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<div class="fs-110">Zabbix glpi.  Last edited by wtralui (2019-12-11 18:12:58) Offline.  Imagunet. org --&gt; Api Nov 19, 2012 · ça se passe dans meme script au lieu d&#39;afficher le PC : on s&#39;authentifie sur zabbix avec le mot de passe et ID zabbix et on récupère un jeton zabbix ( attention de pas confondre avec celui de glpi .  You signed out in another tab or window.  3. IP} and {TRIGGER.  En este webinar Giovanny Rodríguez, Ingeniero de operaciones en Imagunet, Habló de cómo podemos integrar una herramienta de monitoreo This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with GLPi problems using the Zabbix webhook feature.  Expected: A ticket created in GLPI. ) At this moment we have setup a basic pilot and now we are looking for new features Aug 13, 2020 · Gestionnaire Libre de Parc Informatique (GLPI), or Open Source IT Equipment Manager in English, is a web-based asset and IT management open-source software, written in PHP and released under the GNU General Public License. md Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Nov 9, 2023 · I have configured zabbix 6. 0 LTS e GLPI 10.  --&gt; Site https://glpi-project. 3.  Thank you very much. 1.  The active command for the trigger is /usr/bin/php zabbix,prometheus等发送webhook告警到glpi 通过IFTTT等自动化工具,来实现一些联动功能,比如当天气预报是大雨的时候,通过webhook发送一张工单到GLPI,内容是检查机房有无漏雨 Integração Zabbix x GLPI Instalação do Zabbix em 6 passos Scripts de Integração Instalando GLPI 0.  I already have heard about this function but I don&#39;t know how to make, the unical config that I have found it&#39;s to create Calls on GLPi by Zabbix but nothing more.  Dec 21, 2021 · A API de um sistema é o que permite escalabilidade, integração e continuidade das ferramentas usadas em qualquer empresa.  The Media type tab contains various attributes specific for this media type: All mandatory input fields are marked with a red asterisk.  New on 1.  Apr 6, 2022 · Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / README.  la platilla media es la actual. 9, the configuration is correct but the problem I have is that It creates a problem for me instead of a ticket.  Apr 11, 2024 · Hi Everyone! I have a problem with the GLPI webhook media type, I just enabled and set the webhook but is not working, is not creating problems in my GLPI.  Documentation.  Emmagasinez des connaissances théoriques et pratiques en 5 jours, dans votre langue.  Antes de instalarmos o plugins, devemos suprir as dependências instalando os seguintes pacotes: Mar 23, 2015 · sorry i don&#39;t have any idea, glpi,zabbix all thoses products just lacks of help and informations that are precise.  Ações: Tipo da operação: Comando remoto. x86_64.  Pesquisei a respeito, e pude constatar que a partir das versões 9.  user_token =&gt; preferences &gt; &quot;API token&quot;. youtube.  We offer a wide range of professional services that are designed to fit your unique business requirements.  Porém, preciso de um feedback de todos para melhorar o que for preciso.  This guide provides instructions on setting up a media type, a user and an action in Zabbix.  You switched accounts on another tab or window. .  Source branch Branch release/6.  To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.  Assistance technique.  V2 what is the new: add update and close support ticket; add URL zabbix trigger into the ticket.  Sep 22, 2021 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Apr 6, 2022 · Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / README.  Branch actions. py zabbix zabbix 7632 mar 7 12:29 tickets_zabbix_glpi.  With this extension a user can: *Add new “to do” reminders *View existing “to do” reminders *Mark them as “Done” *Access full reminders details with in their GLPI instance with a click.  Sep 20, 2020 · Estou tentando integrar o GLPI 9.  Uma das grandes vantagens de se utilizar o Zabbix, é as suas infinitas possibilidades de expansão.  Soluciones confiables, robustas, escalables y costo-eficientes construidas de la mano de los mejores socios en el mercado como Zabbix, GLPI, Grafana, MariaDB, Wazuh, Red Hat, AWS, Monnit, entre otros.  Zabbix Professional Services.  Este documento discute como o Zabbix e o GLPI podem ser integrados para automatizar tarefas de TI e monitoramento de ativos e serviços.  Hello, I&#39;m trying to import assets from GLPI to Zabbix.  