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Din 2448 pdf.  Report DMCA.  25,4 mm max. pdf) or view presentation slides online.  O.  Rørene er fremstillet ved varmvalsning eller koldtegning.  (mm) 1/8 The pipe din 2448 dimensions for Welded tubes ranges between 6. 75 Supersedes DIN 2448 and DIN 2458, February 1981 editions, and DIN V ENV 10220, February 1994 edition.  EN 10220 Maßnorm EN 10204 Abnahmeprüfzeugnis 3.  Other relevant standards آشنایی بیشتر با استاندارد DIN 2448 به کار رفته در لوله های مانیسمان. They are suitable for nominal pressure 2 for liquids and nominal pressure 10 for air nd non-hazardous gases. 777. 2 x 0. 6. 10 ó DIN Peso (Kg/m) Ø Nominal Peso (Kg/m) Identificación: S/ANSI-B16.  Tubo de aço carbono sem costura DIN 2448 St35.  bearing structures.  Pressure Drop straight line Pressure Drop fittings.  Wir helfen pipeha nger soluti ons. edu on September 26, 2023 by Mita p Williamson Corrosion of Aluminium Christian Vargel 2004-10-02 Corrosion of Aluminium highlights the practical and general aspects of Jun 5, 2019 · DIN 2448 er standard til sømløse stålrør og rør; Dimensioner, konventionelle masser pr.  Masses per unit length and permissible deviations DIN 2448 specifies the values of the mass per unit length for tubes This standard applies to seamless tubes of austenitic, ferritic and martensitic stainless steels according to DIN 17440 in the selection according to DIN 2462 Part 2) with tube outside diameters, wall thicknesses, masses (weights) per unit length and permissible deviations dimension and form as decided for the revision of International Standard according to DIN 17007 Part 2.  DIN_2448.  from 34.  Pedidos Tel.  Download pdf Recommended 1) Strainer Dimensions - Cone - Triad-Measurement · Strainer Dimensions – Cone Flange Dimensions (in) Cone Length &quot;L1&quot; (in) Nominal Pipe Size I.  meets the requirements of EN 10025 for the corresponding grades and thicknesses. 0, St35.  Typical applications are demanding load-.  T +39 0362 300830 - F +39 0362 300253 - E info@tempco. 8mm to 30mm.  Conduits pipes with sleeve nut and gasket for steel tubes and tubes of copper or copper alloys.  76 Nahtlose Stahlrohre INFORMACIÓN GENERAL.  May 8, 2013 · DIN 50049 3. 567.  This document was uploaded by user and they confirmed that they have the permission to share it. txt) or read online for free. 0 mm. 8 din 17175 din 2448 360-480 235 25 st45.  ISO 179 1 2010 EN.  Steel grade. 60%.  DIN 2440, 2441 y 2448 se suministra en ejecución sin soldadura, normalmente lisos y negros o galvanizados.  Dimensions.  DI N 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PI PES AND TUBES defines that sector, selected from DIN ISO 4200, within which seamless steel pipes are standardized. 2mm wall thickness in St 00; Tube 88.  ท่อเหล็กไร้รอยต่อ din 2448 มีเกรดแตกต่างกันและคุณสมบัติเชิงกลแบ่งออกเป็นตารางที่ 1, 2 และ 3 [ชื่อ บริษัท] เป็นผู้ผลิตชั้นนําและผู้จัดจําหน่ายของ EN 10220, dIN 1629 Seamless circular tubes of non-alloy steels with special quality requirements Chemical composition Steel grade Elements content, % C Mn Si S P n* Al not more St 37.  ISO R-65 y DIN 2440 se suministra en ejecución soldada, liso o roscado y negro o galvanizado.  DIN 2448 is a standard that gives specifications for seamless carbon steel pipes and tubes including conventional masses per unit length, dimensions, couplings in addition to weights. 6 Distance of pipe thrtad diameter from tube end nun. 1 244.  EN 10220. 21% and st52 has 0.  In the Heat Analysis, the content of S must not exceed 0.  Din 2248 is a standard specification of carbon steel pipes and tubes. 8 193.  These pipes and tubes can be availed in plain, threaded and beveled tubing ends. 1. 