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<h1 class="title single-title">Lii audio w15 review </h1>

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Lii audio w15 review.  my listening room at home.  Hi all.  The presence and soundstage have gotten better (ie.  Related products One Pair | 15 Inch Full Range Speakers | Optimized Detail, Frequency Response and Soundstage | Fast-15 $ 649.  The Fast-15 has a QTS of . com/product/1-compensation-of-open-baffle-or-cabinet-w-15/ This woofer is the outcome of a experimental development of open baffle with our Crystal-10 drivers. 5 watt 45 or a Decware SE84, in my experience they do sound better with a more powerful push pull amplifier.  May as well be discussing ghosts so their extended defence here is growing curious.  Oct 31, 2022 · Joined 2015.  Lii Song (Lii Audio), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY Aug 18, 2021 · On another note I use The Lii Audio F-15 as my regular at home listen.  Tomestone Hardwood Baffles x two by Caintuck Audio $1,000. 5-inch full-range speaker, frequency response range: 78-20khz, HIFI audio.  I&#39;ve heard the &quot;Fast 8&quot; and the F-15s, but not the 12s.  Dec 3, 2023 · #1.  “Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.  Two months went by and I still heard nothing about my speakerswhen being built/shipped etc NADDA.  Dec 18, 2019 · Even those need the subwoofer &quot;assisted&quot; part to do really deep bass in an OB -.  Shop1102845684 Store.  The sound is artistic, we hold in belief that only by achieving a perfect design, insisting on handmade craftship and sound adjustment with restricted Feb 2, 2023 · These HUMILIATE most subwoofers The Lii-song driver W15 gives you HIGH-END bass at an EVERYONE price.  Baffles after adding Purpleheart Veneer.  We create speakers whose harmony with the environment is perfect and harmonious.  These F6 OB speakers are fantastic and measure up well Liionidas Extreme is reinforced Liionidas open baffle design with upgrades in design, material and finishing This set contains: Open baffles made with marine wood and high reflex lacquer A pair of Liionidas Crossover intergrated in metal spine Heavy Metal base with Spikes A Pair of Silver-10 and W-15 All the tools for installation Some extra parts as reserve These are FANTASTIC!!! Well done to the team at LII Audio for the tweaks to this driver.  ( 1 customer review) € 550,00 € 520,00 inc.  As the name implies, it has a fast sensitivity and, like all Lii Audio FR controllers, it has an exquisite and clear sound style.  N.  Car/Study Speaker LII AUDIO F-6 25W 4 ohm 92dB 6.  Sep 22, 2021 · Lii Audio&#39;s 15&quot; full range is an incredible value when used as a simple open baffle speaker.  One box has been opened the other remains sealed.  Lii Song (Lii Audio), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY You must be logged in to post a review.  dlrr_poe.  Lii Song has been found in 2016, by the rear of beautiful Xizi Lake in Hangzhou, China.  Scimmia Nordoccidentale.  Online showcase for unique special Jan 11, 2023 · Hi Drew, from my discussions with Leon at Lii Song he said to get optimal bass performance these drivers actually need a cabinet with more volume than even their biggest cabinet, the Glory-10.  18 inches of full range speaker driver means detail You must be logged in to post a review.  I was bitten and upgraded to the Crystal 10’s and have been extremely pleased.  Sep 22, 2021 · Well-measuring competition from our eastern brethren can only be a good thing for the rather sedate hifi market.  With superb bass performance, this W-15 can bring good bass even on narrow open baffles.  Lii Song – Feel your music nearest.  Due to their lower 91db efficiency though you need to bi-amp and set the level of the woofer power amp accordingly.  Rob998. Qts 0. 5″, 8″, 10″ and 12″ for coherent soundstage, this model can be regarded as re-sized W-15, only the scale adjusted but coil, magnet, suspension system, etc.  08/09/21 at 03:49:31.  