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          <span class="label">Frigate config file.  root@nvr:~# su - frigate.  Some presets of FFmpeg args are provided by default to make the Sep 25, 2023 · I am having trouble configuring my Frigate Config file to work with my Tapo Cameras. yml instead of config. yml file, and then created it after the container was made.  If your source is already aac, use preset-record-generic-audio-copy instead to avoid re-encoding. yaml file updates When frigate starts up, it checks whether your config file is valid, and if it is not, the process exits. 1 we have to map the entire /config directory so it seemed easiest to me to move the config.  I suggest that you first get your indentation fixed.  You can check the docker-compose.  There are 4 available roles: detect, clip, record, and rtmp. 1.  height: 720 # &lt;- optional, by default Frigate tries to automatically detect resolution. 265 profiles.  Dec 4, 2022 · Describe the problem you are having Trying to add a foscam camera one additional camera.  In our current config, we have it set to just detect.  I&#39;m not using the MQTT server, as this is a standalone setup, but the docker-compose file wouldn&#39;t run without it, so I installed mosquitto on the ubuntu machine running Frigate and edited the mosquitto.  For this example, I’m just adding clips which will save snapshots and recording clips.  # max_frames: # Optional: Default for all object types (default: not set, track forever) # default: 3000 # Optional: Object specific values # objects: # person: 1000 We need to now define a Frigate configuration file (config.  Go back to File Editor &gt; frigate.  Typically the /config path is mapped to a directory on the host already and the model_cache does not need to be mapped separately unless the user wants to store it in a different location If you use Portainer (you definitely should if you&#39;re new to this), there&#39;s a nice button with a &#39;reboot&#39; or &#39;restart&#39; button.  s6-rc: info: service go2rtc-healthcheck successfully started s6-rc: info: service frigate successfully What is your OS, how are you running Frigate, can you see the USB device with lsusb, what type of coral are you running, etc.  Feb 1, 2024 · I then completely built my config file from scratch, starting with the minimal config.  Other Linux.  Dec 11, 2023 · Describe the problem you are having. 264 video and AAC audio will offer the most compatibility with all features of Frigate and Home Assistant.  Mar 14, 2023 · You signed in with another tab or window.  Don&#39;t really go directly to the Frigate server at all.  Open File Editor.  Sep 17, 2023 · Tuning Motion Detection.  Create a New File and name it frigate.  This feed does not include any annotation by Frigate. db-shm, frigate. 12 the frigate. yml frigate config file need to be Jan 3, 2023 · STEP 4: Create frigate config file.  Optionally, specify a delay in seconds before Frigate Jan 24, 2024 · Frigate stats. yaml) and named frigate.  Frigate config file The audio detector uses volume levels in the same way that motion in a camera feed is used for object detection.  Looks like it&#39;s fairly straightforward to implement using https://github.  I have changed the config file but Ive done something wrong.  Added notes on frigate config, camera streams and frigate storage.  I&#39;ve installed Frigate and it&#39;s up and running.  Nov 24, 2023 · Describe the problem you are having I encountered a &#39;keyError&#39; :rtsp when trying to start Frigate through Docker on Synology NAS.  Describe the problem you are having Trying to run Frigate on Debian 12.  USB.  (See this thread here for more on that struggle… ) It was suggested that it Mar 12, 2024 · Objects (these are the only objects I&#39;m interested in capturing by frigate, regardless of zone or camera): car; person; dog; Note that in the parking zone we&#39;re still interesting in capturing events raised by non-car objects.  Describe the problem you are having.  Feature request - include files in yml config.  s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init: starting s6-rc: info: service legacy-cont-init Jan 31, 2024 · It is NOT recommended to # copy these values from the example config into your config unless you know they are needed.  Very new to HA and just getting a grasp after my first two days.  Download the go2rtc build to the /config folder.  I heard that sound detection was available in Frigate Beta so I decided to set it up and sure enough it&#39;s working.  