Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wp-automatic/core.php


// spintax
require_once ('inc/class.spintax.php');

// youtube
require_once ('inc/youtube_class.php');

 * ---* Auto Link Builder Class ---
class wp_automatic {
	public $ch = '';
	public $db = '';
	public $spintax = '';
	public $plugin_url = '';
	public $wp_prefix = '';
	public $used_keyword = '';
	public $used_link = '';
	public $used_tags = '';
	public $duplicate_id = '';
	public $cached_file_path = '';
	public $minimum_post_timestamp = '';
	public $minimum_post_timestamp_camp = '';
	public $debug = false;
	public $translationSuccess;
	public $currentCampID;
	// Excluded links cache
	public $campExcludedLinks; // excluded links of the currecnt campaign comma separated
	public $campExcludedLinksFetched; // true if the excluded links fetched from the database
	// Duplicated links cache
	public $campOldDuplicateLinks; // duplicate links found from last run
	public $campOldDuplicateLinksFetched; // loaded or not?
	public $campNewDuplicateLinks; // new checked and found duplicate links
	public $campDuplicateLinksUpdate; // update them or not flag
	// Call limit
	public $sourceCallLimit; // number of times allowed to call the source if reached exists
	public $sourceCallTimes; // number of times the source was called
	// Link sufix
	public $isLinkSuffixed;
	// link once
	public $isLinkOnce;
	// proxy connected or not
	public $isProxified;
	// general banned words
	public $generalBannedWords;
	// if amazon location was simulated
	public $isAmazonLocationSimulated;
	public $soundCloudAPIKey = '';
	public $is_cookie_loaded = false;
	public $loaded_cookie_name = '';
	public $camp_opt = array ();
	 * ---* Class Constructor ---
	function __construct() {
		// plugin url
		$siteurl = get_bloginfo ( 'url' );
		$this->plugin_url = $siteurl . '/wp-content/plugins/alb/';
		// debug
		if (isset ( $_GET ['debug'] ))
			$this->debug = true;
		// db
		global $wpdb;
		$this->db = $wpdb;
		$this->wp_prefix = $wpdb->prefix;
		// $this->db->show_errors();
		@$this->db->query ( "set session wait_timeout=28800" );
		// curl
		$this->ch = curl_init ();
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 200 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36' );
		// curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8');
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 20 ); // Good leeway for redirections.
		@curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); // Many login forms redirect at least once.
		$cjname = $this->cookieJarName ();
		@curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, str_replace ( 'core.php', $cjname, __FILE__ ) );
		@curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cjname );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
		// verbose
		  $verbose = fopen ( str_replace ( 'core.php', 'verbose.txt', __FILE__ ), 'w' );
		   curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1 );
		   curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_STDERR, $verbose );
		// spintax
		$this->spintax = new Spintax ();
		// Ini excluded links
		$this->campExcludedLinksFetched = false;
		$this->campOldDuplicateLinksFetched = false;
		$this->campDuplicateLinksUpdate = false;
		$this->campNewDuplicateLinks = array ();
		// Link suffix
		$this->isLinkSuffixed = false;
		// Link once
		$this->isLinkOnce = false;
		// Call Limit
		$this->sourceCallLimit = 2;
		$this->sourceCallTimes = 0;
		// proxified
		$this->isProxified = false;
		// wp_automatic_ccc_stop
		$this->generalBannedWords = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_ccc_stop', '' );
		$this->isAmazonLocationSimulated = false;
	 * ---* Function Process Campaigns ---
	function process_campaigns($cid = false) {
		// DB prefix
		$prefix = $this->db->prefix;
		// Single or all check
		if (trim ( $cid ) == '') {
			// All campaings
			$last = get_option ( 'gm_last_processed', 0 );
			// get all the campaigns from the db lower than the last processed
			$query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_camps  where camp_id < $last ORDER BY camp_id DESC";
			$camps = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
			// check if results returned with id less than the last processed or not if not using regular method
			$query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_camps WHERE  camp_id >= $last ORDER BY camp_id DESC";
			$camps2 = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
			// merging 2 arrays
			$camps = array_merge ( $camps, $camps2 );
		} else {
			// Single campaign process
			$query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_camps  where camp_id = $cid ORDER BY camp_id DESC";
			$camps = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
		// check if need to process camaigns or skip
		if (count ( $camps ) == 0) {
			echo '<br>No valid campaigns to process ';
		} else {
			if (trim ( $cid ) == '')
				echo '<br>DB contains ' . count ( $camps ) . ' campaigns<br>';
		// now processing each fetched campaign
		$i = 0;
		foreach ( $camps as $campaign ) {
			// reading post status
			$status = get_post_status ( $campaign->camp_id );
			// if published process
			if ($status == 'publish') {
				if ($i != 0)
					echo '<br>';
				echo "<b>Processing Campaign</b> $campaign->camp_name {  $campaign->camp_id  }";
				// updating the last id processed
				update_option ( 'gm_last_processed', $campaign->camp_id );
				// check if deserve spinning now or not
				if (trim ( $cid ) == false) {
					// read post every x minutes
					if (stristr ( $campaign->camp_general, 'a:' ))
						$campaign->camp_general = base64_encode ( $campaign->camp_general );
					$camp_general = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $campaign->camp_general ) );
					$camp_general = array_map ( 'wp_automatic_stripslashes', $camp_general );
					if (! is_array ( $camp_general ) || ! isset ( $camp_general ['cg_update_every'] )) {
						$camp_general = array (
								'cg_update_every' => 60,
								'cg_update_unit' => 1 
					$post_every = $camp_general ['cg_update_every'] * $camp_general ['cg_update_unit'];
					echo '<br>Campaign scheduled to process every ' . $post_every . ' minutes ';
					// get last check time
					$last_update = get_post_meta ( $campaign->camp_id, 'last_update', 1 );
					if (trim ( $last_update ) == '')
						$last_update = 1388692276;
					// echo '<br>Last updated stamp '.$last_update;
					$difference = $this->get_time_difference ( $last_update, time () );
					echo '<br> last processing was <strong>' . $difference . '</strong> minutes ago ';
					if ($difference > $post_every) {
						echo '<br>Campaign passed the time and eligible to be processed';
						update_post_meta ( $campaign->camp_id, 'last_update', time () );
						$this->log ( '<strong>Cron</strong> >> eligible waiting campaign', $campaign->camp_name . '{' . $campaign->camp_id . '} last processing was <strong>' . $difference . '</strong> minutes ago ' );
						// process
						$this->log ( '<strong>Cron</strong> >> Processing Campaign:' . $campaign->camp_id, $campaign->camp_name . '{' . $campaign->camp_id . '}' );
						$this->process_campaign ( $campaign );
					} else {
						echo '<br>Campaign still not passed ' . $post_every . ' minutes';
				} else {
					// No cron just regular call
					// update last run
					update_post_meta ( $campaign->camp_id, 'last_update', time () );
					// process
					$this->log ( '<strong>User</strong> >> Processing Campaign:' . $campaign->camp_id, $campaign->camp_name . '{' . $campaign->camp_id . '}' );
					$this->process_campaign ( $campaign );
				$i ++;
			} elseif (! $status) {
				/* commented starting from 3.51.2
				// deleting Camp record
				$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_camps where camp_id= '$campaign->camp_id'";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
				// deleting matching records for keywords
				$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_keywords where keyword_camp ='$campaign->camp_id'";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
			} else {
				echo 'Campaign should be published firstly to run..';
	 * ---* Processing Single Campaign Function ---
	function process_campaign($camp) {
		// Ini get options
		$this->currentCampID = $camp->camp_id;
		$camp_post_every = $camp->camp_post_every;
		$wp_automatic_tw = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_tw', 400 );
		$wp_automatic_options = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_options', array () );
		$camp_type = $camp->camp_type;
		$camp_post_custom_k = unserialize ( $camp->camp_post_custom_k );
		$camp_post_custom_v = unserialize ( $camp->camp_post_custom_v );
		// camp general options
		if (stristr ( $camp->camp_general, 'a:' ))
			$camp->camp_general = base64_encode ( $camp->camp_general );
		$camp_general = unserialize ( base64_decode ( $camp->camp_general ) );
		@$camp_general = array_map ( 'wp_automatic_stripslashes', $camp_general );
		// get the count of posted posts so far
		$key = 'Posted:' . $camp->camp_id;
		$query = "select count(id) as count from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_log where action='$key'";
		$temp = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
		$temps = $temp [0];
		$posted = $temps->count;
		// if maximum reached skip
		if ($camp_post_every <= $posted) {
			echo '<br>The set maximum number of posts was reached. You have set this campaign to post a maximum of ' . $camp_post_every . ' posts.';
			$this->log ( 'Cancel Campaign', 'campaign reached maximum number of posts' );
			return false;
		// campaign options
		$camp_opt = unserialize ( $camp->camp_options );
		if (! is_array ( $camp_opt ))
			$camp_opt = array ();
		$this->camp_opt = $camp_opt;
		// link suffix
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_PREFIX', $camp_opt ) || in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_PREFIX_POLY', $camp_opt ) ) {
			$this->isLinkSuffixed = true;
		// never post same link flag
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_ONCE', $camp_opt )) {
			$this->isLinkOnce = true;
		// reading keywords that need to be processed
		$rawKeywords = trim ( $camp->camp_keywords );
		if (! stristr ( $rawKeywords, ',' )) {
			$newLinesCount = substr_count ( $rawKeywords, "\n" );
			if ($newLinesCount > 0) {
				$keywords = explode ( "\n", $rawKeywords );
				$rawKeywords = implode ( ',', $keywords );
				echo '<br>keywords suspected to be one per line adapting...';
		$keywords = explode ( ',', $rawKeywords );
		$keywords = array_filter ( $keywords );
		$keywords = array_map ( 'trim', $keywords );
		// set minimum item date if exists
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
			// check if dynamic date
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_DATE_T', $camp_opt ) && is_numeric ( trim ( $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_minutes'] ) )) {
				$cg_yt_dte_minutes = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_minutes'] );
				$current_time = time ();
				$minimum_time = $current_time - $cg_yt_dte_minutes * 60;
				// echo '<br>Minimum timestamp:'.$minimum_time;
				$this->minimum_post_timestamp = $minimum_time;
			} else {
				$this->minimum_post_timestamp = strtotime ( $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_year'] . '-' . $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_month'] . '-' . $camp_general ['cg_yt_dte_day'] . 'T00:00:00.000Z' );
			$this->minimum_post_timestamp_camp = $camp->camp_id;
		// Rotate Keywords
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_ROTATE', $camp_opt )) {
			echo '<br>Rotating Keywords Enabled';
			// last used keyword
			$last_keyword = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'last_keyword', 1 );
			if (! trim ( $last_keyword ) == '') {
				// found last keyword usage let's split
				echo '<br>Last Keyword: ' . $last_keyword;
				// add all keywords after the last keyword
				$add = false;
				foreach ( $keywords as $current_keword ) {
					if ($add) {
						// set add flag to add all coming keywords
						$rotatedKeywords [] = $current_keword;
					} elseif (trim ( $current_keword ) == trim ( $last_keyword )) {
						$add = true;
				// add all keywords before the last keyword
				foreach ( $keywords as $current_keword ) {
					$rotatedKeywords [] = $current_keword;
					if (trim ( $current_keword ) == trim ( $last_keyword ))
				// set keywords to rotated keywords
				if (count ( $rotatedKeywords ) != 0)
					$keywords = $rotatedKeywords;
				$keywordsString = implode ( ',', $rotatedKeywords );
				$camp->camp_keywords = $keywordsString;
		} else {
			$camp->camp_keywords = implode ( ',', $keywords );
		// Rotate feeds
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_ROTATE_FEEDS', $camp_opt )) {
			echo '<br>Rotating feeds Enabled';
			// last used feed
			$last_feed = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'last_feed', 1 );
			if (! trim ( $last_feed ) == '') {
				// found last feed usage let's split
				echo '<br>Last feed: ' . $last_feed;
				// add all feeds after the last feed
				$add = false;
				$feeds = explode ( "\n", $camp->feeds );
				$feeds = array_filter ( $feeds );
				foreach ( $feeds as $current_feed ) {
					if ($add) {
						// set add flag to add all coming feeds
						$rotatedfeeds [] = $current_feed;
					} elseif (trim ( $current_feed ) == trim ( $last_feed )) {
						$add = true;
				// add all feeds before the last feed
				foreach ( $feeds as $current_feed ) {
					$rotatedfeeds [] = $current_feed;
					if (trim ( $current_feed ) == trim ( $last_feed ))
				// set feeds to rotated feeds
				if (count ( $rotatedfeeds ) != 0)
					$feeds = $rotatedfeeds;
				$feedsString = implode ( "\n", $rotatedfeeds );
				$camp->feeds = $feedsString;
		$post_content = stripslashes ( $camp->camp_post_content );
		$post_title = stripslashes ( $camp->camp_post_title );
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_USE_PROXY', $camp_opt ) && $camp_type != 'Articles' && $camp_type != 'ArticlesBase') {
			$this->fire_proxy ();
		// ini content
		$abcont = '';
		$title = '';
		if ($camp_type == 'Articles') {
			// proxyfy
			$this->fire_proxy ();
			$article = $this->articlebase_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $article ['cont'];
			$title = $article ['title'];
			$source_link = $article ['source_link'];
			$img = $article;
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'ArticlesBase') {
			// proxyfy
			$this->fire_proxy ();
			$article = $this->articlebase_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $article ['cont'];
			$title = $article ['title'];
			$source_link = $article ['source_link'];
			$img = $article;
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Feeds') {
			// feeds posting
			echo '<br>Should get content from feeds';
			$article = $this->feeds_get_post ( $camp );
			if (isset ( $article ['title'] )) {
				$abcont = $article ['cont'];
				$title = $article ['title'];
				$source_link = $article ['source_link'];
			$img = $article;
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Amazon') {
			echo '<br>Trying to post a new Amazon product...';
			$product = $this->amazon_get_post ( $camp );
			// update offer url to add to chart
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_CHART', $camp_opt )) {
				$product ['product_link'] = $product ['chart_url'];
			$img = $product;
			$abcont = @$product ['offer_desc'];
			$title = @$product ['offer_title'];
			$source_link = @$product ['source_link'];
			$product_img = @$product ['offer_img'];
			$product_price = @$product ['offer_price'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Clickbank') {
			echo '<br>Clickbank product is required';
			$img = $product = $this->clickbank_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $product ['offer_desc'];
			$title = $product ['title'];
			$source_link = $product ['offer_link'];
			$product_img = $product ['img'];
			$product_original_link = $product ['original_link'];
			// print_r($product);
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Youtube') {
			// refer restrictions
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $_SERVER ['REQUEST_SCHEME'] . '://' . $_SERVER ['SERVER_NAME'] );
			echo '<br>Youtube Vid is required';
			$img = $vid = $this->youtube_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $vid ['vid_desc'];
			$original_title = $vid ['vid_title'];
			$title = $vid ['vid_title'];
			$source_link = $vid ['vid_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Vimeo') {
			echo '<br>Vimeo campaign let\'s get vimeo vid';
			$img = $vid = $this->vimeo_get_post ( $camp );
			// set player width and hieght
			$abcont = $vid ['vid_description'];
			$original_title = $vid ['vid_title'];
			$title = $vid ['vid_title'];
			$source_link = $vid ['vid_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Flicker') {
			echo '<br>Flicker image is required';
			$img = $this->flicker_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['img_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['img_title'];
			$title = $img ['img_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['img_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'eBay') {
			echo '<br>eBay item is required';
			$img = $this->ebay_get_post ( $camp );
			if (isset ( $img ['item_title'] )) {
				$abcont = $img ['item_desc'];
				$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
				$title = $img ['item_title'];
				$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
			// affiliate link
			if( isset( $img['item_affiliate_link'] ) && trim( $img['item_affiliate_link'] ) != '' )  
			$img ['item_link']=  $img ['item_affiliate_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Spintax') {
			echo '<p>Processing spintax campaign';
			$abconts = $post_title . '(99999)' . $post_content;
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TBS', $camp_opt )) {
				$abconts = $this->spin ( $abconts );
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_SP_SIMILAR', $camp_opt )) {
				$abconts = $this->spintax->spin ( $abconts, TRUE );
			} else {
				$abconts = $this->spintax->spin ( $abconts );
			$tempz = explode ( '(99999)', $abconts );
			// Rewrite the title
			if (! in_array ( 'OPT_TBS_TTL', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Spinning the title';
				$post_title = $tempz [0];
			$post_content = $tempz [1];
			$title = trim ( $post_title );
			$img = array ();
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Facebook') {
			$img = $this->fb_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = @$img ['matched_content'];
			$original_title = @$img ['original_title'];
			$title = @$img ['original_title'];
			$source_link = @$img ['original_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Pinterest') {
			$img = $this->pinterest_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['pin_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['pin_title'];
			$title = $img ['pin_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['pin_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Instagram') {
			$img = $this->instagram_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'TikTok') {
			$img = $this->tiktok_get_post ( $camp );
			$title = '';
			if(isset($img ['item_description'])){
				$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
				$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
				$title = $img ['item_title'];
				$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Twitter') {
			$img = $this->twitter_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'SoundCloud') {
			$img = $this->sound_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Craigslist') {
			$img = $this->craigslist_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Reddit') {
			$img = $this->reddit_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Careerjet') {
			$img = $this->careerjet_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_url'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Itunes') {
			$img = $this->itunes_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Envato') {
			$img = $this->envato_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'DailyMotion') {
			$img = $this->DailyMotion_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Walmart') {
			$img = $this->walmart_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['item_description'];
			$original_title = $img ['item_title'];
			$title = $img ['item_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['item_link'];
		} elseif ($camp_type == 'Single') {
			$img = $this->single_get_post ( $camp );
			$abcont = $img ['matched_content'];
			$original_title = $img ['original_title'];
			$title = $img ['original_title'];
			$source_link = $img ['source_link'];
		//default tags fill
		if(in_array( 'OPT_DEFAULT_TAGS' , $camp_opt)){
			$cg_default_tags = $camp_general['cg_default_tags'];
			$cg_default_tags_arr = array_filter( explode("\n", $cg_default_tags) );
			foreach($cg_default_tags_arr as $cg_default_tags_single){
				if( trim($cg_default_tags_single) != '' && stristr($cg_default_tags_single, '|' ) ){
					$cg_default_tags_single_parts = explode('|', $cg_default_tags_single);
					$cg_default_tags_single_key = $cg_default_tags_single_parts[0];
					if( ! isset($img[$cg_default_tags_single_key]) || trim($img[$cg_default_tags_single_key]) == '' ){
						$img[$cg_default_tags_single_key] = $cg_default_tags_single_parts[1];
		//adjust tags OPT_DEFAULT_TAGS
		if(in_array( 'OPT_ADJUST_TAGS' , $camp_opt)){
			$cg_adjust_tags = $camp_general['cg_adjust_tags'];
			$cg_adjust_tags_arr = array_filter( explode("\n", $cg_adjust_tags) );
			foreach($cg_adjust_tags_arr as $cg_adjust_tags_single){
				if( trim($cg_adjust_tags_single) != '' && stristr($cg_adjust_tags_single, '|' ) ){
					$cg_adjust_tags_single_parts = explode('|', $cg_adjust_tags_single);
					$cg_adjust_tags_single_key = $cg_adjust_tags_single_parts[0];
					if(  isset($img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key]) && is_numeric(str_replace(',' , '' , $img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key]))  ){
						echo '<br>Adjusting tag named:'. $cg_adjust_tags_single_key;
						//remove the , 
						$img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] = str_replace(',' , '' , $img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key]);
						$adjust_rule = $cg_adjust_tags_single_parts[1];
						if( stristr($adjust_rule, '*')){
							$adjust_rule_arr = explode('*', $adjust_rule);
							if( trim ($adjust_rule_arr[0]) == $cg_adjust_tags_single_key && is_numeric( trim($adjust_rule_arr[1] ) ) ){
								$img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] = $img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] * trim($adjust_rule_arr[1]);
								echo '<--adjusted';
								echo '<-- Invalid format';
						}elseif( stristr($adjust_rule, '+')){
							$adjust_rule_arr = explode('+', $adjust_rule);
							if( trim ($adjust_rule_arr[0]) == $cg_adjust_tags_single_key && is_numeric( trim($adjust_rule_arr[1] ) ) ){
								$img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] = $img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] + trim($adjust_rule_arr[1]);
								echo '<--adjusted';
								echo '<-- Invalid format';
						}elseif( stristr($adjust_rule, '-')){
							$adjust_rule_arr = explode('-', $adjust_rule);
							if( trim ($adjust_rule_arr[0]) == $cg_adjust_tags_single_key && is_numeric( trim($adjust_rule_arr[1] ) ) ){
								$img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] = $img[$cg_adjust_tags_single_key] - trim($adjust_rule_arr[1]);
								echo '<--adjusted';
								echo '<-- Invalid format';
		// source domain
		// featured_img_local_source ini
		$img ['featured_img_local_source'] = '';
		$img ['featured_img_source'] = '';
		// link suffix
		if ($this->isLinkSuffixed == true) {
			if (stristr ( $source_link, '?' )) {
				$source_link = $source_link . '&rand=' . $this->currentCampID;
			} else {
				$source_link = $source_link . '?rand=' . $this->currentCampID;
		// limit the content returned
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_LIMIT', $camp_opt )) {
			echo '<br>Triming post content to ' . $camp_general ['cg_content_limit'] . ' chars';
			$abcont = $this->truncateHtml ( $abcont, $camp_general ['cg_content_limit'] );
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_LIMIT_TITLE', $camp_opt ) && trim ( $title ) != '') {
			echo '<br>Triming post title to ' . $camp_general ['cg_title_limit'] . ' chars';
			$titleCharsCount = $this->chars_count ( $title );
			if ($camp_general ['cg_title_limit'] < $titleCharsCount) {
				$non_truncated_title = $title;
				if (function_exists ( 'mb_substr' )) {
					$title = mb_substr ( $title, 0, $camp_general ['cg_title_limit'] );
				} else {
					$title = substr ( $title, 0, $camp_general ['cg_title_limit'] );
				$title = $this->removeEmoji ( $title );
				// remove last truncated word
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_LIMIT_NO_TRUN', $camp_opt )) {
					// get last truncated word
					$truncated_title_parts = explode ( ' ', $title );
					$last_truncated_word = $truncated_title_parts [count ( $truncated_title_parts ) - 1];
					// check if really truncated
					$non_truncated_title_parts = explode ( ' ', $non_truncated_title );
					foreach ( $non_truncated_title_parts as $non_truncated_word ) {
						if ($non_truncated_word === $last_truncated_word) {
							// last truncated word is not truncated
					if ($non_truncated_word === $last_truncated_word) {
					} else {
						unset ( $truncated_title_parts [count ( $truncated_title_parts ) - 1] );
						$title = implode ( ' ', $truncated_title_parts );
				if (! in_array ( 'OPT_LIMIT_NO_DOT', $camp_opt ))
					$title = $title . '...';
		// check if valid content fetched before filling the template
		if (trim ( $title ) != '') {
			// Validate if the content contains wanted or execluded texts
			$valid = true;
			$exact = $camp->camp_post_exact;
			$execl = $camp->camp_post_execlude;
			$execr = '';
			$execr = @$camp_general ['cg_camp_post_regex_exact'];
			$excludeRegex = @$camp_general ['cg_camp_post_regex_exclude'];
			//Before filling the template, check banned and must exist words and length
			$valid = $this->validate_exacts ( $abcont, $title, $camp_opt, $camp, false, $camp_general );
			// duplicate title check
			if ($valid == true) {
				// check if there is a post published with the same title
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_FEED_TITLE_SKIP', $camp_opt )) {
					$title_to_check = $title;
					if ($title != '[original_title]')
						$title_to_check = @str_replace ( '[original_title]', strip_tags ( $title ), $camp->camp_post_title );
					if ($this->is_title_duplicate ( $title_to_check, $camp->camp_post_type )) {
						echo '<-- duplicate title skipping..';
						$valid = false;
			// if not valid process the campaign again and exit
			if ($valid == false) {
				// blacklisting the link so we don'g teg it again and cause a loop
				$this->link_execlude ( $camp->camp_id, $source_link );
				$this->process_campaign ( $camp );
				exit ();
			// strip links
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_STRIP', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Striping links ';
				// $abcont = strip_tags ( $abcont, '<p><img><b><strong><br><iframe><embed><table><del><i><div>' );
				// domain
				$leave_external = false;
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_STRIP_EXT', $camp_opt )) {
					$leave_external = true;
					$source_domain = (parse_url ( $source_link, PHP_URL_HOST ));
				if ($leave_external || strpos($abcont, '')) {
					preg_match_all ( '{<a .*?>(.*?)</a>}s', $abcont, $allLinksMatchs );
					$allLinksTexts = $allLinksMatchs [1];
					$allLinksMatchs = $allLinksMatchs [0];
					//print_r ( $allLinksMatchs );
					$allLinksMatchs_sorted = $allLinksMatchs; // copy of the original links
					usort ( ($allLinksMatchs_sorted), 'wp_automatic_sort' );
					$j = 0;
					foreach ( $allLinksMatchs_sorted as $singleLink ) {
						// index on the original non-sorted array
						$original_key = array_search ( $singleLink, $allLinksMatchs );
						$singleLink_no_images = preg_replace ( '{<img.*?>}', '', $singleLink );
						if (! stristr ( $singleLink, '' ) && ! ($leave_external && ! stristr ( $singleLink_no_images, $source_domain ))) {
							$abcont = str_replace ( $singleLink, $allLinksTexts [$original_key], $abcont );
						$j ++;
				} else {
					$abcont = preg_replace ( '{<a .*?>}s', '', $abcont );
					$abcont = str_replace ( array (
							'</ a>',
							'< /a>' 
					), '', $abcont );
				if ($camp_type == 'Youtube') {
					echo '...striping inline links';
					$abcont = preg_replace ( '/https?:\/\/[^<\s]+/', '', $abcont );
				//inline links removal 
				if(in_array('OPT_STRIP_INLINE' , $camp_opt)){
					echo '<br>Stripping inline links';
					$abcont_no_html = preg_replace ( '{<.*?>}s', '', $abcont );
					$abcont_no_html = preg_replace ( '{<.*?>}s', '', $abcont );
					$abcont_no_html = strip_shortcodes($abcont_no_html);

					//find links