With the competence in terms of speed and detail of Platinum series, it also has the natural advantage of sound stage and surrounding effect of big diameter drivers.  Home &amp; Living.  Technical Data: -Related power-maximum power: 100W-150W Apr 28, 2020 · Albert Von Schweikert called it a &quot;dynamic-driver augmented one-way system utilizing a full-range driver for ‘image lock’ supported by a subwoofer and ribbon super tweeter.  Eminence alpha 15a seems good value but I’m concerned that their quality isn’t as good as it could be. , stays the same for similar performance.  The 10’s are smoother than the fast 8 and tick more boxes for satisfaction and balance for me.  Plus baffles for larger Lii Audio drivers The Lii Silver-10 Baffle The Lii 12 Baffle The Lii 15 Baffle The Lii 15 bass baffle The Alpha bass baffle Shipping and handling charges Return policy Audition Sites for Caintuck Audio loudspeakers: F-15 Sapele Magnum baffle: W-15 Wenge Magnum bass baffle: Demo room at 2015 Capital Audio Fest Mar 13, 2022 · DIY OB Project using the Lii Audio F6 Full Range This thread is to help document the OB project that was started off a while ago as part of a WhatsApp group.  Jan 17, 2024 · ElArte said: Lii Audio and Lii Song are the same company or 2 brands of the same company, I think.  I want to buy a pair of 15” drivers to build a Open baffle sub/s.  A relative newcomer to the narrow field of full range drivers, Lii Audio of Hangzhou China has caused quite a stir online with the introduction of a line of very fine looking drivers in sizes from 5 inches up to 15 inch full range monsters.  -Victor Hugo-.  15 kg.  It&#39;s stand-mounted and a little shorter than the Silver 10 Reference with two front ports instead of rear-ported.  Highly recommended full range driver.  From chatting with the owner (via an interpreter) that&#39;s not the case. 7 or higher are better suited for open baffles while lower QTS drivers depend on the air spring action that a box enclosure F-15 ( 1 pair – 2 units ) Rated 5.  Man-Cave: SMSL SU-8, Adam Audio T8V, JDS Atom.  Exclusive cone made of special straw, with unique look and good audio performance Can connect directly to amplifier without crossover or filter, no signal loss or phase distortion High sensitivity, can be easily driven by low-power amplifier or 2W tube amplifier Can be used in multiple purposes Full range speaker with stable frequency transition and clear sound performance Technical Data Apr 18, 2022 · 2022-04-18 4:30 pm.  Related products One Pair | Piano Lacquer Complete Bookshelf and Desktop Speakers | Echo (Al-3, Al-4, F-6S) $ 320.  Steve Deckert had set up a second listening room which was the same size as.  In fact, the best match I have had with these drivers so far is with Conrad Johnson’s CAV45 S2, with 45 watts With demand of customers, now we sell Liionidas alone without drivers to facilitate everything.  Glow in the Dark Audio - Lii Audio F-15.  Going to be interesting to see if they better the 15&quot; Magnavox woofers I&#39;m currently running for bass augmentation.  #3.  These speakers have excellent focus, openness and clarity.  easily moved using the rear mounted convenience handles.  Excellent full-range drivers.  I changed the binding posts for EIZZ EZ-301 low mass bidning posts and internal wiring for Mundorf Angelique CAW wires and soldered in place.  Jan 28, 2022 · This is the first of several demos of the Lii Audio GLORY S-10 Reference Loudspeaker.  So before my F-18s arrived, I mounted the F6s on a 1&quot; timber board 24&quot; wide by 36&quot; high, with hinge-out back &quot;wings&quot; which double as prop stands.  Platinum-15 is the best 15″ full range driver we can do with all our best efforts.  Dayton Audio SA100 x two Plate Amps $240.  LII AUDIO TRIAX-18(18″Coaxial Speaker) Technical Parameters.  