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namespace RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Templates\Feeds;

use Dhii\Output\TemplateInterface;
use Exception;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Data\ArrayDataSet;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Data\Collections\CollectionInterface;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Data\DataSetInterface;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Templates\Feeds\Types\FeedTemplateTypeInterface;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Util\Normalize;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Util\ParseArgsWithSchemaCapableTrait;
use RebelCode\Wpra\Core\Util\SanitizeCommaListCapableTrait;
use stdClass;
use Traversable;

 * An implementation of a standard Dhii template that, depending on context, delegates rendering to a WP RSS
 * Aggregator feeds template.
 * This template is responsible for generating the feed items output for all the constructs (such as the shortcode,
 * Gutenberg block and previews). This implementation will create a standard WP RSS Aggregator feed item query iterator
 * (as an instance of {@link FeedItemsQueryIterator}) and pass it along to the delegate template as part of the context
 * under the "items" key. The iterator's constructor arguments may be included in the render context for this instance
 * to specify which items to render, as "query_sources", "query_exclude", "query_max_num", "query_page" and
 * "query_factory".
 * @since 4.13
class MasterFeedsTemplate implements TemplateInterface
    /* @since 4.13 */
    use ParseArgsWithSchemaCapableTrait;

    /* @since 4.13 */
    use SanitizeCommaListCapableTrait;

     * The key from where to read template options.
     * @since 4.13
    const TEMPLATE_OPTIONS_KEY = 'options';

     * The key to which to write non-schema context options.
     * @since 4.13
    const CTX_OPTIONS_KEY = 'options';

     * An associative array of template type instances.
     * @since 4.13
     * @var FeedTemplateTypeInterface[]
    protected $types;

     * The collection of templates.
     * @since 4.13
     * @var CollectionInterface
    protected $templateCollection;

     * The collection of templates.
     * @since 4.13
     * @var CollectionInterface
    protected $feedItemCollection;

     * The template to use to render the container.
     * @since 4.14
     * @var TemplateInterface
    protected $containerTemplate;

     * The template to use for legacy-mode rendering.
     * @since 4.13
     * @var TemplateInterface
    protected $legacyTemplate;

     * The logger instance to use for recording errors.
     * @since 4.13
     * @var LoggerInterface
    protected $logger;

     * Constructor.
     * @since 4.13
     * @param array               $templateTypes      The available template types.
     * @param CollectionInterface $templateCollection The collection of templates.
     * @param CollectionInterface $feedItemCollection The collection of feed items.
     * @param TemplateInterface   $containerTemplate  The template to use for rendering the container.
     * @param TemplateInterface   $legacyTemplate     The template to use for legacy-mode rendering.
     * @param LoggerInterface     $logger             The logger instance to use for recording errors.
    public function __construct(
        CollectionInterface $templateCollection,
        CollectionInterface $feedItemCollection,
        TemplateInterface $containerTemplate,
        TemplateInterface $legacyTemplate,
        LoggerInterface $logger
    ) {
        $this->types = $templateTypes;
        $this->templateCollection = $templateCollection;
        $this->feedItemCollection = $feedItemCollection;
        $this->containerTemplate = $containerTemplate;
        $this->legacyTemplate = $legacyTemplate;
        $this->logger = $logger;

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @since 4.13
    public function render($argCtx = null)
        // Parse the context
        $ctx = $this->parseContext($argCtx);
        // Retrieve the template slug from the context
        $tSlug = $ctx['template'];

        // Render using the legacy system if legacy ctx arg is given or no template was specified and the legacy
        // system should be used as a fallback
        if ($ctx['legacy'] || (empty($tSlug) && $this->fallBackToLegacySystem())) {
            return $this->legacyTemplate->render($argCtx);

        // Get the template model instance
        $model = $this->getTemplateModel($tSlug);

        // Merge the model options with the non-schema ctx args
        $options = array_merge(
        // Include the template slug in the context
        $options['template'] = $model['slug'];

