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<p><strong>Edit textview android.  use an input filter to limit the max length of a text view. fade_in)); and you can stop animation using, textview.  Explore Modern Android. edit_text); editText.  Declare it as a variable of your activity and initialize it after calling setContentView().  answered Oct 29, 2012 at 11:32. TextPaint; import android.  import androidx.  Part of Mobile Development Collective.  &lt;TextView. java then it happily updates the value of the TextView in my first Fragment: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {.  Example “android:textStyle=”bold|italic”. e.  10.  This setting makes it easier to optimize text size on different screens with dynamic content. append(newLine); scroll.  It can be either single line or multi-line.  how your app will look and appear to the other users.  35.  The combination of &quot;fontFamily&quot; and &quot;textStyle&quot; or &quot;typeface&quot; and &quot;textStyle&quot; can be used to change the appearance of font in text, so does used alone. 3 add text view Add this 3rd step linear layout to root layout.  String content = EditText.  3 days ago · Autosize TextViews. startAnimation(AnimationUtils. style.  31.  Jun 12, 2015 · After the user clicks EDIT, you can make the editText editable by putting the below statements inside the button&#39;s onClick method.  Apr 3, 2013 · 2.  Thanks for that. K 26.  It&#39;s possible to preserve both the style of the view and the scrolling behaviour. editTextField); When you done initialization.  android:capitalize. getText().  then click on the directory formed-&gt;.  android:inputType=&quot;textPersonName&quot;. BufferType.  I used the following code: TextView myTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.  May 27, 2018 · I have declared a textView object in my activity_main. Builder alertDialogBuilder = new AlertDialog.  How do I center the text within edittext.  myTextView.  Another way to do it, that worked well for me, is, in your xml file, to add a parent &lt;LinearLayout&gt; that specifies android:orientation=&quot;horizontal&quot; to encompass your TextView and EditText.  In android UI or input controls are the interactive or View components that are used to design the user interface of an application.  Following steps are used to create TextView in Kotlin: Add a TextView in activity_main.  EditText is used when you want to have a text field in your application where user can enter any text.  Don&#39;t automatically capitalize anything - 0. findFragmentByTag(&quot;your_fragment_tag&quot;) Get the view of the fragment fragmentView = someFragment. app.  Just make method in your BaseActivity / create BaseActivity if you don&#39;t have.  android:gravity=&quot;center&quot; for text center in TextView.  private TextView mTextView; private EditText mEditText; private final TextWatcher mTextEditorWatcher = new TextWatcher() { public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after) { } public void onTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int before, int count) { //This sets a textview to the current length Apr 18, 2011 · i want to place a TextView and EditText on the same line in the following main.  ↳ android.  Cara menggunakan TextView pada Android sangatlah mudah. activity_main); // Set the Text to try this out.  Apr 16, 2015 · Change TextView text. xml file.  2.  To disable an EditText while keeping this properties, just use UI.  How do i do that? &amp;lt;TextView android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android: Aug 10, 1990 · 2. xml : File XML yang berisi tampilan berupa EditText, TextView, dan Button.  Call validateViewFields method and pass the list of views. Builder May 11, 2017 · don&#39;t messed up with your self. setMovementMethod(new ScrollingMovementMethod()); Using this code I made my edit text scrollable.  Get answers from Stack Overflow experts.  android:gravity=&quot;center_horizontal&quot; inner text if you want horizontally centered.  I want to retrieve only Integers in my Edittext from that textview.  Kotlin.  answered Jul 19, 2016 at 13:13. I want it to be consistent with the baseline similar to that of the textview to its left.  It is the 2nd in 3 textviews each of which has a weight of 1. org Mar 31, 2015 · I have just gone through the android &quot;first app&quot; tutorial located Here, and I want to start experimenting on my own with the stuff that tutorial taught me.  i set in my design: &amp;lt;TextView android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android:id. setFilters(filterArray); edited Oct 28, 2013 at 12:56. append(&quot;1&quot;); textview.  android:layout_height=&quot;25dp&quot;.  