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<p class="MsoNormal">Kong pdk.  @staticmethod def get (k: str)-&gt; Any: &quot;&quot;&quot; get a key-value pair from Kong&#39;s shared memory:parameter k: key for the ctx data:type k: str:return: the per-request context data in ngx.  Apr 16, 2024 · Added support for consumer group scoping by using the PDK kong.  LDAP Authentication Advanced (ldap-auth-advanced) Added support for consumer group scoping by using the PDK kong.  If Kong is running in DB-less mode without a cluster ID explicitly defined, then this method returns nil.  Full access to the Kong datastore in custom plugins is only available in the classic mode of deployment. node.  n99.  This module can be used to determine whether or not a given IP address is in the range of trusted IP addresses defined by the trusted_ips configuration property.  Data Access.  This is an example compile command: Second, build a docker image. ServiceResponse, this module allows mutating the Parameters:. shared kong. notice what does the 977#0 and *368 mean? Thank you.  Jun 28, 2023 · It appears to be related to the bug in Kong 3.  Returns: the per-request context data in ngx.  Go 99.  Kong PDK for Javascript and Plugin Server. 0 license. x, DO NOT EDIT # Original source path: kong/pdk.  Kong Gateway is a Lua application running in Nginx. 36. tls&#39;] Steps To Reproduce make install 2. 4-alpine-latest AS build # If I only change the image and leave everything else the same, kong proxy container fails in the runtime FROM golang:buster AS build RUN mkdir -p /custom-plugins/ COPY .  External python plugin uses usekong-pdk==0.  Generally, it consists of three parts: The time it took to find the right upstream.  kong. tar. enterprise_edition Apr 14, 2021 · This is what I did.  Nov 9, 2021 · Kong version ($ kong version) 2.  As noted in the documentation, with the upgrade to 3.  Kong provides PDKs for two languages: Lua and Go. enterprise_edition # AUTO GENERATED BASED ON Kong 3. 18.  Next are the Proxy-Wasm filters operating in the nginx module, and the least efficient are Kong PDK-based plugins (written in Go, Javascript, Python), which involve external inter-process communication with the nginx engine.  Go ahead and clone that repo into a new directory called kong-api-version-plugin: In the kong-api-version-plugin project, there are two directories to focus on: kong/plugins/myplugin: this is where the source code for the Kong Gateway (OSS) - 一个轻量级开源网关。.  Mar 13, 2024 · kong. service.  Or you can set up Kong Gateway on your own self-managed system: May 30, 2023 · opened 07:57AM - 26 May 23 UTC. get_memory_stats([unit[, scale]]) Returns memory usage statistics about this node. authenticate(consumer, credentials):parameter consumer: The consumer to set. ctx:rtype: Any &quot;&quot;&quot; pass Oct 12, 2019 · Hi all, I’m just getting set up with kong for the first time.  It varies based on the actual processing flow.  400B+. get_raw_body() Kong/kong-python-pdk#50.  Latest version: 0.  :type consumer: table :parameter credential: The credential to set. lua from typing import TypeVar , Any , Union , List , Mapping , Tuple , Optional number = TypeVar ( &#39;number&#39; , int , float ) table = TypeVar ( &#39;table&#39; , List [ Any ], Mapping [ str {&quot;payload&quot;:{&quot;allShortcutsEnabled&quot;:false,&quot;fileTree&quot;:{&quot;&quot;:{&quot;items&quot;:[{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;.  The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Set up your Gateway in under 5 minutes with Kong Konnect: Kong Konnect is an API lifecycle management platform that lets you build modern applications better, faster, and more securely.  Otherwise, it would update without warning.  **Note:** The type-checking of the `value` parameter can take some time, so it is deferred to the `serialize Kong Gateway is a Lua application designed to load and execute Lua or Go modules, which we commonly refer to as plugins.  Apr 29, 2020 · Summary . 3.  It directly parallels the existing kong PDK for Lua plugins. github kong-pdk. AskString (`kong.  Phases: access Example: # assuming `credential` and `consumer` have been set by some authentication code kong.  The Kong Session plugin can be used to manage browser sessions for APIs proxied through the Kong Gateway.  