					preg_match_all('/https?:\/\/[^<\s]+/s' , $abcont_no_html , $inline_matches );
					$inline_matches = $inline_matches[0];
					foreach( $inline_matches as $inline_matches_link ){
						if( ! stristr($inline_matches_link, '[') ){
							echo '<br>Removing link:'.$inline_matches_link;
							$abcont = str_replace( $inline_matches_link , '' , $abcont );
			// links in new tab
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LNK_BLNK', $camp_opt )) {
				$abcont = str_replace ( '<a ', '<a target="_blank" ', $abcont );
			// nofollow attribute
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LNK_NOFOLLOW', $camp_opt )) {
				$abcont = str_replace ( '<a ', '<a rel="nofollow" ', $abcont );
			// translate the cotent
			$img ['content_to_translate'] = '';
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TRANSLATE', $camp_opt ) && trim ( $abcont ) != '' && $camp->camp_translate_from != '' && $camp->camp_translate_from != 'no' && $camp->camp_translate_to != '') {
				echo '<br>Translating the post...' . $title;
				$img ['content_to_translate'] = $abcont;
				// to translate tags
				$tagsToTranslate = '';
				if (isset ( $img ['tags'] ) && trim ( $img ['tags'] ) != '') {
					$tagsToTranslate = trim ( $img ['tags'] );
				if (isset ( $img ['custom_fields'] )) {
					foreach ( $img ['custom_fields'] as $customFieldArr ) {
						if ($customFieldArr [0] == 'tags') {
							$tagsToTranslate = $customFieldArr [1];
				// YT tags
				if (trim ( $this->used_tags ) != '') {
					$tagsToTranslate = $this->used_tags;
				if (trim ( $tagsToTranslate ) != '') {
					$tagsToTranslate = explode ( ',', $tagsToTranslate );
					$tagsToTranslate = array_filter ( $tagsToTranslate );
					$tagsToTranslate = array_map ( 'trim', $tagsToTranslate );
					$tagsToTranslate = implode ( '[t]', $tagsToTranslate );
					$abcont = $abcont . '  [tagsToTranslate]' . $tagsToTranslate;
				// Translation Method
				$translationMethod = $camp_general ['cg_translate_method'];
				if ($translationMethod != 'googleTranslator' && $translationMethod != 'yandexTranslator' && $translationMethod != 'deeplTranslator') {
					$translationMethod = 'microsoftTranslator';
				// Translation success flag ini
				$this->translationSuccess = false;
				// fix translation wrong config en->no->fr
				if ($camp->camp_translate_from != 'no') {
					// en->no->fr
					if ($camp->camp_translate_to == 'no' && $camp->camp_translate_to_2 != 'no') {
						$camp->camp_translate_to = $camp->camp_translate_to_2;
						$camp->camp_translate_to_2 = 'no';
				$translation = $this->gtranslate ( $title, $abcont, $camp->camp_translate_from, $camp->camp_translate_to, $translationMethod );
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TRANSLATE_TITLE', $camp_opt )) {
					$title = $translation [0];
				$abcont = $translation [1];
				// check if another translation needed
				if (trim ( $camp->camp_translate_to_2 ) != 'no' && trim ( $camp->camp_translate_to_2 ) != '') {
					// another translate
					echo '<br>translating the post another time ';
					$translation = $this->gtranslate ( $title, $abcont, $camp->camp_translate_to, $camp->camp_translate_to_2, $translationMethod );
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_TRANSLATE_TITLE', $camp_opt )) {
						$title = $translation [0];
					$abcont = $translation [1];
				// strip tagstotransate
				if (stristr ( $abcont, 'tagsToTranslate' ) || stristr ( $abcont, '(t)' )) {
					$abcont = str_replace ( '(t )', '(t)', $abcont );
					$abcont = str_replace ( '(tagsToTranslate)', '[tagsToTranslate]', $abcont );
					$abcont = str_replace ( '(t)', '[t]', $abcont );
					preg_match ( '{\[tagsToTranslate\](.*)}', $abcont, $tagMatchs );
					$tagsTranslated = $tagMatchs [1];
					$tagsTranslated = str_replace ( '[t]', ',', $tagsTranslated );
					// strip the tags
					$abcont = preg_replace ( '{\[tagsToTranslate.*}', '', $abcont );
					if (stristr ( $abcont, '[t]' )) {
						preg_match ( '{\[t\].*}', $abcont, $tagMatchs );
						$tagsTranslated = $tagMatchs [0];
						$tagsTranslated = explode ( '[t]', $tagsTranslated );
						$tagsToTranslate = implode ( ',', array_filter ( $tagsTranslated ) );
						$abcont = preg_replace ( '{\[t\].*}', '', $abcont );
					// restore tags
					if (isset ( $img ['tags'] ) && trim ( $img ['tags'] ) != '') {
						$img ['tags'] = $tagsTranslated;
					} elseif (trim ( $this->used_tags ) != '') {
						$this->used_tags = $tagsTranslated;
					$newFields = array ();
					if (isset ( $img ['custom_fields'] )) {
						foreach ( $img ['custom_fields'] as $customFieldArr ) {
							if ($customFieldArr [0] == 'tags') {
								$newFields [] = array (
							} else {
								$newFields [] = $customFieldArr;
						$img ['custom_fields'] = $newFields;
				// translated values overwrite for custom field geneation
				$img ['original_title'] = $title;
				$img ['matched_content'] = $abcont;
			// title words as hashtags
			if (stristr ( $camp->camp_post_content . $camp->camp_post_title, '[title_words_as_hashtags]' )) {
				$separate_tags = $this->wp_automatic_generate_tags ( $title );
				$title_as_hash = '';
				foreach ( $separate_tags as $separate_tag ) {
					$title_as_hash .= " #{$separate_tag}";
				$img ['title_words_as_hashtags'] = trim ( $title_as_hash );
			// replacing general terms title and source link
			if ($camp_type != 'Facebook') {
				if (isset ( $source_link ))
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[source_link]', $source_link, $post_content );
			$post_title = @str_replace ( '[original_title]', strip_tags ( $title ), $post_title );
			$post_content = str_replace ( '[original_title]', $title, $post_content );
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[matched_content]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Articles' || $camp_type == 'ArticlesBase') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[matched_content]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Amazon') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_desc]', $abcont, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_img]', $product_img, $post_content );
				// $post_content = str_replace ( '[product_link]', $source_link, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_price]', $product_price, $post_content );
				// remove built-in gallery for amazon products when a woo gallery is used
				if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && in_array ( 'OPT_AM_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_imgs_html]', '', $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Clickbank') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_desc]', $abcont, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_img]', $product_img, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_link]', $source_link, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[product_original_link]', $product_original_link, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Youtube') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_player]', addslashes ( $vid ['vid_player'] ), $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_desc]', $abcont, $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_views]', $vid ['vid_views'], $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_rating]', $vid ['vid_rating'], $post_content );
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_img]', $vid ['vid_img'], $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'eBay') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_desc]', $abcont, $post_content );
				// remove built-in gallery for amazon products when a woo gallery is used
				if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && in_array ( 'OPT_EB_GALLERY', $camp_opt ) && is_array ( $img ['item_images'] )) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_images]', '', $post_content );
				} elseif (stristr ( $post_content, '[item_images]' ) && is_array ( $img ['item_images'] )) {
					$cg_eb_full_img_t = html_entity_decode ( $camp_general ['cg_eb_full_img_t'] );
					$imgs = $img ['item_images'];
					if (! stristr ( $cg_eb_full_img_t, '[img_src]' )) {
						$cg_eb_full_img_t = '<img src="[img_src]" class="wp_automatic_gallery" />';
					$contimgs = '';
					foreach ( $imgs as $newimg ) {
						$tempimg = $cg_eb_full_img_t;
						$contimgs .= str_replace ( '[img_src]', $newimg, $tempimg );
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_images]', $contimgs, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Flicker') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[img_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Vimeo') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[vid_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
				// set player width and height
				$vm_width = $camp_general ['cg_vm_width'];
				$vm_height = $camp_general ['cg_vm_height'];
				if (trim ( $vm_width ) != '') {
					$img ['vid_embed'] = $vid ['vid_embed'] = str_replace ( 'width="560"', 'width="' . $vm_width . '"', $vid ['vid_embed'] );
				if (trim ( $vm_height ) != '') {
					$img ['vid_embed'] = $vid ['vid_embed'] = str_replace ( 'height="315"', 'height="' . $vm_height . '"', $vid ['vid_embed'] );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Pinterest') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[pin_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Instagram') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
				// if video hide it's image
				if (stristr ( $abcont, '[embed' ) && ! in_array ( 'OPT_IT_NO_VID_IMG_HIDE', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Hiding vid image';
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_img]"', '[item_img]" style="display:none;" ', $post_content );
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_img]\"', '[item_img]\" style="display:none;" ', $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Twitter') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'TikTok') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
			}elseif($camp_type == 'Craigslist'){
				if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && in_array ( 'OPT_CL_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_imgs_html]', '', $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Facebook' || $camp_type == 'Single') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[matched_content]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'SoundCloud' || $camp_type == 'Craigslist' || $camp_type == 'Itunes' || $camp_type == 'Envato' || $camp_type == 'DailyMotion' || $camp_type == 'Reddit' || $camp_type == 'Walmart' || $camp_type == 'Careerjet') {
				$post_content = str_replace ( '[item_description]', $abcont, $post_content );
			} else {
				$post_content .= "<br>$abcont";
			// Replacing generic tags
			if (stristr ( $this->used_keyword, '_' )) {
				$pan = explode ( '_', $this->used_keyword );
				$this->used_keyword = $pan [1];
			// used keyword ini
			if (isset ( $this->used_keyword )) {
				$img ['keyword'] = $this->used_keyword;
			$post_content = str_replace ( '[keyword]', $this->used_keyword, $post_content );
			$post_title = str_replace ( '[keyword]', $this->used_keyword, $post_title );
			// replacing attributes
			foreach ( $img as $key => $val ) {
				if (! is_array ( $val )) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[' . $key . ']', $val, $post_content );
					$post_title = str_replace ( '[' . $key . ']', $val, $post_title );
			// replacing custom attributes for feeds
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds') {
				$attributes = $img ['attributes'];
				foreach ( $attributes as $attributeKey => $attributeValue ) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[' . $attributeKey . ']', $attributeValue [0] ['data'], $post_content );
					$post_title = str_replace ( '[' . $attributeKey . ']', $attributeValue [0] ['data'], $post_title );
			// formated date
			if (stristr ( $post_content, 'formated_date' ) || stristr ( $post_title, 'formated_date' )) {
				$tags = array (
				global $shortcode_tags;
				$_tags = $shortcode_tags; // store temp copy
				foreach ( $_tags as $tag => $callback ) {
					if (! in_array ( $tag, $tags )) // filter unwanted shortcode
						unset ( $shortcode_tags [$tag] );
				$post_title = do_shortcode ( $post_title );
				$post_content = do_shortcode ( $post_content );
				$shortcode_tags = $_tags; // put all shortcode back
			// replacing the keywords with affiliate links
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_REPLACE', $camp_opt )) {
				foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) {
					$keyword = trim ( $keyword );
					if (trim ( $keyword != '' )) {
						// $post_content = str_replace ( $keyword, '<a href="' . $camp->camp_replace_link . '">' . $keyword . '</a>', $post_content );
						$post_content = preg_replace ( '/\b' . preg_quote ( $keyword, '/' ) . '\b/', '<a href="' . $camp->camp_replace_link . '">' . $keyword . '</a>', $post_content );
			//replace keywords with specific links
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_REPLACE_KEYWORD', $camp_opt )) {
				$cg_keywords_replace = $camp_general['cg_keywords_replace'];
				$cg_keywords_replace_arr =  array_filter( explode("\n", $cg_keywords_replace) );
				foreach($cg_keywords_replace_arr as $cg_keywords_replace_rule ){
					//validating rule
					if(stristr($cg_keywords_replace_rule, '|')){
						$cg_keywords_replace_rule_parts = explode('|', $cg_keywords_replace_rule );
						$cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod = $cg_keywords_replace_rule_parts[0];
						$cg_keywords_replace_rule_link = trim($cg_keywords_replace_rule_parts[1]);
						$cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod_arr = explode( ',' , $cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod);
						foreach($cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod_arr as $cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod_arr_single ){
							$cg_keywords_replace_all[] = $cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod_arr_single;
							$cg_keywords_replace_all_vals[md5($cg_keywords_replace_rule_kewyrod_arr_single)] =  $cg_keywords_replace_rule_link;
					}//valid rule if
				//sort by length 
				usort ( ($cg_keywords_replace_all), 'wp_automatic_sort' );
				//replace found keywords with {number}
				$i = 0;
				foreach ($cg_keywords_replace_all as  $cg_keywords_replace_all_single){
					$post_content = preg_replace ( '/\b' . preg_quote ( $cg_keywords_replace_all_single, '/' ) . '\b/i', '{'. $i .'}' , $post_content );
				//replace found {number} with correct link
				foreach ($cg_keywords_replace_all as  $key => $cg_keywords_replace_all_single){
					$replace_link = $cg_keywords_replace_all_vals[ md5($cg_keywords_replace_all_single) ];
					echo '<br>Hyperlinking the keyword:' . $cg_keywords_replace_all_single . ' with this link:' . $replace_link; 
					$post_content = str_replace( '{' . $key .  '}' , '<a href="' . $replace_link  . '">' . $cg_keywords_replace_all_single . '</a>' ,$post_content );
			// replacing patterns
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE', $camp_opt )) {
				$separator = '|';
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE_SEP', $camp_opt )) {
					$separator = '#';
				$regex_patterns = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_regex_replace'] );
				echo '<br>Replacing using REGEX';
				// protecting tags
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE_PROTECT', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '..protecting tags.';
					preg_match_all ( "/<[^<>]+>/is", $post_content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
					$htmlfounds = $matches [0];
					// extract all fucken shortcodes
					$pattern = "\[.*?\]";
					preg_match_all ( "/" . $pattern . "/s", $post_content, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
					$shortcodes = $matches2 [0];
					$htmlfounds = array_merge ( $htmlfounds, $shortcodes );
					$htmlfounds = array_filter ( array_unique ( $htmlfounds ) );
					$i = 1;
					foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
						$post_content = str_replace ( $htmlfound, "[" . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . "]", $post_content );
						$i ++;
				if (stristr ( $regex_patterns, $separator )) {
					$regex_patterns_arr = explode ( "\n", $regex_patterns );
					foreach ( $regex_patterns_arr as $regex_pattern ) {
						$regex_pattern = trim ( $regex_pattern );
						if (stristr ( $regex_pattern, $separator )) {
							// title only flag
							$isTitleOnly = false;
							$isContentOnly = false;
							if (stristr ( $regex_pattern, $separator . 'titleonly' )) {
								$isTitleOnly = true;
								$regex_pattern = str_replace ( $separator . 'titleonly', '', $regex_pattern );
							if (stristr ( $regex_pattern, $separator . 'contentonly' )) {
								$isContentOnly = true;
								$regex_pattern = str_replace ( $separator . 'contentonly', '', $regex_pattern );
							$regex_pattern_parts = explode ( $separator, $regex_pattern );
							$regex_pattern_search = $regex_pattern_parts [0];
							if (count ( $regex_pattern_parts ) > 2) {
								$regex_pattern_replace = $regex_pattern_parts [rand ( 1, count ( $regex_pattern_parts ) - 1 )];
							} else {
								$regex_pattern_replace = $regex_pattern_parts [1];
							// space in replacement
							$regex_pattern_replace = str_replace ( '\s', ' ', $regex_pattern_replace );
							echo '<br>*Replacing ' . htmlentities ( $regex_pattern_search ) . ' with ' . htmlentities ( $regex_pattern_replace );
							// echo $post_content;
							// exit;
							if ( (! $isTitleOnly) || $isContentOnly  ) {
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE_WORD', $camp_opt )) {
									// replacing in content
									$post_content = preg_replace ( '{' . $regex_pattern_search . '}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $post_content );
									// replacing in rules
									$i = 1;
									while ( isset ( $img ["rule_$i"] ) ) {
										$img ["rule_$i"] = preg_replace ( '{' . $regex_pattern_search . '}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $img ["rule_$i"] );
										$i ++;
								} else {
									$post_content = preg_replace ( '{\b' . preg_quote ( $regex_pattern_search ) . '\b}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $post_content );
									// replacing in rules
									$i = 1;
									while ( isset ( $img ["rule_$i"] ) ) {
										$img ["rule_$i"] = preg_replace ( '{\b' . preg_quote ( $regex_pattern_search ) . '\b}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $img ["rule_$i"] );
										$i ++;
							} else {
								echo ' on titles only';
							if (  (in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE_TTL', $camp_opt ) || $isTitleOnly) && ! $isContentOnly ) {
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_RGX_REPLACE_WORD', $camp_opt )) {
									$post_title = preg_replace ( '{' . $regex_pattern_search . '}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $post_title );
								} else {
									$post_title = preg_replace ( '{\b' . preg_quote ( $regex_pattern_search ) . '\b}su', $regex_pattern_replace, $post_title );
				// restore protected tags
				if (isset ( $htmlfounds ) and count ( $htmlfounds ) > 0) {
					// restoring
					$i = 1;
					foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
						$post_content = str_replace ( '[' . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . ']', $htmlfound, $post_content );
						$i ++;
			// cache images locally ?
			$attachements_to_attach = array ();
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_CACHE', $camp_opt ) || $camp_type == 'Instagram' || $camp_type == 'Clickbank') {
				// strip srcset srcset=
				if (! in_array ( 'OPT_FEED_SRCSET', $camp_opt )) {
					$post_content = preg_replace ( '{srcset=".*?"}', '', $post_content );
					$post_content = preg_replace ( '{sizes=".*?"}', '', $post_content );
				preg_match_all ( '/<img [^>]*src=["|\']([^"|\']+)/i', stripslashes ( $post_content ), $matches );
				$srcs = $matches [1];
				$srcs = array_unique ( $srcs );
				$current_host = parse_url ( home_url (), PHP_URL_HOST );
				$first_image_cache = true; // copy of the first image if used for the featured image
				foreach ( $srcs as $image_url ) {
					// check inline images
					if (stristr ( $image_url, 'data:image' )) {
					// instantiate so we replace . note we modify image_url
					$image_url_original = $image_url;
					// decode html entitiies
					$image_url = html_entity_decode ( $image_url );
					if (stristr ( $image_url, '%' )) {
						// commented for version 3.44+
						// $image_url = urldecode($image_url);
					// file name to store
					$filename = basename ( $image_url );
					// clean names
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_CACHE_CLEAN', $camp_opt ) || ($camp_type == 'Instagram' && in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_CLEAN', $camp_opt ))) {
						$post_title_to_generate_from = $this->spintax->spin ( $post_title );
						$post_title_to_generate_from = str_replace ( array (
						), '', $post_title_to_generate_from );
						$clean_name = $this->file_name_from_title ( $post_title_to_generate_from );
						if (trim ( $clean_name ) != "") {
							// get the image extension \.\w{3}
							$ext = pathinfo ( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
							if ($camp_type == 'Instagram' || $camp_type == 'Facebook')
								$ext = 'jpg';
							if (stristr ( $ext, '?' )) {
								$ext_parts = explode ( '?', $ext );
								$ext = $ext_parts [0];
							// clean parameters after filename
							$filename = trim ( $clean_name );
							if (trim ( $ext ) != '') {
								$filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
					if (stristr ( $image_url, '%' ) || stristr ( $filename, '%' )) {
						$filename = urldecode ( $filename );
					if (stristr ( $image_url, ' ' )) {
						$image_url = str_replace ( ' ', '%20', $image_url );
					$imghost = parse_url ( $image_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
					if (stristr ( $imghost, 'http://' )) {
						$imgrefer = $imghost;
					} else {
						$imgrefer = 'http://' . $imghost;
					if ($imghost != $current_host) {
						echo '<br>Caching image    : ' . $image_url;
						// let's cache this image
						// set thumbnail
						$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
						// curl get
						$x = 'error';
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $image_url ) );
						// empty referal
						if (! in_array ( 'OPT_CACHE_REFER_NULL', $camp_opt )) {
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $imgrefer );
						} else {
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
						//amazon fix returns fastly error
						curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Host: '.$imghost ) );

						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
						$image_data = $this->curl_exec_follow ( $this->ch );
						$x = curl_error($this->ch);
						if(trim($x) != ''){
							echo ' <-- Error: '  . $x; 
						$contentType = curl_getinfo ( $this->ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE );
						if (! stristr ( $contentType, 'image' )) {
							echo '<-- can not verify if the content returned is an image skipping returned ' .$contentType;
						// now we know the mime, lets add an ext to fname if not existing
						$filename = $this->append_file_ext ( $filename, $contentType );
						$image_data_md5 = md5 ( $image_data );
						// check if already cached before
						$is_cached = $this->is_cached ( $image_url, $image_data_md5 );
						if ($is_cached != false) {
							echo '<--already cached';
							$post_content = str_replace ( $image_url_original, $is_cached, $post_content );
						$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
						if (trim ( $image_data ) != '') {
							$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
							if (stristr ( $filename, '?' )) {
								$farr = explode ( '?', $filename );
								$filename = $farr [0];
							if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
								$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
								$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
							// check if same image name already exists
							if (file_exists ( $file )) {
								$filename = time () . '_' . rand ( 0, 999 ) . '_' . $filename;
								if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
									$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
									$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
							} else {
							file_put_contents ( $file, $image_data );
							$file_link = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . $filename;
							$guid = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . basename ( $filename );
							// replace original src with new file link
							$post_content = str_replace ( $image_url_original, $file_link, $post_content );
							$this->img_cached ( $image_url_original, $file_link, $image_data_md5, $file );
							echo '<-- cached';
							if ($first_image_cache) {
								$first_image_cache = false;
								$first_cached_image_data = $image_data;
								$first_cached_image_link = $file_link;
								$first_cached_image_type = $contentType;
							// add to media library and attach to the post
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_FEED_MEDIA', $camp_opt )) {
								// atttatchment check if exists or not
								global $wpdb;
								$query = "select * from $wpdb->posts where guid = '$guid' limit 1";
								$already_saved_attachment = $wpdb->get_row ( $query );
								if (isset ( $already_saved_attachment->ID )) {
									$attach_id = $already_saved_attachment->ID;
								} else {
									$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype ( $filename, null );
									if ($wp_filetype ['type'] == false) {
										$wp_filetype ['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
									// Title handling
									$imgTitle = sanitize_file_name ( $filename );
									if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_ALT', $camp_opt )) {
										$imgTitle = wp_trim_words ( $post_title, 10, '' );
									$attachment = array (
											'guid' => $guid,
											'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype ['type'],
											'post_title' => $imgTitle,
											'post_content' => '',
											'post_status' => 'inherit' 
									// add attachements to attach after post publish
									$attachements_to_attach [] = array (
						} else {
							echo '<-- can not get image content ' . $x;
				} // end foreach image
				// Instagram added images for caching to delete class="delete"
				$post_content = preg_replace ( '{<img class="delete.*?>}', '', $post_content );
			// replacing words that should be replaced
			$sets = stripslashes ( get_option ( 'wp_automatic_replace', '' ) );
			$sets_arr = explode ( "\n", $sets );
			if (count ( $sets_arr ) > 0 && ! in_array ( 'OPT_REPLACE_NO_PROTECT', $wp_automatic_options )) {
				preg_match_all ( "/<[^<>]+>/is", $post_content, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
				$htmlfounds = $matches [0];
				// extract all shortcodes
				$pattern = "\[.*?\]";
				preg_match_all ( "/" . $pattern . "/s", $post_content, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
				$shortcodes = $matches2 [0];
				$htmlfounds = array_merge ( $htmlfounds, $shortcodes );
				$htmlfounds = array_filter ( array_unique ( $htmlfounds ) );
				$i = 1;
				foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( $htmlfound, "[" . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . "]", $post_content );
					$i ++;
			foreach ( $sets_arr as $set ) {
				if (trim ( $set ) != '' && stristr ( $set, '|' )) {
					// valid set let's replace
					$set_words = explode ( '|', $set );
					// cleaning empty words
					$i = 0;
					foreach ( $set_words as $setword ) {
						if (trim ( $setword ) == '') {
							unset ( $set_words [$i] );
						$i ++;
					if (count ( $set_words ) > 1) {
						// word 1
						$word1 = trim ( $set_words [0] );
						// randomize replacing word
						$rand = rand ( 1, count ( $set_words ) - 1 );
						$replaceword = trim ( $set_words [$rand] );
						echo '<br>replacing "' . $word1 . '" by "' . $replaceword . '"';
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_REPLACE_NO_REGEX', $wp_automatic_options )) {
							$post_title = str_replace ( $word1, $replaceword, $post_title );
							$post_content = str_replace ( $word1, $replaceword, $post_content );
						} else {
							$post_title = preg_replace ( '/\b' . trim ( preg_quote ( $word1, '/' ) ) . '\b/iu', $replaceword, $post_title );
							$post_content = preg_replace ( '/\b' . trim ( preg_quote ( $word1, '/' ) ) . '\b/iu', $replaceword, $post_content );
			// restore protected tags
			if (isset ( $htmlfounds ) and count ( $htmlfounds ) > 0) {
				// restoring
				$i = 1;
				foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[' . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . ']', $htmlfound, $post_content );
					$i ++;
			$abcontTxt = $camp->camp_post_content;
			$abtitleTxt = $camp->camp_post_title;