        // Get the template type instance and render it
        $tTypeInst = $this->getTemplateType($model);
        $itemsCollection = ($ctx['items'] instanceof CollectionInterface)
            ? $ctx['items']
            : $this->feedItemCollection;
        $rendered = $tTypeInst->render([
            'options' => $options,
            'items' => $itemsCollection,

        return $this->containerTemplate->render([
            'ctx' => base64_encode(json_encode($argCtx)),
            'slug' => $model['slug'],
            'template' => $rendered,

     * Parses the render context, normalizing it to an array and filtering it against the schema.
     * @since 4.13
     * @param array|stdClass|Traversable $ctx The render context.
     * @return array The parsed context.
    protected function parseContext($ctx)
        try {
            $normCtx = Normalize::toArray($ctx);
        } catch (InvalidArgumentException $exception) {
            $normCtx = [];

        // Parse the context, putting all non-schema data in an "options" key
        $schema = $this->getContextSchema();
        $pCtx = $this->parseArgsWithSchema($normCtx, $schema, '/', static::CTX_OPTIONS_KEY);

        return $pCtx;

     * Retrieves the standard WP RSS Aggregator template context schema.
     * @see   ParseArgsWithSchemaCapableTrait::parseArgsWithSchema()
     * @since 4.13
     * @return array
    protected function getContextSchema()
        return [
            'template' => [
                'default' => '',
                'filter' => FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING,
            'legacy' => [
                'default' => false,
                'filter' => FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN,
            'items' => [
                'default' => $this->feedItemCollection,
                'filter' => function ($items) {
                    if ($items instanceof CollectionInterface) {
                        return $items;

                    throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('The "items" must be a collection instance', 'wprss'));

     * Retrieves the template model instance for a given post slug.
     * @since 4.13
     * @param string $slug The slug name of the template post.
     * @return DataSetInterface The model instance.
    protected function getTemplateModel($slug)
        $model = null;

        // Get the template model instance
        if (!empty($slug)) {
            try {
                $model = $this->templateCollection[$slug];
            } catch (Exception $exception) {
                // Include warning in log that the template with the given slug was not found
                    __('Template "{0}" does not exist or could not be loaded. The default template was used instead.'),

        // If the slug is empty or failed to get the template
        if (empty($model)) {
            // Fetch the default template
            $builtInCollection = $this->templateCollection->filter(['type' => '__built_in']);

            if ($builtInCollection->getCount() > 0) {
                $model = $builtInCollection->current();
            } else {
                $model = [
                    'id' => '0',
                    'name' => 'Fallback',
                    'slug' => 'wpra-fallback-template',
                    'type' => '__built_in',
                    'options' => [
                        'limit' => 15,
                        'title_max_length' => 0,
                        'title_is_link' => true,
                        'pagination' => false,
                        'pagination_type' => 'default',
                        'source_enabled' => true,
                        'source_prefix' => __('Source:', 'wprss'),
                        'source_is_link' => true,
                        'author_enabled' => false,
                        'author_prefix' => __('By', 'wprss'),
                        'date_enabled' => true,
                        'date_prefix' => __('Published on:', 'wprss'),
                        'date_format' => 'Y-m-d',
                        'date_use_time_ago' => false,
                        'links_behavior' => 'blank',
                        'links_nofollow' => false,
                        'links_video_embed_page' => false,
                        'bullets_enabled' => true,
                        'bullet_type' => 'default',
                        'custom_css_classname' => '',

            if (is_array($model)) {
                $model = new ArrayDataSet($model);

        return $model;

     * Retrieves the template type instance for a template model.
     * @since 4.13
     * @param DataSetInterface $model The template model.
     * @return FeedTemplateTypeInterface The template type instance.
    protected function getTemplateType(DataSetInterface $model)
        $type = isset($model['type']) ? $model['type'] : '';

        return isset($this->types[$type])
            ? $this->types[$type]
            : $this->types['list'];

     * Checks whether or not the master feeds template should fall back to the legacy rendering method when no
     * template is explicitly specified in the render context.
     * @since 4.13
     * @return bool True to fall back to the legacy rendering system, false to use the default template.
    protected function fallBackToLegacySystem()
        return apply_filters('wpra/templates/fallback_to_legacy_system', false);