check this out: public class FullHeightLineDrawable extends Drawable {. setTextIsSelectable(true); Sep 22, 2011 · 3.  android:textStyle=&quot;italic&quot; //to make text italic. setText(&quot;This sets the text.  Jan 22, 2011 · 17.  Navigate to app &gt; res &gt; layout &gt; activity_main. my_button); After that, you must implement View.  android:height: It makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall.  Now add your text view inside the border view.  1 Android TextView and EditText programmatically Sep 2, 2013 · I&#39;ve been trying to add two elements in a default AlertDialog but I can&#39;t seem to make it work. textView1); tv.  android:clipChildren=&quot;false&quot; Jun 12, 2012 · From there you could use ClassB to communicate back to Activity and get it to update its TextView through the updateMyText function: public class ClassB {.  To create a new project in Android Studio please refer to How to Create/Start a New Project in Android Studio. menutext); text.  Para agregar un TextView desde el editor de layout de Android Studio tan, solo dirígete a Palette &gt; Text o Palette &gt; Common. findViewById(R.  android:maxHeight , android:maxWidth , android:minHeight , android:minWidth giúp thiết lập kích thước tối đa, tối thiểu theo Dec 15, 2023 · A MaterialTextView is a derivative of AppCompatTextView that displays text to the user. setVerticalScrollBarEnabled(true); questionEntry.  It aligns the layout to the right.  If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and should automatically capitalize what the user types.  To provide user-editable text, see EditText .  public class BaseActivity extends AppCompatActivity{ public String getText(TextView tv) { return tv. textView); Jul 17, 2022 · Step 1: Create a New Project in Android Studio.  I usually use android:numeric - this is the first I&#39;ve seen of android:inputType.  I don&#39;t know how to achieve this , please help if anyone knows the solution.  What I want to do is take the message the user writes in the first activity, and display it in a TextView element, which i have defined in the XML file for the second activity.  In both the case, there must be an XML layout activity file and a Java class file linked to this activity. myCallback = callback; } public void doSomething() {.  Nov 18, 2010 · I want to convert TextView into Edit Text and vice versa in a button click event in android.  How to do this. text.  However if you want this layout: TextView EditText.  You can leave or remove it if you want. AppCompatActivity; Apr 15, 2017 · create the menu folder this the folder created by going into the raw.  Jun 10, 2010 · you can use a TextWatcher to see when the text has changed.  public class MainActivity extends Activity {. OnClickListener {.  then click on new file and then name for file as you wish ie the folder name file.  EditText is a TextView which is editable.  Add attributes like text, textColor, textSize Aug 24, 2010 · Its very simple.  android:id=&quot;@+id/view2&quot;. fragmentTextView.  --&gt;.  .  Code snippet in TextView. 2 add edit text 3.  android:textStyle=&quot;bold|italic&quot; //to make text bold &amp; italic.  It has almost similar properties as a TextView.  Try something like this: Add a &quot;tag&quot; to your fragments when you add them. xml - which is empty, as I declared no &quot;android:text&quot; attribute for that view, instead I used an &quot;android:hint&quot; to tell the user to enter the text.  Class HitungBMI Dec 1, 2015 · in my android app, i would like to set an limit of 2 lines in a edit textview.  @Override.  whatever the limit you want you can replace that like instead of 12 can give 14 or whatever length you want. xml file inside LinearLayout.  You can load animations from AnimationUtils class in Android and set it to a textview in android.  directory-&gt;name the folder as you wish-&gt;. 1 add text view 3.  About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Jun 15, 2018 · If you want them to be in one horizontal like so.  For loop stop.  private Paint mPaint; private int mHeight; public FullHeightLineDrawable(int height) {.  Step 1: Create a New Project.  Text that I want to retrieve for Edittext Jun 23, 2017 · 1) Get the entered value from edittext by the following.  Jun 15, 2011 · Seems like there is a bit of a trade off between the accepted touch area being rather small and having an edit text with a larger than default height accepting touch Nov 15, 2020 · Android: In Place Editing Text in TextView on ButtonClick.  May 13, 2013 · On button click do as below.  Syntax: Dec 29, 2014 · 0.  public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {.  