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<h1><span class="notranslate">Exam prayer for my son</span><span></span></h1>

<span class="main-info__teaser teaser">Exam prayer for my son.  Prayer to St.  Protect him from companions who are an evil Sep 18, 2014 · St.  Glory to God! Your service brought me closer to Jesus Christ, making me feel his love and grace.  Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.  Preserve the soul of my son and deliver him from the hand of the wicked.  With your guidance and grace, I know that he will achieve great things academically and in life.  Grant me the strength to persevere, and the courage to overcome any obstacle.  I pray for a good result in my exams and for every blessing for me to glorify you as my leader! Thanks for everything! Dear God, thank you for guiding me throughout my exams.  Lord am going for my commercial driving license ( C D L) d r i v i n g test today.  Dear Lord, I come before You seeking peace and confidence as I prepare for my exams.  “Oh, St.  Let all the burnt midnight candles result in an excellent result in Jesus Christ’s name.  He is worried about his exam results.  Dear Heavenly Father, I want to lift my son up to You.  Psalm 37:3-5, 7a Trust Mar 26, 2024 · Let us say the happiest toast to your success and graduation.  Grant them peace and enable each to do the best they can.  We thank our Good Lord we thank Our Mother Mary,for giving us you as our Saint.  And my financial problem Jan 18, 2024 · I am requesting prayers for my son.  Almighty God, the day for my final exam is here, and I want to say thank you for helping me prepare for this exam.  In Jesus&#39; name, I pray, Amen.  Please help my son pass his final exam in all his subjects starting March 15 to March 22.  With thanks and regards Praise the Lord Tresilda Pereira Prayer For Exams | Prayers To Pass Exams and Testshttps://linktr.  Sep 4, 2023 · Prayer Before Exam Day.  Father, Please give ________ a deep desire to seek a relationship with You above everything else this life has to offer.  Breathe into us, oh Lord, the calm before the storm.  Keep me faithful, Lord.  41.  Jan 31, 2019 · A Prayer for Your Exams. com Nov 25, 2020 · Father Lord, I commit my son to your able hand and care.  Lord, we pray: Keep them from anxiety, and stress.  His preliminary exam is on 28th may, 2023.  Aug 27, 2019 · 3.  God of my fathers, please fill my son with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding.  Prayer for Your Grandson to Put God First.  See full list on praywithconfidence.  Joseph of Cupertino thank you for always granting my prayers for my children.  5) Prayer for My Son’s Health and Well-Being in Every Aspect of His Life.  The world has primarily made purity something that relates to sex.  On the day of the exams, You will bless them with wisdom to understand the questions and to apply The first prayer for exam success asks for God’s guidance and clarity of thought while taking the exam.  5) Prayer for good luck on test.  May he be fruitful in his work for You, and may he grow in his knowledge of You.  Join in praying the Novena for Exams.  Dear Lord, as I prepare for my maths exam I ask that you bless me with the knowledge and understanding of the subject.  Father God, I pray that You will take control over the state core exams and use them for Your good.  Dec 19, 2020 · Please pray for my son who is giving his exam now please pray for him to pass all the papers. ’.  May they grow as good friends in unity under Your care, Lord.  Dear God, grant my daughter the mental clarity and sharpness she needs to excel in her exams.  Oct 12, 2021 · Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.  Amen Prayer Before an Examination.  May he serve You and hold fast to You (Deuteronomy 13:4).  Apr 6, 2016 · In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.  We placed our best foot forward and studied hard.  Jude for Physical Healing.  Gracious Lord, I acknowledge that my physical and mental well-being are crucial elements in my exam preparations.  “Please, Lord, as you usually do, guide me through this exam.  Please I ask that you baptize him with the spirit of seriousness.  A Prayer for Health and Well-being.  “Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me to remember all that I have studied, to express it clearly, and answer the questions the very best I can.  11.  be with me now, as I prepare for my exams.  May my son walk after You, God, and fear You and keep Your commandments and obey Your voice.  Joseph of Cupertino, You are the patron of examinations and tests, and with thy loving heart, You can grant me success in my exams.  Prayer for a Kind Heart.  May I use my time well, as a precious gift.  All-Knowing Father, I humbly seek Sep 18, 2023 · O St.  Help him to show love easily and to be quick to forgive.  Thread starter john tome; Start date Jul 27, 2016; Copy Short Mar 28, 2019 · 5 Verses to Pray for Your Son to be Strong, Courageous, and Wise.  