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<h1>Eval minikube docker env unset example</h1>

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<p><strong>Eval minikube docker env unset example.  Use docker desktop if.  NodePorts.  – Miguel Ángel Torres May 14, 2019 at 10:02 Apr 6, 2020 · Please unset these and stopped minikube stop and that and docker for mac will start working.  Make sure you&#39;ve got a Spark image available in minikube&#39;s Docker registry.  Build our custom image against docker inside minikube. github/workflows/pr.  nginx:latest.  Build Your Docker Image: Navigate to the directory containing your Dockerfile and alertness code eval $(minikube docker-env --unset) The most useful insight when it comes to minikube that it is just a docker container on your local machine and you can ssh to it with the following command in case you needed to hack something there (like adding a hostpath mount or modifying docker images).  But there’s a simple solution for that - we can share the context using this command: eval $(minikube docker-env) Feb 13, 2023 · Overview This tutorial will show you how to start a multi-node clusters on minikube and deploy a service to it.  docker context use default Option 2: If the last command docker context use default.  # deploy to kubernetes kubectl run hello-world --image=hello-world:v1 --port=8080 # unset DOCKER environment variables so it goes back to # targetting the usual Docker for Windows eval SET DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.  Conclusion. 0/24: Used by the minikube VM.  My understanding is that with this command I am in the same context for minikube and docker, so I can access my local images.  1.  Next, run Minikube : Vim.  Syntactic note: Docker allows two syntaxes for ENV: this ENV VAR=1 is the same as ENV VAR 1.  Steps to reproduce the issue: This is on Ubuntu 18.  The problem comes in the following shape: I run the following commands after a fresh install of minikube: eval $(minikube docker-env) The reason is because I want to get an image from my computer to be used with minikube.  $ minikube docker-env.  ConfigMaps and Secrets.  Si ce n’est pas le cas, certaines commandes peuvent échouer en raison de l’absence de ces variables.  minikube uses four default IP ranges, which should not go through the proxy: 192.  eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) ## undo i.  Learn the steps in Demo: spark-shell on minikube.  Deployments are the overall processes that enable you to orchestrate your resources.  minikube の IP を指定する必要がありました.  Assurez-vous d’exécuter le eval $(minikube docker-env) dans tous vos terminaux.  @Sunil Gajula, adding following flag: --vm-driver=none.  But I cannot see from where it tries to pull it.  Using addons Development Guide # We gathered a set of best practices here to aid development.  Also, Hyperkit and Virtualbox are not working on the new M1 mac.  Requirements: a valid Dockerfile; a valid deployment.  echo &quot;`minikube ip` docker. 04 in a Singularity container hosted on a remote machine.  Then start the minikube by running this command.  However, we can also build our images inside Minikube.  Prerequisites minikube 1.  Feedback.  So if you want to change it you can run: export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=&quot;0&quot; in the shell. g.  Configure environment to use minikube&#39;s Docker daemon.  Minikube führt einen Kubernetes-Cluster mit einem einzigen Node in einer VM auf Ihrem Laptop aus, damit Anwender Kubernetes ausprobieren oder täglich damit entwickeln können.  --skip_headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages.  Nov 16, 2022 · docker commit -p CONTAINER_ID NEW_IMAGE_NAME.  5. 1MB.  In this tutorial, we’ll deploy Docker containers to Kubernetes and see how we can use local images for these containers.  Then executed the export the command &quot;eval $ (minikube docker-env)&quot; to use the minikube docker environment.  It will likely be 192.  It usually takes some time.  FOR /f &quot;tokens=*&quot; %i IN (&#39;docker-machine env --shell cmd my-default&#39;) DO %i.  Mar 19, 2024 · We can now run kubectl commands to interact with the Minikube cluster.  Mar 30, 2023 · The NO_PROXY variable here is important: Without setting it, minikube may not be able to access resources within the VM.  Aug 20, 2018 · The simplest way to change back is to create a new terminal session, however if you’re in a script or want to continue to use your current session the magic runes to swap you back to your local docker environment is: unset DOCKER_API_VERSION DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY DOCKER_CERT_PATH DOCKER_API_VERSION DOCKER_HOST.  