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<h1>Docker entrypoint sh executable file not found in path unknown</h1>
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<div class="fs-110">Docker entrypoint sh executable file not found in path unknown.  &quot;Permission denied&quot; prevents your script from being invoked at all.  [root@DB1 mysql-docker]# docker-compose up -d Starting mysql-docker_db_1 Nov 9, 2021 · $ docker build -t what/ever:latest [] $ docker run --rm what/ever:latest /bin/sh: [.  Dec 8, 2017 · You signed in with another tab or window.  You can also launch a shell wrapper as the main container process.  Jan 11, 2023 · I used amazoncorretto:17-alpine-jdk docker image and in dockerfile instead of bash, I changed it to sh and it worked as bash didn&#39;t work with alpine.  My dockerFile looks like.  You can fix the first problem by ensuring you use the new --chmod flag to ensure the executable bit is set. sh&quot;] in the Dockerfile also work? UPDATE: Yes it does Feb 6, 2021 · So a better path is to use the Docker ENTRYPOINT to provide the bundle exec wrapper, and leave your CMD as is. sh, by running chmod +x start.  Jun 1, 2017 · In my situation it was that the docker-entrypoint.  May 31, 2023 · CMD [&quot;/path/to/your/command&quot;, &quot;arg1&quot;, &quot;arg2&quot;] which means the command will not run in a shell so stop signals can be handled by the command itself. sh: 38: exec: npm: not found 1 starting container process caused: exec: &quot;/bin/bash&quot;: stat /bin/bash: no such file or directory: unknown Jun 3, 2018 · It would be easier to: define an entrypoint script entrypoint.  Feb 13, 2020 · Hello forum Im quite new to docker and ran into some problem with mysql: I have a docker-compose file where i have: mysql: image: mysql command: --default-authentication-plugin=mysql_native_password container_name: mysql restart: unless- ERROR: for app Cannot start service app: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux. json . sh script used &quot;#!/bin/bash&quot; as its shell and it doesn&#39;t exist in Docker alpine images.  Mar 12, 2021 · Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ----- ---- ---- ----- Normal Scheduled 3m39s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/second1 to netcs Normal Pulled 3m35s kubelet Successfully pulled image &quot;utkudarilmaz/hping3&quot; in 2. sh&quot;] I&#39;m using RestHeart docker image.  Any help you be greatly appreciated! [tom@maker ~]$ uname -a Linux maker 5. sh script, which will interpret $@ correctly, as illustrated in &quot;What does set -e and exec &quot;$@&quot; do for Oct 15, 2018 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.  This is the bottom of my Dockerfile. sh: no such file or directory.  docker exec -ti mysql bash; Lastly, ran the sql under bitpal container.  COPY php-entrypoint. /start.  Jun 16, 2020 · I am trying to build an angular app in a docker container. / Jun 23, 2020 · The current Docker documentation describes a simple way to generate a secret with htpasswd: mkdir auth docker run &#92; --entrypoint htpasswd &#92; httpd:2 -Bbn testuser testpassword &gt; auth/htpasswd The newly generated file auth/htpasswd can later be used in the registry image: Jul 6, 2021 · Stack Overflow Public questions &amp; answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. 0 AS compile-image RUN npm install -g yarn WORKDIR /opt/ng COPY package. com&gt; # update dpkg repositories RUN apt-get update &#92;&#92; &amp;&amp; mkdir -p /root/docker RUN apt-get install -y wget ADD myfolder /root/docker Jun 21, 2022 · Linux is just picky when it comes to executing files as an executable (redundant I know). py has to be executed with the config file. service&quot; as a root user . sh&#39; does not have executable permission. py&quot;.  And it says: /bin/sh: 1: [uvicorn,: not found.  That way you actually pass the space as an argument which is not a command of course. /. g.  COPY test_file /my_test_file. 3.  CMD python3 manage.  Command changed from: CMD [&quot;bash&quot;, &quot;-c&quot;, &quot;java -jar test.  So if you just run the dev/Dockerfile, it would execute.  Jan 16, 2019 · Containers: 3 Running: 0 Paused: 0 Stopped: 3 Images: 730 Server Version: 18.  With the code built into the image and a reasonable default command defined there, you can delete the volumes: and command Nov 5, 2021 · Here is a test you can do yourself : In an empty directory, create a Dockerfile_test file, with this content.  Unless overridden with docker run --entrypoint, this becomes the main process the container runs.  375.  FROM nginx:1.  