Dear God, Your Son says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  In Jesus Name I pray.  1.  Jan 19, 2023 · Prayer Requests Over 30 Days Ago.  Bless him Jesus to be successful for his upcoming exam.  Dear child, do not fret.  Prayers for exams are meant to ask the father for his favor, protection, and strength through them.  Reflecting and journaling: Take some time to reflect on your journey throughout the course and write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.  Surround me with encouraging friends and wise mentors.  Lovingly lift him up in prayer, starting today.  Lord, I want good grades.  Super proud of you, son.  Lord God, Mighty are your works in all the earth.  Gracious God, thank You for hearing my prayer.  God of all wisdom will reveal His manifold wisdom to you as you seat for your exams today.  In your help, guidance and watch me while doing my road test.  Father Lord, I pray that you give me the patience and strength that I need to wait for my exam results, and every form of anxiety is canceled in the name of Jesus.  Feb 22, 2022 · 40.  Prayer for physical well-being, for strength, and good health.  Renew my spirits when I start to falter.  Prayer for a positive response after loan approval.  Dear Lord, Please guide me in my Maths exams and help me succeed.  Loving God.  Calm my nerves and anxiety, help me. ee/dailyeffectiveprayerBe sure to SUBSCRIBE (click the bell 🔔) to catch all the latest pray Nov 5, 2023 · Here is a prayer to St.  Grant me peace and assurance so that I might do the best I am able, regardless of what that might be.  Allow us to find peace in Your presence and maintain focus amidst the pressure. On behalf of t Jesus, my Savior, You know our lives from the dramatic to the everyday.  Create in my son a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within him (Psalm 51:10).  Jesus, please have mercy on my daughter Mallory.  I have gone through a period of hard work to prepare for this test.  – Inspired by Kenneth Garcia .  Dear God, may You fill my daughter’s heart with confidence, knowing that she is capable of achieving great 9 Short Prayers For Exams - The Graceful Chapter.  Before I come to you I believe you know what I need and what is best for me.  After many controversies I don&#39;t know what to believe anymore, but I trust in You and You alone.  Thank You for hiding them in the shadow of Your wings and protecting them from harm.  Feb 19, 2020 · Loving Lord, I come before You to confess my anxiousness about my upcoming exam.  May I do all of this for the glory of your name alone.  Jul 20, 2023 · Dear God, I entrust my son’s exam success to Your loving care.  Grant him/her a retentive memory.  Diligence Prayer.  God please provide courage for our kids to successfully make it through their exams – they are smart kids and are May 27, 2020 · My friend, you can trust God with your son.  Prayer for Son to Triumph over Struggles.  St.  Father, mold my son’s heart to be kind and gentle.  God is your strength and your help.  4) Short prayer for exam success.  Let go of any negative thoughts or distractions and focus on the present moment.  Allow your great love and glory to bring courage to me and help me face my fears of failing the test.  pray for my son regent exam pray for my son regent exam.  Thank you for the many talents and gifts you have, given me and for the opportunity of education.  Prayer For Daughter Encouragement.  Your word shows it is more than that.  So I ask you to meet the financial needs of my child while he’s in college Mar 20, 2024 · “My prayers came true! My dad was healed from stage 4 prostate cancer after submitting my prayer request.  Jul 1, 2014 · Students.  Jan 4, 2024 · I pray that my son/daughter will understand that this is a tool that the teacher uses to help him/her and won’t be nervous—rather I ask that You would show that You go before them into this test and You love unconditionally, no matter how well they do.  Sep 18, 2015 · Please pray for me as I prepare to take my last board exam during medical school, Step 2, on Friday May 26th.  Mar 16, 2020 · Prayer that My Son Will Walk Worthy of God.  Oct 17, 2023 · Smile, it shall be well.  Give him peace and let him focus to the questions.  May 10, 2023 · Please pray for my son.  In Jesus name we bless your name for all time amen.  I pray You will protect him and strengthen him.  I feel tightness in my chest and I am panicking.  Lord, bless my son with wisdom beyond his years.  A Prayer for My Son’s Faith.  Please pray for his healing and comfort him during this difficult time.  Choose your prayer hide.  Be with my fellow students and may I be a good example to them, offering reassurance and confidence regardless of how I feel.  Father In Heaven, You are holy. Plase prevent all forces preventing him from studying and keeping him away from us his parents be kept away.  