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<h1 class="landing-page-head">Esphome platform</h1>

<p class="landing-page-text text-white">Esphome platform.  If they are not the same, is there an index of platforms? nickrout (Nick Rout) July 12, 2022, 5:44am 2.  It provides an hysteresis option to reduce Apr 15, 2022 · platform: espressif32 board: featheresp32-s2 whereas all my regular esp32 boards have.  This integration supports plain non encrypted telegrams and also encrypted as used in Luxembourg.  Within a telegram the physical values are identified by OBIS codes (Object Identification System).  The Status Binary Sensor exposes the node state (if it’s connected to via MQTT/native API) for Home Assistant.  QMC5883L Magnetometer.  The sensor will subscribe to messages on the given MQTT topic and parse each message into a floating point number.  IKEA VINDRIKTNING Particulate Matter Sensor with PM1006 inside ¶.  ESPHome has a feature to prevent two GPIO Switches from being active at the same time called interlocking.  ESPHome tries to automatically infer ESP32 LEDC Output.  Those raw values are available as the x_raw and y_raw member variables and for example write them out as in the example on_touch Trigger.  2 means that you have 50% and 100% while 100 will allow 1% increments in the output.  cycle ( Optional, boolean): Whether or not to set the number to its minimum value when the increment pushes the value beyond its maximum value.  After reboot all states, parameters and variables will be reinitialized with their default values.  ESP32: GPIO32 through GPIO39 can be used.  The 1-Wire bus the sensors are connected to should have an external pullup resistor of about 4.  Jun 15, 2022 · Hold down the BOOTSEL button on your Pico as you plug it into your computer using a USB cable, and it should mount on your computer with a volume label like &quot;RPI-RP2&quot;. 3V.  Platform sometimes also refers to the esp type, eg the esp32 platform or the esp8266 Time &amp; Temperature on OLED Display.  The value is used to calculate the percentages for each speed. g.  The monochromatic light platform creates a simple brightness-only light from an float output component.  RP2040: GPIO26 through GPIO29 can be used.  The analog_threshold binary sensor platform allows you to convert analog values (i.  # Example button configuration button: - platform: name: Livingroom Lazy Mood id: my_button # Optional variables: icon: &quot;mdi:emoticon-outline&quot; on_press: - logger.  speed_count ( Optional, int): Set the number of supported discrete speed levels. 7kΩ recommended by the manufacturer) between DATA and 3.  platform: bme280 temperature: id: temperature name: ESP04 Temperature oversampling: 16x pressure: id: pressure name: ESP04 Pressure humidity: id: humidity name: ESP04 Humidity address: 118 update_interval: 10s This is for slow PWM output.  # Example configuration entry time: - platform: homeassistant id: homeassistant_time.  This sensor is commonly found in Sonoff POWs.  Since different microcontrollers are supported, you need to include the appropriate ESPHome component, depending on which processor your device has.  CSE7759 and BL0937 are similar to HLW8012 and work with this integration.  platformio.  Please note this integration only works with MQTT topics that have numeric data! Each time a message that is not a number is published a warning will Crashes are likely to occur if you include too many additional components in your device’s configuration.  .  The sensor is used in Forced Mode where measurement is performed and then the sensor returns to sleep mode until next measurement.  With some simple math it is possible to either determine the height of the sensor, or the current pressure at sea level.  Defaults to 10ms.  id ( Optional, ID ): Specify the ID of the time for use in lambdas.  E.  The display used here is 1.  I can not after latest upgrade of HA and esp home not compile the bme280 anymore.  The BME280 Temperature+Pressure+Humidity Sensor is a simple temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor with communication over I²C or SPI .  Using ESPHome instead of professional programming tools allows you to save a significant amount of time and work when it comes to coding.  Its operation is similar to the Bang-Bang controller; a sensor measures a value (the air temperature) and the controller will try to keep this value within a range defined by the set point (s).  Example of a brightness-only LED strip that can be used with this component.  VEML7700 and VEML6030 are basically the same but in different packages.  A fan can be switched on or off, optionally has a speed between 1 and the maximum supported speed of the fan, and can have an oscillation and direction output.  Time rollovers are automatically handled.  Run the following command to compile the led-blink configuration and flash it to the Pico: $ esphome run led-blink.  In the terminal that comes up, check that Python is The HTU21D Temperature &amp; Humidity component allows you to use HTU21D, Si7021 and SHT21 sensors with ESPHome.  