This table is only relevant in the context of a request and cannot be accessed from the top-level chunk of Lua modules. 10 Proxy env vars: .  kong-pdk kong-pdk. shared. Err(fmt Methods for kong. get_uri_captures() as described here and here (I think ngx. tls&#39; not found:No LuaRocks module found for resty. GetHost k: kong kong.  If both tables have the same key, the second one takes precedence.  Overview: module code; All modules for which code is available.  Oct 26, 2023 · Kong Gateway: 3.  Logging plugins use the output of `kong.  Using this method is equivalent to ask Kong to not run the load-balancing phase for this request, and consider it manually overridden. PDK) { enabling, err := kong. response. 24. set_frame_data (data) Set the current frame’s payload.  Phases.  Kong plugins written in Go implement event handlers as methods on the Plugin&#39;s structure, with the given signature: func (conf *MyConfig) Access (kong *pdk.  [docs] @staticmethod def add_header(header: str, value: Any) -&gt; None: &quot;&quot;&quot; Adds a request header with the given value to the request to the Service. cluster import cluster as cls_cluster from kong. lua from typing import TypeVar , Any , Union , List , Mapping , Tuple , Optional number = TypeVar ( &#39;number&#39; , int , float ) table = TypeVar ( &#39;table&#39; , List [ Any . 1&quot;, host: &quot;localhost:8000&quot; Jan 26, 2024 · I&#39;d like to understand each field of kong.  Hi Trying to use ```kong.  In your Dockerfile, use kong-gateway as base image and copy the executable into the container: Run docker build command to build the kong-with-plugin-image: Source code for kong.  插件开发工具包(或称 PDK),是一组 Lua 方法和变量,插件可以使用这些方法和变量实现自己的逻辑,PDK 最初在 Kong 0.  The set of plugins you have access to depends on your license tier. Ctx module, counterpart of Kong&#39;s Lua PDK kong. merge ( [t1 [, t2]]) Merges the contents of two tables together, producing a new one.  Module code; kong; kong.  This module always returns the address of the client directly connecting to Kong. PDK) {.  Write Kong plugins in Python. x, with an older version of the Python PDK. jwe Source code for kong.  The following fields are included in the returned table: connections_active - the current number of active client connections including connections_waiting.  作为2015年的开源项目,其核心价值在于高性能和可扩展性。. /src /custom-plugins/ RUN cd /custom-plugins/ &amp;&amp; &#92; go build FROM kong:2.  Because when I link the plugin to a route I receive the following.  get a key-value pair from Kong’s per-request context. set_header(), this function doesn’t remove any existing headers with the same name.  Kong是一个云原生,快速,可扩展和分布式微服务抽象层(也称为API网关,API中间件或某些情况下的Service Mesh)。.  Closed Copy link Contributor. shared manipulation were moved from kong. Node to a new module named kong.  Find all the information you need to install, set up and configure Kong Gateway, Mesh and more.  I simply changed the existing Kong image to my custom image and set the below K8s ENV in the deployment: - name: KONG_PLUGINS.  We share resources, knowledge, and best practices for building and deploying APIs with Kong. Ctx, mirroring Kong&#39;s Lua PDK structure; Additions.  Jan 27, 2022 · 17. 0&#39; returned a non-zero code: 1 The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Nov 7, 2022 · Write Kong plugins in Python.  This will always return the address of the client directly connecting to Kong. ip.  - name: KONG_PLUGINSERVER_NAMES.  The encoding MIME type can be specified in the optional mimetype argument, or if left unspecified, is chosen based on the Content-Type header of the client’s request.  Oct 24, 2021 · Plugin loading is very disk intensive.  This Docker Compose template provisions a Kong container using Kong declarative config.  Sep 5, 2018 · Hi everyone, I’m migrating to version 0. 1 and thus also trying to use the PDK for my custom plugins. lua from typing import TypeVar, Any, Union, List, Mapping, Tuple, Optional number = TypeVar (&#39;number&#39;, int, float) table = TypeVar (&#39;table&#39;, List [Any], Mapping [str, Any]) # XXX cdata = Any err = str from. set_target (host, port) Sets the host and port on which to connect to for proxying the request.  kong-pdk. 0版本开始向前兼容,截至本版本,PDK 尚未达到1.  