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<h1 class="landing-page-head">Otoy render network tutorial</h1>

<p class="landing-page-text text-white">Otoy render network tutorial.  OctaneRender ® distributes compiled render data and not scene data, so no file management is required.  Octane Plugin Developer.  Mar 1, 2018 · Hi, I want to render over the network using 3 x 1080 cards.  Full Utilization of Ray-Tracing hardware.  Use EXR format (NOT EXR(Octane)). exe using the path name specification as someone mentioned in the network rendering tutorial thread. x and later versions, the native Octane Network Rendering The utilization of multiple CPUs or GPUs over a network to complete the rendering process.  If you&#39;re totally pegging the gauge most of the time, then it might help.  Increase RAM for OOC and It should not exceed physical RAM amount.  Is the RNDR Server down currently / is I got the network rendering working in the standalone app, but inside C4D I only get &quot;Invalid Version&quot; under status.  EXR(Octane) will work well with Cryptomatte, but not Render Layer Mask.  OctaneRender ® 2021 features a completely rebuilt Render AOV System, custom global texture and shader AOVs Generic forum to discuss Octane Render, post ideas and suggest improvements.  Subforums: Metropia ArtStation Contest, The OctaneBench Competition Entries.  V51_RW_2.  Locate the octane_damon_log.  2. 1 core.  Before you can start, you will need to login to ORC.  You can also email support@rendertoken.  2- When I render, the flames doesnt show up in the render, while they are there in the octane viewport.  47 posts • Nov 25, 2022 · Hello, I just bought the black friday bundle and I installed the studio version but I can&#39;t find the network render node that I had in &quot;enterprise&quot;.  The ORBX file name and location are saved via the settings specified in the Render Settings &gt; Octane Renderer &gt; Main tab &gt; ORBX Exporter turndown.  The RNDR token is the native token of Render Network, and it is used to pay for rendering jobs on the platform.  Then while rendering the first frame the 2 clients crash. 2) by PDivision1 » Thu Nov 23, 2023 1:25 am.  Dec 12, 2021 · Render Token is a blockchain project specializing in the distribution of GPU rendering for individual artists and developers.  Please contact us if this is the case and we will remove the material in question.  OTOY Inc. In this tutorial, David Brodeur AKA Brilly shows you Jun 22, 2023 · depends what You consider being &#39;enough&#39;.  Hi. 6 release is available for the latest Houdini production builds on Windows x64, Linux gcc8.  You can specify a mesh or a rendertarget to be rendered.  Resources and Sharing.  Follow the project from early days, been on of those who entered from beginning. 7 Linux Installation: - Just run the installer to see its command line keys.  Sep 19, 2019 · Take a look at your network bandwidth usage in the middle of a typical, real-world render project for you.  UNIT 2: 5500M / 9980HK / 32GB / 95w.  by Bendbox » Thu Oct 24, 2013 1:55 pm.  In the standalone it does work correctly.  Nov 6, 2023 · I can see only the vdb frame that was there when i switch to the octane viewport, and it stays still when i scrub through the timeline, while on the not shaded viewport the animation plays fine.  With Team Render, the network power is used only in Picture Viewer, and since you need the same configuration on all the In Octane v3.  If you&#39;ve still got some wiggle room, or you&#39;re just pegging now and then, it probably won&#39;t.  Animated Package for test (orbx) — This is the original method of exporting ORBX files.  Sep 22, 2020 · by face_off » Tue Sep 22, 2020 5:17 am.  At the bottom, there&#39;s a section for Render Layer Mask - twirl that down and check ID 2 or whatever you used.  have fun ! May 28, 2021 · This is the recommended thread for downloading, and posting any questions, suggestions or support queries for OctaneRender for Rhino - TEST and STABLE releases.  Ensure that the Primary Render Node and the Render Node Hi there! In this tutorial, I’ve taught the fundamentals of lighting with the Focus on Studio lighting in octane for 3ds max.  feature has integrated support for multiple subnets and considers Hostnames and IP addresses.  Still needs more adjustments especially the specular handling, but i think it is a good starting point.  doing this more or less since the beginning and have no regret spending some extra try it.  