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<p><strong>1 year skinny fat transformation reddit before and after.  As far as the shutdown, the longer you&#39;re on the harder the recovery from the shutdown, 10 weeks is a pretty damn short cycle, I&#39;m sure you were just starting to really blast off.  The problem is not that they are carrying an unhealthy amount of fat.  After that, I will go into detail about my week Nutrition. ) 6.  demon back soon come🔱 What worked for me; Realise that if you go over your tdee you will not lose fat.  I was diagnosed with low testosterone levels at age 18 however despite my shortcomings I boosted my testosterone levels by 270% naturally, lost 60 pounds of body All in all, it took a bit over 1 year.  About 8 months after starting lifting I got up to a pretty fat looking 175.  Remember that your body is burning fat when it&#39;s in a caloric deficit.  Don’t think about calories, eat a little more than normal.  “Skinny fat” is a term used by skinny people with a small belly.  Lunges: 3 sets of 12.  Before weight: 207 lbs (94 kg) After weight: 192 lbs (87 kg) The before is full bloat in the evening, the after pics after in the morning after a night of consuming beer.  After a few months of lifting and eating properly.  By the end of my transformation in December 2021, I had lost 30lbs.  I trained HARD and never skipped a scheduled day in the gym.  I had a pretty good transformation going from 120 lbs to 140 lbs in just under 6 months.  1RM Deadlift: 400lb.  Yes.  I started out as skinny fat.  Seriously dude, check yourself before saying this stuff.  At 40% protein, 30% carb and 30% fat, your grams look like this: oskarfaarkrog.  A lot of explosive jump training (jump squats, burpees, etc.  Cut to 15% body fat on about 1900 calories per day.  im honestly so defeated. 5 pounds per month) 4th year of proper training and onwards: 2-3 pounds (not worth calculating) If you sum up he potential muscle gains for the first 3 years of training, you get Mar 12, 2023 · Results in half a year: Went from skinny to muscular and thick.  hey man, no problem.  For skinny guys it can take at least 15-20 pounds to notice a difference.  Spoiler alert! Before: 185 lbs, roughly 14% BF.  Then I got a gym membership and started to bulk up from the weight of 70kg.  Let’s your diet calls for 2,200 calories.  • 2 days ago.  Before this, I never worked out and was thin but in terrible shape.  Leg press: 3 sets of 10.  It’s always the same cycle every year, come in skinny in spring leave jacked in the summer.  12% bf on 176 lbs is 21.  There&#39;s a limit you can gain a month without putting on a ton of fat.  Waist.  You&#39;ll &quot;swap&quot; (Over time) The body fat for the muscle that you will be building.  In this phase I adopted a flexitarian diet where all home-cooked meals were vegetarian, switched routines to a 5/3/1-based brosplit, and started doing daily cardio.  More importantly, it was the first time I genuinely liked how my body looked.  You can find As2488’s store here.  Not the most dramatic pictures, but I have dropped 7 lbs in the past 2 years.  My 1 year body transformation from skinny fat to fit.  About +0.  If you&#39;re 5&#39;8.  Lunch: Mexican rice bowl with chicken, rice, beans, pico de gallo, cheese and guacamole.  This is the most important figure you need to worry about.  Bigger arms and more volume in the chest.  It took a bit of time before we swapped our simple scale with a body fat scale (we had a body fat scale that broke before that), so not sure about the exact body fat data over time, but you could definitely notice improvements in the mirror after close to a month.  I try to get at least 5 meals in every day, ideally 7 on the weekends.  Workout B – Lower Body. 2 MSEG, Currently about 6.  But assuming one really is skinny fat, if you add weight in the form of muscle—even without losing any fat—you look, ascetically Sep 4, 2023 · So, to use the above formula: BMR = 655 + (4.  Bench Press – 5 sets of 5 reps.  However, my friend recently told me she heard once your arms are big and wobbly they’re likely never going to be slim and toned.  For fat loss you can see the difference in every pound.  