Occasionally, it looks like the plugin server receives a malformed event to handle.  It contains the following methods: SetShared: sets a value (of any type) into kong. 2 described in this github issue: Missing plugin socket · Issue #308 · Kong/kong-js-pdk (github.  It’s used as a dependency in plugin creation, so we’re also going to Jan 3, 2020 · Further analysis of the maintenance status of kong-pdk based on released PyPI versions cadence, the repository activity, and other data points determined that its maintenance is Inactive.  I’ve checked out kong, lua-resty-core and busted and have them all on the lua path a&amp;hellip; Apr 22, 2021 · Developing a Kong Gateway Plugin With Go.  Hiya, I&amp;#39;m running into a sporadic issue with a custom Python plugin.  Dec 20, 2022 · Hi, thank you for your reply. 15 as builder.  Mar 13, 2024 · The downstream response module contains a set of functions for producing and manipulating responses sent back to the client (“downstream”). 1 using a go. 0 ENV term xterm RUN apk add --update vim nano docker-compose. 14.  Find answers fast by checking out the Kong Knowledge Base, where we answer our most frequently raised support cases.  Accessible as `kong.  The Kong community brings together developers, contributors, and technology leaders from all over the world who are passionate about building the future of API management.  Apr 15, 2022 · I built the image in two stages: the builder stage, where I used a golang base image to build the plugin executable, and then I built the Kong image and I copied the executable. chglog&quot;,&quot;contentType&quot;:&quot;directory&quot;},{&quot;name&quot;:&quot;.  Mert Simsek.  Community is the DNA of Kong. node # AUTO GENERATED BASED ON Kong 3.  -- -- @module kong. set_header()`, this function does not remove any existing header with the same name.  This table is shared between all plugins. set_target() is not setting the port subcomponent, only the host part. client kong.  # AUTO GENERATED BASED ON Kong 3. shared; Source code for kong. x, DO NOT EDIT # Original source path: kong/pdk/node.  Mar 13, 2024 · Overview.  [docs] @staticmethod def add_header(name: str, value: Any) -&gt; None: &quot;&quot;&quot; Adds a response header with the given value. Log. enterprise_edition.  AWS Lambda plugin and Request Termination plugin), but they are not yet using the Kong PDK kong This table is shared -- between all plugins. /kong/pdk/service.  Kong is licensed under an Apache 2.  For traditional database-based deployments, all Kong nodes kong. github&quot;,&quot;path&quot;:&quot;. 6%.  If no value is provided, then any existing value will be cleared. ctx kong. chglog&quot;,&quot;path&quot;:&quot;. set_raw_body(), the args argument must be a table, and is encoded with a MIME type.  🦍 Kong for Kubernetes: The official Ingress Controller for Kubernetes.  The way it works is it identifies consumers through a consumer-key from a query string.  Unirest in Java: Simplified, lightweight HTTP client library.  Check if the plugin path exists; Try to read the path, and all the files in it; Stat each file; require each file; Stat each file again (to get mtime) May 21, 2020 · func (conf *MyConfig) Access(kong *pdk. 0 中发布,PDK 保证从1.  It can be used to share data between several plugins in a given request. upstream.  Sep 28, 2021 · # This worked fine # FROM kong/go-plugin-tool:2.  Sets the body of the request to the Service.  -- -- Returns a string with three possible values: -- -- * `&quot;exit&quot;` is returned when, at some point during the processing of the -- request, there has been a call to `kong.  Kong runs on docker from kong:2. 04 KB.  How to use this template. 0-alpine.  unit (string, optional): The unit that memory is reported in. 4%.  StarlightIbuki commented Mar 31, 2022. Request` type Request struct { bridge.  -- -- This table is only relevant in the context of a request and cannot be -- accessed from the top-level chunk of Lua modules. ServiceRequest. get_statistics () Returns various connection and request metrics exposed by Nginx, similar to those reported by the ngx_http_stub_status_module. exit ()`.  由于对项目的积极维护,Kong被广泛用于从初创 Jan 12, 2021 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly kong.  