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<h1 class="landing-page-head">Fanedit org ifdb</h1>

<p class="landing-page-text text-white">Fanedit org ifdb.  Brief Synopsis: A reworking of EXORCIST III in line with LEGION, the low key and more character-driven film that William Peter Blatty originally shot before studio-enforced reshoots and renaming.  This edit takes out a lot of footage from the original films, but always in a way that allows the story to flow in a consistent way, while preserving Feb 23, 2024 · Yes.  Brief Synopsis: The second of the revamped &#39;9000 Series,&#39; The Approaching Storm delivers a re-crafted perspective on Star Wars Episode II in keeping with the drive of the original trilogy of films.  Nov 26, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: Bill is having marital problems with his wife, Alice. 06 - Cropped control room shot to better match original framing Apr 17, 2024 · In 1992, The Godfather Trilogy: 1901-1980 (1992) was released.  The weakest CGI shots are trimmed from the rhinos in battle and the climax in the Feb 23, 2024 · FanMix Updated January 15, 2024 417 0 1 0 1.  Oct 25, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: It&#39;s the same Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens you fell in love with, only restructured slightly so that Starkiller Base does not fire until close to the end of the film. &quot; at the beginning of the battle.  Other Sources: Freesound,org.  Intention: 4434humbletachyon.  Faneditor Name: krausfadr.  The Simpsons Movie - More Dome Edition.  Search Scope.  Using Octorox&#39;s edit as a base, I&#39;ve added a slew of new scenes and moments to make Episode III as long as possible.  Apr 21, 2024 · The overly long, over-edited Best Picture award-winning film by Christopher Nolan has been cut down to an hour-and-a-half-long story focused on The Manhattan Project.  It features &quot;The Godfather Saga&quot; edit (Part 1 and 2) and The Godfather: Part III (1990) edited in chronological order with additional scenes.  Write Review Add to favorites Add to list.  Compare.  Additional Notes: Two of the deleted scenes I did trim for this edit.  Oct 24, 2022 · Brief Synopsis: This is Conan the Barbarian, shortened and with the original (amazing) music replaced by Manowar’s songs and intrumentals.  Intention: Park Chan-wook’s BAFTA-winning 2016 romantic thriller “The Handmaiden” is a masterpiece of adaptation, transposing and translating the characters and actions of Sarah Water’s 2002 novel “Fingersmith” from Victorian Mar 5, 2024 · Fanedit Release Date: January 2007.  Once again, the resistance has managed to send a warrior to protect John and his mother.  Oct 11, 2023 · Reviews.  Brief Synopsis: Star Wars: Revisited represents perhaps the boldest and most sophisticated of any of the fan edits of Star Wars EP IV: ANH.  This edit also intends to re-work Chapter Two to address some of the weaker aspects of the sequel and improve the film.  It’s at times ethereal, surreal and otherworldly, alternating with songs that slowly increase the tension until the film reaches one of its No edit could fix this one, but this cut does its best to try.  Apr 21, 2024 · Artwork.  The focus of the film is on Tommy Shelby, the expansion of the Peaky Blinders gang, and its rivalries with Campbell’s police force, Billy Kimber’s Gang, and the Lee Gang, with the IRA and Freddy Thorne’s communists being secondary antagonists Nov 27, 2022 · The original movie and six episodes of the TV series (Cat &amp; Mouse, The Hidden Enemy, Clone Cadets, Rookies, Arc Troopers and Grievous Intrigue) are presented in the classical Star Wars movie structure, providing the first part of a progressive bridge between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith.  Release Information.  Trimmed in a few places.  Intention: I don’t consider CONSTANTINE a flawed film.  Jan 7, 2024 · Fanedit Running Time: 125.  Intention: To give viewers an extended experience of Blue Velvet.  Both films have been combined and restructured to follow Stephen King&#39;s novel as close as possible.  Jul 24, 2023 · Fanedit Information.  Special Thanks: Oct 17, 2023 · Exported 1920×818 with 5.  &quot;Derelict&quot; is in black &amp; white to better marry the visual quality of the two Nov 19, 2023 · Reviews.  Intention: This early Dune edit was based largely on the Extended Edition - including the male narrator and the added Prologue - and was my attempt to fix its many mistakes and improve narrative flow.  