Obtenez de l’aide pour mieux comprendre les avantages et le potentiel de Zabbix.  When zabbix detects that this bug has been fixed, the ticket is immediately closed automatically. com.  Basic Linux for Beginner’s Guide.  Curso de GLPI.  L’équipe Zabbix conçoit des modèles officiels de supervision qui fonctionnent sans aucun script externe.  glpi 9. !) avec le jeton zabbix pour chaque pc de la liste glpi on demande à zabbix s&#39;il existe , s&#39;il n&#39;existe pas on le cree.  2.  El conocimiento y la disposición nos impulsa. com/channel/UCBUTo38cHM6K8bct8Vw1jjQ/joinPost Comple En este webinar Giovanny Rodríguez, Ingeniero de operaciones en Imagunet, Habló de cómo podemos integrar una herramienta de monitoreo como Zabbix con una he This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with GLPi problems using the Zabbix webhook feature.  I have setup two servers, one with zabbix server and one with GLPI helpdesk.  For that Jun 29, 2022 · 🗣️Testado no Zabbix 6.  Vous avez besoin d’aide ? Contactez l’équipe Zabbix.  Hello, I did a script on Bash that can create a Ticket via GLPI API. 90, but is very old and incomplete.  saludos.  -H &#39;Content-Type: application/json&#39; &#92;.  Apr 27, 2023 · Conection with GLPI.  Aug 26, 2023 · Si Zabbix est incapable d&#39;envoyer un en-tête personnalisé contenant un jeton d&#39;application, vous devez créer un client API dans GLPI dont le champ Jeton d&#39;application est vide.  Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket.  41.  Mar 8, 2023 · 1.  11-09-2023, 15:33.  To have a working media I needed to add this in getAuthToken function (after line 32) : request.  For ticket name I think about {HOST.  16-05-2008, 11:47.  Jul 3, 2014 · Zabbix: Monitorando o número de tickets do GLPI - Parte 1.  About This Nov 14, 2016 · About GLPI Considerações Zabbix Integrações Zabbix + GLPI Como estas duas ferramentas podem otimizar seus recursos{ GLPI Gestão dos Itens de Configuração! + Gerencie a garantia dos seus ativos! Importação automática da garantia (plugin): - Dell - HP - Toshiba - Lenovo - Fujitsu Gestão de Licenças Gestão de Licenças - Quantidade Add Reminders to GLPI.  Team: Team INT Sprint: Sprint 85 (Feb 2022), Sprint 86 (Mar 2022), Sprint 87 (Apr 2022) Story Points: 3 Response: 400, ERROR_GLPI_ADD You don&#39;t have permission to perform this action The user has super-admin rights and the correct user-id is transmitted, at least i think that the user-id is identical to the ID in the user db table of the database.  Hello, it would be very nice if you add webhhook for GLPI, it is a very popular Ticketsystem in Brazil .  Has anyone done this before and have a tips? Learn how to configure GLPI email notification feature.  Zabbix Team presents the official monitoring templates that work without any external scripts.  Source Description Size Last Modified Zabbix in Your Language; En français; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above.  creation is through API and a half thank you Feb 24, 2018 · Este vídeo é uma pequena amostra de um dos laboratórios da disciplina de Gerenciamento e Desempenho de Redes de Computadores que leciono.  app_token =&gt; general &gt; api.  zabbix-glpi-media-type.  The following parameters are specific for the webhook media type: Parameter.  O shellscript é um grande aliado na coleta de informações, visto que qualquer informação que você possa obter com o shellscript, ela pode ser jogada no Zabbix. 3K views 10 months ago GLPI.  Commencez à superviser votre réseau en 10 minutes ! Télécharger Zabbix.  You may have to REGISTER before you can post. 2Seja membro deste canal e ganhe benefícios:https://www.  You signed in with another tab or window.  But in GLPI, it seems not to have export to XML format.  La experiencia y colaboración nos definen. php No arquivo tickets_zabbix_glpi.  Track your Zabbix problem… | 10 comments on LinkedIn This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with GLPi problems using the Zabbix webhook feature. br/zabbix/Revolução GLPI 10 https://www.  What needs to be done to create tickets.  is app token passed in headers or in url ? oh thanks for answering! replied. x Create user zabbix (with right to add tickets and followup into tickets) and get its API key Enable API, Create API App zabbix , and get its API key Iniciei o desenvolvimento de um projeto para fazer a integração entre Zabbix e GLPI para abertura e fechamento de tickes automaticamente quando um problema for identificado.  