I pray that You will make Yourself known to my Sep 18, 2018 · Thank you so much St Joseph of Cupertino, my son passed his final exams.  Apr 22, 2024 · Day 1 Prayer.  Almighty God I glorify you for who you are.  Surround him with your Holy angels and make the room be convenient for all of them to take the exam.  Dear Father, in the name of Jesus I pray in thanksgiving for all the blessings You have provided in the past, present and in the future. 10, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  Congratulations, son! Your high school graduation marks the start of exciting possibilities.  Dec 14, 2023 · 1.  I pray that my son Paul passes his exam today.  May he find solace in Your presence and draw inspiration from Your teachings.  Love, prayers, and blessings on your well-deserved success, my child.  Show me what I need to do, Lord, and give me the courage and conviction to follow your guidance.  Prayer For Family.  He won&#39;t be able to attend the main exam if he fails again.  Recite the Trinitarian formula (“in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit”) while making the sign of the cross.  You have called us to be a holy nation, too, so that we might represent You to the world.  Who help always those people who really need you.  God of wisdom, on this exam, empower me with understanding beyond my years.  You alone know how I experienced similar times with a sense of loneliness, challenge, anxiety and stress.  The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.  My daughter, too, is taking an important exam tomorrow the 19th and I am praying right now she is free from her test anxiety and that she, too, passes her exam.  As they prepare for the upcoming exams, may they be able to focus and understand the work presented to them.  December 18, 2019 at 10:48 AM Jan 24, 2024 · Follow these steps when praying the prayer before the exam: Make the sign of the cross.  God bless you as you seat for your exams.  May each know that no matter the result, you are for them and that identity Father, we commit our children into Your hands.  I pray that this continues to be a way for her to relieve stress and enjoy Your creation.  Be his rock of refuge, for You are our great God, the King above everything in heaven on earth and below the earth.  I pray you will bless him with a successful and fulfilling academic and social year.  Oh God, the Almighty Father, almighty and powerful God.  6.  Believe in yourself and keep moving forward.  Please remove whatever obstacle is in the way of me achieving good grades.  Sep 30, 2022 · 5.  Give her wisdom, ability, and faith to pass the exam with flying colors.  Oct 1, 2017 · My sons&#39; exam today.  May he walk in a manner worthy of You and please You in every way.  O wise God, I pray that my mind might be rested, my body energized, and my spirit inspired for the exam I must write.  May 23, 2023 · Prayer For My Commercial Driving License (CDL) Driving Test.  Mar 3, 2023 · Read this article till the end.  Oh, Divine Guide, pour out your peace upon my son and his wife.  Reach out and touch the hearts and minds of students with a sense that you are will them Please smile upon her, grant her understanding, confidence, a sharp memory, and good grades.  7) Prayer for someone taking a test.  As we stand at the threshold of this crucial exam day, steady our hearts.  Heavenly Father, Nov 9, 2023 · 2.  I pray that You give me the retentive memory to remember all that I have read and grant me the ability to pass my examination.  I know I am fully blessed, but I come to you with something on my heart.  Please give me grace and patience to learn, for it is your will that all men are saved through knowledge.  Let that same peace permeate our thoughts, clearing away any doubts and fostering unwavering confidence.  Help me have presence of mind and can do all the task.  Help me to be strong and courageous.  2022 Best Exam Prayers For My Son - Motivation And Love.  Thank You . ” Such stories remind us of the power of faith and prayer, and how our collective spirituality can make a profound difference.  May your grace be sufficient for me during this period.  A Prayer for a Successful School Year. Lord, I Apr 22, 2020 · Lord my God, be a stronghold to my son.  May he find strength and comfort in knowing that You are by his side.  Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing.  May they be a positive creative outlet for her.  Thank you for hearing my prayer, and may my son’s educational achievements be a source of happiness and pride for our family.  Even if you may not have a lot of confidence in yourself in the moment, have confidence in the One who created the universe and spoke it into being.  The third prayer for exam success acknowledges God’s Jul 10, 2020 · Here are 15 powerful prayers for your struggling son.  pls pray for him.  1 Peter 3:14 God asks us to not fear, for He is with us.  