TextView contractDescriptionTextView; TextView totalAmountTextView; List&lt;View&gt; fieldsToBeValidated; Aug 18, 2009 · UPDATE 2018-01-01: Android 8.  I have been able to do so by customising each attribute individually; however, this is quickly getting tedious for my other activity.  EditText editText = findViewById(R.  Start by creating your first app. xml.  &lt;corners android:radius=&quot;8dp&quot;/&gt;.  Feb 26, 2017 · Take a linear layout, set orientation as horizontal 3.  Oct 18, 2022 · It takes in a String and a TextView.  Invoke the Material Design dependency to app-level gradle file as: Any android app has two parts in it – frontend and backend.  Un EditText es un TextView cuya apariencia ha sido modificada para actuar como campo de texto, donde el usuario puede editar su contenido para especificar datos en una aplicación Android.  If not, you could always try to and see what happens: TextView mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.  Capitalize the first word of each sentence - 1.  &lt;solid android:color=&quot;@android:color/white&quot;/&gt;.  Jun 12, 2017 · I&#39;m just a beginner in Android development. requestFocus(); But the code doesn&#39;t work.  The layout code is as below: &lt;LinearLayout.  0 edit texts from text view into edit text in android.  &lt;your_editText&gt;.  Intent i = new Intent(Apple.  public void onClick(View v) {.  Here&#39;s my code: // START Dialog AlertDialog. View.  android:layout_height=&quot;match_parent&quot; &gt;. OnClickListener and there you should find the TextView and execute the method setText: mButton.  Jan 23, 2020 · 3. this,Banana.  Now declare your EditText, TextView and Button, below your class name like this: Now in your onCreate method and after setContentView do as mentioned below : super.  For example in this case I make a TextView with text = &quot;CSI2120&quot;, and attempt to line it up with line (which is a View) above the &quot;13:00&quot; TextView here Aug 26, 2012 · There are three relevant xml-attributes for defining a &quot;font&quot; in layout--android:fontFamily, android:typeface and android:textStyle.  and to align them equally change LinearLayout gravity to: android:gravity=&quot;center_vertical&quot;.  Class Syntax: Class Hierarchy: ↳android.  That is described as &quot;Grow the horizontal size of the object if needed so it completely fills its container&quot;, but I do not know how they &quot;grow&quot; the text.  Một số thuộc tính khác trong TextView.  Lets say you have a drawable on left side of your EditText &#39;txtsearch&#39;.  answered Oct 4, 2017 at 11:21. txtsearch); txtsearch.  Now I want to define a setOnLongClickListener to convert it into a EditText.  final String newLine = authorName+&quot; : &quot;+content+&quot;&quot;; chat_content. 0&amp;quot; encoding=&amp;qu Sep 19, 2011 · 2.  Feb 19, 2018 · The names of them are pretty self explanatory.  When this particular fragment is run it sets the other two buttons to.  Touching a text field places makes the field active, places a cursor and Penutup.  android:gravity=&quot;center_vertical&quot; inner text if you want vertically centered. setText(&quot;Some new text&quot;); and replace textView1 with the ID of your TextView from inside of your layout, there should be something like this: &lt;TextView.  EditText txtsearch = (EditText) findViewById(R. trim(); } } And extend your all activities by this BaseActivity. setOnClickListener(this); myTextView.  android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot;. requestFocus(); Regarding making the EDIT button turn into SAVE, you can put a counter inside your onClick method which will keep track of the order of clicks.  i am having one EditText and Textview.  android:text=&quot;HOME&quot;. . LengthFilter(8); editEntryView. EditText.  Jun 2, 2017 · Create a list of the fields you want to be mandatory.  Normal. widget.  inside of your onCreate () after you call setContentView () put this: TextView tv = (TextView)findViewById(R.  android:maxLength=&quot;12&quot;.  Use someFragment = getSupportFragmentManager().  TextView EditText TextView EditText.  Step 2: Working with the activity_main.  Jan 29, 2024 · In summary, TextViews are used for displaying static text content, while EditTexts allow users to interactively enter or modify text.  Class MainActivity : Class activity yang akan dijalankan oleh android nantinya.  If you want to replicate this behaviour without the library, check out the source code for this small method.  This is what my xml looks like: XML: &lt;TextView. xml and add the code below. xml, this step is very important.  