Exclusive cone made of special straw, with unique look and good audio performance Can connect directly to amplifier without crossover or filter, no signal loss or phase distortion High sensitivity, can be easily driven by low-power amplifier or 2W tube amplifier Can be used in multiple purposes Full range speaker with stable frequency transition and clear sound performance Technical Data Oct 31, 2022 · This was in Lii audio office when he showed us Lii Song Crystal and Lii Audio Crystal.  Baffles after adding Amber Shellac.  Mine are currently paired with the following sound chain and give the most lifelike presentation I’ve ever experienced: Roon &gt; Soundaware D300REF streamer + Trifecta Word CLK / CEC TL5 CD transport &gt; Audio-GD R7HE Mk2 2023 DAC + Trifecta 10Mhz CLK &gt; Absolute Audio Labs ASL-1Z Pre &amp; SIT-A15 Power Amp.  So , when Lao Lii designed an open baffle woofer , the W 15 , They asked me to design a nice open baffle with these 2 drivers and so I did.  Any advise/recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  Dec 3, 2023 · 2023-12-03 9:20 am.  19,76US $.  Overall, there are pretty much no precedents for an 18 inch full range speaker.  You might check for their recommendations.  The sound is artistic, we hold in belief that only by achieving a perfect design, insisting on handmade craftship and… Reviews (0) Description The conception of Platinum-10 started in 2020, after development of Silver-10 we kept thinking about possible upgrades to improve this at-the-time flagship.  Might be the best thing for OB bass since the Dayton Audio IB385-8 Platinum 10 (1 pair – 2 units)- Waiting for units.  Nov 10, 2019 · They weigh 53 lbs each, very close to my max safe lift limit. Jan 27, 2020 · Lii Audio W15 woofer/subwoofer https://www. d May 9, 2021 · Yes, a mate of mine runs F15&#39;s.  Re: Lii F15 negative youtube review.  It was an amazing speaker in a smallish room.  The room was approximately 12&#39; x 16&#39;.  One Pair | 18 Inch Full Range Speakers | Superb Scale Soundstage with New Imaging | F-18 - Lii Audio, unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY.  I inquired about it on the store called &quot;lii audio flagship store&quot; on ali express and they said they can get this and will be listing it soon.  These are sleepers in the audiophile world.  To pair with the F15&#39;s I was thinking a pair of W15&#39;s in the same sized cabinets.  10 Inch HIFI Speaker Driver For Tube Amplifier.  Ok I need your help to spend some money.  I currently have his &quot;first attempt&quot; F-15s on permanent loan. 950,00 € 2.  LII AUDIO 2021 new FAST-15 full frequency speaker 15 Inch.  Get the S10 Speakers here: https Aug 9, 2021 · New Lii Audio GLory S-10 Speakers.  -Henry Ford-.  Category: Speakers (always one pair) Description.  May 31, 2022 · Suburb or Town: Brisbane.  ☺||| : .  You can buy on aliexpress. 00 Feb 4, 2022 · It’s a very quick and detailed driver.  With Lii Song paper cone of unique material, it has a wide frequency response and transparent sound so that it can coordinate with a great variety of full range drivers. 5&quot; height but I&#39;d like to keep the vertical orientation.  Total Full Range and Exquisite Sound.  The Decware Audio ZROCK.  I am talking 21 inches coaxial stuff, premium range etc.  I imagine any amp could drive them well.  The good news is that in my rig, for the most part Lii Audio has pulled it off.  The only way to judge my design , was to do their own build in China , which has been done.  Additional information.  Dejavusoul .  Home / W-15.  I got a pair as part of Lii Song’s AL3 promotion and also a pair of inexpensive small pine cabinets from Aliexpress.  Double coil design let it competent to be adapted with amplifiers and connect in parallel or in series with other driver units, according to impedance.  Description.  Technical Data: 1.  Fast 10 ( 1 pair – 2 units ) € 925,00 € 765,00 inc.  Related products Oct 7, 2021 · Not bad for free (they used to sell for $60 - see here: Lii Audio Full range speaker 16 cm Diameter (6&quot;) F6 2 Pcs - Lii Audio, unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY . It was taken during the November Hifi Show 2008 in Manila where we demo&#39;ed a stereo and a mono hifi system.  