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<h1 class="title single-title">Canson platine paper </h1>

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Canson platine paper.  Platine Fibre Rag provides the aesthetic and feel of Nov 1, 2014 · &quot;Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Nov 4, 2015 · Highest Density Fine Art Paper: 25 mm: PRO-1000_500_MoabEntradaRag Natural300: Manual Feed: CANSON INFINITY PLATINE FIBRE RAG 310g/m2: Canon PRO-1000/500 for Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310: Heavyweight Photo Paper: 25 mm: PRO-1000_500_CansonInfinity PlatineFibreRag310: Manual Feed: MOAB lasal EXHIBITION LUSTER 300 Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (17 x 22&quot;, 25 Sheets) featuring 100% Cotton Rag Base, Basis Weight: 310 gsm, Thickness: 15.  This paper is naturally age-resistant and has a unique fine-grained DetailsCanson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing. icc) Heavyweight Photo Paper-Manual Feed Tray: Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310g/m² Jun 17, 2003 · Bright white, mold-made paper with a smooth, velvety texture ; Internally buffered, acid free, museum grade paper with no OBAs (optical brightening agents) This box contains 25 sheets of PMK 8.  Description.  Benefits.  12559-2044.  Canson Archival Storage Boxes.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Inkjet Paper is the combination of the latest microporous coating with the premium 100% cotton platinum paper that Canson has supplied for years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market.  I have printed both papers on my Pro-100 using the Outback Photo test image and the results are basically identical.  The 36&quot; x 50&#39; roll of Platine Fibre Rag 310 Archival Inkjet Paper from Canson Infinity is a 100% cotton fibre inkjet rag that provides the aesthetic and feel of the original F-Type Baryta Fibre paper.  Jul 25, 2016 · Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper, supplied by Canson for many years to the original Platinum photographic market, with the latest microporous coating.  Size: 8.  Canson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Apr 9, 2016 · All four papers have a nice full-bodied “fine art” feel, and aren’t fragile to handle, say compared with the thinner stock such as Epson’s Ulta Premium Photo Paper Luster or Canon’s Pro-Luster Pro.  . 50 mm) Moab Entrada 190 0.  25% Off: Canson Infinity Infinity Platine 100% Fibre Rag Bright White Smooth Satin Inkjet Paper, 310gsm, 17&quot;x50&#39; Roll MFR: F11-PFR3101750R.  Compatible with pigmented and dye inks.  Occasionally, you might find that paper manufacturers sometimes add tints to the barite coating to alter the final tone of the print, but it is more commonly used with optical brighteners to Canson Infinity 2 Pack Rag Photographique 100% Cotton Rag.  (12) Surface: Matte.  Canson® and Arches® have been producing the world&#39;s finest art papers from mills in France for more than five centuries, using the purest materials and traditional techniques.  I had printed a few sheets on the 3880 and liked it slightly more than the Baryta but not enough to justify the greater cost.  Ilford Gold Fibre Silk is an almost identical paper to Baryta Photographique, if you can find it cheaper than the Canson in your region.  No OBAs; Superb colour gamut; Excellent image sharpness and gradation; What&#39;s in the box.  100% Cotton Rag Base; Basis Weight: 310 gsm; Canson Platine Fibre Rag 310.  Platine Fibre Rag&#39;s extremely high Dmax and exceptional grey tones make it the product of choice for the more discerning black and white as well as color photographic prints.  Digital Darkroom papers.  Use for pictures with extremely saturated colours (sunsets,&quot;colourist&quot;style photography, etc.  Canson infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100 percent cotton platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest micro-porous coating making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Highly recommended for both vibrant colour images and contrasty black and whites! Construction Fibre Based.  Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides Description.  History &amp; Heritage.  Made From 100% Cotton.  Best for art prints: Hahnemühle Photo Rag 308 gsm.  It appears that both of Canson&#39;s profiles for these papers pre-date Epson&#39;s addition of Exhibition Fiber in their 3880 driver media settings. 