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<h1 class="title single-title">Ruffle definition spanish </h1>

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Ruffle definition spanish.  (= ripple) rizo m.  Mi madre me enseñó a fruncir la tela para que quede linda.  The bird ruffled its feathers in anger.  decorated with a ruffle or ruffles: .  Over 100,000 German translations of English words and phrases.  (leaf through: pages) Apr 22, 2024 · 4 meanings: ruffled → 1.  Spanish-English dictionary, translator RUFFLE definition: If someone ruffles your hair, they rub it gently: .  Sample translated sentence: Your job is to come down here, squeeze some grapes, ruffle some feathers.  The meaning of RUFFLE is roughen, abrade. ) That which is ruffled; specifically, a strip of lace, cambric, or other fine cloth, plaited or gathered on one edge or in the middle, and used as a trimming; a frill. ) rapidly with the fingers.  57.  Intricately embroidered on soft, mineral-washed fabric, with a romantic dust ruffle , it&#39;s just the ticket for your fun, feminine style.  [fabric] fruncir.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Vietnamese Dictionary.  transitive verb.  RUFFLE Significado, definición, qué es RUFFLE: 1.  All Free.  RUFFLE translate: zmierzwić, zmierzwić, nastroszyć.  英式英语: ruffle VERB / ˈrʌfl /.  ruffle translation in Spanish - English Reverso dictionary, see also &#39;rufo, rulero, ruleta, runfla&#39;, examples, definition, conjugation 2.  dust ruffle plumero nm.  in Spanish | in French | in Italian | English synonyms RUFFLE definition: 1.  7.  A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric In the English description: flouncy - frilled - frilly - ruched.  How to use ruffle in a sentence.  Future Perfect Continuous.  ) adjective.  DUST RUFFLE definition: a ruffled skirt hung from under the mattress and extending to the floor around the sides | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples .  Se levantó una ventolera en el jardin que despeinó a todo el mundo.  (flip through) hojear ⇒ vtr.  Laura le sonrió a su hijita y le despeinó el pelo cariñosamente.  Aprender más.  How to say ruffles in Spanish - Translation of ruffles to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.  (botun) gabyası aşağı kıvrılıp kırılma.  el volante fruncido.  5.  to cause someone to be upset: .  3.  kadın eteğinin alt tarafında bulunup eteği temiz tutan fırfır.  roughen, abrade; trouble, vex; to erect in or like a ruff : to cause to rise or bristle… The &quot;drop&quot; of a daybed cover, or how far down to the floor the front of the cover reaches, will determine if you need a dust ruffle, also called a bed skirt.  The wind ruffled her hair.  (of a bird) erect (its feathers) in anger or display they warbled incessantly, their throat feathers ruffled 3.  (of a bird) to erect (its feathers) in anger, display, etc.  herir susceptibilidades loc verb.  ruff translate: cuello, lechuguilla, gorguera, collar.  Ha levantado ampollas al sugerir que la familia real debe recibir menos dinero.  feathers ruffled.  Exemplos: el televisor, un piso.  having a strip of pleated material used for.  definition 2: something resembling this, such as a bird&#39;s ruff.  get ruffled.  The blouse had two pretty pink ruffles on the front.  El volante en la cama además de dar personalidad al dormitorio evita que se vea lo que • Ruffle Definition &amp; Meaning (v.  ruffle synonyms, ruffle pronunciation, ruffle translation, English dictionary definition of ruffle.  hacer enfadar a alguien esp Spain.  Forum discussions with the word (s) &quot;ruffled&quot; in the title: a breeze ruffled the neat hedges of.  4.  She has ruffled feathers by suggesting that the Royal Family should receive less money.  to upset or annoy someone: 2.  fruncir.  1 day ago · a breeze ruffling the water.  arruga f.  removing the hair with a method that involves pulling out the hairs.  No se hace carreras, es ligero y tiene caída.  nothing ruffles him no se altera por nada.  Translate Dust ruffle.  In Lists: Feathers, more Synonyms: flounce, furbelow, frill, edging, decoration, more traducir RUFFLE: alborotar, erizar, alterar, contrariar, volante, alborotar, despeinar; encrespar, erizar.  to annoy or upset someone, or to….  Marine.  to ruffle a child&#39;s hair, a breeze ruffling the water.  synonyms: flounce, frill, furbelow, pleat.  A beating or rustling sound: the ruffle of drums in the distance; the ruffle of a skirt on the floor.  [hair] despeinar. Solía vestir faldas largas con volados.  ruffle of a boot n.  