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<h1 class="title single-title">Best launcher google tv </h1>

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Best launcher google tv.  9 Google TV launcher.  - Perfect metro style UI and tablet support.  The changes between Android TV and Google TV are apparent the moment you turn on a Sony or TCL smart TV running the newer Google TV software.  Google has really screwed up with the naming of things, and making the UI similar, but slightly different, between all the current iterations.  Give it a go.  Reply reply.  I did this recently and haven&#39;t looked back. android.  So whether you&#39;re looking for a new show to binge watch or just want to pick up where you left off, you get what you want, when you want it.  Also I think my Shield is more responsive because it isn&#39;t running 2 launchers.  Jan 9, 2022 · 2 FLauncher.  It’s all about finding and enjoying content with the least amount of friction and providing 1.  Feb 23, 2023 · New interface.  The Launcher is optimized to put content at the center; from casual movie-watching, to edge-of-seat, immersive gameplay.  Best Google TVs of 2024: 1.  Google TV, integrado directamente en tu smart TV o Android TV Launcher is the jumping-off point for starting all activities on your Android TV entertainment device.  Google TV has picked up a few updates in the recent past, including some not-so ATV Launcher Pro.  With the new major version that extends the use to all Android TV devices, and for better understanding, the original thread has been split : The original threadwill focus on Xiaomi/Fengmi/Wemax Vous pouvez accéder à Google TV sur les appareils de streaming et smart TV qui en sont équipés, ou via l&#39;application mobile Google TV pour Android ou iOS.  adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.  Next install the Downloader app from your respective App Store (Amazon App Store or Google Play) and enable Unknown Sources within the settings of your streaming device.  It is super-fa Sep 18, 2020 · Best minimal looking basic launcher in the market.  Select your custom launcher and click OK.  nVidia needs to embrace the fact that Google&#39;s stock launcher offering is turning into a pile of crap and remember that they are sitting on a very capable piece of hardware with a decent GPU that could be boasting an Jul 11, 2021 · FLauncher is an open-source alternative launcher for Android TV, built with Flutter.  The biggest change is the interface Discussion of the Android TV Operating System and devices that run it.  How to Install Google TV Launcher on any Android TV.  Mar 1, 2022 · Follow these steps to achieve the same.  This option may be called “Home screen,” “Launcher,” “Home,” or something similar. 99 per item) Niagara Launcher offers a user-friendly, ergonomic experience for Android users.  Scan the QR code with your phone camera and tap the notification that pops up to follow the link.  Click the LauncherX APK again.  Jan 22, 2024 · More than the other launchers here, AIO’s is a solidly widget-focused UI.  The project is still at an early development stage and may be unstable.  TCL Q7 QLED TV, 2.  Oct 2, 2020 · Install File Commander from the Play Store on your TV.  It needs some adjustments in the beginning but then it’s great.  App-only mode peels away the clutter of suggested media and leaves you with a clean view featuring your installed apps.  Click the toggle to Always allow from this computer and click OK.  In this video, we&#39;ll dive Oct 30, 2023 · DigiSender Launcher.  Smart App Launching: Instantly access your favorite apps with a single click, eliminating the hassle of navigation and search.  I couldn’t do that with Apr 16, 2024 · Square Home is the best launcher with metro UI of Windows.  Oct 2, 2020 · First, select the Gear icon on your Android TV home screen to open the Settings menu.  Step 1: Go to the Settings menu on your smart TV.  • Links to 3rd party apps.  Table of Contents.  ATV launcher.  The downside is no more notifications of future updates.  Plex can automatically collect subtitle files, metadata, movie artwork, viewer ratings, and more in addition to its lovely library.  Key Features: 1.  Click About.  Clean UI and easy to use.  Discussion of the Android TV Operating System and devices that run it.  Reply.  It lacks a true column mode if you like that style.  Android TV Launcher is the jumping-off point for starting all activities on your Android TV entertainment device.  ATV Launcher.  LeanbackOnFire is a flexible and customizable launcher for Android TV set-top boxes and TVs.  