Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/core.single.php


// Main Class
require_once 'core.php';
class WpAutomaticSingle extends wp_automatic {
	private $original_cont;
	function single_get_post($camp) {
		// ini
		if (stristr ( $camp->camp_general, 'a:' ))
			$camp->camp_general = base64_encode ( $camp->camp_general );
		$camp_general = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $camp->camp_general ) );
		$camp_opt = unserialize ( $camp->camp_options );
		$temp = array ();
		// source url
		$cg_sn_source = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_sn_source'] );
		echo '<br>Source URL:' . $cg_sn_source;
		// validate URL
		if (! stristr ( $cg_sn_source, 'http' )) {
			echo '<br>Added URL is not a valid HTTP URL, Please add a correct URL and try again.';
			return false;
		// get the whole html
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( html_entity_decode ( $cg_sn_source ) ) );
		$cg_sn_cookie = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cookie'];
		if (trim ( $cg_sn_cookie ) != '') {
			$headers [] = "Cookie: $cg_sn_cookie ";
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
		if( in_array('OPT_FEED_APIFY' , $camp_opt) ){
			echo '<br>Loading the content using APIFY.COM service....';
			$wp_automatic_apify_key = get_option('wp_automatic_apify_key','');
			require_once 'inc/class.apify.php';
			$apify = new ValvePress_APIFY( $wp_automatic_apify_key , html_entity_decode ( $cg_sn_source ) , $this->ch );
			try {
				$apify_content = $apify->apify();
				$original_cont = $apify_content;
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				echo '<br>Error:' . $e->getMessage () . ' ....loading the post content directly';
				$original_cont = $this->curl_exec_follow ( $this->ch );
			$original_cont = $this->curl_exec_follow ( $this->ch );
		$this->original_cont = $original_cont;
		$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		if (trim ( $original_cont ) == '') {
			echo '<br>Failed to load the content from the source ' . $x;
			return false;
		// lazy loading imgs
		$original_cont = $this->lazy_loading_auto_fix ( $original_cont );
		// fix relative paths
		$original_cont = $this->fix_relative_paths ( $original_cont, $cg_sn_source );
		// dom class
		require_once 'inc/class.dom.php';
		$wpAutomaticDom = new wpAutomaticDom ( $original_cont );
		// title extraction
		$cg_sn_ttl_method = $camp_general ['cg_sn_ttl_method'];
		if ($cg_sn_ttl_method == 'auto') {
			$title = $wpAutomaticDom->getTheTitle ();
		} elseif ($cg_sn_ttl_method == 'css') {
			$cg_sn_css_type = $camp_general ['cg_sn_css_type'];
			$cg_sn_css = $camp_general ['cg_sn_css'];
			$cg_sn_css_wrap = $camp_general ['cg_sn_css_wrap'];
			if ($cg_sn_css_wrap [0] == 'inner') {
				$inner = true;
			} else {
				$inner = false;
			echo '<br>Extracting content by ' . $cg_sn_css_type [0] . ' : ' . $cg_sn_css [0];
			if ($cg_sn_css_type [0] == 'class') {
				$title = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByClass ( $cg_sn_css [0], $inner );
			} elseif ($cg_sn_css_type [0] == 'id') {
				$title = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByID ( $cg_sn_css [0], $inner );
			} elseif ($cg_sn_css_type [0] == 'xpath') {
				$title = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByXPath ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_css [0] ), $inner );
		} elseif ($cg_sn_ttl_method == 'visual') {
			$cg_sn_visual = $camp_general ['cg_sn_visual'];
			$title = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByXPath ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_visual [0] ) );
			echo '<br>Extracting content by XPath: ' . stripslashes ( $cg_sn_visual [0] );
		} elseif ($cg_sn_ttl_method == 'regex') {
			$cg_sn_regex = $camp_general ['cg_sn_regex'];
			echo '<br>Extracting content by REGEX : ' . htmlentities ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_regex [0] ) );
			$titleMatchs = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByRegex ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_regex [0] ) );
			if (isset ( $titleMatchs [0] ) && $titleMatchs [0] != '') {
				$title = $titleMatchs [0];
			} else {
				$title = '';
		if (is_array ( $title ))
			$title = $title [0];