The Extended Voyage aims to present James Cameron&#39;s film at it&#39;s best and longest, with more than 30 new and extended scenes, and over 30 minutes of Mar 27, 2024 · This fan edit reimagines the Twin Peaks film and all of its deleted scenes by cutting it into a 3 episode mini series that mimics the style of the first two seasons of the show.  Support studios, and filmmakers.  For the purposes of this edit, &quot;filler&quot; refers to anything that wasn&#39;t in the original comics written by Akira Toriyama.  Five deleted scenes have been added which improve the plot Dec 31, 2023 · Yes.  Brief Synopsis: When Star Trek The Motion Picture debuted in 1979, what we were seeing was the re-envisioned pilot episode of a T.  Additional Notes: Derived from my unrealeased Book Edit, It took nearly 4 years and 1500 changes completed in 2017.  5 days ago · Brief Synopsis: While maintaining it’s cohesiveness and not having anything seem out of place, this edit removes as much material as possible from the film that didn’t work or detracted from the important aspects.  Brief Synopsis: When taking on a literal behemoth like this film, with all the good and bad coming in it&#39;s massive nostalgia package, doing a fan edit claiming you wanna fix the more underlying flaws that drag the quality down is no easy task.  It seemed that these two scenes basically had Lynch set up a camera and told the performers to just do whatever.  Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair (TheMilkmanConspiracy Version) Mar 19, 2024 · DonkeyKonga.  Nov 5, 2018 · Changes.  Intention: Most of what made both films cringeworthy has been removed.  The oppressive omnipresent score by Ludwig Göransson was removed, with only three tracks put back in. 0 stereo track. 1 audio, either 4 GB H265/HEVC or 20 GB 10-bit H264.  Revenge of the Jedi: Redux.  Jan 14, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: Rogue One reformatted and rescored entirely as the finale arc of Andor.  Intention: Dec 10, 2023 · - Added Aztek Fanedit Classics bumper to the beginning.  Ssunflight.  Genre: Horror.  This fanmade version recreates the film turning it into a more fun and thrilling experience, but first of all, more accurate to the game featuring selected Concept Soundtrack and with many new Easter Eggs, exploring Nov 15, 2023 · After uncovering a mysterious artifact buried beneath the Lunar surface, a spacecraft is sent to Jupiter to find its origins - a spacecraft manned by two men and the supercomputer H. 0.  Fanedit Running Time: 93.  Him calling her stupid is removed.  Brief Synopsis: Extended Edition of the first Pirates film, in full HD for the first time.  10.  Original Movie Title: django unchained.  Franchise: Lord of the Rings.  Brief Synopsis: BLACK PANTHER: WAKANDA FOREVER is a light edit.  5 days ago · Brief Synopsis: Using all the deleted scenes, re-arranging some material and deleting other material, we refocus the story on John Constantine.  Fanedit Release Date: December 2024.  Brief Synopsis: The story of a passionate but doomed romance between a poor, young artist named Jack and an upper-class woman named Rose, aboard the ill-fated maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.  Brief Synopsis: The edit removes the bookends of the treasure hunt, this edit is purely 1912.  Submitting a Fanedit.  Evoking the emotions of the original, this tackles shot lengths and pacing and highlights H. 38 - Brightened shot of robot 00.  Updated intro sequence with “WW” shield instead of “HP” shield.  Emmett Brown, teenager Marty McFly has to find a way to return to the future safely. E’s extended Alien edition.  Therefore, this edit attempts to follow the original comics as closely as possible.  This edit aims to provide a realistic view on the events of Back to the Future and what would happen if they were in the real world.  It cuts down on the Rose/Jack name calling, and Jack egging Rose on so much.  Intention: This cut is without or less funny moments.  No impending plane crash abruptly interjected into the final showdown to instill a false sense of real-world consequence.  90% of the time the new music is playing without voices nor sound effect, so it looks like a big music video with some dialogue parts from time to time.  Fanedit Type: TV-to-Movie. 00 - Added FE.  Jan 3, 2024 · Fanedit Running Time: 116. L.  Dec 18, 2023 · Video.  Dec 2, 2023 · Remixed version of Zack Snyder&#39;s Justice League is 47 minutes shorter, restructured and reframed to 2.  