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<p class="MsoNormal">Getting big on youtube reddit.  It&#39;s woven into everything.  Your style.  Pierre Bourne First thing, if views and subs are a main priority (you are willing to change content if it gets views) you must target search results.  Verkteker.  With 69 subscribers, I can still make some changes here and there to my approach to media reviews. 264 codec.  Right now, about 300.  i was refering to gaming channels that feature and concentrate on a single game and or game play.  The most consistent way to get views on youtube are by targeting search results.  Running into the same problem, this week.  YouTube almost assuredly knows it&#39;s a scam but they&#39;re getting that ad revenue so hopefully spamming them with reports will force them to take them down.  I&#39;m watching ten minute videos and getting five sets of commercials before the halfway mark.  Collaborate with other YouTubers.  If you didn&#39;t get it from squats or genetics then don&#39;t post here.  Then, it’ll reset itself after that same amount of time and when you click on another video, you get another ad.  This idea that I see in the comments here is the reason we never go big on yt.  YouTube said they have a team investigating the issue, but what COMMUNITY. k.  Create a Plan for Your Videos.  It will take you to a website where you can report it.  I clicked &#39;share&#39; then &#39;embed&#39; to watch the video normally.  Take it off your bookmarks and only navigate to a neutral page (like your account&#39;s &quot;about&quot; page) when you visit in order to primarily use the search bar for targeted searches.  4.  $2000 from Adsense on my main channel, posting music videos with a $0.  That&#39;s how I had to do it any way.  Provide value, get your name seen by people, and then start to do some of your more &quot;you&quot; content.  Youtube (and other sites like Twitch) have progressively added more and more ads to the point their platforms are actually anti-fun to use.  Depends on how you train eat and rest, also if you take your ster-o&#39;s.  This &quot;just keep going, do what you love&quot; bullshit.  Science is also a good way to go, as is self help channels.  It&#39;s getting to the point where YouTube is unwatchable on the Roku.  If an old YouTuber with bigger following is doing this in your niche, they could be consuming views.  73 votes, 36 comments.  ago • Edited 4 yr.  Share.  It allows you to build up a catalogue of videos for people to binge watch.  $1000 from Spotify/Apple Music/Amazon/etc, distributing my music through Distrokid, averaging around 180,000 plays a month.  If you are getting 4k views each month you need to get those people to watch about 5 minutes each on average.  Zinski. 95 billion in ad revenue for Q3 2023, up 12.  Rarely got them and could skip.  Whether people see your video at all, whether you have content that is appealing based on when you released it, whether you have &quot;enough&quot; subscribers to lure passers-by, your accent, your manner of speaking, even for a video, your ad placement, the length of your video, when you release it, whok shares it, how it&#39;s shared, when people see it, whether YouTube decides It’s about yea long.  Mr Beast recently started this little trend and it’s working.  If you think I&#39;m wrong, link your channel in the comments so people can see! Even with a great thumbnail and title.  It is worth having a read of this YouTube algorithm review in 2021 if you&#39;re interested.  But she still makes enough from youtube to have a living.  Use most popular tags on your video.  Menthols87.  Click on &quot;Filter lists&quot; pane and screenshot here.  1st yr - 18k subs 1yr and 10 months - 40k subs.  For example, using a QR codes in thumbnails to very specific SEO terms in the description and titles.  If you get lucky if a video blowing up, you could see fast growth.  Utilise YouTube Ads.  It lets you apply custom CSS styles to webpages.  You should be posting every video on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (maybe even LinkedIn depending on what your videos are about).  Use Youtube cards to increase views.  .  Videos longer than 60sec won&#39;t qualify to be a YT Shorts video.  You gotta roast big YouTubers in order to get views and be noticed on YouTube! So there you have it, I hope you&#39;re happy now, if you follow the factors I mentioned above you are guaranteed to be successful on YouTube.  