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Current Path : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/languages/themes/
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Current File : /home/sudancam/public_html/wp-content/languages/themes/twentynineteen-ar.po

# Translation of Themes - Twenty Nineteen in Arabic
# This file is distributed under the same license as the Themes - Twenty Nineteen package.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-11-18 01:38:58+0000\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=6; plural=(n == 0) ? 0 : ((n == 1) ? 1 : ((n == 2) ? 2 : ((n % 100 >= 3 && n % 100 <= 10) ? 3 : ((n % 100 >= 11 && n % 100 <= 99) ? 4 : 5))));\n"
"X-Generator: GlotPress/3.0.0-alpha.2\n"
"Language: ar\n"
"Project-Id-Version: Themes - Twenty Nineteen\n"

#. Description of the theme
msgid "Our 2019 default theme is designed to show off the power of the block editor. It features custom styles for all the default blocks, and is built so that what you see in the editor looks like what you'll see on your website. Twenty Nineteen is designed to be adaptable to a wide range of websites, whether you’re running a photo blog, launching a new business, or supporting a non-profit. Featuring ample whitespace and modern sans-serif headlines paired with classic serif body text, it's built to be beautiful on all screen sizes."
msgstr "قالبنا الافتراضي لعام 2019 صُمم ليعرض قوة مُحرر المكوّنات. فهو يتميز بأنماط مخصصة لجميع المكوّنات الافتراضية، وقد تم تصميمه بحيثما ستراه في المحرر ستشاهده على موقعك الإلكتروني بالواجهة. تم تصميم Twenty Nineteen بحيث تكون قابلة للتكيف مع نطاق واسع من مواقع الويب، سواءً كنت تدير مدونة صور أو تطلق نشاطًا تجاريًا جديدًا أو تدعم مؤسسة غير ربحية. تتميز بالمساحة البيضاء الواسعة والعناوين الحديثة على غرار sans-serif مقترنة بنصوص النص الكلاسيكي، لقد تمّ تصميم القالب ليبدو جميلاً على جميع أحجام الشاشات."

#. Theme Name of the theme
#: inc/block-patterns.php:20
msgid "Twenty Nineteen"
msgstr "Twenty Nineteen"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:195
msgid "We help companies communicate with their customers."
msgstr "نساعد الشركات على التواصل مع عملائها."

#: inc/block-patterns.php:195
msgid "Spark interest on social media"
msgstr "إثارة الاهتمام على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:192
msgid "We help businesses grow."
msgstr "نساعد الشركات على النمو."

#: inc/block-patterns.php:192
msgid "Activate new customers"
msgstr "تنشيط العملاء الجدد"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:189
msgid "We help startups define (or refine) a clear brand identity."
msgstr "نحن نساعد الشركات الناشئة على تعريف (أو تحسين) هوية واضحة للعلامة التجارية."

#: inc/block-patterns.php:189
msgid "Redefine brands"
msgstr "إعادة تعريف العلامات التجارية"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:179 inc/block-patterns.php:186
msgid "What We Do"
msgstr "ما نقوم به"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:164
msgid "Doug Watson"
msgstr "Doug Watson"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:156
msgid "Eva Young"
msgstr "Eva Young"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:145 inc/block-patterns.php:152
msgid "Team"
msgstr "الفريق"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:131
msgid "Content Strategy"
msgstr "استراتيجية المحتوى"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:126
msgid "Copywriting"
msgstr "التأليف والنشر"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:121
msgid "Marketing"
msgstr "التسويق"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:114
msgid "Social Media"
msgstr "وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:109
msgid "Mobile"
msgstr "الأجهزة المحمولة"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:104
msgid "Website Design"
msgstr "تصميم مواقع ويب"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:103 inc/block-patterns.php:108
#: inc/block-patterns.php:113 inc/block-patterns.php:120
#: inc/block-patterns.php:125 inc/block-patterns.php:130
#: inc/block-patterns.php:155 inc/block-patterns.php:163
msgid "Gradient"
msgstr "التدرّج"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:92 inc/block-patterns.php:98
msgid "Services"
msgstr "الخدمات"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:80
msgid "Contact Us"
msgstr "الاتصال بنا"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:74
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: inc/block-patterns.php:74
msgid "(555) 555-5555"
msgstr "(555) 555-5555"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:69
msgid "New York, New York 10023"
msgstr "New York, New York 10023"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:69
msgid "20 Cooper Avenue"
msgstr "20 Cooper Avenue"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:58 inc/block-patterns.php:64
msgid "Get In Touch"
msgstr "ابق على تواصل"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:46
msgid "Learn More"
msgstr "معرفة المزيد"