Please create an API token. addHeader(&#39;App-Token: &#39; + &#39;The GLPI app token&#39;); Jan 16, 2019 · Olá Jean, seu problema parece está relacionado com alguma permissão(do zabbix para executar o script ou de acesso) ou até mesmo com alguma funcionalidade/modulo do PHP instalado em seu servidor.  Hola tengo configurado el envió de alertas al glpi v 10. 1 do GLPI já existe a API nativa. el6_6.  Last edited by headquaker (2023-01-27 12:58:38) Treinamento em AWS e certificações Cloud Practitioner e Solutions Architect: https://www.  Andrew Biba authored 71d8fa70891 08 Mar 2023.  Observe que na hora de abrir ele gera um erro, mas mesmo assim, ele abre o chamado no GLPI.  Pas de limites ni de coûts cachés.  There are plenty of documentation but when it comes to test, it never works My code abose is an example to create a ticket but in curl I am trying to convert it in powershell.  Click on Create media type. yaml Andrew Biba authored ebbca3cff89 24 Mar 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / media_glpi. md Andrew Biba authored a0c35422e31 02 Mar 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Mar 7, 2020 · Hi, I am new to zabbix, but familiar with linux etc. servicedeskbrasil.  In Zabbix, I imported the media_glpi.  Copy the API token of your new integration to use it in Zabbix.  Add a new media type &quot;GLPI&quot; in zabbix. php configurei da seguinte forma Apr 7, 2016 · mysql-server-5.  Create a Zabbix user and add Media with the GLPi media type.  Condições: Valor da trigger = INCIDENTE.  For more information about the Zabbix Webhook configuration, please see the documentation.  Jun 29, 2022 · Confira mais no nosso blog https://blog.  O Zabbix é uma ferramenta de monitoramento open-source enquanto o GLPI é uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de ativos. 21.  In GLPi.  Zabbix est un logiciel libre et open source.  Raw file.  Formation.  There is an integration with a Zabbix server that monitors hosts (gateways) from various locations, and upon detecting a fault opens an automatic ticket on GLPI.  May 15, 2023 · Import assets from GLPI.  Request a feature.  Trigger action is setup as the screenshots shows; Result: When a problem appears in zabbix, the system create a problem in GLPI.  GLPI Collaborator and Plugin Developer.  To comply with frontend requirements, you can put any symbol there.  Zabbix Training For Beginners ครั้งที่-3. Verifiquei que o plugin webservices abre chamados automaticamente com um usuario zabbix adicionado a base de dados do GLPI.  Inclui a instalação do Zabbix e GLPI, configuração dos scripts de integração, criação de ações no Zabbix para disparar os scripts e teste simulando uma falha.  When this problem is solved in zabbix, GLPI webhook is showing this message &quot; Sending failed Mar 8, 2023 · Branch master.  Blame. 4 Branch actions. 10), zabbix zabbix 559 mar 3 14:54 ack_zabbix_glpi.  Import the GLPi media type from file media_glpi.  This guide describes how to integrate your Zabbix installation with GLPi problems using the Zabbix webhook feature.  in Zabbix, i create a Trigger test.  A graphic interface, accessible via web-browser, allows users to easily operate IT operations, that can include hardware Apr 6, 2022 · In GLPi.  Source view Diff to previous.  Ma question est: Lorsque une machine est ajoutée au parc dans GLPI (FusionInventory), est-il possible de l&#39;ajouter automatiquement dans Zabbix ? J&#39;ai cherché pas mal de temps sur le forum et sur create a dedicated Profil &quot; monitoring &quot; in GLPI, dedicated user &quot; zabbix &quot; in GLPI. udemy.  2) creez un utilisateur ZABBIX dans GLPI et initiez son jeton d&#39;api. yaml Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket . yaml Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Feb 10, 2022 · Neste vídeo apresentamos todos os recursos presentes na Verdanatech LAB para que você comece já com o &quot;pé direito&quot; e tire o melhor proveito possível de seus Nuestros Socios. js file file and paste in Webhook of new media type.  Hello everyone, Im kinda new in this monitoring system! Im trying to connect zabbix with glpi via media type! Im already activate the api token in glpi, but when i&#39;m testing send a test message always send me the problem.  