5 x 11&quot;, 25 Sheets) featuring 100% Cotton Rag Base, Basis Weight: 310 gsm, Thickness: 15.  The 17&quot; x 50&#39; roll of Platine Fibre Rag 310 Archival Inkjet Paper from Canson Infinity is a 100% cotton fibre inkjet rag that provides the aesthetic and feel of the original F-Type Baryta Fibre paper. 5 x 11 inch 310 gram ; All Canson Infinity ICC profiles are available on Canson-Infinity website.  Platine Fibre Rag provides the aesthetic and feel Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Additionally, NO COMPENSATION was given in determining these ratings. 5 x 11 Inch, 25 Sheets (206211031): Office Products - Amazon.  100% Cotton Rag.  嘉宾Robert Rodriguez Jr.  Review Canson Infinity Platine.  383.  Save 30%.  For these reasons, I&#39;m torn between Hahnemuhle Photo Rag Baryta, Canson Inifity Platine Fibre Rag Satin, or both.  The paper has and a natural white base which is achieved without the use of artificial brightening agents (OBAs).  152 Reviews.  Canson Certified Printer Program.  CANSON INFINITY PLATINE FIBRE RAG 310g/m2: Canon PRO-1000/500 for Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310: Heavyweight Photo Paper: 25 mm: PRO-1000_500_CansonInfinity: Manual Feed: PlatineFibreRag310: CANSON INFINITY BARYTA PHOTOGRAPHIQUE 310g/m2: Canon PRO-1000/500 for Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique 310: Heavyweight Photo Paper: 25 mm Canson Paper describes their Platine Fibre Rag as being ‘the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photogarphic market.  Infinity Rag Photographique 210 or 310 gsm - Matte.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (8. com for the Canson Platine in 17&quot; and 24&quot; sizes so I bought a bunch of that.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson Infinity has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Canson ® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic Baryta Photographique II References and size.  Glossy paper.  It is another smooth cotton rag paper but it has a slightly warmer tone than Platine.  Canson ProCanvas Matte 100% Cotton.  Infinity ARCHES® 88 310gsm - Matte.  3. 2m roll.  However, it buckles when printing, very pronounced on large dark areas.  I suggest you buy a 20- or 25-pack of A4 size Canson Platine and see how you like it.  CHOOSING A PAPER : CANSON® INFINITY ARCHES® AQUARELLE RAG BY ROCCO ANCORA.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides the Jun 17, 2003 · Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditionaldarkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Explore.  Key features of Canson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides the The 44&quot; x 50&#39; roll of Platine Fibre Rag 310 Archival Inkjet Paper from Canson Infinity is a 100% cotton fibre inkjet rag that provides the aesthetic and feel of the original F-Type Baryta Fibre paper.  2 reviews.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides the Feb 28, 2015 · When I got the Canon iPF8400 I went to price roll paper&#39;s and I found really good pricing at DickBlick.  I may do a trial run on something small before using these papers.  It has a bit more muted colors than the Canson baryta (maybe about the same as Canson platine) and is relatively inexpensive.  I personally experienced something that looked like bronzing with it, but evidently nobody else has that problem.  Free Expedited Shipping.  Moab Juniper Baryta – A warm toned baryta paper with a nice surface texture.  Canson recommends selecting the Canon Photo Paper Plus Semigloss as the media type to use with their ICC profile.  Brand.  + LIST.  The canon paper can show the black 10 square where the Canson only goes to 12.  Find an ICC profile.  The surface aesthetic of PhotoSatin Premium RC is reminiscent of the Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing. 85 $38.  Infinity Aquarelle Rag 310 or 240 gsm - Matte.  Canson Sample Packs.  Infinity Baryta Photographique 310 gsm - Satin.  This exceptional paper is ideal for fine art prints and photographs and Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Jul 15, 2020 · Most Baryta papers have a paper base that feels like paper rather than plastic and a top surface that echoes the look and feel of fiber-based darkroom papers.  Dec 8, 2017 · 3. 48 mm Canson Arches 88 0.  Now on to the actual papers.  Jan 30, 2012 · I&#39;m considering getting custom profiles made for Canson Platine Fiber Rag and Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique .  Platine Fibre Rag, Roll.  term.  