Top TV Launcher 2.  Click Security &amp; Restrictions.  The Chrome App Launcher allows you to launch your favorite apps right from the desktop.  Published Feb 20, 2018.  Without ADB Commands.  4 days ago · Essentially, that combines the typical Android TV Favorites channel and your All Apps tab into one grid.  Discover new things to watch with recommendations based on what you watch and what interests you.  There&#39;s Android TV the OS (or currently renamed to Android for TVs).  • Can be configured to boot straight into SCL3 if desired.  – Allow installing unknown apps in Downloader or other App when prompted. apps. apk Basically a launcher manager, I don&#39;t remember where exactly on his site i got it, but as you can see he has a version specific Jan 20, 2024 · The content remains unbiased and authentic and will never affect our editorial integrity. .  Originally created for Amazon Fire TV devices, works a charm on any Android TV.  Jump to details.  Mar 21, 2024 · Niagara Launcher.  UgoosTV.  Se necesita una suscripción para acceder a determinados contenidos. launcherx.  Google TV has been around for a minute, and Mar 28, 2024 · The Hisense U7K Mini-LED TV is the gaming beast of the group among best Google TVs. setupwraith and calls action com.  ago.  Install the cloned app and you&#39;re done.  - Clean UI.  Dec 2, 2021 · The steps below show how to install and set up the Leanback Launcher using a Fire TV Stick Lite.  Support webp and gif wallpaper.  It&#39;s basically an app that issues the same ADB commands to swap out the launcher.  Mar 10, 2015 · It does exactly what it says.  Oct 31, 2022 · To give this topic more meat to the bone I want to add this info on how to use a custom launcher on Google TV chromecast HD (boreal).  7 TV Launcher – Smart – Easy to use.  VinceBarter.  Sony Bravia XR A80K, 4.  Open Google Play Store on your Android TV and search for the Button Mapper app to install it by pressing the Install button using your TV Remote.  Scroll down to &quot;Build&quot; and select it repeatedly until a message says &quot;You Are Now A Developer!&quot; Unlike mobile Android, nVidia has no need to worry about battery life or trying to reduce fancy effects to lighten cpu/gpu load.  The Pro version of ATV Launcher adds a few handy features like creating custom, password-protected folders for your apps, hiding certain apps, and customizing the look and feel of the app grid.  In order to fully download the Leanback Launcher on Sideload Channel Launcher 3.  STEP 1: Install Google TV Launcher.  This launcher is for users who wish to navigate their TV with their remote control’s D-pad.  Also on Override Apps, disable Android Update Notifications, this last part is essential.  - Customizable categories.  Browse thousands of movies, shows, and live TV channels from your subscriptions without having to jump between apps.  They were not modified – all the files are downloaded from the developers servers, which means that you get a perfectly clean Minecraft.  You can use it to swap the default launcher with any launcher you choose, and back again.  2.  On system app settings, just disable Android updates notifications.  Am using it past few years on all TVs.  Android TV is the old launcher / interface. &quot; Open the app on your Android phone and grant it permission to access media.  If you need to you can just find the TV Launcher app and re-enable it.  Ugoos is widely regarded as the best Android TV launcher apps.  However, this same process should work on all Fire TV devices running Fire OS 6 or above.  I like how it recommends me youtube videos and other apps Ive installed - but not &quot;Popular movies, Popular series&quot; and telling me to rent this Sep 9, 2020 · Again, use your remote to scroll down until you find the app you sideloaded.  spocky12.  Press the back button and scroll down to “Developer options”.  This is a lightweight easy to use basic launcher with lightning-fast speed.  6 Simple TV Launcher.  - Vertical scrolling in a page and horizontal scrolling from page to page.  Got it yesterday andwas looking to use a custom launcher.  It’s all about finding and enjoying content with the least amount of friction and providing quick access to I use 1 button on my tv remote that I do not use and I map my custom tv launcher to that 1 button.  Dec 29, 2023 · Follow along.  Como ocurre con el sistema operativo de escritorio, Android TV también permite cambiar la interfaz con sólo instalar 1.  Unlike the Sideload Launcher, this one is a complete home screen replacement app and can be set as the default launcher.  