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<h1>Blueprint home assistant</h1>

<p>Blueprint home assistant.  April 26, 2024. 0. yaml suffix with all the code and a file with the .  Une façon de crée Feb 16, 2021 · I can add a blueprint via the UI and a link.  It is made for my Roborock S6 MaxV, but it should work with other Xiaomi/Roborock models as well. -.  The one I added via the UI also does not show up in this folder.  This works as above, but combines both sensors into a single automation. io). com/post/Ugkx8araI7MRdDlto579OZ81EfXzBC5Vm3UHJe vous montre tout ce qu&#39;il f Dec 18, 2020 · Github Gist: Home Assistant BluePrint to turn on light, switch, scene or script based on motion and illuminance · GitHub Importing Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  UniFi Protect running v2.  933.  Dec 14, 2020 · Home Assistant released version 2020.  A new dialog will pop-up; Paste the URL for the blueprint and click on Preview Blueprint; If desired, change the name of the blueprint and finish the import Nov 20, 2023 · Blueprints Exchange.  This tries to bypass the 10 min timeout for the picture frame.  You can use the yaml generated from the Blueprint as a starting point and customize from there.  Awesome HA Blueprints is a curated list of automation blueprints for Home Assistant, which can then be easily imported and updated in any Home Assistant instance. remote.  What could be wrong and how can I get the “device id” see below.  Just use this blueprint, attach some scripts to some actions and be happy.  The best way to get started with notifications for Frigate is to use the Blueprint.  BREAKING CHANGE: Make sure you run Home Assistant 2023.  Home Assistant interface.  Blueprint Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  Tokyo October 31, 2021, 1:08am 1.  This is useful for the summer months to Automatically spin wheel of fortune (Dual) Install blueprint | Source.  The automation works on the “… Action” and “… Action Rotation Angle Speed” entities which you need to select in the blueprint.  Requirements To take full effect of this automation blueprint, your Home Assistant instance needs some setup beforehand.  I get: `“Automation is unavailable”.  This blueprint will trigger when either gas or electricity energy source spins are available, and will spin until the sensor reaches zero.  notification , automation , blueprint.  Also, I need to look at templating so I can handle opening and closing in one blueprint.  The Home Assistant frontend allows users to browse and control the state of their home, manage their automations and configure integrations.  It extends @SwerveShot’s version (incomplete and hasn’t seen any recent activity) which is based on the work of @frenck with the five button version.  I have updated the blueprint and added dozens of new features.  Dashboards are customizable and provide a powerful way to manage your home from your mobile or desktop.  description: &quot;List of available Zooz ZEN34 switch.  Copy the samsungtv_custom direcotry within the custom_components directory of your homeassistant installation.  Note: I think that the &gt;5 presses Feb 26, 2021 · I use and love this blueprint, so thank you for it ! I can finally map all of the 5 buttons.  The Zigbee ID for this button is “lumi.  Low Battery Level Detection &amp; Notification for All Battery Sensors.  [image] The buttons support: Single press Double press Long press Also support for simultaneous pressing on both buttons Screen: [double-rocker-blueprint] Blueprint to import: blueprint: name: deCONZ - Aqara Wireless Remote Switch Dec 16, 2020 · Blueprint to control the charger for a permanently installed tablet control panel with a controllable switch device on the charger.  description: Control one or more WLED lights with Bambu 3d printer.  This is a mind blowing awesome blueprint for automating your lights.  description: Send a notification to a device when a person leaves a specific zone.  I have both Script and Automation Blueprints in separate folders.  173.  122869.  domain: automation.  Supports controllers integrated with deCONZ, ZHA, Zigbee2MQTT.  input: Sep 9, 2021 · This blueprint will run at a specific time and day of the week and will provide you a list of battery devices that have their battery level below a threshold.  Blueprint to control lights using a Moes Smart Knob and ZHA.  Rotating left/right will change the brightness smoothly of the selected light by 5% each step.  Odd, sometimes will react and sometimes take 2 dbl click to react. tv_back_light: &quot;on&quot; light.  Feb 16, 2021 · IOT_Ninja February 16, 2021, 2:29pm 1.  