Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/wp-rss-aggregator/

# Change log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [4.21.1] - 2022-07-20
### Fixed
* An out-of-memory PHP error when importing items.

## [4.21] - 2022-07-13
### Change
* Updated Twig to v1.42.2, to support PHP 8 or later.
* Optimized feed item date processing when an item is being imported.
* Permalink and GUID checks are now done across all feed sources when an item is being imported.

### Fixed
* Various PHP 8 errors and deprecations compatibility.
* The classic editor button was generating incorrect shortcodes.

## [4.20] - 2022-01-18
### Added
* New option to use feed item GUIDs instead of permalinks to detect duplicate items.

### Changed
* Small performance improvement when importing feed items.

### Fixed
* A warning about `get_headers()` only working with URLs.
* A warning about iteration over a non-array value.
* An AJAX XSS vulnerability on the Feed Sources page. Thanks WPScan!

## [4.19.3] - 2021-11-24
### Fixed
* An error during cron schedule filtering.
* Not all image URLs in enclosure tags were being detected.

## [4.19.2] - 2021-10-28
### Changed
* Cleaned up the code significantly.
* Consistent permalink normalization between the preview and importing.
* Some plugin strings were not internationalized.
* Source information is extracted from feed items more reliably.
* Audio links in feed items are detected more reliably.
* Enclosure images in feed items are detected more reliably.

### Fixed
* HTML entities caused unique title checks to always fail.
* Some request data was not filtered and/or sanitized properly.
* Some plugin-generated content was not properly escaped for use in HTML.
* URLs added manually to the blacklist are now properly validated.
* Feed sources and feed items restored from the trash become "draft" since WordPress 5.6.

## [4.19.1] - 2021-09-14
### Changed
* More details are now logged when a fatal error occurs during an import.
* Using local versions of images and stylesheets.

### Fixed
* Importing would sometimes fail when trying to fetch the media:thumbnail image.
* Some request data was not filtered and/or sanitized properly.
* Some plugin-generated content was not properly escaped for use in HTML.

## [4.19] - 2021-07-06
### Added
* Support for importing images from `<image>` tags.

### Changed
* Exceptions thrown during an import and caught and logged.

## [4.18.2] - 2021-04-26
### Changed
* Audio players no longer preload the audio file. Audio is now loaded only the play button is clicked.

### Fixed
* Pagination would sometimes cause the page to scroll upwards.
* Images were wrongly determined to be from Facebook and were being renamed incorrectly.
* Invalid cron schedules no longer cause a fatal error.
* The shortcode icon in the classic editor would sometimes not be shown.

## [4.18.1] - 2021-03-15
### Added
* New filters to change the time limits during image downloads.

### Changed
* Using a single store URL for addon license verification.
* Increased the PHP execution time limits for image downloads.

### Fixed
* Licenses for the Templates addon could not be verified.

## [4.18] - 2021-03-08
### Added
* The total import time is now recorded in the debug log.

### Changed
* Omitting dev files from the plugin, reducing its size.
* Redesigned the "More Features" page.
* Feed items link to the original article when shown without a template and in RSS feeds.
* Allocating more PHP execution time for image downloads.

### Fixed
* Images with HTML entities in the URL resulted in broken images and missing featured images.
* The code that checks when a feed is saved no longer runs unnecessarily.
* Fixed styling issues with the "Save" button in the Templates edit page.
* The max title length option in the "Default" template was being applied in the "Feed Items" page.

## [4.17.10] - 2020-12-01
### Fixed
* After updating the Templates add-on from v0.2, the add-on would be deactivated.

## [4.17.9] - 2020-11-25
### Changed
* Auto image detection is now able to find the feed channel image.
* SimplePie auto-discovery is turned off when the "Force feed" option is enabled.
* The Feed Source post type is no longer public.
* Meta box styling has been updated to match WordPress 5.3's updated styles.

### Fixed
* Removed referer header from feed requests, fixed importing for some feeds.
* Feeds that contain items without titles no longer only import just the first item.
* Cron jobs are properly added/removed when the plugin is activated/deactivated, respectively.
* Problems with the default template no longer trigger a fatal error.

## [4.17.8] - 2020-10-06
### Changed
* Disabled SimplePie's HTML sanitization.
* Updated jQuery code to be compatible with the upcoming update in WordPress.
* Images without an extension can now be imported.
* The image importing function now allows the image URL and local path to be changed via filters.
* Changed how item importing is logged in the debugging log. The log now shows what hooks can reject an item.

### Fixed
* WooCommerce Product type dropdown and accompanying options disappear while WP RSS Aggregator is active.
* Addressed notices about `register_rest_route` being called incorrectly.
* The "Validate feed" link did not work.
* Sites on a multi-site network would see an error about a function not existing.
* Errors would not be properly rendered for non-fatal notices and warnings.

## [4.17.7] - 2020-08-12
### Added
* New HTML classes for pagination buttons.

### Fixed
* The featured image when using the Feed to Post add-on was not being saved.

### Changed
* FeedBurner feeds no longer need to have "format=xml" at the end of the URL.

## [4.17.6] - 2020-07-29
### Added
* A link in the New/Edit Feed Source page on how to find an RSS feed.

### Changed
* The "Force feed" option turns off SSL verification.
* Improved wording on the Help page.
* Dates in templates can now be translated.
* The link to the article on how to find an RSS feed now links to an article from the plugin's knowledge base.
* The "Unique Titles" feed option can now be set to default to the global setting.

### Fixed
* Rewrite rules would always get flushed when plugins tamper with them, such as Polylang Pro.
* The "Delete All Imported Items" reset option was deleting all posts on the site.
* Image options would not show up when using Feed to Post to import Feed Items.