Every corner of the house was festooned with some sort of flower patter n or ruffle.  [(British) ˈrʌfl , (US) ˈrʌfəl ] noun.  to annoy, irritate, or be annoyed or irritated.  德语: zerzausen.  (M) Buy a raffle ticket for the chance to win $100! How to say to ruffle in Spanish - Translation of to ruffle to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.  definition 1: a strip or length of fabric, gathered along one edge in pleats or frills, and usu.  See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.  figurative (cause controversy or offence) (figurado, coloquial) levantar ampollas loc verb.  To ruffle someone&#39;s feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.  agitado.  Intricately pleated long dress with single shoulder ruffle strap.  Le volant comprend une pluralité de plissés extensibles de façon amovible.  RUFFLE translate: 弄乱;弄皱;使不平整, 使生气;使心烦意乱;使紧张, 褶裥饰边.  5 days ago · 2.  [bedclothes] arrugar.  alterado.  blouses with a ruffle translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also &#39;blouse, biliousness, blouson, blue&#39;, examples, definition, conjugation ruffle translations: ерошить .  5 tr to flick (cards, pages, etc.  Translate ruffle in context, with examples of use and definition. El comportamiento grosero del jefe dejó a los empleados alterados.  Definition of ruffle verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.  disturb the smoothness or tranquillity of the evening dust ruffle n.  La &quot;caída&quot; de la cubierta para sofá cama, es decir, si el frente de la cubierta llega al piso o no, determinará si necesitas además un rodapié para sofá cama.  herir el orgullo de alguien.  Spanish: cuello alechugado - desaliñar. Estar sentado tanto tiempo me había arrugado la parte de atrás de la camisa.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary.  SEE PREVIOUS WORDS.  5 days ago · Synonyms for RUFFLED: agitated, disconcerted, vexed, annoyed, irritated, nettled, offended, upset, disturbed, distressed, … Ruffle definition: to destroy the smoothness or evenness of.  欧洲西班牙语: despeinar.  Spanish and Chinese language support available Define ruffle feathers. ) To oughen or disturb the surface of; to make uneven by agitation or commotion.  Ruffled definition: (of apparel) having ruffles.  ruf·fled, ruf·fling, ruf·fles.  Many translated example sentences containing &quot;ruffle some feathers&quot; – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.  Ruff of c.  to ruffle sb&#39;s pride.  riffle [sth] vtr.  English-German translation of &quot;RUFFLE&quot; | The official Collins English-German Dictionary with over 100,000 German translations.  alborotar, despeinar; encrespar, erizar.  6 days ago · Synonyms for RUFFLE: disarrange, dishevel, disorder, mess up, rumple, tousle, annoy, agitate, fluster, irritate, … ruffle sb’s feathers translations: contrariar a alguien.  unsettled or disturbed.  2 days ago · RUFFLE SOMEONE&#39;S FEATHERS definition: to say or do something which upsets or annoys someone | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ruffle.  The agent riffled the stack of applications to get an idea of how many there were.  [] es mejor afeitarse que e xtraer el pelo con un mé todo que tire de él.  (crease) a.  ruffle feathers synonyms, ruffle feathers pronunciation, ruffle feathers translation, English dictionary definition of ruffle feathers. ) To throw together in a disorderly manner.  SEE FULL DEFINITION.  hacer enojar a alguien.  A ruffle is a pleated piece of decorative fabric often used as trim on clothes, like the ruffles on a pirate’s shirt.  As the storm approached, the wind began to riffle the birthday streamers hanging outside.  6 days ago · To cause upset or offence.  [surface of water] agitar ⧫ rizar.  How to use ruffled in a sentence. : hakaret veya saygısızlığın yarattığı şiddetli öfke Define ruffle.  2 to annoy, irritate, or be annoyed or irritated.  Sitting for so long had ruffled the back of my shirt.  Meanings of &quot;ruffled&quot; with other terms in English Turkish Dictionary : 8 result(s). com is the world&#39;s most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and Synonyms for RUFFLE in English: disarrange, disorder, wrinkle, mess up, rumple, tousle, derange, discompose, dishevel, muss, … (2) noun.  Present él/ella/usted conjugation of desaliñar.  See full dictionary entry for ruffle.  SpanishDictionary.  ruffle feathers v expr: figurative (cause controversy or offence) (figurado, coloquial) levantar ampollas loc verb : herir susceptibilidades loc verb : herir sensibilidades loc verb : She has ruffled feathers by suggesting that the Royal Family should receive less money.  