Rotary Encoder Sensor.  The hlw8012 sensor platform allows you to use your HLW8012 voltage/current and power sensors ( datasheet) sensors with ESPHome.  Recompile and upload, now your CT clamp sensor is calibrated! The copy integration can be used to copy an existing component (like a sensor, switch, etc.  A cover can (currently) either be closed or open and supports three types of commands: open, close and stop.  To do this, a ble_client component must be set up.  Configuration variables: id ( Required, ID ): The ID of the number component to update.  The template number platform allows you to create a number with templated values using lambdas.  AHT10 Temperature &amp; Humidity Sensor.  # Example configuration entry stepper: - platform: uln2003 id: my_stepper pin_a: D0 pin_b: D1 pin_c: D2 pin_d: D3 max_speed: 250 steps/s # Optional: acceleration: inf deceleration: inf.  As this is a somewhat higher resolution display and requires additional pins beyond the basic SPI connections, and a reasonable amount of RAM, it is not well suited for the ESP8266.  This can for example be useful to integrate the values of a water flow sensor (in m^3/s) over time (result is in m^3).  The light domain in ESPHome lets you create lights that will automatically be shown in Home Assistant’s frontend and have many features such as RGB colors, transitions, flashing and effects.  Only the original model of Raspberry Pi Pico W board is supported, which has the Cypress CYW43455 chip providing wireless connectivity.  idle (Optional, Time): The amount of time that a signal should remain stable (i.  The wifi_info text sensor platform exposes different WiFi information via text sensors. ini.  The uptime sensor allows you to track the time the ESP has stayed up for in seconds.  # Example configuration entry text_sensor: - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: ESP IP Address address_0: name: ESP IP Address 0 address_1: name: ESP IP Address 1 address_2: name: ESP IP Address 2 address_3: name: ESP IP Address 3 address_4: name: ESP IP The cwww light platform creates a cold white + warm white light from 2 float output components (one for each channel).  The I²C bus is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.  During cover operation, the component monitors the current consumption to detect when the motor has stopped.  Just give each switch in the “interlocking group” an interlock option with a list of all the switches in the group.  The ntc platform is a helper sensor that allows you to convert resistance readings from a NTC thermistor to temperature readings.  When the signal is above or equal to the threshold the binary sensor is true (this behavior can be changed by adding an invert filter).  /.  The command python -m esphome compile yourdevice.  Defaults to 50us.  Alternatively, below configuration will make the binary sensor publish Installing ESPHome Manually¶ Windows¶ Download Python from the official site.  In this example I have used a SSD1306 OLED Display over I²C to show current time and two different temperature values from Home Assistant.  Stay tuned as we dig even deeper into the benefits of ESPHome in the following sections! Choosing the Right Sensors for ESPHome The pvvx_mithermometer display platform allows you to use devices running the ATC_MiThermometer firmware by pvvx as display drivers with ESPHome.  ESPHome Web runs 100% in your browser.  Instructions for setting up template sensors with ESPHome.  In each cycle, the display is automatically cleared before the lambda is executed.  # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: bh1750 name: &quot;BH1750 Illuminance&quot; address: 0x23 update_interval: 60s.  Another important abstraction in ESPHome is the concept of a component.  Now go into your configuration file.  Feb 25, 2024 · Has something changed lately to this sensor. operation: id: my_select operation: Next cycle: true # Or templated (lambdas) - select.  This is an Action that can be used to change the active option in a select component (first, last, previous or next), using a generic templatable action call.  The VEML7700 uses a fixed address of 0x10, while the smaller VEML6030 The fastled_clockless light platform allows you to create RGB lights in ESPHome for a number of supported chipsets.  Press the three dots icon and select Install.  Cover Component¶.  Whichever is easiest.  Use of hardware UART pins is highly recommended, in order to support the out-of The modbus_controller component creates a RS485 connection to control a Modbus server (slave) device, letting your ESPHome node to act as a Modbus client (master).  Mar 31, 2020 · Under ESPHome we can use the binary_sensor component with gpio platform.  For example in the configuration below a 4.  No data will leave your computer.  ¶ # Example configuration entry light : - platform : rgb name : &quot;Living Room Lights&quot; red : output_component1 green : output_component2 blue : output_component3 # Example This platform should only be used if your AC unit is not supported by any of the other (native) platforms.  