		print_r ( '<br>Found Title:' . trim ( strip_tags ( $title ) ) );
		$temp ['original_title'] = $title;
		if (trim ( $title ) == '') {
			echo '<br><span style="color:red">Error: No title found, post will not get added. Please revise the extraction rules</span>';
		// get the content
		$i = 0;
		$cg_sn_cnt_method = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_method'];
		if ($cg_sn_cnt_method == 'auto') {
			$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getFullContent ();
			$content = $this->strip_unwanted ( $content, $camp_opt, $camp_general );
			$finalContent = $content;
		} elseif ($cg_sn_cnt_method == 'css') {
			$cg_sn_cnt_css_type = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_css_type'];
			$cg_sn_cnt_css = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_css'];
			$cg_sn_cnt_css_wrap = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_css_wrap'];
			$cg_sn_cnt_css_size = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_css_size'];
			$finalContent = '';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $cg_sn_cnt_css_type as $singleType ) {
				if ($cg_sn_cnt_css_wrap [$i] == 'inner') {
					$inner = true;
				} else {
					$inner = false;
				echo '<br>Extracting content by ' . $cg_sn_cnt_css_type [$i] . ' : ' . $cg_sn_cnt_css [$i];
				if ($cg_sn_cnt_css_type [$i] == 'class') {
					$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByClass ( $cg_sn_cnt_css [$i], $inner );
				} elseif ($cg_sn_cnt_css_type [$i] == 'id') {
					$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByID ( $cg_sn_cnt_css [$i], $inner );
				} elseif ($cg_sn_cnt_css_type [$i] == 'xpath') {
					$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByXPath ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_cnt_css [$i] ), $inner );
				if (is_array ( $content )) {
					if ($cg_sn_cnt_css_size [$i] == 'single') {
						$content = $content [0];
					} else {
						$content = implode ( "\n", $content );
					$content = $this->strip_unwanted ( $content, $camp_opt, $camp_general );
					$finalContent .= $content . "\n";
					$rule_num = $i + 1;
					$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num] = $content;
					$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num . '_plain'] = strip_tags ( $content );
				echo '<-- ' . strlen ( $content ) . ' chars';
				$i ++;
			} // foreach rule
		} elseif ($cg_sn_cnt_method == 'visual') {
			$cg_sn_cnt_visual = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_visual'];
			$finalContent = '';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $cg_sn_cnt_visual as $cg_sn_cnt_visual_s ) {
				echo '<br>Extracting content by XPath : ' . stripslashes ( $cg_sn_cnt_visual_s );
				$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByXPath ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_cnt_visual_s ), false );
				$content = (isset ( $content [0] )) ? $content [0] : '';
				echo '<-- ' . strlen ( $content ) . ' chars';
				$content = $this->strip_unwanted ( $content, $camp_opt, $camp_general );
				if (trim ( $content ) != '') {
					$finalContent .= $content . "\n";
				$rule_num = $i + 1;
				$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num] = $content;
				$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num . '_plain'] = trim ( strip_tags ( $content ) );
				$i ++;
		} elseif ($cg_sn_cnt_method == 'regex') {
			$cg_sn_cnt_regex = $camp_general ['cg_sn_cnt_regex'];
			$finalContent = '';
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $cg_sn_cnt_regex as $cg_sn_cnt_regex_s ) {
				echo '<br>Extracting content by REGEX : ' . htmlentities ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_cnt_regex_s ) );
				$content = $wpAutomaticDom->getContentByRegex ( stripslashes ( $cg_sn_cnt_regex_s ) );
				$content = $content [0];
				echo '<-- ' . strlen ( $content ) . ' chars';
				$content = $this->strip_unwanted ( $content, $camp_opt, $camp_general );
				if (trim ( $content ) != '') {
					$finalContent .= $content . "\n";
				$rule_num = $i + 1;
				$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num] = $content;
				$temp ['rule_' . $rule_num . '_plain'] = trim ( strip_tags ( $content ) );
				$i ++;