Oct 4, 2023 · This function uses the PDK to read the available headers by using kong. kong.  Fixed some cache-related issues which caused groups_required to return unexpected codes after a non-200 response.  Returns.  It provides configuration and management for session data storage, encryption, renewal, expiry, and sending browser cookies.  --- -- The service module contains a set of functions to manipulate the connection -- aspect of the request to the Service, such as connecting to a given host, IP -- address/port, or choosing a given Upstream entity for load-balancing and -- healthchecking.  Package Kong/go-pdk implements Kong&#39;s Plugin Development Kit for Go.  Responses can be produced by Kong (e. get_uri_captures() code in lua…? Thanks muchly for May 26, 2023 · Hi Trying to use kong.  on recent releases we&#39;re migrating to a protobuf-based protocol, which Kong 2. serialize()` as a base for their logs. 36 Kong Ingress Controller: 2. lua from Mar 16, 2022 · Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly May 25, 2020 · Summary.  That is, in cases when a load balancer is in front of Kong, this function returns the load balancer’s address, and not that of the downstream client. log. 27; Plugin code: There is one side effect of this ordering that is crucial to be aware of: if a Lua plugin terminates the request during or prior to the access phase (by throwing an exception or explicitly sending a response with kong. node; Source code for kong. cluster kong. inspect() PDK functions to log information in your plugins. shared # AUTO GENERATED BASED ON Kong 3. router_matches is out of date?) I am doing this using a python plugin running in a KONG docker container kong.  We found that kong-pdk demonstrates a positive version release cadence with at least one new version released in the past 12 months.  Information on how to write your own plugins will be provided in an upcoming blog post.  Unlike kong.  Instead, several occurrences of the header will be present in the request.  an authentication plugin rejecting a request), or proxied back from an Service’s response body. yml Aug 14, 2021 · Kong PDK for Javascript and plugin server. 0. GetHeader, and later we add a response header using kong.  This function lets you customize the log output. ctx module. GetIp () returns the remote address of the client making the request. 1, server: kong, request: &quot;GET /auth/ HTTP/1. g.  The easiest way to get started with Kong Gateway, Ingress Controller, and Kong Mesh; Access to Kong Konnect Dedicated Cloud Gateways; Customizable Dev Portal to catalog and expose your APIs to internal and external users ; Plugins to extend capabilities including authentication, authorization, rate-limiting, transformations, security, and more Jan 13, 2020 · Kong provides a Plugin Development Kit (PDK) which exposes various methods for interacting with a request and performing other actions or accessing data stores from within the plugin scope.  If only one table is given, it returns a copy. SetHeader.  Plugins consist of modules interacting with the request/response objects or streams via a Plugin Development Kit (or PDK) to implement arbitrary logic. client.  func (r Request) GetScheme () (s string, err error) { return r.  Trusted IPs module. x, DO NOT EDIT # Original Write Kong plugins in Python. 0 Python-pdk: 0.  This allows the caller to overwrite the contents of the in-flight WebSocket frame before it is forwarded to the client.  I’ve written my own plugin and want to run the tests in the spec folder.  Insomnia Mockbin is the underlying backend for the API mocks capability of Insomnia.  Trusted IP addresses are those that are known to send correct replacement addresses for clients (as per the chosen header field, for example X-Forwarded-*).  Instead, another header with the same name is added to the response. get_id () Returns the unique ID for this Kong cluster.  Jul 27, 2022 · First, compile the plugin into an executable.  Jan 26, 2022 · FROM kong:latest # Install the js-pluginserver USER root RUN apk add --update nodejs npm python2 make g++ RUN npm install --unsafe -g kong-pdk@0.  Source code for kong. exit() or other PDK function), no Wasm filters will be executed for the request, including other phases (e. shared Nov 1, 2021 · For Kong 2. ctx.  