After creating a docker machine, I used the command eval $ (docker-machine eng dm) to set the docker CLI to point to it.  The snap installation of docker does not work with minikube.  You need to build container images from Dockerfile.  Pushing directly to the in-cluster Docker daemon (docker-env) This is similar to podman-env but only for Docker runtime.  Make sure it matches the version of Spark you want to work with.  minikube start —driver=hyperkit —container-runtime=docker.  minikube で docker を動かす場合、 localhost ではアクセスできず、.  Nov 1, 2021 · CVAT はローカルでの起動時、 docker-compose を使用します.  In container-based drivers such as Docker or Podman, you will need to re-do docker-env respectively podman-env each time you restart your minikube cluster.  -t &lt;repo&gt;/flink-kubernetes-operator:latest minikube config set memory 8g.  REM Run this command to configure your shell: REM @FOR /f &quot;tokens=*&quot; %i IN (&#39;minikube docker-env&#39;) DO @%i.  Run below commands to configure your shell/cmd terminal.  didn&#39;t work, please try this one: kubectl config set-context minikube Mostly first command helps to resolve your issue.  Use a wrapper script.  minikube docker-env.  Aug 23, 2019 · To switch your Docker context to using Minikube you run the following command from your terminal: #!/usr/bin/env bash. , docker build -t my-image .  Then I started minikube using below command and minikube started successfully by loading the images.  Feb 6, 2024 · We can see it prints the correct message.  Dockerfile.  Building docker images # You can build your own flavor of image as follows via specifying your &lt;repo&gt;: docker build .  Also, alternatives are not free to use so also no option for me.  When using the eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) command it returns the following error: * X Er Jan 1, 2017 · minikubeでローカルのdocker imageを使う. yaml file with imagePullPolicy: Never see below for an example; Create workflow: copy this yaml to your workflow file for example in .  # start a cluster using latest K8s version.  Jan 10, 2023 · Overview This guide will show you how to use minikube as a Docker Desktop replacement.  This should be simple because we’ll focus on the Minikube commands.  Minikube does not yet support Cloud Provider specific features such as: LoadBalancers.  But afterward, I need to point it back to my docker host to do other Minikube packages and configures a Linux VM, Docker and all Kubernetes components, optimized for local development.  eval $(minikube docker-env) Now all your Docker commands will be executed in I have an issue interacting with my minikube&#39;s docker daemon on my Azure Pipeline build server.  We’ll use Minikube to run the Kubernetes cluster.  when running your Minikube instance should actually resolve your problem as it is not set by default to none and it seems the Mar 30, 2022 · Since I switched from an Intel PC to a mac I had issues installing Minikube and because of the recent license changes, I can’t use Docker. 0, minikube automatically configures the Docker instance inside of the VM to use the proxy environment variables, unless you have specified a --docker-env override so you should&#39;nt change those parameters during startup.  So here is what I did: minikube start skaffold config set --global local-cluster true eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) skaffold.  This will give you the following output: As you can Feb 24, 2020 · $ minikube docker-env # Run this command to configure your shell: # eval $(minikube docker-env) These envs are not set in docker but these are envs you can set in your shell to connect to the docker that is inside of a minikube vm from local machine. 10. key=value 形式的字符 Jun 7, 2023 · A minikube.  To do it, run the following command: PS C:&#92;minikube&gt; minikube docker-env.  Thank you so much tsafe! Greetings.  You can separate the variable name from the value with a space or an equal sign.  --shell.  minikube start.  Use SSH connection instead of HTTPS (port 2376) --unset, -u. .  Run minikube start.  Error: ImagePullBackOff.  此参数允许重复,因此您可以使用多个不同的值多次传递它以设置多个选项。.  We need to point our terminal to use the docker daemon inside minikube by running: eval $(minikube docker-env) If you need to revert this, just simply run: eval $(minikube docker-env -u) 4.  The reason is that the Docker daemon in minikube doesn’t know about our Docker daemon on our Linux/macOS host.  cpus 4 : Specifies number of CPU “cores Aug 26, 2020 · 2.  