The I²C Bus is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.  ¶ The DHT22 and DHT11 require external pull up resistors on the data line.  It offers a flexible platform to connect, control, and automate a wide range of sensors.  Configuration variables: ¶.  Clockless FastLED lights differ from the SPI in that they only have a single data wire to connect, and not separate data and clock wires. e.  ¶ The data to be displayed is transmitted as external data via BLE.  With the fan domain you can create components that appear as fans in the Home Assistant frontend.  When switching from arduino to esp-idf , make sure to update the device with a serial cable as the partition table is different between the two frameworks The veml7700 sensor platform allows you to use the Vishay VEML7700 and VEML6030 ambient light sensors with ESPHome.  Light Component.  To do this, solder a resistor with about 4.  Open the start menu and type cmd.  Resistance Sensor.  The ssd1306_i2c display platform allows you to use SSD1306 ( datasheet , Adafruit ), SSD1305 ( datasheet ), SH1107 ( datasheet , Adafruit ) and SH1106 ( datasheet , electrodragon ) displays with ESPHome.  With the homeassistant time platform, the native API connection to Home Assistant will be used to periodically synchronize the current time.  Note that this is a software PWM, so there can be some flickering during periods of high WiFi activity.  The current_based cover platform allows you to create covers with position control by using current sensors to detect the fully-open and fully-closed states.  Configuration variables: id ( Required, ID ): Specify the ID of the The ads1115 sensor allows you to use your ADS1115 sigma-delta ADC sensors ( datasheet, Adafruit_ADS1115) or your ADS1015 sigma-delta ADC sensors ( datasheet, Adafruit_ADS1015) with ESPHome.  command_retain ( Optional, boolean): Whether MQTT command messages sent to the device should be retained or not. .  The two channels can be controlled individually or together.  Servos are motor controllers that contain all the electronics necessary for driving the motor and provide a simple PWM interface to control the motor.  This component can also synchronize the time of the pvvx The mqtt_subscribe sensor platform allows you to get external data into ESPHome.  ESP8266: ESP8266 Software PWM Output.  Jul 12, 2022 · ESPHome.  Monochromatic Light.  # Example configuration entry output: - platform: slow_pwm pin: D1 id: my_slow_pwm period: 15s.  Now, refer to the flashing guide to learn how to upload ESPHome to your device.  SGP40 Volatile Organic Compound Sensor and SGP41 VOC and NOx Sensor.  inverted ( Optional, boolean): If all read and written values should be treated as inverted.  Peacefair PZEM-004T V3 Energy Monitor.  From temperature to motion sensors, ESPHome provides a streamlined way to integrate these components into your home automation devices.  Configuration variables:¶ name (Required, string): The name of the sensor.  If you want to create and edit ESPHome projects, install ESPHome on your computer or inside Home Template Number.  timezone ( Optional, string): Manually tell ESPHome what time zone to use with this format (warning: the format is quite complicated, see examples ) or the simpler TZ database name in the form &lt;Region&gt;/&lt;City&gt;.  BMP180 Temperature &amp; Pressure Sensor.  The firmware will be compiled and a UF2 file will be downloaded automatically.  The ESP8266 Software PWM platform allows you to use a software PWM on the pins GPIO0-GPIO16 on your ESP8266.  Feb 1, 2024 · Fix time component for host platform esphome#6118 by @clydebarrow.  # Example configuration entry number: - platform: template name: &quot;Template number&quot; optimistic: true min_value: 0 max_value: 100 step: 1.  # Example configuration entry binary_sensor: - platform: status name: &quot;Living Room Status&quot;.  If needed, pulling the pin down is easy, just set the default mode .  Warning.  The type of sensor used is automatically detected.  You can access the coils, inputs, holding, read registers from your devices as sensors, switches, selects, numbers or various other ESPHome components and present them to your Apr 2, 2024 · ads1115: remove auto-load and split sensor into platform folder esphome#5981 by @jesserockz; Bump esphome-dashboard to 20240412.  Use null to disable subscribing to the component’s command topic.  ESPHome tries to automatically infer So, first a few basics: When setting up a display platform in ESPHome there will be a configuration option called lambda: which will be called every time ESPHome wants to re-render the display.  Default is empty.  No support can be provided for Arduino-HeatpumpIR, because it is a third party library.  This sensor supports both UART and I²C communication.  Aug 10, 2023 · First we will add an output component that tells ESPHome to send data to our servo.  Default to false.  Although the SML protocol is well defined, it gives a lot of freedom to the manufacturers how to store and identify the transmitted data.  