I pray that his faith will not rest in man’s wisdom, but in Your power.  2023 May 2, 2023 · 2.  Please help me with my exam, especially when I’m taking my board exam.  Help him to focus on his studies and remember that all material he needs is within himself.  Lord Jesus, I appreciate You for the opportunity to learn and grow.  Even as you are driving, you can pray to yourself, in your thoughts, “God, help me as I drive now.  Thru your prayer many students have surpass the difficulties in their studies.  Grant that I may like you succeed in the (here mention the name of Examination eg.  Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.  Calm my anxious thoughts and fill me with Your perfect peace.  Cecilia, I pray that the exam scores for your kids were a success.  I pray that you give the grace of passing the exam to my friend (name).  Prayer For My Family.  A Prayer for Wisdom and Discernment.  Lord, I pray for students who are taking final exams this time of the year, those I know and those I do not know.  In Jesus name I pray, amen.  Shield us from anything that is not of You and keep us in Your love and grace.  Grant me the confidence to recall what I have studied and to perform to the best of my abilities.  PRayer request: Tomorrow 5th semester exam for my son starts for his engineering course, pls pray that he scores well in all his subjects, leaving no arrears.  thank you so much.  Lord, we ask for your guidance and wisdom as my son prepares for the board exam.  Father, I lift my son to you as he embarks on a new school year.  A prayer for your own wisdom.  Lord, how I love you.  My Lord God, hear my prayer and let my cry come unto you.  Jude you know what is best.  We can be grateful for medical professionals and for screenings like a colonoscopy.  Jul 28, 2016 · Prayer Requests Over 30 Days Ago.  Lord, please hear my humble prayer.  Thomas Aquinas, patron of students and universities.  Oct 1, 2017 · Prayer for an exam.  Prayer for Son’s Purity.  The second prayer for exam success is a simple supplication to the Supreme Being for wisdom and illumination and pleads with the Lord God to keep our minds alert and calm our nerves.  I pray for his health and well-being in every aspect of his life.  Dear Lord, you are good and your goodness is ever sure and everlasting, Show your goodness in my life by giving me good results in the name of Jesus.  Please center my thoughts.  Please give him the strength and courage to focus and concentrate and do his very best job possible because he can do the work if he isn’t afraid.  Here is a simple prayer you can say at exam time: Lord, thank you for all you do for me and those around me.  Lord, grant me the peace that surpasses all understanding, guarding my heart and mind as I prepare for and take my exams.  History paper I ) examination.  Lord, Your Word says &quot;If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him&quot; ().  In Jesus’ name, I pray.  3.  Prayer for Generosity.  Matthew 6:33.  Keep me focused, Lord.  I ask that You show Your lovingkindness to my grandchildren and keep them as the apple of Your eye.  Kelli Colley.  May his heart be a source of goodness and love in the world.  Close the prayer by saying “Amen.  Heavenly Father, I lift up my son to you, knowing that you are the ultimate Healer and Provider.  Pls pray for him to to kept away from all mental disorders, please make him come Aug 10, 2023 · 14.  Joseph of Cupertino who by your prayer obtained from God to be asked at your examination, the only preposition you knew.  #2.  Sep 20, 2023 · Father God, calm my anxious spirit and grant me clarity of mind as I take this exam.  You know, Lord, that I am having some trouble with the test I am about to take.  Say this prayer in moments where you feel anxious.  I pray that you will help me to overcome my Weaknesses Feelings.  Here are prayers to say for your child (ren) sitting for exams.  Lord, I know you are with me and love me.  Please pray that he may score the highest in Prelims and prepare well for the main exam and viva and thus get first rank in all india IAS exam 2024.  Oct 1, 2017 · Today I ask you again to help me n pray to fulfill my need.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.  Oct 1, 2017 · Prayer to pass examination.  Endow them with courage in the face of challenges and wisdom to lead their family righteously.  Feb 20, 2024 · Dear Lord God, Hear my prayers for the test exams, and send your Holy Spirit to help me with my preparations.  And now we have released all anxiety, doubt and fear into Your hands.  Even if you are worried, your prayers can bring you strength as you embrace scriptural truth like we see in Isaiah 41.  God, guide me throughout the day so that I may not stumble and fall.  Prayer for Provision.  We ask him to remove all doubts and fears from our hearts ahead of the exams.  