Jan 26, 2024 · Zabbix/GLPI Olá Tenho diversas redes no meu dominio, gostaria de configurar uma forma de pingar essas redes e me retornar um valor de dispositivos online, que caso tenha menos que 2 ips respondendo, que seja disparado ao GLPI um problema, ou chamado informando que aquela rede YYYY está fora, ou seja, respondendo somente o gateway ou nem isso.  Instalando o plugin Webservices no GLPI.  Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / README. NAME} as description.  Our tutorial will teach you all the steps required to send email on GLPI using GMAIL.  Na opção &quot;Token da aplicação (app_token)&quot; mesmo desmarcando a opção de &quot;Re-gerar&quot; ele esta gerando automaticamente o token e seu apago Sep 29, 2022 · Example what is glpi_url 3.  Contactez les experts Zabbix: ils connaissent chaque détail du code source. HOST} , {HOST.  Contribute to Mazuco/zabbix-glpi development by creating an account on GitHub. 9, pero me crea problemas en vez de tickes, que tendría que hacer para que cree tickes. 0.  No matter its function, every Zabbix professional service has the same overall goal in mind - providing you with the most effective solution in the shortest time possible. br/escola-servicedeskGLPI Netwo Aug 3, 2022 · Fala pessoal tudo bem?? Sejam bem vindos ao Ctrl Alt Del 😆Resolvi pegar firme no canal galerinha, e hoje estou trazendo um vídeo TOP para quem quer ser expe Mar 22, 2019 · 1) vous devez activer l&#39;API dans GLPI puis creer une client correspondant à l&#39;IP de zabbix.  Este documento descreve os passos para integrar o Zabbix com o GLPI para automação de abertura e fechamento de chamados. com/course/aws-certified-solutions-architect-associate-u/ #### In GLPI I activated the API and created a new user to zabbix.  Though a &quot;Send to&quot; field is not used in GLPi webhook, it cannot be empty.  In GLPI I activated the API and created a new user to zabbix. yaml, changed the header to my zabbix version (6.  Grupo de hosts = Impressoras. 4.  27-04-2023, 11:03. O GLPI é aquele software open-source May 25, 2023 · I want to monitoring GLPi statistics (IT open calls, Calls closed per IT technician , etc).  Atlassian Bitbucket v7.  Quando executo o comando na mão, o chamado é fechado.  For that May 15, 2017 · Bonjour, J&#39;ai été missionné pour faire l&#39;unification de GLPI et Zabbix; je dois synchroniser le parc des machines entre ces deux outils.  Tags: actions, glpi, ticket, zabbix.  Juntos, eles podem implementar diversos processos de gerenciamento de serviços de TI e automatizar ações como reiniciar serviços May 16, 2008 · Trying to merge zabbix and glpi, an incident tool.  Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022.  Nesse vídeo eu mostro como automatizar a abertura de problemas no GLPI quando alguma inconsistência for detectada no ambiente, através do monitoramento do Za Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / media_glpi.  Zabbix integration with GLPI.  15-05-2023, 12:29.  Mar 22, 2019 · Currently the company has a glpi 0.  The &quot;To&quot; parameter must be the id_user from GLPI.  All running well.  For that you should go into user profile and set tick in &quot;Regenerate&quot; field against &quot;API token&quot; and hit save. addHeader(&#39;App-Token: &#39; + &#39;The GLPI app token&#39;); I also needed to add this to request function (after line 80) : request.  O que entendi é que preciso criar uma ação no Zabbix onde tem que conter o Token da API do GLPI e o html do servidor do GLPI, mas não encontro nenhuma informação, alguém consegue ajudar? A única dependência para o zabbix-glpi funcionar é a versão do GLPI e do plugin Webservices, que devem ser no mínimo as versões listadas acima.  Os tickets são abertos corretamente no GLPI, porém o mesmo não fecha. md Kristaps Naglis authored 7304a6af8c3 08 Mar 2023 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Contribute to derricksmith/zabbix-glpi development by creating an account on GitHub.  thank you Integração Zabbix com GLPI para abertura automática de chamados - GitHub - CitraIT/ZabbixGLPI: Integração Zabbix com GLPI para abertura automática de chamados [ZBX-23735] glpi-10. md Andrew Biba authored a0c35422e31 02 Mar 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket GLPI; About.  759 subscribers.  Download the latest official #Zabbix integration and integrate your Zabbix instance with the #GLPi Asset and IT Management system.  Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / images / Browse Filter.  