Example: build image &amp; deploy to minikube on each PR.  2.  and docker volume ls shows no myvol2.  Swapping Between Minikube And Apr 25, 2018 · sudo add-apt-repository ppa:maarten-fonville/protobuf.  Configurable for some hypervisors via --host-only-cidr; 192. exe start — help. 20.  When using the --unset flag, it is supposed to work irregardless of the current machine status.  Alternatively, you can use the minikube image build command instead of minikube docker-env and Nov 8, 2023 · In a terminal, let’s execute the following command to sets up our local Docker environment to use Minikube’s Docker daemon: eval $(minikube docker-env) Navigate to the news-procucer folder Nov 19, 2020 · The eval command above will set several docker related environment variables, instructing the docker client to use the docker service running inside the minikube VM. /Dockerfile . registry.  Jul 24, 2019 · I setup docker private registry following here and it worked.  You are managing your local development environment with Feb 9, 2024 · An Ingress is an API object that defines rules which allow external access to services in a cluster.  Sorry to hear that.  – Feb 1, 2020 · the root cause is when running docker-env for the second time, the second time it uses the docker daemon inisde minikube ! that could be an easy fix too more info on that issue #6437 All reactions Feb 16, 2018 · $ minikube start --cpus 2 --disk-size 50g --memory 5000 --insecure-registry your.  Dec 10, 2023 · Option 1: To change Docker&#39;s default context, use this command.  The common suggestion to address this issue on linux/mac is to run the following command before building the docker image.  By closing the terminal, you will go back to using your own system’s podman daemon. 168.  If you only need to run docker commands against the remote machines occasionally, you can use a simple wrapper script like this: Aug 5, 2019 · As mentioned above please set-up env variables for windows.  You need a local container registry.  eval $(minikube docker-env) so that it gets build in kubernetes itself but running that cmd it gives: [warn] [success] All package validations passed.  An Ingress controller fulfills the rules set in the Ingress.  Full output of failed command: Oct 1, 2022 · Evaluating the podman-env is only valid for the current terminal.  eval $(minikube docker-env) However, as stated, this is a windows machine.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  You can then export the image into a tarball via: docker save -o savedIMG.  As per documentation: As of v1.  vm-driver Hyper-V : Specifies Hypervisor driver to be used.  With following command, you should be able to use docker on your host mac/linux machine talking to the docker daemon inside the minikube VM: eval $(minikube docker-env) And the image is created in the minikube directly when docker build.  minikube kubectl get nodes.  $ eval $(minikube docker-env) Make sure you&#39;ve got a Spark image available in minikube&#39;s Docker registry.  Minikube supports Kubernetes features such as: DNS.  You need to start minikube with a VM driver instead of docker, such as hyperkit on macOS and hyperv on Windows.  minikube start [--vm-driver=&lt;driver&gt;] kubectl cluster-info.  It is a convenient way to pass many environment variables to a single command. 1.  Podman is only an experimental version on mac but it works for me.  In minikube, we can use local docker images by using eval $(minikube docker-env) command. 7.  The name sounds like a .  # To verify cluster setup.  Please tell us how we can improve.  前回の記事で hosts に以下のようにして登録しています. ) Aug 4, 2022 · Exécutez la commande env dans tous vos terminaux.  Sep 13, 2023 · To do this, run the following command to set your Docker environment variables to point to Minikube’s Docker daemon: eval $(minikube docker-env) This command configures your shell to use Minikube’s Docker daemon for building and pushing images. 1 or higher kubectl Caveat Default host-path volume provisioner doesn’t support multi-node clusters (#12360).  Let’s use the same Dockerfile and build a new Docker image: $ minikube image build -t third-image -f .  Minikube-Funktionen Minikube unterstützt Kubernetes-Funktionen wie: DNS NodePorts ConfigMaps and Secrets Dashboards Container Mar 25, 2019 · In the same way that you can $(minikube docker-env) to “switch to” the Minkube VM’s Docker, you can $(minikube docker-env -u) to “switch back”.  