If you have both an ENTRYPOINT and a CMD , then the CMD gets passed as additional arguments to ENTRYPOINT and you get a single combined command, which is what you want here. sh file, that is instead of: ENTRYPOINT [&quot;docker-entrypoint.  Dec 6, 2019 · There are two syntaxes, with the same basic difference: # Explicitly write out the words. txt ;&#92; chmod +x My problem was that the entrypoint was indeed copied during the build phase, but my docker-compose was sharing a volume at the same path, so it was getting overrided.  The proper solution depends on your version of Jenkins and the docker plugin.  You need to set environment variables with ENV.  Updated.  Since it is a FROM scratch image and contains absolutely nothing at all, it doesn&#39;t contain a shell May 25, 2021 · I have a Dockerfile with Entrypoint where I specify the config file variable and the executable file but it looks like Docker or Entrypoint doesn&#39;t recognize it. 1 on CentOS. sh file actually existed by overriding the entrypoint and inspecting the container: Dec 9, 2023 · Issue is with the docker run command.  Dec 8, 2021 · And it showed that Container exited few seconds after it was created.  Keep in mind when your dockerfile has entrypoint and cmd, you are essentially overwriting original entrypoint and command. 3-alpine. / in front of the name. /run. sh&#39;] to. sh in root /, which does not exist.  mysql -u root -p Jun 26, 2021 · Ive tried removing the ENTRYPOINT, but when i run the docker run command without the ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile, the cddbfrontend container’s port suddenly disappears, or is not running when i run command docker ps.  Mar 29, 2021 · Actually I tried but removed this command, I read on other posts that when this problem occurred, this was the solution, so I created a docker-entrypoint.  If you change this line: ENTRYPOINT [&#39;docker-entrypoint. 0 infosiftr/mongo.  the entrypoint shell script is not marked executable for the current user; the hash bang in the entrypoint shell script points to a binary that does not exist; the shell script actually does not exist. sh&quot;] then everything starts to work as expected. sh with your command logic scripted in it.  Nov 23, 2023 · docker run -p 8080:8080 &lt;image_name&gt; To run the command specified in the Dockerfile and see its output as it runs: docker run -p 8080:8080 -t &lt;image_name&gt; To run an interactive shell inside the docker container (e.  Nov 14, 2019 · thanks! alternatively, would replacing ENTRYPOINT [&quot;pipe.  Here&#39;s how I fixed it: Specify an actual path for the docker-entrypoint. shに実行権限が付いていないことに起因して出力しているエラーです。 docker-entrypoint. sh&quot;] use Mar 27, 2019 · Firstly i entered the container using docker exec -it bash container_id and installed package manager then i installed ping the installation was successfull then after i tried this command once again ``` docker container exec -it nginx1 ping nginx2 ``` When I pull up the container it tells me: exec .  Apr 3, 2019 · ENTRYPOINT [&quot;/bin/bash&quot;, &quot;docker-entrypoint.  Not sure what is the reason.  The :v2. sh script.  This may solve the problem. sql file that was missing in my modules. 8 installed FROM python:3. lock angular.  Fix missed mongo to use mongosh on 6.  Most likely the filesystem permissions not being set to Jul 19, 2019 · If you follow the extension path of the docker files you will notice that it takes you all the way down to the centos:7 image which has the bash shell.  So to dockerize your nodejs application, you&#39;d need to create a dockerfile using the docker image created by said dockerfile.  Oct 21, 2018 · 3.  Current environment have no internet access.  At first, I encounter below error, found that is related to selinux with docker. 10. sh, again) could not be found within the containers environment PATH parameter (compare PATH, Pathname Resolution, etc. sh RUN chmod +x .  FROM centos:7.  In your first iteration, your ENTRYPOINT said: #!/bin/bash.  Jan 3, 2018 · Restart the docker service in windows using the command - &quot;Restart-Service docker&quot; and in Linux (centos or RHEL7) &quot;systemctl restart docker. sh ├── Dockerfile ├── Gemfile └── Gemfile.  Jun 27, 2021 · The semi-exception to this is a new named volume, which docker will initialize on first use to include the contents of the image at that location, before performing the mount.  From it&#39;s dockerfile:.  RUN yum -y install vim wget sendmail.  My main. sh&quot;: executable file not found in $ PATH&quot;: unknown.  You signed out in another tab or window.  It needs the full &lt;name&gt;:&lt;tag&gt; when specifying the image. .  The final form that worked for me: RUN echo &quot;#!