Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/templates/admin/tools/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/templates/admin/tools/bulk_add.twig

<h2>{% trans "Bulk Add Sources" %}</h2>
<p>{% trans "Create multiple feed sources at once, by entering the name and URLs of your feeds below." %}</p>
<p>{% trans "The feed sources will be created using your global settings." %}</p>
    {% trans "Put each feed on its own line, and separate the name and the URL using a comma. For example:" %}
    <code>{% trans "Feed Name," %}</code>

<form id="bulk-add-form" method="POST">
    {{ wp_nonce_field('wpra_bulk_add', 'wpra_bulk_nonce') }}
    <textarea rows="6" cols="80" form="bulk-add-form" name="wpra_bulk_feeds" autofocus></textarea>

        <input type="submit" class="button-secondary" name="wpra_bulk_add" value="{{ "Add feeds"|trans|e('html_attr') }}" />