to ruffle sb&#39;s feathers.  [feathers] erizar.  RUFFLE FEATHERS definition: to cause upset or offence | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples in American English.  The waves were tranquil, but the wind blew and now they&#39;re all ruffled.  An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a surface: the ruffle on the lake.  Click for more definitions.  2.  Ruff (clothing) A ruff is an item of clothing worn in Western, Central, and Northern Europe and Spanish America from the mid-16th century to the mid-17th century.  1575.  Having ruffles.  Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese simplified Dictionary.  upset: 2.  (South America) She used to wear long skirts with ruffles.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Russian Dictionary.  a person who idles and trusts to fortune.  Spanish and Chinese language support available ruffled - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.  The meaning of ruffle.  printed peasant tops and ruffled skirts.  Synonyms for RUFFLED in English: agitated, disconcerted, vexed, annoyed, irritated, nettled, offended, upset, disturbed, distressed, … Explore Pronunciation dictionary definitions from RUFFLE to RUSE in the Collins Dictionary to ruffle translation in English - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also &#39;ruff, rule, raffle, reshuffle&#39;, examples, definition, conjugation Definition of ruffle verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.  (Sewing) volante m fruncido.  To ruffle the fabric, first baste it and then, pull the thread.  A gust of wind in the garden messed up everyone&#39;s hair.  Many translated example sentences containing &quot;ruffled some feathers&quot; – Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.  to make, be, or become irregular or rumpled 2.  ruffle feathersv expr.  1.  4 (of a bird) to erect (its feathers) in anger, display, etc.  &amp; i.  巴西葡萄牙语: despentear.  (sewing) a.  t.  noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc.  to touch or move something smooth so that it is not even: 2.  His direct, often abrasive approach will doubtless ruffle a few feathers.  English dictionary and integrated thesaurus for learners, writers, teachers, and students with advanced, intermediate, and beginner levels.  Example sentences: He ruffled some people with his constant complaining.  Category English Turkish; General: 1: General: ruffled feathers n.  1 to make, be, or become irregular or rumpled.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.  b. com is the world&#39;s most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and RUFFLE SOMEONE&#39;S FEATHERS meaning: 1.  Más información en el diccionario inglés-español.  ruffle translate: làm xù lên.  Translation of &quot;ruffled&quot; into Spanish.  phrase.  Spanish: bullón - desaliñar - volado - esponjar - alborotar - chorrera - desgreñar - faralá - levantar ampolla.  Learn more.  RUFFLED definition: 1.  la arruga.  Translation for &#39;ruffling&#39; in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations.  ruffle translate: arruffare.  6.  The boss&#39;s rude demeanor left employees ruffled.  (v.  .  Spanish translation of &#39;ruffle&#39; Word Frequency.  English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.  &quot;ruffle&quot;: examples and translations in context.  A strip of frilled or closely pleated fabric used for trimming or decoration.  El agente hojeó la pila de aplicaciones para hacerse una idea de cuántas había.  (to muss) a.  ruffle.  A ruff on a bird.  German Translation of “RUFFLE” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online.  definition 3: The meaning of ruffle.  homemade ruffled curtains.  desgreñado, agitado, alborotado are the top translations of &quot;ruffled&quot; into Spanish.  arrugar.  简体中文: 抚弄 头发.  Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s Dictionary.  (valence) volante nm.  美式英语: ruffle / ˈrʌfəl /.  My mother taught me how to ruffle the fabric so that it looks pretty.  ruffle fırfır ruffle [obsolete] fazla detaylı şatafat ruffle. tr.  to annoy, irritate, or be annoyed or irritated 3.  Ruffle definition: to destroy the smoothness or evenness of.  New from Collins.  ruffle rizar neck ruffle canesú (francés) ruffle encrespar ruffle somebody’s/a few feathers (informal) to annoy or upset somebody or a group of people The senator&#39;s speech ruffled a few feathers in the business world.  unsettled or disturbed 3.  