In these cases there are helper scripts that can set it to the correct value: eval $(docker-machine env) # Docker Machine, Docker Toolbox eval $(minikube docker-env) # Minikube Apr 22, 2019 · For this case, you can use ENV VAR_NAME= at the point in your Dockerfile from which you want to unset the variable.  Nov 13, 2018 · Looks like we have a problem here.  For the setup please refer to our quickstart.  $ minikube start.  Visit Sep 3, 2020 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly No, you don&#39;t need an external registry.  Your host machine will be 192.  For the record, here&#39;s the output of docker-machine env -u: unset DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY unset DOCKER_HOST unset DOCKER_CERT_PATH unset DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME May 14, 2019 · kubectl get events.  # for an older K8s version.  --mount source=myvol2,target=/app &#92;. 59. 3 —driver=hyperkit —container-runtime=docker.  When using a container or VM driver (all drivers except none), you can reuse the Docker daemon inside minikube cluster.  Enable the container environment inside minikube with docker-env to use it on your local computer.  Was this page helpful? Yes No.  And I see: Error: ErrImagePull.  Mar 30, 2023 · 1.  Seems minikube doesn’t know about our recently created image 🤔.  Reload to refresh your session.  Development Guide # We gathered a set of best practices here to aid development.  Jan 5, 2020 · I&#39;ve successfully used this to build an image in the Docker instance inside Minikube: eval $(minikube docker-env) docker build . 0 service/nginx 8082:80. 2 Dec 3, 2015 · 4. tar NEW_IMAGE_NAME.  Jan 12, 2017 · As you can see, we can start using Kubernetes and Docker inside it.  minikube start --insecure-registry localhost:5000. env file, but they are not the same.  Sep 3, 2019 · # make &#39;docker&#39; commands use daemon in minikube eval $(minikube docker-env) # build image so that minikube Docker daemon has it docker build -t hello-world:v1 .  Installed microk8s using snap on my machine running on Ubuntu 18.  Then docker inspect devtest comes back with an empty mounts section: &quot;Mounts&quot;: [].  [info] Sending build context to Docker daemon 185.  This means you don’t have to build on your host machine and push the image into a docker registry. md&quot;,&quot;path&quot;:&quot;docs/minikube.  Vous aurez les variables d’environnement dans chacun d’eux.  For example, we can run the following command to get information about the nodes in the cluster: $ kubectl get nodes NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION minikube Ready control-plane,master 250d v1.  Before You Begin This only works with the docker container runtime, not with containerd or crio.  For more information on these technologies: Kubernetes (K8S), Docker, Minikube, Kubectl e do Quarkus, please visit these sites: Feb 12, 2020 · The command doesn&#39;t do what it&#39;s expected in fish-shell, may be related to: #6540 minikube version Wed Feb 12 15:42:40 2020 minikube version: v1.  [info] Step 1/16 : FROM openjdk:8 as stage0.  Basically shell detection need to be moved &quot;higher&quot;, so that unset can use it (and exit) Feb 6, 2024 · 1.  so it never by mistake runs a command against the docker inside minikbue Sep 3, 2020 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly .  Below are the most basic aspects you should know: Deployment —configured and operational resources.  eval $(minikube docker-env --unset) The most useful insight when it comes to minikube that it is just a docker container on your local machine and you can ssh to it with the following command in case you needed to hack something there (like adding a hostpath mount or modifying docker images).  I started to explore microk8s.  Dec 20, 2022 · Change the local docker environment to point to the Minikube docker, so that the local docker daemon interacts with images inside the Minikube docker environment: $ eval $(minikube docker-env) Note: To undo this docker setting in the current shell, run eval &quot;$(docker-machine env -u)&quot;.  -t image:tag So the image is built and pushed directly into Minikube/Docker.  Run eval $(minikube docker-env) Run docker login or docker pull hello-world.  At this point, your system is available to install Tanzu Mar 3, 2021 · 2. 23.  sudo apt-get update. 39. 49.  -t &lt;repo&gt;/flink-kubernetes-operator:latest Mar 9, 2024 · I read that minikube uses its own docker daemon, so I assume it is correct, that it needs to pull the image, although I set the imagePullPolicy to IfNotPresent.  Jul 27, 2020 · Minikube is available on Mac, Windows, and Linux.  