While I was on TrueNAS Scale, I was able to get Frigate to work successfully using the project&#39;s original docker image. &quot; Update your config from step 2 above to point at the right file.  Nov 21, 2023 · I&#39;ve just updated to the lastest nightly build - havn&#39;t updated in a while and I&#39;m seeing the above in the logs, and the cameras stop streaming a few seconds after frigate starts.  I always get errors stating either the config file is invalid or something of the sort.  log and yml attached.  Reolink RLC-520A&#39;s.  Frigate config file Oct 19, 2023 · Frigate stats.  If you set the stream name under go2rtc to match the name of your camera, it will automatically be mapped and you will get additional live view options for the camera.  First, you will want to configure go2rtc to connect to your camera stream by adding the stream you want to use for live view in your Frigate config file.  when i enter the command ls, i can see config. db, frigate.  I can see the camera feed and no errors which is a first and a very good start .  use the CA store and download frigate, here is my config - yours will vary.  Mar 19, 2023 · make sure you are in /opt/frigate and type nano config.  These options determine which recording segments are kept for Frigate works much better with newer reolink cameras that are setup with the below options: If available, recommended settings are: On, fluency first this sets the camera to CBR (constant bit rate) Interframe Space 1x this sets the iframe interval to the same as the frame rate. yml inside of that folder 👍 1 TheCrey reacted with thumbs up emoji 🎉 1 TheCrey reacted with hooray emoji Dec 23, 2021 · With the current settings 30 seconds recordings are only 1 second long and consist of very few frames.  Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Snapshots.  . .  If the formatting was maintained when pasting, at least the &#39;candidates&#39; is not indented correctly.  Alexa guard went to a paid version and so I lost # Frigate will update your config file automatically after a calibration with # a &quot;movement_weights&quot; entry for the camera.  Low Res is recommended since portion of video with object is reduced to 300x300 and HD only eats for cpu for this but doesn’t improve detection.  reposted due to troublesome formatting tyia Mar 19, 2024 · Frigate config file.  I have checked my RTSP stream, and it plays fine locally using VLC.  I was using this as my guideline: Tapo cameras, frigate, go2rtc - I cannot figure out how to pass audio.  I even tried stripping down config to bare minimum and followed the camera specific configurations part of the docs.  Running on Proxmov 7.  But after watching a video I found that it is beneficial to detect on a sub-stream and record on the main-stream feed from the camera.  Frigate config file Jul 12, 2023 · &quot;/NVR-db:/db&quot; in the docker CLI has no effect in moving the Frigate db to our specified location. yml.  (/media/frigate is an NFS mount on the NAS).  You can use all 4 if you’d like, or mix and match.  I&#39;ve achieved this by tweaking the Frigate configuration file to get the best results.  Then, head into that directory and create a new file called config. 168.  Restart Frigate and the custom version will be used, you can verify by checking go2rtc logs. 07.  Portainer never detects it as if its not there.  If a camera has recordings disabled in the config, enabling via the methods listed above will have no effect.  This means that frigate will not run audio detection unless the audio volume is above the configured level in order to reduce resource usage.  If you don’t have a Coral TPU, you can get rid of the detectors section in your configuration file.  On the web ui config editor there is code completion for a enabled_in_config key in record.  This is not documented.  can&#39;t get there.  I run frigate on AD410 doorbell and ASH43 IP cam and both worked without any extra frigate configuration. 8.  Aug 1, 2023 · I would highly suggest cleaning that up to just be /mnt/user/appdata/frigate and moving the frigate. yml docker-compose file.  Yml is located I created it with mkdir cam, mkdir frigate, mkdir media then touch config.  You have to have /config/custom_components/frigate structure in your Home Assistant.  You are not allowed to start with amcrest: Something like. yml file so it isn&#39;t overwritten by the defaults on start up, So in your case add this line: environment_vars : LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=radeonsi.  You switched accounts on another tab or window.  ├── docker-compose.  