			// spin the content
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TBS', $camp_opt ) && trim ( $abcontTxt ) != '' || stristr ( $abcontTxt, '{' ) && stristr ( $abcontTxt, '}' ) && stristr ( $abcontTxt, '|' ) || stristr ( $abtitleTxt, '{' ) && stristr ( $abtitleTxt, '}' ) && stristr ( $abtitleTxt, '|' )) {
				if ($camp_type != 'Spintax') {
					echo '<br>Spin the content enabled';
					$abconts = $post_title . '(99999)' . $post_content;
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_TBS', $camp_opt )) {
						$abconts = $this->spin ( $abconts );
					$abconts = $this->spintax->spin ( $abconts );
					$tempz = explode ( '(99999)', $abconts );
					// Rewrite the title
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_TBS_TTL', $camp_opt )) {
						echo '<br>Spinning the title';
						$post_title = $tempz [0];
					$post_content = $tempz [1];
					// remove nospin tags
					$post_title = str_replace ( '[nospin]', '', $post_title );
					$post_title = str_replace ( '[/nospin]', '', $post_title );
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[nospin]', '', $post_content );
					$post_content = str_replace ( '[/nospin]', '', $post_content );
				} // not spintax
			// categories for post
			if (stristr ( $camp->camp_post_category, ',' )) {
				$categories = array_filter ( explode ( ',', $camp->camp_post_category ) );
			} else {
				$categories = array (
			// check if dummy title (notitle)
			$post_title = str_replace ( '(notitle)', '', $post_title );
			// Keyword to category
			$new_categories = array ();
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_CAT', $camp_opt ) && trim ( $camp_general ['cg_keyword_cat'] ) != '') {
				echo '<br>Keyword to category check started...';
				$content_to_check = in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_NO_CNT', $camp_opt ) ? '' : $post_content;
				$content_to_check .= in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_TTL', $camp_opt ) ? ' ' . $post_title : '';
				$cg_keyword_cat = $camp_general ['cg_keyword_cat'];
				$cg_keyword_cat_rules = array_filter ( explode ( "\n", $cg_keyword_cat ) );
				foreach ( $cg_keyword_cat_rules as $cg_keyword_cat_rule ) {
					if (stristr ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule, '|' )) {
						$cg_keyword_cat_rule = trim ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule );
						$cg_keyword_cat_rule_parts = explode ( '|', $cg_keyword_cat_rule );
						$cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword = $cg_keyword_cat_rule_parts [0];
						$cg_keyword_cat_rule_category = $cg_keyword_cat_rule_parts [1];
						$was_found = true;
						$cg_keyword_cat_rule_keywords = explode ( ',', $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword );
						foreach ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keywords as $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword_single ) {
							if (! preg_match ( '{\b' . preg_quote ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword_single ) . '\b}siu', $content_to_check ) || (stristr ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword_single, '#' ) && stristr ( $content_to_check, trim ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword_single ) ))) {
								$was_found = false;
						if ($was_found) {
							echo '<br><- Key ' . $cg_keyword_cat_rule_keyword . ' exists adding category:' . $cg_keyword_cat_rule_category;
							if (is_numeric ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_category )) {
								$new_categories [] = $cg_keyword_cat_rule_category;
							} elseif (stristr ( $cg_keyword_cat_rule_category, ',' )) {
								$new_categories = array_merge ( $new_categories, explode ( ',', $cg_keyword_cat_rule_category ) );
				// now new categories are available to consider
				if (count ( $new_categories ) > 0) {
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_CAT_FORGET', $camp_opt )) {
						$categories = $new_categories;
					} else {
						$categories = array_merge ( $categories, $new_categories );
			// post status
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_DRAFT_PUBLISH', $camp_opt ) && $camp->camp_post_status == 'publish') {
				echo '<br>Setting post status to draft temporarily';
				$postStatus = 'draft';
			} else {
				$postStatus = $camp->camp_post_status;
			// building post
			$my_post = array (
					'post_title' => ($post_title),
					'post_content' => $post_content,
					'post_status' => $postStatus,
					'post_author' => $camp->camp_post_author,
					'post_type' => $camp->camp_post_type,
					'post_category' => $categories 
			// Pending for non english
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_MUST_ENGLISH', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Checking If English or not';
				if ($this->is_english ( $post_title )) {
					echo '<-- English ';
				} else {
					echo '<--Guessed as Not English setting as pending';
					$my_post ['post_status'] = 'pending';
			// Pending for transation fail
			// skip if translation failed
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TRANSLATE', $camp_opt ) && in_array ( 'OPT_TRANSLATE_FTP', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Checking if translation faild..';
				if ($this->translationSuccess == false) {
					echo ' Found Failed... set to pending..';
					$my_post ['post_status'] = 'pending';
				} else {
					echo ' Found succeeded ';
			// prepare author
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds' && isset ( $img ['author'] ) && trim ( $img ['author'] ) != '' && in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_AUTHOR', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Trying to set the post author to ' . $img ['author'];
				$author_id = $this->get_user_id_by_display_name ( $img ['author'] );
				if ($author_id != false) {
					$my_post ['post_author'] = $author_id;
			kses_remove_filters ();
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds' && in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				if (isset ( $article ['wpdate'] ) && trim ( $article ['wpdate'] ) != '') {
					$wpdate = get_date_from_gmt ( $article ['wpdate'] );
					echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $wpdate;
					//compare to current time to eliminate scheduled post
					if( strtotime($wpdate) <= current_time('timestamp') ){
						$my_post ['post_date'] = $wpdate;
						echo ' problem: asked time is higher than current time, ignoring...';
				} else {
					echo '<br>No date found to set as the original post date';
			if ($camp_type == 'Craigslist' && in_array ( 'OPT_CL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$wpdate = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime ( $img ['item_date'] ) ) );
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $wpdate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $wpdate;
			if ($camp_type == 'Reddit' && in_array ( 'OPT_RD_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$wpdate = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', ($img ['item_date']) ) );
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $wpdate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $wpdate;
			if ( ($camp_type == 'Instagram' || $camp_type == 'TikTok' )   && in_array ( 'OPT_IT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $img ['item_created_date'];
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $img ['item_created_date'];
			if (($camp_type == 'Twitter' && in_array ( 'OPT_IT_DATE', $camp_opt )) || ($camp_type == 'SoundCloud' && in_array ( 'OPT_SC_DATE', $camp_opt ))) {
				$item_created_at = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime ( $img ['item_created_at'] ) );
				// $item_created_at = get_date_from_gmt($item_created_at);
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $item_created_at;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $item_created_at;
			if ($camp_type == 'Youtube' && in_array ( 'OPT_YT_ORIGINAL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$realDate = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $vid ['vid_time'] ) );
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $realDate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $realDate;
			if ($camp_type == 'Youtube' && in_array ( 'OPT_YT_AUTHOR', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting author for the post to ' . $img ['vid_author_title'];
				$author_id = $this->get_user_id_by_display_name ( $img ['vid_author_title'] );
				if ($author_id != false) {
					$my_post ['post_author'] = $author_id;
			if ($camp_type == 'Twitter' && in_array ( 'OPT_TW_AUTHOR', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting author for the post to ' . $img ['item_author_name'];
				$author_id = $this->get_user_id_by_display_name ( $img ['item_author_name'] );
				if ($author_id != false) {
					$my_post ['post_author'] = $author_id;
			if ($camp_type == 'Reddit' && in_array ( 'OPT_RD_AUTHOR', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting author for the post to ' . $img ['item_author'];
				$author_id = $this->get_user_id_by_display_name ( $img ['item_author'] );
				if ($author_id != false) {
					$my_post ['post_author'] = $author_id;
			if ($camp_type == 'DailyMotion' && in_array ( 'OPT_DM_ORIGINAL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$realDate = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $img ['item_published_at'] ) );
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $realDate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $realDate;
			if ($camp_type == 'Vimeo' && in_array ( 'OPT_VM_ORIGINAL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$realDate = $vid ['vid_created_time'];
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $realDate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $realDate;
			if ($camp_type == 'Facebook' && in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_FB_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
				$realDate = $img ['original_date'];
				echo '<br>Setting date for the post to ' . $realDate;
				$my_post ['post_date'] = $realDate;
			// set excerpt of amazon product post type
			if ($camp_type == 'Amazon' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && in_array ( 'OPT_AMAZON_EXCERPT', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting product short description';
				$my_post ['post_excerpt'] = $img ['product_desc'];
			// set excerpt of ebay product post type
			if ($camp_type == 'eBay' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && in_array ( 'OPT_EBAY_EXCERPT', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting product short description';
				$my_post ['post_excerpt'] = $img ['item_desc'];
			// remove filter kses for security
			remove_filter ( 'content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses' );
			// fixing utf8
			// echo ' Fixing ... '.$my_post['post_content'];
			$my_post ['post_content'] = $this->fix_utf8 ( $my_post ['post_content'] );
			$my_post ['post_title'] = $this->fix_utf8 ( $my_post ['post_title'] );
			// truemag instagram remove embed
			if (($camp_type == 'Instagram') && stristr ( $abcont, '[embed]' )) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					// extract video url
					$my_post ['post_content'] = preg_replace ( '{\[embed\](.*?)\[/embed\]}', '', $my_post ['post_content'] );
			// Exact match check after filling the template
			// validating exact
			$valid = true;
			$valid = $this->validate_exacts ( $my_post ['post_content'], $title, $camp_opt, $camp, true, $camp_general );
			// if not valid process the campaign again and exit
			if ($valid == false) {
				// blacklisting the link so we don'g teg it again and cause a loop
				$this->link_execlude ( $camp->camp_id, $source_link );
				$this->process_campaign ( $camp );
				exit ();
			// fix html entities
			// Emoji fix
			if (! isset ( $wpdb ))
				global $wpdb;
			$emoji_fields = array (
			foreach ( $emoji_fields as $emoji_field ) {
				if (isset ( $my_post [$emoji_field] )) {
					$charset = $wpdb->get_col_charset ( $wpdb->posts, $emoji_field );
					if ('utf8' === $charset) {
						$my_post [$emoji_field] = wp_encode_emoji ( $my_post [$emoji_field] );
						$my_post [$emoji_field] = preg_replace ( '/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', "", $my_post [$emoji_field] );
			// single campaign decide the decision
			if ($camp_type == 'Single') {
				$previousPostID = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_previous_id', 1 );
				$previousHash = get_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_previous_hash', 1 );
				$currentHash = md5 ( $my_post ['post_title'] . $my_post ['post_content'] );
				$cg_sn_after = $camp_general ['cg_sn_after'];
				if ($cg_sn_after == 'justnew') {
					// ignore all of that, a new post should be created ignoring last post
				} else {
					if (trim ( $previousPostID ) == '') {
						// inogre that, it is the first post ever
						echo '<br>First time posting...';
					} else {
						// previous post exists
						if ($cg_sn_after == 'delete') {
							// always delete old post, lets delete it
							echo '<br>Deleting previous post with ID:' . $previousPostID;
							wp_delete_post ( $previousPostID, true );
						} else {
							// we have a previous post, let's see if new post is a differnet or the same
							if ($previousHash == $currentHash) {
								// nothing changed, it is the same post
								echo '<br>Previous post contains the latest content as nothing changed...';
								exit ();
							} else {
								// post changed
								if ($cg_sn_after == 'deletechange') {
									// delete and create new one
									echo '<br>Content changed, Deleting previous post with ID:' . $previousPostID;
									wp_delete_post ( $previousPostID, true );
								} elseif ($cg_sn_after == 'new') {
									// don't delete anything, just create a new post
									echo '<br>Content changed, keeping old post and create a new one';
								} elseif ($cg_sn_after == 'update') {
									// update an existing post
									echo '<br>Content changed, updating post with ID:' . $previousPostID;
									$my_post ['ID'] = $previousPostID;
			//post parent 
			if( in_array('OPT_PARENT', $camp_opt) ){
				$cg_post_parent = $camp_general['cg_post_parent'];
				if(is_numeric($cg_post_parent)) $my_post['post_parent'] = $cg_post_parent;
			// custom slug 
			if( in_array('OPT_FEED_ORIGINAL_SLUG', $camp_opt) ){
				$final_slug = trim($this->get_final_slug( $source_link));
				echo '<br>Source slug:' . $final_slug;
				if(trim($final_slug) != '' ) $my_post['post_name'] = $final_slug;
			// filter
			$my_post = apply_filters ( 'wp_automatic_before_insert', $my_post );
			//fix \include where \ get removed  ticked ID 19524
			if($camp_type != 'Youtube'){
				if(stristr($my_post['post_title'], "\\")) $my_post['post_title'] = wp_slash($my_post['post_title']);
				if(stristr($my_post['post_content'], "\\")) $my_post['post_content'] = wp_slash($my_post['post_content']);
			// Insert the post into the database
			if ($my_post ['post_type'] == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_topic' )) {
				$cg_bb_fid = $camp_general ['cg_bb_fid'];
				if (is_numeric ( $cg_bb_fid )) {
					$my_post ['post_parent'] = $cg_bb_fid;
				$topicMeta = array ();
				$topicMeta ['forum_id'] = $cg_bb_fid;
				$id = bbp_insert_topic ( $my_post, $topicMeta );
			} else {
					//update exising post
					$id = wp_update_post($my_post);
					$id = wp_insert_post ( $my_post );
			if ($id == 0) {
				echo '<br>Error:Post Insertion failure';
				// print_r($my_post);
			} else {
				$args ['post_id'] = $id;
				$args ['img'] = $img;
				$args ['my_post'] = $my_post;
				do_action ( 'wp_automatic_post_added', $args );
			// attachements to attach from cached files
			if (isset ( $attachements_to_attach ) && count ( $attachements_to_attach ) > 0) {
				require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
				foreach ( $attachements_to_attach as $attachements_to_attach_single ) {
					$file = $attachements_to_attach_single [0];
					$attachment = $attachements_to_attach_single [1];
					$post_id = $id;
					if (! function_exists ( 'wp_automatic_filter_image_sizes' )) {
						function wp_automatic_filter_image_sizes($sizes) {
							$sizes = array ();
							return $sizes;
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_FEED_MEDIA_ALL', $camp_opt )) {
						add_filter ( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'wp_automatic_filter_image_sizes' );
					$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment ( $attachment, $file, $post_id );
					$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $file );
					wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $attach_data );
				// remove sizes filter
				remove_filter ( 'intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'wp_automatic_filter_image_sizes' );
			// wpml internal cron patch
			if (! stristr ( $_SERVER ['REQUEST_URI'], 'wp_automatic' ) && function_exists ( 'icl_object_id' )) {
				$wpml_options = get_option ( 'icl_sitepress_settings' );
				$default_lang = $wpml_options ['default_language'];
				$args ['element_id'] = $id;
				$args ['element_type'] = 'post_' . $camp->camp_post_type;
				$args ['language_code'] = $default_lang;
				do_action ( 'wpml_set_element_language_details', $args );
			// wpml integration
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_WPML', $camp_opt ) && function_exists ( 'icl_object_id' )) {
				include_once (WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/sitepress-multilingual-cms/inc/wpml-api.php');
				$language_code = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_wpml_lang'] ); // change the language code
				echo '<br>Setting WPML language to: ' . $language_code;
				if (function_exists ( 'wpml_update_translatable_content' )) {
					wpml_update_translatable_content ( 'post_' . $camp->camp_post_type, $id, ($language_code) );
					echo '<--Done';
					// find if there is a previous instance in another language
					global $sitepress;
					$cleanSource = preg_replace ( '{.rand\=.*}', '', $source_link );
					$sourceMD5 = md5 ( $cleanSource );
					$keyName = $sourceMD5 . '_wpml';
					$Qresults = $this->db->get_results ( "SELECT * FROM {$this->db->prefix}postmeta WHERE `meta_key` = '$keyName' limit 1", ARRAY_A );
					if (count ( $Qresults ) != 0) {
						// we have a previous instance
						$metaRow = $Qresults [0];
						$metaValue = $metaRow ['meta_value'];
						$metaParts = explode ( '_', $metaValue );
						echo '<br>Found a  previous instance of the post in a different langauge:' . $metaValue . ' connecting...';
						$sitepress->set_element_language_details ( $id, $my_post ['post_type'] . '_' . $my_post ['post_type'], $metaParts [0], $language_code, $metaParts [1] );
					} else {
						// record the post for next translation
						$trid = ($sitepress->get_element_trid ( $id ));
						add_post_meta ( $id, $sourceMD5 . '_wpml', $trid . '_' . $language_code );
				} else {
					echo '<--Failed make sure wpml directory is named "sitepress-multilingual-cms"';
			if(in_array('OPT_POLY', $camp_opt) && function_exists ( 'pll_set_post_language' )){
				$language_code = trim ( $camp_general ['cg_poly_lang'] );
				echo '<br>Setting language of Polylang plugin to ' . $language_code;
				//connect older posts?
				$cleanSource = preg_replace ( '{.rand\=.*}', '', $source_link );
				$sourceMD5 = md5 ( $cleanSource );
				$keyName = $sourceMD5 . '_poly';
				$Qresults = $this->db->get_results ( "SELECT * FROM {$this->db->prefix}postmeta WHERE `meta_key` = '$keyName' limit 1", ARRAY_A );
				if (count ( $Qresults ) != 0) {
					// we have a previous instance
					$metaRow = $Qresults [0];
					$metaValue = $metaRow ['meta_value'];
					echo '<br>Found a  previous instance of the post in a different langauge:' . $metaValue . ' connecting...';
					PLL()->model->post->save_translations( $id , array($metaValue => $metaRow ['post_id']) );
					//mark the post for next translation
					add_post_meta ( $id, $sourceMD5 . '_poly',   $language_code );
			// setting categories for custom post types
			if (true | $camp->camp_post_type != 'post') {
				$customPostTaxonomies = get_object_taxonomies ( $camp->camp_post_type );
				if (count ( $customPostTaxonomies ) > 0) {
					foreach ( $customPostTaxonomies as $tax ) {
						if (is_taxonomy_hierarchical ( $tax )) {
							if (trim ( $camp->camp_post_category ) != '')
								echo '<br>Setting taxonomy ' . $tax . ' to ' . $camp->camp_post_category;
							@wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $categories, $tax, true );
			} else {
			// feeds category
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds' && trim ( $img ['cats'] != '' )) {
				// Removed @v3.24.0
				// add_post_meta ( $id, 'original_cats', $img['cats'] );
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_CATS', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Setting Categories to :' . $img ['cats'];
					$cats = array_filter ( explode ( ',', $img ['cats'] ) );
					if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'post') {
						$taxonomy = 'category';
					} else {
						$taxonomy = $camp_general ['cg_camp_tax'];
					$new_cats = array ();
					// convert cats to ids
					foreach ( $cats as $cat_name ) {
						$cat = get_term_by ( 'name', $cat_name, $taxonomy );
						// check existence
						if ($cat == false) {
							$args = array();
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_CATS_PARENT', $camp_opt ) && is_numeric( trim( $camp_general['cg_parent_cat'] )) ) {
								$cg_parent_cat = $camp_general['cg_parent_cat'];
								$args=array('parent' => trim($cg_parent_cat));
							// cateogry not exist create it
							$cat = wp_insert_term ( $cat_name, $taxonomy , $args );
							if (! is_wp_error ( $cat )) {
								// category id of inserted cat
								$cat_id = $cat ['term_id'];
								$new_cats [] = $cat_id;
						} else {
							// category already exists let's get it's id
							$cat_id = $cat->term_id;
							$new_cats [] = $cat_id;
					// insert cats
					if (count ( $new_cats ) > 0)
						wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $new_cats, $taxonomy, true );
					// delete uncategorized
					if ($taxonomy == 'category') {
						// get uncategorized slug by term id
						$uncatObject = get_term ( 1 );
						wp_remove_object_terms ( $id, $uncatObject->slug, $taxonomy );
			// If post type== product, set the tags taxonomy to product_tags
			if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'product' && ! in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
				$camp_opt [] = 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG';
				$camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] = 'product_tag';
			// Feeds part to field extraction set
			if ($camp_type == 'Feeds') {
				$customFieldsArr = $img ['custom_fields'];
				if (is_array ( $customFieldsArr ) && count ( $customFieldsArr ) != 0) {
					foreach ( $customFieldsArr as $customFieldSet ) {
						if ($customFieldSet [0] == 'excerpt') {
							$my_post = array (
									'ID' => $id,
									'post_excerpt' => $customFieldSet [1] 
							wp_update_post ( $my_post );
						} elseif ($customFieldSet [0] == 'tags') {
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
								wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $customFieldSet [1], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
							} else {
								wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $customFieldSet [1], true );
						} elseif (stristr ( $customFieldSet [0], 'taxonomy_' )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $customFieldSet [1], str_replace ( 'taxonomy_', '', $customFieldSet [0] ), true );
						} else {
							if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
							add_post_meta ( $id, $customFieldSet [0], $customFieldSet [1] );
					} // foreach field
				} // if array
			} // if feed
			$post_id = $id;
			if( ! isset( $my_post['ID'] ) )
			add_post_meta ( $id, 'wp_automatic_camp', $camp->camp_id );
			if (isset ( $source_link )) {
				if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
				$addedLink = add_post_meta ( $id, md5 ( $source_link ), $post_title );
				if (! isset($addedLink) || $addedLink === false) {
					if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
					add_post_meta ( $id, md5 ( $source_link ), md5 ( $source_link ) );
				if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
				add_post_meta ( $id, 'original_link', $source_link );
			// Record link if posted before
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_ONCE', $camp_opt )) {
				$query = "insert into {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_links(	link_url ,link_keyword ) values ('" . md5 ( $source_link ) . "','" . $camp->camp_id . "')";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
			// if link to source set flag
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_SOURSE', $camp_opt )) {
				if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
				add_post_meta ( $id, '_link_to_source', 'yes' );
			// if link canonical _yoast_wpseo_canonical
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_LINK_CANONICAL', $camp_opt )) {
				if (defined ( 'WPSEO_VERSION' )) {
					if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
					add_post_meta ( $id, '_yoast_wpseo_canonical', $source_link );
				} else {
					if( ! isset( $my_post['ID']) )
					add_post_meta ( $id, 'canonical_url', $source_link );
			// add featured image
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_REPLACE', $camp_opt )) {
				foreach ( $keywords as $keyword ) {
					$keyword = trim ( $keyword );
					if (trim ( $keyword != '' )) {
						$post_content = str_replace ( $keyword, '<a href="' . $camp->camp_replace_link . '">' . $keyword . '</a>', $post_content );
			// Featured image
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB', $camp_opt )) {
				$srcs = array (); // ini
				$srcs_alts = array ();
				// if force og_img
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_FEEDS_OG_IMG', $camp_opt ) && isset ( $img ['og_img'] ) && trim ( $img ['og_img'] ) != '') {
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_FEEDS_OG_IMG_REVERSE', $camp_opt ) && stristr ( $post_content, '<img' )) {
						echo '<br>og:image found but will be skipped';
						// here the image contains a first image and og:image should skipped
						// set an og:image variable so it get appended to the end of found images. If width check is active and all images on post are not wide enough
						$og_image = $img ['og_img'];
					} else {
						$srcs = array (
								$img ['og_img'] 
						$srcs_alts [] = $img ['og_alt'];
				// if youtube set thumbnail to video thum
				if ($camp_type == 'Youtube' || $camp_type == 'Vimeo') {
					// set youtube/vimeo image as featured image
					// check if maxres exists
					if (stristr ( $vid ['vid_img'], 'hqdefault' )) {
						$maxres = str_replace ( 'hqdefault', 'maxresdefault', $vid ['vid_img'] );
						$maxhead = wp_remote_head ( $maxres );
						if (! is_wp_error ( $maxhead ) && $maxhead ['response'] ['code'] == 200) {
							$vid ['vid_img'] = $maxres;
					$srcs = array (
							$vid ['vid_img'] 
					echo '<br>Vid Thumb:' . $vid ['vid_img'];
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'DailyMotion') {
					$srcs = array (
							$img ['item_image'] 
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'SoundCloud') {
					if (trim ( $img ['item_thumbnail'] ) != '') {
						$srcs = array (
								$img ['item_thumbnail'] 
					} elseif (trim ( $img ['item_user_thumbnail'] ) != '') {
						// $srcs = array($img['item_user_thumbnail']);
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'Twitter'  && isset ( $img ['item_image'] )  && trim ( $img ['item_image'] ) != '' ) {
					$srcs = array (
							$img ['item_image'] 
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'TikTok'  || $camp_type == 'Craigslist' ) {

					$srcs = array (
							$img ['item_img']
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'Amazon') {
					$srcs = array (
							$img ['product_img'] 
				} elseif ($camp_type == 'eBay') {
					$srcs = array (
							$img ['item_img'] 
				} elseif (isset ( $srcs ) && count ( $srcs ) > 0) {
				} else {
					$post_content_to_check_for_src_imgs = $post_content;
					$post_content_to_check_for_src_imgs = preg_replace( '!src="data:image.*?"!' , '' , $post_content_to_check_for_src_imgs );
					// extract first image
					preg_match_all ( '/<img [^>]*src[\s]*=[\s]*"(.*?)".*?>/i', stripslashes ( $post_content_to_check_for_src_imgs ), $matches );
					$srcs = $matches [1];
					$srcs_html = $matches [0];
					foreach ( $srcs_html as $src_html ) {
						preg_match ( '/alt[\s]*=[\s]*"(.*?)"/i', $src_html, $alt_matches );
						if (isset ( $alt_matches [1] )) {
							$srcs_alts [] = $alt_matches [1];
						} else {
							$srcs_alts [] = '';
					if (isset ( $og_image )) {
						$og_arr = array ();
						$og_arr [] = $og_image;
						$srcs = array_merge ( $srcs, $og_arr );
				// may be a wp_automatic_Readability missed the image on the content get it from summary ?