### Removed
* A `gettext` filter that changes the text for saving feeds, for performance reasons.

## [4.17.5] - 2020-04-22
### Changed
* Now showing a case study of a site using the Pro Plan in the on-boarding wizard.
* Licenses are now managed by the main site. Child sites do not have access to the licenses page.

### Fixed
* The custom feed did not include items imported as posts or other post types.

### Removed
* Temporarily disabled the "What's New" page.
* Removed the integration with Lorem on the "Help & Support" page.
* Removed the integration with Lorem on the "More Features" page.

## [4.17.4] - 2020-03-16
### Changed
* The default template is now created based on type, not slug.

### Fixed
* Templates could not be saved if the request contained extra form data.
* The default template would be copied multiple times if a post on the site had the "default" slug.
* Feed item title did not escape HTML entities correctly.
* Source name and link were sometimes incorrect in the custom feed.
* Undefined index during error handling.
* Better error messages when an error occurs.

## [4.17.3] - 2020-01-23
### Changed
* Updated code to fix deprecation warnings on PHP version 7.4 and later.
* Updated the Twig library to version `1.41.0` to fix deprecation warnings on PHP version 7.4 and later.
* Updated the default translation files to contain up-to-date text.

### Fixed
* Removed a false-positive error from the log.
* Localization in Twig templates did not work.
* When revisions are enabled, an error would prevent feed sources from being saved.
* Translations were being loaded from an invalid path.
* The default featured image in the New/Edit Feed Source page did not preview after saving the feed source.
* Missing space between the link `a` tag and the `href` attribute on PHP 7.4

### Removed
* Removed warning when trying to blacklist a non-imported post.

## [4.17.2] - 2019-12-19
### Added
* The error handler now includes the file and line where the error occurred.

### Changed
* The obsolete "Link Source" option is now only shown when the Excerpts & Thumbnails add-on is active.

### Fixed
* The new "feeds" shortcode parameter only showed feed items for the first 10 feed sources.

## [4.17.1] - 2019-12-12
### Fixed
* The new slug option was appearing on the edit pages for posts of all types.

## [4.17] - 2019-12-11
### Added
* New "Tools" that replaces the "Blacklist", "Import/Export" and "Debugging" pages.
* New option to control whether items with future dates are scheduled or published with truncated dates.
* New "feeds" shortcode parameter to select feed sources by their slug names.
* New "1 week" update interval option to update feeds once every week.
* The "Edit Feed Source" page now allows the slug to be edited.
* The "Edit Feed Source" page now shows shortcode snippets.

### Changed
* RSS feeds that are invalid due to leading whitespace are now trimmed and may now be imported.
* Images that have the same URL are now downloaded to the media library only once.
* Updated some styles to match the new WordPress 5.3 aesthetic.
* Optimized template saving to be more performant and less error prone.
* Improved error messages in REST API responses.
* Removed some log messages.
* Fatal errors are now always logged.
* Optimized cron-related functionality.
* The plugin will no longer register cron schedules that already exist.
* License-related notices are now only shown to users who have access to the Licenses settings page.

### Fixed
* The "Import Source" option did not work.
* Templates now link imported posts to the local post instead of to the original article.
* Images with HTML entities in the URL could not be downloaded.
* Feed items without a PolyLang translation did not show up in templates.
* PHP notices were triggered when trying to download invalid images.
* The feed item count in the "Feed Sources" page would show zero when certain add-ons are installed.
* Removed a warning shown in templates about `reset()` expecting an array.
* Thumbnails imported by Excerpts & Thumbnails were not shown in templates.
* Some databases would report the following error during logging: "Column 'date' cannot be null".
* Unserializing the options for the system info triggered PHP notices.

### Removed
* A WordPress 5.1 function was being used to check for ready cron jobs, now replaced with a custom function.

## [4.16] - 2019-10-31
### Changed
* Overhauled the data set system with a more robust entity system.
* Various database optimizations for better performance.

### Fixed
* Incompatibility with other plugins that use similar import/export mechanisms.
* Incompatibility with PolyLang, causing the block and shortcode to show no feed items.
* Timeout and infinite loop when saving a feed source.

## [4.15.2] - 2019-10-03
### Added
* Links and integrations with Lorem for custom developer work.

### Changed
* The default logging type is now "debug".
* Feeds are now sorted alphabetically by default.

### Fixed
* Multisite installations only allowed the main site to have activated licenses.
* License notices now only appear on the main site if the site is a multisite network.
* Blacklist items would occassionally be saved without a permalink.
* Older versions of add-ons triggered errors when trying to log messages with the default log type.
* Fixed checkbox legacy display options not saving correctly.
* A saved empty useragent string in the settings caused the internal default to not be used.
* The certificate path option was not defaulting correctly.
* Media thumbnail images were not being detected properly.
* An invalid feed would trigger false positive errors on fetch.

## [4.15.1] - 2019-08-14
### Added
* New link to the custom feed in the "Custom Feed" settings page.

### Changed
* Updated the logging system to no longer cause VaultPress to trigger false positive warnings.
* The date format in the custom feed now uses the "RFC3339 Extended" format.

### Fixed
* Items with the same title were not being imported even when "Unique titles only" was turned off.
* Items with future dates where marked as "scheduled" by WordPress.
* The custom feed's "Content-Type" header was set for RSS 2.0 instead of Atom.
* Imported images were not being deleted from the media library when the imported item is deleted.
* PHP notice for "undefined index enclosure" when a feed cannot be fetched.
* Deprecation notice on PHP 7.2 or later for "each" function.
* Warnings when the `wprss_log` function is used incorrectly.
* PHP notice for "property of non-object" when using YoastSEO.
* After using the Templates add-on, images would continue to be imported after the add-on was deactivated.