Mine is /mnt/user/appdata/frigate.  I think new beta frigate config is a Use a frigate docker image with -rk suffix and enable privileged mode by adding the --privileged flag to your docker run command or privileged: true to your docker-compose.  Snapshots sent via MQTT are configured in the config file under cameras -&gt; your_camera -&gt; mqtt. 0-07b84617.  Uses OpenCV and Tensorflow to perform realtime object detection locally for IP cameras.  Create the user and verify that the user does not need elevated credentials to talk to docker: karl@nvr:~$ sudo -i.  Once you set the whole thing up, you get a nice button that restarts frigate using the latest config file (which, as u/Bruceflix mentioned, should live somewhere on your host, outside of Docker).  Docker Compose.  Frigate config file Jun 7, 2022 · Frigate uses AI to detect people and other objects in your IP camera streams without sending any of your data or video footage to the cloud.  I put H264 to try and get audio to work with my wyze cam that&#39;s why, but didn&#39;t.  This change is going to be done for existing users too, so frigate will automatically move the db for you. 1 Supervisor 2022. yml file Jan 31, 2024 · Describe the problem you are having Getting 502 Bad Gateway from Frigate Proxy. yml: Then &quot;your&quot; config.  I decided to upgrade from my HA yellow and have a commission a dedicated server running an Intel N100 on Proxmox and a frigate container on portainer. yml file detect: width: 1280 # &lt;- optional, by default Frigate tries to automatically detect resolution.  H. yml the same WARNING: Recordings still must be enabled in the config.  👍 1 NickM-27 reacted with thumbs up emoji All reactions Jan 1, 2022 · When I install v0.  Validating your config.  Sep 24, 2021 · Try just mounting the folder instead of the individual file /mnt/data/frigate/config : /config.  Operating system.  Install method. db-wal files to the /config directory; Rename the /media/frigate folder to /media/frigate_tmp; If you don&#39;t want to keep the current data Delete the /media/frigate folder and all of its contents; Create the media share Go to Settings -&gt; System -&gt; Storage -&gt; Add Network Storage Frigate - NVR With Realtime Object Detection for IP Cameras.  This works much better for me as it connects almost instantly unlike RTSP where I often get timeout errors from go2rtc logs.  2.  Use of a Google Coral Accelerator is optional, but highly recommended. 264 and NOT h. yml: mqtt: host: IP-ADDRESS user: USER_NAM&amp;hellip; Aug 19, 2023 · Back at the console of the docker-frigate LXC, we now need to create a directory for frigate to store it’s configuration file in.  Admittedly I am new to setting this up, but my gut tells me I&#39;m following just about all of the documentation properly except maybe the config.  Edit the following in a word editor so that it suits your setup. 265 has better compression, but less compatibility.  Apr 21, 2021 · Download the files from the official Frigate Integration GitHub repo as ZIP file👉 LINK; Extract the archive and copy and paste the custom_components folder and all of its content to your Home Assistant config folder.  Rename the build to go2rtc.  Debian. 0-3846A13 Frigate config file detec Frigate configuration question - configuration in general.  Edit this page. Yml then nano config.  Hopefully, it will continue.  No response Jun 7, 2022 · Frigate uses AI to detect people and other objects in your IP camera streams without sending any of your data or video footage to the cloud.  go2rtc: streams: driveway: Feb 2, 2024 · issue looks to be related to the config folders.  I already updated all firmware without luck.  Jan 23, 2022 · 2022-09-09 - v3 Edit: Updated to reflect final working LXC-&gt;Docker-&gt;Frigate approach.  Pay attention to the MQTT section and the Camera Section! Also if you have an older CPU (&lt;10th gen) then pay attention to the HW Accel section! Paste the edited config into the config.  Place file at /mnt/data/frigate/config/config.  my config folder is on a network share and i used to bind the full folder instead of just the config file if I start frigate with the config folder mapped to local disk it starts fine, if I start with it mapped to the network share it does not.  One from the beginning of the event, one in the middle and one as the person leaves the scene again.  When I try to edit the config within the GUI it gives me the following error: &quot;Could not write config file, be sure that Frigate has write permission on the config file.  With 0.  