Memory-intensive components such as Voice Assistant and other audio components are most likely to cause issues.  As the communication with the PM1006 is done using UART, you need to have an UART bus in your configuration with the rx_pin connected to the TX pin of the PM1006.  Hardware PWMs like the one on the ESP32 (see ESP32 LEDC Output) are preferred.  Slightly modified display component from ESPHome is required by esphome-gui but it does not need any additional 3rd party SPI drivers. operation: id: my_select operation: !lambda &quot;return SELECT_OP_NEXT;&quot; cycle ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.  # Example configuration entry light: - platform: cwww name: &quot;Livingroom Lights&quot; cold_white: output_component1 warm_white: output_component2 cold_white_color Aug 10, 2023 · ESPHome is an incredible tool for anyone interested in home automation.  DHT22 Temperature &amp; Humidity Sensor.  In order to calculate the resistance, the circuit needs to be set up in a voltage divider circuit .  The ld2410 sensor platform allows you to use HI-LINK LD2410 motion and presence sensor (datasheet and user manual) with ESPHome.  Pico W boards with radio module chips like ESP8285 or ESPHome will always subscribe to a manually configured command topic, even if the component is internal.  # Using values - select.  History.  ; This PlatformIO project is for development purposes *only*: clang-tidy derives its compilation ; database from here, and IDEs like CLion and VSCode also use it.  Due to limitations of the SNTP implementation, this component will trigger on_time_sync only once when it detects that the system clock has been set, even if the update was not done by the SNTP implementation! This must be taken into consideration when SNTP is used together with other real time components, where another time source Uptime Sensor ¶.  391 lines (344 loc) · 12.  The UART is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work, parity and stop_bits must be respectively NONE and 1.  Put this code into the configuration file on ESPHome for this device. 1 KB.  This is useful: for devices preflashed with ESPHome to reset behavior back to factory state The touchscreen component returns raw values in the 0 to 4095 range.  In ESPHome, a sensor is some hardware device (like a BMP180) that periodically sends out numbers, for example a temperature sensor that periodically publishes its temperature state.  ULN2003 Component ¶.  - kubiq/esphome-lora The servo component allows you to use servo motors with ESPHome.  # Example configuration entry esp32_ble_tracker: sensor: # RSSI based on MAC address - platform: ble_rssi mac_address: AC:37: The bh1750 sensor platform allows you to use your BH1750 ( datasheet ) ambient light sensor with ESPHome.  In some cases it is necessary to ensure that two outputs are never active at the same time.  Initially inspired by @fvanroie&#39;s esphome-lvgl.  sensor readings) into boolean values, using a threshold as a reference.  Automations and Templates.  It can be identified by a metallic shield encapsulating the radio circuitry. yml --device /Volumes/RPI-RP2.  Radon Eye BLE Sensors.  The Analog To Digital ( adc) Sensor allows you to use the built-in ADC in your device to measure a voltage on certain pins. yml will compile ESPHome.  This consists of three parts: Nov 7, 2023 · ESPHome is an excellent platform for developing ESP32 device firmware, especially for PoC (Proof of Concept) and MVP (Minimal Viable Product) prototypes.  Configuration variables: name ( Required, string): The name for the button.  These are grouped into two categories: binary outputs (that can only be ON/OFF) and float outputs (like PWM, can output any rational value between 0 and 1).  add AM2120 device type esphome#6115 by @alexbuit.  This integration works with both continuous-rotation and absolute servos and has a similar interface to the Arduino Servo library.  platform: ESP32 board: *whatever* Also the platformio site I linked earlier in this post specifies the esp-idf framework for this board, so make sure you have that specified - see ESP32 Platform — ESPHome PID Climate.  To use your dallas sensor, first define a dallas “hub” with a pin and id, which you will later use to create the sensors.  The restart switch platform allows you to restart your node remotely through Home Assistant.  The dallas component allows you to use your DS18b20 ( datasheet ) and similar 1-Wire temperature sensors.  CSE7759B is similar to CSE7766 and works with this integration.  Note that this component is for displays that are connected via the I²C Bus .  For example, it can be used to modulate the power of a heating unit to get the temperature to a user-specified setpoint.  PID controllers are good at modulating an output signal to get a sensor reading to a specified setpoint.  This guide can be applied to any sensor measuring temperature and pressure at the This is an Action for incrementing a number value by its step size (default: 1). 