## [4.15] - 2019-07-16
### Added
* New error handling for catchable PHP7 `Throwable` errors.
* New option to enable feed caching for better performance.
* New option to import source name and URL for each item individually.
* The custom feed now includes source info for every item.

### Changed
* Improved some exception messages to better indicate the cause of certain problems.
* Re-organized settings into multiple tabs.
* Added the current site URL to the custom feed URL option's label.

### Fixed
* Feed sources had image importing wrongly enabled by default.
* Downloading the debug log triggered an error.
* The custom feed self URL ignored the settings and was incorrect.
* Items in the custom feed had a missing `rel` attribute for their `<link>` element.
* Fixed placement of WordPress notices on the Templates List and Edit page.
* Fixed WordPress notices disappearing after moving between Templates list and edit page.

## [4.14] - 2019-07-09
### Added
* YouTube channel URLs are now supported.
* Items imported from YouTube are detected and their embed links are saved.
* Embedded YouTube videos can now be shown in a lightbox.
* New option to enable or disable the plugin's logging.
* New option to set the log age, in days, for daily truncation.
* Image URLs are detected and saved in feed item meta, to be used by templates that can show images.
* Feed item excerpts are now imported, to be used by templates that can show excerpts.
* Activating or pausing feed sources from the Feed Sources page is now asynchronous.
* Deleting feed items from the Feed Sources page is now asynchronous.
* New plugin-wide error handling to prevent site locks, with the option to deactivate the plugin and its addons.
* Feed sources that are missing their respective cron are detected and fixed while on the Feed Sources page.
* Added tooltips to various links and controls in the feed source list page.
* Import errors are now asynchronously added to the error icon in the feed sources list page.

### Changed
* Previewing a template no longer requires saving the template.
* Redesigned the feed sources page to be more compact and informative at a glance.
* The imported item count in the feed sources page is now a link to that feed's imported items.
* Improved the responsive styling of the feed sources list table.
* The custom feed now uses the Atom 1.0 standard.
* Improved the detection of cron scheduling failures, prevent feeds from appearing to be stuck.
* Converted log section in the debugging page to use the new module system.
* Some options were renamed to be consistent across various plugin pages.
* Improved the wording, description and tooltip of the "Import order" option.
* Added better error handling during image file creation when using the GD extension.
* Rewrote the unique item title checking logic to be faster and more accurate.
* Now suppressing "non-numeric value encountered" warnings from SimplePie.
* Increased the time by which the plugin detects stuck feeds to 2 minutes.
* The addon licensing registration system has been partially converted to the new module system.

### Fixed
* The default template could not be saved with a particular combination of settings.
* The age limit setting was incorrectly being copied to feed sources.
* Fixed links in templates not opening in new tabs under certain conditions.
* Non image files are no longer wrongly downloaded, cached and treated as images.
* The unique titles option caused a PHP warning when enabled.
* Fixed use of previously cached version scripts and styles for the Templates page.
* Fixed pagination not working correctly when no item limit is set.
* Fixed the "Set links as no follow" option not having any effect.
* An empty limit for the number of items in a template silently defaults to 5 items.
* The name of the user was being shown as the author for feed items that had no author.
* Fixed the "property on non-object" error on the Licensing settings page for new addons.
* On some sites, multiple default templates are constantly being created.
* The default template is auto-created is corrupted data. An update procedure will now fix this data.

### Removed
* Removed old secure reset code.
* The "View items" row action link in the Feed Sources page has been removed.
* Removed the "Edit" bulk action from the feed sources list page.

## [4.13.2] - 2019-05-14
### Added
* A custom Twig extension for WordPress-based i18n.

### Changed
* Now correctly requiring WordPress version 4.8 or later.
* Improved the JS architecture to allow addons to extend the UI.
* The deactivation poll will now be shown only 50% of the time, randomly.

### Fixed
* The time ago format for the list template was not respecting the WordPress timezone setting.
* HTML in log messages were breaking the Debugging page.
* The feed items were not being explicitly sorted, which could lead to unsorted items.

## Removed
* Removed the polyfill for the `gettext()` function.

## [4.13.1] - 2019-04-30
### Changed
* Disabled Twig cache due to tmp permission issues and false-positive suspicious file reporting by hosts.
* The list template's pagination option is now set to disabled by default, matching previous versions.

### Fixed
* Re-added missing HTML classes in the list template that had broken user custom CSS styles.
* Added a polyfill for the `gettext()` function for sites that don't have the PHP `gettext` extension enabled.
* Re-added a function that was removed in v4.13, and marked it as deprecated.
* Fixed feed item dates not using the site's timezone.
* Fixed styles for the legacy rendering system used by the Excerpts & Thumbnails addon.

## [4.13] - 2019-04-24
### Added
* Introduced feed templates.
* Introduced a WP RSS Aggregator Gutenberg block.
* Brand new debug log and logging system that stores logs in the database.
* Items can now be added to the Blacklist manually.

### Changed
* Refactored a lot of legacy code over to the new modular system.
* General display settings have been moved to the "Default" template type.
* Reorganized the general plugin settings. Advanced options are now under an advanced settings section.
* Removed the "Add New" menu item from the RSS Aggregator menu.
* The feed sources page now updates every 1 second.
* Updated the TinyMCE dialog options for inserting a shortcode on a page or post (Classic Editor).
* Updated administrator and editor role capabilities, fixing various permission bugs.
* Updated a lot of setting descriptions and tooltips.
* The help support beacon is now enabled by default.

### Fixed
* Import errors no longer "freeze" feed sources in an infinite importing state.
* Some import errors would not be logged due to script timeout or execution errors.
* Feed to Post was not able to show feed items in the shortcode.
* Deprecation notices on PHP 7.3.
* The "Force feed" option was not properly being applied to feed sources.
* A bug that caused perfectly good RSS feeds to trigger gzip errors.
* The "Delete permanently & blacklist" row action was appearing for non-feed-item post types.