#: inc/block-patterns.php:33
msgid "About"
msgstr "حول"

#: classes/class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php:98
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation. This is a preview; your comment will be visible after it has been approved."
msgstr "تعليقك في انتظار المراجعة. هذه معاينة؛ سيكون تعليقك مرئيًا بعد الموافقة عليه."

#: functions.php:154
msgid "Dark Blue"
msgstr "أزرق داكن"

#: functions.php:149
msgid "Blue"
msgstr "أزرق"

#. translators: %s: Parent post link.
#: single.php:31
msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Published in</span><span class=\"post-title\">%s</span>"
msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">نُشر في</span><span class=\"post-title\">%s</span>"

#: image.php:87
msgctxt "Parent post link"
msgid "<span class=\"meta-nav\">Published in</span><br><span class=\"post-title\">%title</span>"
msgstr "<span class=\"meta-nav\">نشر في</span><br><span class=\"post-title\">%title</span>"

#: template-parts/content/content-excerpt.php:18
#: template-parts/content/content.php:18
msgctxt "post"
msgid "Featured"
msgstr "البارزة"

#. translators: %s: WordPress version.
#. translators: %s: WordPress version.
#. translators: %s: WordPress version.
#: inc/back-compat.php:43 inc/back-compat.php:60 inc/back-compat.php:83
msgid "Twenty Nineteen requires at least WordPress version 4.7. You are running version %s. Please upgrade and try again."
msgstr "يتطلب قالب Twenty Nineteen على الأقل إصدار ووردبريس 4.7. أنت تقوم بتشغيل الإصدار %s. يرجى الترقية والمحاولة مرة أخرى."

#: inc/template-functions.php:143
msgid "Back"
msgstr "رجوع"

#: inc/template-functions.php:136
msgid "More"
msgstr "المزيد"

#: inc/customizer.php:98
msgid "Apply a filter to featured images using the primary color"
msgstr "تطبيق فلتر على الصور المميزة باستخدام اللون الأساسي"

#: inc/customizer.php:78
msgid "Apply a custom color for buttons, links, featured images, etc."
msgstr "تطبيق لون مخصص للأزرار والروابط والصور المميزة وما إلى ذلك."

#: inc/customizer.php:56
msgctxt "primary color"
msgid "Custom"
msgstr "لون مخصص"

#: inc/customizer.php:55
msgctxt "primary color"
msgid "Default"
msgstr "اللون الأساسي"

#: functions.php:169
msgid "White"
msgstr "أبيض"

#: functions.php:164
msgid "Light Gray"
msgstr "رمادي فاتح"

#: functions.php:159
msgid "Dark Gray"
msgstr "رمادي داكن"

#: functions.php:137
msgid "XL"
msgstr "XL"

#: functions.php:136
msgid "Huge"
msgstr "ضخم"

#: functions.php:131
msgid "L"
msgstr "L"

#: functions.php:130
msgid "Large"
msgstr "كبير"

#: functions.php:125
msgid "M"
msgstr "M"

#: functions.php:124
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "عادي"

#: functions.php:119
msgid "S"
msgstr "S"

#: functions.php:118
msgid "Small"
msgstr "صغير"

#: footer.php:37 functions.php:60
msgid "Footer Menu"
msgstr "القائمة السفلية"

#: image.php:70
msgctxt "Used before full size attachment link."
msgid "Full size"
msgstr "الحجم الكامل"

#: image.php:56
msgid "Page"
msgstr "الصفحة"

#: functions.php:196
msgid "Add widgets here to appear in your footer."
msgstr "إضافة ودجات هنا لتظهر في تذييل موقعك."