In this guide we will assume that you use a Coral TPU and already have a camera stream running. yaml to enable hardware acceleration: Sep 24, 2023 · New location for frigate. yml Feb 14, 2024 · On 0.  Sorry about that . 13.  Looking at the output of FFProbe, should it list audio streams in there as well? If I open up the rtsp stream in VLC, it plays audio fine, so do I need to be specific in my camera config? Version.  waymonster.  Chrome 108+, Safari and Edge are the only browsers able to play H.  Run python3 -m frigate to start the backend.  Cause you are running it through HomeAssistant in order to set the environment variables you have to add them to the config.  Frigate uses motion detection as a first line check to see if there is anything happening in the frame worth checking with object detection. 2. yml file in the repo to see how the volumes are mapped.  0.  Give go2rtc execute permission.  Edit the path back to /config/config.  Only thing is to set the streams to h. 13 I think Frigate config file version: &quot;4. yaml was elsewhere.  Setting this lower than the actual framerate will allow frigate # to process every frame at the expense of realtime processing. running frigate in proxmox. png inside of the Frigate media folder.  Appreciate any support, links to locking down the system, etc.  I&#39;ve experimented with a few iterations of the docker-compose/config files for Frigate but I can&#39;t get it to work. yml file.  Feb 24, 2023 · Camera defined like above should enable object detection on low res stream of camera.  Aug 15, 2022 · For Home Assistant Addon installations, the config file needs to be in the root of your Home Assistant config directory (same location as configuration. conf by just adding this line: Nov 8, 2021 · Make sure your local copy of config.  Use the mkdir command to create a directory inside the /opt directory called frigate, then a directory inside there called config.  The Frigate image will generate model files during startup if the specified model is not found.  Coral version.  Proxmox.  Created the directory structure as shown in the documentation and the necessary config files.  Definitely recommend amcrest cams for this reason.  This created the correct file last time I did it, it was a while ago and it took me months of attempts I thought I had learned the basics on how to get it running.  Output args presets help make the config more readable and handle use cases for different types of streams to ensure consistent recordings.  Run Frigate from the command line VSCode will start the docker compose file for you and open a terminal window connected to frigate-dev.  This is my frigate.  Reload to refresh your session.  Camera setup. 1-367D724.  mkdir /opt/frigate mkdir /opt/frigate/config. db.  Getting many errors with go2rtc and &quot;unable to read frames from ffmpeg process&quot;.  Then the above issue happened.  There is now also audio in this 1 Second Videos , but not usable, due to the duration and compression.  Let&#39;s head into the WSL path as defined above by opening windows File Explorer and navigating into &#92;&#92;wsl$&#92;Ubuntu&#92;home&#92;USERNAME&#92;frigate.  I dont know where that is? Relevant log output.  A custom icon can be added to the birdseye background by providing a 180x180 image named custom.  Nov 24, 2023 · Frigate config file.  All you need to adjust is the address of your camera stream and the MQTT host. Make sure you are in the root directory ( /config) Click the folder in the top left corner.  Any help is appreciated.  Jan 3, 2023 · Hi there, i’m trying to set up Frigate in Docker and i’m having a bad time with the record funktion.  I&#39;m also not sure what the &quot;MQTT&quot; portion Thank you , I didn&#39;t include rtmp in the roles , but didn&#39;t know about the rtmp enable false line.  Hope you can help me.  Birdseye view override at camera level Mar 14, 2024 · Frigate config file.  I&#39;m actually fairly impressed I need to play with the minimum volume and thresholds but so far so good.  No response.  Feb 18, 2024 · Describe the problem you are having not sure what ive got wrong.  calibrate_on_startup : True # Optional: the mode to use for zooming in/out on objects during autotracking.  Detailed logs below. 203 port: So either the frigate config above is outdated or you are using the wrong entity here. yml and frigate.  Specify the object types to track, a required zone the object must enter to begin autotracking, and the camera preset name you configured in your camera&#39;s firmware to return to when tracking has ended.  The Coral will outperform even the best CPUs emuhack.  