Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/includes/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/includes/opml-importer.php


	 * Define the WPRSS OPML Importer to set up the Import OPML Page
	 * and parse uploaded OPML files and import them into WPRSS'
	 * custom post types.
	 * @since 3.3
	 * @package WPRSSAggregator

	 * Check if the WP_Importer Class is already loaded.
	 * If not, load it.
	if ( !class_exists( 'WP_Importer' ) ) {
		$class_wp_importer = ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-importer.php';
		if ( file_exists( $class_wp_importer ) )
			require $class_wp_importer;

	 * WPRSS_OPML_Importer Class handles the OPML Import Page and
	 * OPML file upload. It also constructs a WPRSS_OPML object
	 * for the uploaded file, which parses the file, and then
	 * imports it into WPRSS' custom post types.
	 * @since 3.3
	class WPRSS_OPML_Importer extends WP_Importer {
		 * The static Singleton Instance of the importer
		public static $singleton;

		 * The ID of the uploaded file to import
		private $id;

		 * Constructor: Prepares the Importer
		public function __contruct() {

		 * Shows The Import Page and import form for step 1.
		 * Calls the parsing and importing function for step 2.
		 * @since 3.3
		 * @return void
		public function opml_import() {
            echo '<div class="wrap">';
            printf('<h2 class="wrap">%s</h2>', __('Import OPML', 'wprss'));

			// Get the current step from URL query string
            $step = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'step', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
            $step = empty($step) ? 0 : $step;

			// Check the current step
			switch ( $step ) {
				default :
				case 0 :
					// Show the Import Message and the import upload form
                    printf('<p>%s</p>', __('Howdy! Import your feeds here from an OPML (.xml) export file.', 'wprss'));
                    printf('<p>%s</p>', __('Click the button below, choose your file, and click \'Upload\'.', 'wprss'));
                    printf('<p>%s</p>', __('We will take care of the rest.', 'wprss'));

					// Show an import upload form that submits to the same page, with GET parameter step=1
					wp_import_upload_form( 'admin.php?import=wprss_opml_importer&amp;step=1' );

				case 1:
					// Check referer
					check_admin_referer( 'import-upload' );
					// If the handle_upload function returns true
					if ( $this->handle_upload() ) {
						// Get the uploaded file
						$file = get_attached_file( $this->id );
						// Parse the File and Import the feeds
						$this->parse_and_import( $file );

			echo '</div>';

		private function handle_upload() {
			// Get the upload file
			$file = wp_import_handle_upload();

			// If the 'error' property is set, show the error message and return FALSE
            if (isset($file['error'])) {
                    __('Sorry, an error has been encountered.', 'wprss'),
                return false;
                // If the file does not exist, then show the error message and return FALSE
            } elseif (!file_exists($file['file'])) {
                    __('Sorry, it seems your uploaded file has been misplaced!', 'wprss'),
                        __('The uploaded file could not be found at %s. It is likely that this was caused by a permissions problem.', 'wprss'),
                        '<code>' . esc_html($file['file']) . '</code>'

                return false;

			$this->id = (int) $file['id'];
			return true;

		 * Imports the give <outline> OPML element as a wprss_feed
		 * @since 3.3
		 * @param $outline The outline OPML element
		private function import_opml_feed( $outline ) {
			// IF the necassary fields are not present in the element
			if ( !isset( $outline['title'] ) && !isset( $outline['xmlUrl'] ) ) {
				// Check if the element is an array
				if ( is_array( $outline ) ) {
					// Treat it as an array of sub <outline> elements
					$inserted_ids = array();
					// Insert all sub outline elements
					foreach ( $outline as $key => $sub_outline ) {
						$inserted_ids[] = $this->import_opml_feed( $sub_outline );
					// Return the inserted IDs
					return $inserted_ids;
				// IF not an array, return NULL
				else return NULL;
			// Create an associative array, with the feed's properties
			$feed = apply_filters(
					'post_title' => $outline['title'],
					'post_content' => '',
					'post_status' => 'publish',
					'post_type' => 'wprss_feed'
			// Insert the post into the database and store the inserted ID
			$inserted_id = wp_insert_post( $feed );
			// Update the post's meta
			update_post_meta( $inserted_id, 'wprss_url', $outline['xmlUrl'] ); 
			// Trigger an action, to allow modifications to the inserted feed, based on the outline element
			do_action( 'wprss_opml_inserted_feed', $inserted_id, $outline );

			// Return inserted ID
			return $inserted_id;

		 * Attempts to parse the given file as an OPML construct, and
		 * import each found feed.
		 * @since 3.3
		 * @param file The OPML file to parse and import
		 * @return void
		 * @todo Use the parsed $opml object to import the feeds AND remove var_dump
		private function parse_and_import( $file ) {
			try {
				$opml = new WPRSS_OPML( $file );

				// Show Success Message				
				?><h3><?php _e( 'Feeds were imported successfully!', 'wprss' ) ?></h3><?php

				// Show imported feeds
				<table class="widefat">
							<th><?php _e( 'ID', 'wprss' ) ?></th>
							<th><?php _e( 'Title', 'wprss' ) ?></th>
							<th><?php _e( 'URL', 'wprss' ) ?></th>
							foreach ( $opml->body as $opml_feed ) :
								$inserted_ids = $this->import_opml_feed( $opml_feed );
								if ( !is_array( $inserted_ids ) ) {
									$inserted_ids = array( $inserted_ids );
								foreach ( $inserted_ids as $inserted_id ) :
									if ( $inserted_id !== NULL ) :
										$imported_feed = get_post( $inserted_id, 'ARRAY_A' );

											<td><?php echo $inserted_id; ?></td>
											<td><?php echo $imported_feed['post_title']; ?> </td>
											<td><?php echo get_post_meta( $inserted_id, 'wprss_url', TRUE ); ?></td>

								<?php endif; ?>
							<?php endforeach; ?>
						<?php endforeach; ?>
							<th><?php _e( 'ID', 'wprss' ) ?></th>
							<th><?php _e( 'Title', 'wprss' ) ?></th>
							<th><?php _e( 'URL', 'wprss' ) ?></th>

			} catch (Exception $e) {
				// Show Error Message
				?><div class="error"><?php echo wpautop( __( $e->getMessage(), 'wprss' ) ) ?></div><?php


	/* Initialize the Singleton Instance of the Importer */
	WPRSS_OPML_Importer::$singleton = new WPRSS_OPML_Importer();

	add_action( 'admin_init', 'wprss_opml_register_import' );
	 * Initializes and registers the OPML Importer
	 * @since 3.3
	function wprss_opml_register_import() {

			__( 'WP RSS OPML', 'wprss' ),
			__( 'Import Feeds from an OPML file into WP RSS Aggregator', 'wprss' ),
			array( WPRSS_OPML_Importer::$singleton ,'opml_import' )