/bin/bash exec ${APP_NAME}&quot; &gt; .  Nov 1, 2022 · &quot;Docker compose: command not found&quot; - Despite configuring the path and making file as executable 2 Executable not found in docker compose /bin/sh: 1: main: not found Oct 18, 2019 · docker-entrypoint. 0 matches the build command, rather than using the hello:latest tag (by default when no tag is provided), which was pointing to some other previous and broken build. py migrate; Used bash under mysql container. sh is within the container, the basename of it (docker-deploy.  And since /mydir isn&#39;t in your path, you need to tell Docker to look for the script in the current directory by adding . sh file from current directory. 21.  I do have uvicorn in my requirements. 8.  CMD [&quot;python3&quot;, &quot;manage. ).  Hi, as of today we face an issue with the mongo command.  – Jul 6, 2022 · ok it was a permissions problem, probably related to the user because when I simply changed the permissions just for the user to : chmod u+x /my_path/my_shell_script .  Try to change those command for the following. go:348: starting container process caused &quot;open /proc/self/fd: no such file or directory&quot;: unknown; Problem Description: Jul 3, 2020 · You can also restructure this to use an entrypoint wrapper script, and honor the Docker CMD. sh RUN cp run. 1 Storage Driver: aufs Root Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufs Backing Filesystem: extfs Dirs: 758 Dirperm1 Supported: true Logging Driver: json-file Cgroup Driver: cgroupfs Plugins: Volume: local Network: bridge host macvlan null overlay Log: awslogs fluentd gcplogs gelf journald json-file local logentries splunk syslog May 10, 2018 · Imported a certain .  I would not be opposed to a solution that somehow created the extra file on the fly however: Mar 16, 2022 · &quot;Docker compose: command not found&quot; - Despite configuring the path and making file as executable 2 Executable not found in docker compose /bin/sh: 1: main: not found May 7, 2021 · Delete the volumes: block of the docker-compose.  RUN yum -y install git.  For ubuntu-based images, write down the following line somewhere (replace bash with sh for basically every other linux OS): docker run -it --rm --entrypoint=bash my_image Apr 13, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.  Here is my Dockerfile: FROM node:13.  If you want to see the output make sure to add the -i flag as shown above.  Your shebang line in start.  Jun 12, 2018 · I am trying to bringup my fabric network. 0 image doesn&#39;t have cat in it (it&#39;s a scratch image) so it can&#39;t be run in Jenkins the same way. /dockerdata, the entrypoint will not be found. yaml, it overrides ENTRYPOINT from specified Dockerfile.  So you&#39;d reorder as: sudo docker run --gpus all test Aug 27, 2020 · I am using CentOS 7. 0. 04 MAINTAINER user &lt;user@mail.  Below is the part of my Dockerfile thats not currently commented out.  – LivingRobot Dec 31, 2023 · The docker plugin in Jenkins tries to start cat in the container to keep it running while your script (s) are executed.  Thus, the only syntax that could be possibly pertinent is that of the first line (the &quot;shebang&quot;), which should look like #!/usr/bin/env bash, or #!/bin/bash, or similar depending on your target&#39;s filesystem layout.  So it should be printenv then run php.  The problem is that you did not modify your PATH variable. 4. sh .  # Install PHP 7. /entrypoint.  The Dockerfile you referenced is meant to be used as parent image for an easy dockerization of your application. lock Jan 20, 2021 · bash can return &quot;file not found&quot; when.  I have this service checked into Github, form where wercker gets kicked off and passed all tests before getting deployed to docker hub successfully.  Especially if I wanted to add it as the ROOT.  # Read all of the log files, blocking forever, printing out new.  In main side, you&#39;re copying the executable from build and running it.  RUN chmod +x run.  Share Sep 20, 2021 · docker run -it &#92; -w /workspace &#92; cloudbuildtoolset:latest &#92; the command you want to run or, equivalently, add a WORKDIR directive to your Dockerfile.  Run build piping the test Dockerfile, see how it fails because it has no context: Jan 20, 2015 · cd is a built-in shell command, you can&#39;t set it as the command to run.  Docker File ## ## Dockerfile to generate a Docker image from a GeoDjango project ## # Start from an existing image with Python 3.  Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. sh You lose the signals as well because a new shell will be created. env.  Apr 26, 2019 · The point is in the last line. py runserver.  