Hold down the OK button on your remote to reveal the Widget Menu and select Scale Content.  Add your Google Drive account to File Commander.  Then run the command.  Sideload Channel Launcher 3 is paid and by far the most configurable.  I set up a launcher called &quot;sideload channel launcher 3&quot; , the 3 (or iii) is important.  LeanbackOnFire Launcher.  It&#39;s such a wasted opportunity on a capable piece of hardware.  The Launcher automatically detects devices connected to the TV box and supports 20 languages.  Something I would particular miss when switching to an alternative launcher is the relevant recommendations for my installed apps.  The easiest way to cast your huge personal collection of digital movies and TV shows across all the screens and devices in your house is with Plex.  Sep 28, 2023 · Plex.  STEP 4: Uninstall Old Android TV Launcher.  - Wallpaper support.  Use the left and right arrows on your remote to make the widget smaller or larger, respectively.  Scroll down to select Home Button Hook.  This puts convenient features in easy reach, like a home screen calculator or timer.  Todas tus aplicaciones de streaming favoritas para ver películas, series, televisión en directo y más, en una sola plataforma.  Your most recent Jan 4, 2023 · How to Adjust Widget Sizes on ATV Launcher.  Flauncher which is one of the best launchers IMO.  This makes it easy to control your device with one hand.  The user interface differs slightly from other Tv launcher programmes since the left side of the launcher contains capabilities to scroll the wheel, allowing you to browse wide categories such as apps, games, and the internet.  Step 3.  Hisense U8K Mini LED TV, 3.  STEP 3: Install ADB on Windows.  Nov 8, 2021 · HALauncher- Best Launcher App for Google TV Did you know that you can install launchers on Google TV, just like on Android smartphones? And also replace the new and polished Google TV UI Nov 16, 2017 · About this app.  Oct 17, 2023 · 1.  Then, go to the main screen and select &quot;Receive.  Available on Google Play Store.  Mar 11, 2024 · 3 Fix the annoying profile-switching issues Create better synergy between Google TV&#39;s apps This is one of the more absurd problems with Google TV; third-party account details are not adapted to Feb 8, 2024 · How to Uninstall Wolf Launcher.  Read Article On :- Best Launcher For Android Oct 1, 2020 · Google TV Home is the basis for all activities on your Google TV entertainment device.  Step 2.  Main features: - Foldable screen support.  Once all three of those apps are installed, open App Cloner.  The best 8K Google TV.  .  Show 4 more items.  Main features: - No ads.  Alternatively, you can download the extracted APK and sideload onto your device.  Put your apps where you want them using our custom built in layout editor which allows you to customize your home screen with widgets and tiles. androidtv-guide.  Jun 28, 2018 · 7op TV Launcher 2 puts you in control of your Android TV device.  Dec 24, 2021 · Button Mapper for Android TV: Best practices.  3 days ago · 49. setupwraith.  To get it to properly replace the default interface, I had to use this app from thetechdoctoruk&#39;s site called: Final_TDUK_CCGTV_LM.  In settings accesibility needs turned on and on projectivy settings set default launcher.  Fix some bugs.  Nova Launcher has become synonymous with the best Android launchers for quite some time.  10 Other Android TV launchers.  1.  To remove the Wolf Launcher on your Android device, we can simply disable the custom launcher within the Launcher Manager App.  Simple smart TV launcher.  Works fine on a 2019 Shield Pro and other Android TV devices.  If you haven’t done this yet please refer to the following screenshot tutorial for step-by-step instructions.  pm disable-user --user 0 com.  Feb 28, 2024 · Niagara is a minimalist launcher that offers quality ergonomics thanks to its app list that scrolls vertically, line by line.  Dec 18, 2020 · 2.  Press the home key and you will see a prompt asking you to select your launcher.  Updated on.  The launcher is complete with all the available game versions from the developers – at any time, you can install one of them, even the newest Minecraft 1.  Simply the best by far Jan 9, 2022 · ATV Launcher.  Quickly opens up a list of apps which includes the sideloaded ones.  The app list We advise you to try them all and keep the one that best meets your requirements.  Then there was Android TV the launcher (which has two versions, the old one more like Leanback and the new one more like Google TV).  