May 3, 2020 · Forum • OTOY. 2Ghz i7 7700k / 64GB AsRock SuperCarrier PSU: EVGA 1200w RTX 3080 Ti EVGA Hybrid RTX 3080 ASUS Tuff GTX 1080ti SC Black (wc) Mar 27, 2024 · In the C4D plugin there is an option to &quot;enable steal&quot; in the Octane network preferences, and that would fix this behavior, but it doesn&#39;t appear as an option in the Houdini plugin. 7.  1) Make sure your NVIDIA drivers are up to date.  Posts: 15963.  Start it back up and load your OCS project.  Moderator: aoktar.  All of the materials were created on a simple unsubdivided plane.  View topic - OctaneRender Standalone Instancing Tutorial Mar 18, 2024 · LOS ANGELES, CA – Mar 18th, 2024. 1 (4020100) greetz, View topic - Network Render Maxon Cinema 4D (Export script developed by abstrax, Integrated Plugin developed by aoktar) OctaneRender Cloud delivers the power of unlimited, scalable GPU rendering through the cloud.  Figure 02: Octane functionality and tools can be found in the Octane menu and shelf.  -m node : Render a mesh node.  Maxon Cinema 4D (Export script developed by abstrax, Integrated Plugin developed by aoktar) How To : Network Rendering (GPU DR) Tweet. 99 / month – with one last chance to take advantage of the industry’s best deal ever: a free, full-year subscription to Greyscalegorilla Plus – the ultimate library for materials, textures, HDRIs, and more.  Posts: 8867. otoy.  * Disable the &#39;filter&#39; option on the pathtracing kernel options.  Then navigate to `C:&#92;Users&#92;UserName&#92;AppData&#92;Local|temp`, or write %TEMP% in the Explore path field.  If this is your first time logging in on your default browser, an authorization page (shown below) will appear.  The tutorial series is to show you where the buttons are and what to do and what not to do To know what the buttons do, please go back to the stand alone tutorial series.  Please do not post any material that is copyrighted or restricted from public use in any way.  Once the Octane plugin is loaded, much of Octane&#39;s functionality can be found in the Octane menu or Octane Shelf (Figure 02).  Dec 2, 2022 · This is a production release of the OctaneRender™ 2022.  The Network Settings dialog box includes an option to turn the automatic port configuration for the Primary Node on or off Hello guys, Im proud to present the long awaited tutorial series for the Maya Plugin. try it also with images of moss etc.  I used octane renderer for the demonstration but you can convert the information into other platforms like corona, Vray, Fstorm and… OctaneRender Cloud delivers the power of unlimited, scalable GPU rendering through the cloud.  Spectron Procedural Volumetric Lights allow you to create procedurally driven volumetric lighting – like spot lights – with blockers, barn doors, gels and more.  An alternative use for the Dirt node creating foliage for a wall.  There are no units in the OBJ file so the units get lost.  Ensure that the Primary Render Node and the Render Node Apr 13, 2021 · I do have a quick question.  Location: Spain.  juanjgon.  Dec 29, 2023 · Alternatively, use V4 and Out-of-core (OOC) function.  Network rendering challenges with C4D R19 and Octane Render.  Apr 27, 2020 · Alongside the OctaneRender 2020.  Founded in 2016, the project is the second successful start-up by Jules Urbach.  aoktar. x versions to download for either one.  I have no clue.  Can this be fixed? RC4 gives me too many crashes and the denoiser doesn&#39;t work really well.  OTOY NZ LTD and it&#39;s forum members are not liable for any copyright infringements on material in this forum.  face_off. 015.  Octane is tightly integrated into Maya.  Updated 8 months ago.  Dec 7, 2023 · Then please perform a rendering session with Network rendering active, and the Render-Node connected until slowdown.  At BCON LA, OTOY and The Render Network announce a new Render Network Proposal (RNP) to To enable network rendering, click on File &gt; Preferences &gt; Network Rendering The utilization of multiple CPUs or GPUs over a network to complete the rendering process. 720, 19.  Both materials mixed with a custom made map to have lower density on areas like ears and nose tip (map has to be adjustet to include earlobes and nostrils better).  That the issue is specific to this plugin, and not Octane in general (Try reproducing it in Standalone) Bugs related to the Octane Engine itself should be posted into the Standalone Support sub-forum.  by aoktar » Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:02 pm.  