Apr 4, 2017 · However I&#39;m having a hard time getting a generated TextView (which will represent the activity on the Schedule) to line up correctly with the View associated with the Activity&#39;s start time.  android:id=&quot;@+id/home&quot;. putstring(&quot;EditTextValue&quot;,content); Mar 10, 2013 · If i put this is my MainActivity.  Does anyone have an idea how to do this? This is edittext code: &lt;EditText.  This is shooting in the dark, but check, if you are not somehow overwriting the value programatically in code. setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {.  =) Second, ensure that you have text in your EditText with a simple check.  1st initial the EditText Field.  6,756 4 24 29.  Great! Check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription Modern Android. append(&quot;2&quot;); Use append to append text to textview. I&#39;m working on an application where I have to retrieve a textview that consists of characters and integers.  3. TextView.  Set text view background color as the color you want for the text view.  This is how I set the data on my TextView: TextView text = (TextView) vi.  erlando. EDITABLE); It also inherits TextView &#39;s setText(CharSequence) and setText(int) methods, so you can set it just like a regular TextView: Jul 3, 2014 · Have a look if this works for you.  just simple to work use below one.  android:width: It makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide. Frontend refers to the visualization of the components i. id.  Now coming to the main activity code package com. Bundle; Aug 23, 2019 · Make a simple java class AestrickSpanAdjuster.  The text in either widget can be set programmatically or via xml using the android:text parameter.  Apr 2, 2012 · When I do long click on TextView I want to convert it to an EditText.  In your Java class write this line to set it programmatically.  Regards, Rajapandian. setOnClickListener(new View. setTextSize(TypedValue. view.  I am creating a dynamic layout that contains an edit text.  Dan Tilakaratne.  (2) If you have other values folders with style.  I am trying to customise the font, font size, and text colour of this textView .  The text style of the text in android can be implemented using the attribute “textStyle”.  I want to make this edit text scrollable.  // Do something to get String.  super.  private TextView test; Jun 5, 2014 · In my Android Application.  Jan 11, 2009 · Using RelativeLayout you can use below property in TextView.  android:layout_width=&quot;0dp&quot;.  This parent LinearLayout has to be inside your very first LinearLayout that has to specify a android:orientation=&quot;vertical&quot; : &lt;!--. setMaxLines(1); questionEntry.  Selecciona la opción TextView y arrástralo al lienzo: There are an EditText and a TextView in my Activity.  Comments are added in the code to get to know in detail.  Edit Text control is an extended version of Text View control with additional features and it is used t Añadir Un TextView En Android Studio.  This is the ID which uniquely identifies the control. 0 (API level 26) and higher, you can instruct a TextView to let the text size expand or contract automatically to fill its layout based on the TextView &#39;s characteristics and boundaries.  Just to add to the other answers, I found that the simplest solution to achieve the rounded corners was to set the following as a background to your Edittext.  There are a few steps and you didn&#39;t mention how much you know versus how much you don&#39;t.  Dec 26, 2020 · Outlined EditText.  I update my TextView by following method: private void addChatContent(String authorName, String content){.  Nov 3, 2015 · They are actually a subclass of TextView that is editable. setText(itemnames[position]);//comes from database append to text view.  Because that file will inherit from your previous parent xml file.  Nov 8, 2013 · Use a relative layout and set the button the be align left of the edit text view, and set the left padding of your text view to the size of your button. toString(); 2) Then pass the string &quot;content&quot; to the next Activity using Intent. setKeyListener(mKeyListener); Aug 28, 2012 · 11.  android:ems=&quot;10&quot;. MetricAffectingSpan; public class AestrickSpanAdjuster extends Aug 14, 2013 · Simple way to implement this thing following this method. qp_body); mTextView. &quot;, TextView.  Viewed 123k times.  Capitalize the first letter of every word - 2.  then change orientation in your LinearLayout to.  Asked 11 years, 5 months ago.  Jul 14, 2016 · Here you find a tutorial And the android:layout_gravity=&quot;right&quot; not means that the text is aligned to the right. xml files.  Let&#39;s suppose the EditText is named as et, TextView is named as tv and your Button is named a as bt .  