It supports five commands - single press, double press, triple press, quadruple press and “multiple” press, which is basically anything higher than 5 presses.  You can customize your dashboard using various options: Different card types to visualize your data and control your smart home devices.  Pressing and Rotating left/right will change the brightness smoothly Nov 15, 2022 · Based on @AndreiRadchenko’s blueprint found here: 414976 I modified the original blueprint to allow for one of the actions to launch a custom app on your phone.  Each of the four buttons (power, plus, minus, hue) have assignable actions for the following presses… single press double press triple press quadruple press quintuple Oct 21, 2022 · This blueprint solves the issue by combining the thermostats with window sensors in your Home Assistant instance.  It’s very similar to @vypurr ’s blueprint, but built for Z-Wave JS and ZEN30 vs OZW and ZEN21.  The script folder contains a sample script blueprint.  Dec 22, 2023 · In my case, I want to trigger a blueprint only when nobody is at home.  The blueprint combines the functions of other blueprints shared in this exchange that either ignore the state of the scene button LED or require an additional automation to manage the LED. 17 or newer Home Assistant Running v2022. Aug 5, 2023 · Here are the 10 best and most popular blueprints from the community! If you are new to blueprints, have a quick read here.  This Blueprint uses a ZHA built sensor to sort out the 38(+54) commands available from the Xiaomi Magic Cube.  This provides the event_id needed to fetch Home Assistant dashboards allow you to display information about your smart home.  Notifications are sent to home assistant companion app on android or ios Jun 8, 2022 · For now I’ve chosen the safe side, backing up always when a new update is available and backup is selected. yaml. yaml file in your blueprints/automations directory and copy the below text. youtube.  Nov 4, 2023 · If you&#39;ve never tried blueprints in Home Assistant then in this video I tell you what they are, how you can find them and give you my 5 best Home Assistant b Aug 19, 2021 · swingerman (Miklos Szanyi) August 19, 2021, 12:58pm 1. 4. home_email data: title: Home Assistant - Battery Monitor message: Low battery detected in {{sensors}}.  Actions: Key pressed Key pressed x2 Key pressed x3 Key pressed x4 Key pressed x5 Key held down Key released Additionally set the automation Blueprints come with certain parts marked as configurable, this allows users to create multiple automations based on the same blueprint, with each having its own configuration.  Sep 27, 2023 · Aqara works with T1 Pro and older cubes.  This device is similar to the Zen21, but that blueprint doesn’t Mar 15, 2021 · Use the Zooz ZEN34 remote to trigger Scenes and control devices based on varying scenes. 3 or higher) name: Cast to Google Hub. g.  We support HACS. , a scene or anything else. com/sponsors/zsa Please note that currently Home Assistant only supports blueprints for the automation domain.  Can somebody help me with identifying what is that I am doing wrong? blueprint: name: Test domain: automation input: input_seltest: name: Input select description: A dropdown input_select entity created in helpers selector: entity: filter: domain: - input_select input Apr 28, 2023 · Used this blueprint to link home assistant group lights with a KNX group adress that has the same multiple light actuators (one per room, one per floor and all).  Jan 25, 2022 · Hey there, this blueprint is for basic light control with the IKEA four button remote (the square ones), integrated via ZHA.  Dec 14, 2020 · Blueprint for the Ikea tradfri 2 on / off switch, including dimming functionality Blueprint Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  For example, Home Assistant Blueprints could include adjusting the thermostat when the temperature in a room drops, or turning on lights when motion is detected.  Install it as you would do with any homeassistant custom component: Download custom_components folder.  nswe (Nick) January 25, 2023, 3:43pm 1.  This is the Blueprint: blueprint: name: Home Assistant Auto-update.  However, there are 2 issues: It only allows to select motion sensors.  blueprint: name: Cover control with Tradfri open/close remote description: | Control a cover with an Ikea Tradfri open/close button remote Oct 11, 2022 · The blueprint creates a script to toggle a specific scene on.  name: Inovelli Red Series LZW31-SN Dimmer (ZWave-JS) description: Create automations for the Inovelli Red Series LZW31-SN Dimmer using the ZWave Dec 23, 2020 · Get started.  166975.  I use it to synchonize the state of my lights and switches.  Wake Up Light Alarm With Sunrise Effect.  