Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/core.soundcloud.php


// Main Class
require_once 'core.php';
class WpAutomaticSoundCloud extends wp_automatic {
	 * function sound_get_post
	function sound_get_post($camp) {
		// API client id
		$wp_automatic_sc_client = $this->get_soundcloud_key ();
		// If no API setup Don't post
		if (trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client ) == '') {
			echo '<br>SoundCloud API key is required,please visit the settings page and add it';
			return false;
		// ini keywords and options
		$camp_opt = unserialize ( $camp->camp_options );
		$keywords = explode ( ',', $camp->camp_keywords );
		$camp_general = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $camp->camp_general ) );
		// looping keywords
		foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) {
			$keyword = trim ( $keyword );
			// update last keyword
			update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'last_keyword', trim ( $keyword ) );
			// when valid keyword
			if (trim ( $keyword ) != '') {
				// record current used keyword
				$this->used_keyword = $keyword;
				// getting links from the db for that keyword
				$query = "select * from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general where item_type=  'sc_{$camp->camp_id}_$keyword' ";
				$res = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
				// when no links lets get new links
				if (count ( $res ) == 0) {
					// clean any old cache for this keyword
					$query_delete = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general where item_type='sc_{$camp->camp_id}_$keyword' ";
					$this->db->query ( $query_delete );
					// get new links
					$this->sound_fetch_items ( $keyword, $camp );
					// getting links from the db for that keyword
					$res = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
				// check if already duplicated
				// deleting duplicated items
				$res_count = count ( $res );
				for($i = 0; $i < $res_count; $i ++) {
					$t_row = $res [$i];
					$t_data = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $t_row->item_data ) );
					$t_link_url = $t_data ['item_url'];
					if ($this->is_duplicate ( $t_link_url )) {
						// duplicated item let's delete
						unset ( $res [$i] );
						echo '<br>SoundCloud item  (' . $t_data ['item_title'] . ') found cached but duplicated <a href="' . get_permalink ( $this->duplicate_id ) . '">#' . $this->duplicate_id . '</a>';
						// delete the item
						$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general where id={$t_row->id} ";
						$this->db->query ( $query );
					} else {
				// check again if valid links found for that keyword otherwise skip it
				if (count ( $res ) > 0) {
					// lets process that link
					$ret = $res [$i];
					$temp = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $ret->item_data ) );
					// generating title
					// report link
					echo '<br>Found Link:' . $temp ['item_url'];
					// update the link status to 1
					$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general where id={$ret->id}";
					$this->db->query ( $query );
					// if cache not active let's delete the cached items and reset indexes
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_SC_CACHE', $camp_opt )) {
						echo '<br>Cache disabled claring cache ...';
						$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general where item_type='sc_{$camp->camp_id}_$keyword' ";
						$this->db->query ( $query );
						// reset index
						$query = "update {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords set keyword_start =1 where keyword_camp={$camp->camp_id}";
						$this->db->query ( $query );
					$temp ['item_embed'] = '<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="' . $temp ['item_id'] . '&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>';
					return $temp;
				} else {
					echo '<br>No links found for this keyword';
			} // if trim
		} // foreach keyword
	 * function sound_fetch_items
	 * @param unknown $camp
	function sound_fetch_items($keyword, $camp) {
		// report
		echo "<br>So I should now get some sounds from SoundCloud for keyword :" . $keyword;
		// ini options
		$camp_opt = unserialize ( $camp->camp_options );
		if (stristr ( $camp->camp_general, 'a:' ))
			$camp->camp_general = base64_encode ( $camp->camp_general );
		$camp_general = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $camp->camp_general ) );
		$camp_general = array_map ( 'wp_automatic_stripslashes', $camp_general );
		// get start-index for this keyword
		$query = "select keyword_start ,keyword_id from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords where keyword_name='$keyword' and keyword_camp={$camp->camp_id}";
		$rows = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
		$row = $rows [0];