				if (count ( $srcs ) == 0 && $camp_type == 'Feeds' && in_array ( 'OPT_FULL_FEED', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Featured image is missing at full content searching for it in feed instead';
					preg_match_all ( '/<img [^>]*src="([^"]+).*?/i', stripslashes ( $article ['original_content'] ), $matches );
					$srcs = $matches [1];
					$srcs_html = $matches [0];
					foreach ( $srcs_html as $src_html ) {
						preg_match ( '/alt[\s]*=[\s]*"(.*?)"/i', $src_html, $alt_matches );
						$srcs_alts [] = $alt_matches [1];
					if (count ( $srcs ) == 0) {
						echo '<br>No image found at the feed summary';
						if (trim ( $img ['og_img'] ) != '') {
							echo '<br>Graph image thumb found';
							$srcs = array (
									$img ['og_img'] 
				// No featured image found let's check if random image list found
				if (count ( $srcs ) == 0 && in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_LIST', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Trying to set random image as featured image';
					$cg_thmb_list = $camp_general ['cg_thmb_list'];
					$cg_imgs = explode ( "\n", $cg_thmb_list );
					$cg_imgs = array_filter ( $cg_imgs );
					$cg_rand_img = trim ( $cg_imgs [rand ( 0, count ( $cg_imgs ) - 1 )] );
					// validate image
					if (trim ( $cg_rand_img ) != '') {
						$srcs = array (
				} elseif (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_LIST', $camp_opt )) {
					$cg_thmb_list = $camp_general ['cg_thmb_list'];
					$cg_imgs = explode ( "\n", $cg_thmb_list );
					$cg_imgs = array_filter ( $cg_imgs );
					$cg_rand_img = trim ( $cg_imgs [rand ( 0, count ( $cg_imgs ) - 1 )] );
					// validate image
					if (trim ( $cg_rand_img ) != '') {
						$srcs = array_merge ( $srcs, array (
						) );
				// if foce using thumb list
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_LIST_FORCE', $camp_opt ) && in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_LIST', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Force using image from set list';
					$cg_thmb_list = $camp_general ['cg_thmb_list'];
					$cg_imgs = explode ( "\n", $cg_thmb_list );
					$cg_imgs = array_filter ( $cg_imgs );
					$cg_rand_img = trim ( $cg_imgs [rand ( 0, count ( $cg_imgs ) - 1 )] );
					// validate image
					if (trim ( $cg_rand_img ) != '') {
						$srcs = array (
				// check srcs size to skip small images
				if (count ( $srcs ) > 0 && in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_WIDTH_CHECK', $camp_opt )) {
					$cg_minimum_width = 0;
					$cg_minimum_width = $camp_general ['cg_minimum_width'];
					if (! (is_numeric ( $cg_minimum_width ) && $cg_minimum_width > 0)) {
						$cg_minimum_width = 100;
					$n = 0;
					$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
					foreach ( $srcs as $current_img ) {
						echo '<br>Candidate featured image: ' . $current_img;
						if (stristr ( $current_img, 'data:image' ) && stristr ( $current_img, 'base64,' )) {
							$ex = explode ( 'base64,', $current_img );
							$image_data = base64_decode ( $ex [1] );
						} else {
							// curl get
							$x = 'error';
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $current_img ) );
							$image_data = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
							$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
						if (trim ( $image_data ) != '') {
							// let's save the file
							if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
								$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . 'temp_wp_automatic';
								$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . 'temp_wp_automatic';
							file_put_contents ( $file, $image_data );
							$size = getimagesize ( $file );
							if ($size != false) {
								if ($size [0] > $cg_minimum_width) {
									echo '<-- Valid width is ' . $size [0] . ' larger than ' . $cg_minimum_width;
								} else {
									echo '<-- width is too low ' . $size [0];
									unset ( $srcs [$n] );
									if (isset ( $srcs_alts [$n] ))
										unset ( $srcs_alts [$n] );
							} else {
								echo '<--size verification failed';
								unset ( $srcs [$n] );
								if (isset ( $srcs_alts [$n] ))
									unset ( $srcs_alts [$n] );
						} else {
							echo '<--no content ';
							unset ( $srcs [$n] );
							if (isset ( $srcs_alts [$n] ))
								unset ( $srcs_alts [$n] );
						$n ++;
				} // width check
				// Setting the thumb
				if (count ( $srcs ) > 0) {
					$src = reset ( $srcs );
					$image_url = $src;
					$this->log ( 'Featured image', '<a href="' . $image_url . '">' . $image_url . '</a>' );
					echo '<br>Featured image src: ' . $image_url;
					// set thumbnail
					$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
					// img host
					$imghost = parse_url ( $image_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
					if (stristr ( $imghost, 'http://' )) {
						$imgrefer = $imghost;
					} else {
						$imgrefer = 'http://' . $imghost;
					//amazon fix returns fastly error
						curl_setopt($this->ch,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Host: '.$imghost ) );
					// empty referal
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_CACHE_REFER_NULL', $camp_opt )) {
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $imgrefer );
					} else {
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
					if (stristr ( $image_url, 'base64,' )) {
						$filename = time ();
					} else {
						// Decode html entitiies
						$image_url = html_entity_decode ( $image_url );
						// file named 417t7%2BJs8wL.jpg turned to 417t7%252BJs8wL.jpg
						if (stristr ( $image_url, '%' )) {
							$image_url = urldecode ( $image_url );
						// File name to store
						$filename = basename ( $image_url );
						// Empty spaces fix
						if (stristr ( $filename, ' ' )) {
							$filename = str_replace ( ' ', '-', $filename );
						// ? parameters removal 98176282_1622303147922555_5452725500717826048_n.jpg?_nc_cat=100&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=GHJGt1-A1z4AX-HoLXS&_nc_ht=scontent.faly1-2.fna&oh=802a3fc69c0ace28cc4a936134acaa2d&oe=5F022286
						if ( stristr( $filename, '?' ) ) {
							$without_params_filename = preg_replace( '{\?.*}', '' , $filename );
							if (trim ( $without_params_filename ) != '') {
								$filename = $without_params_filename;
						// Youtube hqdefault.jpg may exists with different data, change the name
						if (stristr ( $filename, 'default.jpg' )) {
							$filename = time () . '_' . $filename;
						// sanizie to remove single quotes and fancey chars
						$filename = str_replace ( array (
						), '', $filename );
						$filename = sanitize_file_name ( $filename );
						if (stristr ( $image_url, ' ' )) {
							$image_url = str_replace ( ' ', '%20', $image_url );
					// Clean thumb
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_CLEAN', $camp_opt )) {
						$clean_name = $this->file_name_from_title ( $post_title );
						if (trim ( $clean_name ) != "") {
							// get the image extension \.\w{3}
							$ext = pathinfo ( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
							if ($camp_type == 'Instagram')
								$ext = 'jpg';
							if (stristr ( $ext, '?' )) {
								$ext_parts = explode ( '?', $ext );
								$ext = $ext_parts [0];
							// clean parameters after filename
							$filename = trim ( $clean_name );
							if (trim ( $ext ) != '') {
								$filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
					if (! in_array ( 'OPT_THUM_NELO', $camp_opt ) || stristr ( $image_url, 'base64,' )) {
						if (stristr ( $image_url, 'base64,' )) {
							$ex = explode ( 'base64,', $current_img );
							$image_data = base64_decode ( $ex [1] );
							// set fileName extention .png, .jpg etc
							preg_match ( '{data:image/(.*?);}', $image_url, $ex_matches );
							$image_ext = $ex_matches [1];
							if (trim ( $image_ext ) != '') {
								$filename = $filename . '.' . $image_ext;
								echo '<br>Fname:' . $filename;
						} else {
							// get image content
							$x = 'error';
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
							// case–-Decoder-Ft.-Ranks-ATM-Just-G-MP3.jpg
							if (! stristr ( $image_url, '%' ) && class_exists ( 'Requests_IRI' )) {
								$iri = new Requests_IRI ( $image_url );
								$iri->host = Requests_IDNAEncoder::encode ( $iri->ihost );
								$image_url = $iri->uri;
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( html_entity_decode ( $image_url ) ) );
							curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false );
							if (isset ( $first_cached_image_link ) && $first_cached_image_link == $image_url) {
								echo '<-- previousely loaded...';
								$image_data = $first_cached_image_data;
								$first_cached_image_content_type = $contentType;
								$contentType = $first_cached_image_type;
							} else {
								$image_data = $this->curl_exec_follow ( $this->ch );
								$contentType = curl_getinfo ( $this->ch, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE );
							echo '<br>Content type:' . $contentType;
							$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
							$http_code = curl_getinfo ( $this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
						// adding ext
						$filename = $this->append_file_ext ( $filename, $contentType );
						// do not validate content type option
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUM_NOTYPE', $camp_opt )) {
							$contentType = 'image';
						if (trim ( $image_data ) != '' && $http_code == 200 && ! stristr ( $contentType, 'image' )) {
							// possibly correct image get it's size
							$width = $this->get_image_width ( $image_data );
							if ($width != 0) {
								echo '<br>Regardless of this content type header, It still seems a valid image with width = ' . $width;
								$contentType = 'image';
						if (trim ( $image_data ) != '' && stristr ( $contentType, 'image' )) {
							// check if already saved
							$image_data_md5 = md5 ( $image_data );
							$is_cached = $this->is_cached ( $image_url, $image_data_md5 );
							if ($is_cached != false) {
								echo '<--already cached';
								$file = $this->cached_file_path;
								$guid = $is_cached;
							} else {
								if (stristr ( $filename, '?' )) {
									$farr = explode ( '?', $filename );
									$filename = $farr [0];
								// pagepeeker fix
								if (stristr ( $image_url, 'pagepeeker' ) && ! in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_CLEAN', $camp_opt )) {
									$filename = md5 ( $filename ) . '.jpg';
								if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
									$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
									$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
								// check if same image name already exists
								if (file_exists ( $file )) {
									// get the current saved one to check if identical
									$already_saved_image_link = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . $filename;
									// curl get
									$x = 'error';
									$url = $already_saved_image_link;
									curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
									curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
									$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
									if (trim ( $exec ) == trim ( $image_data )) {
										$idential = true;
										echo '<br>Featured image already exists with same path.. using it';
									} else {
										echo '<br>Featured image exists with same path but not identical.. saving  ';
										$filename = time () . '_' . $filename;
								// saving image
								if (! isset ( $idential )) {
									if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
										$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
										$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
									$f = file_put_contents ( $file, $image_data );
									// echo '<br>File URL:'.$file;
								$guid = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . basename ( $filename );
								$this->img_cached ( $image_url, $guid, $image_data_md5, $file );
							} // not cached
							// atttatchment check if exists or not
							global $wpdb;
							$query = "select * from $wpdb->posts where guid = '$guid'";
							$already_saved_attachment = $wpdb->get_row ( $query );
							if (isset ( $already_saved_attachment->ID )) {
								$attach_id = $already_saved_attachment->ID;
							} else {
								$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype ( $filename, null );
								if ($wp_filetype ['type'] == false) {
									$wp_filetype ['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
								// Title handling
								$imgTitle = sanitize_file_name ( $filename );
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_ALT', $camp_opt )) {
									$imgTitle = wp_trim_words ( $post_title, 10, '' );
								$attachment = array (
										'guid' => $guid,
										'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype ['type'],
										'post_title' => $imgTitle,
										'post_content' => '',
										'post_status' => 'inherit' 
								$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment ( $attachment, $file, $post_id );
								require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
								$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $file );
								wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $attach_data );
								// alt text
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_ALT2', $camp_opt )) {
									$img_alt = reset ( $srcs_alts );
									if (trim ( $img_alt ) != '') {
										update_post_meta ( $attach_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $img_alt );
									if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_ALT3', $camp_opt )) {
										if (trim ( $img_alt ) == '') {
											update_post_meta ( $attach_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', $title );
							$img ['featured_img_source'] = $image_url;
							$img ['featured_img_local_source'] = $guid;
							$img ['featured_img_id'] = $attach_id;
							set_post_thumbnail ( $post_id, $attach_id );
							echo ' <-- thumbnail set successfully attachement:' . $attach_id;
							if(isset($attach_id) && is_numeric($attach_id))
							$wp_automatic_thumb_success = $post_id; // Flag for successfull thumbnail
							// if hide first image set the custom field
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_STRIP', $camp_opt )) {
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_STRIP_FULL', $camp_opt )) {
									echo '<br>Deleting first image from the content...';
									$new_post = get_post ( $id );
									$new_content = preg_replace ( '/<img [^>]*src=["|\'][^"|\']+.*?>/i', '', $new_post->post_content, 1 );
									$my_post = array (
											'ID' => $id,
											'post_content' => $new_content 
									// Update the post into the database
									wp_update_post ( $my_post );
								} else {
									update_post_meta ( $post_id, 'wp_automatic_remove_first_image', 'yes' );
						} else {
							echo ' <-- can not get image content ' . $x;
					} else { // nelo
					         // setting custom field for nelo image
						echo '<br>Setting the featured image custom field for ';
						if (function_exists ( 'fifu_update_fake_attach_id' )) {
							echo 'Featured image from URL plugin';
							update_post_meta ( $id, 'fifu_image_url', $image_url );
							fifu_update_fake_attach_id ( $id );
							$wp_automatic_thumb_success = $post_id;
						} else {
							echo 'Nelio plugin';
							update_post_meta ( $id, '_nelioefi_url', $image_url );
						// if hide first image set the custom field
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_STRIP', $camp_opt )) {
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_STRIP_FULL', $camp_opt )) {
								echo '<br>Deleting first image from the content...';
								$new_post = get_post ( $id );
								$new_content = preg_replace ( '/<img [^>]*src=["|\'][^"|\']+.*?>/i', '', $new_post->post_content, 1 );
								$my_post = array (
										'ID' => $id,
										'post_content' => $new_content 
								// Update the post into the database
								wp_update_post ( $my_post );
							} else {
								update_post_meta ( $post_id, 'wp_automatic_remove_first_image', 'yes' );
				} else {
					// currently no images in the content
					$this->log ( 'Featured image', 'No images found to set as featured' );
			} // thumbnails
			// featured image set or set as pending?
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUM_MUST', $camp_opt )) {
				if (isset ( $wp_automatic_thumb_success ) && $wp_automatic_thumb_success == $post_id) {
					// success
				} else {
					echo '<br>Failed to set featured image, setting the post status to Pending';
					// failed set as pending
					wp_update_post ( array (
							'ID' => $post_id,
							'post_status' => 'pending' 
					) );
			// tags
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
				$targetKeywords = $keywords;
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAG_KEYONLY', $camp_opt ) && isset ( $this->used_keyword ) && trim ( $this->used_keyword ) != '') {
					$targetKeywords = $this->used_keyword;
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $targetKeywords, trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
				} else {
					wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $targetKeywords, true );
			// youtube tags and comments
			if ($camp_type == 'Youtube') {
				// tags
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $this->used_tags ) != '') {
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $this->used_tags, trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $this->used_tags, true );
				// comments
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_COMMENT', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Trying to post comments';
					// get id
					$temp = explode ( 'v=', $this->used_link );
					$vid_id = $temp [1];
					$wp_automatic_yt_tocken = trim ( wp_automatic_single_item ( 'wp_automatic_yt_tocken' ) );
					$maxResults = rand ( 20, 50 );
					$comments_link = "$maxResults&part=snippet&videoId=" . $vid_id . "&key=$wp_automatic_yt_tocken";
					echo '<br>Comments yt url:' . $comments_link;
					// curl get
					$x = 'error';
					$url = $comments_link;
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
					if (trim ( $x ) != '')
						echo '<br>' . $x;
					if (trim ( $exec ) != '') {
						if (stristr ( $exec, 'items' )) {
							$exec = str_replace ( 's28-', 's90-', $exec );
							$comments_array = json_decode ( $exec );
							$entry = $comments_array->items;
							if (count ( $entry ) == 0) {
								echo '<br>No comments found';
							} else {
								echo '<br>Found ' . count ( $entry ) . ' comment to post';
								foreach ( $entry as $comment ) {
									$comment = $comment->snippet->topLevelComment->snippet;
									$commentText = $comment->textDisplay;
									$commentAuthor = $comment->authorDisplayName;
									$profileImage = $comment->authorProfileImageUrl;
									$commentUri = '';
									$comment_author_url = '';
									if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt )) {
										$comment_author_url = $profileImage . '|' . $comment->authorChannelId->value;
										$commentUri = $comment->authorChannelUrl;
									} else {
										$comment_author_url = $profileImage . '|';
									if (in_array ( 'OPT_YT_ORIGINAL_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
										$time = $comment->publishedAt;
										$time = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime ( $time ) ) );
									} else {
										$time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
									if (trim ( $commentText ) != '') {
										// bb replies
										if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_reply' )) {
											$post_parent = $post_topic_id = $id;
											$comment_author_url = "" . $comment->authorChannelId->value;
											$reply_data = array (
													'post_parent' => $post_parent,
													'post_content' => $commentText,
													'post_author' => false,
													'post_date' => $time 
											$reply_meta = array (
													'topic_id' => $post_topic_id,
													'anonymous_name' => $commentAuthor,
													'anonymous_email' => $profileImage,
													'anonymous_website' => $comment_author_url 
											$ret = bbp_insert_reply ( $reply_data, $reply_meta );
										} else {
											$data = array (
													'comment_post_ID' => $id,
													'comment_author' => $commentAuthor,
													'comment_author_email' => '',
													'comment_author_url' => $comment_author_url,
													'comment_content' => $commentText,
													'comment_type' => '',
													'comment_parent' => 0,
													'comment_author_IP' => '',
													'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
													'comment_date' => $time,
													'comment_approved' => 1 
											wp_insert_comment ( $data );
						} else {
							echo '<br>could not find comments';
					} else {
						echo '<br>No valid comments feed';
			// After single scraper
			if ($camp_type == 'Single') {
				// update last post
				update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_previous_id', $id );
				update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_previous_hash', $currentHash );
			if ($camp_type == 'DailyMotion') {
				// tags
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_DM_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $this->used_tags ) != '') {
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $this->used_tags, trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $this->used_tags, true );
			if ($camp_type == 'Flicker') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_FL_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
						wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $img ['img_tags'], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
					} else {
						wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['img_tags'], true );
			if ($camp_type == 'SoundCloud') {
				// tags
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					$item_tags = $img ['item_tags'];
					// extract tags with multiple words
					preg_match_all ( '{".*?"}', $item_tags, $multiple_tags_matches );
					$multiple_tags_matches = $multiple_tags_matches [0];
					$single_item_tags = $item_tags;
					foreach ( $multiple_tags_matches as $multiple_tag ) {
						$single_item_tags = str_replace ( $multiple_tag, '', $single_item_tags );
						$single_item_tags = str_replace ( '  ', ' ', $single_item_tags );
					// remove "
					$multiple_tags_matches = str_replace ( '"', '', $multiple_tags_matches );
					// explode single tags
					$single_item_tags = explode ( ' ', $single_item_tags );
					$all_tags = array_merge ( $multiple_tags_matches, $single_item_tags );
					$all_tags = array_filter ( $all_tags );
					$all_tags_comma = implode ( ',', $all_tags );
					if (trim ( $all_tags_comma ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Tags:' . $all_tags_comma;
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $all_tags_comma, trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $all_tags_comma, true );
				// comments
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_SC_COMMENT', $camp_opt )) {
					$wp_automatic_sc_client = $this->get_soundcloud_key ();
					if (trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client ) != '') {
						// getting the comment
						$item_id = $img ['item_id'];
						echo '<br>Fetching comments for tack:' . $item_id;
						$commentsCount = rand ( 20, 30 );
						$api_url = "$item_id/comments?client_id=$wp_automatic_sc_client&limit=$commentsCount&offset=0&linked_partitioning=1&app_version=1607422960&app_locale=en&threaded=1&filter_replies=0";
						// curl get
						$x = 'error';
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $api_url ) );
						$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
						$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
						if (stristr ( $exec, '"comment"' )) {
							$comments_json = json_decode ( $exec );
							$comments_json = $comments_json->collection;
							echo '<br>Found ' . count ( $comments_json ) . ' comments to post.';
							$time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
							foreach ( $comments_json as $new_comment ) {
								if ($new_comment->kind == 'comment') {
									$commentUri = '';
									if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
										$commentUri = $new_comment->user->permalink_url;
									// bb replies
									if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_reply' )) {
										$post_parent = $post_topic_id = $id;
										$reply_data = array (
												'post_parent' => $post_parent,
												'post_content' => $new_comment->body,
												'post_author' => false,
												'post_date' => $time 
										$reply_meta = array (
												'topic_id' => $post_topic_id,
												'anonymous_name' => $new_comment->user->username,
												'anonymous_website' => $commentUri 
										$ret = bbp_insert_reply ( $reply_data, $reply_meta );
									} else {
										$data = array (
												'comment_post_ID' => $id,
												'comment_author' => $new_comment->user->username,
												'comment_author_email' => '',
												'comment_author_url' => $commentUri,
												'comment_content' => $new_comment->body,
												'comment_type' => '',
												'comment_parent' => 0,
												'comment_author_IP' => '',
												'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
												'comment_date' => $time,
												'comment_approved' => 1 
										wp_insert_comment ( $data );
						} else {
							echo '<br>No comments found';
			// After post facebook
			if ($camp_type == 'Facebook') {
				// tags
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_FB_TAGS', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $img ['item_tags'] ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Setting tags:' . $img ['item_tags'];
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], true );
				// comments
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_FB_COMMENT', $camp_opt ) && isset ( $img ['comments'] )) {
					// trying to post FB comments
					echo '<br>Posting FB comments as comments :' . $img ['post_id'];
					if (isset ( $img ['comments'] )) {
						$comments = array_slice ( $img ['comments'], 0, rand ( 25, 50 ) );
						$added = 0;
						$time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
						foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
							if (trim ( $comment ['text'] ) != '') {
								$commentText = $comment ['text'];
								$commentAuthor = $comment ['author_name'];
								$commentAuthorID = $comment ['author_id'];
								$commentUri = '';
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
									$commentUri = "" . $commentAuthorID;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_FB_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
									$time = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment ['time'] );
									$time = get_date_from_gmt ( $time );
								if (trim ( $commentText ) != '') {
									$anonymous_email = '';
									if (! in_array ( 'OPT_FB_COMMENT_IMG', $camp_opt )) {
										$anonymous_email = $commentAuthorID . '';
									// bb replies
									if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_reply' )) {
										$post_parent = $post_topic_id = $id;
										$reply_data = array (
												'post_parent' => $post_parent,
												'post_content' => $commentText,
												'post_author' => false,
												'post_date' => $time 
										$reply_meta = array (
												'topic_id' => $post_topic_id,
												'anonymous_name' => $commentAuthor,
												'anonymous_email' => $anonymous_email,
												'anonymous_website' => $commentUri 
										$ret = bbp_insert_reply ( $reply_data, $reply_meta );
									} else {
										$data = array (
												'comment_post_ID' => $id,
												'comment_author' => $commentAuthor,
												'comment_author_email' => $anonymous_email,
												'comment_author_url' => $commentUri,
												'comment_content' => $commentText,
												'comment_type' => '',
												'comment_parent' => 0,
												'comment_author_IP' => '',
												'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
												'comment_date' => $time,
												'comment_approved' => 1 
										wp_insert_comment ( $data );
								$added ++;
						echo '<br>' . $added . ' comments to post';
					} else {
						echo '<br>No comments found';
			// After post vimeo
			if ($camp_type == 'Vimeo') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_VM_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $vid ['vid_tags'] ) != '') {
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $vid ['vid_tags'], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $vid ['vid_tags'], true );
			if ($camp_type == 'Envato') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_EV_AUTO_TAGS', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $img ['item_tags'] ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Setting tags to:' . $img ['item_tags'];
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], true );
			if ($camp_type == 'Instagram') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_IT_TAGS', $camp_opt )) {
					if (trim ( $img ['item_tags'] ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Setting tags:' . $img ['item_tags'];
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
						} else {
							wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], true );
				// comments
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_IT_COMMENT', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Trying to post comments';
					$time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
					$comments = $img ['item_comments'];
					if (count ( $comments ) > 0) {
						echo '<br>Found ' . count ( $comments ) . ' comment to post from';
						// random count
						$commentsCount = count ( $comments );
						if ($commentsCount == 40) {
							$commentsCount = rand ( 20, 40 );
							echo '...Posting ' . $commentsCount;
						$i = 0;
						foreach ( $comments as $comment ) {
							$i ++;
							if ($i > $commentsCount)
								$comment = $comment->node;
							$commentText = $comment->text;
						if ( isset ( $comment->owner ) && isset ( $comment->created_at ) && trim ( $comment->created_at ) != '') {
								// new comments format
								$commentAuthor = $comment->owner->username;
								$commentAuthorID = $comment->owner->id;
								$commentUri = '';
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
									$commentUri = "" . $comment->owner->username;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_IT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
									$time = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment->created_at );
						}elseif ( isset( $comment->user ) ){
							// new comments format pk
							$commentAuthor = $comment->user->full_name;
							$commentAuthorID = $comment->user->pk;
							$commentUri = '';
							if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
								$commentUri = "" . $comment->user->username;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_IT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
									$time = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment->created_at );
						} else {
								// old comments format
								$commentAuthor = $comment->from->full_name;
								if (trim ( $commentAuthor ) == '')
									$commentAuthor = $comment->from->username;
								$commentAuthorID = $comment->author [0]->uri->x;
								$commentUri = '';
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
									$commentUri = "" . $comment->from->username;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_IT_DATE', $camp_opt )) {
									$time = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $comment->created_time );
							if (trim ( $commentText ) != '') {
								// bb replies
								if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_reply' )) {
									$post_parent = $post_topic_id = $id;
									$reply_data = array (
											'post_parent' => $post_parent,
											'post_content' => $commentText,
											'post_author' => false,
											'post_date' => $time 
									$reply_meta = array (
											'topic_id' => $post_topic_id,
											'anonymous_name' => $commentAuthor,
											'anonymous_website' => $commentUri 
									$ret = bbp_insert_reply ( $reply_data, $reply_meta );
								} else {
									$data = array (
											'comment_post_ID' => $id,
											'comment_author' => $commentAuthor,
											'comment_author_email' => '',
											'comment_author_url' => $commentUri,
											'comment_content' => $commentText,
											'comment_type' => '',
											'comment_parent' => 0,
											'comment_author_IP' => '',
											'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
											'comment_date' => $time,
											'comment_approved' => 1 
									wp_insert_comment ( $data );
					} else {
						echo '<br>No comments found';
			// After TikTok
			if ($camp_type == 'TikTok') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TT_TAGS', $camp_opt )) {
					if (isset ( $img ['item_tags'] )) {
						echo '<br>Tags:' . $img ['item_tags'];
						wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['item_tags'], true );
			// After Twitter
			if ($camp_type == 'Twitter') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TW_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					if (isset ( $img ['item_hashtags'] )) {
						echo '<br>Tags:' . $img ['item_hashtags'];
						wp_set_post_tags ( $id, $img ['item_hashtags'], true );
			// After Reddit
			if ($camp_type == 'Reddit') {
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_RD_COMMENT', $camp_opt )) {
					// comments
					echo '<br>Getting comments';
					$comments_link = ($img ['item_link'] . '.json');
					// curl get
					$x = 'error';
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $comments_link ) );
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
					if (stristr ( $exec, '[{' )) {