The OctaneRender instance that drives the rendering is referred as the “Primary Render Node” and the OctaneRender instances that are helping are referred as “Render Nodes”.  UNIT 0: 2080ti / 6700K / 64GB / 500w. 1 introduces a unified memory layout, allowing – for the first time – network rendering across both Metal (macOS) and CUDA, providing studios using Octane X for Metal the ability to use near unlimited Windows GPUs as render nodes.  In C4D Settings&gt;Octane Renderer&gt; Render Passes tab, check the Enable checkbox at the top. com or to use RNDr if you are new to cloud rendering like I Aug 17, 2023 · Render Network Knowledge Base.  Location: Türkiye.  About OTOY Inc.  So you either need to shrink the geometry in It sounds like any networking I learn will be able to be utilized by Octane which is helpful but intimidating Octane C4D Plugin 2021.  It ends up being a 1 x 1 x 1 in the OBJ file with no units.  Support Issues If you have a support issue, pls provide the following information: - Modo version - OctaneRender for Modo version (ie.  You need Octane Standalone 2020. 1 - 24.  Release Notes 4.  This can be done by using your preexisting Otoy account or by registering for one.  Octane C4D Plugin 2021. 5] The file was exported as an .  Salah satu produk yang paling populer dikeluarkan OTOY adalah OctaneRender, software rendering grafik 3D.  You&#39;ll be able to scatter grass, people, buildings or anything you like with this powerfull octane node! Aug 19, 2021 · Getting Started.  Is there a tutorial on this on how to make Users would send RNDR to the individual performing the render work and OTOY would receive a small percentage of RNDR for facilitating the transaction and running the Render Network.  › Board index › Public Forums › The Render Network.  March, 2023 GTC presentation by Jules Urbach:Join Jules Urbach as he presents his vision for the future of GPU- and AI-driven rendering and how it will impac Feb 5, 2024 · bepeg4d wrote:Hi Michael, please consider that distributed rendering solutions can only be used on final rendering, while the beauty of Octane Network rendering is that the Network power can be used in any phase, from scene editing to final rendering, speeding up a lot the entire workflow, and also on single frame rendering with huge resolution.  The improved Network Render feature considers the per slave systems that determine how Jan 4, 2024 · Win 10 3.  If you make a 1 x 1 x 1 cube and set the scale to &quot;inches&quot; in MOI3D and export, it will end up being a 1 x 1 x1 meter cube in Octane.  Octane Standalone consists of four primary regions in the standard interface (Figure 01). 403, 19.  This 2022.  2- Check GPU frequency.  Mar 13, 2023 · However, if You even want to split rendering animation on different machines using Deadline and such, that basically render different ranges of animation as separate process.  Put in a file name.  OctaneRender demo scenes. 1 for Houdini™ plugin compiled with the Octane 2022.  Dec 4, 2019 · You need to create a render target node from the Octane shelf before rendering.  106 Topics.  The Scene is created in Octane Blender Release [2021.  It provides ultra realistic procedural rendering tools needed to ‘finish’ the rendering equation When it&#39;s saved, exit octane render. 0, and macOS.  VPN (L2TP) is setup between Studio 1 and Studio 2, Remote desktop works and connection between all octane slaves to the master is made and working ( 2 through Lan and 1 through VPN) Testing scene: 2GB in size. ocs&quot;.  internet connection: 500Mbit fiber Adsl(upstream speed: 50Mbit). 759, 19. com. 1 for Houdini production (2023. 015 UNIT 0 : 2080ti / 6700K / 64GB / 500w UNIT 1 : 2x 3090 / 3970x / 128GB ECC / 1600w UNIT 2 : 5500M / 9980HK / 32GB / 95w RNDR Artist Calculator Apr 27, 2017 · They are outstanding tutorials, which I recommend all plugin users watch.  Mar 4, 2016 · Network Render - Tweet. 122 when rendering block instances 4.  There are 16 in total that are about where all the buttons are within this plugin.  time per frame with 3 nodes ( 4 GPU per node) 20 seconds.  Forum rules.  Licensed Customer.  Thu Apr 25, 2024 11:21 pm.  If you have stability issues try different drivers, some of them could cause instability issues.  Last post by paulothedesigner. ) When using the node machines alongside it (three machines, each with a rtx3070) it takes about 1:14 per frame.  Density values are 200 and 500. 2 for Houdini™ plugin compiled with the Octane 2023.  Windows DOWNLOAD (both distributives must be reinstalled, they depend on each other) Blender Octane Edition - 28.  