With the included ability to design tiles using an applications icon, an icon pack, an image, or alternatively choose one of our ADMIN MOD.  Click the APK to download, then open it.  Its user interface is remarkably different from the original.  flag Flag as inappropriate. tvlauncher” I have done this as I didn&#39;t like using that program to choose the default launcher.  Unica Android TV Launcher introduces a unique interface design.  ATV Launcher Pro (3,19 euros).  Click System.  I like Kodi but even on my Shield the Kodi app takes too long to load.  Oct 10, 2021 · 3.  That way, you’ll be able to browse your apps without stopping playback.  Sideload Channel Launcher 3 Animated backgrounds, animated tiles and even animated rows Multiple profiles (layouts) Can export rows to Android TV home screen if desired Can be configured to boot straight into SCL3 if desired links to 3rd party apps and much more.  Atv pro or wolf launcher decent enough if you don&#39;t like suggestions on a default gtv launcher and plan to sideload apps.  VIEW APP.  Halauncher.  - Less than 1 Mb of download.  So when I boot up my Chromecast with Google tv after it it fully booted up I hit that button and get into the custom launcher and start using my Dec 20, 2022 · Here are some general steps you can follow:-.  Google TV is new new launcher.  El mando a distancia virtual está disponible en la aplicación Google TV para Android e iOS.  Ugoos TV is arguably the most popular top Android TV launcher app.  An update to the Android TV launcher enables the changes. com.  Apr 30, 2023 · TXRon May 1, 2023, 2:19pm 12.  06.  – Settings &gt; Developer options &gt; Debug ADB USB and NETWORK &gt; Enabled.  If you choose to use Android TV Home you&#39;ll also need Android TV Core Services.  Download AIO Launcher.  4 HALauncher – Android TV.  FLauncher is FOSS and has categories and background support but otherwise simple in a good way.  Finally, to launch the app, click Open .  It&#39;s heavily customizable, letting you change almost everything from app icon style, icon Apr 22, 2024 · Use the Google TV Home app to launch and control your Google TV entertainment device.  Sep 27, 2023 · Ugoos.  Disable auto updates on google play store (user icon -&gt; settings -&gt; auto update) Go to settings -&gt; apps and uninstall &quot;Android TV Home&quot;.  Google TV seems more advanced to me, with better recommendations.  Jan 2, 2022 · The best Android TV Launcher is the Leanback Launcher On Fire.  Leanback Launcher for Amazon Fire TV devices is a fully functional port of the Android TV launcher to Fire OS-based set-top boxes, TVs, and HDMI dongles Jul 1, 2023 · cd C:&#92;Users&#92;REDACTED&#92;Downloads.  Simple two-row setup.  0.  Step 1.  Sideload Launcher is a third-party launcher app and is one of the essential Android TV apps you&#39;ll want to install.  It allows me to customize all the basic remote buttons (home, back, power, D-pad, etc Jan 16, 2024 · 6 Use Google TV&#39;s app-only mode to streamline the UI.  Find the offer at the top of the &quot;For You&quot; tab, the first screen you see when you turn on your Google TV.  8 TV Launcher – Smart – Easy to use.  Apr 25, 2024 · 2.  Dec 22, 2021 · The Best Home Launcher for your Android TV Box, with a great design and all the freedom - FLauncherDOOGEE v20 Warming up page : https://bit.  Watch this tutorial until the end to Feb 20, 2018 · By Doug Lynch.  No ads can also speed up videos at various speeds compared to regular YouTube Feb 28, 2024 · About this app.  3.  My favorite app for the job is Button Mapper ( Google Play ).  Your &quot;Chromecast with Google TV&quot; comes with Google TV, which is the interface you see when it starts.  The application has open source code, which can be found on the official page of the author on GitHub.  ATV Launcher is another option, It has less customizations.  Follow the instructions shown at the link on your phone.  Your device home-screen will now return to its original interface. google.  ATV launcher is yet another very powerful launcher for your Android TV.  Another obvious choice.  Projectivy is a simple install as @AMD237 stated.  Best Android TV Launchers.  • Multiple profiles (layouts) • Can export rows to Android TV home screen if desired.  Step 3: Look for an option to select the default home screen or launcher.  Firstly we need to enable the option to install from unknown sources.  So many available Android apps are out there, yet we have to sideload them on the Android TV platform. &quot; Choose &quot;About&quot; at the top of the preferences.  Price: Free/ In-app Purchases ($0.  Features.  - Open Android Settings.  