#: functions.php:194 template-parts/footer/footer-widgets.php:12
msgid "Footer"
msgstr "التذييل"

#: inc/customizer.php:53
msgid "Primary Color"
msgstr "اللون الرئيسي"

#: template-parts/post/discussion-meta.php:18
msgid "No comments"
msgstr "لا توجد تعليقات"

#. translators: %d: Number of comments.
#: template-parts/post/discussion-meta.php:16
msgid "%d Comment"
msgid_plural "%d Comments"
msgstr[0] "لا توجد تعليقات"
msgstr[1] "تعليق واحد"
msgstr[2] "تعليقين"
msgstr[3] "%d تعليقات"
msgstr[4] "%d تعليق"
msgstr[5] "%d تعليق"

#: template-parts/post/author-bio.php:26
msgid "View more posts"
msgstr "عرض مقالات أكثر"

#. translators: %s: Post author.
#: template-parts/post/author-bio.php:17
msgid "Published by %s"
msgstr "نُشر بواسطة %s"

#: template-parts/header/site-branding.php:33
msgid "Top Menu"
msgstr "القائمة العلوية"

#. translators: %s: Post title.
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#: functions.php:225 template-parts/content/content-single.php:27
#: template-parts/content/content.php:36
msgid "Continue reading<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> \"%s\"</span>"
msgstr "متابعة قراءة<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> \"%s\"</span>"

#: image.php:52 template-parts/content/content-page.php:27
#: template-parts/content/content-single.php:40
#: template-parts/content/content.php:49
msgid "Pages:"
msgstr "الصفحات:"

#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:46
msgid "It seems we can&rsquo;t find what you&rsquo;re looking for. Perhaps searching can help."
msgstr "يبدو أننا لم نعثر على ما تطلب. لعل استعمال البحث قد يساعد."

#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:39
msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords."
msgstr "عذرا، لا يوجد شيء يتطابق مع كلمات البحث التي استعملتها، المرجو المحاولة من جديد باستعمال كلمات مفتاحية أخرى."

#. translators: %s: Link to WP admin new post page.
#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:26
msgid "Ready to publish your first post? <a href=\"%s\">Get started here</a>."
msgstr "هل أنت على استعداد لنشر مقالتك الأولى؟ <a href=\"%s\">ابدأ من هنا</a>."

#: template-parts/content/content-none.php:16
msgid "Nothing Found"
msgstr "لم يتم العثور على نتائج"

#: single.php:42
msgid "Previous post:"
msgstr "المقالة السابقة:"

#: single.php:41
msgid "Previous Post"
msgstr "المقالة السابقة"

#: single.php:39
msgid "Next post:"
msgstr "المقالة التالية"

#: single.php:38
msgid "Next Post"
msgstr "المقالة التالية"

#: search.php:22
msgid "Search results for: "
msgstr "نتائج البحث عن:"

#: inc/template-tags.php:234
msgid "Older posts"
msgstr "مقالات أقدم"

#: inc/template-tags.php:230
msgid "Newer posts"
msgstr "مقالات أحدث"

#: inc/template-tags.php:104
msgid "Tags:"
msgstr "الوسوم:"

#: inc/template-tags.php:92
msgid "Posted in"
msgstr "نُشر في"

#. translators: Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
#. translators: Used between list items, there is a space after the comma.
#: inc/template-tags.php:86 inc/template-tags.php:98
msgid ", "
msgstr "،"

#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#: inc/template-tags.php:63
msgid "Leave a comment<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> on %s</span>"
msgstr "اترك تعليقًا<span class=\"screen-reader-text\"> على %s</span>"

#: inc/template-tags.php:46
msgid "Posted by"
msgstr "تمّ النشر بواسطة"

#: inc/template-functions.php:82
msgctxt "monthly archives date format"
msgid "F Y"
msgstr "F Y"