		$kid = $row->keyword_id;
		$start = $row->keyword_start;
		if ($start == 0)
			$start = 1;
		if ($start == - 1) {
			echo '<- exhausted keyword';
			if (! in_array ( 'OPT_SC_CACHE', $camp_opt )) {
				$start = 1;
				echo '<br>Cache disabled resetting index to 1';
			} else {
				// check if it is reactivated or still deactivated
				if ($this->is_deactivated ( $camp->camp_id, $keyword )) {
					$start = 1;
				} else {
					// still deactivated
					return false;
		// soundcloud offset parameter starts from zero, 50 , 100
		if ($start == 1)
			$start = 0;
		echo ' index:' . $start;
		// update start index to start+1
		$nextstart = $start + 50;
		$query = "update {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords set keyword_start = $nextstart where keyword_id=$kid ";
		$this->db->query ( $query );
		$wp_automatic_sc_client = $this->get_soundcloud_key ();
		// if specific user posting
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_USER', $camp_opt )) {
			$cg_sc_user_playlist = $camp_general ['cg_sc_user_playlist'];
			$author = $camp_general ['cg_sc_user'];
			if (! is_numeric ( $author )) {
				// getting correct author id
				$md5_author = md5 ( $author );
				$possible_author = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, $md5_author, true );
				if (is_numeric ( $possible_author )) {
					echo '<br>Setting author to:' . $possible_author;
					$author = $possible_author;
				} else {
					$possible_url = $author;
					if (! stristr ( $possible_url, 'http' )) {
						$possible_url = "" . $possible_url;
					// curl get
					$x = 'error';
					$url = $possible_url;
					echo '<br>Loading:' . $possible_url;
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
					// "soundcloud://users:42301153" "soundcloud://playlists:64167521"
					preg_match ( '!"soundcloud://' . $cg_sc_user_playlist . 's:(.*?)"!' , $exec, $found_possible_user_matches );
					if (isset ( $found_possible_user_matches [1] ) && trim ( $found_possible_user_matches[1] ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Found Numeric ID:' . $found_possible_user_matches [1];
						update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, $md5_author, $found_possible_user_matches [1] );
						$author = $found_possible_user_matches [1];
						echo '<--Did not find the ID, please add a numeric ID instead of the URL';
			if ($cg_sc_user_playlist == 'user') {
				$url = "" . trim ( $author ) . "/tracks";
				// pagination URL
				$pagination_url = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_' . trim ( $author ) . '_next', true );
				echo '<br>Pagination found:' . $pagination_url;
				if (trim ( $pagination_url ) != '' && in_array ( 'OPT_SC_CACHE', $camp_opt ))
					$url = $pagination_url;
			} else {
				$url = "" . trim ( $author ) . '?representation=full';
		} else {
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_TAG_SEARCH', $camp_opt )) {
				$url = "" . urlencode ( trim ( $keyword ) ) . "&sort=popular&app_version=1607422960&app_locale=en";
			} else {
				$url = "" . urlencode ( trim ( $keyword ) );
				$url = "" . urlencode ( trim ( $keyword ) ) . "&facet=genre&app_version=1606721975&app_locale=en";

		// authentication
		if (stristr ( $url, '?' )) {
			$url = $url . '&client_id=' . trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client );
		} else {
			$url = $url . '?client_id=' . trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client );
		// pagination
		// if playlist there is no pagination it retuns them all
		if (! stristr ( $url, '/playlists/' ) && ! stristr ( $url, '/users/' )) {
			$url = $url . '&limit=50&linked_partitioning=true&offset=' . $start;
		} else {
			echo '<br>Posting from playlist/user, skipping pagination';
		// date limit
		// published after filter 2014-3-10 00:00:00
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
			$beforeDate = $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_year'] . "-" . $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_month'] . "-" . $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_day'] . " 00:00:00";
			$url .= "&created_at[from]=" . urlencode ( $beforeDate );
		// report url
		echo '<br>SoundCloud url:' . $url;
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "" );
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		// validating reply
		if (stristr ( $exec, '{"' )) {
			// valid reply
			// handle pins
			$arr = json_decode ( $exec );
			// sounds get
			if (stristr ( $url, '/playlists/' )) {
				$items = $arr->tracks;
				$final_list = array ();
				$playlist_tracks_ids = '';
				foreach ( $items as $item ) {
					$ids [] = $item->id;
				for($i = 0; $i < count ( $ids ); $i = $i + 50) {
					$id_patchs [] = array_slice ( $ids, $i, 50 );
				foreach ( $id_patchs as $id_patch_arr ) {