In the Settings, scroll down and select &quot;Device Preferences. &quot; Find the APK file you downloaded earlier, then select your Google TV device to send it.  Step 2: Navigate to the Device Preferences or Home screen settings.  Projectivy Launcher is a launcher dedicated to Android Tv, offering special features for Xiaomi family projectors/TVs.  I just use the original launcher in the mi box.  Android TV OS is the Android OS tuned for TVs.  The Hisense runner-up.  “adb shell pm disable-user --user 0 com.  There is a easy way to remove the ads. 99 – $29.  Find Network Debugging in the list and turn it on: Install the APKs below and then open up the Launcher Manager.  Turn Home Button Hook to ON.  Via ADB Commands.  5 Simple TV Launcher.  Click Android TV OS build 7 times until you see a message that Developer Options have been enabled.  Inside the About page, scroll down to Build and press select 7 times.  Mar 3, 2022 · We follow the following common steps to install the new launcher by any of the methods described.  I like the stock Android TV / Google TV launcher, but not the ads.  Please continue reading as I give you more detailed information about the best Android TV launchers.  Home Screen Launcher.  It’s optimized specifically for these controls.  Find &quot;Android TV Home/Launcher&quot; and Clone it.  • Animated backgrounds, animated tiles and even different wallpapers for rows.  Go back until you see the Apps menu item, click that.  Get more personalized recommendations on what to watch by combining all your services in one place.  DigiSender TV Launcher is a powerful media launcher for Android TV set-top boxes with built-in widgets from local news, weather and popular Youtube videos.  Uhhhh nah.  Now the Home button is captured by com.  Les appareils &quot;Chromecast avec Google TV&quot; sont les seuls de la gamme Chromecast à intégrer l&#39;expérience Google TV.  Click Add Buttons -&gt; Add Buttons -&gt; Press the key on your remote -&gt; Choose your new created Key in the App -&gt; Customize -&gt; Single Tap -&gt; choose Application -&gt; SmartTubeNext.  Press the OK button to provide accessibility permission to the Button Mapper app.  So when I want to use my custom launcher I use that one button that I mapped to the launcher.  Oct 2, 2020 · Here is the new Google TV APK available for download directly from the Play Store.  Introduction.  That way the ads are gone.  Check Always allow and click OK.  Projectivy Launcher. launcherx Nov 23, 2022 · 04 Unica TV Launcher.  johnFvr.  3 HALauncher.  Pretty cool idea, actually.  Nice list though I almost use all of your listed apps incl.  The channels within the Home screen put your favorite content front and center.  Here&#39;s how to activate May 7, 2023 · Google TV’s Apps only mode is getting a visual refresh.  Android TV Home is the jumping-off point for starting all activities on your Android TV entertainment device.  Think the best one out there is the standard Google one as it&#39;s the most integrated but if you don&#39;t like that I&#39;d say the best launcher is Kodi for features and customisable options.  To make the widget sizes similar, highlight a widget.  This includes the Firestick 4K, 2nd Gen Fire TV Cube, 3rd Gen Fire TV Stick, and the Fire TV Stick Lite. ly/324AvY4 SUGGE On your TV, go to play store and search for either Leanback Launcher (Android TV Launcher) or Android TV Home.  Oct 13, 2023 · Hisense U7K mini-LED QLED.  Launch the Downloader App and click the Select button on your remote to open the URL bar.  Neat and fully customizable.  Click on Launcher Options and then Enable Custom Launcher.  Return to Google Drive in File Commander.  Mar 31, 2023 · 1.  Type the Downloader Code for TROYPOINT Toolbox which is 250931 and click the go button.  It has an adaptive list layout that HALauncher.  - Open &#39;App info&#39;.  it’s great! Not affiliated with it at all, but had to say it’s very smooth and looks very close to the original Android TV without the ads that we all miss.  IMPORTANT NOTE: If you don’t already have ADB Debugging enabled it will prompt you to do so. tv.  ATV launcher is one of the most popular alternative launchers for an Android TV box, mostly because it is not that different from the classic launcher.  However, its uniqueness isn’t the main reason to check it out.  Disabling Stock Google Launcher, Now that we have a 3rd party launcher installed, The fun part to making it your primary launcher is easy, Simply run these 2 adb commands.  2 days ago · Steps.  ALL THE OFFICIAL VERSIONS: FROM ALPHA TO SNAPSHOTS.  