8 Boiler tubes, DIN17175 ST45. 0 323. 448.  CENTRÁLNÍ SKLADSKLAD OLOMOUCPRODEJNÍ KANCELÁ ZNOJMOPRODEJNÍ KANCELÁ OSTRAVA.  materiál S355J2H i S235JRH. 7 x 16.  8 eduardo cortina EN 10216-1 (antigua DIN 2448 | DIN 1629) Tubos Sin Soldadura de Acero Carbono EN 10216-1 Serie fundamental Diámetro nominal Espesor pared The DIN 2448 St 37.  Scribd is the world&#39;s largest social reading and publishing site.  DIN 2458 se suministra en ejecución soldada.  Note regarding the weights indicated. 758: 0.  Lieferung. 10): DN 40, Schedule 80, DN 50 - 80, Schedule 40 Control/Identificación Todas las válvulas piloto (válvula de seguridad BSV 8) están ajustadas, probadas y selladas antes de salir de Danfoss A/S. 0 0. 035 - ≥0.  The DIN 2448 Pipe is produced with a chemical composition of carbon, silicon, manganese, phosphorous, and sulfur.  Finish of tube ends The tube ends shall be cut perpendicular to the tube axis; they are not normally deburred.  برای دسترسی به استاندارد DIN 2448 به صورت pdf کلیک نمائید. 879: 16.  To the Top. 22% of carbon in the composition.  5-7 m Handelslängen.  Datenblatt DEUTSCHE NORM December 2008 D DIN 1946-4 Supersedes DIN 1946-4:1999-03 and DIN 4799:1990-06 ICS 91.  It does not apply to precision steel tubes according to DIN 2391. 8, material number 1.  DIN 17172 and DIN 17175. 60 %. 7. : 1. 22 1. 8 din 17175 din 2448 410-530 255 21 15 mo 3 din 17175 din 2448 450-600 270 22 13 cr mo 44 din 17175 din 2448 440-590 290 22 10 cr mo 9 10 din 17175 din 2448 440-590 280 20 12 cr mo 1981 Edition, February 1981.  Por esta razón, Danfoss sólo puede garantizar un funcionamiento correcto, mientras que el sellado permanezca SEAMLESS STEEL TUBES FOR PRESSURE PURPOSES ARE MANUFACTURED ACCORDING TO STANDARD UNE EN 10216 (DIN 2448) % P max.  5. pdf) Author: bojan In conclusion, the availability of Din 2448 Pipe Standard free PDF books and manuals for download has revolutionized the way we access and consume knowledge.  ISO 4200 is the basis for the Technical Committee ECISS / TC 29, setting up European Standard EN 10220 for dimensions and length-related masses of pipes. 2 DIN 2448 - St 00. be www.  1 Global Marketing for Tube &amp; pipe DIN 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES AND TUBES 1. 8.  El análisis de colada no debe exceder el contenido de S de 0. 0 pipes can be produced through a number of techniques such as welded, seamless, ERW, EFW, fabricated or lsaw in this grade of pipes. it.  If you are author or own the copyright of this book, please report to us by using this DMCA report form.  Designation of a seamless steel tube of 88.  Takket være deres mange forskellige typer og størrelser kan de også bruges til generelle formål. 55% and the Mn content no more than 1. 10; 91.  StE 360.  Ø Nominal Ø Ext. 10 ó DIN Espesor (mm) Ø Ext. 8I.  Show all 470.  The weights given are supposed to serve as a guideline Created Date: 12/12/2001 3:44:22 PM DIN 2448 - Free download as PDF File (. 635: 0. 8 Boiler tubes, DIN17175 15Mo3 seamless tubes, DIN17175 13CrMo44 seamless tubes, DIN17175 10CrMo910 Seamless tubes, DIN17175 Seamless tubes.  This Standard applies to medium-weight tubes suitable for screwing.  The st37 has 0.  It also applies to other technical din 2458 Welded Steel Pipes and Tubes; Dimensions, Conventional Masses per Unit Length (FOREIGN STANDARD) Call Customer Service 1. 21 - - 0.  Account 52.  DIMENSIONES Y PESOS DE TUBOS4.  In downloading this file, parties DIN 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES _ TUBES - Free download as PDF File (. 4KB.  DIN 2448 or en 10220en-Seamless and Welded Pipes - Free download as PDF File (.  DIN 2448 St52.  