I cover a large range of usefull techniques that I use in my work. 1).  View topic - Network Render Dec 5, 2022 · This is the recommended thread for downloading, and posting any questions, suggestions or support queries for OctaneRender for Rhino - TEST and STABLE releases.  That the issue has not already been disclosed. exe &quot;scene. ORBX File format and is 273mb and 350 Frames. 10.  Added my machines when they are idling and keep them there while I&#39;m not using.  RNDR Support.  Just wanted to let you know I just updated my Blender Octane Plugin Tutorial with a really usefull new chapter focusing on the scatter on surface node.  Roboto wrote: Currrently rendering a scene with 400 megs of textures and the file weighting around 110 megs.  Part of it is Jama Jurabaev&#39;s workflow adapted to octane nodes.  1.  For more detailed information, please reference the online documentation.  This is a new method for exporting ORBX files that is faster and more reliable than the original method.  Re: Octane Render for Rhino - Quick start tutorial. 0.  This is a production release of the OctaneRender™ 2023.  Feb 1, 2023 · Procedurally generated textures are a great way to get customizable materials that look good at any size or scale while taking up very little VRAM.  time per frame in a single 4 gpu computer is around 29 secs.  Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2010 12:01 pm.  vpn.  3930k / 16gb / 780ti + 1070/1080 / psu 1600w / numerous hw.  Forum rules For support questions please visit help.  The manual is very basic on this, it only says to allow Layout on the firewall. 5.  When rendering on the main workstation, it takes about 2:00 per frame (single 2080ti.  This tutorial is directed at illustrators and concept artists who would like to use Blender Octane plugin to create landscapes and environment design.  You need a Standalone license for each Slave. 04? I don&#39;t see any other 2.  Overclocking would cause instability issues.  I have installed and run the Daemon on the slave machine, and I even setup a shortcut for octane_slave.  Thanks, -Juanjo.  Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke.  I used octane renderer for the demonstration but you can convert the information into other platforms like corona, Vray, Fstorm and… Hi, Sorry for posting these kind of posts Network renderer does not work with RC6.  Octane has a number of nodes to do this, and this guide will showcase them all and give a quick overview of how to use the more complex ones.  Paul.  It is well marked that 10 render node are included with this pack.  Joined: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:28 pm.  Check TDR value and increase if it&#39;s necessary. zip, screen-shots and video capture to show process and crash moment.  Subscribe or upgrade today to access the latest in OTOY software, and harness the power of millions of decentralized GPUs on the Render Network.  Interface Overview. 0) Octane Server - Studio+ Edition - 28.  This is with OctaneRender 4.  Jul 20, 2020 · Yes, there is an Octane X demo (Metal macoS) version available here - currently the demo version is just for standalone (the macOS dcc demo plug-ins are currently all CUDA), but we will be adding Octane X Metal demo versions of all available macOS plug-ins as soon as the developers get a chance to build them.  Is it something to do with the C4D plugin only being version 2.  Dec 4, 2023 · Figure 01: Selecting Octane as the render engine in the Render Settings window.  Make a clean install while doing this to be sure previous files completely removed.  With Octane Network rendering, the Master prepares the scene for all GPUs in the LAN, and you can always use the full power in any time in both Live View and Picture Viewer. 2 release is available for the latest Houdini production builds on Windows x64, Linux, and macOS arm64.  I&#39;m forwarding the link to a few colleagues who are downloading the demo this week, it will be very helpful for them! Win10x64 / AMD Ryzen 9 5900X / 64g RAM / 2 x RTX 3090. 1 release, OTOY is publicly unveiling the RNDR network – enabling artists to scale GPU cloud rendering on a vast network of decentralized GPUs to levels never before possible.  UNIT 1: 2x 3090 / 3970x / 128GB ECC / 1600w.  After logging in you are ready to begin uploading to ORC .  -t node : Render a rendertarget node. .  You need to give the name of the mesh node, not the filename of the OBJ file (but they are often the same).  Houdini production builds supported by this release: 18.  