						$commentsJson = json_decode ( $exec );
						$commentsJson = $commentsJson [1]->data->children;
						$commentsJson = array_slice ( $commentsJson, 0, rand ( 25, 50 ) );
						echo '<br>Found ' . count ( $commentsJson ) . ' comments ';
						$time = current_time ( 'mysql' );
						foreach ( $commentsJson as $newComment ) {
							if ( $newComment->data->stickied == 1 ) continue;
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_RD_TIME', $camp_opt )) {
								$time = get_date_from_gmt ( gmdate ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', ($newComment->data->created_utc) ) );
							$commentUri = '';
							if (! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_COMMENT_LINK', $camp_opt ))
								$commentUri = '' . $newComment->data->author;
							if (trim ( $newComment->data->body ) != '') {
								// bb replies
								if ($camp->camp_post_type == 'topic' && function_exists ( 'bbp_insert_reply' )) {
									$post_parent = $post_topic_id = $id;
									$reply_data = array (
											'post_parent' => $post_parent,
											'post_content' => $newComment->data->body,
											'post_author' => false,
											'post_date' => $time 
									$reply_meta = array (
											'topic_id' => $post_topic_id,
											'anonymous_name' => $newComment->data->author,
											'anonymous_website' => $commentUri 
									$ret = bbp_insert_reply ( $reply_data, $reply_meta );
								} else {
									$data = array (
											'comment_post_ID' => $id,
											'comment_author' => $newComment->data->author,
											'comment_author_email' => '',
											'comment_author_url' => $commentUri,
											'comment_content' => $newComment->data->body,
											'comment_type' => '',
											'comment_parent' => 0,
											'comment_author_IP' => '',
											'comment_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)',
											'comment_date' => $time,
											'comment_approved' => 1 
									wp_insert_comment ( $data );
					} else {
						echo '<br>Not valid reply from Reddit';
			// After ebay
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_EB_REDIRECT_END', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting expiry date: ' . $img ['item_end_date'];
				$expiry_date = strtotime ( $img ['item_end_date'] );
				add_post_meta ( $id, 'wp_automatic_redirect_date', $expiry_date );
				add_post_meta ( $id, 'wp_automatic_redirect_link', $camp_general ['cg_eb_redirect_end'] );
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_EB_TRASH', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>Setting trash date: ' . $img ['item_end_date'];
				$expiry_date = strtotime ( $img ['item_end_date'] );
				add_post_meta ( $id, 'wp_automatic_trash_date', $expiry_date );
			// setting post tags
			$post_tags = array ();
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_ADD_TAGS', $camp_opt )) {
				$post_tags = array_filter ( explode ( "\n", $camp_general ['cg_post_tags'] ) );
				$max = $camp_general ['cg_tags_limit'];
				if (! is_numeric ( $max ))
					$max = 100;
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_RANDOM_TAGS', $camp_opt ) && count ( $post_tags ) > $max) {
					$rand_keys = array_rand ( $post_tags, $max );
					if (is_array ( $rand_keys )) {
						$temp_tags = array ();
						foreach ( $rand_keys as $key ) {
							$temp_tags [] = $post_tags [$key];
					} else {
						// single value selected like 0
						$temp_tags [] = $post_tags [$rand_keys];
					$post_tags = $temp_tags;
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_TAGS', $camp_opt ) || in_array ( 'OPT_ORIGINAL_META', $camp_opt )) {
				$new_tags = explode ( ',', $img ['tags'] );
				if (count ( $new_tags ) > 0) {
					$post_tags = array_merge ( $post_tags, $new_tags );
			// title tags
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_TITLE_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
				$validTitleWords = $this->wp_automatic_generate_tags ( $post_title );
				$post_tags = array_merge ( $post_tags, $validTitleWords );
			// Keyword to tag
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_TAG', $camp_opt ) && trim ( $camp_general ['cg_keyword_tag'] ) != '') {
				echo '<br>Keyword to tag check started...';
				$content_to_check = in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_NO_CNT_TAG', $camp_opt ) ? '' : $post_content;
				$content_to_check .= in_array ( 'OPT_KEYWORD_TTL_TAG', $camp_opt ) ? ' ' . $post_title : '';
				$cg_keyword_tag = $camp_general ['cg_keyword_tag'];
				$cg_keyword_tag_rules = array_filter ( explode ( "\n", $cg_keyword_tag ) );
				foreach ( $cg_keyword_tag_rules as $cg_keyword_tag_rule ) {
					if (stristr ( $cg_keyword_tag_rule, '|' )) {
						$cg_keyword_tag_rule = trim ( $cg_keyword_tag_rule );
						$cg_keyword_tag_rule_parts = explode ( '|', $cg_keyword_tag_rule );
						$cg_keyword_tag_rule_keyword = $cg_keyword_tag_rule_parts [0];
						$cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag = $cg_keyword_tag_rule_parts [1];
						$was_found = true; // ini
						$keys_to_check = explode ( ',', $cg_keyword_tag_rule_keyword );
						foreach ( $keys_to_check as $keys_to_check_single ) {
							if (! preg_match ( '{\b' . preg_quote ( trim ( $keys_to_check_single ) ) . '\b}siu', $content_to_check )) {
								$was_found = false;
						if ($was_found) {
							echo '<br><- Key ' . $cg_keyword_tag_rule_keyword . ' exists adding tag:' . $cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag;
							if (stristr ( $cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag, ',' )) {
								$post_tags = array_merge ( $post_tags, explode ( ',', $cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag ) );
							} elseif (trim ( $cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag )) {
								$post_tags [] = $cg_keyword_tag_rule_tag;
			if (count ( array_filter ( $post_tags ) ) > 0) {
				$post_tags = array_filter ( $post_tags );
				echo '<br>Setting ' . count ( $post_tags ) . ' post tags as tags';
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_TAXONOMY_TAG', $camp_opt )) {
					wp_set_post_terms ( $id, implode ( ',', $post_tags ), trim ( $camp_general ['cg_tag_tax'] ), true );
				} else {
					wp_set_post_tags ( $id, implode ( ',', $post_tags ), true );
			// now timestamp
			$now = time ();
			// amazon woocommerce integration
			if ($camp_type == 'Amazon' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
				) );
				$wp_automatic_woo_buy = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_woo_buy', 'Buy Now' );
				if (trim ( $wp_automatic_woo_buy ) == '')
					$wp_automatic_woo_buy = 'Buy Now';
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
				) );
				// product gallery
				if (isset ( $img ['product_imgs'] ) && stristr ( $img ['product_imgs'], ',' ) && in_array ( 'OPT_AM_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Multiple images found setting a gallery';
					$attachmentsIDs = array ();
					$product_imgs_txt = $img ['product_imgs'];
					$product_imgs = explode ( ',', $product_imgs_txt );
					// first image already attached
					if (isset ( $attach_id )) {
						// $attachmentsIDs[] = $attach_id;
						unset ( $product_imgs [0] );
					// set rest images as attachments
					foreach ( $product_imgs as $product_img ) {
						echo '<br>Attaching:' . $product_img;
						$newAttach = $this->attach_image ( $product_img, $camp_opt, $post_id );
						if (is_numeric ( $newAttach ) && $newAttach > 0) {
							$attachmentsIDs [] = $newAttach;
					if (count ( $attachmentsIDs ) > 0) {
						$attachmentsIDsStr = implode ( ',', $attachmentsIDs );
						add_post_meta ( $id, '_product_image_gallery', $attachmentsIDsStr );
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'eBay' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
				// product gallery
				if (isset ( $img ['item_images'] ) && is_array($img ['item_images'])  && count ( $img ['item_images'] ) > 1 && in_array ( 'OPT_EB_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Multiple images found setting a gallery for Woo';
					$attachmentsIDs = array ();
					$product_imgs = $img ['item_images'];
					// first image already attached
					if (isset ( $attach_id )) {
						// $attachmentsIDs[] = $attach_id;
						unset ( $product_imgs [0] );
					// set rest images as attachments
					foreach ( $product_imgs as $product_img ) {
						echo '<br>Attaching:' . $product_img;
						$newAttach = $this->attach_image ( $product_img, $camp_opt, $post_id );
						if (is_numeric ( $newAttach ) && $newAttach > 0) {
							$attachmentsIDs [] = $newAttach;
					if (count ( $attachmentsIDs ) > 0) {
						$attachmentsIDsStr = implode ( ',', $attachmentsIDs );
						add_post_meta ( $id, '_product_image_gallery', $attachmentsIDsStr );
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
				) );
				$wp_automatic_woo_buy = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_woo_buy2', 'Buy Now' );
				if (trim ( $wp_automatic_woo_buy ) == '')
					$wp_automatic_woo_buy = 'Buy Now';
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
						'[item_price_numeric] ',
				) );
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			}elseif( $camp_type == 'Craigslist' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product' ){
				// product gallery
				if (isset ( $img ['item_images'] ) && is_array($img ['item_images'])  && count ( $img ['item_images'] ) > 1 && in_array ( 'OPT_CL_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Multiple images found setting a gallery for Woo';
					$attachmentsIDs = array ();
					$product_imgs = $img ['item_images'];
					// first image already attached
					if (isset ( $attach_id )) {
						// $attachmentsIDs[] = $attach_id;
						unset ( $product_imgs [0] );
					// set rest images as attachments
					foreach ( $product_imgs as $product_img ) {
						echo '<br>Attaching:' . $product_img;
						$newAttach = $this->attach_image ( $product_img, $camp_opt, $post_id );
						if (is_numeric ( $newAttach ) && $newAttach > 0) {
							$attachmentsIDs [] = $newAttach;
					if (count ( $attachmentsIDs ) > 0) {
						$attachmentsIDsStr = implode ( ',', $attachmentsIDs );
						add_post_meta ( $id, '_product_image_gallery', $attachmentsIDsStr );
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
				) );
				$wp_automatic_woo_buy = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_woo_buy2', 'Buy Now' );
				if (trim ( $wp_automatic_woo_buy ) == '')
					$wp_automatic_woo_buy = 'Buy Now';
					$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
							'[item_price_numeric] ',
					) );
					wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Amazon' && $camp->camp_post_type != 'product') {
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_k );
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_v );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Walmart' && $camp->camp_post_type != 'product') {
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_k );
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_v );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Walmart' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
				// affiliate item_link
				 * if(stristr( $post_content , 'linksynergy')){
				 * $buyShortCode = '[product_affiliate_url]';
				 * }else{
				 * $buyShortCode = '[item_link]';
				 * }
				$buyShortCode = '[product_affiliate_url]';
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_k );
				$wp_automatic_woo_buy = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_woo_buy', 'Buy Now' );
				if (trim ( $wp_automatic_woo_buy ) == '')
					$wp_automatic_woo_buy = 'Buy Now';
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_v );
				// product gallery
				if (isset ( $img ['item_imgs'] ) && stristr ( $img ['item_imgs'], ',' ) && in_array ( 'OPT_WM_GALLERY', $camp_opt )) {
					echo '<br>Multiple images found setting a gallery';
					$attachmentsIDs = array ();
					$product_imgs_txt = $img ['item_imgs'];
					$product_imgs = explode ( ',', $product_imgs_txt );
					// first image already attached
					if (isset ( $attach_id )) {
						// $attachmentsIDs[] = $attach_id;
						unset ( $product_imgs [0] );
					// set rest images as attachments
					foreach ( $product_imgs as $product_img ) {
						echo '<br>Attaching:' . $product_img;
						$newAttach = $this->attach_image ( $product_img, $camp_opt, $post_id );
						if (is_numeric ( $newAttach ) && $newAttach > 0) {
							$attachmentsIDs [] = $newAttach;
					if (count ( $attachmentsIDs ) > 0) {
						$attachmentsIDsStr = implode ( ',', $attachmentsIDs );
						add_post_meta ( $id, '_product_image_gallery', $attachmentsIDsStr );
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Envato' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_k );
				$wp_automatic_woo_buy = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_woo_buy', 'Buy Now' );
				if (trim ( $wp_automatic_woo_buy ) == '')
					$wp_automatic_woo_buy = 'Buy Now';
				$buyShortCode = '[item_link_affiliate]';
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( array (
				), $camp_post_custom_v );
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			} elseif ($camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
				$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
				) );
				$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
				) );
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
			// Not external option
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_SIMPLE', $camp_opt )) {
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'simple', 'product_type' );
			} elseif (in_array ( 'OPT_PRODUCT_EXTERNAL', $camp_opt )) {
				wp_set_object_terms ( $id, 'external', 'product_type' );
				// _product_url
				if (! in_array ( '_product_url', $camp_post_custom_k )) {
					$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
					) );
					$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
					) );
			// TrueMag integration
			if (($camp_type == 'Youtube' || $camp_type == 'Vimeo')) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>TrueMag/NewsTube theme exists adabting config..';
					$duration_key_val = ($camp_type == 'Youtube') ? '[vid_duration]' : '[vid_duration_readable]';
					$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
					) );
					$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
					) );
					// adding likes n dislikes
					$vid_likes = isset ( $img ['vid_likes'] ) ? $img ['vid_likes'] : '';
					$vid_dislikes = isset ( $img ['vid_dislikes'] ) ? $img ['vid_dislikes'] : '';
					// adding likes
					if ($vid_likes > 0) {
						try {
							$query = "INSERT INTO {$this->db->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
							$query .= "post_id = '" . $id . "', ";
							$query .= "value = '$vid_likes', ";
							$query .= "date_time = '" . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "', ";
							$query .= "ip = ''";
							@$this->db->query ( $query );
						} catch ( Exception $e ) {
					if ($vid_dislikes > 0 && $camp_type == 'Youtube') {
						$query = "INSERT INTO {$this->db->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
						$query .= "post_id = '" . $id . "', ";
						$query .= "value = '-$vid_dislikes', ";
						$query .= "date_time = '" . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "', ";
						$query .= "ip = ''";
						@$this->db->query ( $query );
			// truemag dailymotion integration
			if ($camp_type == 'DailyMotion') {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>TrueMag/NewsTube theme exists adabting config..';
					$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
					) );
					$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
					) );
			// trumag instagram integration
			if (($camp_type == 'Instagram') && stristr ( $abcont, '[embed]' )) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>TrueMag/NewsTube theme exists adabting config..';
					// extract video url
					preg_match ( '{\[embed\](.*?)\[/embed\]}', $abcont, $embedMatchs );
					$embedUrl = $embedMatchs [1];
					$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
					) );
					$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
					) );
					// adding likes n dislikes
					$vid_likes = $img ['item_likes_count'];
					// adding likes
					if ($vid_likes > 0) {
						try {
							$query = "INSERT INTO {$this->db->prefix}wti_like_post SET ";
							$query .= "post_id = '" . $id . "', ";
							$query .= "value = '$vid_likes', ";
							$query .= "date_time = '" . date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) . "', ";
							$query .= "ip = ''";
							@$this->db->query ( $query );
						} catch ( Exception $e ) {
			// truemag facebook integration
			if ($camp_type == 'Facebook') {
				if (isset ( $img ['vid_url'] )) {
					if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
						echo '<br>TrueMag setup and video exists...';
						$camp_post_custom_k = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_k, array (
						) );
						$camp_post_custom_v = array_merge ( $camp_post_custom_v, array (
								$img ['vid_url'] 
						) );
			// replacing tags
			$camp_post_custom_v = implode ( '#****#', $camp_post_custom_v );
			foreach ( $img as $key => $val ) {
				if (! is_array ( $val )) {
					$camp_post_custom_v = str_replace ( '[' . $key . ']', $val, $camp_post_custom_v );
				// feed custom attributes
				if ($camp_type == 'Feeds') {
					$attributes = $img ['attributes'];
					foreach ( $attributes as $attributeKey => $attributeValue ) {
						$camp_post_custom_v = str_replace ( '[' . $attributeKey . ']', $attributeValue [0] ['data'], $camp_post_custom_v );
			$camp_post_custom_v = explode ( '#****#', $camp_post_custom_v );
			// NewsPaper theme integration
			if (($camp_type == 'Youtube' || $camp_type == 'Vimeo') && function_exists ( 'td_bbp_change_avatar_size' ) && ! in_array ( 'OPT_NO_NEWSPAPER', $wp_automatic_options )) {
				echo '<br>NewsPaper theme found integrating..';
				$td_video = array ();
				$td_video ['td_video'] = $img ['vid_url'];
				$td_video ['td_last_video'] = $img ['vid_url'];
				$camp_post_custom_k [] = 'td_post_video';
				$camp_post_custom_v [] = $td_video;
				// format
				echo '<br>setting post format to Video';
				set_post_format ( $id, 'video' );
				// custom field
			// adding custom filds
			$in = 0;
			if (count ( $camp_post_custom_k ) > 0) {
				foreach ( $camp_post_custom_k as $key ) {
					if (trim ( $key ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Setting custom field ' . $key;
						//correcting serialized arrays
						if(preg_match( '!^a:\d*:\{!' , $camp_post_custom_v [$in]  ) ){
							preg_match_all( '!s:(\d*):"(.*?)"!' , $camp_post_custom_v [$in] , $arry_pts );	
							foreach($arry_pts[0] as $single_prt){
								$camp_post_custom_v [$in] = str_replace( $single_prt , 's:'. strlen($arry_pts[2][$s]) . ':"' . $arry_pts[2][$s] . '"' ,  $camp_post_custom_v [$in] );
							echo ' altered '. $s . ' serialized array keys';
						// serialized arrays
						if (is_serialized ( $camp_post_custom_v [$in] ))
							$camp_post_custom_v [$in] = unserialize ( $camp_post_custom_v [$in] );
						$key_val = $camp_post_custom_v [$in];
						if (! is_array ( $key_val ) && stristr ( $key_val, 'rand_' )) {
							$key_val_clean = str_replace ( array (
							), '', $key_val );
							$val_parts = explode ( '_', $key_val_clean );
							if (count ( $val_parts ) == 3 && is_numeric ( $val_parts [1] ) && is_numeric ( $val_parts [2] )) {
								$key_val = rand ( $val_parts [1], $val_parts [2] );
						if (! is_array ( $key_val ) && stristr ( $key_val, 'formated_date' )) {
							$key_val = do_shortcode ( $key_val );
						if ($key == 'excerpt') { 
							$my_post = array (
									'ID' => $id,
									'post_excerpt' => $camp_post_custom_v [$in] 
							wp_update_post ( $my_post );
						} elseif (stristr ( $key, 'taxonomy_' )) {
							wp_set_post_terms ( $id, $key_val, str_replace ( 'taxonomy_', '', $key ), true );
						} elseif (trim ( $key ) == 'woo_gallery' && $camp->camp_post_type == 'product') {
							echo '<br>Setting gallery from set rule ' . $key;
							preg_match_all ( '{<img.*? src="(.*?)".*?}s', $key_val, $key_imgs_matches );
							$key_imgs_matches = $key_imgs_matches [1];
							if (count ( $key_imgs_matches ) > 0) {
								echo '<-- Found possible ' . count ( $key_imgs_matches ) . ' images';
								$attachmentsIDs = array ();
								$product_imgs = $key_imgs_matches;
								// first image already attached
								if (isset ( $attach_id )) {
									// $attachmentsIDs[] = $attach_id;
									unset ( $product_imgs [0] );
								// set rest images as attachments
								foreach ( $product_imgs as $product_img ) {
									echo '<br>Attaching:' . $product_img;
									$newAttach = $this->attach_image ( $product_img, $camp_opt, $post_id );
									if (is_numeric ( $newAttach ) && $newAttach > 0) {
										$attachmentsIDs [] = $newAttach;
								if (count ( $attachmentsIDs ) > 0) {
									$attachmentsIDsStr = implode ( ',', $attachmentsIDs );
									add_post_meta ( $id, '_product_image_gallery', $attachmentsIDsStr );
							} else {
								echo '<-- did not find valid images';
						} else {
							if (($camp_type == 'Feeds' || $camp_type == 'Single' || $camp_type == 'Multi') && (trim ( $key ) == '_price' || trim ( $key ) == '_sale_price' || trim ( $key ) == '_regular_price')) {
								preg_match ( '{[\d|\.|,]+}', $key_val, $price_matchs );
								$possible_price = reset ( $price_matchs );
								//$possible_price = str_replace ( ',', '', $possible_price );
								if (trim ( $possible_price ) != '')
									$key_val = $possible_price;
							update_post_meta ( $id, $key, $key_val );
					$in ++;
			// setting post format OPT_FORMAT
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_FORMAT', $camp_opt )) {
				echo '<br>setting post format to ' . $camp_general ['cg_post_format'];
				set_post_format ( $id, stripslashes ( $camp_general ['cg_post_format'] ) );
			} elseif (($camp_type == 'Youtube' || $camp_type == 'Vimeo' || $camp_type == 'DailyMotion')) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>setting post format to Video';
					set_post_format ( $id, 'video' );
			} elseif (($camp_type == 'Instagram') && stristr ( $abcont, '[embed]' )) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>setting post format to Video';
					set_post_format ( $id, 'video' );
			} elseif ($camp_type == 'Facebook' && isset ( $img ['vid_url'] )) {
				if ((defined ( 'PARENT_THEME' ) && (PARENT_THEME == 'truemag' || PARENT_THEME == 'newstube')) || class_exists ( 'Cactus_video' )) {
					echo '<br>setting post format to Video';
					set_post_format ( $id, 'video' );
			// publishing the post
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_DRAFT_PUBLISH', $camp_opt ) && $camp->camp_post_status == 'publish') {
				echo '<br>Publishing the post now...';
				$newUpdatedPostArr ['ID'] = $id;
				$newUpdatedPostArr ['post_status'] = 'publish';
				wp_update_post ( $newUpdatedPostArr );
			if (in_array ( 'OPT_PREVIEW_EDIT', $wp_automatic_options )) {
				$plink = admin_url ( 'post.php?post=' . $id . '&action=edit' );
				if (trim ( $plink ) == '')
					$plink = get_permalink ( $id );
			} else {
				$plink = get_permalink ( $id );
			$plink = str_replace ( '&amp;', '&', $plink );
			$display_title = get_the_title ( $id );
			if (trim ( $display_title ) == '')
				$display_title = '(no title)';
			$now = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
			$now = get_date_from_gmt ( $now );
			echo '<br>New Post posted: <a target="_blank" class="new_post_link" time="' . $now . '" href="' . $plink . '">' . $display_title . '</a>';
			$this->log ( 'Posted:' . $camp->camp_id, 'New post posted:<a href="' . $plink . '">' . get_the_title ( $id ) . '</a>' );
			// returning the security filter
			add_filter ( 'content_save_pre', 'wp_filter_post_kses' );
			// duplicate cache update
			if ($this->campDuplicateLinksUpdate == true) {
				$this->campNewDuplicateLinks [$id] = $source_link;
				update_post_meta ( $camp->camp_id, 'wp_automatic_duplicate_cache', $this->campNewDuplicateLinks );
			exit ();
			print_r ( $ret );
		} // if title
	} // end function
	 * Checks if allowed to call the source or not: compares the call limit with actual previous calls
	function is_allowed_to_call() {
		if ($this->sourceCallLimit == $this->sourceCallTimes) {
			echo '<br> We have called the source ' . $this->sourceCallLimit . ' times already will die now and complete next time...';
			exit ();
		$this->sourceCallTimes ++;
	 * Validate if the post contains the exact match keywords and does not contain the banned words
	 * @param String $cnt
	 *        	the content
	 * @param String $ttl
	 *        	the title
	 * @param String $opt
	 *        	campaign options
	 * @param String $camp
	 *        	whole camp record
	 * @param boolean $after
	 *        	true if after the template
	function validate_exacts(&$abcont, &$title, &$camp_opt, &$camp, $after = false, $camp_general = array()) {
		// Valid
		$valid = true;
		$exact = $camp->camp_post_exact;
		$execr = '';
		$execr = @$camp_general ['cg_camp_post_regex_exact'];
		$excludeRegex = @$camp_general ['cg_camp_post_regex_exclude'];
		// Validate exacts
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT', $camp_opt )) {
			// Exact keys
			// Validating Exact
			if (trim ( $exact ) != '' && in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT', $camp_opt ) && (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_AFTER', $camp_opt ) && ! $after || in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_AFTER', $camp_opt ) && $after)) {
				$valid = false;
				$exactArr = explode ( "\n", trim ( $exact ) );
				foreach ( $exactArr as $wordexact ) {
					if (trim ( $wordexact != '' )) {
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_STR', $camp_opt )) {
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_TITLE_ONLY', $camp_opt ) && stristr ( html_entity_decode ( $title ), trim ( $wordexact ) )) {
								echo '<br>Title contains the word : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = true;
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} elseif (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_TITLE_ONLY', $camp_opt ) && (stristr ( html_entity_decode ( $abcont ), trim ( $wordexact ) ) || stristr ( trim ( $wordexact ), html_entity_decode ( $title ) ))) {
								echo '<br>Content contains the word : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = true;
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} else {
								echo '<br>Content does not contain the word : ' . $wordexact . ' try another ';
								$valid = false;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} // match
						} else {
							if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_TITLE_ONLY', $camp_opt ) && preg_match ( '/\b' . trim ( $wordexact ) . '\b/iu', html_entity_decode ( $title ) )) {
								echo '<br>Title contains the word : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = true;
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} elseif (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_TITLE_ONLY', $camp_opt ) && (preg_match ( '/\b' . trim ( $wordexact ) . '\b/iu', html_entity_decode ( $abcont ) ) || preg_match ( '/\b' . trim ( $wordexact ) . '\b/iu', html_entity_decode ( $title ) ))) {
								echo '<br>Content contains the word : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = true;
								if (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} else {
								echo '<br>Content does not contain the word : ' . $wordexact . ' try another ';
								$valid = false;
								if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_ALL', $camp_opt ))
							} // match
					} // trim wordexact
				} // foreach exactword
			} // trim exact
		if ($valid == true) {
			$execl = $camp->camp_post_execlude;
			if (trim ( $execl ) != '' && in_array ( 'OPT_EXECLUDE', $camp_opt ) && (! in_array ( 'OPT_EXECLUDE_AFTER', $camp_opt ) && ! $after || in_array ( 'OPT_EXECLUDE_AFTER', $camp_opt ) && $after)) {
				// additional excl
				$execl .= "\n" . $this->generalBannedWords;
				$execlArr = explode ( "\n", trim ( $execl ) );
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXECLUDE_TITLE_ONLY', $camp_opt )) {
					$the_text_to_check = html_entity_decode ( $title );
				} else {
					$the_text_to_check = html_entity_decode ( $title ) . ' ' . html_entity_decode ( $abcont );
				foreach ( $execlArr as $wordex ) {
					if (trim ( $wordex ) != '') {
						$wordex = trim ( $wordex );
						if (in_array ( 'OPT_EXCLUDE_EXACT_STR', $camp_opt )) {
							if (stristr ( $the_text_to_check, $wordex )) {
								echo '<br>Content contains the banned word :' . $wordex . ' getting another ';
								$valid = false;
						} elseif (preg_match ( '/\b' . trim ( $wordex ) . '\b/iu', $the_text_to_check )) {
							echo '<br>Content contains the banned word :' . $wordex . ' getting another ';
							$valid = false;
					} // trim wordexec
				} // foreach wordex
			} // trim execl
		} // valid
		// Before only REGEX check
		if (! $after) {
			// validate REGEX
			if ($valid == true) {
				if (trim ( $execr ) != '' & in_array ( 'OPT_EXACT_REGEX', $camp_opt )) {
					$valid = false;
					$exactArr = explode ( "\n", trim ( $execr ) );
					foreach ( $exactArr as $wordexact ) {
						$wordexact = trim ( $wordexact );
						if (trim ( $wordexact != '' )) {
							if (preg_match ( '{' . $wordexact . '}ius', html_entity_decode ( $abcont ) ) || preg_match ( '{' . trim ( $wordexact ) . '}ius', html_entity_decode ( $title ) )) {
								echo '<br>REGEX Matched : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = true;
							} else {
								echo '<br>REGEX did not match : ' . $wordexact . ' try another ';
							} // match
						} // trim wordexact
					} // foreach exactword
			// exclude if match a specific REGEX
			if ($valid == true) {
				if (trim ( $excludeRegex ) != '' & in_array ( 'OPT_EXCLUDE_REGEX', $camp_opt )) {
					$excludeArr = explode ( "\n", trim ( $excludeRegex ) );
					foreach ( $excludeArr as $wordexact ) {
						$wordexact = trim ( $wordexact );
						if (trim ( $wordexact != '' )) {
							if (preg_match ( '{' . $wordexact . '}ius', html_entity_decode ( $abcont ) ) || preg_match ( '{' . trim ( $wordexact ) . '}ius', html_entity_decode ( $title ) )) {
								echo '<br>Exclude REGEX matched : ' . $wordexact;
								$valid = false;
							} else {
								echo '<br>Exclude REGEX did not match : ' . $wordexact . ' try another ';
							} // match
						} // trim wordexact
					} // foreach exactword
		// validate length
		if ($valid == true && ! $after && isset($camp_general ['cg_min_length']) &&  (in_array ( 'OPT_MIN_LENGTH', $camp_opt ) || in_array ( 'OPT_MAX_LENGTH', $camp_opt ) ) && $camp->camp_type != 'Feeds') {
			echo '<br>Validating length .....';
			$contentTextual = strip_tags ( $abcont );
			$contentTextual = str_replace ( ' ', '', $contentTextual );
			if (function_exists ( 'mb_strlen' )) {
				$contentLength = mb_strlen ( $contentTextual );
			} else {
				$contentLength = strlen ( $contentTextual );
			unset ( $contentTextual );
			echo ' Content length:' . $contentLength;
			if(in_array ( 'OPT_MIN_LENGTH', $camp_opt )){
				if ($contentLength < $camp_general ['cg_min_length']) {
					echo '<--Shorter than the minimum('. $camp_general ['cg_min_length'] .')... Excluding';
					$valid = false;
				} else {
					echo '<-- Valid Min length i.e > (' .  $camp_general ['cg_min_length'] . ') ';
			if(in_array ( 'OPT_MAX_LENGTH', $camp_opt )){
				if ($contentLength > $camp_general ['cg_max_length']) {
					echo '<--Longer than the maximum( ' . $camp_general ['cg_max_length'] . ' )... Excluding';
					$valid = false;
				} else {
					echo '<-- Valid Max length i.e < (' . $camp_general ['cg_max_length'] . ') ';
		return $valid;
	function fire_proxy() {
		echo '<br>Proxy Check Fired';
		$proxies = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_proxy' );
		if (stristr ( $proxies, ':' )) {
			echo '<br>Proxy Found lets try';
			// listing all proxies
			$proxyarr = explode ( "\n", $proxies );
			foreach ( $proxyarr as $proxy ) {
				if (trim ( $proxy ) != '') {
					$auth = '';
					if (substr_count ( $proxy, ':' ) == 3) {
						echo '<br>Private proxy found .. using authentication';
						$proxy_parts = explode ( ':', $proxy );
						$proxy = $proxy_parts [0] . ':' . $proxy_parts [1];
						$auth = $proxy_parts [2] . ':' . $proxy_parts [3];
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, trim ( $proxy ) );
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD, trim ( $auth ) );
					} else {
						curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, trim ( $proxy ) );
					echo "<br>Trying using proxy :$proxy";
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPPROXYTUNNEL, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' );
					// curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
					if (trim ( $x ) != '') {
						echo '<br>Curl Proxy Error:' . curl_error ( $this->ch );
					} else {
						if (stristr ( $exec, 'It appears that you are using a Proxy' ) || stristr ( $exec, 'excessive amount of traffic' )) {
							echo '<br>Proxy working but captcha met let s skip it';
						} elseif (stristr ( $exec, '' )) {
							// succsfull connection here
							// echo curl_exec($this->ch);
							// reordering the proxy
							$proxies = str_replace ( ' ', '', $proxies );
							if (trim ( $auth ) != '')
								$proxy = $proxy . ':' . $auth;
							$proxies = str_replace ( $proxy, '', $proxies );
							$proxies = str_replace ( "\n\n", "\n", $proxies );
							$proxies = "$proxy\n$proxies";
							// echo $proxies;
							update_option ( 'wp_automatic_proxy', $proxies );
							echo '<br>Connected successfully using this proxy ';
							$this->isProxified = true;
							return true;
						} else {
							echo '<br>Proxy Reply:' . $exec;
			// all proxies not working let's call proxyfrog for new list
			// no proxyfrog list
			$this->unproxyify ();
			// proxifing the connection
		} else {
			echo '..No proxies';
	 * ---* Clear proxy function ---
	function unproxyify() {
		// clean the connection
		unset ( $this->ch );
		// curl ini
		$this->ch = curl_init ();
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8' );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5 ); // Good leeway for redirections.