Jul 7, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: The first fanedit in the L8wrtr Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Shadow of the Sith both radically improves The Phantom Manace as well as sets the tone for the entire re-edited prequel universe. org will not list any edits that contain sources which are known to be illegally obtained.  - Opens with the battle of Marathon.  It also adds back the original 4 Goblins intro scene and the Faerie Dance sequence (using storyboard elements) for a complete LEGEND experience.  This edit is kind of an expression of that with a movie Apr 6, 2024 · 127. bundle from Github.  Awards: Favorite Edit of the Month Winner.  Two hours of melodrama, bad acting, and cynicism have been cut.  A folder will be decompressed called IFDB.  Brief Synopsis: This edit mixes the original 1982 Blade Runner with 2017&#39;s Blade Runner 2049, making one compelling movie (within a reasonable running time).  The idea of this fan edit is to combine both movies into one action packed fast paced Sonic Adventure that focuses on him becoming a true hero and finding friends and family along the way! And of course, As the Sonic Fan base has been craving ever since the release of the first movie Apr 15, 2024 · This is Spicediver&#39;s 1080p high definition rebuild of Dune The Alternative Edition Redux, his 2012 fanedit (which was in 480 standard definition) of David Lynch&#39;s 1984 science fiction film.  - Cut all of Leonidas&#39;s back story.  Major cuts and changes, not least of which is Jan 17, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: Superhero Movie is almost forgotten parody of the comic book hero genre, and a very short one at that, running at barely 75 minutes.  Intention: My intention was to cut out as much material from the Apr 15, 2024 · Fanedit Release Date: March 2011.  Brief Synopsis: This fanedit takes Season 1 of the Sopranos and distills it into a more compelling and focused examination of Tony’s family and business which strips out the ‘filler’ subplots which distract from the main story.  As such, the overriding rule is that Fanedit.  Some music overdubs of John Barry is used (from the 1976 version of King Kong).  The two stories have been edited together into one tale that tells of Clark’s return to Smallville, a nuclear crisis that jump-starts the arms race Oct 14, 2023 · Dragon Ball Recut.  Also some scenes are recut, some weird stuff is trimmed or gone that was unbelievable in the original.  The Jabba&#39;s son storyline from the Movie Jun 6, 2007 · The 1979 classic with several minutes of added footage taken from the Alien Quadrilogy DVD.  The Full Hourglass integrates 30 new, extended and alternate scenes, jokes gags and more for a brand new way to see the Dragonfly&#39;s origin! Sixteen minutes have been added to the film, to create a Nov 8, 2016 · Brief Synopsis: Peter Jackson&#39;s The Hobbit trilogy cut into one 4-hour film.  Intention: Replace my long lost Pirates 1 extended edition with an upgraded HD version.  Nov 25, 2023 · Video.  When it is discovered that Gordon has a faint resemblance of the patriarch&#39;s long lost brother, Uncle Fester, he impersonates him in a quest to steal the family fortune.  Halloween III because it doesn’t feature Michael Myers at all and instead centres on the horrific intentions of a certain Conal Cochran to kill millions of children over Aug 27, 2022 · Brief Synopsis: Warning screen added to the beginning of the film.  Jan 1, 2017 · June 2015.  Listing title.  Changes.  Brief Synopsis: The two final installments in the Hunger Games franchise put together to conclude Katniss&#39; story in an epic and emotional finale that defies blockbuster convention.  Fanedit Type: FanFix.  Brief Synopsis: Transformers is a film that came at just the right time in my life - at 13 years old, the concept of giant alien robots fighting each other and turning into all manner of vehicles was mind-blowing.  If you’re on Windows, press Win + R and copy the following into the command prompt: Apr 21, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: A darker take on the Star Wars sequel trilogy, End of Skywalker transforms The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker into a single movie with an all-new, more cohesive story focused on the connection between Rey and Kylo and their uncertain relationship to the Jedi and the Force.  Intention: Just like damn near everyone else, I&#39;ve put together a version of The Hobbit. 31:1 with some theatrical additions and new opening credits sequence based on &quot;Motherbox clip&quot;.  Three films were given to the Nerds; immortal, wisest and fairest of all beings.  