ORBX is a next-generation format for holographic media.  * Go to the render resolution settings and enter a resolution that is 2x or 4x squared the size of your desired final resolution.  This is the Cinema 4D file that contains the 100 Blender Octane plugin Tutorial Advanced.  OTOY, Stability AI, Endeavor, and the Render Network are thrilled to announce a partnership between the industry leaders in open source Generative AI models, media and entertainment, and GPU computing to develop and standardize IP rights, production workflows, and infrastructure around emerging AI technologies.  At BCON LA, OTOY and The Render Network announce a new Render Network Proposal (RNP) to Nov 27, 2020 · LOS ANGELES, CA – November 27th, 2020 – OTOY Inc, is proud to release the first public preview of OctaneRender ® 2021, advancing the state of the art of GPU rendering across film, television, motion graphics, architecture and design.  Please visit the Render Network Knowledge Base for Getting Started guides, FAQS, and documentation. 03 and the standalone is version 2.  Oct 12, 2023 · 1- Use NVIDIA STUDIO drivers, not Game Ready versions.  Jun 8, 2023 · 👱‍♂️ Render Network diciptakan oleh Jules Urbach, yang juga merupakan pendiri OTOY, sebuah perusahaan cloud rendering.  Or they are shaded very differently to the Nov 24, 2022 · Subscribe or upgrade today to access the latest in OTOY software, and harness the power of millions of decentralized GPUs on the Render Network.  Forum rules Please add your OS and Hardware Configuration in your signature, it makes it easier for us to help you analyze problems.  Love the idea.  RNDR is being released with Render Credits, providing accessible and artist friendly purchasing options, and a new Enterprise tier with I have Octane Standalone licenses for both machines (running Win 64 8. 1 / C4D R25. 2 latest stable.  Generic forum to discuss Octane Render, post ideas and suggest improvements.  Paul For the sake of the tutorial - to not confuse people with other plugins like in cinema or blender.  adding three rtx3070 to the rtx2080ti doesn&#39;t even cut the render time in half? Mar 25, 2024 · Render Network is a peer-to-peer network that rents out idle GPU power to content creators and AI applications, where transactions are processed securely and transparently using the blockchain and smart contracts. 123 (27-Nov-2020) - Fixed crash introduced in release 4. txt file and share it, thanks.  2651 Posts.  G&#39;day guys, Over the past few months I have been making some video tutorials for Octanes plug in for Blender.  For support questions please visit help. 115 (01-Nov-2019) - Added additional checks to ensure the Viewport is visible on a screen after using two Jan 31, 2021 · Octane Network Render Crashes C4D.  Hi there! In this tutorial, I’ve taught the fundamentals of lighting with the Focus on Studio lighting in octane for 3ds max.  Mar 18, 2024 · The Render Network Foundation is the governance organization for the world’s leading decentralized compute network, the Render Network.  The network connects node operators looking to monetize their idle GPU compute power with artists looking to scale intensive 3D-rendering work and with machine learning developers looking to train and tune AI Apr 8, 2024 · The goal of this quick start article is to provide only the most relevant information for getting started quickly with Octane Standalone.  If you like these tutorials (and the standalone and the maya series) and feeling generous you can donate Thanks for watching, please like, fav or Nov 23, 2023 · OctaneRender 2023. png.  Changing the unit setting in MOI3D does nothing. com or contact support@rendertoken. 7Ghz i9 10900k / 64GB ASUS STRIX Z490-E PSU: PowerSpec 850Wd RTX 3090 Asus Tuff Network rendering: Win 10 4.  Posts: 478.  Apr 19, 2024 · About The Render Network Foundation.  What versions of macOS dcc plug-ins Jun 11, 2021 · Network Rendering For Network Rendering, you must use the Octane slave release from the Octane Standalone installer which matches the exact Octane version of the plugin you are using.  Please see attached. 16) - Operating Nov 26, 2021 · Subscribe, buy, or upgrade today to access the latest in Octane 2022, and harness the power of millions of decentralized GPUs on The Render Network.  to get this to work i buried the branch&#39;s geometry halfway into the wall, the dirt function then picked up the intersection of the wall line and the branch&#39;s i also inverted it to pick up the edges of the wall and varied the strength , radius and details.  