YouTube is plagued with issues as we&#39;re all aware.  Its all up to youtube algorithm, aswell.  * YT Shorts recommends 15sec videos however you can upload videos upto 60sec to be counted as YT Shorts.  Here are Some Step You Can Use and You Will Definitely gaining Lot of subscribers on Youtube.  Reply to (almost) every comment you get.  It just felt like a different platform then, now days videos have just dried out and youtube seems to have detached tched from its community ever since they quit Granted there is nothing impressive about how the videos are edited, but they do meet the Shorts requirement on YouTube.  Not only have they continually made many controversial and objectively bad changes without caring for what the community says, but they also hold a dangerous monopoly over internet video.  You can&#39;t kick back because you hit 10k subs or more.  ago.  Here’s my yearly record.  I understand it&#39;s not what you wanna hear, but it&#39;s just the truth.  If that’s any help.  This is the right answer.  Losing 50% of 69 subscribers is a lot different than losing 50% of 1 million.  i usually get around 300-400 on normal months.  It’s like a snowball effect.  Paid promotions are never worth it.  The problem with doing that is your settings are only temporary because the next time a video loads, the video has its own default settings.  (i.  No need to distance yourself Stay humble.  After searching for a couple of minutes, I found a new adblocker whose only intention is to block YT ads.  This is how the YouTube algorithm works: (a guide for beginners) COMMUNITY.  Make sure to use hashtags on your videos. Be it:Marketing: SEOThumbnail MakingVideo QualityEtc.  The quality of your videos.  I want more choices.  72K subscribers in the PartneredYoutube community.  Reply reply.  As of now, it has only 287 impressions.  A successful YouTube channel making $ is a business, the Taxman is very clear about that.  Thank You.  One person may take 3 years to reach 1K subs.  Robert-B-Valdez.  Either way, no matter what you pick, don&#39;t give up and enjoy what you do as it is hard being a streamer/gameplay maker.  These views have produced ZERO likes, comments, and other engagement metrics.  but thats a theory.  After analysing my videos as a small YouTuber, and other BIG YouTubers as Dream and MrBeast, i have made the conclusion that making short videos (2-5 min) while you are a small channel, will help you grow more than if you post longer videoes 8-min and more, even if they have the same quality. 5k views is I now only have 3 big thumbnails on each row where this used to be 4 thumbs per row which was easier to navigate.  Hard to get seen, but very worth it when you do Instagram, Facebook, niche sites 4/10.  There&#39;s literally nothing else.  She’s been doing youtube for at least 10 years and averages about 30 k views per video, sometimes hitting up to 100k .  Doing any type of content except for bland, vanilla, safe garbage is too much of a risk because Youtube will demonetize, shadow ban, or strike channels that make edgy content.  This makes me think this might be another experiment. 5 billion is the cutoff).  Some mixed results, niche dependent.  I&#39;ve got a shout out from boogie2988 because I chatted with him plenty of times.  1) you are getting stomped by someone who&#39;s creating better content than you or 2) you are just creating stuff that no one cares about. a YouTube&#39;s algorithm.  After a couple of relevent results in a search, YouTube just tossing in random BS, that seems to mostly be clickbait nonsensical brain rot shorts, presumably because so many people fall for it (most of them having millions of views despite being relatively new) that it ends up &quot;triggering&quot; the algorithm.  Social media promote, YouTube ads and Google ads best option for increase Video impression.  Sure enough with an add blocker running the whole thing played with no issues, and I though that was The short answer - make better content (at least, better in the sense that people will like it enough to check it out to trigger the impression in the first place).  Can deviate down to 280 or fluctuate higher, but 300 as a baseline per month.  Picture this, if those 25k watch hours are from one 8-minute video, it will translate to around 187.  The ads have slowly gotten worse and worse.  