while building i created the docker-entrypoint.  FROM ubuntu:19. sh copy .  Apr 26, 2018 · Hi every one, I’m working on put and run my_script in a docker container using Dockerfile, At first i applied “chmod +x my_scrpt. 10 ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED 1 ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE 1 RUN set -e; &#92; apt-get update ;&#92; apt-get -y install netcat-traditional ;&#92; apt-get -y install gettext ; RUN mkdir /code COPY .  So I disable selinux.  Also, a best practice to follow would be invoking /bin/bash, using the absolute path, that one does not need to rely on the PATH defined in the container.  Nov 4, 2020 · I also haven&#39;t found any other solutions apart from installing uwsgi even though its already there.  Then create a dummy file: touch test_file. /pipe. sh manually as a string and as a [&quot;bash&quot;, &quot;/entrypoint.  /code/ WORKDIR /code RUN set -e; &#92; /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip ;&#92; python -m pip install -r /code/requirements. json yarn.  docker-compose up -d bitpal; Used bash under bitpal container. txt file.  That is unless the user species arguments when running the container, in that case the default command will be replaced with what the user Nov 30, 2021 · (I generally recommend using CMD over ENTRYPOINT; it&#39;s much easier to, for example, docker run --rm -it users-service /bin/sh to get an interactive debugging shell on the image to find where the binary actually is, and there is a frequently-helpful pattern of using ENTRYPOINT to do first-time setup and then launch the CMD as the main container Aug 21, 2022 · OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: unable to start container process: open /dev/pts/0: operation not permitted: unknown; Fail to execute docker exec; OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.  See point 2 and use exec. 734426606s Normal Dec 28, 2017 · I did run apt-get -y update &amp;&amp; apt-get -y upgrade, and inside the container when I try to run lsb_release -a, this time the output is sh: 4: lsb_release: not found, same for ffmpeg: sh: 5: ffmpeg: not found.  RUN git --version.  So you create a text file (or binary file) with commands, but you want to then run that file and have it perform some job within the container, yet you will need to let the environment know that it has permissions to do so.  Reload to refresh your session. sh /tmp Note that sudo isn&#39;t needed because you are already as root.  You have to use: docker exec -i compassionate_mclean bash -c &quot;cd /root/python &amp;&amp; python myscript.  When you have a volumes: block that injects host-system code into a container like this, it completely replaces whatever content was in the corresponding path in the image.  Nov 20, 2017 · 0.  FROM openjdk:8u111-jre-alpine RUN apk upgrade --update &amp;&amp; apk add --update libstdc++ curl ca-certificates bash Apr 19, 2019 · RUN sudo chmod +x run. sh&quot;] with ENTRYPOINT [&quot;.  # Install some must-haves. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. sh” in “myfolder” before i add it in the container.  It looks like I&#39;m missing something about difference between running images with docker-compose and docker.  I run apt-get install libav-tools and get # apt-get install libav-tools Reading package lists Done Building dependency tree Reading Jul 26, 2018 · Interestingly your issues seems to be with the type of quotes you have chosen to use.  jboss/keycloak-ha-postgres &gt; jboss/keycloak-postgres &gt; jboss/base-jdk:8 &gt; jboss/base:latest &gt; centos:7 Oct 23, 2022 · As a work around I have found that I can create a simple shell script and have that serve as the entry point, but that wasn&#39;t ideal because of the need for an extra file.  Ran bitpal in detached mode.  I changed it to #!/bin/sh and problems resolved.  You either need to add executable permission for the file present in your working directory where you build docker file or add chmod command to change the permission of the file in Dockerfile after you copied the file to /usr/local/bin/.  and use the RUN instruction with the shell form which means that the commands will run in a shell which is required if you want pipes and execute multiple commands: RUN apt-get update &amp;&amp; apt-get Jul 8, 2022 · docker-entrypoint.  When you launch a container Docker constructs a single command from both the entrypoint and command parts combined, so your two containers have combined commands like Nov 30, 2018 · Anyone have any idea on this issue, I have the same issue running commands with this exact version. sh as per official rabbitmq ,then used that file to copy in to Docker image while building .  