### Removed
* The notice that asks users to leave a review was removed due to various bugs.

## [4.12.3] - 2019-04-01
### Fixed
* Fixed an issue with Feed to Post not being able to show feed items in the shortcode.
* Fixed deprecation notices on PHP 7.3.

## [4.12.2] - 2019-03-26
### Fixed
* Fixed an admin capability bug that disallowed admin users from fetching feed items.

## [4.12.1] - 2019-02-27
### Added
* Added a modal with an optional poll when the plugin is deactivated.

### Changed
* Improved the core plugin's on-boarding process for brand new users.
* The timeout for the truncating posts hook has been extended.

### Fixed
* Fixed the "Sorted" error appearing constantly in the debug log.
* Fixed PHP warnings appearing on WordPress multisite.
* Fixed PHP notice appearing on Feed Items page.
* Fixed strict standards notice appearing on settings import.

## [4.12] - 2019-01-29
### Added
* The plugin now checks if its running on PHP 5.3.9, and deactivates itself when not.
* Added message informing users that v4.13 will drop support for PHP 5.3.
* Added an introduction page for new plugin users.

### Changed
* Changed protocol for all links to HTTPS wherever necessary or applicable.

### Removed
* Disabled the welcome page on activation and updates.

## [4.11.4] - 2018-12-11
### Added
* Added handling of lifetime licenses.

### Changed
* License renewal link and expiry are not shown if they are not applicable.

## [4.11.3] - 2018-05-23
### Changed
* Updated Help & Support page.

## [4.11.2] - 2017-09-18
### Added
* Added 2 new general settings for item import order and per-import limit.

### Changed
* Cosmetic and documentation improvements.

## [4.11.1] - 2017-03-07
### Fixed
* Fixed bug that caused minor publishing controls to be hidden on unrelated Edit screens.

## [4.11] - 2017-03-06
### Changed
* Enhanced Licenses page so as to make the [Enter] key toggle license activation.
* Enhanced architecture by using a DI container.
* Enhanced admin notifications by refactoring them to use the same mechanism.
* Enhanced admin notifications by making all of them dismissible.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug with lifetime licenses showing expiry notices.
* Fixed bug with being able to submit form on Licenses page.
* Fixed bug with empty saved license key causing PHP notice, and not triggering reminder notification.
* Fixed bug with saved but inactive licenses not triggering reminder notification.
* Fixed bug with minified assets not being served by default.
* Fixed bug with cached admin assets being served even after update.
* Fixed bug with admin notifications displayed on unrelated pages not being dismissible.

## [4.10] - 2016-12-29
### Added
* Added a per-feed-source "Link Source" option.
* Added a per-feed-source "Feed Request User Agent" option.
* Now using Composer!
* Now using Phing!
* Added RegEx HTML Encodifier.
* Added integration with Diagnostics plugin, and tests.
* Added "Leave a Review" notification.

### Changed
* The "Add New" button no longer appears for feed items.
* Logs are now created in `wp-content/log/wprss`, and are named more descriptively.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug with feed error output breaking tooltips on "Feed Sources" page.
* Fixed bug with nonces on the "Feed Sources" page that broke some source actions.
* Fixed problem with image cache filenames being too long.
* Fixed problem with permalink URLs sometimes being URL-encoded.
* Fixed problem with large logs causing OOM errors and breaking Debugging page.
* Fixed conflict with function `unparse_url()`.
* Fixed bug with `_getDataOrConst()` not retrieving single value.
* Fixed future incompatibility with `class-feed.php` for WP 4.7+.
* Fixed conflicts with many JS scripts by only adding JS on our admin pages.
* Fixed conflicts with some classes by loading only valid root namespace components.
* Fixed PHP warning related to retrieving unique titles.

## [4.9.1] - 2016-08-01
### Changed
* Changed copyright and other info in plugin header.

## [4.9] - 2016-06-14
### Changed
* Enhanced: Visual improvements.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Potential security vulnerability related to triggering feed update.
* Fixed bug: Error output on Feed Sources list is trimmed and cannot break the page layout.
* Fixed bug: Certain notices could not be dismissed.
* Fixed bug: Word trimming didn't always trim correctly with HTML.

## [4.8.2] - 2016-02-22
### Changed
* Enhanced: Users can now override useragent sent with feed requests.
* Enhanced: Improvements to plugin updating system.
* Enhanced: Readme updated.
* Enhanced: "Open link behaviour" option's internal handling has been improved.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Interface methods used to conflict, causing fatal error on activation.
* Fixed bug: Empty feed response used to cause misleading error message in log.

## [4.8.1] - 2016-02-02
### Changed
* Enhanced: Visual improvements.
* Enhanced: Included new Object Oriented code.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Some exceptions used to cause fatal errors.
* Fixed bug: Requests made by image caching used to always have an infinite timeout.
* Fixed bug: Licensing algorithm used to use constants of inactive plugins, causing fatal error.

## [4.8] - 2015-12-30
### Changed
* Enhanced: Major licensing system improvements.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Licensing notices will now be displayed again.

## [4.7.8] - 2015-11-18
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added autoloading and refactored licensing.
* Enhanced: Added button to download error log.
* Enhanced: Cosmetic changes and fixes.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Sticky posts no longer get deleted when truncating, unless imported from a feed source.

## [4.7.7] - 2015-10-19
### Changed
* Enhanced: Optimized checking for plugin updates.

## [4.7.6] - 2015-10-07
### Changed
* Enhanced: Feeds that fail to validate due to whitespace at the beginning are now supported by the plugin.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Undefined variables in the System Info section in the Debugging page.
* Fixed bug: Add-on license expiration notices could not be dismissed.