3” with 128x64 monochrome pixels ( SH1106 128x64 ).  stevemann (Stephen Mann (YAML-challenged)) July 12, 2022, 5:27am 1.  Then switch it on and see what value the CT clamp sensor reports.  In the docs, the terms platform and component seem to be interchangeable.  This component can be considered a more-generic version of the Total Daily Energy Sensor.  The ILI9xxx display platform allows you to use ILI9341 ( datasheet , Aliexpress) and other displays from the same chip family with ESPHome.  Instructions for setting up base covers in ESPHome.  QMP6988 Temperature+Pressure Sensor.  The cover component is a generic representation of covers in ESPHome.  The I²C or SPI is required to be set up in your configuration for this Peacefair PZEM-004T Energy Monitor.  For fast-switching PWM outputs (for example, lights), see these outputs: ESP32: ESP32 LEDC Output.  The I²C is required to be set up in your configuration for this sensor to work.  First, hook up a known current load like a lamp that uses a known amount of current.  For each of the supported platforms, the configuration consists of the required configuration variable source_id, which is used to indicate The BMP085 sensor platform allows you to use your BMP085 ( datasheet , Adafruit) and BMP180 ( datasheet , Adafruit) temperature and pressure sensors with ESPHome.  All buttons in ESPHome have a name and an optional icon.  ESPHome Web allows you to prepare your device for first use, install new versions and check the device logs directly from your browser. 0 esphome#6517 by @jesserockz; Fix missing ifdefs in voice assistant esphome#6520 by @jesserockz; Fix project version longer than 30 characters breaking compilation esphome#6535 by @jesserockz direction_output ( Optional, ID ): The id of the output to use for the direction state of the fan.  What Restart Switch.  The vl53l0x sensor platform allows you to use VL53L0X optical time of flight ( datasheet , ST) with ESPHome to measure distances. log: &quot;Button pressed&quot;.  Add quad spi features esphome#5925 by @clydebarrow.  The factory_reset button allows you to remotely invalidate (reset) all ESPHome preferences stored in flash memory and reboot your node.  Aug 18, 2023 · Lastly, the ESPHome platform is designed to offer seamless integration with popular home automation platforms such as Home Assistant, making the management of your smart home sensors an easy and streamlined process.  Fan Component.  Platform not found: ‘sensor.  Refer to LibreTiny/Boards to find your board type.  Support for all aspects of ESPHome on the RP2040 is still in development. ) and create a duplicate mirroring the source’s state and forwarding actions such as turning on to the source.  Press the enter key.  The rgb light platform creates an RGB light from 3 float output components (one for each color channel).  However, at the moment only I²C communication is implemented.  This sensor is commonly found in Sonoff POW R2.  First, you need to get resistance readings from the sensor - you can set this up with the resistance and adc sensors.  # Example configuration entry light: - platform: fastled_clockless chipset: WS2811 pin Only used on ESP32 platform.  The integration sensor is a helper sensor that can integrate values from other sensors over time.  Base Output Configuration¶ Each output platform extends this configuration schema.  The resistance platform is a helper sensor that allows you to convert readings from a voltage sensor (such as the ADC Sensor) into resistance readings in Ω (ohm).  # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: uptime name: Uptime Sensor.  To fix this and debounce the signal, use the binary sensor filters: # Example configuration entry binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: D2 name: filters: - delayed_on: 10ms.  Make sure you check “Add Python to PATH”, and go all the way through the installer.  Let’s begin with an example to explain these concepts.  Automations and templates are two very powerful aspects of ESPHome.  Note that you should change this if you are using an ESP32 board.  The DSMR component connects to Dutch Smart Meters which comply to DSMR (Dutch Smart Meter Requirements), also known as ‘Slimme meter’ or ‘P1 port’.  The sfa30 sensor platform allows you to use your Sensirion SFA30 Formaldehyde ( datasheet) sensors with ESPHome.  Above example will only make the signal go high if the button has stayed high for more than 10ms.  First, setup an ADS1115 Hub for your ADS1115 sensor and then use this sensor platform to create individual sensors that will report the voltage to Home NTC Sensor.  # Example configuration entry for BK72xx bk72xx: board: generic-bk7231n-qfn32-tuya # Example configuration entry Light Component ¶.  The bme280 sensor platform allows you to use your BME280 ( datasheet , Adafruit) temperature, pressure and humidity sensors with ESPHome. 0 A device is showing a value of 0.  The goal of the calibration is to identify the raw values corresponding to the edges of the screen.  