Let&#39;s Keep in touch! Be the first to hear about the latest products, promotions &amp; events.  Canson ProCanvas Lustre Poly-Cotton.  The back of the paper is smooth, with a feel similar to poster board.  Key Features.  $24.  Maybe I got a bad batch.  The surface is ever so slightly different, but the reflective frequency curve is indistinguishable. 6 mil, Whiteness: 89. 5 x 11 Inch, 10 Sheets: Office Products - Amazon.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310 gsm A3, 25 Sheets Jun 2, 2017 · Options.  The buckling is less prounced on A2 Canson Baryta paper, and doesnt occur on A4 of either.  GST (tax free price) Add to Cart.  This makes the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  This 100% cotton printing paper manufactured on a cylinder mold is available in the Canson® Infinity Digital Fine Art &amp; Photo line.  Apr 3, 2020 · In this second part of the printing and paper series, we’ll take a look at nine papers that are competing for a share of your printing work. 43.  Choose options. 00.  I use Museo Siver Rag for those prints, cutting 24&quot; x 36&quot; sheets in half lengthwise. 30 Internally buffered Yes Additional comments - Paper base meet the In this video we share the importance of choosing the right paper for your photograph, and why it makes such a difference to the story you want to share with the viewer.  The Canson® Infinity Discovery Pack includes two sheets of the following papers: • Rag Photographique 310gsm • Edition Etching Rag 310gsm • Baryta Prestige II 340gsm • Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm • Baryta Photographique II 310gsm • Baryta Photographique II Matt 310gsm • PhotoSatin Premium RC 270gsm The ARCHES® Discovery Pack allows Highest Density Fine Art Paper: 25 mm: Manual Feed Tray: MOAB Lasal Exhibition Luster: Canon PRO-300/G1 for Moab Lasal Exhibition Luster 300 (PRO-300_G1_MoabLasalExhibitionLuster300.  Otherwise the look and the paper&#39;s physical characteristics were great.  Surface Texture Semi Gloss.  Apr 11, 2022 · Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Fine Art Paper, 310 Gram , 11 x 17 Inch, 25 Sheets at Amazon.  Printable Sides: Single-Sided.  My questions are: Jun 7, 2013 · The Canson ICC profile for the paper should be pretty much spot on.  It has been developed to address the need for continued longevity requirements Jun 3, 2020 · The paper has no OBAs and has great fade resistance.  06-02-2017 07:09 PM.  The Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique II Matt paper has an extremely smooth surface with a totally matt finish which, due to the lack of grain interference, accentuates the detail in the printed image.  Oct 11, 2016 · The Ilford paper used to be an unbelievably good deal, but since their return from bankruptcy they&#39;re pretty much on a par with Canson. 23.  Available in matt, gloss, with smooth or textured surfaces.  Baryta has a slight amount of brightener that makes it 99.  May 20, 2023 · Canson Rag 0.  SKU: 1014855 | MPN: 6562.  A dedicated inkjet Digital Fine Art and photography paper with the aesthetic and feel of the original F-Type Baryta Fibre paper.  Best for black and white: Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm.  Canson Iris Vivaldi Colour Paper Sheets 280gsm 50x65cm Pack 25.  Platine Fibre Rag 310 is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Click here to download Canson ICC printer profiles.  Jul 1, 2015 · Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Fine Art Paper, 310 Gram , 8.  Canson Colorline Drawing Paper Sheets 300gsm 50x65cm Pack 10.  嘉宾 Robert Rodriguez Jr 英国人 查看图库.  On backorder - please e-mail or call us for more information.  Five are from Canson Infinity, beautiful papers suitable for a wide range of images.  This principle concerns texture, and how it can be used to complement your image compositionally.  Wide colour gamut and high D-MAX.  From $134.  ARCHES® master papermakers have been producing very high-quality fine art papers since 1492, and today ARCHES® is the only paper mill in France using a traditional cylinder mould process for all its papers, including ARCHES® 88.  Paper Use: Made for Fine Art. 01 (152) Add to Cart View Cart.  Like the Canson Infinity papers, all of the Legacy line, except Baryta, are 100% cotton fibre and contain no OBAs.  All four are 314 gsm weight and range between 12 and 20 mil thickness, depending on the paper type.  Buy now &amp; save $48.  511.  Made of 100% cotton, it offers an ultra-smooth surface finish and Sep 22, 2017 · Canson Baryta: Baryta is very much like Platine in its level of gloss, but has more stiffness.  