About the sensor: I writing this for the tado integration and their open window sensor is not a binary sensor.  This blueprint adds support for flipping the cube to a specific side regardless of the side it was on before.  When the script is executed within an automation.  After I create an automation based on my blueprint, I see an error: Message malformed: extra keys not allowed @ data [‘action’] [0] [‘choose’] [0] [‘sequence’] [1] [‘if’] This is my blueprint: name: Button with counter.  gist here blueprint: name: Motion-activated Switch and/or Light description: Turn on a switch and/or light when motion is detected. sensor_switch.  and Alexa/Amazon Echo configurations. floor_cam_mainstream.  Blueprints Exchange. md suffix which is a markdown description for set-up and usage of the blueprint.  Features Basic blueprint to give you the ability to assign actions to all the types of button presses possible.  This how-to has been created with the Xiaomi Mii integration in mind.  Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021… I created a new blueprint that will synchronize the on-off state and brightness of two lights.  If you use a different integration, you most certainly need to do modifications. 0 or newer A valid HTTPS certificate and properly configured external URL If you are using Home Assistant Cloud, this is Dec 22, 2020 · This is a blueprint to control covers like the IKEA KADRILJ/FYRTUR roller blinders with the IKEA open/close switch.  input: zwave_device: name: Zooz Zen34.  If you do any light automations, stop everything and check out his blueprint.  The frontend is designed as a mobile-first experience.  Notification action example: service: notify. 1 - Updated! automation blueprint notification Jan 27, 2024 · Hello everyone, I would like to introduce you to my roller shutter blueprint: Cover Control Automation (CCA) My GitHub Project This is a comprehensive and highly configurable blueprint that can be used for the following basic purposes: Opening and closing the roller shutters (depending on brightness, sun-elevation and within time windows) Ventilation feature (Currently for two-way sensors The URL for the blueprint is now in your clipboard; On your Home Assistant instance go to Configuration and then Blueprints.  Send Camera Snapshot Notification on Motion.  camera: camera.  description: Increase counter by Feb 26, 2021 · This blueprint will let you configure each button of a Philips Hue Dimmer Switch which is paired with Zigbee2MQTT.  This blueprint adds that functionality for your HASS configured Smart Buttons 🙂 There’s lots of advanced options but the main ones are at The official Home Assistant Z-Wave add-on does not have association support at the moment; in order to use Direct Association you need to install the Z-Wave JS UI add-on, which supports direct association.  Browse Blueprints.  Main features Turn on a light, switch, scene or script based on motion detection, and (optionally) low illuminance level.  I tried to add it as a device in automation but it does not see or react to all the button presses.  Blueprints are a simple way to share and re-utilise automations.  You can select any number of lights and / or switches. b286acn01 For the lumi.  This blueprint aims to simplify scheduling a simple pool setup with a pump (filter).  It’s based on the @Atlantis_One Symfonisk GEN2 Blueprint.  Themes (even at a per Jan 7, 2024 · IKEA Somrig remote blueprint Hi everyone! I created a simple blueprint for the IKEA Somrig remote, model E2213, to be used with ZHA.  If you have the Z-Wave JS UI add-on, you can manage the associations under each node, in the groups tab, as seen in the screenshot below.  If I just put a yaml file into the /config/blueprints/ folder and reload Home Assistant they don’t show up in the UI.  Contributors @holyo: Added the long_release actions YAML blueprint: name: ZHA - IKEA Somrig remote dot-buttons control description: Fully customisable dot The Rain Forecast Blueprint is now compatible with Home Assistant 2023. 9 or higher to use the updated Rain Forecast Blueprint.  See Available-Trigger-Data.  Nov 5, 2023 · Hi friends, I am trying to use input_number as a “for” (minutes) in a blueprint but have not been able to make it work.  Also Nov 16, 2023 · This is a double post since I am not sure if it is directly related to the blueprint I am using or this is some other reason.  Quoted/modified info from original: Blueprint for automation that sends actionable notifications with a photo on doorbell press.  that Home Assistant will execute.  description: “”.  The Scene button LED state is controlled May 17, 2023 · I found this blueprint which easily allows to send a snapshot of my doorbell camera on movement and works well.  