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); // Many login forms redirect at least once.
			                                                      // curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
	 * ---* Spin function that calls TBS ---
	function spin($html) {
		$url = '';
		// $testmethod = 'identifySynonyms';
		$testmethod = 'replaceEveryonesFavorites';
		// Build the data array for authenticating.
		$data = array ();
		$data ['action'] = 'authenticate';
		$data ['format'] = 'php'; // You can also specify 'xml' as the format.
		// The user credentials should change for each UAW user with a TBS account.
		$tbs_username = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_tbs', '' ); // ""; // Enter your The Best Spinner's Email ID
		$tbs_password = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_tbs_p', '' ); // "nd8da759a40a551b9aafdc87a1d902f3d"; // Enter your The Best Spinner's Password
		$tbs_protected = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_tbs_protected', '' );
		if (trim ( $tbs_protected ) != '') {
			$tbs_protected = explode ( "\n", $tbs_protected );
			$tbs_protected = array_filter ( $tbs_protected );
			$tbs_protected = array_map ( 'trim', $tbs_protected );
			$tbs_protected = array_filter ( $tbs_protected );
			$tbs_protected = implode ( ',', $tbs_protected );
		// add , if not exists
		if (! stristr ( $tbs_protected, ',' )) {
			$tbs_protected = $tbs_protected . ',';
		// add ad_1, ad_2 , numbers
		$tbs_protected = $tbs_protected . 'ad_1,ad_2,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,';
		if (trim ( $tbs_username ) == '' || trim ( $tbs_password ) == '') {
			// $this->log ( 'Info', 'No BTS account found , it is highly recommended ' );
			return $html;
		$data ['username'] = $tbs_username;
		$data ['password'] = $tbs_password;
		// Authenticate and get back the session id.
		// You only need to authenticate once per session.
		// A session is good for 24 hours.
		$exec_login = $this->curl_post ( $url, $data, $info );
		$output = unserialize ( $exec_login );
		if ($output ['success'] == 'true') {
			$this->log ( 'TBS', "TBS Login success" );
			echo '<br>TBS Login success';
			// Success.
			$session = $output ['session'];
			// Build the data array for the example.
			$data = array ();
			$data ['protectedterms'] = $tbs_protected;
			$data ['session'] = $session;
			$data ['format'] = 'php'; // You can also specify 'xml' as the format.
			// instantiate original html
			$newhtml = $html;
			// replace nospins with astrics
			preg_match_all ( '{\[nospin.*?\/nospin\]}s', $html, $nospins );
			$nospins = $nospins [0];
			// shortcodes
			preg_match_all ( '{\[.*?]}s', $html, $shortcodes );
			$shortcodes = $shortcodes [0];
			// html
			preg_match_all ( "/<[^<>]+>/is", $html, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			$htmlfounds = $matches [0];
			// js
			preg_match_all ( "/<script.*?<\/script>/is", $html, $matches3, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			$js = $matches3 [0];
			// numbers
			preg_match_all ( "{\d\d+}is", $html, $numMatches );
			$numFounds = ($numMatches [0]);
			$numFounds = array_filter ( array_unique ( $numFounds ) );
			usort ( $numFounds, 'wp_automatic_sort' );
			$nospins = array_merge ( $nospins, $shortcodes, $htmlfounds, $js, $numFounds, array (
			) );
			// remove empty and duplicate
			$nospins = array_filter ( array_unique ( $nospins ) );
			// replace nospin parts with astrics
			$i = 1;
			foreach ( $nospins as $nospin ) {
				$newhtml = str_replace ( $nospin, '[' . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . ']', $newhtml );
				$i ++;
			$data ['text'] = (html_entity_decode ( $newhtml ));
			// $data ['text'] = 'test <br> word <a href=""></a> ';
			$data ['action'] = $testmethod;
			$data ['maxsyns'] = '100'; // The number of synonyms per term.
			if ($testmethod == 'replaceEveryonesFavorites') {
				// Add a quality score for this method.
				$data ['quality'] = '1';
			// Post to API and get back results.
			$output = $this->curl_post ( $url, $data, $info );
			if(trim($output) == '' ){
				$this->log ( 'TBS', "TBS Empty reply... we did not get a valid reply" );
			$output = unserialize ( $output );
			// Show results.
			// echo "<p><b>Method:</b><br>$testmethod</p>";
			// echo "<p><b>Text:</b><br>$data[text]</p>";
			if ($output ['success'] == 'true') {
				$this->log ( 'TBS', "TBS Successfully spinned the content" );
				// replace the astrics with nospin tags
				if (count ( $nospins ) > 0) {
					$i = 1;
					foreach ( $nospins as $nospin ) {
						$output ['output'] = str_replace ( '[' . str_repeat ( '*', $i ) . ']', $nospin, $output ['output'] );
						$i ++;
				echo '<br>TBS Successfully spinned the content';
				return $output ['output'];
			} else {
				$this->log ( 'error', "TBS Returned an error:$output[error]" );
				echo "TBS Returned an error:$output[error]";
				return $html;
		} else {
			// There were errors.
			echo "<br>TBS login did not work returned an error : $output[error]";
			$this->log ( 'error', "TBS login did not work returned an error : $output[error]" );
			return $html;
	} // end function
	 * gtranslte function
	function gtranslate($title, $content, $from, $to, $translationMethod = 'microsoftTranslator') {
		if ($from == $to) {
			echo '<br>Translation to langauge can not be the same as translation from language. skipping this translation';
			return array (
		 * $contains_bracket = stristr($content, '(' ) ? true : false ;
		 * $content = str_replace( '[' , '(' , $content);
		 * $content = str_replace( ']' , ')' , $content);
		// Verify API data
		if ($translationMethod == 'microsoftTranslator') {
			// $wp_automatic_mt_secret = trim(get_option('wp_automatic_mt_secret',''));
			$wp_automatic_mt_id = trim ( get_option ( 'wp_automatic_mt_key', '' ) );
			$wp_automatic_mt_region = trim ( get_option ( 'wp_automatic_mt_region', '' ) );
			if (trim ( $wp_automatic_mt_id ) == '') {
				echo '<br><span style="color:red">Microsoft translator settings required. Visit the plugin settings and set it.</span>';
				return array (
			$titleSeparator = '[19459000]';
		} elseif ($translationMethod == 'yandexTranslator') { // wp_automatic_yt_key
			$wp_automatic_yt_key = trim ( get_option ( 'wp_automatic_yt_key', '' ) );
			if (trim ( $wp_automatic_yt_key ) == '') {
				echo '<br><span style="color:red">Yandex translator API key is required. Visit the plugin settings and set it.</span>';
				return array (
			$titleSeparator = '[19459000]';
		} elseif ($translationMethod == 'deeplTranslator') { // wp_automatic_dl_key
			$wp_automatic_dl_key = trim ( get_option ( 'wp_automatic_dl_key', '' ) );
			if (trim ( $wp_automatic_dl_key ) == '') {
				echo '<br><span style="color:red">Deepl PRO translator API key is required. Visit the plugin settings and set it.</span>';
				return array (
			$titleSeparator = '[19459000]';
		} elseif ($translationMethod == 'googleTranslator' && ! function_exists ( 'mb_detect_encoding' ) ) {  
				echo '<br><span style="color:red">Translation using Gtranslate will not wrok, you must install PHP mbstring module.</span>';
				return array (
		} else {
			$titleSeparator = '##########';
			$titleSeparator = "\n[19459000]";
		// Fix Norwegian language Translation
		if ($from == 'nor')
			$from = 'no';
		if ($to == 'nor')
			$to = 'no';
		// Report Translate
		echo '<br>Translating from ' . $from . ' to ' . $to . ' using ' . $translationMethod;
		$title = 'welcome to Egypt';
		$content= 'it is a good place';
		// Concat title and content in one text
		$text = $title . $titleSeparator . $content;
		// decode html for chars like &euro; removed for images containing html encoded tags a-image-description="<p>How to Style 8 Stitch Fix Rom
		//$text = html_entity_decode ( $text );
		//$text = file_get_contents( dirname(__FILE__) . '/test.txt');
		//$text = 'welcome to egypt';
		if ($this->debug == true)
			echo "\n\n--- Translation text-------\n" . $text;
		// scripts
		preg_match_all ( '{<script.*?script>}s', $text, $script_matchs );
		$script_matchs = $script_matchs [0];
		// pre and code tags
		preg_match_all ( '{<pre.*?/pre>}s', $text, $pre_matchs );
		$pre_matchs = $pre_matchs [0];
		preg_match_all ( '{<code.*?/code>}s', $text, $code_matchs );
		$code_matchs = $code_matchs [0];
		// STRIP html and links
		preg_match_all ( "/<[^<>]+>/is", $text, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
		$htmlfounds = array_filter ( array_unique ( $matches [0] ) );
		$htmlfounds = array_merge ( $script_matchs, $pre_matchs, $code_matchs, $htmlfounds );

		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n--- Html finds raw-------\n";
			print_r ( $htmlfounds );
		$htmlfounds [] = '&quot;';
		// Fix alt tags
		$imgFoundsSeparated = array ();
		$new_imgFoundsSeparated = array ();
		$altSeparator = '';
		$colonSeparator = '';
		foreach ( $htmlfounds as $key => $currentFound ) {
			if (stristr ( $currentFound, '<img' ) && stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt' ) && ! stristr($currentFound, 'alt=""' ) ) {
				$altSeparator = '';
				$colonSeparator = '';
				if (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt="' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt="';
					$colonSeparator = '"';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt = "' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt = "';
					$colonSeparator = '"';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt ="' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt ="';
					$colonSeparator = '"';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt= "' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt= "';
					$colonSeparator = '"';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt=\'' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt=\'';
					$colonSeparator = '\'';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt = \'' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt = \'';
					$colonSeparator = '\'';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt= \'' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt= \'';
					$colonSeparator = '\'';
				} elseif (stristr ( $currentFound, 'alt =\'' )) {
					$altSeparator = 'alt =\'';
					$colonSeparator = '\'';
				if (trim ( $altSeparator ) != '') {
					$currentFoundParts = explode ( $altSeparator, $currentFound );
					// post alt
					$preAlt = $currentFoundParts [1];
					$preAltParts = explode ( $colonSeparator, $preAlt );
					$altText = $preAltParts [0];
					if (trim ( $altText ) != '') {
						unset ( $preAltParts [0] );
						$past_alt_text = implode($colonSeparator , $preAltParts);
						// before alt text part
						$imgFoundsSeparated [] = $currentFoundParts [0] . $altSeparator;
						// after alt text
						$imgFoundsSeparated [] = $colonSeparator . $past_alt_text ; //str_replace ( $altText, '', $currentFoundParts [1] );
						// $imgFoundsSeparated[] = $colonSeparator.implode($colonSeparator, $preAltParts);
						 * echo ' ImageFound:'.$in.' '.$currentFound;
						 * print_r($currentFoundParts);
						 * print_r($imgFoundsSeparated);
						$htmlfounds [$key] = '';
		// title tag separation
		$title_separator = str_replace ( 'alt', 'title', $altSeparator );
		foreach ( $imgFoundsSeparated as $img_part ) {
			if (stristr ( $img_part, ' title' )) {
				$img_part_parts = explode ( $title_separator, $img_part );
				// before title text
				$pre_title_part = $img_part_parts [0] . $title_separator;
				$post_title_parts = explode ( $colonSeparator, $img_part_parts [1] );
				$found_title = $post_title_parts [0];
				unset($post_title_parts [0]);
				$past_title_text = implode($colonSeparator , $post_title_parts);
				// after title text 
				$post_title_part =  $colonSeparator . $past_title_text;  //str_replace ( $found_title, '', $img_part_parts [1] );
				$new_imgFoundsSeparated [] = $pre_title_part;
				$new_imgFoundsSeparated [] = $post_title_part;
			} else {
				$new_imgFoundsSeparated [] = $img_part;
		if (count ( $new_imgFoundsSeparated ) != 0) {
			$htmlfounds = array_merge ( $htmlfounds, $new_imgFoundsSeparated );
		// <!-- <br> -->
		preg_match_all ( "/<\!--.*?-->/is", $text, $matches2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
		$newhtmlfounds = $matches2 [0];
		// strip shortcodes
		preg_match_all ( "/\[.*?\]/is", $text, $matches3, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
		$shortcodesfounds = $matches3 [0];
		// protected terms
		$wp_automatic_tra_stop = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_tra_stop', '' );
		$protected_terms = array ();
		if (trim ( $wp_automatic_tra_stop ) != '') {
			$protected_terms_arr = explode ( "\n", trim ( $wp_automatic_tra_stop ) );
			$protected_terms = array_filter ( $protected_terms_arr );
			$protected_terms = array_map ( 'trim', $protected_terms );
		$htmlfounds = array_merge ( $htmlfounds, $newhtmlfounds, $shortcodesfounds );
		// clean title separator & empties
		$in = 0;
		$cleanHtmlFounds = array ();
		foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
			if ($htmlfound == '[19459000]') {
			} elseif (trim ( $htmlfound ) == '') {
			} else {
				$cleanHtmlFounds [] = $htmlfound;
		$htmlfounds = array_filter ($cleanHtmlFounds);
		 usort (    $htmlfounds , 'wp_automatic_sort' );
		// Replace founds by numbers
		$start = 19459001;
		foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
			$text = str_replace ( $htmlfound, '[' . $start . ']', $text );
			$start ++;
		// protected
		foreach ( $protected_terms as $exword ) {
			if (trim ( $exword ) != '') {
				$text = preg_replace ( '/\b' . preg_quote ( trim ( $exword ), '/' ) . '\b/u', '[' . $start . ']', $text );
				$start ++;
		// .{ replace with . {
		$text = str_replace ( '.{', '. {', $text );
		// group consequent matchs [19459003][19459003][19459004][19459003]
		preg_match_all ( '!(?:\[1945\d*\][\s]*){2,}!s', $text, $conseqMatchs );
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n--- Html finds-------\n";
			print_r ( $htmlfounds );
			echo "\n\n----- Html before consequent replacements-----\n" . $text;
			echo "\n\n--- Consequent masks finds-------\n";
			print_r ( $conseqMatchs );

		// replacing consequents
		$startConseq = 19659001;
		foreach ( $conseqMatchs [0] as $conseqMatch ) {
			$text = preg_replace ( '{' . preg_quote ( trim ( $conseqMatch ) ) . '}', '[' . $startConseq . ']', $text, 1 );
			$startConseq ++;
		// copy of the sent masks
		preg_match_all ( '{\[.*?\]}', $text, $pre_tags_matches );
		$pre_tags_matches = ($pre_tags_matches [0]);
		// copy of sent masks with spaces before and after
		preg_match_all ( '{\s*\[.*?\]\s*}u', $text, $pre_tags_matches_s );
		$pre_tags_matches_s = ($pre_tags_matches_s [0]);
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n----- Content to translate  without additional lins-----\n" . $text;
		// each tag in a new line
		$text = str_replace ( '[', "\n\n[", $text );
		$text = str_replace ( ']', "]\n\n", $text );
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n----- Content to translate  with  additional lins-----\n" . $text;
		// Check Translation Method and use it
		if ($translationMethod == 'googleTranslator') {
			try {
				// Google Translator Class
				require_once 'inc/translator.Google.php';
				//curl ini
				$ch = curl_init();
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,0);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT,20);
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8');
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5); // Good leeway for redirections.
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); // Many login forms redirect at least once.
				curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR , "cookie.txt");
				// Google Translator Object
				$GoogleTranslator = new GoogleTranslator ( $ch );
				// Translate Method
				$translated = $GoogleTranslator->translateText ( $text, $from, $to );
				// same language error The page you have attempted to translate is already
				if (stristr ( $translated, 'The page you have attempted to translate is already' )) {
					echo '<br>Google refused to translate and tells that the article is in the same laguage';
					$translated = $text;
				// fix html entities
				if (stristr ( $translated, ';' ))
					$translated = htmlspecialchars_decode ( $translated, ENT_QUOTES );
				if ($this->debug == true) {
					echo "\n\n\n\n--- Returned translation-------\n" . $translated . "\n\n\n";
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				echo '<br>Translate Exception:' . $e->getMessage ();
				$this->translationSuccess = false;
				return array (
		} elseif ($translationMethod == 'yandexTranslator') {
			try {
				// Yandex Translator Class
				require_once 'inc/translator.Yandex.php';
				// Yandex Translator Object
				$YandexTranslator = new YandexTranslator ( $this->ch, $wp_automatic_yt_key );
				// Translate Method
				$translated = $YandexTranslator->translateText ( $text, $from, $to );
				if ($this->debug == true) {
					echo "\n\n\n\n--- Returned translation-------\n" . $translated . "\n\n\n";
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				echo 'Exception:' . $e->getMessage ();
				$this->translationSuccess = false;
				return array (
		} elseif ($translationMethod == 'deeplTranslator') {
			try {
				// Deepl Translator Class
				require_once 'inc/translator.Deepl.php';
				// Yandex Translator Object
				$DeeplTranslator = new DeeplTranslator ( $this->ch, $wp_automatic_dl_key );
				$wp_automatic_options = get_option('wp_automatic_options',array());
				//free or not 
				if(in_array('OPT_DEEPL_FREE', $wp_automatic_options)){
					$DeeplTranslator->free = true;
					echo '<br> Free Deepl Translator used...';
				//formal or not
				//free or not
				if(in_array('OPT_DEEPL_FORMAL', $wp_automatic_options)){
					$DeeplTranslator->fomality = 'more';
					echo 'Formality:more';
				}elseif(in_array('OPT_DEEPL_NFORMAL', $wp_automatic_options)){

					$DeeplTranslator->fomality = 'less';
					echo 'Formality:less';
				// Translate Method
				$translated = $DeeplTranslator->translateText ( $text, $from, $to );
				if ($this->debug == true) {
					echo "\n\n\n\n--- Returned translation-------\n" . $translated . "\n\n\n";
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				echo 'Exception:' . $e->getMessage ();
				$this->translationSuccess = false;
				return array (
		} else {
			// Translating using Microsoft translator
			require_once 'inc/translator.Microsoft.php';
			$MicrosoftTranslator = new MicrosoftTranslator ( $this->ch );
			try {
				// Generate access token
				$accessToken = $MicrosoftTranslator->getToken ( $wp_automatic_mt_id , $wp_automatic_mt_region  );
				echo '<br>Translated text chars: ' . $this->chars_count ( $text );
				$translated = $MicrosoftTranslator->translateWrap ( $text, $from, $to );
			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
				echo '<br>Translation error:' . $e->getMessage ();
				$this->translationSuccess = false;
				return array (
		// Fix broken ] 19459
		$translated = preg_replace ( '{]\s*?1945}', '][1945', $translated );
		// Fix broken Add Comment 19459012]
		$translated = preg_replace ( '{ 19459(\d*?)]}', ' [19459$1]', $translated );
		// Fix [[1945
		$translated = str_replace ( '[ [1945', '[1945', $translated );
		// Fix ], [
		$translated = str_replace ( '], ', ']', $translated );
		// file_put_contents( dirname(__FILE__) .'/test.txt' , $translated);
		// get all brackets
		preg_match_all ( '{\[.*?\]}', $translated, $bracket_matchs );
		$bracket_matchs = $bracket_matchs [0];
		foreach ( $bracket_matchs as $single_bracket ) {
			if (stristr ( $single_bracket, '1' ) && stristr ( $single_bracket, '9' )) {
				$single_bracket_clean = str_replace ( array (
						' ' 
				), '', $single_bracket );
				$translated = str_replace ( $single_bracket, $single_bracket_clean, $translated );
		// copy of the returned masks [numbers]
		preg_match_all ( '{\[\d*?\]}', $translated, $post_tags_matches );
		$post_tags_matches = ($post_tags_matches [0]);
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n\n\n------ Pre translation and post tags-------";
			print_r ( $pre_tags_matches );
			print_r ( $pre_tags_matches_s );
			echo "\n\n\n\n------ Post translation and post tags-------";
			print_r ( $post_tags_matches );
		// validate returned tags
		if (count ( $pre_tags_matches ) == count ( $post_tags_matches )) {
			if ($pre_tags_matches !== $post_tags_matches) {
				$i = 0;
				foreach ( $post_tags_matches as $post_tags_match ) {
					$translated = preg_replace ( '{' . preg_quote ( trim ( $post_tags_match ) ) . '}', '[' . $i . ']', $translated, 1 );
					$i ++;
				if ($this->debug == true) {
					echo "\n\n\n\n-----Translated after replacing each tag with index-------";
					echo $translated;
				// replacing index tags with real pre translation tags
				$i = 0;
				foreach ( $pre_tags_matches as $pre_tags_match ) {
					$translated = str_replace ( '[' . $i . ']', $pre_tags_match, $translated );
					$i ++;
		// each tag in a new line restoration
		$translated = str_replace ( "\n\n[", '[', $translated );
		$translated = str_replace ( "]\n\n", ']', $translated );
		// resotring spaces before and after tags
		$i = 0;
		foreach ( $pre_tags_matches_s as $pre_tags_match ) {
			$pre_tags_match_h = htmlentities ( $pre_tags_match );
			if (stristr ( $pre_tags_match_h, '&nbsp;' )) {
				$pre_tags_match = str_replace ( '&nbsp;', ' ', $pre_tags_match_h );
			$translated = preg_replace ( '{' . preg_quote ( trim ( $pre_tags_match ) ) . '}', "[$i]", $translated, 1 );
			$i ++;
		// remove all spaces before and after current tags
		$translated = preg_replace ( '{\s*\[}u', '[', $translated );
		$translated = preg_replace ( '{\]\s*}u', ']', $translated );
		$i = 0;
		foreach ( $pre_tags_matches_s as $pre_tags_match ) {
			// fix &nbsp;
			$pre_tags_match_h = htmlentities ( $pre_tags_match );
			if (stristr ( $pre_tags_match_h, '&nbsp;' )) {
				$pre_tags_match = str_replace ( '&nbsp;', ' ', $pre_tags_match_h );
			$translated = preg_replace ( '{' . preg_quote ( "[$i]" ) . '}', $pre_tags_match, $translated, 1 );
			$i ++;
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n\n\n--- --- Fixed translation-------\n";
			print_r ( $translated );
		// restore consquent masks
		$startConseq = 19659001;
		foreach ( $conseqMatchs [0] as $conseqMatch ) {
			$translated = str_replace ( '[' . $startConseq . ']', $conseqMatch, $translated );
			$startConseq ++;
		// Grab all replacements with **
		preg_match_all ( '!\[.*?\]!', $translated, $brackets );
		$brackets = $brackets [0];
		$brackets = array_unique ( $brackets );
		foreach ( $brackets as $bracket ) {
			if (stristr ( $bracket, '19' )) {
				$corrrect_bracket = str_replace ( ' ', '', $bracket );
				$corrrect_bracket = str_replace ( '.', '', $corrrect_bracket );
				$corrrect_bracket = str_replace ( ',', '', $corrrect_bracket );
				$translated = str_replace ( $bracket, $corrrect_bracket, $translated );
		if ($this->debug == true) {
			echo "\n\n\n\n--- --- Fixed translation consequests decoded-------\n";
			print_r ( $translated );
		// check if successful translation contains ***
		if (stristr ( $translated, trim ( $titleSeparator ) ) && count ( $pre_tags_matches ) == count ( $post_tags_matches )) {
			$this->translationSuccess = true;
			// restore html tags
			$start = 19459001;
			foreach ( $htmlfounds as $htmlfound ) {
				$translated = str_replace ( '[' . $start . ']', $htmlfound, $translated );
				$start ++;
			// restore excludes
			foreach ( $protected_terms as $htmlfound ) {
				$translated = str_replace ( '[' . $start . ']', $htmlfound, $translated );
				$start ++;
			if ($this->debug == true) {
				echo "\n\n\n\n--- --- Final translation-------\n";
				print_r ( $translated );
			$contents = explode ( trim ( $titleSeparator ), $translated );
			$title = $contents [0];
			$content = $contents [1];
		} else {
			$this->translationSuccess = false;
			echo '<br>Translation failed ';
			if (! stristr ( $translated, trim ( $titleSeparator ) )) {
				echo ' Separator we added between title and content went missing';
			if (! stristr ( $translated, trim ( $titleSeparator ) )) {
				echo ' Separator we added between title and content went missing';
			if (count ( $pre_tags_matches ) != count ( $post_tags_matches )) {
				echo ' Sent ' . count ( $pre_tags_matches ) . ' tags and got ' . count ( $post_tags_matches );
		 * if($contains_bracket == false){
		 * $content = str_replace('(','[',$content);
		 * $content = str_replace(')',']',$content);
		 * }
		return array (
	function curl_post($url, $data, &$info) {
		$ch = curl_init ();
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $this->curl_postData ( $data ) );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url );
		$html = trim ( curl_exec ( $ch ) );
		print_r ( curl_error ( $ch ) );
		return $html;
	function curl_postData($data) {
		$fdata = "";
		foreach ( $data as $key => $val ) {
			$fdata .= "$key=" . urlencode ( $val ) . "&";
		return $fdata;
	 * ---* update cb categories ---
	function update_categories() {
		// Get
		$x = 'error';
		while ( trim ( $x ) != '' ) {
			$url = '';
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
			$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
			echo $x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		if (stristr ( $exec, '<option value="">- All categories -</option>' )) {
			echo '<br>categories found';
			preg_match_all ( "{>- All categories -</option>((.|\s)*?)</select>}", $exec, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			$res = $matches [0];
			$cats = $res [0];
			// extracting single parent categories [<option value="1510">Betting Systems</option>]
			preg_match_all ( "{<option value=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</option>}", $cats, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			$paretcats_ids = $matches [1];
			$paretcats_names = $matches [2];
			// delete current records
			if (count ( $paretcats_names ) > 0) {
				$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_categories ";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
			// adding parent categories
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $paretcats_ids as $parentcat_id ) {
				$parentcat_name = $paretcats_names [$i];
				// inserting cats
				$query = "insert into {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_categories (cat_id , cat_name) values ('$parentcat_id','$parentcat_name')";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
				$i ++;
			echo '<br>Parent Categories added:' . $i;
			// extracting subcategories
			 * <option value="1265" parent="1253" path="Arts & Entertainment &raquo; Architecture"> Architecture </option>
			// echo $exec;
			// exit;
			preg_match_all ( "{<option value=\"(.*?)\"  parent=\"(.*?)\"(.|\s)*?>((.|\s)*?)</option>}", $exec, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			$subcats_ids = $matches [1];
			$subcats_parents = $matches [2];
			$subcats_names = $matches [4];
			$i = 0;
			foreach ( $subcats_ids as $subcats_id ) {
				$subcats_names [$i] = trim ( $subcats_names [$i] );
				$subcats_parents [$i] = trim ( $subcats_parents [$i] );
				$query = "insert into {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_categories(cat_id,cat_parent,cat_name) values('$subcats_id','$subcats_parents[$i]','$subcats_names[$i]')";
				$this->db->query ( $query );
				$i ++;
			echo '<br>Sub Categories added ' . $i;
			// print_r($matches);
			exit ();
			$res = $matches [2];
			$form = $res [0];
			preg_match_all ( "{<option value=\"(.*?)\"  parent=\"(.*?)\"}", $exec, $matches, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER );
			print_r ( $matches );
			// print_r($matches);
			exit ();
			$res = $matches [0];
			$cats = $res [0];
	 * ---* Proxy Frog Integration ---
	function alb_proxyfrog() {
		// get the current list
		$proxies = get_option ( 'alb_proxy_list' );
		// no proxies
		echo '<br>Need new valid proxies';
		if (function_exists ( 'proxyfrogfunc' )) {
			echo '<br>Getting New Proxy List from';
			// Get
			$x = 'error';
			$ch = curl_init ();
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8' );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5 ); // Good leeway for redirections.