## [4.7.5] - 2015-09-02
### Changed
* Enhanced: Licensing errors will be output to debug log.
* Enhanced: Improved compatibility with plugins that allow AJAX searching in the backend.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: error related to undefined `ajaxurl` JS variable gone from frontend.

### Removed
* Usage tracking now disabled.

## [4.7.4] - 2015-08-20
### Changed
* Requirement: WordPress 4.0 or greater now required.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug in image caching
* Fixed bug in admin interface due to incorrectly translated IDs

## [4.7.3] - 2015-08-04
### Added
* Core now implements an image cache logic.
* Russian translation added.
* Google Alerts permalinks are now normalized.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Add-ons on the "Add-ons" page now have an installed-but-inactive status.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Inline help (tooltips) translations now work.
* Fixed bug: Link to the Feed to Post add-on on the welcome page is no longer broken.

## [4.7.2] - 2015-06-30
### Changed
* Enhanced: Copyright updated.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Word trimming no longer adds extra closing tags at the end.
* Fixed bug: Presence of `idna_convert` class no longer causes infinite redirects on some servers.
* Fixed bug: Warning of unterminated comment no longer thrown in PHP 5.5.
* Fixed bug: Added default value for "Unique Titles" option.
* Fixed bug: Having a the port number specified with the database host no longer causes issues with the `mysqli` adapter in System Info on some servers.
* Fixed bug: Nested options of inline help controller no longer cause a fatal error.
* Fixed bug: Notices will no longer be displayed during rendering of feed items due to absence of required default values.

## [4.7.1] - 2015-04-23
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: No warning will be thrown when fetching feeds.

## [4.7] - 2015-04-21
### Added
* Optionally import only items with titles that don't already exist.
* Added support for multibyte strings in some places.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Accessing feeds over HTTPS is now possible.
* Enhanced: Increased JS compatibility with other plugins.
* Enhanced: Increased UI support for mobile devices.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Having no mysqli extension no longer causes an error to appear in the debug info.
* Fixed bug: Saving an empty license key no longer results in a warning.

## [4.6.13] - 2015-03-20
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The "Force feed" option wasn't being correctly used.

## [4.6.12] - 2015-03-09
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The "Force feed" option was being removed by the Feed to Post add-on.

## [4.6.11] - 2015-03-04
### Changed
* Enhanced: The Help page now includes a support form if a premium add-on is detected.
* Enhanced: Updated some translations for admin options.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Help tooltips are now optimized for iPad screens.
* Fixed bug: Errors on the licensing page when a license code has not yet been entered.

## [4.6.10] - 2015-02-10
### Added
* Markdown library added. Changelog now read from readme.

### Changed
* Enhanced: AJAX license activation.
* Enhanced: License form more reliable.
* Enhanced: license-related UI improvements

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Saving license keys not longer triggers error in some cases.

## [4.6.9] - 2015-01-21
### Changed
* Enhanced: Admin user will now be warned about invalid or expiring licenses.
* Enhanced: Admin notices logic centralized in this plugin.

### Fixed
* Fixed: Multiple small-scale security vulnerabilities.
* Fixed: Ampersand in feed URL no longer causes the product of generated feeds to be invalidated by W3C Validator.

## [4.6.8] - 2015-01-07
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added more logging during feed importing.
* Enhanced: Irrelevent metaboxes added by other plugins are now removed from the Add/Edit Feed Source page.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Valid feed URLS were being invalidated.
* Fixed bug: The Blacklist feature was being hidden when the Feed to Post add-on was enabled.
* Fixed bug: Patched a vulnerability where any user on the site can issue a feed fetch.
* Fixed bug: The "Activate" and "Pause" actions are not shown in the bulk actions dropdown in WordPress v4.1.

## [4.6.7] - 2014-12-17
### Changed
* Enhanced: Some minor interface updates.
* Enhanced: Added filters for use by the premium add-ons.

## [4.6.6] - 2014-12-06
### Added
* Added output layouts for feed sources and feed items.
* Added time limit extending to prevent script from exhausting its execution time limit while importing.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Updated EDD updater class to version 1.5.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The "Delete and Re-import" button was deleting items but not re-importing.
* Fixed bug: Non-object errors when a feed source is deleted while importing.

## [4.6.5] - 2014-11-17
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved the logging.
* Enhanced: Improved the licensing fields.
* Enhanced: Updated the EDD updater class to the latest version.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Small random error when viewing the licenses page.

## [4.6.4] - 2014-11-10
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added filters to the custom feed.
* Enhanced: Updated some styles to improve the user interface.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The "Remove selected from Blacklist" button had no nonce associated with it.
* Fixed bug: The Blacklist menu entry was not always being shown.

## [4.6.3] - 2014-11-3
### Changed
* Enhanced: Re-added the "Add New" link in the plugin's menu.
* Enhanced: Improved error logging.
* Enhanced: Bulk actions in the Feed Sources page are now also included in the bottom dropdown menu.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Add-on updater was prone to conflicts. Now enclosed in an action.
* Fixed bug: The Full Text RSS Feeds add-on was not showing as active in the "Add-ons" page.
* Fixed bug: Broken links in the "Add-ons" page, to add-on pages on our site.

## [4.6.2] - 2014-10-15
### Added
* Added a new filter to modify the text shown before author names.
* Added better debug logging.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved plugin responsiveness.
* Enhanced: Updated some help text in tooltips with better explainations and added clarity.
* Enhanced: Optimized some old SQL queries.

### Changed
* Fixed bug: Licenses were not showing as active, even though they were activated.

## [4.6.1] - 2014-10-06
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved internationalization in the plugin, for better translations.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: If the feed source age limit was left empty, the global setting was used instead of ignoring the limit.