I don&#39;t watch any of this garbage, never By &quot;Big on Youtube&quot; I meant more in terms of subscribers, and less on total viewership, as you&#39;ve pointed out.  If your content isnt like that right now, if you want to have the highest chance to blow up make sure you target specific search ADMIN MOD.  I was getting around 200-300 then started getting 2k-5k views a day for a bit.  ***.  Best to do is to send them feedback that they will instantly throw away anyways.  Create a trailer for your channel.  80% of content on YouTube is bad.  Here are some stats.  The same principles that apply to starting a successful business apply to starting a YouTube channel- that includes Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now.  I published 7 in one day as a test.  Chiming in from the not-so-Newtuber side here, as a musician with about $3600/month income from my main channel.  It&#39;s most likely a change in the algorithm to promote videos with low views.  But yeah, 80usd for 25k watch hours a month is quite abysmal.  For example, the default font size is usually 50%.  27M subscribers in the videos community.  And mainly, you&#39;ll enjoy it so much more.  You need 334 watch hours each month to get to 4k in a year. 4% CTR 1091 subs ( yesterday I was at 700) 24k views in last 48 hours 1400 views in last hour ( my peak so far) 885 thumbs up When YouTube tries to pretend they’re all cozy and low-effort, but they’re actually super tight nit and corporate, it feels like they’re lying, in a sense. 3k are from search.  The more you do it, the better you’ll get at it and it turn you’ll get more subs.  This could be a way to push people to actually watch less YouTube videos unless you go premium.  Out of no where it dropped off to 10-20 views a day.  You got to work to consistently make solid videos THEN you can rely on &quot;luck&quot; a.  3). 76 RPM and 2.  CGP Grey is another example.  Quality over quantity.  The more subs you have the more subs you’ll get.  Peak youtube was in 2016/2017 imo after that recommendation and search gone downhill.  The strange this is this only happens when logged in so if you log out or go incognito mode in chrome than it goes back to normal so 4 thumbnails per row.  Youtuber follows trends and hot topics to get views.  You know YouTube, not Reddit.  •.  However if you use the search feature you get 3 1/2 thumbnails and you can see the tops of the thumbnails below.  Although it is not easy to be discovered by either, it is actually easier to be discovered on Twitch than it is on YouTube as your videos will show up to people browsing through the list of gamers streaming a specific game.  It will mean nothing if people click away 5 seconds in.  E_m_maker.  ChandanKeot.  At the end of the day though, amazing branding and thumbnails are mandatory in order to truly grow on YouTube.  It&#39;s organic growth you are after, and that can only be obtained if the community rallies around you.  uploading type beats on youtube is hard to get a large following in, theres thousands of type beat producers.  Try gamejolt, a 60 hours is nothing, I’ve been on 360 followers after 3 years now, but I had absolutely no viewers for 2 years, gamejolt helps smaller creators, enjoy the tip.  Reddit&#39;s main subreddit for videos.  Hope this helps.  It&#39;s so annoying.  15 votes, 35 comments.  Our initial goals were 5k first yr and 15k second yr.  Besides, YouTube kids has absolutely zero quality, it&#39;s just spam, doesn&#39;t matter the content &quot;at least it&#39;s colourful&quot;.  What you screenshot is &quot;My filters&quot; pane.  This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Reddit .  i see YTbers like Pewds, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and the sound effects their editors use are amazing and the type first is algorithm and competition cause everyone secretly hate each other and trying to make them fall so they stay at the top.  Anyway, they blocked me after getting hyper aggressive with a white listing or subscription. style-scope.  Please read the sidebar below for our rules.  Reply.  Two days later, I uploaded my last video, May 2.  It only happens to my main account sadly, my alts never had the same issue right now From there is just a game of uploading consistently and waiting on YouTube to kick in it’s magic and boost your channel.  ADMIN MOD.  Well, I’m a small youtube but after watching so many huge youtubers I can say this: 1).  Just posted it and let it go.  