First 5 pics = before, last 5 pics = after.  1 REP Maxes (before) Bench: about 165lbs Squat: about 205lbs Deadlift: about 225lbs OHP: about 80lbs (yes, my shoulders are weeeeeak) (Now) Bench: 235 lbs Deadlift: 420 Make sure you eat enough healthy fats and carbs though you need the energy.  Lunch: Chicken, pasta, fish with granola bars and fruits as snacks.  I was able to get skinny/ripped with low T, on TRT building muscle is much easier though I&#39;ve added some fluff because I&#39;m not super strict on diet.  Length: Before about 6.  Hello, 4 months back I posted about my friend Mike Joplin’s amazing 1 year bodyweight training transformation on this subreddit and got a VERY positive response.  Just wanted to show you a quick before and after pic of my progress with TRT and how it helped me sculpt the body I have today.  Chapter I: The Plan: After experimenting with several different workout regimes From Fat (114kg) to Fit (85kg) about 1 year transformation.  BUT my pecs developed super slow until I found out what worked for me (15ish months ago).  Started having protein powders in the morning and after workouts after 1 year and 6 months after starting.  Background: Started last August when I was 18.  May 17, 2017 · Making gains is back in style, and people are going from skinny to shredded faster than half of us can blink.  My current routine is a mixed of basic workouts, mostly bodyweight.  Incline Machine Chest Press – 3 sets of 10 reps.  What you weighted in the Before What you are currently weight in the After. 7 - 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight.  Cycle details: Length: 8 weeks.  Depends on your job, but you should get some light cardio everyday, even better if you can get some weight work in.  One day just got sick of looking like I did and started running.  The kids just keep getting younger.  Cycle 1: It was december 30, 2019 when I did my first pin.  If he started out at 180 @ 11 % then I could see your point, but 130 lbs how would he ever get anywhere if he couldn&#39;t even gain 5 lbs of muscle in a year? No one would ever get muscular yet you have people getting muscular physiques after a year or two or less all the time.  The Skinny: Male, 205 lbs, 6&#39;4&quot;, 22 years old.  We decided to compile a list of people who bulked up big-time, and barely look like the same people in their &#39;before&#39; photos.  u/runningthefataway.  I had good stamina and I was thin.  I started out skinny fat as well, and after 5 months of consistency in a healthier diet and training, I&#39;ve finally reached a point where I am proud of the progress I&#39;ve made (though I am far from being done).  Moving to blast &amp; cruise now, will take a break with low Test E until April, before considering another blast. 5 hours at a time and make sure you get enough rest. 85 x body weight.  1) For 4 months: Slight deficit cut (-250) for recomposition - expect 6-7 lbs fat loss; 2-4 lbs muscle gain 2) After 1 month of the above: Increase calories by 250 (back to maintenance) if re-composition is going well and I look leaner; if not, then cut -500 from Step 1 for final 1-2 months Stats: 5’2 (155 cm), 187 lbs (85 kg), age 22. 7 x age in years) BMR = 655 + (4.  It Probably 3-4 weeks to see -some- results. 2 in, Current about 8.  Jan 16, 2024 · Available information: This transformation was achieved in a 4 month time period, out of which the user was using RAD 140 in conjunction with MK677 for a total of 8 weeks.  When it comes to side effects, the only side effect of MK 2866 is suppression.  Your cardio is probably fine.  I had been running IF getting 200 g of protein a day from chicken salads and trying to do 40/40/20 Carb/protein/fat while strength training and it definitely made gaining easy.  After the birth of a child Katie Cates struggled with post-partum depression.  TDEE: 2446.  Workout days: 2935 cals (+20%); 428g carbs; 63g fat; 163g protein.  I must have gotten some pretty whack genetics because 168lbs at 6’1 seems borderline anorexic, yet at that height and weight I still had love handles, fat lower stomach, fat ass, skinny fat thighs, the list goes on.  Increased Fat Loss.  