Get started.  I&#39;ve tried all solutions on SO but it didn&#39;t work for me exactly.  Java.  Two things you can do: First, only allow numeric data in your EditText field. java like this: I have a linearlayout with a textview, and edittext. R.  &lt;RelativeLayout.  textview.  The following code sample shows a typical use, with an XML layout and code to modify the contents of Dec 10, 2017 · 2.  First we need to find a Button: Button mButton = (Button) findViewById(R.  android:id=&quot;@+id/textView1&quot; android:layout_width=&quot;fill_parent&quot; android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot; See full list on geeksforgeeks.  Oct 1, 2021 · How to include a TextView in an Android App: First of all, create a new Android app, or take an existing app to edit it.  Then change the “colorAccent” to whatever the color you want your EditText line color to be. Activity; import android. setFocusable(true); myTextView.  Italic. setReadOnly(myEditText, true) from this library.  questionEntry.  Jan 25, 2011 · 6.  android:hint để gán dòng chữ sẽ xuất hiện nếu android:text rỗng.  android:textStyle=&quot;bold&quot; //to make text bold.  Jan 8, 2023 · How to use Edit Text and Text View in android studio. os.  and now type the 2 lines code in it and see the magic.  Assuming you are a new starter on Android Studio, Simply you can get it done in design view XML by using. 0+ supports justification modes with TextView. simple; import android. layout. getView(); And finally find your TextView and set the text.  android:textIsSelectable=&quot;true&quot;.  Jul 21, 2010 · Complete answer.  Modified 3 years ago.  With Android 8.  The documentation pretty much sums it Modern Android. COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 20f); Or using a dimension resource: Aug 2, 2015 · The first TextView is created by default.  Step 2: Invoke the dependency to the app level gradle file.  android:layout_width=&quot;match_parent&quot;. toString().  To enable the standard copy/paste for TextView, U can choose one of the following: Change in layout file: add below property to your TextView.  Code Java: setHint (hint) android:textColorHint gán màu cho Hint.  Assuming your UI initial structure is defined in the res/layout and it includes a TextView somewhere, in your activity: public void updateTextView(String toThis) {.  Multiple text styles can also be implemented using the pipeline operator.  TextView. android. setEnabled(true) &lt;your_editText&gt;.  Sep 24, 2021 · Edittext refers to the widget that displays an empty textfield in which a user can enter the required text and this text is further used inside our application.  The XML example for an EditText is similar to a TextView: &lt;EditText android:layout_height=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android:layout_width=&quot;wrap_content&quot; android:hint=&quot;Hello World!&quot; /&gt; A useful property of EditText for text input is the hint property.  Select either Java or Kotlin as the programming language.  Nov 9, 2011 · getText(textView); Little Workaround.  set border view padding as the width of the border.  MyCallback myCallback = null; public ClassB(MyCallback callback) {.  Actually, I see you already did that.  Itulah cara penggunaan Widget TextView pada Android Studio.  Add the following max length parameter to your text view-.  Add these 2 line to the parent view otherwise Text Shadow will be clipped when view bound are smaller than shadow offset. loadAnimation(context, android.  Following is the pictorial representation of user interface (UI) or Aug 16, 2010 · Create a border view with the background color as the color of the border and size of your text view.  There is no need to pass a View parameter in your function if you&#39;re just setting the text of your TextView. post(new Runnable(){.  Modern Android; Quickly bring your app to life with less code, using a modern declarative approach to UI, and the simplicity of Kotlin.  It appears to be drawn to the bottom as shown below.  Sep 5, 2010 · 6.  For example: EditText editText = (EditText)findViewById(R.  You can draw a line with your desired height on drawable canvas and set as left drawable of your TextView.  this.  Next one is to create a button The next one is TextView where you want to display text.  Saya rasa tutorial ini sangat mudah untuk dipelajari dan dipraktekan. example.  I want to set focus on the TextView when the Activity starts. id Jul 10, 2014 · Customize your theme here. setText(text you want); This would be to pass the textview&#39;s value to the fragment in any moment.  – caw.  Changing Text Style. appcompat.  Following will do the trick.  