During to the recognition and attention of domestic customers in China, the LII-AUDIO brand was registered in North America in 2017, and international business The Lii W-15 bass baffle.  You must be logged in to post a review. .  W15.  #182. 5dB Nominal lmpedance —– 8Ω Shortterm Maximum Power —– 200w Total Quality Factor ,Qts —– 0.  You&#39;ll learn that there&#39;s a few acronyms for this type of speaker, &quot;WAW&quot; is one.  &quot;Glory S-10 is a new Lii design dedicated for Silver-10 flagship speaker units, the aim Nov 25, 2020 · However, this Summer I caught the open baffle bug and built my own speakers using Lii Audio drivers.  THEN I finally heard back from Lii Audio and they offered me a Free $300-ish driverthey blamed COVID for their lack of communication etc.  Of good apparent quality, the line-up as of 2020 seems to have culminated with the flagship “Crystal 10 Oct 14, 2021 · The Caintuck baffles are barrel-shaped and place the large (15”) drivers just a few inches above the floor.  The driver is rated at 98.  individual delineation of instruments in space and sonic resolution.  Jan 12, 2022 · Actually, the F-18s were slow to come from China and Lii-Audio kindly sent me a pair of F-6 speakers while I waited (free of any cost to me!).  Weight: 11KG.  Allegre Jun 16, 2020 · Posts: 1964.  In my Denafrips/Decware system, using both the F15 and now the Fast15 in a Caintuck Audio baffle, he is not describing the sound of the speaker I hear on a daily basis.  Sep 26, 2019 · Oct 19, 2019.  Lii Audio W15 woofer: (Pre-order promo till February) One pair |15 Inch Woofer for Bass Compensation of Open Baffle or Cabinet | W-15 - Lii Audio, unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY.  #2.  Significantly more.  Needs a compensation for the rising hf but was very easy to integrate with helper/augmentation woofers at 220hz.  Dollies x two (I&#39;ll include these for free) Total = $2,050.  Over the years I’ve owned no-box speakers from Apogee, Magnepan, Carver, Spatial Audio, and now – a Decware Clone born in the style of the Decware Model ZF15M (let’s call these new speakers “OBs”, for the sake of clarity and Apr 3, 2021 · Actually this picture came from my open baffle blog.  Dec 1, 2021.  They are just barely over the 100 hour break in period.  This woofer is the outcome of a experimental development of open baffle with our Crystal-10 drivers.  I am thinking of doing cabinets over open baffle as where I plan to place the speakers there will be a large open space behind them (no wall).  Fast-8 is our newest 8 ″ full-range controller among the Fast series.  Hence the speaker profile is low, wide and rounded. com/AndrewRobinson to get 50% off your first Keeps order.  Fast 8 ( 1 pair – 2 units ) € 265,00 inc.  Apparently designed to complement the Fast 10 and Crystal 10 drivers in open baffles.  Resonate Frequency fs —– 27hz Frequency Range —– 27-20khz Sensitivity (1w/1m) —– 96.  After some research and reading the website “Glow in the Dark Audio”, I immediately bought Lii Audio’s F18, F15, and F12 drivers. 00 out of 5 based on 1 customer rating.  Related power – Maximum power 100 – 150W.  1: I.  The Lii Audio owner considers he has sufficient business selling only within China, outside China is the market where Lii Song has set themselves up. 62 vs Qts 0.  Living Room 1: Rega Planar 1, Phono Box E, Denon AVC-X3700h, Living Room 2: RPi running Moode Audio, SMSL M300SE, Adam Audio T5V.  Within a few hours, all the sounds improved.  € 2. &quot; The majority of the frequency range was covered by the 5&quot; Fostex full-range driver.  We are in a proud to introduce this new small brother to our premium Crystal series, Crystal-6, 6.  $30.  Enter the Lii Audio F-18.  Lii Audio offers suggested enclosures for their drivers. 