1. 5.  Zabbix can accept XML format.  Tags: None.  Configuração Zabbix: Crie ações com as Condições necessarias e cofigure o Tipo de Operação Comando remoto: Ex: Abrir Chamado - Impressora.  Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / media_glpi. yaml.  For that Branchrelease/6. 4 to send alerts to glpi 10.  I have installed the webservices plugin in GLPI and created the Trigger action in zabbix to generate tickets in GLPI.  Mar 2, 2022 · Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / README. 0 para abrir e fechar chamado automáticamente. yaml Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 10 integrated with GLPI open/close ticket works but update not Created: 2023 Nov 22 Updated: 2024 Apr 17 Resolved: 2024 Apr 17 Status: Closed: Project: ZABBIX BUGS AND ISSUES: Component/s: API (A) Affects Version/s: Jul 13, 2023 · If the Zabbix integration is incapable of using an App Token from GLPI, do you have an API Client configured that has no app token associated that can validate the access for Zabbix? Zabbix doesn&#39;t seem to have the app_token parameter, how can I use the API without this parameter? Aug 20, 2023 · Ola, estou tantando criar um cliente de API pra integrar o GLPI (10.  Make sure this user has access to all hosts for which you would like problem notifications to be converted into Apr 20, 2023 · OS : Debian 11 Bullseye Zabbix : v6.  Good morning! I want to monitoring GLPi statistics (IT open calls, Calls Zabbix / templates / media / glpi / media_glpi.  Workshop: LINE API.  Outro detalhe, se eu colocar o STATUS como OK na mão ele não fecha o chamado.  A integração já está funcionando.  For that Aug 7, 2023 · No created ticket in our GLPI instance.  Já busquei em vários lugares e não encontrei uma ajuda.  Zabbix / templates / media / glpi /media_glpi.  GLPI Reminders integrates GLPI&#39;s personal reminders into Google Chrome, to be used as a task management tool.  pour ouvrir un ticket : 1) ouvvrez une session pour l&#39;utilisateur ZABBIX : curl -X GET &#92;.  Create or use existing user in GLPi with permission to create problems and followups. 73-5. md Andrew Biba authored 393d1d39b9b 06 Apr 2022 Git repository management for enterprise teams powered by Atlassian Bitbucket Dec 7, 2019 · LaDenrée wrote: app_token is set in general&gt;api depending on the IP that is Calling API.  Contribute to Sanea2pk/Zabbix_Glpi development by creating an account on GitHub.  Start to monitor your network in 10 minutes! Zabbix is a professionally developed open-source software with no limits or hidden costs. 7) com o Zabbix, porem quando o crio pelo: &quot;Configurar &gt; Geral &gt; API &gt; Adicionar cliente de API&quot; ele gera o token automaticamente. 1 no Zabbix 5.  About.  Hi all, We are deploying zabbix in our company, our final goal is to monitor all the main devices from our network, including networking components and server (linux, win, aix, as/400, etc.  History.  Conseil.  14.  Copy content of index.  Change in the imported media the values of the variable glpi_token and glpi_url.  Quando o zabbix detecta que esta falha foi corrigida, imediatamente o chamado é fechado automaticamente. 46 KB.  Please help me! Feb 26, 2020 · I have configured zabbix 6. 2.  Instruction for test: Please remember that the script is maked for capture zabbix parameters, if you want make the test directly please set the next values: Event_Value:1 Event_Update_Status:0 Nov 9, 2023 · creacion de ticket en glpi. 90 dependências e plugin para integração com Zabbix Configuração no servidor Zabbix para criar ações de abertura e fechamento de chamados Homologando o ambiente (Simulando falha) Autor: Jáder Vasconcelos de Sousa Lima Email: [email protected] Outubro de 2015 To create a custom webhook from scratch: Go to Alerts → Media types.  Contact; Nothing Found. 10), Apr 6, 2022 · Zabbix; Source.  Nov 3, 2019 · In the fact my script need two parameter : the first one is the ticket name and the second is the description.  Reload to refresh your session. 2 GLPI : v10 Hi, i&#39;m trying to setup GLPI webhook to create a new &quot;problem&quot; based on the default &quot;GLPi&quot; media type.   <a href=>hi</a> <a href=>ky</a> <a href=>kv</a> <a href=>tz</a> <a href=>ju</a> <a href=>cx</a> <a href=>dp</a> <a href=>pj</a> <a href=>di</a> <a href=>ry</a> </div>
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