## [4.6] - 2014-09-22
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved the user interface, with better responsiveness and tooltips.
* Enhanced: Removes the ID column. The ID is now shown fixed in row actions.
* Enhanced: Feed Preview indicates if feed items have no dates.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: If a feed item has no date, the date and time it was imported is used.

## [4.5.3] - 2014-09-15
### Changed
* Added filter to allow adding RSS feeds to the head of your site's pages for CPTs.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Columns in the feed sources table are now sortable.
* Enhanced: Removed the ID column in the feed sources table. The ID has been moved as a row action.
* Enhanced: Improved various interface elements.
* Enhanced: Better responsiveness for smaller screen.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The importing spinning icon would get stuck and spin for a very long time.
* Fixed bug: Removed an old description meta field.
* Fixed bug: Plugin was not removing all scheduled cron jobs when deactivated.

## [4.5.2] - 2014-09-09
### Changed
* Enhanced: Optimized plugin for WordPress 4.0.
* Enhanced: Improved template and added filters for add-on hooking.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Editor toolbar visible over the WP RSS shortcode dialog.

## [4.5.1] - 2014-08-26
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Last import feed item count stays at zero.
* Fixed bug: Datetime::setTimestamp error when using PHP 5.2 or earlier.
* Fixed bug: The display limit was not working.
* Fixed bug: Minor bug in licensing.

## [4.5] - 2014-08-25
### Added
* New Feature: Bulk importer allows you to create multiple feed sources at once.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved OPML importer with added hooks.
* Enhanced: Centralized add-on licensing, fixing multiple bugs.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Undefined `feed_limit` errors when using the shortcode.

## [4.4.4] - 2014-08-19
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Errors when using older PHP versions 5.3 or lower.

## [4.4.3] - 2014-08-19
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Errors when using older PHP versions 5.3 or lower.

## [4.4.2] - 2014-08-19
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Errors when using older PHP versions 5.3 or lower.

## [4.4.1] - 2014-08-18
### Changed
* Enhanced: Various improvements to the plugin interface and texts.
* Enhanced: Moved the restore default settings button farther down the Debugging page, to avoid confusion with the delete button.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Feed item dates were not being adjusted to the timezone when using a GMT offset.
* Fixed bug: Feed item dates are now adjusted according to daylight savings time.

## [4.4] - 2014-08-11
### Added
* Blacklist - delete items and blacklist them to never import them again.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a button in the Debugging page to reset the plugin settings to default.
* Enhanced: WordPress Yoast SEO metaboxes and custom columns will no longer appear.

## [4.3.1] - 2014-08-08
### Changed
* Enhanced: Better wording on settings page.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The Links Behaviour option in the settings was not working.
* Fixed bug: The wrong feed items were being shown for some sources when using the "View Items" row action.

## [4.3] - 2014-08-04
### Added
* New Feature: Feed items now also import authors.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Custom feed is now in RSS 2.0 format.
* Enhanced: Improved the display template for feed items.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Custom feed was not working in Firefox.
* Fixed bug: Some feed items were showing items from another feed source.
* Fixed bug: The feed limit in the global settings was not working.

## [4.2.3] - 2014-07-29
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added an option to choose between the current pagination type, and numbered pagination.
* Enhanced: The Feed Preview now also shows the total number of items in the feed.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: A PHP warning error was being shown in the System Info.
* Fixed bug: Language files were not always being referenced correctly.
* Fixed bug: Manually fetching a feed fails if the feed is scheduled to update in the next 10 minutes.
* Fixed bug: Bing RSS feeds were importing duplicates on every update.

## [4.2.2] - 2014-07-23
### Changed
* Enhanced: Facebook page feeds are now changed into RSS 2.0 feeds, rather than Atom 1.0 feeds.
* Enhanced: Improved live updating performace on the Feed Sources page.

## [4.2.1] - 2014-07-17
### Changed
* Enhanced: Feed Sources page is now more responsive.

## [4.2] - 2014-07-17
### Added
* Can now view each feed source's imported feed items separate from other feed sources' feed items.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Major visual update to the Feed Sources page with new live updates.
* Enhanced: The custom feed now includes the feed source.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Google News feeds were importing duplicate items on every update.
* Fixed bug: Multiple minor bug fixes with old filters.

## [4.1.6] - 2014-06-28
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Results returned by wprss_get_feed_items_for_source() will no longer be affected by filters.
* Fixed bug: Charset issue in titles

## [4.1.5] - 2014-06-19
### Changed
* Enhanced: The Feed Sources table now indicates which feed sources encountered errors during the last import.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Feed titles were not being decoded for HTML entities.

## [4.1.4] - 2014-05-16
### Changed
* Enhanced: Minor improvements to feed importing and handling.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: HTML entities were not being decoded in feed item titles.

## [4.1.3] - 2014-04-28
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a force feed option, for valid RSS feeds with incorrect header content types.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: HTML entities in feed item titles are now being decoded.

## [4.1.2] - 2014-04-22
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved the custom feed, by allowing a custom title.
* Enhanced: Improved shortcode, by adding the "pagination" parameter.
* Enhanced: Modified a filter to fix some bugs in the add-ons.

## [4.1.1] - 2014-04-09
### Changed
* Enhanced: Tracking notices only appear for admin users.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Auto Feed Discovery was not working.

## [4.1] - 2014-04-03
### Added
* New Feature: Feed items can now link to enclosure links in the feed.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a filter to allow add-ons to modify feed item queries.

## [4.0.9] - 2014-03-27
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a filter to modify the feeds template.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Nested lists in feeds template.

## [4.0.8] - 2014-03-20
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Using the shortcode makes the comments section always open.