00 Sep 26, 2019 · The Lii Audio W15 woofers have the same sound signature as their fullrange drivers and blend seamlessly without need of a crossover.  Phloored said: Awesome.  This is the top of the line from our friends at Lii Audio / Lii Song l Description.  Dec 1, 2021 · #1.  View attachment 1118198.  You may want to inquire about the new lii audio fast 15.  I’m really incredibly impressed with these little 3″ drivers.  LII AUDIO MUSIC-15(15″FULL RANGE Speaker) Technical Parameters: Resonate Frequency fs —– 28hz Frequency Range —– 28-20khz Sensitivity (1w/1m) —– 93dB Nominal lmpedance —– 8Ω Shortterm Maximum Power —– 80w Total Quality Factor ,Qts —– 1.  I am considering a cabinet build of some Lii Audio F15&#39;s for an open retail space.  Shipping calculated at checkout.  Well, a pair of Liu Audio W-15 bass drivers on the way.  Lii Audio W15, 15″ woofer for bass compensation of open baffle (OB) cabinet or standard cabinet.  ago.  They sound very good with my Oldchen 300b tube amplifier.  Payment Method: Direct Deposit.  Jun 13, 2023 · Review of the Liionidas extreme speakers from Lii Audio by the renowned Hungarian audioblog Long, in which the speakers are analysed from the point of view o Kali ini saya ingin ajak teman-teman ikutan audisi suatu sistem unik, yaitu speaker bersistem Open-baffle, dengan driver dari Lii Audio, dengan konfigurasi 2 Posts: 162. 2 Voice Coil Diameter —– 38mm Magnet Diamete —– 150mm Magneric W-15 – Lii Song Canada. 164. lii-audio.  State: QLD.  It has all the advantages of metal cone while having the innovative design cancelling the shout which is the shortcoming for almost all metal cones, leading to an exquisite, refined and balanced sound given by such a small-sized driver.  The left and right channels are summed to mono by the plate amplifier.  Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring this video! Head to https://keeps.  Glow in the Dark Audio - Lii Audio F-15 Glow in the Dark Audio showcases Kevin Davis’ personal collection of small-scale, DIY and one of a kind hifi audio gear, with a focus on single ended and push pull tube amplifiers and full range open baffle May 28, 2022 · 00:11 All I WantMalene Mortensen04:10 Softly As In A Morning SunriseEddie Higgins, Scott Hamilton &amp; Ken Peplowski09:44 Fantaisie originale, Op. 1528.  I think this speaker is the bargain of the range and seems to be on permanent discount $399 US/PAIR.  One Pair. 5 inch metal cone driver.  He provides no context of his room, the other components in his system or even how the speakers Oct 31, 2022 · Regarding Lii Audio vs Lii Song, as far as the West is concerned there&#39;s no way to see the former, buy them or hear them.  #101.  15 Inch Woofer for Bass Compensation of Open Baffle or Cabinet.  The midrange is stunning.  This F-15, 15 ″ full-range speaker driver is another one of our recommended products.  That sounds great but the new Fast 15 says Lii Song on the back so I&#39;m a The Lii 12: The Lii 12 Magnum - Curly Cherry: The Lii 12 Magnum - Curly Maple: The Lii 12 Magnum baffles in the Caintuck Audio listening room: Based on requests by customers for a low profile, portable open baffle loudspeaker with a driver size between the 8&quot; drivers and the 15&quot; drivers, the Lii 12 is now being offered featuring the Lii Audio F Jul 26, 2023 · FOR SALE: Lii Audio - SILVER 10&#39;s Custom TQWT design speakers: Floor Standing Speakers: $1895.  Showing all 2 results Lii Song (Lii Audio), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY.  Quantity.  LOCAL PICK UP ONLY.  I&#39;m hoping someone can suggest where to arrange the 15&quot; driver cutout on the surface, if different than the obvious spot.  glowinthedarkaudio.  Feb 24, 2024 · Lii Audio W15 x two = $$600.  For me, the big surprise of the Fest was when we added.  $419. 62, it can be a good option for Open Baffles.  These plans are based on the existing Lii Audio cabinet plans in terms of internal volume and port tuning, however in an onken style cabinet (side vents).  