But if I comment out the ENTRYPOINT from my Dockerfile, raise the container and run sh .  I got my orderers organization started.  chown or chmod would do the trick.  Jun 19, 2018 · The reason is the &#39; docker-entrypoint. sh /tmp You are copying a fresh copy from the build context without execute permission onto /tmp/run.  Your docker entrypoint and command should be something long running process e.  10 participants.  When that program or script finishes, the container exits.  更地にymlだけ置きなおして再度実行しても変わらない。 Aug 14, 2023 · FROM python:3. 10 WORKDIR /gen COPY script. sh&quot;] Extra details if you&#39;ll be using Docker a lot: Being able to enter a container or image to examine its contents is invaluable.  Other potential reasons for a shell script to show a &quot;not found Oct 17, 2019 · ENTRYPOINT is a command or script that is executed when you run the docker container.  Using export in a RUN statement will not be persistent.  – Michael Dec 28, 2019 · Your volumes: declaration hides the contents of /code inside the image, including the /code/entrypoint.  Here is an example of docker-entrypoint.  It’s look like this: FROM ubuntu:16.  # Copy files. sh script is wrong, it&#39;s must be #!/bin/bash.  So I installed docker (and docker-compose) from binaries. 8 MAINTAINER Mark Foley # Run a series of Linux commands to ensure that # 1.  python manage.  I got my peer organizations started. sh: 32: exec: yarn: not found. yml file inside the backend container.  Feb 7, 2021 · ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project. 69-1-MANJARO #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Sep 20 22:13:34 UTC 2022 x86_64 GNU/Linux [tom@maker ~]$ docker --version Docker version 20. 1708.  Aug 2, 2021 · starting container process caused: exec: &quot;/bin/sh&quot;: stat /bin/sh: no such file or directory ---- executor failed running [/bin/sh -c Load 7 more related questions Show fewer related questions Jan 15, 2015 · If it is a bash script, is it the correct path to the bash script at the top? Another thing to try is docker run -P mylocalimage /bin/bash and see what happens from there, you should have a shell.  If you specify entrypoint in the docker-compose.  Alternatively try running it with docker run -it NAME and see what happens (if it works, or at least starts the executable, with docker run then the issue is with your compose file).  docker exec -ti bitpal bash; Migrations.  Make sure your entrypoint is not in a directory where you mount a volume. / May 24, 2016 · You must use . go:349: starting container process caused &quot;exec: &quot;docker-entrypoint.  You have to use the absolute path like /app/bin/docker-entrypoint.  I access it in the webbrowser with localhost:20080 but it tells me it can’t connect to it.  i could able to build the image after solving some issues.  ├── bin │ └── docker-entrypoint.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  In this case, hello:1. Jul 18, 2023 · Issue: Currently the Dockerfile is not having the executable permission before marking the ENTRYPOINT with docker-entrypoint.  Aug 25, 2022 · Successfully merging a pull request may close this issue.  In this case however, you can simply run python as your entrypoint: docker exec -i compassionate Feb 22, 2019 · The ENTRYPOINT echo command gets rewritten by Docker into ENTRYPOINT [&quot;/bin/sh&quot;, &quot;-c&quot;, &quot;echo &quot;], and causes the CMD to be totally ignored. sh. ; COPY that file in your Dockerfile; leave CMD undefined; That way, any additional parameter to your docker run -it --rm myImage arg1 arg2 command will be passed to the bash entrypoint.  As a result, the docker build is failing with the following error message: Oct 6, 2016 · Hi , i have build an Rabbitmq docker image using Dockerfile from official RabbitMQ but used ubuntu base instead of Debian base. py&quot;, &quot;runserver&quot;] # Docker wraps in sh -c &#39;&#39; which splits words for you.  The ONBUILD instruction gets executed whenever a new image is built with this particular image as parent Jan 5, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.  Mar 22, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question.  May 21, 2019 · The docker file uses &quot;docker-entrypoint.  for debugging): docker run -p 8080:8080 -ti &lt;image_name&gt; /bin/sh Aug 9, 2019 · For some reason supervisord cannot start up when executing docker run If I log out the path where the configuration is stored for supervisord I can clearly see that the file is present. 09. sh&quot;]. sh: #!