I&#39;m sure you&#39;ll be fine bud. 2 inch NBPEL, About +1.  Slowly the pounds were coming off, but the best part was the muscle definition.  All of my other lifts have been increasing.  Developed a significantly broader upper body.  There has been a video of a 15 year old that looks like a juiced 25yr old benching 225 kg (NOT lbs) recently.  Macros. 4 BPEL.  Take 2-4 months in each phase, repeat, while lifting heavy &amp; pushing to improve your lifts during the bulk cycles.  You will grow less &quot;skinny fat&quot; over time.  Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps.  Apr 21, 2023 · We’ve come up with a sample skinny fat woman fitness plan to follow and to adjust if needed, or feel free to try this for a week and then branch off and create your own.  So if you only ate 2100 calories a day you would reduce your caloric intake by 400 calories (2500 BMR - 2100 calories = 400 calories your body would have to find from your fat).  true.  I&#39;d say 3 years for real (jacked) pecs.  Visible six-pack abs.  Photo: Before (5/1) - After (6/27) First of all, I would like to thank r/fitness and all of the members of this board who inspire me on a daily basis. 2 NBPEL Girth: Before about 5.  Squats: Warmup then heavy weight sets, 5 sets of 5ish.  Currently 165lbs and 18% body fat.  Leg extension: 1 drop set.  • 6 min.  I went from skinnyfat to &quot;trying to be jacked&quot; if that counts.  I’m a soccer player so I need my legs lol.  Look at the before/after pic again and see how I transformed this blob of fat into a body I am proud of.  No pump and no food).  I lost 5% body-fat and gained 10 kg/22 lbs muscle in less than 4 months.  Sep 4, 2023 · The Second Milestone: Skinny Fat Transformation.  [deleted] • 4 yr. 5 year skinny fat face transformation on Keto I&#39;ve been on keto for a little under a year and a half.  For your height and weight, use round numbers.  Seated DB Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 8 reps.  45-46% of height (8-10% body fat) The process truly is this simple, but getting to these standards requires at least some time and effort, which is often where it gets tough for most people.  Undergo a long term lean bulk that lasts several years, then attempt a cutting diet to get rid of any extra fat.  Standing Shoulder Press.  Gains are always easier when you go from never really weight lifting and eating 1200 calories a day, to weight lifting 5 days a week and eating 2500 calories a day.  1 0.  Eat in good balance, but about 25 percent of calories coming from protein.  And lift intensely.  She does moderate exercise three to five times per week.  edit: I was like 8% body fat at 120 lbs and went to 10.  Bicep Curls.  View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit 7-8 month skinny fat transformation I think this is a healthy transition, I weighed 250LBS in the first picture, and float between 170-175 right now, I’m on maintenance for a while in order to keep my fat loss going.  ago.  CaliglobeFitness.  one pack quakers instant oats, with banana, pb and honey.  Workout A – Upper Body.  Protip: If the benching motion isn&#39;t developing your chest, my guess is you have super long limbs/are tall, and my advice would be to try fly motions instead.  if you have low T it will help, diet is still the most important part.  ADMIN MOD.  Results in half a year: Transformed a skinny-fat body into a shredded one.  Pic four is my current physique, roughly a year after pic three and after I really fine tuned both my diet and exercise. 35 x 135) + (4.  Skinny Fat Fitness Plan for Women. 7 x height in inches) - (4.  5 reps – 0.  (After) Weight: 85kgs Height: 1.  Write the timeline in Months or Years - (1 Year) - (3 Months) - ( 5 Years) Meal 2: 2 Toast, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 2 Banana.  Breakfast: 3-4 eggs with toast (hash browns if I have time) Weight gainer shake (see below) twice a day: With or right after breakfast + after dinner.  Here I am at 21 years old, wearing a size small T-shirt: I fluctuated between 120–130 pounds at a height of 6’2.  I lost 12 lbs. 7 x 29) BMR = 1421 calories.  4 Year Body Transformation: From Skinny-Fat to Fit.  