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 0 ); // Many login forms redirect at least once.
			                                                // curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
			// Get
			                                                // license
			$paypal = get_option ( 'pf_license' );
			$paypal = urlencode ( $paypal );
			$url = "$paypal";
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
			$exec = curl_exec ( $ch );
			// echo $exec;
			if (stristr ( $exec, ':' )) {
				update_option ( 'be_proxy_list', $exec );
				update_option ( 'alb_proxy_list', $exec );
				echo '<br>New Proxy List <b>Added successfully</b> ';
				$this->log ( 'ProxyFrog', "New Proxy list added from ProxyFrog" );
				return true;
			} else {
				$this->log ( 'ProxyFrog', $exec );
		} else {
			return false;
	} // end fun
	 * ---* Logging Function ---
	function log($type, $data) {
		// $now= date("F j, Y, g:i a");
		$now = date ( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
		$data = @addslashes ( $data );
		$query = "INSERT INTO {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_log (action,date,data) values('$type','$now','$data')";
		// echome$query;
		$this->db->query ( $query );
		$insert = $this->db->insert_id;
		$insert_below_100 = $insert - 100;
		if ($insert_below_100 > 0) {
			// delete
			$query = "delete from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_log where id < $insert_below_100 and action not like '%Posted%'";
			$this->db->query ( $query );
	 * Function that checks if the current link is already posted
	 * @param unknown $link
	function is_duplicate($link_url) {
		$duplicate = false;
		// link suffix
		if ($this->isLinkSuffixed == true) {
			if (stristr ( $link_url, '?' )) {
				$link_url = $link_url . '&rand=' . $this->currentCampID;
			} else {
				$link_url = $link_url . '?rand=' . $this->currentCampID;
		$md5 = md5 ( $link_url );
		// Find items from the duplicate cache
		if (! $this->campOldDuplicateLinksFetched) {
			$this->campOldDuplicateLinks = get_post_meta ( $this->currentCampID, 'wp_automatic_duplicate_cache', 1 );
			// array it
			if (! is_array ( $this->campOldDuplicateLinks ))
				$this->campOldDuplicateLinks = array ();
			$this->campOldDuplicateLinksFetched = true;
		$possibleID = array_search ( $link_url, $this->campOldDuplicateLinks );
		if ($possibleID != false) {
			$duplicate = true;
			$this->duplicate_id = $possibleID;
		// Find items with meta = this url
		if (! $duplicate) {
			// amazon link duplicate check
			if (stristr ( $link_url, '/dp/' ) && stristr ( $link_url, 'https://amazon.' )) {
				$amazon_link_parts = explode ( '/dp/', $link_url );
				$amazon_asin = $amazon_link_parts [1];
				$query = "SELECT post_id FROM `{$this->wp_prefix}postmeta` WHERE meta_key= 'product_asin' and `meta_value` = '$amazon_asin' limit 1";
			} else {
				$query = "SELECT post_id from {$this->wp_prefix}postmeta where meta_key ='$md5' ";
			$pres = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
			if (count ( $pres ) == 0) {
				$duplicate = false;
			} else {
				$duplicate = true;
				foreach ( $pres as $prow ) {
					$ppid = $prow->post_id;
					$this->duplicate_id = $ppid;
					$pstatus = get_post_status ( $ppid );
					if ($pstatus != 'trash') {
		// Check if completely deleted
		if ($this->isLinkOnce) {
			if (! $duplicate) {
				$query = "SELECT link_url from {$this->wp_prefix}automatic_links where link_url='$md5' ";
				$pres = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
				if (count ( $pres ) != 0) {
					$duplicate = true;
					$this->duplicate_id = 'Deleted';
		// Update Duplicate cache
		if ($duplicate == true) {
			// duplicated url, add it to the duplicate cache array
			if (is_numeric ( $this->duplicate_id )) {
				$this->campNewDuplicateLinks [$this->duplicate_id] = $link_url;
				$this->campDuplicateLinksUpdate = true;
		return $duplicate;
	 * Function link exclude to execlude links
	 * @param unknown $camp_id
	 * @param unknown $source_link
	function link_execlude($camp_id, $source_link) {
		if ($this->campExcludedLinksFetched == true) {
			$execluded_links = $this->campExcludedLinks;
		} else {
			$execluded_links = get_post_meta ( $camp_id, '_execluded_links', 1 );
			$this->campExcludedLinks = $execluded_links;
			$this->campExcludedLinksFetched = true;
		$newExecluded_links = $execluded_links . ',' . $source_link;
		update_post_meta ( $camp_id, '_execluded_links', $newExecluded_links );
		$this->campExcludedLinks = $newExecluded_links;
	 * Check if link is execluded or not i.e it didn't contain exact match keys or contins blocked keys
	 * @param unknown $camp_id
	 * @param unknown $link
	function is_execluded($camp_id, $link) {
		if ($this->campExcludedLinksFetched == true) {
			$execluded_links = $this->campExcludedLinks;
		} else {
			$execluded_links = get_post_meta ( $camp_id, '_execluded_links', 1 );
			$this->campExcludedLinks = $execluded_links;
			$this->campExcludedLinksFetched = true;
		if (stristr ( ',' . $execluded_links, $link )) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	 * function cache_image
	 * return local image src if found
	 * return false if not cached
	function is_cached($remote_img, $data_md5) {
		// md5
		$md5 = md5 ( $remote_img );
		// query database for this image
		$query = "SELECT * FROM {$this->db->prefix}automatic_cached where img_hash='$md5' and img_data_hash='$data_md5' limit 1";
		$rows = $this->db->get_results ( $query );
		if (count ( $rows ) == 0)
			return false;
		$row = $rows [0];
		// hm we have cached image with previous same source let's compare
		$local_src = $row->img_internal;
		// make sure current image have same data md5 right now otherwise delete
		// curl get
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $local_src ) );
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		if (md5 ( $exec ) == $data_md5) {
			$this->cached_file_path = $row->img_path;
			return $local_src;
		} else {
			// now the local image no more giving the same md5 may be deleted or changed delete the record
			$query = "delete from {$this->db->prefix}automatic_cached where img_hash = '$md5' ";
			$this->db->query ( $query );
			return false;
	 * @param unknown $remote_img
	 * @param unknown $local_img
	 * @param number $thumb_id
	function img_cached($remote_img, $local_img, $image_data_md5, $file_path) {
		$md5 = md5 ( $remote_img );
		$query = "insert into {$this->db->prefix}automatic_cached(img_external,img_internal,img_hash,img_data_hash,img_path) values ('$remote_img','$local_img','$md5','$image_data_md5','$file_path')";
		$this->db->query ( $query );
	 * deactivate keyword : set the reactivation time to one comig hour
	 * Set $seconds to 0 to deactivate permanently
	 * @param integer $camp_id
	 * @param string $keyword
	function deactivate_key($camp_id, $keyword, $seconds = 3600) {
		$deactivatedUntill = time () + $seconds;
		if ($seconds == 0)
			$deactivatedUntill = 0;
		update_post_meta ( $camp_id, '_' . md5 ( $keyword ), $deactivatedUntill );
	 * is_deactivated: check if the current deactivated keyword is still deactivated or not
	 * if yes it return false
	 * if not deactivated return true
	 * @param integer $camp_id
	 * @param string $key
	function is_deactivated($camp_id, $keyword) {
		// let's see if this keyword deactivated till date or not
		$keyword_key = '_' . md5 ( $keyword );
		$deactivated_till = get_post_meta ( $camp_id, $keyword_key, 1 );
		if (trim ( $deactivated_till ) == '')
			$deactivated_till = 1410020931;
		if ($deactivated_till == 0) {
			// still deactivated
			echo '<br>Calling source for this keyword is <strong>deactivated</strong> permanently because last time we called the source for new items, There were no more results to get. You can still <a class="wp_automatic_key_reactivate" data-id="' . $camp_id . '" data-key="' . $keyword_key . '" href="#"><u>Reactivate Now.</u></a><span class="spinner_' . $keyword_key . '  spinner"></span>';
			return false;
		if (time () > $deactivated_till) {
			// time passed let's reactivate
			echo '<br>Keyword search reached end page lets sart from first page again ';
			return true;
		} else {
			// still deactivated
			echo '<br>Calling source for this keyword is <strong>deactivated</strong> temporarily because last time we called the source for new items, There were no more results to get. We will reactivate it after ' . number_format ( ($deactivated_till - time ()) / 60, 2 ) . ' minutes. You can still <a class="wp_automatic_key_reactivate" data-id="' . $camp_id . '" data-key="' . $keyword_key . '" href="#"><u>Reactivate Now.</u></a><span class="spinner_' . $keyword_key . '  spinner"></span>';
			return false;
	 * Function is_link_old check if the timestamp for the link is older than minimum
	 * @param unknown $camp_id
	 * @param unknown $link_timestamp
	function is_link_old($camp_id, $link_timestamp) {
		if ($this->debug == true)
			echo '<br>is_link_old Minimum:' . $this->minimum_post_timestamp . ' Current:' . $link_timestamp;
		if ($this->minimum_post_timestamp_camp == $camp_id) {
			if ($link_timestamp < $this->minimum_post_timestamp) {
				return true;
			} else {
				return false;
	 * function is_title_duplicate
	 * @param unknown $title
	function is_title_duplicate($title, $post_type) {
		 * echo ' title is:'.$title;
		 * var_dump(get_page_by_title( $title, 'OBJECT', $post_type ));
		 * exit;
		if (get_page_by_title ( $title, 'OBJECT', $post_type )) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	function do_tag_exists(&$camp, $tags) {
		$partToCheck = $camp->camp_post_custom_v . $camp->camp_post_content . $camp->camp_post_title;
		foreach ( $tags as $tag ) {
			if (stristr ( $partToCheck, $tag )) {
				return true;
		return false;
	 * ---* validating ---
	function validate() {
		$paypal = get_option ( 'alb_license', '' );
		$active = get_option ( 'alb_license_active', '' );
		$link = '';
		// no license
		if (trim ( $paypal ) == '') {
			$this->log ( 'Error', 'License Required please visit settings and add the paypal email you used to purchase the product' );
			exit ();
		// cehck validety
		if (trim ( $active ) != '1') {
			// first time activation
			// opening the page using curl
			$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_URL, trim ( "$link?email=$paypal" ) );
			$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20 );
			$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50 );
			$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			$ret = $this->c->execute ();
			$ret = trim ( $ret );
			// when no response
			if ($ret == '') {
				// service not available
				$this->log ( 'Error', 'Could not activate licence at this time may be our server is under maintenance now I will keep try and if the problem exists contact support' );
				exit ();
			} elseif ($ret == '0') {
				// not valid license
				$this->log ( 'Error', 'License is not valid please visit settings and use a valid license please, if you do\'t have a license consider to purchase <a href="">Here</a> and if you have just purchased just hold on our records will update after 10 minutes please be patient' );
				exit ();
			} elseif ($ret == '-1') {
				// Refunded
				$this->log ( 'Error', 'License is not valid a Refund may have been already issued for this license' );
				exit ();
			} elseif ($ret == '1') {
				// valid license
				update_option ( 'alb_license_active', '1' );
				// register last chek
				$date = date ( "m\-d\-y" );
				update_option ( 'alb_license_last', $date );
			} else {
				$this->log ( 'Error', 'License could not be validated at this time, our server may be under maintenance now will try the next cron' );
				exit ();
		} else {
			// license is working without problem we should check again
			$date = date ( "m\-d\-y" );
			$last_check = get_option ( 'alb_license_last', $date );
			$offset = $this->dateDiff ( "-", $date, $last_check );
			if ($offset >= 1) {
				// echo 'checking license again';
				// check again
				// opening the page using curl
				$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_URL, trim ( "$link?email=$paypal" ) );
				$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 20 );
				$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 50 );
				$this->c->set ( CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
				$ret = $this->c->execute ();
				$ret = trim ( $ret );
				// when no response
				if ($ret == '0') {
					// not valid license
					$this->log ( 'Error', 'License is not valid please visit settings and use a valid license please, if you do\'t have a license consider to purchase <a href="">Here</a>' );
					update_option ( 'alb_license_active', '' );
					exit ();
				} elseif ($ret == '-1') {
					// Refunded
					$this->log ( 'Error', 'License is not valid a Refund may have been already issued for this license' );
					update_option ( 'alb_license_active', '' );
					exit ();
				} elseif ($ret == '1') {
					// valid license
					update_option ( 'alb_license_active', '1' );
					// register last chek
					$date = date ( "m\-d\-y" );
					update_option ( 'alb_license_last', $date );
		return true;
	 * ---* Date Difference return days between two dates ---
	function dateDiff($dformat, $endDate, $beginDate) {
		$date_parts1 = explode ( $dformat, $beginDate );
		$date_parts2 = explode ( $dformat, $endDate );
		$start_date = gregoriantojd ( $date_parts1 [0], $date_parts1 [1], $date_parts1 [2] );
		$end_date = gregoriantojd ( $date_parts2 [0], $date_parts2 [1], $date_parts2 [2] );
		return $end_date - $start_date;
	 * ---* Download File ---
	function downloadfile($link) {
		$downloader = $this->plugin_url . 'downloader.php';
		// $downloader='http://localhost/php/wpsbox_aals/downloader.php';
		$link = str_replace ( 'http', 'httpz', $link );
		$enc = urlencode ( $link );
		// $return=file_get_contents($downloader.'?link='.$enc);
		// echo $return ;
		if (stristr ( $return, 'error' )) {
			echo '<br>An Error downloading the <b>damn file</b> :';
			echo ' <i><small>' . $return . '</small></i>';
			return false;
		return true;
	 * ---* Solve captcha function ---
	function solvecap($url) {
		$decap_user = get_option ( 'alb_de_u' );
		$decap_pass = get_option ( 'alb_de_p' );
		// if decap not registered return false
		if (trim ( $decap_user ) == '' || trim ( $decap_pass ) == '') {
			echo '<br> <b>account needed</b>';
			$this->log ( 'Error', 'Capatcha Met at ' . $proxy . ' , Decapatcher Account needed please register one at , add balance to it then enter login details at settings tab ' );
			return false;
		// curl ini
		$ch = curl_init ();
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 10 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 20 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8' );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 5 ); // Good leeway for redirections.
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 ); // Many login forms redirect at least once.
		                                                // curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
		$img = curl_exec ( $ch );
		if (trim ( $img ) == '')
			return false;
		if (curl_error ( $ch ) != '') {
			echo '<br>Image fetched with error:' . curl_error ( $ch ) . '<br>';
			return false;
		// file_put_contents('files/cap.jpg',$img);
		// positng image to capatcher to get the decapatched version
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 0 );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, '' );
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
		$decap_acc = '1169';
		$post = array (
				"pict" => "@files/cap.jpg",
				"function" => "picture2",
				"username" => $decap_user,
				"password" => $decap_pass,
				"pict_to" => "0",
				"pict_type" => $decap_acc 
		curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post );
		if (curl_error ( $ch ) != '') {
			echo '<br>Captacha Posted with error:' . curl_error ( $ch ) . '<br>';
			return false;
		$decap = curl_exec ( $ch );
		echo '<br>Decap returned:' . $decap;
		// check if decapatcher returned an error -
		if (stristr ( $decap, '-' ) || trim ( $decap ) == '') {
			echo '<br>Decapatcher returned an <b>error</b> ' . $decap;
			$this->log ( 'Error', 'Decapatcher Account Error Please check login details and suffecient balance' );
			return false;
		if (trim ( $decap ) == '')
			return false;
		$decaps = explode ( '|', $decap );
		$decap = $decaps [5];
		if (trim ( $decap ) == '')
			return false;
		echo '<br>Decap Solution:' . $decap;
		return $decap;
	 * ---* Trackback function using wp modification ---
	function trackback($trackback_url, $author, $ttl, $excerpt, $link) {
		$options = array ();
		$options ['timeout'] = 4;
		$options ['body'] = array (
				'title' => $ttl,
				'url' => $link,
				'blog_name' => $author,
				'excerpt' => $excerpt 
		$response = wp_remote_post ( $trackback_url, $options );
		if (is_wp_error ( $response )) {
			echo '<br>Trackback Error';
		} else {
			echo '<br>No Track back error';
	 * function get_time_difference: get the time difference in minutes.
	 * @start: time stamp
	 * @end: time stamp
	function get_time_difference($start, $end) {
		$uts ['start'] = $start;
		$uts ['end'] = $end;
		if ($uts ['start'] !== - 1 && $uts ['end'] !== - 1) {
			if ($uts ['end'] >= $uts ['start']) {
				$diff = $uts ['end'] - $uts ['start'];
				return round ( $diff / 60, 0 );
	function truncateHtml($text, $length = 100, $ending = '...', $exact = false, $considerHtml = true) {
		if ($considerHtml) {
			// if the plain text is shorter than the maximum length, return the whole text
			if (strlen ( preg_replace ( '/<.*?>/', '', $text ) ) <= $length) {
				return $text;
			// splits all html-tags to scanable lines
			preg_match_all ( '/(<.+?>)?([^<>]*)/s', $text, $lines, PREG_SET_ORDER );
			$total_length = strlen ( $ending );
			$open_tags = array ();
			$truncate = '';
			foreach ( $lines as $line_matchings ) {
				// if there is any html-tag in this line, handle it and add it (uncounted) to the output
				if (! empty ( $line_matchings [1] )) {
					// if it's an "empty element" with or without xhtml-conform closing slash
					if (preg_match ( '/^<(\s*.+?\/\s*|\s*(img|br|input|hr|area|base|basefont|col|frame|isindex|link|meta|param)(\s.+?)?)>$/is', $line_matchings [1] )) {
						// do nothing
						// if tag is a closing tag
					} else if (preg_match ( '/^<\s*\/([^\s]+?)\s*>$/s', $line_matchings [1], $tag_matchings )) {
						// delete tag from $open_tags list
						$pos = array_search ( $tag_matchings [1], $open_tags );
						if ($pos !== false) {
							unset ( $open_tags [$pos] );
						// if tag is an opening tag
					} else if (preg_match ( '/^<\s*([^\s>!]+).*?>$/s', $line_matchings [1], $tag_matchings )) {
						// add tag to the beginning of $open_tags list
						array_unshift ( $open_tags, strtolower ( $tag_matchings [1] ) );
					// add html-tag to $truncate'd text
					$truncate .= $line_matchings [1];
				// calculate the length of the plain text part of the line; handle entities as one character
				$content_length = strlen ( preg_replace ( '/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', ' ', $line_matchings [2] ) );
				if ($total_length + $content_length > $length) {
					// the number of characters which are left
					$left = $length - $total_length;
					$entities_length = 0;
					// search for html entities
					if (preg_match_all ( '/&[0-9a-z]{2,8};|&#[0-9]{1,7};|[0-9a-f]{1,6};/i', $line_matchings [2], $entities, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE )) {
						// calculate the real length of all entities in the legal range
						foreach ( $entities [0] as $entity ) {
							if ($entity [1] + 1 - $entities_length <= $left) {
								$left --;
								$entities_length += strlen ( $entity [0] );
							} else {
								// no more characters left
					$truncate .= substr ( $line_matchings [2], 0, $left + $entities_length );
					// maximum lenght is reached, so get off the loop
				} else {
					$truncate .= $line_matchings [2];
					$total_length += $content_length;
				// if the maximum length is reached, get off the loop
				if ($total_length >= $length) {
		} else {
			if (strlen ( $text ) <= $length) {
				return $text;
			} else {
				$truncate = substr ( $text, 0, $length - strlen ( $ending ) );
		// if the words shouldn't be cut in the middle...
		if (! $exact) {
			// the last occurance of a space...