Once you get your first thousand subs it can be really easy to get content with your videos and their quality.  I didn’t use any keywords or anything to promote the video.  And that&#39;s taking into account a lot of videos have their own ads and sponsor messages in the first two or three minutes.  Youtube is boring, because it&#39;s restrictive and bloated with shit content that exists entirely because it&#39;s restrictive.  The try searching to get started thing started to roam around my YouTube account and can always COME BACK even if I have my videos already watched without clearing it.  Got to the point where I&#39;m getting 2 videos, each at least 20 seconds that aren&#39;t skippable.  No matter how much the views are, just check the traffic sources.  It looks like an organized bot-attack (aka clickbomb) on my channel, probably with the hopes of getting my channel deleted. 6M monthly views.  Get on Twitter, send an @ teamyoutube post, let them know you didn&#39;t break any rules.  I&#39;ve seen people making very good content, yet under 1k subs.  Just gotta know what the people want.  had a 5 yr plan to reach 100k.  Not 100% sure, though.  For those that don&#39;t know, touch the three dots on the top right of the screen and select Report ad.  Big YouTubers are still human! Hi guys, seems like today is getting a big problem.  Engage in the extremely reliable and efficient practice of Sub4Sub.  in busy months i would spike up to 500-1000 subs.  &quot;I&#39;m bored with the one thousand choices.  5.  Shorts: 7.  Dare to &quot;walk up&quot; to (bigger) people.  You can access these by clicking &quot;SETTINGS &gt; SUBTITLES &gt; OPTIONS&quot;, to see them all.  Good Luck Getting Big On YouTube.  Follow Jay Alto on Twitter for some amazing advice.  If this doesn&#39;t work, just keep waiting and improving your music.  While you can&#39;t force YouTube to use the latter one, you can force vp9 on your videos by uploading them in at least 1440p.  Use Twitter, build a fan base.  Post Useful Content Consistently.  The quantity of videos on the same subject.  I make tips videos, and usually I&#39;ll take a day or two to type a script, refine it, another day to gather clips, and another 3 ish days to voice-over the script and edit.  I suggest you do something different, if u want to be big on youtube.  Don’t get discouraged by slow growth.  And for 4k content with millions of views it uses even more effective but really resourse intensive av1 codec.  To change the number of videos per row, look for this line in the code: .  Working Adblocker 2024 Found.  Even if you only get to 10,000 subs, you&#39;re still bigger than 35 million youtube channels.  Regular and consistent output.  Not videos with 10-20 views but about a 100 or 200.  If you stop posting to your successful YouTube channel before long it will be un-successful, just like a business.  I&#39;d much rather be making $6k/m with a channel in something I enjoy than $10k/m in something super annoying.  Thumbnail size should be user defined ie 5 across 3 down.  No ads, got around the block. 5/10.  The same goes for redditsub to all your favorite and most productive subs and avoid r/popular .  Slowly, more and more people will see your videos.  Choose best thumbnail image to attract people.  Most YouTube videos are 10 minute low budget things made by 1 person of unknown quality, not full blown million dollar TV shows that are almost guanranteed to be worth the wait.  DRAMA + ROAST is the way to go.  Or check it out in the app stores &amp;nbsp; help me get big on YouTube Channel Feedback Nowadays clip channels are usually the YouTuber themselves.  Can you remove all your custom filters &gt; Reproduce the issue &gt; click on uBO icon &gt; 💬 Report button &gt; scroll to the bottom &gt; click on Troubleshooting Information and copy paste it here.  Even songs from music artists like Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry with 20-30M++ subscribers still only get like less than 5 million views in a day or even in the first few months of release.  Use relevant keywords.  Feature Change.  Gaming is bigger than ever on YouTube, it&#39;s just been split up into several unique niches and creators rather than the same generic Let&#39;s Plays that used to succeed on the platform.  I&#39;m going to whine on Reddit.  You can maybe make tutorials, free drumkits or loopkits.  Afaik, you can use up to four hashtags. 