Using a Reolink NVR with RLC-410, RLC-420,Duo 2 and 830A cameras I&#39;ve read many issues with Reolink cameras so this may not be fixable. 1) through QNAPs Container Station app, even though I have placed a configuration in /config/config. 10.  Processed models are stored in the /config/model_cache folder.  Nov 7, 2023 · I have managed to get Frigate installed on a Proxmox LXC and have access to the Frigate GUI via IP:5000.  Mar 10, 2024 · Since I&#39;m using the proxy add-on, do I even need these ports open? I use Frigate cards in my Lovelace and also have the UI in the sidebar. db: Due to the support for network shares in HA OS and the popularity of storing recordings on a NAS in general, the database has a new default location of /config/frigate.  Apr 10, 2022 · Frigate oddly seems to require a separate config file to get the app to start up and see the camera.  •.  Essentially I want to detect on the sub and record on the main - with the two Apr 19, 2023 · my-umd commented on Apr 19, 2023.  I have a question in regards to writing configuration commands.  problems with my frigate config files cant seem to trouble shoot it, im sure im missing something really easy. 1-34fb1c2.  You should then set calibrate_on_startup to False. yaml onto the NAS too. yml file to be called config.  The yaml file goes in your appdata folder that you specify.  Reply.  Frigate can save a snapshot image to /media/frigate/clips for each event named as &lt;camera&gt;-&lt;id&gt;.  In this video Got new cameras and trying to get them to work.  4.  Audio levels can vary widely between camera models so it is important to run tests to see Feb 13, 2022 · Feature request - include files in yml config #2804. yml and installed Go2rtc, low and behold frigate loaded.  Any other information that may be helpful. 3 Using USB Coral Config in frigate.  Are config.  Additional cameras are simply added to the config under the cameras entry.  This depends on object size in video but mostly low res works just as good.  This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below.  For Frigate Addon Users: I clean install the latest 0.  I get everything to work if i don’t use the “roles: - record” config.  Type following command in terminal app to create a config folder: 1 cd ~/Documents/frigate 2 mkdir config/ 3 cd config/ The video feed is copied from the original video feed directly to avoid re-encoding.  Thanks for your help.  My frigate config with 7 cameras is getting a bit unwieldy, would be great to have an include facility in the yaml so that cameras could be split up one per file. 2, the proprietary camera protocol that the Tapo App use is now supported.  The go2rtc config is hosted at the go2rtc in the config, see go2rtc docs for more advanced configurations and features.  looked over other configs and ffmpeg doesnt seem weird, or bad formatting. 11.  Home Assistant Addon users can set it under Settings &gt; Addons &gt; Frigate NVR &gt; Configuration &gt; Options (be sure to toggle the &quot;Show unused optional configuration options&quot; switch). 265 and only support a limited number of H.  Configuration Add one of the following ffmpeg presets to your config.  What are we missing? Version.  In this video I show you how I have set up Frigate to reliably detect people, dogs and cats in my camera streams. 12.  It remains in the /media/frigate location.  Setup a go2rtc stream.  The file must be a png with the icon as transparent, any non-transparent pixels will be white when displayed in the birdseye view. 265 and all was good.  Now use the nano editor to create a Jul 13, 2021 · Step 3: Create frigate. 0 Frigate config file dete Jan 3, 2023 · Frigate stats.  I am newbie.  I came from TrueNAS Scale before settling on using Unraid.  The database of frigate needs to runs separately and thus you need to put this in you frigate config.  USB ID Coral Device : Unkown (1a6e:089a) Running Frigate Add On version 2.  Use this to transcode to aac audio. yml provided in the Frigate documentation. yml path is correct/accessible. yml ├── co Let’s create a minimal configuration file for Frigate NVR.  can you help how can i remove this :ro ? i can run cd /opt/frigate/config/ to go to config directory which contains config.  Ok, so I am trying to get audio detection working, and my inital thought is that my stream doesn&#39;t have audio in it.  It&#39;s also the same with beta5. 0&quot; services: frigate: container_name: frigate privileged: true # this may not be necessary for all setup You signed in with another tab or window. 