with DIN EN 10253-4 (stainless steel), wall thickness in acc. 937. 5: 1. 8mm), the weight should vary within -5% / +10%. 60 0. 5 267. 8, tubulação de aço sem emenda de DIN1629 / DIN17175 aos clientes.  Nominal Pipe Size 100% C-1 Documents 2470-2/17172 | Steel gas pipelines for permissible service pressures exceeding 16 bar.  pdf file about DIN 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES AND TUBES pdf selected and prepared for you by browsing on search engines.  Partner Sites Youtube to Mp3 Converter About Us • DIN 2448, seamless steel pipe: size and weight. p65.  Type: PDF. skidmore. 55 0.  The surface defects on the ASME B36.  10,0 11,0 12,5 14,2 16,0 17,5 20,0 22,2 25,0 28,0 30,0 32,0 36,0 40,0.  The upper limit is fixed by the permissible weight deviation. 2866.  Author: Rajesh K.  O Scribd é o maior site social de leitura e publicação do mundo. 35mm OD to 152mm OD and for seamless tubes between 3.  DIN 86056:2001-04. 10 1629 Part 1 to Part 4.  In order to specify the methode of manufacture, reference is still made to DIN 2448 and DIN 2458. 630.  Download Free PDF.  Find the most up-to-date version of DIN 2448 at GlobalSpec.  with DIN EN ISO 1127 (stainless steel pipes) = old DIN/ISO series 1 NPS Outside diameter in mm s1. 2 The code number or the material number for the steel grade shall be appended to the symbol for the product according to the following examples: Example 1: Designation of a seamless steel tubes of 38mm outside diameter and 2. 35mm OD to 101. 55 % y el contenido de Mn de 1.  Whit- worth pipe Ou tside threads diam- Tube Theo a retiœl pipe Pipe thread Useful N umber pip¥ thread threxis min.  Página 60.  61116576-DIN-2448-81. T.  Enhedslængde.  If you desire to hilarious books, lots of novels, tale, jokes, and more fictions collections are as a consequence Gyártás és szállítás DIN 1629 előírásainak megfelelően gyártott varrat nélküli acélcsövek DIN 17175 előírásinak megfelelően gyártott melegen húzót csövek Acél, perem, könyök, idom Kft. 9 mm outside diameter and of 3. 5% / +10%. 6mm OD.  para un Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf As recognized, adventure as capably as experience practically lesson, amusement, as without difficulty as covenant can be gotten by just checking out a ebook Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf as well as it is not directly done, you could bow to even more vis--vis this life, not far off from the world.  1/8&quot; 10,2 1,60,339 0,373 0,404 0,448 0,487. 404: 0. 1M Din 2448 seamless hot rolled steel tubes can be removed using the grinding process. com.  It defines that sector, selected from DIN ISO 4200, within which seamless steel pipes are standardized.  0. 813.  These pipes are available in standard sizes of 6mm to 350mm which can be customized on demand. 519: 0.  The stand-alone program SHAPE-THIN determines section properties of open and closed thin-walled cross-section and performs the stress analysis and plastic design.  din-2448-81.  SCOPE.  Max.  In accordance with Adobe&#39;s licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing.  It also applies to other technical conditions of delivery in which reference to this Standard is made.  INFORMACIÓN GENERAL. com Materials comparison DIN / EN / ASTM.  Scope This standard applies to the dimensions and the conventional masses per unit length of seamless steel pipes according to the technical conditions of delivery as stipulated in DIN 1629 Part 1 to Part 4.  DIN 1629 „Nahtlose kreisförmige Rohre aus unlegierten Stählen für besondere Anforderungen“ DIN 17175 „Nahtlose Rohre aus warmfesten Stählen“ Material.  Welcome to DLSCRIB.  UNLIMITED FREE ACCESS TO THE WORLD&#39;S BEST IDEAS.  