5%&quot; Keep in mind that even if ads market was stagnant they would still make more because of Youtube Premium becoming more popular and more expensive, and premium user brings them whole lot more than average non-premium user.  Even content creators did not want dislikes removed.  Also a shoutout from a big YouTuber helps.  So the start is the hardest.  I&#39;ve seen it happen so many times and it&#39;s a really sad sight too see.  Archived post.  Go check the analytics of that video.  a rollercoaster.  A place where people can talk to you even when not on YouTube.  WRDT-TV_13.  When those 10 minutes of YouTube are then interrupted by 30 second ads every 3 minutes, it becomes absolutely unbearable.  Basically, the views on these videos are not too high.  Commit to Posting to YouTube Multiple Times Per Week.  Just make quality content that isn&#39;t rushed and is something you would personally watch yourself.  Go back and tweak your old content, use YouTube editor to remove parts where the audience falls off (if possible) and fully redoing the thumbnail.  In movies and TV, it’s a given that this is a big corporate thing, and the reason it exists is to make money.  She’s talked a lot in recent years about falling views.  *READ….  Two others have crept up to about 400 slowly.  ALWAYS look to improve in any aspect of YouTube that you can.  99% of the time that will not work.  I think that every video stands on its own so you could have a video perform terribly and then really well.  No, YouTube doesn&#39;t get an easier.  Videos Should be Consistently Good and Frequent.  They only did it because YouTube rewind is the most disliked video ever lol fucking idiots man.  Hmm I find this a bit odd .  Or just, zoom out 50% to get the previous style back yes they literally just doubled the size of the zoom.  As for thumbnails, make sure they are EYE CATCHING and organized/matching when they click on your channel.  Actually, the larger you get the more stress and pressure you might feel yourself under.  Depends on the creator.  reReddit: Top posts of March 8, 2012.  If you are not getting enough views on your Youtube videos then these steps will help you to increase real viewers on your videos:-.  4 years of proper training and nutrition/recovery and you&#39;ll be close to genetic limits unless you live to train, then you can squeeze another ~15% out.  Avoid the home page most of all.  You steal them… you record on your computer, and then take the audio, and put it in your video editing software.  This is even more important than branding and sort of falls under the same category.  Keywords are very important.  You could complain to the publication channels.  There are few ways to do this.  Davinci Resolve has a free sound effect library you can add on.  -DR It just easy for Youtube to qualify YT Shorts video if you mention it.  Channel Growth.  If the &#39;Youtube Search&#39; field has got score of above 80%, there&#39;s still a chance that your video will grow in the future.  YouTube growth usually isn’t linear, it’s exponential! Which sounds like a lot of subs, BUT her views don’t really represent that.  A big reason is if you&#39;re uploading daily, unless you&#39;re doing YouTube as a full time job, you&#39;re likely half-assing certain aspects of the video.  Try to keep a human face on the thumbnail, as the youtube algorithm prefers it (Though it changes from time to time).  On about the second day three popped to 400 to 600 views in an hour or two and stopped cold.  #5.  45k views 1.  No dude, what YOU love to film/record is almost NEVER what others want to see.  They dont make money from adsense.  Your video must have quality keywords and rich descriptions.  You still need to hustle and do your thing.  11 0.  I was clicking through YouTube the other day when I noticed in my side bar there was a recommendation to watch the original Robocop &quot;free with adds&quot;.  If they make money its from some sort of group they drive the traffic to, or selling some digital product or some do it to grow emaillists which can also be monetized. 4-1.  Another might take 3 weeks.  Viewers sharing your content and bigger youtubers giving you a shoutout.  It seems to be to be a lot to ask them to find you the listener.  This definitely isn&#39;t going to make you happy, but what I think is happening with channels like yours and those that you mentioned is that you started making Youtube channels around 2013-2014 and you had time to build up a For &quot;big&quot; channels&#39; videos YouTube uses vp9 codec which is more effective than standard h.  