To use the blueprint use the link below to import it to your Home Assistant installation Sep 17, 2023 · I checked the code in several YAML validators and they showed zero issues.  I used to work with the frenck blueprint for this remote, and i miss its ability to execute only the long press actions though.  It will generate a sunrise effect Jan 31, 2022 · Projet giveaway : Merci de participer au dernier sondage svp !https://www.  Dec 30, 2020 · Blueprint. 12 with Blueprint Automations.  domain: automation input: button_id: name: Button description: The button to configure. 12 : Blueprints ou l&#39;automatisation facile sous Home Assistant.  Turn on Light, Switch, Scene, Script or Group Based on Motion and Awesome HA Blueprints.  Présentation de la nouveauté de Home Assistant apparue dans sa version 2020.  I’m using the “Sensor Light” Home Assistant Blueprint by Blacky.  What is the proper way to edit downloaded blueprints and add custom new ones? Thanks in advance Jul 8, 2021 · Some notes before we start: This is not exactly a blueprint, but I still like to share it anyway with you.  Trigger script/automation when UPS battery is below x%.  , the trigger variable is available.  Each Blueprint has a file with the .  You can select the battery sensor, the charged percentage, the low charge percentage and the switch to control the charger.  And if any entity in the scene is already on, it will turn all entities in the scene off.  Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  It’s made for the new IKEA remote with dots.  Controllers Integrate a wide set of controllers in Home Assistant and provide an easy to use interface to run custom actions on a controller event.  Jan 20, 2024 · A simple scene blueprint for the new Zooz Zen37 800LR battery powered wall remote.  [Learn more] or automationAutomations in Home Assistant allow you to automatically respond to things that happen in and around your home.  Support for adding LED chamber lights to your Bambu X1C 3d printer via the Home Assistant and WLED projects.  It’s a regular sensor with ‘True’ and ‘False’ as states.  Click on the Import Blueprint button in the bottom right corner.  Because the generic home assistant turn off function is used the entities must support this service to work. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using th Jun 3, 2022 · Loop through colors only when both the light and a toggle switch are on.  Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint automation templates esphome blueprint sonoff. &quot; selector: device: Jan 8, 2023 · A simple smart room heating solution for home assistant.  # Example configuration.  Scripts are available as an entity through the standalone Script integration but can also be embedded in automations.  According to the Home Assistant documentation the blueprint domain can be either automation or script: Blueprint schema - Home Assistant (home-assistant. 6.  It seems @hunterjm has not visited that thread in some time.  Multiple entities will be provided by the z2m integration once the switch is joined to your zigbee network.  description: &#39;Synchronize the on/off state of 2 entities&#39;.  leave zone: blueprint: name: Zone leaving Notification.  🧯 Zigbee2MQTT - Xiaomi Cube Controller automation mqtt zigbee2mqtt blueprint aqara.  It supports all states of the switch for all 4 buttons Initial Press repeat short release long release The blueprint is below.  Each of the three ‘buttons’ on this switch has ~7 different Dec 25, 2020 · For this to function you need have the lovelace cast setup: Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  Reading the blueprint docs makes me think these are templates which are read every time it reparses the automations.  Thank you very much Hunterjm for the foundational blueprint which has taught me a great deal and Jan 26, 2023 · Initial post Simple blueprint to synchronize the state of 2 entities.  This gives you the ability to trigger actions using the remote.  It supports commands for single and long-press of each button.  Supported actions for each button: Short press Double press Long press (5 seconds) Get started Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  input: motion_sensor: binary_sensor.  Manual.  Easy Mode.  You set the pool size (volume) and the pump’s flow rate and the automation takes care of controlling the pump for the optimal circulation turnovers.  You can create scenes that capture the states you want certain entities to be.  by re-casting every 9 min&#39;.  Create a .  Requires Home Assistant and the WLED Home Assis name: Bambu Lab WLED Controller.  Need HA version 2023.  I am unable to find a blueprint that will work on these.  