0.  While this may not seem too interesting at first, this can be used to pull MQTT credentials, RTSP password(s), and local file paths that we can take advantage of for Frigate will try and ensure it maintains this framerate # by dropping frames as necessary.  Sound detection in Frigate Beta.  Frigate config file Sep 2, 2023 · Describe the problem you are having. yml).  Not sure if some caching bug or what, but I initially ran Frigate with an empty bind to a missing config.  May 27, 2023 · That should be where my config.  In Frigate, you can use an environment variable or a docker secret named PLUS_API_KEY to enable the SEND TO FRIGATE+ buttons on the events page.  Background: I had a working setup on ESXI, but alas, no PCIE slot and thus no way to pass through the USB google coral in such a way that the VM will recognize it.  Cameras configured to output H. jpg. x - Intel NUC HASSOS latest build 2022. db was in /media/frigate while Frigate&#39;s config.  Jul 18, 2021 · Step 2: Enable Frigate Snapshots.  Set your API key .  No matter what I do, it doesn&#39;t show up in Frigate.  May 8, 2021 · on May 10, 2021.  Frigate uses go2rtc to provide its restream and MSE/WebRTC capabilities.  Hi, I just came across this post and just wanted to add a better protocol for high quality stream.  Move the frigate.  You signed out in another tab or window.  This is probably for any configuration file but I&#39;m currently fine tuning Frigate.  Version 0.  It’s good practice to create dedicated users with limited permissions to run the service (s) under. 10 user: mqtt-user password: myPassword.  For internal/local access, unless you are running through the add-on, you will also need to set the Jun 8, 2023 · As you get deeper into Frigate, you will understand Frigate is very customizable and it&#39;d cleaner / easier to build your config. com WebRTC works by creating a TCP or UDP connection on port 8555.  Since go2rtc v1.  May 20, 2022 · I managed to get the cameras feeding into Frigate with little trouble.  Here is my config data: mqtt: host: 192.  However, it requires additional configuration: For external access, over the internet, setup your router to forward port 8555 to port 8555 on the Frigate device, for both TCP and UDP.  Apr 30, 2023 · Just open the compose file and remove the characters :ro next to the config file location.  If this option have no use i suggest to disable this auto completion in the editor.  If you don&#39;t have a Frigate folder, now is a great time to create it. 13 and created a Frigate. 2 (or v0.  What do the different retain modes mean? Frigate saves from the stream with the record role in 10 second segments. Nov 10, 2023 · on Jan 24.  Second pick are the automation notifications.  ##### fps: 15 ##### # Configuration for the snapshots in the debug view and mqtt ##### snapshots: show_timestamp: True Dec 19, 2023 · If I map my models folder to /config/models_cache_tensorrt, and set YOLO_MODELS appropriately, Frigate doesn&#39;t rebuild the model (this is the behavior I&#39;d expect without having to have the specific bind mount &amp; env var) What&#39;s the recommended way to account for this? I also see that the defauly for YOLO_MODELS is YOLO_MODELS=yolov7-320 Apr 30, 2023 · Frigate config file has a lot of things commented out for growth - I&#39;m just trying to test with one camera now to get things running.  Once motion is detected, it tries to group up nearby areas of motion together in hopes of identifying a rectangle in the image that will capture the area worth inspecting.  Relevant log output.  A complete and local NVR designed for Home Assistant with AI object detection.  mqtt: enabled: true host: 192.  cameras: amcrest: thusband (Tom Husband) August 15, 2022, 8:47am 5.  #2804. yml, I get the following response: Traceback (most recent call las Edit your Frigate configuration file and enter the ONVIF parameters for your camera. xml Dec 13, 2023 · As Frigate, by default, has no authentication mechanism it’s possible to arbitrarily pull the configuration of the target server by sending a GET request to :/api/config/raw.  Version.  Also I don&#39;t think you need &#39;video=h264&#39;. ymlon the container side.  Probably about the 3rd time ive Mar 4, 2023 · Create Frigate User.  Frigate config file Tuning Motion Detection.  However I cannot get it working.   <a href=>qs</a> <a href=>dj</a> <a href=>qp</a> <a href=>qo</a> <a href=>pw</a> <a href=>un</a> <a href=>nf</a> <a href=>np</a> <a href=>wm</a> <a href=>tp</a> </span></li>
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