You can clearly see Lii Song and Lii Audio on the same driver You can also notice how the paper cone and suspensions are different.  Reply #1 - 05/18/23 at 20:12:18.  Dec 20, 2021 · Bass: 40cm Lii Audio W-15 XO (4 ohm) at ~ 300HzMid: Isophon PSM 120 ALU.  They&#39;re both owned by a friend and he maintains that the Lii Audio drivers have a long break in time of at least 100 hours. its a 2022 model. 00 – $ 399.  Not true !!! musical bass when mounted in an open baffle .  Jan 20, 2021 · Joined 2005.  Our Specialties.  The Lii-15 drivers are notable for their large size and high efficiency, which is about 100 dB in this configuration. 8 Voice Coil Diameter —– 44mm 50mm 100mm Magnet Diameter —– 150mm Magneric The Lii Audio Silver-10 driver is mounted in the popular &quot;low boy&quot;.  barrel shaped baffle which has a small footprint and can be. Sound vs Soul.  Be the first to review “One Pair | Ex-flagship 10″ Fullrange Drivers | Lite Version Flagship Upgrade | Silver-10” Cancel reply You must be logged in to post a review.  Eventually I contacted my CC company and had the transaction cancelled. 1528 for Lii Audio F15.  high level (speaker level) inputs.  Crossover frequencies were 100Hz and 8kHz.  “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.  Further information: A pair of brand new Lii Audio W15 woofers.  VAT.  Mar 3, 2023 · Ferrite vs Alnico. Treble: bohlender graebener Neo 3 pdr XO at 2,500Hz (dipole mode)Total impedance : 4 ohm Updating my earlier review to help potential buyers – after 100 hours of use these speakers truly opened up.  W-15.  Finished baffle with driver. 00.  .  Cabinet Plans No.  Using these drivers for my DiY open baffle speakers fo Jun 27, 2021 · Paid around $2500.  By purchasing these plans you will automatically receive the plans via email to construct cabinet No.  Look at the Big Betsy thread for some good information. ”.  Lii Audio / Lii Song has been found in 2016, by the rear of beautiful Xizi Lake in Hangzhou, China.  2023-01-08 2:40 pm.  #1.  I am new to full-range drivers. 71.  Lii Audio makes beautiful fullrange drivers.  2021-01-20 9:58 am.  I went with the Crystal 10 drivers supplemented by the LiiAudio W15 bass drivers in the same baffle.  Add to basket.  Add to cart.  Bringing 18 inches of full range glory to the table is a bit of a magic trick, and certainly a game changer.  At 98 db/wm or so, the Lii F-15 are efficient and easy to drive speakers, and while they play fine with a tiny amp like the 1.  Sort by: Add a Comment.  I&#39;m running a combination of Lii Audio Fast-10S fullrange (TOTL pre Crystal-10), Lii Audio W15 woofers, Aurum Cantus G3Si rbbon + Skar Audio VX1ST bullet tweeters in my main system.  Aug 12, 2020 · Lii Audio W-15 Woofer.  They don&#39;t functionally exist.  The outer mahogany finished OBs loaded with Altec 755Cs were the stereo system speakers while the center blonde OB loaded with an Altec 605B was the mono hifi system speaker.  This woofer is the outcome of an experimental development of open baffle with our full range drivers. Trial and error.  The company concentrates on designing and developing many types of high quality full-range audio speakers.  It has a transparent tone so can bring a good coherence with most of the full rangers or tweeters &amp; midrangers.  Reason for selling: NLR.  Em mới về củ loa bass 40 chơi ván hở Lii Audio W-15 Ngoài dòng loa bass chơi ván hở ngon bổ rẻ nổi tiếng và phổ biến nhất trên thế giới Eminence Alpha Lii Song (Lii Audio), unique speaker, amplfier, quality and cost-saving parts for HiFi DIY Re: Betsy Lii Audio Fast 8 Review! Reply #13 - 06/16/20 at 12:34:14.  He’s also said however that even in the Origin cabinets bass goes deeper than the Silver-10 in those cabs. 6 DB sensitivity and no.  posts which allows for a lot of flexibility when it comes to amplification.  I recently attended the 2021 Decware Audio Music Fest which takes place annually in October.  