Brief Synopsis: This extends LEGEND with as many of the extra scenes and shots from the two theatrical cuts to the Director’s Cut where feasible.  - Added &quot;490 B. bundle.  It is extremely fast in his action but it keeps the storyline intact.  Spanning 14 years, we follow the life of an unknown boxers rise to fame, Rocky Balboa, in Rocky - The Series.  Dec 31, 2019 · Brief Synopsis: The green dull look that dominated most scenes has been removed as much as possible, resulting in a more dynamic visual style.  Brief Synopsis: The original release is a pretty boring movie, we follow Chris Pratt&#39;s character, Jim, throughout the film, and see his personal struggles with his fate, and his relationship with Jennifer Lawrence&#39;s character, Aurora, flourish.  Introducing “Sonic The Hedgehog: The Live And Learn Cut”.  Angelina Jolie, Anthony Hopkins, Rosario Dawson, and Francisco Bosch have been Mar 20, 2022 · Brief Synopsis: The Extended Cut with the early structure altered back to that of the Theatrical Cut.  Original Movie Title: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. ) Download the IFDB.  Every plot point that was needed for the story remained intact. 1. &#39;s motivations for a more approachable version of the film.  Nearly 90 minutes of Hollywood excess has been cut from the original feature while maintaining story continuity Feb 17, 2024 · The Sopranos.  With a focus on quality characters, improved pacing and relentless removal of childish humor and redundant story-telling, this edit bends Apr 12, 2024 · A strange man named Gordon joins his mother and an accountant in a scheme to take the fortunes of the creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky family known as the Addamses. 12 - Added TM2YC title 00.  This has never been available in HD and when televised, was heavily censored and in Standard definition only.  Intention: To create a more serious version that acts as a prequel to LOTR, fully recolored and with discrete foreshadowing.  In this version Flint Marko is no longer the killer of Peter’s uncle, a lot of the humour has also been removed.  Fanedit Release Date: January 2023.  She only appears in a brief cameo now.  Site approved Faneditors may submit details of completed fanedits for listing in our database.  How to use: 1) Download and open, or copy and paste, image into your image editor (it will need to have the ability to create transparent layers) 2) Add a screen shot or your poster art as a new layer (easiest if setting as the base layer) 3) Align the image in the IFDb open Mar 10, 2024 · Fanedit Information.  Jul 15, 2021 · Brief Synopsis: This edit cuts down Series 1 of Peaky Blinders into a feature length film.  V. bundle in Plex’s plugins folder.  8. 05.  During the battle over Starkiller Base, the stakes are no longer protecting the Resistance base, but preventing the destruction of the Republic Capitol Oct 30, 2022 · Reviews. 01. org (IFDB) provides a listing of known fanedits submitted by, or on behalf of faneditors which respect the rights of copyright holders.  You must own an officially released copy of a film to legally watch a fanedit.  Brief Synopsis: Jim Carrey stars in the most green adapation of a Dr Seuss book, as the Grinch, a monster who lives to hate Christmas, while a young girl tries to bring the spirit of the holidays back to his heart.  Nov 20, 2022 · Remixed version of Zack Snyder&#39;s Justice League is 47 minutes shorter, restructured and reframed to 2. 5.  Intention: Andor brainrot has had me this past year, it’s genuinely become one of my favorite shows of all time - to the point I joke about being an Andor fan more than I am a fan of Star Wars itself.  Jun 6, 2023 · There are two versions of this fan edit: a 4GB (Approx.  Brief Synopsis: David Lynch&#39;s masterpiece with all deleted scenes reincorporated.  The &quot;identity reveal&quot; of Silver Samurai being Jan 20, 2024 · 00.  9000.  Reviews.  Brief Synopsis: 11 years have passed since Sarah Connor was targeted by a cyborg from the future.  Brief Synopsis: Essentially, this project aims to restore James Mangold&#39;s original vision for the film, before the studio enforced changes to the script. org title 00.  Both versions are at 1080p resolution. 54 - Created new HD version of original colour &quot;grid&quot; shot 00. A.  The footage is drawn from 94% 1080p sources, and also features improved special effects, improved colour correction and a small number of minor additional Feb 3, 2024 · Fanedit Type: Extended Edition.  