		$temp ['matched_content'] = $finalContent;
		$temp ['matched_content_plain'] = trim ( strip_tags ( $finalContent ) );
		$temp ['source_link'] = $cg_sn_source;
		return $temp;
	function strip_unwanted($content, $camp_opt, $camp_general) {
		// Stripping content using id or class from $res[cont]
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_STRIP_CSS', $camp_opt )) {
			echo '<br>Stripping content using ';
			$cg_selector = $camp_general ['cg_custom_strip_selector'];
			$cg_selecotr_data = $camp_general ['cg_feed_custom_strip_id'];
			$cg_selecotr_data = array_filter ( $cg_selecotr_data );
			// dom class
			require_once 'inc/sxmldom_simple_html_dom.php';
			// Load dom
			$final_doc = new DOMDocument ();
			// getting encoding
			preg_match_all ( '{charset=["|\']([^"]+?)["|\']}', $this->original_cont, $encMatches );
			$possibleCharSet = $encMatches [1];
			$possibleCharSet = isset ( $possibleCharSet [0] ) ? $possibleCharSet [0] : '';
			if (trim ( $possibleCharSet ) == '')
				$possibleCharSet = 'UTF-8';
			// overwrite to utf if already utf-8
			if ($possibleCharSet != 'UTF-8' && function_exists ( 'mb_detect_encoding' ) && mb_detect_encoding ( $content ) == 'UTF-8') {
				echo '<br>Source encoding is ' . $possibleCharSet . ' but we still think it is utf-8 resetting...';
				$possibleCharSet = 'UTF-8';
			$charSetMeta = '<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=' . $possibleCharSet . '"/>';
			$full_html = '<head>' . $charSetMeta . '</head><body>' . $content . '</body>';
			@$final_doc->loadHTML ( $full_html );
			$selector = new DOMXPath ( $final_doc );
			$html_to_count = $final_doc->saveHTML ( $final_doc->documentElement );
			$i = 0;
			$inner = false;
			foreach ( $cg_selecotr_data as $cg_selector_data_single ) {
				echo '<br> - ' . $cg_selector [$i] . ' = "' . $cg_selector_data_single . '" ';
				if (trim ( $cg_selector_data_single ) != '') {
					if ($cg_selector [$i] == 'class') {
						$query_final = '//*[contains(attribute::class, "' . trim ( $cg_selector_data_single ) . '")]';
					} elseif ($cg_selector [$i] == 'id') {
						$query_final = "//*[@id='" . trim ( $cg_selector_data_single ) . "']";
					$countBefore = $this->chars_count ( $html_to_count );
					foreach ( $selector->query ( $query_final ) as $e ) {
						$e->parentNode->removeChild ( $e );
					$html_to_count = $final_doc->saveHTML ( $final_doc->documentElement );
					$countAfter = $this->chars_count ( $html_to_count );
					echo '<-- ' . ($countBefore - $countAfter) . ' chars removed';
				$i ++;
			$contentAfterReplacement = $final_doc->saveHTML ( $final_doc->documentElement );
			$contentAfterReplacement = str_replace ( array (
			), '', $contentAfterReplacement );
			$contentAfterReplacement = preg_replace ( '{<head>.*?</head>}', '', $contentAfterReplacement );
			$content = trim ( $contentAfterReplacement );
		// Stripping content using REGEX
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_STRIP_R', $camp_opt )) {
			$current_content = $content;
			$cg_post_strip = html_entity_decode ( $camp_general ['cg_post_strip'] );
			$cg_post_strip = explode ( "\n", $cg_post_strip );
			$cg_post_strip = array_filter ( $cg_post_strip );
			foreach ( $cg_post_strip as $strip_pattern ) {
				if (trim ( $strip_pattern ) != '') {
					// $strip_pattern ='<img[^>]+\\>';
					echo '<br>Stripping:' . htmlentities ( $strip_pattern );
					$current_content = preg_replace ( '{' . trim ( $strip_pattern ) . '}is', '', $current_content );
			if (trim ( $current_content ) != '') {
				$content = $current_content;
		} // end regex replace
		// strip tags
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_STRIP_T', $camp_opt )) {
			echo '<br>Stripping html tags...';
			$cg_allowed_tags = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_allowed_tags'] );
			if (! stristr ( $cg_allowed_tags, '<script' )) {
				$content = preg_replace ( '{<script.*?script>}s', '', $content );
				$content = preg_replace ( '{<script.*?script>}s', '', $content );
				$content = preg_replace ( '{<noscript.*?noscript>}s', '', $content );
				$content = preg_replace ( '{<noscript.*?noscript>}s', '', $content );
			$content = strip_tags ( $content, $cg_allowed_tags );
		return $content;