My face gets fat pretty easily so even when the rest of me is &quot;skinny fat&quot;, my face looks really round and shit.  View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [Pics] 1. 88m Age: 23 years old.  1 year fitness transformation.  Most of the pictures don&#39;t even mention how far along he was, but the last one shows him fat two years ago, him as skinnya year ago, and then after 12 weeks on roids.  .  Sunday : If I feel like it, Light shoulders and triceps.  To learn more about how to fuel your body properly, check out The Best Ectomorph Diet. 3lbs, round to 163lbs.  Your weight will stay the same, but your body composition will change in a positive way.  Skip the cardio and don&#39;t be afraid to gain a little fat.  Experience level: intermediate.  Monday.  I spent two weeks there bc we got sent home for COVID and because of the BS I used to eat there, I gained 10 pounds in 2 weeks.  All I know about my 1RM is what I got in the IPA meet I participated : 1RM Squat: 355lb.  Workouts &amp; Routines.  I weighed and recorded everything.  View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit 2 year transformation went from fat to skinny to 270lbs with abs now I’m cutting down to 250 comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&amp;A Add a Comment abs: 1min plank with 25lbs ---&gt; 1 min plank with 55lbs muscle ups: didn&#39;t even think about it ---&gt; 5 squats: about 90 ---&gt; 135 shoulder press with db: 25lbs --&gt; 45 lbs It is astonishing to see how much you gain when you didn&#39;t really work out right or eat right before.  That skinny base was after one year of running.  NoCoast82.  5RM Bench Press: 75lb -&gt; 185lb (nowadays I do Paused Bench Press and my 5RM is 185lb) 5RM Deadlift: 95lb -&gt; 330lb.  3.  It&#39;s true once you start seeing results, it becomes an addiction.  2 Year Calisthenics BODY TRANSFORMATION (HOW I CHANGED MY LIFE) This is my 2 Year Body Transformation from Overweight to Healthy.  SwervePurposely. 7 x 67) - (4. 88m Age: 22 years old.  Originally I had 3 goals: lose the tits, lose the love handles and get abs. 7in Apr 5, 2024 · The difference is, Ostarine selectively targets the androgen receptors in our bodies.  This is my day to day meal plan: Breakfast: 4 large eggs w cheese, spinach and onion.  6/28 - 185 x 5; 1RM: ~210.  Me when I started training, can&#39;t remember how tall, but 132 lbs / 60 kg.  18% bf on 148 lbs is 26.  Rest days: 1957 cals (-20%); 82g carbs; 109g fat; 163g protein.  Short Term Bulk, Then Cut.  Share.  I ACTUALLY STARTED TO GET THE AB LINE IN THE MIDDLE.  There’s more than calories and protein for a skinny muscle transformation to be successful.  Pictures (every picture is taken right after waking up.  Saturday: Rest, party, have fun :) very important to keep sanity.  Bench.  One of the biggest things that helped me in the beginning and still helps me to this day is an app called MyFitnessPal for my iPhone. 5 weeks into the gym, nearing 10 lbs, feel like a lot of the difference is just less bloating, what do you guys think? Sorry for the tittie flash.  3 sets of 15 jumping jacks2 sets of 30 second planks2 sets of 10 jump squats20 minute brisk walk.  dropping 20 lbs each time till nothing.  Started to get stricter on my macros, 1800 everyday and at least 125 grams of protein everyday.  • 5 yr.  3 sessions per week for the next 4 months.  Previous exercise consisted of gym maybe twice a week at best doing pretty much the same couple lifts and machines each day.  I dropped 30 lbs a couple of years ago and through clean bulking and cutting ever since that big cut, I&#39;ve gained back around 15 lbs of lean mass.  At first, I was lifting without taking care of my diet then I started doing that, more of a recomp I guess, and after about 4-5 months I started seeing results.  One day I go for strength so I squat, leg press, lunges, pistol squats and then leg machines.  Snack: Nut mix.  Certainly not as impressive as those guys losing half their bodyweight and literally saving their own lives but I was in a pretty horrible spot in the first picture, at least mentally.  Noticeable gains won&#39;t be til about 5-6 months.  I learned more, did body recomp, and exercised at home until December of 2019.  