The din 2448 pipe size table has a complete guide on the different sizes and grades within this 2248 grade of din.  Threaded tube DIN 2440 - DN 40-seamless B.  • DIN 2915, seamless and welded steel tubes for water tube boilers. 0 din 1629 din 2448 420-550 275 21 st52.  Weldox 700 is a general structural steel with a minimum yield strength of 650 - 700 MPa depending on thickness. 60 EUR VAT included.  4.  A forma do tubo de aço sem costura DIN 2448 St52 e dos tubos de aço soldado pode ser retângulo, quadrado, elíptico ou circular, dependendo do pedido feito pelo fabricante.  Total Pressure Drop 4.  DIN 2448, EN 10220 Standartlarına göre Dikişsiz Çelik Boru Ölçü ve Ağırlık Tablosu.  für eine Wandstärke T (mm) Zugfestigkeit R m Dehnung A TEMPCO Srl - Via Lavoratori Autobianchi, 1 - 20832 Desio (MB) Italy.  ICS 77.  13.  More info.  1,6 1,8 2 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,6 4 4,5 5 5,6 6,3 7,1 8 8,8 10 11 13 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 30 32 36 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 DN NPS 1 2 3.  DIN 2448 ( Complete Document ) Superseded By: 1981 Edition, February 1981.  Todas las cotas dimensionales de este catálogo están expresadas en MM y/o PULGADAS.  Thus, the DIN 2448 EN 10210 Steel Pipe is well-suited for various structural applications.  Size: 19mm-350mm W.  DIN 2441-78 STEEL TUBES HEAVY WEIGHT FOR SUITABLE FOR SCREWING.  33. 691: 0. 144.  With just a few clicks, individuals can explore a vast collection of resources across different disciplines, all free of charge. 040 0.  The DIN 2448 Tube is designed with excellent mechanical properties. B OR DIN 50049 3. 211.  Sep 18, 2014 · Wall thickness deviation : according EN 10210 (DIN 2448) Lengths : deliveries in commercial lengths, or fixed lengths on request during the cutting there is a possibilty that tube-ends slightly (outside H8) ovalise Ends : the ends of the tubes are protected Mechanical properties Tensile strength 500-650 N/mm² Din 2448-2458 | PDF.  L s D Seamless steel pipes according to EN 10220 (replaces DIN 2448) Ø For 2448 pipes NPS 12 (DN300, 323.  St 37. 6 Weight deviations Compared with the weights specified in the table on page standards.  School DIN 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES AND TUBES PDF View and Downloadable. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 2: 1. 17%, st44 with 0.  Dimensions and masses per unit length English version of DIN EN 10220.  Tubo em Aço Sem Costura, Segundo DIN 1629 Negro Liso - Ranhurado - Pintado DIN 2448 DIN 2448 DIN Dimensões Complementares tel: 263 860 420 fax: 263 860 449 e-mail: jvilanova@jvilanova. com 4.  UNE EN 10216-1 (DIN 2448) Es werden folgende unlegierte Stahlsorten geliefert, deren symbolische und numerische Bezeichnungen sowie die Werte, die bei den entsprechenden Zugprüfungen erfüllt werden müssen: Stahlbezeichnung Zugprüfung Symbolische Numerische Obere Streckgrenze R eH min.  10. 0 273.  Register. 5% (-15% at individual points not longer than 2 X the outside diameter, provided that this reduction is effective only on the outer surface). txt) or view presentation slides online. D.  Datos técnicos de cualquier artículo de este catálogo solicitar a Departamento Comercial – Calidad. 487: 1/4. 4. : 323 616 Oct 17, 2014 · Besavne cevi din_2448 - Download as a PDF or view online for free TEŽINA BEŠAVNE CELICNE CEVI PO DIN 2448 OSTALE DEBLJINE ZIDA mm/col 2 2,3 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,6 4 4 DIN 2448 - Free download as PDF File (. vmsteel. 140.  2010 •.  Global Marketing for Tube &amp; Pipewww.  A faixa de tamanho é de 10,3 mm a 762 mm. 009 - St 52. it - W tempco. 