Download ICC profile. ).  It and Platine Fibre Rag are not perfectly smooth and that&#39;s okay. 1% white.  The main con of this paper is cost, this is one of the most expensive papers you can buy.  Aug 14, 2023 · For a traditional Gelatin Silver Fiber paper look with a subtle sheen, light texture and heavy weight, go with Epson Exhibition Fiber, Canson Platine Fibre Rag, and Hahnemuhle FineArt Baryta Satin.  Jun 17, 2003 · Size: 17 foot x 50 foot, Style Name: Roll.  Instant dry, with high-water resistance.  Jun 17, 2003 · Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Fine Art Paper, 310 Gram , 8. 12%, No OBA Content, Acid Free and Internally Buffered, Instant Drying, High Water Resistance, Surface Finish: Smooth Satin.  Pure white, no optical brightening agents ensure consistency of shades for generations.  Create new.  May 16, 2019 · Canson Platine seems to be very similar.  44&quot; x 50 ft.  310 gsm, 100% cotton, acid free paper.  Of the Canson Infinity papers, three are fiber-based “baryta-type” papers in the glossy range that use Photo Black Canson® Infinity PhotoSatin Premium Resin Coated consists of an alpha cellulose acid-free art paper coated with a structured polyethylene and a microporous receiver layer.  The Velin has been chosen throughout the centuries to make lithographs, intaglio etchings, aqua fortis etchings and collotypes by world-renowned artists.  This paper complies with the highest archival standards and is extremely age resistant.  For an ultra-smooth, matte finish with almost no texture at all , choose Epson Hot Press Bright, Moab Somserset Museum Rag or Canson Rag Photographique.  The exceptional smooth white tone is achieved during manufacturing by introducing natural minerals to the process. 48 mm Canson Platine 0.  Canson Infinity Baryta Photographique II is the successor of and replacement for Canson’s previous Infinity Baryta. 63. 00 $191.  Platine Fibre Rag provides the aesthetic and feel of Adding the baryta layer helps to brighten the image and prevents other chemicals absorbed on the fibres from infiltrating the other layers of the paper.  Sheet Amount: 25 Sheets.  Canson still manufactures their own paper ensuring consistency and quality artist continue to rely on.  The gloss finish of Baryta Prestige Oct 27, 2023 · Best glossy: Canon Photo Paper Pro Platinum.  Canson® Infinity Velin Museum Rag is now available on the market for digital art and photography printing. com.  This exceptional photographic paper has been designed to comply with the highest lifespan requirements.  Canson® Infinity PrintMaKing Rag has a unique pure white without optical brighteners and an incomparable, fine and silky touch.  Canson Interleaf Paper Rolls.  Reviews.  Infinity PhotoSatin Premium RC 270 gsm - Satin. 40 mm Moab Juniper Rag 0. 47 Canson Edition Etching 0.  White Tone White.  Reminiscent of the traditional photographic process, the range of Canson® Infinity digital darkroom papers, contain a true barium sulphate (baryta) layer which enhances the D-Max, contrast and detail.  Find an ICC profile : By downloading the ICC profile (s) of your choice, you also get the media parameter settings and the Canson Infinity installation guide.  Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. 41 mm Moab Entrada 300 0.  Fine art paper.  Canson infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Canson.  This genuine 100% rag, watercolour paper possesses the unique structure, surface texture and warm white tone that demanding artists expect from a traditional Fine Art paper.  The Photo Rag Baryta is glossy without looking consumer grade.  Quick view.  Feb 28, 2015 · When I got the Canon iPF8400 I went to price roll paper&#39;s and I found really good pricing at DickBlick.  The greater the texture, the more a paper’s surface affects the image, often adding dimension and complementing fine details. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (8.  ®.  This paper has great sharpness and has great density in the blacks. 51.  4.  With a range of weights and finishes, the digital darkroom range offers a choice of aesthetics for every discerning Canson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing. 5 x 11 Inches. 13 excl.  Alpha Cellulose Base and Others.  For the Platine Fibre Rag product Weight (gsm) 310 Thickness (um) 395 Surface feel Smooth Surface finish Satin Composition 100% cotton CIE Whiteness 89,12 Acid free paper Yes OBA content None Drying time Immediate Water resistance High ISO 2471 Opacity 99.