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	<title>Taqyeem - Buttons Addon Documentaion - By TieLabs</title>
	<meta name="description" content="Thank you for purchasing my plugin, I really do appreciate every sale. Please read this document and explore the item comments and FAQ items for further information and help.

For questions on basic WordPress installation/usage, HTML, JavaScript or CSS editing - please try the ThemeForest forums, W3Schools, the Wordpress Codex or Google as plugin errors/issues get top priority.">
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			<li><a class="current" href="#documenter_cover">Start</a></li>
			<li><a href="#installing">Installation</a></li>
			<li><a href="#add">Add a Button to Review</a></li>
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		made with the <a href="">Documenter v1.6</a> 
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	<section id="documenter_cover"><h1>Taqyeem - Buttons Addon </h1><h2>By TieLabs</h2><hr>
	<p>Thank you for purchasing my plugin . Please read this document and explore the item comments and FAQ items for further information and help.

<p>For questions on basic WordPress installation/usage, HTML, JavaScript or CSS editing - please try the <a href="">ThemeForest forums</a>, <a href="">W3Schools</a>, the <a href="">Wordpress Codex</a> or <a href="">Google</a> as plugin errors/issues get top priority.</p></p>
<h4>Don't Forget If You Like It, Rate It !</h4>

<section id="installing">
<h3>Installing The Plugin</h3><hr class="notop">
<h4>Uploading The Plugin via FTP to Wordpress</h4>
<p>You can also install The Plugin via FTP</p>
	<li>Decompress the .zip file you downloaded from CodeCanyon.</li>
	<li>Find the <strong>taqyeem-buttons</strong> folder (this directory is created when you unzip the file).</li>
	<li>Upload the <strong>taqyeem-buttons</strong> folder to your <strong>wp-content/plugins</strong> directory.</li>
	<li>Navigate to your Control Panel: Plugins</li>
	<li>Under <strong>Taqyeem Buttons Addon</strong>, click <em>Activate</em></li>
<h4>Installing The Plugin from the WordPress Dashboard</h4>
<p>You can install The Plugin via the WordPress plugin uploader without unzipping the file.</p>
	<li>Log into your WordPress admin panel</li>
	<li>Navigate to <em>Plugins &gt; Add New</em></li>
	<li>Click <em>Upload</em></li>
	<li>Click <em>Choose File</em> and select the taqyeem-buttons download zip.</li>
	<li>Click <em>Install Now</em>.</li>


<section id="add">
	<h3>Add a Button</h3><hr class="notop">
	<img src="assets/images/1.png" alt="">
	<li><a href="!/add_review" target="_blank">Check this for how to add a review post.</a></li>
	<li>In the <strong>Taqyeem - Review Options</strong> box .. Check the <strong>Add Button</strong> checkbox to display the button options.</li>
	<li>Enter the Text and the URL for the Button .</li>
	<li>Customize your button as you want ... choose the size, shape, type, color and icon</li>
	<li>Or Use on of the ready to use predefined buttons .</li>