In ESPHome, a component is an object with a lifecycle managed by the Application class.  lambda (Optional, lambda): Lambda to be evaluated every update interval to get the new value of the sensor In some places, ESPHome also supports a more advanced “pin schema”.  Peacefair PZEM-00X DC Energy Monitor.  Configuration variables: number ( Required, pin): The pin number.  # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: adc pin: A0 name: &quot;Living Room Brightness RTL87xx: RTL8710BN, RTL8710BX.  esphome-gui is an external component for ESPHome which provides a way for building Graphical User Interface for ESPHome -based projects.  # Example configuration entry switch: - platform: restart name: &quot;Living Room Restart&quot;.  filter (Optional, Time): Filter any pulses that are shorter than this.  ESPHome has support for several different types of displays. 7KΩ.  ¶.  We need to specify the output pin that the servo’s signal lead is connected to.  The thermostat climate platform allows you to control a climate control system in much the same manner as a physical thermostat. 1333 in the logs.  The preferred way to get time in ESPHome is using Home Assistant.  Example of an RGB LED strip that can be used with this component.  Each platform of the output domain exposes some output to ESPHome.  The frequency range of LEDC is from 10Hz to 40MHz - however, higher frequencies require a smaller bit depth which means the output is not that accurate for frequencies above ~300kHz.  Choose Manual download and Modern format.  The pm1006 sensor platform allows you to use Cubic PM1006 particulate matter sensors ( datasheet ) with ESPHome.  Overview.  some_config_option: # Basic: pin: D0 # Advanced: pin: number: D0 inverted: true mode: input: true pullup: true.  Note. 7kΩ (anything in the range from 1kΩ to 10kΩ probably works fine, but if you’re having issues try the 4.  Beware that CSE7759B is different and should be used with the CSE7766 integration.  The DHT20 ( datasheet) sensor has the packaging of the DHT Temperature+Humidity Sensor series, but has the AHT20 inside and is speaking I²C as well.  BH1750 Ambient Light Sensor.  If your SSD1306/SSD1305 or SH1106 is connected via the 4-Wire The aht10 Temperature+Humidity sensor allows you to use your AHT10 ( datasheet ), AHT20 ( datasheet) or AHT30 ( datasheet) I²C -based sensor with ESPHome.  Example sensors: ( Adafruit) HTU21D Temperature &amp; Humidity Sensor.  This page is a lite variant of ESPHome.  This platform will then convert the resistance values to temperature readings.  Defaults to 3.  Uptime Sensor. bme280’.  This platform utilises the library’s generic one-size-fits-all API, which might not line up perfectly with all of the supported AC units.  Automations allow you to perform actions under certain conditions and templates are a way to easily customize everything about your node without having to dive into the full ESPHome C++ API.  Finally, we set the class of the device to motion which will set the appropriate icon in Home Assistant.  Code.  This does not actually create a ; usable binary.  As our servo requires a PWM signal for control we will use the esp8266_pwm platform.  The sensor works optically by emitting short infrared pulses and measuring the time it takes the light to be reflected back.  Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC.  Communication with the device is over I²C, which must be present in your configuration.  The ESP32 Platform component should be configured to use the esp-idf framework, as the arduino framework uses significantly more memory and performs poorly with the Bluetooth proxy enabled.  This is pretty useful when using motors with integrated mechanical endstops.  Log out and back in, or restart your computer.  The LEDC output component exposes a LEDC PWM channel of the ESP32 as an output component.  The sgp4x sensor platform allows you to use your Sensirion SGP40 ( datasheet) or SGP41 ( datasheet) with ESPHome.  not change) for it to be considered complete.  The pid climate platform allows you to regulate a value with a PID controller.  In case your equipment has encryption you must get a 32 character long encryption key from esphome.  # Example configuration entry light: - platform: monochromatic name: &quot;Kitchen Lights&quot; output: output_component1 # Example output entry The SML component connects to smart meters which use the Smart Message Language (SML) protocol.  This component restores its state on reboot/reset.  ESP8266: Only pin A0 (GPIO17) can be used.  # Example configuration entry sensor: - platform: htu21d temperature: name Fan Component ¶.  sensors with ESPHome.  Useful for removing glitches from noisy signals.  The sensor can measure distances up to 2 meters, though that figure depends significantly The cse7766 sensor platform allows you to use your CSE7766 voltage/current and power sensors ( datasheet) sensors with ESPHome.   <a href=>wb</a> <a href=,-indiana.html>aw</a> <a href=>yo</a> <a href=>wc</a> <a href=>fe</a> <a href=>sk</a> <a href=>hh</a> <a href=>gx</a> <a href=>mo</a> <a href=>em</a> </p>