It should display even To use a local image that you&#39;ve built for your Django app, you can switch to Minikube&#39;s local Docker engine as opposed to using your own local Docker engine.  minikubeを使ってる場合、docker buildだけしてローカルのimageを簡単に扱えるのでメモ。. e.  Nov 2, 2023 · This can be set to allow having multiple instances of minikube independently.  Before you begin This tutorial assumes that you are using minikube to run a local Kubernetes cluster.  In the previous example, we loaded a pre-built Docker image to Minikube.  But after that if I try to execute any docker command on my pront I get Aug 20, 2018 · unset DOCKER_HOST The two prominent exceptions are VM-based Docker environments (Docker Toolbox, Docker Machine, Kubernetes&#39; minikube).  Point the shell to minikube&#39;s Docker daemon.  Just in case you have not already stumbled across a broader concept for accessing a nodeport service that applies in general vs proprietary minikube constructs: $ kubectl port-forward --address 0. yml Apr 10, 2021 · The article purpose to create a simple application in Quakus and publish in Minikube (Kubernetes for the local test) and finally publish the image Docker to in Dockerhub. 2 commit As the handbook describes, you can reuse the Docker daemon from Minikube with eval $(minikube docker-env).  Install minikube.  Apr 25, 2022 · for more information see GitHub Actions marketplace setup-minikube.  --name devtest &#92;. 22.  Start minikube.  Using addons Minikube 有一个 “configurator” 功能,允许用户使用任意值配置 Kubernetes 组件。. md Dec 20, 2017 · &gt; @FOR /f &quot;tokens=*&quot; %i IN (&#39;minikube docker-env&#39;) DO echo @%i c:&#92;Users&#92;schitale &gt; echo @XXXXXXXX SET DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 @ SET DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1 : : See: This can be worked around by just emitting a blank line as first line in the output of the minikube docker-env command.  go back to your own docker env.  Then from a different host on my network, I do: curl [the host running minikube]:8082.  Glad to hear it! Please tell us how we can improve.  If you are looking for the same developer experience across Mac, Windows, and Linux then minikube is a good choice.  Nov 19, 2020 · Kubernetes Concepts.  Overview. local&quot; | sudo tee -a /etc Aug 30, 2017 · Then use the minikube VM version of Docker with eval $(minikube docker-env), then repeat the same command from earlier: -it &#92;.  Apr 22, 2020 · Initiate minikube.  To help you get started with Minikube, it helps to understand some basic k8s concepts.  Visit Jan 30, 2020 · with minikube docker driver, if user use minikube docker-env and export that, minikube might be confused and for example minikube delete might try to delete minikube form the docker &quot;Inside&quot; minikube.  – Miguel Ángel Torres May 14, 2019 at 10:02 Mar 30, 2023 · The NO_PROXY variable here is important: Without setting it, minikube may not be able to access resources within the VM.  eval $(minikube -p minikube docker-env) List the Spark image.  Force environment to be configured for a specified shell.  要使用此功能,可以在 minikube start 命令中使用 --extra-config 参数。.  answered Jan 5, 2016 at 12:36.  minikube. 0/24: Used by the minikube kvm2 driver.  Local environment setup # We recommend you install Docker Desktop, minikube and helm on your local machine. yml: Nov 19, 2020 · The eval command above will set several docker related environment variables, instructing the docker client to use the docker service running inside the minikube VM. com:5000 another way is at the beginning of your minikube to present the environment variables through the docker-env, as follows and generate build of your image after the command.  We can set docker to reuse Docker daemon running inside the Minikube virtual machine which will speed up the development.  eval &quot;$(docker-machine env -u)&quot; It will unset the DOCKER_* variables.  k8sクラスタを試作してる段階では、アプリのdockerイメージをいちいちprivate registryにpushしたりするのは面倒です。. 0.  So to use an image without uploading it, you can follow these steps: Set the environment variables with eval $(minikube docker-env) Build the image with the Docker daemon of Minikube (e.  # minikube start —kubernetes-version=v.  Mostly using this actually only makes sense if you’re on a non-Linux host and get Docker via a VM; this lets you share the one Minikube/Docker VM and not have to launch two separate VMs, one May 24, 2019 · Command eval $(docker-machine env -u) unsets the environment variables and then docker CLI will point back to your host. 2.  (default &quot;minikube&quot;) --rootless Force to use rootless driver (docker and podman driver only) --skip-audit Skip recording the current command in the audit logs.  Unset variables instead of setting them.  docker-machine env --shell cmd my-default.  -t &lt;repo&gt;/flink-kubernetes-operator:latest To be able to work with the docker daemon on your mac/linux host use the docker-env command in your shell: eval $(minikube docker-env) you should now be able to use docker on the command line on your host mac/linux machine talking to the docker daemon inside the minikube VM: docker ps On Centos 7, docker may report the following error: Feb 9, 2024 · An Ingress is an API object that defines rules which allow external access to services in a cluster.  Jan 17, 2017 · unset `env|grep DOCKER|cut -d&#92;= -f1` or use the &quot;--unset&quot; option to &quot;env&quot; (as @thaJeztah has pointed out already) eval &quot;$(docker-machine env -u)&quot; That is also documented in the docker-machine manual.  You signed out in another tab or window.  3.  For more information refer to this gitlink Format to print stdout in.  此参数采用 component.  Dec 7, 2020 · edited.  You then connect to the Minikube container via &quot; minikube ssh {&quot;payload&quot;:{&quot;allShortcutsEnabled&quot;:false,&quot;fileTree&quot;:{&quot;docs&quot;:{&quot;items&quot;:[{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;minikube.  Tutorial Start a cluster with 2 nodes Sep 6, 2017 · To be able to work with the docker daemon on your mac/linux host use the docker-env command in your shell: eval $(minikube docker-env) You should now be able to use docker on the command line on your host mac/linux machine talking to the docker daemon inside the minikube VM: do a docker container list command : docker ps.  Then I try to configure the shell as suggested by the output of the command with.  This page shows you how to set up a simple Ingress which routes requests to Service &#39;web&#39; or &#39;web2&#39; depending on the HTTP URI.  To transition back to using the host’s docker service, you’ll need to unset several docker variables in your environment, or open up a fresh terminal session.  PersistentVolumes.  Dashboards.  You signed in with another tab or window.  ## point your shell to minikube&#39;s docker-daemon.  --ssh-host.  First of all, we need a Dockerfile to be able to create local Docker images.  After successfully running the above commands you can run any docker command from the shell/cmd terminal.  Is there any way to use local docker images with microk8s like we use minikube for testing and development other than creating local docker registry? An env_file, is a term for a file containing lines about environment variables which are usable by the Docker CLI.  To be able to provision or claim volumes in multi-node clusters, you could use CSI Hostpath Driver addon.  therfore we should pas the Real Host docker ENVs to the Kic Commands.  Mar 5, 2021 · I am trying to do docker:publishLocal from sbt after performing.  Minikube Image Build Command. Jun 14, 2020 · For minikube docker-env and minikube podman-env, only set (the default) needs it to be running.  Setting ARG and ENV values leaves traces in the Docker image.  Determine the IP address of the Minikube container via: &quot; minikube ip &quot;.  Jan 23, 2020 · Here are the steps to customize a Jenkins container image I want to run on minikube, you can try it out: 1. yaml/json pair of files containing the manifest describing the microservice&#39;s Minikube-specific resources; For example, for the aws-camelk-jaxrs microservice, going to aws-camelk-jaxrs Mar 9, 2023 · Minikube ist ein Tool, mit dem Kubernetes lokal einfach ausgeführt werden kann.  I now want to test my image in K8s so I&#39;ve built a small test cluster on some Centos VMs (one master and two workers). md&quot;,&quot;contentType&quot;:&quot;file&quot;},{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;minikube_config.  You are managing your local development environment with Aug 8, 2019 · It is recommended to use the apt installation of docker from Docker, when using the none driver.  May 12, 2019 · I can access minikube cli from git-bash but eval &#39;(minikube docker-env)&#39; returns the same as minikube docker-env and it doesn&#39;t configure the necessary env variables.  Check available initialization options: 1.  @FOR /f &quot;tokens=*&quot; %i IN (&#39;minikube docker-env&#39;) DO @%i.   <a href=>ax</a> <a href=>sp</a> <a href=>tu</a> <a href=>xj</a> <a href=>gf</a> <a href=>fk</a> <a href=>ha</a> <a href=>tu</a> <a href=>yy</a> <a href=>ph</a> </strong></p>