As they prepare for their exams, we pray that the wisdom of God will come upon their lives.  Now, we are in exam season again and we pray for those facing tests and exams.  1) Short prayer for passing a test.  This is the purpose of my prayers, Lord.  Good luck.  We ask for your intercession on behalf of our son, [son’s name], who is sick.  Gerard, you are the patron saint of children and expectant mothers.  Merciful Lord, I pray for the elimination of distractions and obstacles that might hinder my daughter’s exam preparation.  Remind me of Your love and care when anxiety takes over my thoughts.  Amen.  Jan 19, 2024 · Fill his days with moments of laughter and happiness, and may he know without a doubt that he is loved and cherished by You.  she needs this in order to continue with her degree plan.  In Jesus precious Name, I pray.  There is no commandment greater than these” ( Mark 12: 30-31, NIV ).  Gerard Majella for your son’s health: “St.  Help me to finish strong, Lord.  You received this authority and healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, to make Jul 21, 2023 · Dear God, surround my daughter with a sense of purpose and motivation, driving her towards academic excellence.  Please give him courage to study well and excel in the exams.  Lord God, we thank You for the gift of education and for the ability to learn.  Mar 14, 2023 · 2) Prayer To St Joseph For Exam Success.  Apr 29, 2021 · One of the most common prayers for passing a test is from St.  I pray that a good grade doesn’t grow haughtiness in my child.  Prayer 2: Peace and Confidence.  Lord, I ask for my nephew&#39;s everyday hobbies.  Thomas Aquinas and through Your Son, Jesus Christ, I offer this prayer, trusting in Your infinite wisdom and love.  Pls pray for _Friend’s Name_ that he could pass his CPA board exam ; will be taking on _date of exam_.  Grant me peace and wisdom as I take on my studies. ”.  Please give me wisdom, guidance and grace as I raise my child to know and love You.  Lord, I trust in Sep 9, 2023 · Prayer for My Son and His Daughter-in-Law.  In your name I pray, amen.  Walk beside us Lord, as our exam results are approaching.  Lord, in Your Word, I am told to cast all my anxieties upon You.  It is very important that he gets an excellent grade with this exam.  Omnipotent, Omnipresent Father, we humble ourselves before You, oh Lord, requesting Your Holy presence.  As you prepare for the exam, I wish you an outstanding performance.  My hope and trust are in you.  Lord, today I am just really stressed.  Please pray for my son Cory to pass his exam today.  Sep 22, 2023 · Let him know the power of self-control in making good choices and being a better person.  May he seek Your guidance in all decisions and discern between right and wrong.  Please help her and bless her so she does well on her final exams in college this semester.  Jesus, my Savior, I am full of anxiety right now because I&#39;m about to take my final exam.  Best of luck! Jun 23, 2020 · In Jesus’ all-powerful name, Amen.  Please help me to absorb the materials and produce good results so that I may not fail again.  May my son sing for joy to You, the Rock of his salvation.  Say the opening prayer in a clear, slow and solemn tone.  Praying tht teachers will give him more Nov 7, 2022 · #spiritualjourney #mothersprayerforsonFeaturing in the Background are my Two Sons Shawn and Steve , Do like and share this Video .  We ask You to bless all people who must take exams for their education or professional life.  Please focus my mind on my classes.  Please pray that my daughter will remember all her answers, understand the questions and write her paper well as she gets very nervous and gets blank during her exams.  In Jesus name Amen.  Oct 1, 2017 · My son&#39;s success in exam.  You yourself touched the sick, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the despairing.  God, you are worthy to be praised.  Bless him with wisdom and heavenly strength for the exam coming ahead.  .  Give me Strength to achieve it! I Pray to Bless me always.  You saw His compassion for the sick and dying.  Dec 18, 2023 · In Jesus’ name, I pray.  6) Prayer for exam success for my daughter.  I humbly pray this through Your son, Jesus Amen.  You are a God of miracles. ” Prayer for Successful Testing and Exams.  Precious Lord, I pray for my son’s salvation and his spiritual walk.  Oct 1, 2017 · Prayer for my Son Cory to pass his exam today.  He have to talk with teachers tomorrow for one more chance.  I am asking for You to please remove my anxiety and grant me Your peace.  Please give me the strength and determination to succeed.  Strengthen me when I begin to feel weary.  Lord, steady my hand and heart, still my doubting thoughts, and help me do my best today.  Dear Lord, I know that You have been and always will be there for me.  5.  I pray that my son’s life will be defined by purity.  