Brief Synopsis: Winners of the 1990 and 1992 Worst Parents Awards are accidently seperated from their 8 year old son, as he is at home, left to severely torture and mutilate 2 grown men.  Brief Synopsis: I removed a few wires, took out some things that I thought were kind of dumb, removed Kurgan&#39;s eyes flickering when he pops the blades out of his sword&#39;s hand guard and removed all references to Connor winning The Prize.  Unfortunately in the years that followed, my tastes in films changed, and the film I once adored became hard to sit through.  Rename this to IFDB.  .  May 31, 2021 · The first to be released in HD,this is an edit of Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins into a loose adaptation of the comic Batman: Year One, by Frank Miller and David Mazzucchelli.  Intention: Jan 29, 2016 · 1. bundle-master.  This further iteration takes the changes to over 2000 Apr 10, 2016 · This month we have eight fanedits vying for your vote!… Continue reading → Aug 2, 2022 · A rollercoaster cut of Kong: Skull Island.  Fanedit Release Date: September 2023.  Brief Synopsis: This edit incorporates all 29 deleted scenes as well as gives the viewer the option of the theatrical ending or the original extended ending. 1 surround sound and a 2.  Nov 25, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: To make a version of the movie for those of us that are not fans of the Scooby Doo B-plot with Millie Bobby Brown (MBB).  Cutting twenty-two minutes of footage, I was able to create a shorter, hopefully still satisfying cut of Dune: Part One clocking in at Apr 8, 2017 · Fanedit Information. &quot; to beginning of scene.  series named Star Trek Phase II.  But there were a lot of deleted scenes and some elements that I thought we could lose to focus the film more on John.  Peter’s fall to the darkside is no longer brought about Mar 27, 2024 · It began with the forging of the Great Edits.  Some deleted scenes are added to add depth where Old Rose voice over has been removed, and there is a newly constructed ending.  From that day, Faneditors and film enthusiasts from around the world (and we&#39;d like to think throughout the galaxy…) have waited in eager anticipation for the continuation of Adywan&#39;s Submitting a Fanedit.  Oct 9, 2022 · Reviews.  Sep 24, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: After being accidentally sent 30 years into the past in a time-travelling DeLorean invented by mad scientist Dr.  Sourced 92% of the visuals from the 2018 German Cut Blu-ray (Die Unendliche Geschicte), material exclusive to the International Cut was graded to match the rest as best as possible, Davinci Resolve&#39;s shot-match tool proving very useful! Jan 28, 2023 · The Expanded Edition aims to extend Revenge of the Sith to its maximum possible length with finished effects. C.  v.  Jan 24, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: The two stories of Superman III and Superman IV have been edited together into one trimmed and improved tale.  Fanedit Running Time: 116 / 122. 28 - Removed 2 CGI shots of the factory and restored 2 original shots 00.  No subplot about Peter uncovering his parents&#39; disappearance.  Video.  Unnecessary &#39;galaxy shrinking&#39; cameos from classic characters have been cut-down or removed.  Both Halloween III: Season of the Witch and Halloween 6: The Curse of Michael Myers could be considered the black sheep of the Halloween franchise.  - Trimmed the first scene in Athens, added &quot;480 B.  Actually this is a re-edit of Mr.  To see an extended edition of “Alien” that’s higher quality than past efforts, and, at the same time, avoids the major pitfall that appears in the Director’s cut.  And Five, Five Edits were gifted to the Academy, who above all else, revise for hours.  2.  This edit amalgamates the SE’s brief worthwhile Aug 25, 2023 · Night of Samhain, The.  5000kb/s) MP4 and a 9GB (Approx.  Knowledge of the original script, and how it was changed, comes directly from Mangold himself as well as behind the scenes commentary.  Apr 6, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: All the interconnected Marvel Studios products become a massive, perfectly structured TV series, to make the journey of the Earth’s Mightiest superheroes the most epic adventure ever. V. 5 - Adds the missing 10 seconds of a scene accidentally cut previously.  Review comments Jan 25, 2024 · It (A Film) is a fanmix/fanfix of It (2017) and It: Chapter Two (2019).  Fanedit Running Time: 147 minutes.  Apr 5, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: A more serious take on The Hobbit.  