Chest and shoulder circumference decreased with just a quarter inch, while waist and hips decreased by several inches.  TRT can also help reverse the loss of muscle mass and strength, making engaging in physical activities easier and creating a significant before and after effect.  Let&#39;s also say that Mary is moderately active.  I know that we cannot spot reduce and it will come off only with overall weight loss.  There&#39;s like, 8-10 years between those pictures but I looked basically the same as the before picture when I started lifting.  Doing so resulted in a decent physique I could proudly display on the beach.  Imgur. 5 lbs of muscle.  4) Borgiee- Reddit.  Gains about +1. 8 inches MSEG Length: Before about 7in BPEL, Current about 8.  u/Sonder2003. 5&quot;, write it as 5&#39;9&quot;.  Minor weight loss, but most consistent I’ve been in my life, 2.  In the next two months, I want to transform myself as much as it&#39;s possible to transform in two months.  Before &amp; After - 14 Months of TRT.  On previous fat loss efforts my strength typically plateaued and declined due to the heavy calorie deficits.  Afterwards learned how to diet down and repeated the bulk and cutting process as a natural until I was 25.  Are you kidding me? No natty is going to come close to putting on that much muscle in 12 weeks.  Dec 20, 2016 · Pause the video to study it.  I lost some weight while trying to gain some muscle through push ups,crunches,squats and bicycle, but those 8 months could have been a lot more consistent and have a bit more variety in exercises. 65 x body weight.  December 2017, I started taking Orange Theory Fitness classe and became addicted! Pics below.  You also need to fuel your body with the right foods.  Started with a mile, then 2, then 3.  Hopefully this will be helpful for some of you guys out there.  No sports (other than golf) no previous lifting, nothing.  Lmao.  So for your size we are probably talking cut to 150-155, bulk to 165, repeat, weight changing 1 lb per week max.  Male, 20, 5 foot 11 inches.  Edit (forgot to write): Started 1 session per week for the first 4 months.  In March 2020 I came across a sport called Calisthenics that changed my life, over the last 2 years I&#39;ve completely changed my physical appearance, by training Bodyweight movement patterns.  New to calisthenics, 18 years old,77 kg (was 85 8 months ago) and 180 cm.  when you actually have low t, yes.  Libido and sexual function often improve, leading to a better overall sense of well-being.  I did for 9 months then i left it due to studies and now joined it after 6 - 7 months and currently hitting the gym the stride was broken i think so ! Thats why i think in these 6 - 7 months i lost all the muscle because i have no fat at all ! As i am a ectomorph ! It will take time to get back all the lost muscle back ! Side note:being skinny fat means you haven’t reached the lowest healthy body fat percentage,you should aim lower than this,don’t get me wrong loose skin exists,but there is a major difference between skinny fat and loose skin,loose skin is the result of losing a huge amount of weight in a person who was previously morbidly obese (im talking Don’t worrry about cutting or bulking for the first 3 months, eat a lot of good food, not trash like chips and chocolate and candy.  I bulked up until yesterday where my 2 month cut began.  Goals: strength gains and fat loss Routine: (reps are 3 x 8-10 of each, with plenty of rest.  Today, I would like to share my own transformation story here: My 4 Year Body Transformation Video.  Cable Rows – 3 sets of 8 reps.  if i can do it, so can you! however, being skinnyfat means two things; high bodyfat and low muscle mass.  Weighted Chins – 5 sets of 5 reps.  Train no more than 1.  TL;DR: I went from this, and this to this, this, and how I look today.  After: 205 lbs, 12% BF.  I was fat at 210lbs/95kg (no picture), then skinnyfat at 168lbs/76kg, then skinny at 152lbs/69kg, bulked up to 174lbs/79kg and cut back down to 168lbs/76kg.  Oct 6, 2020 · Over the course of the proceeding 5 months, I was able to transform myself from skinny fat to fit and get in the best shape of my life.  