#: inc/template-functions.php:80
msgctxt "yearly archives date format"
msgid "Y"
msgstr "Y"

#: inc/template-functions.php:92
msgid "Archives:"
msgstr "الأرشيف:"

#. translators: %s: Taxonomy singular name.
#: inc/template-functions.php:90
msgid "%s Archives:"
msgstr "أرشيف %s:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:86
msgid "Post Type Archives: "
msgstr "أرشيفات نوع المقالة:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:84
msgid "Daily Archives: "
msgstr "الأرشيف اليومي:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:82
msgid "Monthly Archives: "
msgstr "الأرشيف الشهري:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:80
msgid "Yearly Archives: "
msgstr "الأرشيف السنوي:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:78
msgid "Author Archives: "
msgstr "أرشيف الكاتب:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:76
msgid "Tag Archives: "
msgstr "أرشيف الوسم:"

#: inc/template-functions.php:74
msgid "Category Archives: "
msgstr "أرشيف التصنيف:"

#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#. translators: %s: Post title. Only visible to screen readers.
#: inc/template-tags.php:120 template-parts/content/content-page.php:41
#: template-parts/header/entry-header.php:32
msgid "Edit <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%s</span>"
msgstr "تحرير <span class=\"screen-reader-text\">%s</span>"

#: header.php:25
msgid "Skip to content"
msgstr "التجاوز إلى المحتوى"

#: functions.php:61 template-parts/header/site-branding.php:46
msgid "Social Links Menu"
msgstr "قائمة الروابط الإجتماعية"

#: functions.php:59
msgid "Primary"
msgstr "رئيسي"

#. translators: %s: WordPress.
#: footer.php:28
msgid "Proudly powered by %s."
msgstr "مدعوم بواسطة %s بكل فخر."

#: comments.php:116
msgid "Comments are closed."
msgstr "التعليقات مغلقة."

#: comments.php:96
msgid "Next"
msgstr "التالي"

#: comments.php:95
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "السابق"

#: comments.php:92 comments.php:95 comments.php:96
msgid "Comments"
msgstr "التعليقات"

#. translators: 1: Number of comments, 2: Post title.
#: comments.php:44
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "%1$s reply on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgid_plural "%1$s replies on &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[0] "لا توجد تعليقات على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[1] "تعليق واحد على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[2] "تعليقين على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[3] "%1$s تعليقات على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[4] "%1$s تعليق على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"
msgstr[5] "%1$s تعليق على &ldquo;%2$s&rdquo;"

#. translators: %s: Post title.
#: comments.php:40
msgctxt "comments title"
msgid "One reply on &ldquo;%s&rdquo;"
msgstr "تعليق واحد على &ldquo;%s&rdquo;"

#: comments.php:35 comments.php:105 comments.php:107
msgid "Leave a comment"
msgstr "اترك تعليقاً"

#: comments.php:33
msgid "Join the Conversation"
msgstr "انضم إلى المحادثة"

#: classes/class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php:96
msgid "Your comment is awaiting moderation."
msgstr "تعليقك بإنتظار الموافقة للنشر."

#: classes/class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php:89
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "تحرير"

#. translators: 1: Comment date, 2: Comment time.
#: classes/class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php:78
msgid "%1$s at %2$s"
msgstr "%1$s الساعة %2$s"

#. translators: %s: Comment author link.
#: classes/class-twentynineteen-walker-comment.php:59
msgid "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text says\">says:</span>"
msgstr "%s <span class=\"screen-reader-text says\">قال:</span>"

#: 404.php:24
msgid "It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?"
msgstr "يبدو أنه لم يتم إيجاد شيء في هذا المكان. ربما تريد البحث؟"

#: 404.php:20
msgid "Oops! That page can&rsquo;t be found."
msgstr "عذراً! لايمكن العثور على تلك الصفحة."

#. Theme URI of the theme
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#. Author of the theme
msgid "the WordPress team"
msgstr "فريق ووردبريس"

#. Author URI of the theme
#: footer.php:25
msgid ""
msgstr ""