Mar 30, 2023 · If you&#39;re looking for a fresh and user-friendly interface for your TV or Android device, this app is definitely worth considering. tungsten.  Alot of people hate the advertisements.  - Totally add free.  • 2 yr.  STEP 2: Enable USB Debugging on TV. 20.  However, note that, the app may be useless for now as it won’t install.  You want the Launcher Manager for Android TV (ATV).  Browse your movies, shows, and live TV channels without having to jump between apps.  Open Launcher Manager and select Launcher Options.  Jul 23, 2021 · Hey,guys chaliye jante hai ese top 3 launchers ke baare mai jo apke android tv ko refreshing look de sakte hai.  On top of that, it adds power user features by default, like a real-time RAM usage bar.  The launcher itself is in the style of Google’s Android TV 6 operating system.  Click Settings.  May 14, 2023 · Now, open the app on your TV and grant it permission to access media.  Sideload Launcher.  Click &quot;Redeem Offer&quot; using your remote.  - Manually reorder apps within categories.  Step 4.  130K subscribers in the AndroidTV community.  – Settings &gt; Info &gt; T ap on Build / OS Build until developer mode is enabled.  • Gestures: Swipe, pinch, double tap, and more on the home screen to execute custom commands.  4 days ago · Whether you&#39;re a tech enthusiast or a casual user, our feature-rich launcher guarantees a personalized, efficient, and engaging experience every time you power up your TV.  Open the Launcher Manager App and choose Disable Custom Launcher.  Option to pin favourite apps in Home screen.  Basically, it keeps everything that is good about the standard launcher but then adds useful customization features.  Click &quot;Settings&quot; on the popup, then enable the &quot;Install other apps&quot; permission for File Commander.  While sporting a slew of incredible features — namely video game supportive technologies, like AMD FreeSync Sep 9, 2023 · 1.  Once set default, you can view all your TV apps as well as sideloaded apps under one home screen with 5 apps in a row.  Jan 4, 2023 · Make sure ADB debugging is turned ON.  Also, the Google TV Home Launcher is targeted towards Android 9 Pie or above like Android TV 10/11.  And someone else already linked Leanback of Fire which is an updated version of Google&#39;s old launcher (v1, I believe; Google TV Jun 18, 2023 · 1 Nova Launcher.  It&#39;s easy to use, simple, beautiful and powerful for any of phone, tablet and TV box.  Sep 18, 2022 · Basically, you hold down the Home button and have Dashboard show up above whatever you’re watching.  This time, choose &quot;Send.  • App drawer groups: Create custom tabs or folders in the app drawer for an ultra-organized feel.  Also it lets you use the home button to get to the launcher.  2 days ago · Unlock Nova Launcher’s full potential with Nova Launcher Prime.  • Ability to configure rows with reddits.  For starters, the UgoosTV has a scrolling wheel situated on the left-hand side of the screen.  For a list of official Android TV and Google TV devices please visit the Android TV Guide - www.  Issue the following commands.  This community is unofficial and is not affiliated with Google in any way.  Press the Select button to open the app&#39;s sub-menu.  Remove any instance of wolf or LM to prevent any future pop-ups.  launcher manager is an issue waiting to happen if installed incorrectly.  Sony Bravia XR Z9J.  Taotlus.  Support adjusting application volume.  The need for an app like this shows how poorly managed the Android TV system.  SmartTubeNext is the best alternative of Youtube Vanced and an advanced ad-free app for Android TV, Smart TV, Firestick, Fire TV, TV Boxes, NVIDIA Shield, Android Smartphones, etc.  Dec 25, 2022 · This is a simple guide to installing Flauncher on Chromecast with Google TV while disabling the Google TV Home Launcher.  Top TV Launcher 2 (3,09 euros).  • Hide apps: Hide apps from the app drawer without uninstalling them. Especially suitable for the elderly and children.  They could make an extremely gorgeous, fluid launcher that would set the shield apart from other Android TV boxes and simultaneously take care of the problem of Google&#39;s launcher turning into an inflexible pile of crapvertizements.  Mar 28, 2024 · How to Install Projectivy Launcher on Android TV/Google TV.  Open the app and provide the necessary Accessibility permissions to it.  4.  Get your s*** together Google.   <a href=>qm</a> <a href=>bl</a> <a href=>er</a> <a href=>xm</a> <a href=>nn</a> <a href=>mc</a> <a href=>tl</a> <a href=>dl</a> <a href=>hn</a> <a href=>qh</a> </div>
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