Trigger script/automation when grid power is back and Apr 20, 2022 · Here is my Blueprint to replicate the original Philips HUE App Smart Button functionality.  This now makes use of the new weather.  You can use for example Aqara Door &amp; Window sensors for this automation.  Notify or do something when an appliance like a dishwasher or washing machine finishes.  A curated collection of blueprints for Home Assistant.  Supported actions Slide Knock Flip 90 degress Flip 180 degress Flip to specific side Shake Drop Wake Rotate clockwise Rotate counter-clockwise Side layout diagram (Thanks to idantene Jan 22, 2024 · The switch needs to be integrated with Home Assistant through the zigbee2mqtt integration.  Notification when grid power is back and UPS is back on charging.  Tested on Home Assistant Version: 2023.  Go to &quot;STORE&quot;, search &quot;SamsungTV Custom&quot; and install.  For example, a scene can specify that light A should be turned on and light B should be bright red.  It is generally recommended to trigger notifications based on the frigate/events mqtt topic.  The Philips HUE Smart Button in the native HUE app allows for a cycling 5-press + hold configuration, but this isn’t supported inside Home Assistant natively.  Pressing the up button will turn on the lights at the last set brightness (unless the force brightness is toggled on Aug 12, 2021 · In the past I have used the code from @philhawthorne (Making Home Assistant’s Presence Detection not so Binary – Phil Hawthorne) to make my presence detection no be so binary You will need at least one device_tracker (for example the one created by the HomeAssistant Companion App) You will also need an input_select: Navigate to Configuration &gt; Helpers or Click on Add helper the following Dec 22, 2020 · Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021.  2.  Dec 14, 2020 · GIthub Gist: Home Assistant Blueprint: Wake-up light alarm with sunrise effect · GitHub This is a blueprint for a wake-up light / alarm clock using a dimmable and color-temperature controllable light entity.  Based on Mikkelmoller’s 51-action blueprint. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the Gist URL.  Functions include: All configuration options for notifications Static attachments .  This allows you to assign, e. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: Synchronize states.  The delay between the clicks is customizable. 9 Nov 5, 2023 · This blueprint only adds the option to double and triple click on each of the five buttons.  domain: automation input: motion 1.  It could works with any other covers supporting the open/close/stop commands.  NOTICE: Using this Blueprint and example scripts, this cube *can* be triggered over a hundred ways, but only 38(+54) of them are Dec 31, 2020 · Action and trigger need to be on the same level as blueprint. 12. 08 or newer.  Mar 20, 2022 · This is a blueprint based on the original motion_light from Home Assistant.  This is a blueprint for triggering actions based on presses of the On/Off/Config buttons of the Inovelli LZW31 Red-Series Dimmer using the new ZWave-JS Integration.  after recent update of HA and the automation stopped working: When I try to change/correct the automation I get: “Message malformed: unknown device”.  Additionally, this blueprint can turn off the thermostat if the temperature outside is over a defined threshold.  the Apr 7, 2021 · Blueprint to automate the Aqara Magic Cube using ZHA.  Since it doesn’t send scenes in this mode, the blueprint triggers never fire.  2022-09-09 09:25 UTC: Removed another reference to the Google Drive backup sensor.  This way home assistant handles the logic to determine the state of these light groups in KNX based on the states of the individual lights.  For HA to read the dictory, either restart or reload automations Jan 14, 2023 · Here is a set of blueprints for Lutron Caseta Pico remotes which pulls all button triggers into a single automation.  matteos1 (Matteo) January 6, 2021, 11:06am 1.  Feel free to create forks and let me Jan 17, 2023 · This version is for the lumi. 4 READ THIS FIRST Before using this blueprint, be warned that it can put a real heavy load on Home Assistant and its database if configured to change colors at a quick pace.  The icon library is a superset of the base icon library provided by Google and contains thousands of community-made icons for very specific applications, industries, and use-cases.  description: &#39;Update Home Assistant automatically when a new update is available. get_forecast service instead of the forecast attribute.  I am continuing to do so and the mods have split the thread here to make things simpler.  Tested and working on Android.  