An $8,000 dollar camera with a bad lens and bad lighting will look terrible.  Both in the amount and the quality is crucial.  I suspect that youtube might currently be using a system that automatically bans people if they&#39;re reported by others, so if someone didn&#39;t like what you said and reported it, you might have been banned by some sort of automated system.  Here&#39;s the trick: Wait for at least a month.  This happens with no fail 99% of the time.  I also learned to never stream it to your TV, because you will get an ad every 5 minutes for less.  I think growth is mostly related to content creation or content output.  The Solution: However, you can fix YouTube&#39;s monopoly on internet videos needs to end.  It was uploaded April 30.  It also brings the red subscribe button back.  Some of the factors are under your control, some are not.  The platform got worse with YT shorts.  Get lucky.  DON&#39;T.  Engage with your audience; you can either use ads or use a growth service like ascend viral as a ling term source of traffic. e Any video upto 60sec along with other criteria&#39;s will qualify for YT Shorts) Generally, the closer the niche is to your heart, the easier it will be for you to grow as it will be much more natural.  Really, it&#39;s recommended by all YouTube experts and it&#39;s pretty much the only way to get big on YouTube these days, you&#39;ll see those numbers rising like crazy pretty fast, and get yourself some very loyal fans, that will fill your comment section with joy and It gives you ample time to really grow, try new things, and hone your craft.  As All in fitness, it depends.  I don’t think YouTube keeps a track record of your videos or how well they perform .  Old Town Road, a song from 2 year ago, still hasn&#39;t hit a billion, let alone top 100 all-time (around 1.  1.  I think everything else is from recommend by YouTube 13k hours of watch time 349k impressions 7.  For example, if you watch a 5 minute video or so from beginning to end, it usually gives you an ad. 4k impressions.  The youtube channel LEMINNO doesn&#39;t post often but when he does it&#39;s quality.  Build a following of people on each one - people that have an Be (come) an H3 Podcast channel member (the tier of membership does not matter); Open the live stream in a web browser (can be on mobile or smart devices also, but not in the YouTube app); Press the dollar or star icon below the live chat (next to the emoji icon); &#39;Membership gifting&#39;; Choose and complete the order; Same happened to me.  • 3 yr.  They&#39;d get worse ads in YouTube kids, really stupid ones, talking from experience after being told that my sister&#39;s toddler watches specific videos from there and I have to turn it on for the toddler when she&#39;s over for a visit.  2 - Thumbnails.  Instagram Reels has similar potential to TikTok, however Twitch: 0/10.  You either get extremely lucky or find a way to get big on another platform that you can leverage to use on Twitch.  So, in order to get YouTube to trust you faster, The algorithm doesn’t “trust” you give them the stats they want to see.  r/bigjuicybooties: A community for the natural big booty women out there.  r/drumkits is the sauce. &quot; Big youtuber disstracks like logan paul vs jake paul, where people in my school were so hyped for “the final verse” or something on the lines of that felt like really big events.  • 4 yr.  &quot;YouTube reported $7. 5k views (Assuming 100% view duration, meaning each viewers watch ALL 8 mins of the vid (very VERY unlikely)) , Getting paid 80usd from an 8-minute vid with 187.  You should look out for the rappers that are going to blow up, make some type beats for them and right before their first hit/ right after it, you release them, but do not spam the videos, keep your video schedule.  Lighting is the most important part of getting good footage.  The adblocker I used to have, Ublock Origin, was detected by YouTube.  The channels you are refering to cannot really concentrate on one single game because if you cover the history then it would be done untill something new comes along which could be a long time.  Both reasons do have a healthy amount of luck associated with it, but compared to 5 years ago, 10 years ago, the factor of luck is at the lowest its ever been.  eman3316.  