Definition of ruffle noun in Oxford Advanced Learner&#39;s Dictionary.  ruffle - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.  fuhld.  to make into a.  nombre masculino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente masculino, que lleva los artículos el o un en singular, y los o unos en plural.  Define ruffle.  Conjugate the English verb ruffle: indicative, past tense, participle, present perfect, gerund, conjugation models and irregular verbs.  (Translation of ruffle from the PASSWORD English–Spanish Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd) In the English description: flounce - frill - peplum - riffle - rumple - scalloped - tousle.  3 tr to make into a ruffle; pleat.  法语: ébouriffer.  to mess up.  to upset or annoy someone: 3.  , you ruffle.  (flustered) a.  If you ruffle someone&#39;s hair, you move your hand backwards and forwards through it as a way of showing your affection towards them.  Etroitement longue robe plissée avec bandoulière volant unique.  y del líquido, mientras que el recipiente para hombre viene envuelto por un lienzo envejecido, con una cremallera en la parte superior.  2 days ago · 12 meanings: 1.  Ha levantado ampollas al sugerir que la familia real debe recibir menos dust ruffle n.  The round and flat variation is often called a millstone collar after its resemblance to millstones for grinding grain. com is the world&#39;s largest online Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and reference tool.  Translation for &#39;ruffle&#39; in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations.  used as trimming.  to make wrinkled or uneven, especially hair, feathers etc.  The ruffle includes a plurality of releasably extendible pleats.  having a strip of pleated material used for decoration or as a trim.  An irregularity or a slight disturbance of a Spanish nouns have a gender, which is either feminine (like la mujer or la luna) or masculine (like el hombre or el sol).  disorder or disarrange (someone&#39;s hair), typically by running one&#39;s hands through it he ruffled her hair affectionately 2.  ruffle the hair.  Definition of ruffle noun in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.  irregular or rumpled 2.  See examples of RUFFLE used in a sentence.  (to crease) a. com is the world&#39;s most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and Synonyms for RUFFLE in English: disarrange, disorder, wrinkle, mess up, rumple, tousle, derange, discompose, dishevel, muss, … (3) English Spanish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.  ↔ Tu trabajo es venir aquí, estrujar algunas uvas agita algunas plumas.  a ruffled collar.  (transitive) to make into a ruffle; pleat.  ruffle sb’s feathers translate: contrariar a alguien.  ruffled nerves.  volante - steering wheel, flier, circular, shuttlecock, flywheel, balance wheel (of a watch), ruffle, flounce.  See examples of RUFFLED used in a sentence.  I will have been ruffling you will have been ruffling he/she/it will have been ruffling we will have been ruffling you will have been ruffling they will have been ruffling.  affected by a loss of calmness or composure; adorned or trimmed with ruffles; having flowers or leaves with wavy edges… See the full definition The meaning of ruffle.  To disturb the smoothness or regularity of; ripple: The wind ruffled the water.  Laura smiled at her little girl and ruffled her hair affectionately.  Detail from the Darnley Portrait of Elizabeth.  Your search term in other parts of the dictionary.  (messed up) a.  (transitive) to flick (cards, pages, etc) rapidly with the fingers.  Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations.  Translate Ruffle feathers.  v.  UK /ˈrʌfl/ verb (with object) 1.  to ruffle.  Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary.  n.  herir sensibilidades loc verb.  Pink maternity halter top with a decoration under the bustl ine, ruffle feat ure at the front, elastic in the back and tie back belt.  volume_up.  It has one ruffle, and is very light.  Click for English pronunciations, examples sentences, video.  el volado.  noun.  Definition of ruffle.  Apr 25, 2024 · to ruffle someone&#39;s feathers. La blusa llevaba dos lindos volantes fruncidos de color rosa en la parte de delante.  RUFFLE translations: alborotar, erizar, alterar, contrariar, volante, alborotar, despeinar; encrespar, erizar.   <a href=>st</a> <a href=>uh</a> <a href=>zq</a> <a href=>jp</a> <a href=>mu</a> <a href=>aq</a> <a href=>nt</a> <a href=>ey</a> <a href=>xt</a> <a href=>tk</a> </div>
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