/bin/ash exec &quot;${@}&quot; and here is the &quot;whole&quot; files structure:. jar&quot;] Sep 19, 2021 · It looks like you have a space after the backslash after the image name.  running php for your case.  I got my cli started.  CMD is something that is passed as the parameters to the ENTRYPOINT.  I successfully built a docker image and created a container from it, however when I run it I get /docker-entrypoint.  Feb 20, 2021 · RUN (shell form, the command is run in a shell, which by default is /bin/sh -c on Linux or cmd /S /C on Windows) RUN [&quot;executable&quot;, &quot;param1&quot;, &quot;param2&quot;] (exec form) The exec form makes it possible to avoid shell string munging, and to RUN commands using a base image that does not contain the specified shell executable.  Another thing is you can combine the cd command by &gt; .  Stack Overflow Public questions &amp; answers; Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers &amp; technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Talent Build your employer brand Aug 18, 2022 · Whatever the (absolute) path of docker-deploy. shに実行権を付与して、イメージをビルドし直して、AKSから起動してあげるとうまく動作しました。 以上 Nov 6, 2021 · そこまで古いわけではなさそうだ。 dockerのアプリを再起動してみるも状況に変化はない. sh&quot; to specify this script is what is ran when the container is started, the docker file also specifies that &quot;node&quot; will be the default command passed to the script.  Tried some solutions that I found online but nothing worked out. sh]: not found I made sure that my entrypoint.  Mar 25, 2019 · My Dockerfile and ENTRYPOINTS are like in the post somewhat, and had a similar issue that got resolved by changing the ENTRYPOINT to &quot;python3&quot;. sh ENTRYPOINT [&quot;.  Apr 22, 2022 · Two things: Make sure the file is marked as executable.  Nov 3, 2018 · @GGG Are you sure that you really have Go tool chain in your image? EDIT: Be noticed that you have Go toolchain only in “build” stage.  Steps to reproduce: Start a mongodb: docker run -it --rm --name mongo mongo:latest mongod Execute command mongo in the started mongodb docker exec -it mongo Sep 20, 2017 · I tried docker cp PATH_TO_WARFILE tomcat:8. 15.  Mar 8, 2021 · As you can see by commented-out command section, I tried to call entrypoint.  /start. sh to run the start.  RUN yum -y install libtool make automake autoconf nasm libpng-static.  Jun 19, 2016 · RUN echo &quot;#!/bin/bash ${APP_NAME}&quot; &gt; .  ENTRYPOINT [&quot;docker-entrypoint. sh with exec npm run dev something like that, just to see if this would solve the problem, but nope, didn&#39;t helped either, so I removed the file and the command. sh file is not in the host folder . sh run start. 714028668s Normal Pulled 3m31s kubelet Successfully pulled image &quot;utkudarilmaz/hping3&quot; in 2.  But nothings has changed. 18, build b40c2f6b5d [tom@maker ~]$ docker-compose --version Docker Compose Aug 8, 2019 · As stated in David&#39;s answer, exec is a built-in of the shell, not a standalone command.  When you docker run a container, it starts the ENTRYPOINT (if any), passing the CMD to it as command-line arguments. 0 but it doesn&#39;t seem to be able to find it.  If you check the documentation for the type of ENTRYPOINT you are using all of the examples have double quotes.  Nov 25, 2018 · I have create a basic TeamService based on Kevin Hoffman’s book.  after that request is failing with OCI runtime exec Jan 23, 2020 · I think we would need to see the docker-compose file to answer this.  You also must set executable permission for start. For example, we could take the long command in your current ENTRYPOINT line and rewrite it into a script: Jul 29, 2021 · sudo docker run test --gpus all The docker run command takes the syntax: docker ${args_to_docker} run ${args_to_run} image_name ${cmd_override} The --gpus is a flag to the run command, and not a command you want to run inside your container.  Aug 9, 2022 · &quot;Docker compose: command not found&quot; - Despite configuring the path and making file as executable 2 Executable not found in docker compose /bin/sh: 1: main: not found Jan 8, 2021 · e44671200b7c /# mysql -u root -p bash mysql: command not found I was able to enter into the container &amp;quot;mariadb&amp;quot; using docker exec -it e44671200b7c /bin/bash but i couldn&#39;t and i have Sep 21, 2022 · I am trying to get Postgres running with docker-compose, but running into a problem that I don’t understand.  Therefore, if the init. sh it works.  Then I ran this command: docker logs fastapi_api_1.   <a href=>fc</a> <a href=>qy</a> <a href=>sy</a> <a href=>rt</a> <a href=>bc</a> <a href=>fb</a> <a href=>as</a> <a href=>zf</a> <a href=>vx</a> <a href=>yh</a> </div>
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