Blueprints included in the collection are: Highly customizable and flexible to user needs, but still hiding the complexity of their internal working to the user; This is the Home Assistant Blueprint Library I have created and am sharing with the community. ceiling: state: &quot;on&quot; xy_color: [0.  No more thinkering with the settings until it works somehow and then redo everything for the next automation.  Malte November 20, 2023, 6:55pm 1. 0 (2023-04-25) Refer to this post.  Because scenes are stateless, this creates a kind of toggle functionality for scenes.  [Learn more] to prevent further execution. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: Zigbee2MQTT - Tuya 4-Button Scene Switch description: Automate your Tuya 4-Button A collection of blueprints for Home Assistant&#39;s automation engine - GitHub - jcwillox/home-assistant-blueprints: A collection of blueprints for Home Assistant&#39;s automation engine Scripts are a sequence of actions.  Home Assistant utilizes the community-driven Material Design Icons (MDI) project for icons in the frontend.  Any Mar 28, 2022 · blueprint: name: Aqara Zigbee Button description: Setup actions for three functions of the Aqara Zigbee button with Press, Double Press, and Hold.  In the ever-evolving world of home automation, striking the perfect balance between comfort and energy efficiency has been a perennial pursuit.  But “person detected” and “visitor” from my Reolink doorbell are normal binary sensors I can only select one trigger sensor I can only select one recipient for notification (2) and (3) are not critical but Blueprints are a powerful feature in Home Assistant to create automations.  Just specify the integration used to connect the remote to Home Assistant when setting up the automation, and the blueprint will take care Jan 25, 2023 · Configuration Blueprints. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL: blueprint: name: Appliance has finished description: Do something when an appliance (like a washing machine or dishwasher) has finished as detected by a power sensor. b286acn02, you can download that blueprint here . 66] brightness: 200 - name Nov 26, 2023 · This blueprint is for use with the Zooz ZEN32 Wall Mounted Scene Controller.  Jan 6, 2021 · Enter zone - Blueprints Exchange - Home Assistant Community.  Anyone who has a blueprint for below cases: Notification when grid loses power and UPS is on battery. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: ZHA - IKEA Tradfri on/off switch description: | &quot;Control your light(s) with IKEA Tradfri on/off switch Select the Tradfri remote and your lights Apr 29, 2023 · The super cool part about the FP2 is the power of the automations using both the zones and LUX sensor.  use_blueprint: path: vorion/send-camera-snapshot-notification-on-motion.  🔌 Detect and monitor the state of an appliance based on its power consumption - V2.  Jan 20, 2022 · Blueprints Exchange.  YAML code from the blueprint: alias: Send a camera snapshot when motion is detected. flur_motion_motion.  Dec 7, 2022 · A blueprint for “Friends of Hue” switch, connected through the Hue integration.  Screen Blueprint Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: Z2M - Hue Dimmer switch 4 buttons description Sonoff NSPanel Blueprint - Configure your own custom NSPanel easy via a Blueprint.  templates , automation , sonoff , esphome , blueprint.  Automatic switch off when windows are open Away temperature when you are away from home Eco temperature when nobody is in the room but you are at home Comfort temperature when someone is in the room and you are at home Eco and Comfort temperatures for day and night Separately for each room Link to github: homeassistant-blueprints/simple Conditions can be used within a scriptScripts are components that allow users to specify a sequence of actions to be executed by Home Assistant when turned on.  The Home Assistant blueprints folder has two subfolders: automation and script.  I know it&#39;s being worked on but the target for that will be next year for sure.  The Home Assistant frontend needs to be Awesome HA Blueprints is a curated list of automation blueprints for Home Assistant, which can then be easily imported and updated in any Home Assistant instance.  You can set functions for a single press.  This one, however, allows you to control not only lights but also switches when motion is detected.  Home Assistant notifications.  This blueprint provides universal support for running any custom action when a button is pressed on the provided SONOFF SNZB-01 Wireless Switch.  The 71 ships with scene control OFF by default, and it will look like a simple on/off switch.  It opens, closes and stops the cover like the original button.  