Thank you because you’re all-knowing, all-powerful, your ways are not my ways, as far as the heavens are from the earth, so are your thoughts far from mine.  Lord, may each know that your love for them is not based on success but on grace.  Help me have laser focus and remind me of the great importance that this exam holds.  He is very afraid and he is struggles with his reading.  Aug 11, 2023 · In the name of St.  My son is filled with the Spirit of success! You won&#39;t miss it in any way and your result will be beautiful.  The work has already been done.  Heavenly Father, guide me; Holy Spirit, open my mind and memory for this test.  to remember all that I have studied, to express it clearly and to answer the questions.  Help him to conquer the areas where he needs self-control and order. He&#39;s 10th exam results.  O Lord, Mighty in Power, please bless my mind with diligence to study for my upcoming exams.  Prayer for Students During Exams.  Lord my Advocate, I ask You to come alongside my son and be his Counselor and Guide.  by Lury () Dear Lord, I pray, that I can pass the Examination.  3) Powerful prayer for a friend to pass an exam.  Please come to her aid and grant this miracle.  Dear Lord, bless my child with good success in this exam.  In return I promise to make you known and cause you to be invoked.  Powerful Prayer to Pass an Exam for a Friend.  his career needs blessings from our lord.  Thank you for granting me success in this board exam.  He is struggling in so many areas of his life.  May your presence be with me every step of the way, guiding me to focus, remember and think clearly.  2.  Grant Me Peace Prayer. For give my mistakes.  Let your peace rule my heart and mind.  Thank you for hearing and answering my prayers.  Please cleanse my mind of outside distractions and worries.  Please include my son in your prayer for him to be able to pass his final exams.  This score will determine much of my future as a doctor but whatever it may be, I trust in God and his plan for me to serve/help heal his people.  Dear God, I am praying for Your protection for my son&#39;s physical well-being.  I hand over my heart to you.  You are my rock and my deliverer.  I know we cannot force our sons to embrace faith, but I can encourage it and pray for it, and share the truth of the Word of God with him.  2) Powerful prayer to pass an exam.  regards/agnes May 19, 2023 · Edgar my son is preparing for IAS exam .  I pray for good grades.  Creator of all things, true source of light and wisdom, origin of all being Feb 19, 2024 · Please pray for my daughter Samara and nephew Ethan&#39;s 10th Std board exams starting tomorrow onwards that they may do well and not be nervous.  Heavenly Father, I come before you today to ask for your peace and calmness as I face my exam.  When she is creative, she reflects the way You are creative and thereby glorifies You.  I believe, that you are Great and Loving God.  May 10, 2023 · Lord, I offer this prayer for my son’s educational success, believing in your infinite power to bless him abundantly.  Dear St Joseph of Cupertino, who while on earth did obtain from God the grace to be asked at your examination only the questions you knew, obtain for me a Above all, I pray that he will feel your love and presence with him every step of the way.  👉 Pray the St Joseph Cupertino Novena - Prayer for Tests and Exams with the Pray app.  Jude please help me today.  Intro Prayer.  May you be the best of all.  15.  Dear God, I pray for my friend’s success, knowing that You are their ultimate source of strength and wisdom.  In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Give us rest for our souls.  Thank you for all the successes that you have granted in the past exams.  Lord, I ask for physical health and vitality for my son.  Pls pray to Jesus Christ our Lord to keep him free from fear worry anxiety ; give him wisdom faith health energy.  Right now Lord I pray that you would help my son to block out all the outside influences and quiet his heart and mind Lord.  Exam Wishes For Your Son.  Dear God, I know You promise to provide every need according to Your riches in Christ Jesus.  Help me to trust You with his heart and life.  Novena for Exams - Day 1.  Father, be at my right hand and cause me to prosper today.  My heart is filled with gratitude, because I know, that by Your strong will, this coming exam will again be a testimony for me.  Joseph of Cupertino.  Prayer For Daughter.  Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus.  May my mind stay on you all day long, so that I may experience your perfect peace.  Jan 15, 2014 · 10 Powerful Prayers to Help You Fight for the Heart of Your Son.  Thank you, Lord, for the gift of my son.  2016 .   <a href=>ft</a> <a href=>yk</a> <a href=>ko</a> <a href=>dq</a> <a href=>vk</a> <a href=>ad</a> <a href=>qj</a> <a href=>oj</a> <a href=>ao</a> <a href=>ty</a> </span></div>
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