## [4.0.7] - 2014-03-08
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The plugin prevented uploading of header images.

## [4.0.6] - 2014-03-05
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Hook change in last version suspected reason for some installations having non-updated feed items.

## [4.0.5] - 2014-03-03
### Added
* New Feature: Time ago added as an option.

### Changed
* Enhanced: The plugin now allows the use of RSS and Atom feeds that do not specify the correct MIME type.
* Enhanced: Better performance due to better hook usage.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Facebook page feed URL conversion was not being triggered for new feed sources.
* Fixed bug: Styles fix for pagination.
* Fixed bug: Removed empty spaces in logging.

## [4.0.4] - 2014-02-17
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added Activate/Pause bulk actions in the Feed Sources page.
* Enhanced: Feed Sources page table has been re-designed.
* Enhanced: Logging is now site dependant on multisite.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Undefined display settings where appearing on the front end.

## [4.0.3] - 2014-02-12
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The general setting for deleting feed items by age was not working.

## [4.0.2] - 2014-02-10
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a filter to change the html tags allowed in feed item content.

## [4.0.1] - 2014-02-08
### Changed
* Fixed bug: Empty array of feed items bug caused importing problems.

## [4.0] - 2014-02-04
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved some internal queries, for better performance.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Feed limits were not working properly.

## [3.9.9] - 2014-02-03
### Changed
* Enhanced: The custom feed can now be extended by add-ons.

## [3.9.8] - 2014-01-20
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Removed excessive logging from Debugging Error Log.

## [3.9.7] - 2014-01-17
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Bug in admin-debugging.php causing trouble with admin login

## [3.9.6] - 2014-01-17
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added error logging.

## [3.9.5] - 2014-01-02
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a feed validator link in the New/Edit Feed Sources page.
* Enhanced: The Next Update column also shows the time remaining for next update, for feed source on the global update interval.
* Enhanced: The custom feed has been improved, and is now identical to the feeds displayed with the shortcode.
* Enhanced: License notifications only appear on the main site when using WordPress multisite.
* Enhanced: Updated Colorbox script to 1.4.33

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: The Imported Items column was always showing zero.
* Fixed bug: Feed items not being imported with limit set to zero. Should be unlimited.
* Fixed bug: Fat header in Feed Sources page

## [3.9.4] - 2013-12-24
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added a column in the Feed Sources page that shows the number of feed items imported for each feed source.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Leaving the delete old feed items empty did not ignore the delete.

## [3.9.3] - 2013-12-23
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Fixed tracking pointer appearing on saving settings.

## [3.9.2] - 2013-12-21
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Incorrect file include call.

## [3.9.1] - 2013-12-12
### Changed
* Enhanced: Improved date and time handling for imported feed items.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Incorrect values being shown in the Feed Processing metabox.
* Fixed bug: Feed limits set to zero were causing feeds to not be imported.

## [3.9] - 2013-12-12
### Added
* New Feature: Feed sources can have their own update interval.
* New Feature: The time remaining until the next update has been added to the Feed Source table.

## [3.8] - 2013-12-05
### Added
* New Feature: Feed items can be limited and deleted by their age.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Added utility functions for shorter filters.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: License codes were being erased when add-ons were deactivated.
* Fixed bug: Some feed sources could not be set to active from the table controls.
* Fixed bug: str_pos errors appear when custom feed url is left empty.
* Fixed bug: Some options were producing undefined index errors.

## [3.7] - 2013-11-28
### Added
* New Feature: State system - Feed sources can be activated/paused.
* New Feature: State system - Feed sources can be set to activate or pause themselves at a specific date and time.

### Changed
* Enhanced: Added compatibility with nested outline elements in OPML files.
* Enhanced: Admin menu icon image will change into a Dashicon, when WordPress is updated to 3.8 (Decemeber 2013).

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Custom Post types were breaking when the plugin is activated.

## [3.6.1] - 2013-11-17
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Missing 2nd argument for wprss_shorten_title()

## [3.6] - 2013-11-16
### Added
* New Feature: Can set the maximum length for titles. Long titles get trimmed.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Fixed errors with undefined indexes for unchecked checkboxes in the settings page.
* Fixed bug: Pagination on front static page was not working.

## [3.5.2] - 2013-11-11
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Invalid feed source url was producing an Undefined method notice.
* Fixed bug: Custom feed was producing a 404 page.
* Fixed bug: Presstrends code firing on admin_init, opt-in implementation coming soon

## [3.5.1] - 2013-11-09
### Changed
* Enhanced: Increased compatibility with RSS sources.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Pagination not working on home page

## [3.5] - 2013-11-6
### Added
* New Feature: Can delete feed items for a particular source

### Changed
* Enhanced: the 'Fetch feed items' row action for feed sources resets itself after 3.5 seconds.
* Enhanced: The feed image is saved for each url.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Link to source now links to correct url. Previously linked to site's feed.

## [3.4.6] - 2013-11-1
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added more hooks to debugging page for the Feed to Post add-on.