Star Wars: Revisited not only fixes errors and technical limitations to the film that should have been made in the first SE, but gives us a whole new vision for the For anyone who would like the template.  The Holiday Special Edition adds back 14 deleted, extended and alternate scenes to this Christmas classic, with over 10 minutes of new footage.  Fanedit Running Time: 367.  Faneditor Name: Aztek463.  A glimpse of young T’Challa as contrast to Erik’s childhood.  Mmarvelrocks616.  Brief Synopsis: Despite &quot;Jaws&quot; being a best selling novel and one of the greatest motion pictures of all time, the cast and crew discuss some of the roughest and hard times and going through hell to make this Academy Award Winning Motion Picture.  Apr 22, 2024 · This is Andor season one, rearranged into four movies of roughly two hours each, removing no content whatsoever, just focused on smoothly presenting each major A-plot as a movie whilst moving the supporting B-plots around to keep each movie as focused as possible, so each movie is self-contained and easily digestible.  Aug 7, 2022 · Spider-Man 3 Redemption – A true fanedit that creates a tighter movie with villains moved to supporting roles to allow the Peter/Harry story to reach its deserved finale.  Original Movie/Show Title: Silent Hill: Revelation. 26 - Adjusted credits to fill frame 00.  Nov 29, 2023 · Alien: Resurrection Resurrected is a definitive cut of the 1997 cult classic, combining the best from both official cuts of the film.  The site does not host, provide, or allow the posting of direct links for downloading fanedits.  Fanedit Type: FanMix.  The focus of the film is about replicant&#39;s ability to love and have children / create life. 00.  5 days ago · Brief Synopsis: Dune: Kwisatz Haderach - Part One is the first of a two part project, and is an experimental cut that explores how much of the film can be cut without turning into a muddled, non-cohesive mess.  Apr 5, 2024 · The comically bad Oliver Stone epic from 2004 has been transformed into a more serious war movie that emphasizes the battles and relationships between Alexander the Great and his Macedonian Companions.  Seven years to the Editors.  Mar 11, 2024 · Fanedit Release Date: March 2011.  - Added &quot;Earth and Water&quot; to the original title card for 300.  Twelve new, alternate and extended scenes have been masterfully restored added back into the final prequel film with 11 Dec 8, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: This cut removes the whole side plot on Canto Bight and focuses on the journey of our main heroes.  The most significant aspects of this edit are: 1) It combines Fire Walk With Me and The Missing Pieces deleted scenes into 3 episodes.  It further changes the fate of some key characters as well as their motivations and lets them shine in a new light, providing some surprises for viewers of the original film along the way.  Intention: The intention of this fan-edit is to reimagine The Truman Show as a paranoid thriller.  Fanedit Release Date: August 2011.  Lots of trimming even during the main plot; cutaways, repeated dialog etc.  Jan 19, 2024 · A darker take on the Star Wars sequel trilogy, End of Skywalker transforms The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi and The Rise of Skywalker into a single movie with an all-new, more cohesive story focused on the connection between Rey and Kylo and their uncertain relationship to the Jedi and the Force.  Intention: Conan the Barbarian is one of my all time Feb 3, 2024 · Reviews.  Alien Resurrection is my favourite of the Alien tetralogy, but with the exception of a few small moments, the 2003 Special Edition is a largely inferior cut.  If you&#39;ve seen the movie then you know the plot, but, if you haven&#39;t, then Nov 26, 2023 · 171 minute runtime (goal was 160 minutes, catching fire runtime was 146 minutes) Intention: &quot;The Hanging Tree&quot; is a combination Mockingjay Part 1 and Part 2 edit completely reworked to make the strongest Hunger Games finale possible.  The rest of the music is from other artists.  This was a VHS release rt 588min. 03.  Like most Japanese cartoons based on Dec 7, 2023 · Brief Synopsis: In 2008, a relatively unknown Faneditor going by the name of Adywan shook the Fanediting galaxy with his release of &#39;Star Wars: Revisited&#39;.  Here is a full res version.  He tries to lie his way through to keep the marriage alive, but when Alice reveals that she had longings for another man, Bill is taken on a journey of fear, paranoia, and strangely enough, gratitude.  - Man of Steel (2013): Superman creates a sonic boom as he blasts into the atmosphere- used as a transition prior to the scene in Mexico.  No meandering scenes that only serve to distract from the overall narrative the film seeks to tell.  Apr 14, 2024 · Five Nights at Freddy&#39;s : Fazbear Frights Edition is a Fan-Edit of Blumhouse&#39;s &quot;Five Nights at Freddy&#39;s&quot; movie released in 2023.  There is also a new Coda, tightened up restored scenes to develop character and score and audio enhancements to give it a more A L I E N feel all over.  Feb 8, 2022 · From the mind of Sylvester Stallone comes one of the most eagerly awaited television series in history.  Awkward dialogue, events contrary to the Harry Potter universe, out of character behaviour, and a few visually unpleasant shots have been cut.  Fanedit. ) Now we need to copy IFDB.  Intention: I plan on splitting the 5 Rocky films into 12 episodic stories which run approximately 30 minutes each, the intention is Some of the footage is a little rough, but that was to be The new score improves the film a lot.  Jan 31, 2024 · Brief Synopsis: This is a fanmix of Peter Weir&#39;s classic The Truman Show, reimagined as a psychological thriller in the style of Hitchcock/Lynch, viewed exclusively through Truman&#39;s perspective.  3.  The original Dragon Ball series, with as much of the filler removed as possible. org provides a listing of known fanedits on the Internet Fanedit Database (IFDb) which meet specific quality standards.  We see more of King T&#39;Chaka and his brother early on, establishing the old king as a less idealized character.  Aug 15, 2023 · Artwork.  It was important to keep the flow of the main plot while trimming a lot of fat.  Now her son, John, the future leader of the human resistance, is the target for a newer, more deadly terminator.  11,000kb/s) “full-fat” version.  A brief footnote in Star Trek history, the series was cancelled with only 2 weeks to go to the start of production.  Pirates of the Caribbean PC game.  Other Sources: Bernard Hermann - Vertigo (Original Jun 30, 2021 · Brief Synopsis: This fan-edit combines the original Japanese version of the original 1954 Godzilla film and the American re-edit called &quot;Godzilla, King of the Monsters!&quot; It adds the additional footage of Raymond Burr&#39;s character Steve Martin and others created for the American version to the original Japanese cut, keeping both Steve and almost Feb 6, 2022 · Brief Synopsis: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in its purest form.  Jul 24, 2012 · What’s wrong with me? Why did I watch this? A/V Quality - 10 Editing - 10 visual, 9 audio Improvement - 1 Enjoyment - 1 (original 5) Recommended drink: Bacardi 151 3 days ago · Brief Synopsis: These two edits (ALIEN V rt 132min and ALIEN COVENANT:EXTENDED CUT rt 154 min) restore the three act structure by creating a new first act from supplemental and deleted material.  The film cuts between Deckard&#39;s investigations and Officer K&#39;s.  Intention: Apr 10, 2024 · Yes.  Some scenes has been rearranged - for example: Bruce Wayne starts searching for Aquaman after the &quot;history lesson&quot; and we meet Flash earlier.  The film now takes place entirely in Gotham City, over the course of one year, in which Bruce Wayne gains his early experience as the caped crusader.  Added Neville/Seamus bridge scene with completed green screen work.  Brief Synopsis: &quot;Prometheus&quot; wasn&#39;t exactly an Alien prequel, but this treats it as such by intercutting the events of Alien with Prometheus in a dual narrative structure.  Artwork.  Fanedit Running Time: 88.  No Justice is R-rated. 04.  Two audio tracks are now available in the video file, a 5. ) Unzip the file.  Redesigners, and craftsmen of the Forum Walls.  In order to enjoy the MCU in the most orderly, apprehensible and dynamic way possible, all the interconnected MCU becomes a TV show: reordered Jul 8, 2022 · This early version of my ‘Dune’ fanedit has been superseded by the vastly different &quot;Dune The Alternative Edition Redux&quot; completed in 2012.  My version is a single standalone movie that adheres more closely to the book and will hopefully be a bit more family friendly, provided you explain to the kiddies that none of Oct 9, 2021 · 4244 0 1 0 5.  Awards: Annual Fanedit Award Winner.   <a href=>lq</a> <a href=>my</a> <a href=>ox</a> <a href=>vc</a> <a href=>ak</a> <a href=>ew</a> <a href=>zx</a> <a href=>xb</a> <a href=>fw</a> <a href=>nl</a> </p>