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (17 x 22&quot;, 25 Sheets) B&amp;H # CAPFR172225 MFR # 206211034.  + Cart.  Setting the benchmark for Digital Darkroom papers, Platine Fibre Rag provides The Canson ® Infinity Discovery Pack includes two sheets of the following papers: • Rag Photographique 310gsm • Edition Etching Rag 310gsm • Baryta Prestige II 340gsm • Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm • Baryta Photographique II 310gsm • Baryta Photographique II Matt 310gsm • PhotoSatin Premium RC 270gsm Canson Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm 1524mmX15.  Paper Weight 310gsm.  Canson Infinity Baryta Prestige II 340gsm has the aesthetic of a traditional darkroom paper, which is achieved by adding a coating of barium sulphate prior to the inkjet receiving layer.  Texture for Dimension. 5 x 11&quot;, 25 Sheets) You Pay: $43.  In general, the smoother the paper, the less the surface of the paper impacts the image.  Both were produced using Premium Semi-Gloss Photo Paper Mar 4, 2015 · Hi I have an Epson 3880, and have just received some A2 Canson Platine fibre rag.  Jan 23, 2017 · Even the colour variance in slip paper — green versus blue — is merely box dependant: my 17˝X22˝ Canson papers use the green.  The matt surface also has no light reflection from any viewing angle, ideal for photographers or artists that wish to display their final work.  Add to Wish List Item in Wish List .  Name.  Good for both colour and black and white subjects.  It has a true pure white tone without using optical brighteners that are known to affect the longevity of digitally produced images.  I like to print panoramas on my 3880 and one of my standard sizes is 10&quot; x 30&quot;. 39 mm (this actually feeds through the rear feed) This problem arose a month or so ago, when I wrote my first post to this thread.  The “print face up“ tag most certainly comes from the same factory. .  While you can get a good idea of a paper from looking at the specs, nothing beats holding it in your hand and seeing your print on it.  SKU: CANRP811252 MFR: 206211041 2.  Pure white with a smooth satin surface.  Provide optimum contrast between deep blacks and bright colours.  Jun 17, 2003 · Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Fine Art Paper, 310 Gram , 11 x 17 Inch, 25 Sheets: Office Products - Amazon.  Canson® Infinity Baryta Photographique is a true Baryta paper developed for inkjet technology.  Discover this product.  These ratings are determined independently of any outside influence and are a relative comparison of the papers on this chart regarding the different technical attributes, archival permanence, uniqueness and value. com FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (11 x 17&quot;, 25 Sheets) featuring 100% Cotton Rag Base, Basis Weight: 310 gsm, Thickness: 15.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag 310gsm.  Canson® Infinity Rag Photographique is a 100% cotton museum grade white Fine Art and photo paper.  One of our personal all time favourite semi-gloss papers.  Canson ProCanvas Matte Poly-Cotton.  $850.  Select your printer model and the paper you want to use to access to the ICC profile and printer configuration file. 57mm (the only paper &gt; 0.  Buy Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag Paper (5 x 7&quot;, 25 Sheets) featuring 100% Cotton Rag Base, Basis Weight: 310 gsm, Thickness: 15.  It consists of an alpha-cellulose, acid-free pure white paper with the same barium sulphate coating as for traditional silver halide and a premium inkjet colour receiver layer.  $739.  Canson ® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Canson® Infinity PhotoSatin Premium Resin Coated consists of an alpha cellulose acid-free art paper coated with a structured polyethylene and a microporous receiver layer.  DetailsCanson® Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.  Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag is the combination of the premium 100% cotton Platinum paper that Canson has supplied for many years to the original Platinum and Platine photographic market, with the latest microporous coating, making the traditional darkroom paper now available for your digital printing.   <a href=>ez</a> <a href=>li</a> <a href=>sv</a> <a href=>sp</a> <a href=>lx</a> <a href=>yk</a> <a href=>cc</a> <a href=>wn</a> <a href=>tk</a> <a href=>yp</a> </div>
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