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Uninitialized loop index

## [3.4.5] - 2013-10-30
### Fixed
* Bug Fix: Feed items were not being imported while the WPML plugin was active.

## [3.4.4] - 2013-10-26
### Added
* New feature: Pagination
* New feature: First implementation of editor button for easy shortcode creation

### Changed
* Enhanced: Feed items and sources don't show up in link manager
* Enhanced: Included Presstrends code for plugin usage monitoring

## [3.4.3] - 2013-10-20
### Added
* Added suppress_filters in feed-display.php to prevent a user reported error

### Fixed
* Removed anonymous functions for backwards PHP compatibility
* Missing <li> in certain feed displays

## [3.4.2] - 2013-9-19
### Changed
* Enhanced: Added some hooks for Feed to Post compatibility
* Enhanced: Moved date settings to a more appropriate location

## [3.4.1] - 2013-9-16
### Fixed
* Fixed Bug: Minor issue with options page - PHP notice

## [3.4] - 2013-9-15
### Added
* New Feature: Saving/Updating a feed source triggers an update for that source's feed items.
* New Feature: Option to change Youtube, Vimeo and Dailymotion feed item URLs to embedded video players URLs
* New Feature: Facebook Pages URLs are automatically detected and changed into Atom Feed URLs using FB's Graph

### Changed
* Enhanced: Updated jQuery Colorbox library to 1.4.29

### Fixed
* Fixed Bug: Some settings did not have a default value set, and were throwing an 'Undefined Index' error
* Fixed Bug: Admin notices do not disappear immediately when dismissed.

## [3.3.3] - 2013-09-08
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Better function handling on uninstall, should remove uninstall issues

## [3.3.2] - 2013-09-07
### Added
* New feature: Added exclude parameter to shortcode

### Changed
* Enhanced: Added metabox links to documentation and add-ons

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Custom feed linking to post on user site rather than original source
* Fixed bug: Custom post types issues when activitating the plugin

## [3.3.1] - 2013-08-09
### Fixed
* Fixed Bug: Roles and Capabilities file had not been included
* Fixed Bug: Error on install, function not found

## [3.3] - 2013-08-08
### Added
* New feature: OPML importer
* New feature: Feed item limits for individual Feed Sources
* New feature: Custom feed URL
* New feature: Feed limit on custom feed
* New feature: New 'Fetch feed items' action for each Feed Source in listing display
* New feature: Option to enable link to source

### Changed
* Enhanced: Date strings now change according to locale being used (i.e. compatible with WPML)
* Enhanced: Capabilities implemented
* Enhanced: Feed Sources row action 'View' removed

### Fixed
* Fixed Bug: Proxy feed URLs resulting in the permalink:

## [3.2] - 2013-07-06
### Fixed
* New feature: Parameter to limit number of feeds displayed
* New feature: Paramter to limit feeds displayed to particular sources (via ID)

### Changed
* Enhanced: Better feed import handling to handle large number of feed sources

## [3.1.1] - 2013-06-06
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Incompatibility with some other plugins due to function missing namespace

## [3.1] - 2013-06-06
### Added
* New feature: Option to set the number of feed items imported from every feed (default 5)
* New feature: Import and Export aggregator settings and feed sources
* New feature: Debugging page allowing manual feed refresh and feed reset

### Changed
* Enhanced: Faster handling of restoring sources from trash when feed limit is 0

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Limiter on number of overall feeds stored not working
* Fixed bug: Incompatibility issue with Foobox plugin fixed
* Fixed bug: Duplicate feeds sometimes imported

## [3.0] - 2013-03-16
### Added
* New feature: Option to select cron frequency
* New feature: Code extensibility added to be compatible with add-ons
* New feature: Option to set a limit to the number of feeds stored (previously 50, hard coded)
* New feature: Option to define the format of the date shown below each feed item
* New feature: Option to show or hide source of feed item
* New feature: Option to show or hide publish date of feed item
* New feature: Option to set text preceding publish date
* New feature: Option to set text preceding source of feed item
* New feature: Option to link title or not
* New feature: Limit of 5 items imported for each source instead of 10

### Changed
* Requires: WordPress 3.3
* Enhanced: Performance improvement when publishing * New feeds in admin
* Enhanced: Query tuning for better performance
* Enhanced: Major code rewrite, refactoring and inclusion of hooks
* Enhanced: Updated Colorbox to v1.4.1
* Enhanced: Better security implementations
* Enhanced: Better feed preview display

### Fixed
* Fixed bug: Deletion of items upon source deletion not working properly

## [2.2.3] - 2012-11-01
### Fixed
* Tab navigation preventing typing in input boxes
* Feeds showing up in internal linking pop up

## [2.2.2] - 2012-10-30
### Changed
* Feeds showing up in site search results
* Enhanced: Better tab button navigation when adding a new feed
* Enhanced: Better guidance when a feed URL is invalid

## [2.2.1] - 2012-10-17
### Fixed
* Fixed bug: wprss_feed_source_order assumes everyone is an admin

## [2.2] - 2012-10-01
### Added
* Italian translation added

### Changed
* Feed source order changed to alphabetical

### Fixed
* Fixed bug - repeated entries when having a non-valid feed source
* Fixed bug - all imported feeds deleted upon trashing a single feed source

## [2.1] - 2012-09-27* Now localised for translations
* Fixed bug with date string
* Fixed $link_before and $link_after, now working
* Added backwards compatibility for wp_rss_aggregator() function

## [2.0] - 2012-09-21
### Added
* Limit of 15 items max imported for each source
* Added install and upgrade functions
* Added DB version setting
* Feeds now fetched via Cron
* Cron job to delete old feed items, keeps max of 50 items in DB
* Ability to limit total number of feeds displayed
* Feed source list sortable ascending or descending by name

### Changed
* Now requires WordPress 3.2
* Bulk of code rewritten and refactored
* Updated colorbox to v1.3.20.1
* Feed sources now stored as Custom Post Types

### Removed
* Removed days subsections in feed display

### Fixed
* Fixed issue of page content displaying incorrectly after feeds

## [1.1] - 2012-08-13
### Added
* Added top level menu
* Added settings section
* Ability to open in lightbox, new window or default browser behaviour
* Ability to set links as follow or no follow

### Changed
* Now requires WordPress 3.0
* More flexible fetching of images directory
* Code refactoring
* Changes in file and folder structure
* Using constants for oftenly used locations

## [1.0] - 2012-01-06
* Initial release.