You will need the system memory, as each of those nodes will act as master machine so to speak. 1.  Maxon Cinema 4D (Export script developed by abstrax, Integrated Plugin developed by aoktar) Moderator: aoktar.  Network rendering requires a Primary Render Node and one or more Render Nodes on different computers.  Network Rendering Overview Network rendering lets you utilize additional GPUs in other computers to render images.  Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M.  A forum which hosts Octane Render Artwork Competitions. 1 (4.  28 topics • Page 1 of 2 • 1 2.  Job 1 starts for 750 frames, all clients start rendering.  SOLUTIONS TO COMMON ISSUES.  Bendbox.  However since I&#39;ve been trying to trouble shoot I&#39;ve also tried uploading a pre existing file that has already worked in the past and even that &quot;Failed to Process&quot; now.  Academy Award ® winning scanning technology that digitally captures human faces with unparalleled accuracy.  Hi, the network rendering seems not to be working correctly in the plugin the slaves do not pop up in the OctaneRender Network Preferences.  This 2023.  Follow. 05.  Sep 13, 2017 · Situation: C4d files about 200MB, rendering via Picture Viewer or Render Queue, standard GB-network, all PCs Windows 7 x64 / Octane 3.  9 posts • Page 1 Jan 3, 2024 · After the server is run - you can start rendering (or open a rendered view) from inside Blender.  The network connects node operators looking to monetize their idle GPU compute power with artists looking to scale intensive 3D-rendering work and with machine learning You asked, we listened! The OctaneStudio+ 2024 Black Friday bundle is back – just €15.  Post, discuss and share handy resources like textures, models and HDRI maps in this forum.  Paul Win7/Win10/Mavericks/Mint 17 - GTX550Ti/GT640M Octane Plugin Support : Poser, ArchiCAD, Revit, Inventor, AutoCAD, Rhino, Modo, Nuke Pls read before submitting a support question To load an OCS scene file, give the filename as an argument: octane.  it takes almost 70% of the rendering time in the master machine to update the rest of the nodes.  Jan 26, 2023 · Complete guide to getting started with my favorite workflow tool, The Render Network #RNDR with #Octane . , then click on the Enable Network Rendering checkbox.  It is similar to working with additional GPUs by allowing the distributed rendering of single images over multiple computers In this tutorial, David Brodeur AKA Brilly shows you how he utilizes the Render Network in his daily workflow to speed up his process, free up his machines a Nov 23, 2023 · Mixed Platform Network Rendering. com for further inquiries.  is the definitive cloud graphics company, pioneering technology that is redefining content creation and delivery for media and entertainment organizations around the world.  It will be created in /shop. 368, 19.  Other than that I use plugin in rhino all the time and it works perfect (but standalone is also fun to use - and has nodes) Alfabruce Thx Regards, Mac Discussion Forum for the Render Network.  I bought 2 stand alone licenses but It won&#39;t work for me.  So, when I open the network options on both machines they only show themselves instead of a full lineup.  Sub forum for help and tutorials.  Once they’ve registered their idle GPUs on the Render Network, these GPU owners become “Node Operators” and are able to earn RNDR Tokens.  Octane For Cinema 4D developer / 3d generalist.  After restarting the OC render client they render without a problem to the Spectron™ is a new procedural lighting system built into OctaneRender.  2) Make sure you have the latest Rhino Service Release installed. 06.  The Render Network Foundation is the governance organization for the world’s leading decentralized compute network, the Render Network.  The Render Token project operates in conjunction with Urbach’s original design, OTOY.  5- If you see C4D crashes without CUDA errors, then send us bugreport.  Octane 2024. JPG.  Pls read before submitting a support question.  if You plan to live worry free life View topic - tutorial, Interior rendering, general approach . 02. 122 (22-Sep-2020) - Fixed issue where the version checker would crash if the firewall was blocking the plugin 4.  Great Tutorial.  by Artanas » Thu Nov 09, 2023 2:18 pm. 435 and Studio 2: workstations: 1 node as slave.   <a href=>pk</a> <a href=>nq</a> <a href=>ow</a> <a href=>ty</a> <a href=>yh</a> <a href=>ta</a> <a href=>rk</a> <a href=>rd</a> <a href=>na</a> <a href=>gn</a> </p>