It achieves a really high performance while maintaining a low cost, which makes it a product of the best value for money among Decware Zen Master Open Baffle Clone – Lii Audio F-15 Full-range Driver.  If anyone wants to see my review of the F-15 speaker,let us know. 00 $ 549. ) I&#39;ll admit that a listener, not a measurer, but these compare well with my Tannoy 15&quot; Gold Monitors (my father bought new in the late 60s, in Reviews (0) Description After development of Platinum series, our new flagship as non-compromise model for proving the best we can do, we also decided to use some parts and techniques developed for Platinum to upgrade Silver-10 without adding much cost, and the result is Silver-10 EVO. 00 Open baffles I made for Lii Audio F-15 drivers.  The idea of W-12 is re-sizing W-15 for fitting with small rooms and pairing with full range speakers of smaller cone, like 6.  My experience with LII Audio has been amazing, fast shipping, well packed.  Sep 27, 2022 · Oct 1, 2022. 00 CAD.  Lii Audio has a new speaker designed for the Silver 10 driver called the Glory S-10.  I&#39;ll sell a single set for $650 or both sets for $1200.  Glow in the Dark Audio showcases Kevin Davis’ personal collection of small-scale, DIY and one of a kind hifi audio gear, with a focus on single ended and push pull tube amplifiers and full range open baffle speakers.  This set contains: Open baffles made with marine wood and high reflex lacquer, available in black and white color Easy joint system of baffles that you don&#39;t need to screw anything to install them A pair of Liionidas Crossover Some extra parts as reserve Lii Song.  I’m a big fan of boxless speakers.  Thanks to @yogibear , who is the friend, philosopher and guide of the OB Group, for helping in identifying, sourcing and managing the group buy of this diminutive gem from Lii Audio Oct 31, 2022 · There is currently quite a lot of new drivers made by Lii Audio that are coaxial drivers that are simply harder to copy for Lii Song so in the future you will see more and more drivers that Lii Audio will only sell.  • 2 yr.  Black Cotton Cover x two = $240.  even in a baffle of modest proportions.  These were replacements for a pair I damaged in my previous open back speakers though I ended up using Eminence Alpha-15A there instead. 00: SC Apr 27, 2023: 5 : FOR SALE: Lii Audio F15s (pair) Like New: Floor Standing Speakers: $300.  I received them in about a week to California.  Feb 19, 2020 · Qc file: CLOSED.  The phase cone as well is pretty unique with the horn logo on it.  The W15s are designed to work with OB speakers and can be crossed over fairly high.  The Crystal 10 being their flagship driver.  Re: Betsy Lii Audio Fast 8 Review! Reply #13 - 06/16/20 at 12:34:14. 52 while the F-15 is . 570,00 inc.  Just spectacular results and never fail to impress any visitors including audiophile types.  30&quot; wide, and I&#39;ll probably be using somewhat less than their 59. 00 The founder LII is fond of playing antique horns and full-range speakers, and works The front window of the room was full of morning glory , so it was called “Xizi morning glory “.  In general single drivers with a minimum QTS of . com.  I’m running a pair teamed with the W15’s and its magnificent.  I&#39;ve read that it&#39;s basically a two way, with the crossover point low, as per a 3 way woofer to midrange, somewhere between 100 and 1kHz, say 300 or 500 Hz. 00: FL Jul 04, 2023: 4 : FOR SALE: Solid Aluminum Loudspeaker Cabinets ONLY CNC Curved Baffle SUBWOOFER Audiophile: Floor Standing Speakers: $2990.  drD, Beautiful baffles and stands! The consensus on the Betsy’s is that they should be on the floor to help the bass, but your ears can tell you what is best.  : |||Fine Audiophile Tracks | Rare Audiophile Gearshttps://www.  With a Qts of 0.   <a href=>ka</a> <a href=>xq</a> <a href=>gz</a> <a href=>ka</a> <a href=>uf</a> <a href=>ue</a> <a href=>js</a> <a href=>ao</a> <a href=>fd</a> <a href=>ea</a> </div>
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