I feel like the socket is never ready.  v (str) – value for the ctx data 🦍 The Cloud-Native API Gateway and AI Gateway.  The plugin must be runnable on linux.  This repo provides a development environment to help build Kong plugins using the JavaScript Plugin Development Kit (PDK). 4.  It can be used to replace existing values in the output, or to delete existing values by passing `nil`. x, DO NOT EDIT # Original source path: kong/pdk/enterprise_edition/jwe. 6.  Ensure that the various log entries use appropriate log levels based on the severity of the log message.  RUN mkdir /myplugin.  static get_statistics() → table [source] Returns various connection and request metrics exposed by Nginx, similar to those reported by the [ngx_http_stub_status_module kong. get_uri_captures ()``` as described [here] (ht ….  value: bundled,url. tls no field package.  Parameters. Response. com) In light of this, we decided to switch to using Lua for custom plugins instead of JavaScript as it seems more stable and better supported. set_header()`, this function doesn&#39;t remove any existing headers with the same name. Client.  Contribute to Kong/kong-js-pdk development by creating an account on GitHub.  I ran a simple Kong echo-server and my Kong is running in K8s in dbless (for PoC) mode (I tried with PGSQL too).  Start for Free →.  For hybrid mode, all control planes and data planes belonging to the same cluster return the same cluster ID.  Instead, it can only be -- accessed in request phases, which are represented by the `rewrite Jan 17, 2022 · Start querying your kong instance in an infinite loop: the threads started and not freed by kong-python-pdk won&#39;t stop growing. enterprise_edition Source code for kong.  Contribute to Kong/kong-python-pdk development by creating an account on GitHub. preload[&#39;resty. 5 as runtime USER root COPY Install Kong Gateway on Ubuntu The Kong Gateway software is governed by the Kong Software License Agreement.  With Cloud, Local and Git storage. 5, last published: 10 months ago. client import client as cls_client from.  The value is returned as a Lua num This module always returns the address of the client directly connecting to Kong.  ws_upstream_frame. lua:107: module &#39;resty.  Oct 3, 2019 · Kong插件开发工具包 Kong插件开发工具包.  A table that has the same lifetime as the current request.  It is built using lua-resty-session.  // The returned value is normalized to lower-case form. GetScheme () returns the scheme component of the request’s URL.  This page guides you through installing Kong Gateway in traditional mode, where it acts as both the control plane and data plane.  Add kong.  To call PDK functions, use the kong object that is passed as the phase handler’s parameter. lua:292: handle_event(): plugin server is not ready, go-auth will not be executed in this request, client: 172.  257 lines (215 loc) · 9.  value: url. service local balancer = require kong: The internal Kong Gateway latency, in milliseconds, that it takes to process the request. x, DO NOT EDIT # Original source path: kong/pdk/enterprise_edition.  Kong Gateway is distributed along with OpenResty, which is a bundle of modules that extend the lua-nginx-module.  This occurs when using a newer version of Kong, 3. 3 doesn&#39;t support Oct 3, 2023 · In terms of performance, Lua-based plugins are the most efficient due to Kong Gateway&#39;s native Lua architecture.  Mar 8, 2022 · PDK fails to unpack binary string returned by request. nginx.  Return type: Any. Can be any of b/B, k/K, m/M, or g/G for bytes, kibibytes, mebibytes, or gibibytes, respectively.  It is built and used by Kong, the author of the open-source Kong Gateway.  Start using kong-pdk in your project by running `npm i kong-pdk`.  Contribute to Kong/kong development by creating an account on GitHub.  It can be used to share data between several plugins in a -- given request.  Write Kong plugins in Go! 🦍.  Makefile 0.  That is, in cases when a load balancer is in front of Kong, this function will return the load balancer’s address, and not that of the downstream client.  For example, my Dockerfile looked like this: FROM golang:1.  Contribute to Kong/go-pdk development by creating an account on GitHub. gz; Algorithm Hash digest; SHA256: 45e7a2b1914fc7b452876b52f938f9406fbf5d0e7ef594f4371eaa2f16bfff08: Copy : MD5 Languages.  