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Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/carousel/
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Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html3/games/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/_inc/build/carousel/swiper-bundle.min.js.LICENSE.txt

   * Dom7 3.0.0
   * Minimalistic JavaScript library for DOM manipulation, with a jQuery-compatible API
   * Copyright 2020, Vladimir Kharlampidi
   * Licensed under MIT
   * Released on: November 9, 2020

   * SSR Window 3.0.0
   * Better handling for window object in SSR environment
   * Copyright 2020, Vladimir Kharlampidi
   * Licensed under MIT
   * Released on: November 9, 2020

 * Swiper 6.7.0
 * Most modern mobile touch slider and framework with hardware accelerated transitions
 * Copyright 2014-2021 Vladimir Kharlampidi
 * Released under the MIT License
 * Released on: June 22, 2021