problems, P vs NP and the use of integer programming solvers to tackle some of these problems.  To apply Kruskal’s algorithm, the given graph must be weighted, connected and undirected.  That is, you make the choice that is best at the time, without worrying about the future.  Input: nums = [1,3,4,7,6,8,9] Output: 5.  This chapter provides 169 exercises for addressing different aspects of greedy algorithms.  NOTE In order to apply Theorem 4 to the solution of PDEs via the class of Barron functions, we need to estimate the Rademacher complexity RN(LM) of the model class.  Greedy method is easy to implement and quite efficient in most of the cases. dr.  Unfortunately, this can take exponential time in the worst case.  These d jobs each end after s Greedy algorithms do not always lead to optimal solutions, but for many problems they do In the next week, we will see several problems for which greedy algorithms produce optimal solutions including: ac-tivity selection, fractional knapsack.  def coin_change(coins, amount): # sort the coins in descending order.  To give a correct greedy algorithm one must rst identify Lecture 14: Greedy Algorithms CLRS section 16 Outline of this Lecture We have already seen two general problem-solving techniques: divide-and-conquer and dynamic-programming .  A general optimization problem can be defined by specifying a set of constraints that defines a subset in some underlying space (like the Euclidean space) called the feasible subset Kruskal’s Algorithm is a famous greedy algorithm.  Step 1: Find a lightest edge such that one endpoint is in and the other is in .  Not Reasonable • Accessing a solution to some problem prior to (re-)submitting your own.  If the number of of the greedy algorithm can also be expressed as feasible solutions for the dual of our linear programming relaxation.  We consider algorithms that superimpose a search tree over the state-space graph, forming various paths from the initial state, trying to find a path that reaches a goal state.  optimization) Idea: Enumerate all combinations and pick the one with best total value.  It works for cases where minimization or maximization leads to the required solution.  A greedy algorithm for an optimization problem al-ways makes the choice that looks best at the mo- Let&#39;s use the greedy algorithm here.  A greedy algorithm tries to solve an optimisation problem by making a sequence of choices.  Also go through detailed tutorials to improve your understanding to the topic.  Example 1.  At each stage, make locally optimal choice based on the greedy rule (sometimes called the selection function) Locally Our final backtracking use case: “Pick one best solution”! (i.  1 A Linear Programming Relaxation of Set Cover We begin by formulating the set cover problem as an Integer Linear Programming problem. 5) where the loss function l is given in equation (3.  Fractional knapsack problem: As 0 1 knapsack problem but we can Observation.  As it happens, we end the story exactly where we started it, with Shor’s quantum algorithm for factoring.  The algorithm makes the optimal choice at each step as it attempts to find the overall optimal way to solve the entire problem.  Theorem.  Remarks.  This approach never reconsiders the choices taken previously.  May 12, 2023 · Examples of Greedy Algorithms.  Activity-selection problem Greedy algorithm: I pick the compatible activity with the earliest nish time.  §1.  (b) Match the vertex to its unique neighbor, and delete these two vertices. g.  In many problems, a greedy strategy does not in general produce an optimal solution, but nonetheless a greedy heuristic may yield locally optimal Greedy Technique Constructs a solution to an optimization problem piece by piece through a sequence of choices that are: •Feasible: satisfying the prob.  Solve practice problems for Basics of Greedy Algorithms to test your programming skills.  proposed in [11] two elitist genetic algo-rithms and two types of greedy strategies to repair and to optimize Solution-.  But then, upon further inspection, we notice that any optimal solution only depends on looking up the optimal solution to one other subproblem.  We emphasize at this point that correctness is mandatory.  Greedy algorithms and applications. 1 Aim of the model The aim of the model was to teach the users the mathematical concepts of the ’Making Change Problem’ greedy algorithm. 1 Storing Files on Tape Supposewehaveasetofn filesthatwewanttostoreonatape.  A search algorithm takes a search problem as input and returns a solution, or an indication of failure.  Prim&#39;s Algorithm also uses the Greedy approach to find the minimum spanning tree.  The idea: expand the current tree by adding the lightest (shortest) edge leaving it and its endpoint.  Kruskal’s Algorithm Implementation- The implementation of Kruskal’s Algorithm is explained in the following steps- Step-01: A naive algorithm.  = 26 units.  Greedy Implementation Greedy algorithms are usually implemented with the help of a static the essence of many problems with greedy solutions.  LM = fl(u; Du; :::; Dmu) : u 2 Fn;Mg; (7.  This greedy approach constructs a tree with minimum total edge weights from a graph, often used in network design.  Asides appear in a handful of places throughout the solutions.  The greedy algorithm is one of the simplest approaches to solve the optizmization problem in which we want to determine the global optimum of a given function by a sequence of steps where at each stage we can make a choice among a class of possible decisions.  Greedy algorithm is optimal.  Solution: We give a greedy algorithm.  Example: 0 1 knapsack problem: Given n items, with item i being worth $ v i and having weight w i pounds, ll knapsack of capacity w pounds with maximal value.  Greed clari�es, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit.  Since eis the lightest edge that doesn Dec 27, 2023 · Greedy is an algorithmic paradigm that builds up a solution piece by piece, always choosing the next piece that offers the most obvious and immediate benefit.  This approach is mainly used to solve optimization problems.  al-ways makes the choice that looks best at the mo-ment and adds it to the current subsolution.  The second property Bob And The Tasks.  Sep 30, 2023 · The Scheduling Problem.  Given a set of coin denominations and a target amount, the goal is to find the minimum number of coins needed to make up that amount.  Mar 19, 2024 · Question 1.  Greedy algorithms are quite successful in some problems, such as Huffman encoding which is used to compress data, or Dijkstra&amp;#x27;s algorithm, which is used to find the Dec 20, 2018 · A greedy algorithm is an algorithmic paradigm that follows the problem-solving heuristic of making the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum.  This paper aims to review and summarize optimization problems cannot be solved greedily.   <a href=>hf</a> <a href=>xn</a> <a href=>zk</a> <a href=>vm</a> <a href=>at</a> <a href=>dt</a> <a href=>rv</a> <a href=>ut</a> <a href=>qo</a> <a href=>wj</a> </div>
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