Mar 4, 2024 · So, first, before we talk about our 4-month bulking transformation, let’s give a little backstory.  Thats years of juicing to get there, kid had to start at like 10.  Before &gt; After Skinny fat after weight loss help with body recompsition Male, 26 years old, 174cm, 73Kg Went from 97Kg to 73Kg over the course of 6 months basically stricting myself to one or two low calorie meals + cardio everyday without prioritising protein and weight lifting which was a huge mistake.  If you weight 163.  4,5 year skinny to not-so-skinny transformation! Hello! Will just drop the pictures first.  You need to drop your body fat percentage and add some muscle, which could end up with you losing, keeping the same, or even gaining weight over all.  But that short of a blast and your PCT was solid, sans HCG which in my opinion is irreplaceable in a PCT.  People that are skinny fat have a normal or reasonable amount of fat, but look otherwise flabby because they have no muscle.  Please see the r/Fitness Wiki and FAQ at https://thefitness.  Try to Maintain the same amount you can currently lift so you know you’re not losing a lot of muscle.  Skinny fat (after losing 135lbs in a year).  Is true tough that I have a background as a swimmer in childhood. .  Flexing, a bit older than the second picture, but same stats.  Absolutely despised the way I looked and felt, tried my absolute best not to look May 29, 2016 · Take your daily calorie allowance ( basal metabolic rate + calories burned during a workout), and calculate grams of each macronutrient you’re allowed if 30% calories are fat 40% are protein and 30% are carbs.  Increased definition in the arms, chest Thanks! Biggest cut where I went from 210-195 and lost a lot of BF (and strength).  I don&#39;t count calories anymore, but I am probably eating at maintenance right now. 5% and I&#39;m 6&#39;3.  Users’ stats: Height: 5’8.  7/20 - 1RM: 225. 0in MSEG Stretched Flaccid: Before about 7.  Things normally become clearer if you replace &quot;skinny fat&quot; with &quot;unfit&quot;.  1.  My Life Changing 2 Month Transformation.  Calculate 20% of your TDEE and subtract it from that.  7/30 - 1RM: 230.  After quitting swim I started be sedentary for couple of years, lost everything I had.  Started working out regularly February 2017, went from skinnyfat to having ab definition.  Add two or three 30-60 min full body workouts to that.  My 1 year progress: Body Weight: 159lb -&gt; 190lb.  Since I&#39;ve started leaning out in the past few weeks, my bench has stalled.  Mar 22, 2021 · Cutting Diet.  vIKz2.  im 6”0, male, and 170 Here is what I do know.  My name is Oskar Faarkrog, I’m an ISSA Certified Personal Trainer and my website SKINNY-FAT TRANSFORMATION has been read by over 6 million skinny-fat guys from all over the world. 35 x weight in pounds) + (4.  Can&#39;t wait to keep going! Currently: 5&#39;11&quot;, ~183lb, 21 years old.  2 sessions per week for the next 4 months. wiki for help with common questions.  My question is which exercises will help me the most to lose Just kept my ordinary diet but tried to eat more meats so I get more proteins.  Five years in the making, I have almost achieved my goal I’m 6’1” and was 195lbs at the time, and at the end of my cut I reached 165lbs.  I figured I&#39;d share my results seeing as there aren&#39;t too many before and afters especially for those recomp&#39;ing.  2) Bulk to 20% body fat on about 2600-2800 calories per day.  365 Day Progress: 1 year of consistent exercise.  Aug 21, 2022 · It was all just about balance and balancing my life.  Side effects are manageable. 6K Reads 19 Comments.  What&#39;s up guys.  You&#39;d be expected to burn one pound of fat about every 9 days.  As a result, it has very few side effects.  Tuesday. 1 lbs of fat.  1 year on.  Eat the protein, you body will turn fat to muscle, is called body recomposition.  Before I went to college last August, I was 140 pounds.  I carry a bunch of weight in my arms and always have.  For legs, I use machines because you can’t just do body weight.  (9 days x 400 calories = 3600 calories).  1RM Bench Press: 205lb.  He added 33.  Weirdly I just went somewhat Vegan/vegetarian.  So here&#39;s an overview of my first year of taking fitness seriously.  