Kong Gateway provides a Plugin Development Kit (or “PDK”) for such purposes: a set of Lua functions and variables that can be used by Plugins to execute various gateway operations in a way that is guaranteed to be forward-compatible with future releases of Kong Gateway.  For more information about all available functions, you can check the Go PDK .  Current Behavior.  .  Keep in mind that if you want to call PDK functions outside of the phase handler, you also need to pass the kong object to your outer code. mod file. 3, it will be better to pin the go-pdk version to v0.  Unlike `kong.  Make use of the kong.  Plugin handlers that execute after this has been called will see the updated version of the frame.  Since Kong is a reverse proxy, it can short-circuit a request and -- produce a response of its own, or the response can come from the proxied -- Service.  Oct 20, 2022 · Kong PDK for Javascript and plugin server. 5.  header Kong provides an entire development environment for developing plugins, including Lua and Go SDKs, database abstractions, migrations, and more. bin/kong start -c kong.  I’m a bit confused when looking at the exit path (in the access phase only) of the plugins bundled in Kong as: When applicable, they have adopted the new “delayed response” pattern (e. PdkBridge } // kong. Ask(&quot;kong. get_header() function doesn&#39;t works in the log phase on external python plugins.  There is 1 other project in the npm registry using kong-pdk.  Here is an example of using the PDK functions outside of the Plugin class: Jul 3, 2023 · Hashes for kong_pdk-0.  Custom plugins can also be developed by the Kong Community and kong.  18. 0,然而插件作者可以放心依赖它与请求、响应或核心组件进行 @staticmethod def get_forwarded_port ()-&gt; number: &quot;&quot;&quot; Returns the port component of the request&#39;s URL, but also considers `X-Forwarded-Host` if it comes from a trusted source.  Phases: certificate, rewrite, access, header_filter, response, body_filter, log. log in the PDK, for example of kong. get_scheme`, nil) } // kong. cluster.  Parameters: k ( str) – key for the ctx data.  At its core, Kong Gateway implements database abstraction, routing, and Jan 3, 2023 · The library we referenced for this plugin-server executable file is a dependency for running the plugin server; kong_pdk.  I looked through the python pdk and I think kong methods are being auto generated off lua code somehow? If so does that mean there could be an issue with the kong.  javascript typescript plugins kong kong-pdk Updated Aug 14, 2023; JavaScript; Improve this page Add a Mar 18, 2021 · The kong-plugin repository provides a simple template to get started writing a custom Lua plugin for Kong API Gateway.  kong-gateway | 2023/01/02 18:09:36 [warn] 2181#0: *832 [lua] process. get_ip () Returns the remote address of the client making the request. table.  Load-balancing components such as retries and health-checks will also be ignored for this request. x the plugin Priority and Version are required fields which results in this check. add_header (header, value) Adds a request header with the given value to the request to the Service. request. websocket. jwe # AUTO GENERATED BASED ON Kong 3.  The entries of both tables are copied non-recursively to the new one.  This tutorial shows you how to create a custom Kong Gateway plugin with Go programming language.  kong; kong. authenticate function.  Kong provides a set of standard Lua plugins that get bundled with Kong Gateway and Konnect. tls kong.  This sets the foundations for a modular architecture, where plugins can be enabled and executed at runtime. conf (kong. conf &amp; kong.  The sample plugin I created adds an extra layer for security between consumers and producers.  k (str) – key for the ctx data.  While developing a plugin that changes the upstream target host/port it was noticed that the &quot;Host&quot; header that is set while invoking PDK function kong. enable_buffering&quot;) if err != nil { kong. nginx; kong. Request.  Wrapping Up Oct 12, 2021 · ERROR: Service &#39;kong&#39; failed to build : The command &#39;/bin/sh -c npm install --unsafe -g kong-pdk@0. 1-alpine3. log and kong.  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