Work on improving what you can and don&#39;t worry about the rest.  If you think the video is getting long, try to use timestamp on video description.  If people don&#39;t watch and subscribe now they won&#39;t just because they get a video fed to them in an ad format.  The videos are usually just within my interest, like not too interesting but not uninteresting either.  Keep thumbnails to a few main elements.  Getting Big On Youtube .  Still in infancy, has big potential YouTube: 6/10.  In the book, the Youtube Formula Derral suggests organizing videos by traffic source and compare the data for AVP, CTR, AVD and Views (I think I added views on my own).  It remains the individual consumers responsibility to find content that satisfies them.  This guide looks at how long-form content is recommended to users specifically in the Browse and Suggested feeds.  Use annotations and cards.  If you’d rather watch a video than read all of this, look up “How the YouTube Algorithm works in 2023” by Channel Makers.  Audience Identifying.  Subscribers relative to videos: 1K - 10K: 151 videos (3 years posting once a week) 10K - 100K: 418 videos (8 years posting once a week) 100K - 1M: 1,171 videos (22 years posting once a week) 1M+:3,873 videos (74 years posting once a week) didnt even realize im downvotted (maybe reddit glitch/bug).  You will never get big on youtube with this mentality.  Then install this custom css (click on &quot;Install&quot;, then on &quot;Install style&quot; on the left).  MAKE CONTENT THAT OTHERS WANT, THAT IS WHAT YOUTUBE IS Why you aren&#39;t growing as a gaming youtuber: A lot of gaming channels I see are doing youtube backwards where they try posting content that no one cares about and growing off of that.  You will get a lot of video tutorials on this.  Even worse now, you get an ad for every video you click on.  Its called AD Accelerator.  That includes ASMR.  I don&#39;t see anyone getting big on youtube anymore by just making good content.  There’s 4 phases to YouTube&#39;s algorithm: Identify channel uploads (consistency) and CTR/AR (Click Through Rate/ Audience Retention) Video Suggestions.  Then choose your desired setting.  Regularly Post New Content.  Take time with your videos early on until you have a system down. ytd-rich-grid-renderer { --ytd-rich-grid-items-per-row: 4; } Reply reply.  Your niche.  I also have limited experience.  turlas1947.  second is probably tiktok and low quality videos mutated people brain and replaced by bellow a goldfish attention span and thats the future we deserve.  Sort by: ExistentialDeception.  There are actually some really incredible movies free on YouTube right now.  It&#39;s youtube forcing layout updates again.  Same question.  Communicate.  2.  You still need to give attention to the title, description and tags as well as your thumbnail.  It was very weird and when I asked on here about it, it seems like people said maybe youtube made some tweaks or in general people said &quot;it&#39;s just the algorithm&quot;.  The niche complexity - You get what you pay for.  I have had this kind of recommendations for about a month now.  I&#39;m a very small channel, so maybe get 2k impressions per video within 2 or 3 days.  THIS is what struggling gaming channels on this subreddit need to hear, not that they can&#39;t play games and be successful.  Optimise your video for SEO.  However there are different ways you can get easy success on youtube, children related stuff is a big one but it&#39;s a shitty practice.  And now I had to disable my ad blocker on my web browser, which just comes Now I get about 30-50 a month but I can&#39;t be bothered with subs anymore since I&#39;m already monetized.  You have to do it manually one video at a time and transfer the data to a spreadsheet.  Two videos ago, I got 2.  This may seem obvious (and apologies if so) but increasing your social networking following will ultimately improve your numbers on youtube with time.  Yep it’s noticeably worse than before.  I contacted YouTube Creator Support and filed an Invalid Click form on AdSense.  2).  2024 just started and Youtube is already tracking down people with different adblockers.   <a href=>ef</a> <a href=>dj</a> <a href=>tw</a> <a href=>ah</a> <a href=>lx</a> <a href=>oy</a> <a href=,-oh.html>si</a> <a href=>zc</a> <a href=>vr</a> <a href=>jl</a> </p>
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