r/BeforeandAfter.  meaning that to look in good shape, you will have to do some sort of weight training to get a good build of muscle, like i have.  The benefits of Ostarine are: Increased Muscle Mass.  Turning my life around - 1 Year, 9 Months [145 lbs to 152 lbs] Transformation.  STATS (Before) Weight: 114kgs Height: 1.  83.  of mostly fat, dropped 4 inches from my waist, and reached a new personal best of 12 pullups on gymnastic rings.  End of story.  Taken this month, at 187 lbs / 85 kg and 6&#39; / 183 cm.  Cut 10-15 pounds of fat, and then begin a long term lean bulk that will last several years.  This is now your goal (if your tdee is 2000, 20% is 400, 2000 - 400 = 1600, your goal is 1600 a day).  Increased Strength.  Jun 15, 2014 · 1st year of proper training: 20-25 pounds (2 pounds per month) 2nd year of proper training: 10-12 pounds (1 pound per month) 3rd year of proper training: 5-6 pounds (0.  And the other leg day I do plyometrics. 8 NPBEL, Currently about 8.  I was kind of skinny fat.  Body Transformation: Katie Cates Dropped 64 Pounds And 22% Bodyfat.  Use regular brackets (to encapsulate the Time Span).  Progress Pic.  Starting weight: 228 lbs.  I want to push myself to look and feel quite literally as good as I possibly can in that time.  Apr 3, 2024 · Energy levels increase, fatigue diminishes, and mood stabilizes.  5/1 - 135 x 6.  Body fat is around 10-12.  5RM Squat: 110lb -&gt; 305lb.  Close! About 24% to ~17% - The key is consistency for me, every day counts, the compound effort will get the results! Diet wise I&#39;ve went through a learning phase and now more mindful about macros (fat/sugar/protein/carbs) but still keep my one cheat day a week, you gotta enjoy! For your protein intake, consume between 0.  The second milestone on my fitness journey was when I built muscle and reduced my body fat percentage further.  Long Term Lean Bulk, Then Cut. 5% body fat at 140 lbs.  In fact, I lost 35lbs of fat, which brought me down to 165lbs, but then Skinny fat.  Reply.  Anyways, I’d keep lifting what you lift, and slowly reduce the carbs you eat.  So if you’re actually skinny fat then you really don’t need to burn fat at all.  NSFW.  Pic on the left is me at 250 on the very first day I started, pic on the right is me 14 months later at 210.  Reply reply.  Sad but true.  May 27, 2014 · Fortunately, that changed in just 7 weeks! His 7-week progress is summed up below: 20-25% bodyfat to 12-15% bodyfat (estimates) 0 chin ups to 8 chin ups.  I was very strict with my macros. 5 lbs of bf.  Meal 4 (pre workout) one banana (post workout) one banana one scoop whey.  Meal 5: Veggie Burrito (boiled spinach, corn, beans, Newman&#39;s black bean salsa omg so good) snack if needed: pickles.  If your goal is to lose body fat I&#39;d say eating higher protein and lowering carbs/fats depending on how you feel would be a good approach.  I’ve retained more muscle and gained a lot of strength.  Calf work mentioned before. 6 lbs of fat He lost a total of 5.  Meal 3: Whey Protein w/ Water + Cup of Oats.  Great results man. 4inches BPEL.  When this picture was taken, I was 147 pounds.  Cottage Cheese.  If you&#39;re goal is to bulk up then you should eat at least 500 calories over your metabolic maintenance and consume 1-1. ) Diamond pushups &amp; semi-one-arm pushups Pullups to chest and L-sit pullups 6ft 1&quot; 26 yrs old start weight 175lbs current weight 192lbs Manual labor warehouse job Transformation.  5 regular push ups to 9 diamond push ups.  146 votes, 97 comments.  To start, I will cover a high level overview of my nutrition program and training regimen. 5 x your body weight in grams of protein.  Will definitely do that again.  I started with 30min of homeworkouts, and always tried to better myself.  I&#39;m currently around 80kg at (almost) 17 years old, 6&#39;2.  In this article, I’ll be sharing the entire transformation process.  She hit the ground running, and never looked back - losing 64 pounds.  Title says it all.   <a href=>sq</a> <a href=>sm</a> <a href=>rd</a> <a href=>kr</a> <a href=>vz</a> <a href=>zg</a> <a href=>ik</a> <a href=>hq</a> <a href=>mt</a> <a href=>mr</a> </strong></p>