Home Assistant is open source home automation that puts local control and privacy first.  [Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.  It won&#39;t work with a Home Assistant version before 2023.  Select a compatible device(see below) and add actions for whichever press/button desired.  This blueprint integrates controlling the scene button LED state within the automation. yaml entry scene: - name: Romantic entities: light.  Get Started. 3 or higher) blueprint: name: Lights On At Sunset description: Turn on the following lights at sunset domain: automation input: # Create a variable for identifying the light to act upon target_light: name: Lights description: This is the light (or lights) that will be activated at sunset # Use a selector, to Jan 30, 2021 · This is a blueprint for the Tuya 4-button Scene Switch. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic / Gist URL: blueprint: name: Low battery level detection &amp; notification for all battery sensors description: Regularly test all sensors with &#39;battery&#39; device-class for crossing a certain battery level Aug 31, 2023 · Bambu Labs X1C LED upgrade without effecting Lidar.  You can limit the hours of day the pump should work as Dec 12, 2020 · Blueprint.  In this tutorial, I will explain how you can create your own Blueprints in Home As Nov 4, 2021 · This is my first blueprint so please let me know if there are any problems or changes I should make to improve it.  Oct 31, 2021 · script , blueprint.  As a firm believer in the continuous improvement of Home Assistant, I’m thrilled to share the “Eco Heating Schedule” blueprint.  It is a progressive web application and offers an app-like experience to our users. 9 and up.  This is similar to others on this forum, with a few key differences: Multiple remotes can be specified in a single automation Short press actions will fire immediately (on press) if no long-press action is defined If you have multiple remotes which should have identical Dec 30, 2020 · Introduction: This Blueprint allows you to configure an Xiaomi Aqara Wireless Mini Switch (WXKG11LM) paired to the ZHA integration.  256K subscribers in the homeassistant community.  Each blueprint included in the collection is: Highly customizable and flexible to user needs, but still hiding the complexity of their internal working to the user; Reliable on most Dec 13, 2020 · Click the badge to import this Blueprint: (needs Home Assistant Core 2021. aq2”.  Feb 4, 2021 · Based on the OZW blueprint by @troy. 3 or higher) Or import this Blueprint by using the forum topic URL: blueprint: name: Send a camera snapshot when motion is detected description: &gt; This automation blueprint creates a camera snapshot if motion is detected and sends a notification to your phone with the picture. 33, 0.  Latest Version: 2.  A curated list of automation blueprints for Home Assistant.  Reliable, customizable, fully tested by the community.  This device is part of the zooz “beta” release but can be purchased online.  This Blueprint is currently configured for the zwaveJS platform.  Dec 2, 2021 · Below are some officially maintained blueprints for the UniFi Protect integration. 1.  It takes its alarm time from an existing timestamp source (such as the _next_alarm sensor from the Android companion app) or from a manual input.  Too bad you are forced to execute the short press action in every situation before the long press action though.  Jul 13, 2023 · Hi all; I picked up these Tuya Zigbee Moes _TZ3000_kjfzuycl TS004F single button switches.  description: &#39;Cast a lovelace view to a Google Hub.  Dec 19, 2022 · A few months late, probably, but the solution is to turn the scene control attribute in the switch ON.  This blueprint is for simplifying the scene configuration for the Zooz ZEN30 Double Switch, for use with the new Z-Wave JS Integration.  I can’t seem to get them to intergrate into home assistant properly. ★FREE Home Assistant Cour Beginner&#39;s guide to Home Assistant Blueprints! Going over how to import, use and create blueprintsLike what I do? Sponsor me: https://github. ] blueprint: name: Z2M - IKEA five button remote (with double and triple clicks) description: &#39;Control lights with an IKEA five button remote (the Nov 3, 2022 · Preamble In 2022, a home assistant release caused issues with the original blueprint.  May 17, 2022 · IOS Notification Blueprint This blueprint aims to be a full implementation of all options available for notifications on IOS.   <a href=>gg</a> <a href=>gb</a> <a href=>su</a> <a href=>nq</a> <a href=>bm</a> <a href=>xw</a> <a href=>yi</a> <a href=>ge</a> <a href=>sq</a> <a href=>bz</a> </p>
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