			$spacepos = strrpos ( $truncate, ' ' );
			if (isset ( $spacepos )) {
				// ...and cut the text in this position
				$truncate = substr ( $truncate, 0, $spacepos );
		// add the defined ending to the text
		$truncate .= $ending;
		if ($considerHtml) {
			// close all unclosed html-tags
			foreach ( $open_tags as $tag ) {
				$truncate .= '</' . $tag . '>';
		return $truncate;
	} // end function
	 * function: curl with follocation that will get url if openbasedir is set or safe mode enabled
	 * @param unknown $ch
	 * @return mixed
	function curl_exec_follow(&$ch) {
		$max_redir = 3;
		for($i = 0; $i < $max_redir; $i ++) {
			$exec = curl_exec ( $ch );
			$x = curl_error ( $ch );
			$info = curl_getinfo ( $ch );
			// meta refresh
			if (stristr ( $exec, 'http-equiv="refresh"' ) && $info ['http_code'] == 200 && ! stristr ( $exec, '_fb_noscript' )) {
				// get the Redirect URL
				preg_match ( '{<meta.*?http-equiv="refresh".*?>}', $exec, $redirectMatch );
				if (isset ( $redirectMatch [0] ) && trim ( $redirectMatch [0] ) != '') {
					preg_match ( '#\bhttps?://[^\s()<>]+(?:\([\w\d]+\)|([^[:punct:]\s]|/))#', $redirectMatch [0], $urlMatchs );
					if (isset ( $urlMatchs [0] ) && stristr ( $urlMatchs [0], 'http' )) {
						echo '<br><span style="color:orange">Alert:</span> HTTP redirection suspected... redirecting... enable the option below to don\'t try to guess redirections if you got wrong content';
						echo '<br>Redirecting to: '. $urlMatchs [0];
						$info ['http_code'] = 302;
						$info ['redirect_url'] = $urlMatchs [0];
			} elseif (stristr ( $exec, 'location.replace' )) {
				preg_match ( '{location\.replace\((.*?)\)}', $exec, $loc_matches );
				$possible_redirect = isset ( $loc_matches [1] ) ? $loc_matches [1] : '';
				if (stristr ( $possible_redirect, 'http' )) {
					echo '<br><span style="color:orange">Alert:</span> JavaScript redirection suspected... redirecting... enable the option below to don\'t try to guess redirections if you got wrong content'; 
					echo '<br>Redirecting to:' . $possible_redirect ;
					$possible_redirect = str_replace ( array (
					), '', $possible_redirect );
					$info ['http_code'] = 302;
					$info ['redirect_url'] = trim ( $possible_redirect );
			if ($info ['http_code'] == 301 || $info ['http_code'] == 302) {
				// if there is no reddirect_url
				if (trim ( $info ['redirect_url'] ) == '') {
					$info ['redirect_url'] = curl_getinfo ( $ch, CURLINFO_REDIRECT_URL );
					// if php is below 5.3.7 and there is no redirect_url option
					if (trim ( $info ['redirect_url'] ) == '') {
						if (stristr ( $exec, 'Location:' )) {
							preg_match ( '{Location:(.*)}', $exec, $loc_matches );
							$redirect_url = trim ( $loc_matches [1] );
							if (trim ( $redirect_url ) != '') {
								$info ['redirect_url'] = $redirect_url;
						} else {
							// $info['redirect_url'] = $info['url'];
				// fb %20 correction
				if (stristr ( $info ['redirect_url'], 'mbasic.facebook' )) {
					$info ['redirect_url'] = str_replace ( '%20', '', $info ['redirect_url'] );
				curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
				curl_setopt ( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $info ['redirect_url'] ) );
				$exec = curl_exec ( $ch );
			} else {
				// no redirect just return
		return $exec;
	 * function curl_file_exists: check existence of a file
	 * @param unknown $url
	 * @return boolean
	function curl_file_exists($url) {
		// curl get
		$x = 'error';
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $url );
		// curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, true);
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		$httpCode = curl_getinfo ( $this->ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE );
		// curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, false);
		if ($httpCode == '200' || $httpCode == '302')
			return true;
		return false;
	// function to get user id and create it if not exists
	function get_user_id_by_display_name($display_name) {
		// trim
		$display_name = trim ( $display_name );
		// check user existence
		if (! $user = $this->db->get_row ( $this->db->prepare ( "SELECT `ID` FROM {$this->db->users} WHERE `display_name` = %s", $display_name ) )) {
			// replace spaces
			$login_name =trim( str_replace ( ' ', '_', $display_name ));

			// no user with this name let's create it and return the id
			$userdata ['display_name'] = $display_name;
			//check if URL Friendly without spaces or non latin chars 
			if(preg_match('{^[\w|\d|_]*$}' , $login_name  )){
				$userdata ['user_login'] = $login_name;
				$userdata ['user_login'] = md5 ( $display_name );
			$userdata ['role'] = 'contributor';
			$user_id = wp_insert_user ( $userdata );
			if (! is_wp_error ( $user_id )) {
				echo '<br>New user created:' . $display_name;
				return $user_id;
			} else {
				return false;
			return false;
		return $user->ID;
	// remove emoji from instagram
	function removeEmoji($text) {
		if (function_exists ( 'wp_staticize_emoji' )) {
			$text = wp_staticize_emoji ( $text );
			$text = preg_replace ( '{<img src="*?>}s', '', $text );
			return $text;
		} else {
			$clean_text = "";
			// Match Emoticons
			$regexEmoticons = '/[\x{1F600}-\x{1F64F}]/u';
			$clean_text = preg_replace ( $regexEmoticons, '', $text );
			// Match Miscellaneous Symbols and Pictographs
			$regexSymbols = '/[\x{1F300}-\x{1F5FF}]/u';
			$clean_text = preg_replace ( $regexSymbols, '', $clean_text );
			// Match Transport And Map Symbols
			$regexTransport = '/[\x{1F680}-\x{1F6FF}]/u';
			$clean_text = preg_replace ( $regexTransport, '', $clean_text );
			// Match Miscellaneous Symbols
			$regexMisc = '/[\x{2600}-\x{26FF}]/u';
			$clean_text = preg_replace ( $regexMisc, '', $clean_text );
			// Match Dingbats
			$regexDingbats = '/[\x{2700}-\x{27BF}]/u';
			$clean_text = preg_replace ( $regexDingbats, '', $clean_text );
			return $clean_text;
	// function for hyperlinking
	function hyperlink_this($text) {
		return preg_replace ( '@(https?://([-\w\.]+[-\w])+(:\d+)?(/([\w/_\.#-]*(\?\S+)?[^\.\s])?)?)@', '<a href="$1" target="_blank">$0</a>', $text );
	// function for stripping inline urls
	function strip_urls($content) {
		return preg_replace ( '{http[s]?://[^\s]*}', '', $content );
	// fix invalid uلtf chars
	function fix_utf8($string) {
		// check if wrong utf8
		if (1 === @preg_match ( '/^./us', $string )) {
			return $string;
		} else {
			echo '<br>Fixing invalid utf8 text...';
			if (function_exists ( 'iconv' )) {
				return iconv ( 'utf-8', 'utf-8//IGNORE', $string );
			} else {
				echo '<br>Iconv module is not installed, please install PHP iconv module';
				return $string;
	function cleanthetitle($title) {
		$title = str_replace ( 'nospin', '', $title );
		$title = str_replace ( ' ', '-', $title ); // Replaces all spaces with hyphens.
		$title = preg_replace ( '/[^A-Za-z0-9\-]/', '', $title ); // Removes special chars.
		return preg_replace ( '/-+/', '-', $title ); // Replaces multiple hyphens with single one.
	// is_enlish: checks if the text is english requires mb_string module
	function is_english($string) {
		if (! function_exists ( 'mb_strlen' )) {
			echo '<br>Will skip checking if english as mbstring module must be installed ';
			return true;
		$string = str_replace ( array (
		), '', $string );
		if (strlen ( $string ) != mb_strlen ( $string, 'utf-8' )) {
			return false;
		} else {
			return true;
	function attach_image($image_url, $camp_opt, $post_id) {
		// Upload dir
		$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
		// img host
		$imghost = parse_url ( $image_url, PHP_URL_HOST );
		if (stristr ( $imghost, 'http://' )) {
			$imgrefer = $imghost;
		} else {
			$imgrefer = 'http://' . $imghost;
		// empty referal
		if (! in_array ( 'OPT_CACHE_REFER_NULL', $camp_opt )) {
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, $imgrefer );
		} else {
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
		if (stristr ( $image_url, 'base64,' )) {
			$filename = time ();
		} else {
			// decode html entitiies
			$image_url = html_entity_decode ( $image_url );
			if (stristr ( $image_url, '%' )) {
				$image_url = urldecode ( $image_url );
			// file name to store
			$filename = basename ( $image_url );
			if (stristr ( $image_url, ' ' )) {
				$image_url = str_replace ( ' ', '%20', $image_url );
		// Clean thumb
		if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_CLEAN', $camp_opt )) {
			$clean_name = '';
			$clean_name = sanitize_file_name ( $post_title );
			echo '<br>clean name' . $clean_name;
			if (trim ( $clean_name ) != "") {
				// get the image extension \.\w{3}
				$ext = pathinfo ( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
				if (stristr ( $ext, '?' )) {
					$ext_parts = explode ( '?', $ext );
					$ext = $ext_parts [0];
				// clean parameters after filename
				$filename = trim ( $clean_name );
				if (trim ( $ext ) != '') {
					$filename = $filename . '.' . $ext;
		if (stristr ( $image_url, 'base64,' )) {
			$ex = explode ( 'base64,', $current_img );
			$image_data = base64_decode ( $ex [1] );
			// set fileName extention .png, .jpg etc
			preg_match ( '{data:image/(.*?);}', $image_url, $ex_matches );
			$image_ext = $ex_matches [1];
			if (trim ( $image_ext ) != '') {
				$filename = $filename . '.' . $image_ext;
		} else {
			// get image content
			$x = 'error';
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( html_entity_decode ( $image_url ) ) );
			$image_data = $this->curl_exec_follow ( $this->ch );
			$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		if (trim ( $image_data ) != '') {
			// check if already saved
			$image_data_md5 = md5 ( $image_data );
			$is_cached = $this->is_cached ( $image_url, $image_data_md5 );
			if ($is_cached != false) {
				echo '<--already cached';
				$file = $this->cached_file_path;
				$guid = $is_cached;
			} else {
				if (stristr ( $filename, '?' )) {
					$farr = explode ( '?', $filename );
					$filename = $farr [0];
				// pagepeeker fix
				if (stristr ( $image_url, 'pagepeeker' ) && ! in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_CLEAN', $camp_opt )) {
					$filename = md5 ( $filename ) . '.jpg';
				if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
					$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
					$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
				// check if same image name already exists
				if (file_exists ( $file )) {
					// get the current saved one to check if identical
					$already_saved_image_link = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . $filename;
					// curl get
					$x = 'error';
					$url = $already_saved_image_link;
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
					curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
					$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
					if (trim ( $exec ) == trim ( $image_data )) {
						$idential = true;
						echo '<br>Featured image already exists with same path.. using it';
					} else {
						echo '<br>Featured image exists with same path but not identical.. saving  ';
						$filename = time () . '_' . $filename;
				// saving image
				if (! isset ( $idential )) {
					if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
						$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . $filename;
						$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . $filename;
					$f = file_put_contents ( $file, $image_data );
				$guid = $upload_dir ['url'] . '/' . basename ( $filename );
				$this->img_cached ( $image_url, $guid, $image_data_md5, $file );
			} // not cached
			// atttatchment check if exists or not
			global $wpdb;
			$query = "select * from $wpdb->posts where guid = '$guid'";
			$already_saved_attachment = $wpdb->get_row ( $query );
			if (isset ( $already_saved_attachment->ID )) {
				$attach_id = $already_saved_attachment->ID;
			} else {
				$wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype ( $filename, null );
				if ($wp_filetype ['type'] == false) {
					$wp_filetype ['type'] = 'image/jpeg';
				// Alt handling
				$imgTitle = sanitize_file_name ( $filename );
				if (in_array ( 'OPT_THUMB_ALT', $camp_opt )) {
					// $imgTitle = $title;
				$attachment = array (
						'guid' => $guid,
						'post_mime_type' => $wp_filetype ['type'],
						'post_title' => $imgTitle,
						'post_content' => '',
						'post_status' => 'inherit' 
				$attach_id = wp_insert_attachment ( $attachment, $file, $post_id );
				require_once (ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image.php');
				$attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $file );
				wp_update_attachment_metadata ( $attach_id, $attach_data );
			if (is_numeric ( $attach_id ) && $attach_id > 0) {
				return $attach_id;
		} else {
			echo ' <-- can not get image content ' . $x;
			return false;
	 * Count chars on text using mb_ module and if not exists it count it using strlen
	 * @param unknown $text
	function chars_count(&$text) {
		if (function_exists ( 'mb_strlen' )) {
			return mb_strlen ( $text );
		} else {
			return strlen ( $text );
	function randomUserAgent() {
		$os_type = rand ( 1, 3 );
		$chrome_version = rand ( 31, 81 ) . '.0.' . rand ( 1, 4044 ) . '.' . rand ( 0, 138 );
		// Chrome
		if ($os_type == 1) {
			$agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36";
		} elseif ($os_type == 2) {
			$agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36";
			$mac_version = "10_" . rand ( 6, 15 ) . "_" . rand ( 1, 4 );
			$agent = str_replace ( '10_15_4', $mac_version, $agent );
		} elseif ($os_type == 3) {
			$agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.138 Safari/537.36";
		// main version 81
		$agent = str_replace ( "81.0.4044.138", $chrome_version, $agent );
		return $agent;
	 * Function to download file and return the url of it at the server
	 * @param String $url
	 *        	@parm String optional $ext ex .xml
	 *        	return path of the file or false
	function download_file($url, $ext = '') {
		// curl get
		$x = 'error';
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		if (trim ( $x ) == '' && trim ( $exec ) != '') {
			$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
			$filePath = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/wp_automatic_temp' . $ext;
			$fileUrl = $upload_dir ['baseurl'] . '/wp_automatic_temp' . $ext;
			file_put_contents ( $filePath, $exec );
			return $fileUrl;
		return false;
	function convert_single_quotes(&$original_cont) {
		$original_cont = preg_replace ( "{([alt|src|href])[\s]*=[\s]*'(.*?)'}s", "$1=\"$2\"", $original_cont );
		return $original_cont;
	 * Fix src links
	 * @param string $content
	 *        	to be fixed content
	 * @param string $url
	 * @return string fixed content
	function fix_relative_paths($content, $url) {
		// fix images
		$pars = parse_url ( $url );
		$host = $pars ['host'];
		$scheme = $pars ['scheme'];
		if ($scheme != 'https')
			$scheme = 'http';
		// $url with last slash
		$path = $pars ['path'];
		$path_parts = explode ( '/', $path );
		array_pop ( $path_parts );
		$url_with_last_slash = $scheme . '://' . $host . implode ( '/', $path_parts );
		//base url 
		preg_match ( '{<base href="(.*?)"}', $content, $base_matches );
		$base_url = (isset ( $base_matches [1] ) && trim ( $base_matches [1] ) != '') ? trim ( $base_matches [1] ) : $url_with_last_slash;
		/* preg_match_all('{<img.*?src[\s]*=[\s]*["|\'](.*?)["|\'].*?>}is', $res['cont'] , $matches); */
		$content = str_replace ( 'src="//', 'src="' . $scheme . '://', $content );
		$content = str_replace ( 'href="//', 'href="' . $scheme . '://', $content );
		preg_match_all ( '{(?:href|src)[\s]*=[\s]*["|\'](.*?)["|\'].*?>}is', $content, $matches );
		$img_srcs = ($matches [1]);
		$img_srcs = array_filter ( $img_srcs );
		foreach ( $img_srcs as $img_src ) {
			$original_src = $img_src;
			// ../ remove
			if (stristr ( $img_src, '../' )) {
				$img_src = str_replace ( '../', '', $img_src );
			if (stristr ( $img_src, 'http:' ) || stristr ( $img_src, 'www.' ) || stristr ( $img_src, 'https:' ) || stristr ( $img_src, 'data:image' ) || stristr ( $img_src, '#' ) ) {
				// valid image
			} else {
				// not valid image i.e relative path starting with a / or not or //
				$img_src = trim ( $img_src );
				if (preg_match ( '{^//}', $img_src )) {
					$img_src = $scheme . ':' . $img_src;
				} elseif (preg_match ( '{^/}', $img_src )) {
					$img_src = $scheme . '://' . $host . $img_src;
				} else {
					$img_src = $base_url . '/' . $img_src;
				$reg_img = '{["|\'][\s]*' . preg_quote ( $original_src, '{' ) . '[\s]*["|\']}s';
				$content = preg_replace ( $reg_img, '"' . $img_src . '"', $content );
		// Fix Srcset
		preg_match_all ( '{srcset[\s]*=[\s]*["|\'](.*?)["|\']}s', $content, $srcset_matches );
		$srcset_matches_raw = $srcset_matches [0];
		$srcset_matches_inner = $srcset_matches [1];
		$i = 0;
		foreach ( $srcset_matches_raw as $srcset ) {
			if (stristr ( $srcset, 'http:' ) || stristr ( $srcset, 'https:' ) || stristr($srcset,  'data:image' ) ) {
				// valid
			} else {
				// lets fix
				$correct_srcset = $srcset_inner = $srcset_matches_inner [$i];
				$srcset_inner_parts = explode ( ',', $srcset_inner );
				foreach ( $srcset_inner_parts as $srcset_row ) {
					$srcset_row_parts = explode ( ' ', trim ( $srcset_row ) );
					$img_src_raw = $img_src = $srcset_row_parts [0];
					if (preg_match ( '{^//}', $img_src )) {
						$img_src = $scheme . ':' . $img_src;
					} elseif (preg_match ( '{^/}', $img_src )) {
						$img_src = $scheme . '://' . $host . $img_src;
					} else {
						$img_src = $scheme . '://' . $host . '/' . $img_src;
					$srcset_row_correct = str_replace ( $img_src_raw, $img_src, $srcset_row );
					$correct_srcset = str_replace ( $srcset_row, $srcset_row_correct, $correct_srcset );
				$content = str_replace ( $srcset_inner, $correct_srcset, $content );
			$i ++;
		// Fix relative links
		$content = str_replace ( 'href="../', 'href="http://' . $host . '/', $content );
		$content = preg_replace ( '{href="/(\w)}', 'href="http://' . $host . '/$1', $content );
		$content = preg_replace ( '{href=/(\w)}', 'href=http://' . $host . '/$1', $content ); // <a href=/story/sports/college/miss
		return $content;
	 * return width of an image
	function get_image_width($image_data) {
		$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir ();
		// let's save the file
		if (wp_mkdir_p ( $upload_dir ['path'] ))
			$file = $upload_dir ['path'] . '/' . 'temp_wp_automatic';
			$file = $upload_dir ['basedir'] . '/' . 'temp_wp_automatic';
		file_put_contents ( $file, $image_data );
		$size = getimagesize ( $file );
		if ($size != false) {
			return $size [0];
		} else {
			return 0;
	 * Auto fix lazy loading
	 * @param
	 *        	$cont
	function lazy_loading_auto_fix($cont) {
		preg_match_all ( '{<img .*?>}s', $cont, $imgsMatchs );
		// if no images
		$imgs_count = count ( $imgsMatchs [0] );
		if ($imgs_count < 1)
			return $cont;
		$found_lazy_tag = '';
		if (stristr ( $cont, ' data-src=' )) {
			$found_lazy_tag = 'data-src';
		} elseif (stristr ( $cont, ' data-lazy-src=' )) {
			$found_lazy_tag = 'data-lazy-src';
		} else {
			// suspecting lazy
			$lazy_suspected = false;
			$images_plain = implode ( ' ', $imgsMatchs [0] );
			if (stristr ( $images_plain, 'lazy' )) {
				if ($this->debug == true)
					echo '<br>Lazy word exists, now suspected';
				$lazy_suspected = true;
			} else {
				if ($this->debug == true)
					echo '<br>Word Lazy does not exist, lets guess...';
				// src values
				preg_match_all ( '{ src[\s]?=[\s]?["|\'](.*?)["|\']}', $images_plain, $srcs_matches );
				$found_srcs_count = count ( $srcs_matches [0] );
				$unique_srcs_count = count ( array_unique ( $srcs_matches [1] ) );
				if ($this->debug == true)
					echo "<br>Post contains $found_srcs_count src attributes, and $unique_srcs_count unique";
				if ($found_srcs_count != 0) {
					$diff_percentage = (($found_srcs_count - $unique_srcs_count)) * 100 / $found_srcs_count;
				} else {
					$diff_percentage = 0;
				if ($this->debug == true)
					echo '<-- Percentage is ' . $diff_percentage;
				if ($diff_percentage > 39) {
					$lazy_suspected = true;
					if ($this->debug == true)
						echo '<-- Lazy suspected';
				} else {
					if ($this->debug == true)
						echo '<-- Lazy was not suspected';
			// finding suspected lazy attribute
			if ($lazy_suspected) {
				$images_plain_no_src = preg_replace ( '{ src[\s]?=[\s]?["|\'].*?["|\']}', ' ', $images_plain );
				$replace_known_attributes = array (
						' alt',
						' srcset',
						' data-srcset',
						' class',
						' id',
						' title' 
				$images_plain_no_src = str_replace ( $replace_known_attributes, ' ', $images_plain_no_src );
				// remove attributes containing small data 1-9
				$images_plain_no_src = preg_replace ( '{ [\w|-]*?[\s]?=[\s]?["|\'].{1,9}?["|\']}s', ' ', $images_plain_no_src );
				// attributes with slashes
				preg_match_all ( '{( [\w|-]*?)[\s]?=[\s]?["|\'][^",]*?/[^",]*?["|\']}', $images_plain_no_src, $possible_src_matches );
				$unique_attr = (array_unique ( $possible_src_matches [1] ));
				if (isset ( $unique_attr [0] )) {
					$found_lazy_tag = $unique_attr [0];
		// found tag?
		// of course not src
		if (trim ( $found_lazy_tag ) == 'src')
			return $cont;
		if (trim ( $found_lazy_tag ) != '') {
			echo '<br>Lazy loading was automatically detected where lazy tag is: <strong>' . $found_lazy_tag . '</strong>...Fixing...';
			$cg_feed_lazy = trim ( $found_lazy_tag );
		} else {
			return $cont;
		if (! stristr ( $cont, $cg_feed_lazy ))
			return $cont;
		foreach ( $imgsMatchs [0] as $imgMatch ) {
			if (stristr ( $imgMatch, $cg_feed_lazy )) {
				$newImg = $imgMatch;
				$newImg = str_replace ( ' src=', ' bad-src=', $newImg );
				$newImg = preg_replace ( '{ bad-src=[\'|"].*?[\'|"] }', ' ', $newImg );
				$newImg = str_replace ( ' ' . $cg_feed_lazy, ' src', $newImg );
				$cont = str_replace ( $imgMatch, $newImg, $cont );
		return $cont;
	 * Check if filename contains an ext and append it if not based on the mime
	 * @param string $filename
	 *        	file name
	 * @param string $contentType
	 *        	content type
	function append_file_ext($filename, $contentType) {
		if (! preg_match ( '/\.(jpg|jpeg|jpe|png|gif|bmp|tiff|tif)$/i', $filename )) {
			if (stristr ( $contentType, 'image' )) {
				$filename .= '.' . trim ( str_replace ( 'image/', '', $contentType ) );
				$filename = str_replace('.php' , '' , $filename );
		return $filename;
	// random text
	function randomString($length = 10) {
		$str = "";
		$characters = array_merge ( range ( 'A', 'Z' ), range ( 'a', 'z' ), range ( '0', '9' ) );
		$max = count ( $characters ) - 1;
		for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i ++) {
			$rand = mt_rand ( 0, $max );
			$str .= $characters [$rand];
		return $str;
	 * Random cookie name
	 * @return string|unknown|mixed|boolean
	function cookieJarName() {
		$name = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_cjn', '' );
		if (trim ( $name ) == '') {
			$name = $this->randomString () . '_' . $this->randomString ();
			update_option ( 'wp_automatic_cjn', $name );
		return $name;
	function get_soundcloud_key() {
		// if we already got it before
		if (trim ( $this->soundCloudAPIKey ) != '')
			return $this->soundCloudAPIKey;
		// get from cache
		$wp_automatic_sc_client = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_sc_client' );
		// verify if key is valid
		if (trim ( $wp_automatic_sc_client ) != '') {
			// curl get
			$x = 'error';
			$url = "$wp_automatic_sc_client&limit=1";
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
			$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
			$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
			// Valid key
			if (trim ( $exec ) != '' && ! stristr($exec, 'Unauthorized')) {
				echo '<br>Cached key found to be ok.... using it.';
				$this->soundCloudAPIKey = $wp_automatic_sc_client;
				return $wp_automatic_sc_client;
			} else {
				echo '<br>Current SoundCloud key is no more valid:' . $wp_automatic_sc_client;
		// get new key
		echo '<br>Getting a new SoundCloud Key';
		// get
		// curl get
		$x = 'error';
		$url = '';
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $url ) );
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
		preg_match_all ( '{src="(.*?)"></script>}', $exec, $scripts_matches );
		if (count ( $scripts_matches [1] ) > 0) {
			$last_script = end ( $scripts_matches [1] );
			// curl get
			$x = 'error';
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
			curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim ( $last_script ) );
			$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
			$x = curl_error ( $this->ch );
			// extract key client_id:"Ia1FFtOCVzChwxvKk7dA6OsEQMwHVptP"
			preg_match ( '{client_id:"(.*?)"}', $exec, $found_client );
			// key found, save it
			if (trim ( $found_client [1] ) != '') {
				update_option ( 'wp_automatic_sc_client', trim ( $found_client [1] ), false );
				echo '<br>Got latest key:' . $found_client [1];
				$this->soundCloudAPIKey = $found_client [1];
				return $found_client [1];
		return '';
	// load a cookie
	function load_cookie($cookie_name, $is_secret = false) {
		// already loaded?
		if ($this->was_cookie_loaded ( $cookie_name ))
		// cookie path
		$dir = $this->wp_automatic_upload_dir ();
		// secret key
		$secret_key = '';
		if ($is_secret) {
			$secret_option_name = 'wp_automatic_cookie_' . $cookie_name . '_secret';
			$secret_key = get_option ( $secret_option_name, '' );
		$cookie_path = $dir . '/wp_automatic_' . $cookie_name . '_cookie';
		// load
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_path );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_path );
		// mark as loaded
		$this->is_cookie_loaded = true;
		$this->loaded_cookie_name = $cookie_name;
	// loaded cookie or not
	function was_cookie_loaded($cookie_name) {
		if ($this->is_cookie_loaded && $this->loaded_cookie_name == $cookie_name) {
			return true;
		} else {
			return false;
	// create uploads/wp_automatic
	function wp_automatic_upload_dir() {
		$dir = wp_upload_dir ();
		$baseurl = $dir ['basedir'];
		$wp_automatic = $baseurl . '/wp-automatic';
		if (! file_exists ( $wp_automatic )) {
			mkdir ( $wp_automatic, 0777, true );
			$myfile = fopen ( $wp_automatic . "/index.php", "w" );
			fclose ( $myfile );
		return $wp_automatic;
	// generate tags from title words
	function wp_automatic_generate_tags($post_title) {
		$titleWords = explode ( ' ', $post_title );
		$validTitleWords = array ();
		// get stop words
		$stopWordsRaw = file_get_contents ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/stopwords.txt' );
		$stopWords = array ();
		$stopWords = explode ( ',', $stopWordsRaw );
		// additional stop words
		$additionalStopWordsRaw = get_option ( 'wp_automatic_ttt_stop', '' );
		if (trim ( $additionalStopWordsRaw ) != '') {
			$additionalStopWordsArr = explode ( "\n", $additionalStopWordsRaw );
			$additionalStopWordsArr = array_filter ( $additionalStopWordsArr );
			$stopWords = array_merge ( $stopWords, $additionalStopWordsArr );
		$stopWords = array_map ( 'trim', $stopWords );
		foreach ( $titleWords as $titleWord ) {
			$titleWord = preg_replace ( '#[^\p{L}\p{N}]+#u', '', $titleWord );
			if (! in_array ( strtolower ( $titleWord ), $stopWords )) {
				if (is_numeric ( trim ( $titleWord ) )) {
					// numbers
				} elseif (strlen ( $titleWord ) < 3) {
					// too short
				} else {
					$validTitleWords [] = $titleWord;
		return $validTitleWords;
	} // end function
	 * Generate a file name to save from a title
	 * @param string $title
	function file_name_from_title($title) {
		$clean_name = '';
		$clean_name = $this->removeEmoji ( $title );
		$clean_name = str_replace ( array (
		), '', $clean_name );
		$clean_name = remove_accents ( $clean_name );
		$clean_name = wp_trim_words ( $clean_name, 10, '' );
		$clean_name = sanitize_file_name ( $clean_name );
		return $clean_name;
	 * Loads a URL from Google cache, bing cache or google translate proxy if the key was not found on any page
	 * @param unknown $url
	 * @param unknown $match_key
	function wp_automatic_auto_proxy($url, $match_key){
		$binglink =  "".urlencode($url);
		echo '<br>Cache link:'.$binglink;
		$headers = array();
		curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers);
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1 );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_URL, trim (  ( $binglink ) ) );
		curl_setopt ( $this->ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '' );
		$exec = curl_exec ( $this->ch );
		$x = curl_error($this->ch);
		if(   strpos($exec,$match_key)){
			echo '<-- Found using gcache';
			return $exec;
			// Google translate
			echo '<br>Google cache failed Loading using GtranslateProxy...';
			require_once 'inc/proxy.GoogleTranslate.php';
			try {
				$GoogleTranslateProxy = new GoogleTranslateProxy($this->ch);
				$exec = $GoogleTranslateProxy->fetch($url);
				return $exec;
			} catch (Exception $e) {
				echo '<br>ProxyViaGoogleException:'.$e->getMessage();
	 * get the final slug from the source link
	function get_final_slug($link){
		$link_parts = array_filter(explode('/' , $link));
		$link_last_part = end($link_parts) ;
		return trim($link_last_part);		
} // End