					$playlist_tracks_ids = implode ( ',', $id_patch_arr );
					// curl get
					$x = 'error';
					$url = '' . urlencode ( $playlist_tracks_ids ) . '&client_id=' . trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client );
					echo '<br>Tracks list Call:' . $url;
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
					if (stristr ( $exec, 'artwork_url' )) {
						$new_list = json_decode ( $exec );
						$final_list = array_merge ( $final_list, $new_list );
						echo '<--- ' . count ( $new_list ) . ' tracks returned';
				$items = $final_list;
			} else {
				$items = $arr->collection;
			// if reversion order
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_REVERSE', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Reversing order';
				$items = array_reverse ( $items );
			echo '<ol>';
			// loop pins
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
				$itm ['item_url'] = $item->permalink_url;
				echo '<li>' . $itm ['item_url'];
				$itm ['item_id'] = $item->id;
				$itm ['item_likes_count'] = $item->likes_count;
				$itm ['item_purchase_url'] = $item->purchase_url;
				$itm ['item_thumbnail'] = $item->artwork_url;
				$itm ['item_thumbnail'] = str_replace ( '-large', '-t500x500', $itm ['item_thumbnail'] );
				$itm ['item_comment_count'] = $item->comment_count;
				$itm ['item_title'] = $item->title;
				$itm ['item_description'] = $item->description;
				$itm ['item_favoritings_count'] = isset($item->favoritings_count) ? $item->favoritings_count : '' ;
				$itm ['item_genre'] = $item->genre;
				$itm ['item_playback_count'] = $item->playback_count;
				$itm ['item_reposts_count'] = $item->reposts_count;
				$itm ['item_tags'] = $item->tag_list;
				$itm ['item_created_at'] = $item->created_at;
				$itm ['item_duration'] = $item->duration;
				$itm ['item_duration'] = number_format ( $item->duration / 60000, 2 );
				$itm ['item_user_id'] = $item->user_id;
				$itm ['item_user_link'] = $item->user->permalink_url;
				$itm ['item_user_thumbnail'] = $item->user->avatar_url;
				$itm ['item_user_thumbnail'] = str_replace ( '-large', '-t500x500', $itm ['item_user_thumbnail'] );
				$itm ['item_user_username'] = $item->user->username;
				$itm ['item_download_url'] = isset($item->download_url) ? $item->download_url : '';
				if (trim ( $itm ['item_download_url'] ) != '') {
					$itm ['item_download_url'] = $itm ['item_download_url'] . '?client_id=376f225bf427445fc4bfb6b99b72e0bf';
				$data = base64_encode ( serialize ( $itm ) );
				if ($this->is_execluded ( $camp->camp_id, $itm ['item_url'] )) {
					echo '<-- Execluded';
				if (! $this->is_duplicate ( $itm ['item_url'] )) {
					$query = "INSERT INTO {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_general ( item_id , item_status , item_data ,item_type) values (    '{$itm['item_id']}', '0', '$data' ,'sc_{$camp->camp_id}_$keyword')  ";
					$this->db->query ( $query );
				} else {
					echo ' <- duplicated <a href="' . get_edit_post_link ( $this->duplicate_id ) . '">#' . $this->duplicate_id . '</a>';
				echo '</li>';
				$i ++;
			echo '</ol>';
			echo '<br>Total ' . $i . ' items found & cached';
			// pagination URL
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_USER', $camp_opt ) && $cg_sc_user_playlist == 'user') {
				if (isset ( $arr->next_href ) && trim ( $arr->next_href ) != '') {
					echo '<br>Next page URL:' . $arr->next_href;
					update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_' . trim ( $author ) . '_next', $arr->next_href );
			// check if nothing found so deactivate
			if ($i == 0) {
				echo '<br>No new sounds found ';
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_USER', $camp_opt ) && $cg_sc_user_playlist == 'user') {
					// delete next page for user if no next page available
					if ((! isset ( $arr->next_href ) || trim ( $arr->next_href ) == '')) {
						delete_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_' . trim ( $author ) . '_next' );
						echo '<br>Keyword have no more sounds deactivating...';
						$query = "update {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords set keyword_start = -1 where keyword_id=$kid ";
						$this->db->query ( $query );
						if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_DEACTIVATE', $camp_opt ))
							$this->deactivate_key ( $camp->camp_id, $keyword );
				} else {
					echo '<br>Keyword have no more sounds deactivating...';
					$query = "update {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords set keyword_start = -1 where keyword_id=$kid ";
					$this->db->query ( $query );
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_DEACTIVATE', $camp_opt ))
						$this->deactivate_key ( $camp->camp_id, $keyword );
		} else {
			// no valid reply
			echo '<br>No Valid reply for sounds search from SoundCloud<br>' . $exec;