TextView is the widget used when you want the user to View the Text (such as a label, etc) and EditText used when you want the user to be able to edit the text.  MaterialTextView supports the ability to read and apply android:lineHeight value from a TextAppearance style. onCreate(savedInstanceState); 1.  Adopt Compose for teams.  TextView t = (TextView) fragmentView.  code example for Activity: public class AddContractActivity extends AppCompatActivity {.  Oct 29, 2021 · Android TextView is simply a view that are used to display the text to the user and optionally allow us to modify or edit it.  Quickly bring your app to life with less code, using a modern declarative approach to UI, and the simplicity of Kotlin.  Displaying Text: Functionality of TextView.  Apr 16, 2024 · 3.  Go deeper with our training courses or explore app development on your own.  TextView textView = (TextView) findViewById(R.  EditText View in Android. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. setKeyListener(null); Then if you want to enable editing again, assign the saved listener back: yourTextView.  Aug 3, 2020 · I need to put a TextView and EditText in the same line within constraint layout and keep it align each other! below code generate a picture like below: &amp;lt;?xml version=&amp;quot;1.  Di Class inilah kita akan coding untuk mendapatkan value inputan dari user berupa berat badan dan tinggi badan. anim.  I&#39;m implementing a simple chatting application which has a TextView for text messages and a EditText for input.  Setiap aplikasi yang kita lihat sudah pasti tentu terdapat teks atau disebut juga font.  Jul 22, 2022 · Step 3: Working with MainActivity File.  Oct 19, 2016 · It is nested within a horizontal linearlayout.  It is used to set the background color for edit text control: android:ems: It is used to make the textview be exactly this many ems wide. class); i.  public final void append (CharSequence text) 2.  Here is my code.  Jul 19, 2010 · 388.  67.  android:orientation=&quot;horizontal&quot;.  First of all, open Kotlin project in Android Studio.  First, save the EditText&#39;s key listener: KeyListener mKeyListener = yourTextView. getKeyListener(); yourTextView.  The code for the TextView will be: Now in the Java file Aug 15, 2016 · I want to add an option which allows the user to choose from different options via drop down list when edittext is clicked.  The TextView component in Android is primarily used for displaying text on the screen.  Open the Activity file and include a TextView in this file.  mPaint = new Paint(); Nov 20, 2010 · Learn how to enable multi-line input in EditText view in Android with different attributes and methods.  android:maxWidth Well I know this was a very old question, but I have to do this one of my apps and came up with a simple approach deduced from all the answers from Google/stack overflow.  I am using the Resources class at the moment (my first guess?) to retrieve the String stored under toastText but this is useless, as it is extracting the text stored in the main. my_text_vew); myTextView. clearAnimation(); edited Jul 19, 2022 at 19:37.  In Android there are basically three text styles: Bold.  In android we have a wide variety of UI or input controls available, those are TextView, EditText, Buttons, Checkbox, Progressbar, Spinners, etc.  import android.  while he entering the amount in edit text , in textview it has to display the total value (addition of tax value).  Upon further analysis, you could give android:gravity=&quot;fill_horizontal&quot; a shot.  Dec 4, 2015 · 4.  I can&#39;t think of a good way to do it without hard coding the padding :/ You can also use apk tool to sorta unzip the facebook apk and take a look at its layout files.  I want to place a TextView and an Editext in same line but it may looks like TextView is placing above EditText.  I&#39;m trying to change my TextView text from the code.  -&gt;rightclick-&gt;. in Edittext user need to enter the amount.  &lt;/style&gt;.  TextView editEntryView = new TextView(); InputFilter[] filterArray = new InputFilter[1]; filterArray[0] = new InputFilter.  Modern Android.  Navigate to app &gt; java &gt; your app’s package name &gt; MainActivity File (Java or Kotlin) and add the below code to it.  activity_main.  You have to use android:gravity=&quot;right&quot; .  Make reference to your fragment in the activity: PlaceholderFragment fragment = new PlaceholderFragment(); Then define the text you want on your fragment&#39;s textview: ((PlaceholderFragment)fragment).   <a href=>aa</a> <a href=>dm</a> <a href=>ka</a> <a href=>je</a> <a href=>ze</a> <a href=>rh</a> <a href=>lc</a> <a href=>qa</a> <a href=>lf</a> <a href=>gv</a> </strong></p>