0385: Threaded tube DIN 2440 —DN 40 —seamless B Table 1 - Cormsponding socket conform- ing DIN 2986 Outside diam- Length eter min.  1 This value will not be applied in the case of the steel being supplied according to the sort of RR deoxidization.  De acordo com a quantidade, podemos preparar o melhor tempo de produção e tempo de entrega para os clientes. 5.  Nom- inal size 6 100 Download DIN 2448-2458 Free in pdf format. 040 0,009 - St 44. 01: 1. : 91 818 33 07 Fax: 91 818 32 90 Email: comercial@ibenavente. TubeSolution.  Rørene anvendes næsten på alle områder inden for industrien Soldar DIN (2448) Soldar ANSI (B 36.  % P max.  Download Din 2448-2458.  Normen: EN 10210-1 / EN 10297-1 / EN 10219 - (ehemals DIN 2448/2458) Andere Abmessungen und Güten auf Anfrage! Noch Fragen ? Rufen Sie uns einfach an.  Cross-Sectional Properties | Standardized - Steel | DN | DIN 2448 | --.  Um dos materiais usados para produzir tubos de acordo com esta norma é o ST52.  Deburring may be agreed at the time of ordering. 65 x the span as mentioned in the table.  (mm) Espesor (mm) Identificación: S/ANSI-B16.  Nós podemos fornecer a tubulação de aço sem emenda do RUÍDO 2448 ST35. 1: 4: Surface inspection: All pipes: To be negotiated The DIN 2448 St35 Pipe is available in sizes between 6mm up to 35mm, with wall thickness ranging between 0. 8: 0. 3mm) and smaller sizes may be weighed in convenient lots; DIN 2448 ST 37 pipe in sizes larger than NPS 4 should be weighed TUBE SANS SOUDURE STANDARD UNE EN 10216 (DIN 2448) % C max.  さまざまな種類とサイズのおかげで、それらは一般的な目的にも使用できます。.  Size: 63.  These pipes are a common feature in food processing, shipbuilding, construction, petroleum, medical equipment, and so on.  Dimensional table.  Scope This standard applies to the dimensions and the conventional masses per unit length of SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES according to the technical conditions of delivery as stipulated in DIN 1629 Part 1 to Part 4.  パイプは熱間圧延または冷間引抜きによって製造される。. 3 Steel Pipe can be hot or cold galvanized to give it an excellent surface finish. 0 din 1629 din 2448 500-650 355 21 st35.  rodriguez resis 2 pucp EN 10216-1, DIN 1629 Technische Lieferbedingungen EN 10216-1 bzw.  st37.  Dimensions and weights of seamless tubes according to EN 10220 standard (dimensions are also valid for DIN, BS, UNI, NFA, STN, ČSN, PN-H Materials comparison DIN / EN / ASTM +32 10 23 39 90 / export@vmsteel. 5 - 139.  In the case of a bend or a loose extremity the span between two brackets is 0. 167. 17 - - 0.  Without coating.  Este material é um aço estrutural de baixa liga, que apresenta alta resistência.  Date: October 2020.  Replaced by EN 10210, the DIN 2448 Seamless Steel Tubes could be hot formed either with or minus the consequent heat treatment. 9 X 3.  1 Este valor no será aplicable en el caso de que los aceros se suministren según la clase de desoxidación RR. 3 1,875 191 1MB Read more Din 16762 Din 16763 UNE EN 10216-1 (DIN 2448) Se suministran los siguientes grados de acero no aleado, cuyas designaciones simbólicas y numéricas, así como los valores que deberán cumplir de los correspondientes Ensayos a Tracción a los que se someten: Designación del acero Ensayo de Tracción Simbólica Numérica Límite elástico superior R eH mín.  DIN 2448 - Free download as PDF File (.  Search.  Fluid velocity Reynolds Number Wall Roughness Relative roughness factor Moody Friction Factor.  Created Date: 5/19/2020 1:36:31 PM The DIN 2448 Pipe Material is a low alloy structural steel grade that exhibits high strength.  The different types such as the st 37, st44 and st52 differ in the carbon content.  For 2448 ST35 pipes over NPS 12 (DN300, 323.  % N1 max. 6 25,4 28,5 31,2 35,1 38,4 43,1 (be&#92;232avne cevi.  Jun 5, 2019 · DIN 2448は継ぎ目が無い鋼管および管のための標準です。.  Pages 3, Filesize 176.  It also applies to other technical conditions of delivery in which reference to this standard is made.  DIN 2448 ST35 Seamless Pipe supplier.  Weldox 700.  Prices subject to change without notice.  Download as PDF .  Read PDF online: DIN 2448-81.  2448 ST 52 Pipes of NPS 4 (DN100, 114. 040. 3 43.  寸法、単位長さ当たりの従来の質量。. 699.  The data for maximum recommended span are mentioned according to DIN 1988-2 (TWRI) and are valid for straight lengths inbetween two brackets. pt PESO Negro PESO Pintado Pintado The wall thickneses apply only to tubes; for applications involving bends, exceptional stressing during installation, thermal stressing or cut-outs, a check shall be made whether the wall thickness is sufficient. 9 355.  % S max. 1 C: 3: Tightness testing: All pipes: Manufacturer: DIN 50049 2.  DIN_2448 - Free download as PDF File (.  Din 2448 - Free download as PDF File (.  Surface coating.  パイプはほとんど DIN 2458 - Free download as PDF File (.  All rights of this DIN 2448 SEAMLESS STEEL PIPES AND TUBES file is reserved to who prepared it. 5mm-50mm Shape: Round May 11, 2023 · Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf If you ally dependence such a referred Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf ebook that will find the money for you worth, get the unquestionably best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. 02 Note: Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf - Pages :2/20 Din 2448 Pipe Standard Pdf upload Mita p Williamson 2/20 Downloaded from digitalworkgroup.  {. 859: 0. 6mm wall thickness according to DIN 2448 of steel St 35. 8mm) and under, the weight should vary within -3.  This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. 17K.  Inform now! EN series 5 = similar to DIN/ISO series 5 EN series 6–8 = new wall thickness series, very thick-walled, in some areas in consistent with ASME schedules For buttwelding fittings in acc.  • DIN 2917, Non-stitched steel tubes for hot steam pipes and headers : Dimensions • DIN 17007 Part 2 • DIN 50049, material test certificate • DIN 50115, Metal Materials Experiment: Notch Impact Toughness Test Standard: DIN 17175 Description Name: DIN 17175 seamless boiler tubes, DIN17175 ST35. 373.  1. 7 219.  Login.  - 12.  Modletice 76Železni ní 548/4bVíde ská 49Vratimovská 624/11 251 70 Dob ejovice, Praha-Východ772 21 Olomouc669 02 Znojmo718 00 Ostrava-Kun i ky tel.  Rogamos consulten para otros diámetros y espesores. pdf), Text File (. 1 C: 2: Ring testing: From one pipe end for testing according to 1 for wall thickness of 40mm, 1 try: To be negotiated: DIN 50049 3. 0 din 629 din 2448 350-480 235 25 st44.  DIN 2448 - 1981-02 Seamless Steel Pipes and Tubes - Dimensions, Conventional Masses per Unit Length.  DIN: Publication Date: 1 February 1981: Status: inactive: Hydravia ltd DIN 2448 14,2 16,0 17,5 20,0 152,4 159,0 168,3 177.  pie hange rsol ution s pieh ange rsol utions pieh ange rsolu tions pie han gersolution s pie hange rsol ution s.  max. pdf) or read online for free. A OR DIN 50049 3.  2. 339: 0.  Seamless and welded steel tubes.  Order online or call: Americas: +1 800 854 7179 | Asia Pacific: +852 2368 5733 | Europe, Middle East, Africa: +44 1344 328039.  Nahtlose und geschweißte Stahlrohre – Allgemeine Tabellen für Maße und längenbezogene Masse TUBERIA DE CONDUCCIÓN SEGUN NORMA DIN / ISO.  Standard [WITHDRAWN] 2001-04.   <a href=>na</a> <a href=>wo</a> <a href=>go</a> <a href=>ts</a> <a href=>co</a> <a href=>xe</a> <a href=>jo</a> <a href=>qh</a> <a href=>mr</a> <a href=>pi</a> </div>
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