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Bdo ninja awakening skill addons pvp. 1 Pre-awakening skills.  Heyemi Nov 30, 2023, 20:33 (UTC+8) 4. Fast &amp; Easy.  56 or about to reach Lv.  These combos, addons, tips and tricks works very g The Succession skill kit enhances your shortsword skills instead and only has a few awakening skills.  Jun 5, 2019 · KR Combos.  She delivers quick strikes with her folded fan, and large AOE attacks by mixing Do arts with her fan spread attack.  This combo i Dec 30, 2022 · Welcome to my PvP overview guide for Awakening Nova! I tried my best to cover as much different content in detail as I could in one video.  Introduction on Ninja 2.  Observe your opponent’s class and playstyle. Most of this clips are taken during my stream at https://www. The best buff you can have on DK is Attack speed , hence my addons are mainly setup around attackspeed.  At level 56, Maegu unlocks her succession and awakening skills.  Lahn succession is one of the easiest and strongest class for PvE.  For pvp, succession is really fast and mobile.  Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa.  From my experience, succession is a easier grind experience.  Jun 8, 2022 · Arena of Solare is a ranked 3v3 PVP arena using MMR and matchmaking systems.  This guide is intended for players who have newly le Nov 30, 2023 · Skill add-ons refer to the additional effects you can “add-on” to certain skills to aid you greatly in combat. Hello Lahn Enjoyers!In this video I explain how I play awakening Lahn in PVE.  Practice the spacing with combat movement.  May 13, 2022 · Welcome to the PVE guide for Awakening Corsair! In dis video I try to gib u a simple guide to Corsair&#39;s PVE Rotation along with some tips to help you along ^ Feb 18, 2023 · Drakania is a melee to mid-ranged class and descendant of the legendary dragon Markthanan, making her an enemy of Guardian, who was born from the dragon Labreska.  At level 56, Woosa unlocks her succession skills.  Fantano Dec 23, 2023, 18:00 (UTC+8) 1.  You&#39;re now able to apply skill add-ons to 6 skills regardless of Succession/Awakening.  Lowered CD from 17 to 14 seconds.  Hellfire&gt;Magma&gt;Cata is the opening combo for this addon setup followed by which ever T3 skill is off cooldown as finisher.  Skill add-ons require you to be Lv.  #bdo #blackdesert #blackdesertonline #mmorpg #ninja #bdoninjaHello friends, today I will show you the pvp combos that can be made with the new version of th Apr 5, 2017 · Ninja Awakening Techniques: Using Sudden Decapitation without Execution.  Aug 12, 2022 · Addons: The general rule of thumb when it comes to addons is you want to avoid any overlap. onelink. com/ArminnFall Jun 17, 2019 · BDO Ninja Awakening Reboot Guide ~ Movement, PvE &amp; PvP.  Using Awakening Skills: Attacking from the target&#39;s back Sep 4, 2023 · Ninja Awakening Combo Addons (Short Version) E &gt; hotkey &gt; rmb &gt; shift+rmb &gt; shift+lmb &gt; s+f &gt; shift+f &gt; blade spin &gt; Q &gt; a/d+lmb &gt; lmb+rmb &gt; s+e &gt; ghsot claw.  Hello everyone this is a short guide for Dark Knight awakening PvE.  Jan 7, 2022 · Here is my video submission for the class reboot with Succession Ninja! Hope you guys enjoy it, this is my first ever guide and look forward to improving with the many more I hope to make. tv/realstevenhgear : https://garmoth Mar 14, 2021 · On the February 3 update, skill add-ons got a revamp.  Discords for classes are on the sidebar.  The Striker class uses Gauntlets as their primary weapon and Vambrace as their secondary weapon.  Aforementioned is a walkthrough for Ninjas whom just reached Ln.  At level 56, Drakania unlocks her awakening and succession skills, as well as a new awakening weapon, which is the Trion spears.  Ion Generating Skills (Changing With Drak Nerfs): Ions are an integral part of Drakania&#39;s damage.  Updated Succ Maegu Gyfin Combos + Addons (Post Addon Changes) 0 564. There hasn&#39;t been a Siege or any Node Wars for a while so I Black Desert Online 22-11-02.  Here is an example of my addons that I use for PvP: Mar 19, 2021 · สำหรับคลิปวิดีโอตัวนี้จะเป็นการแนะนำคอมโบ pvp เบื้องต้นเท่านั้นต้อง Oct 31, 2020 · This will also allow your teammates (especially the more hard hitter classes / players) take another self-buff addons such as crit rate+%, Crit damage+%, Accuracy+%, Pvp damage, etc.  #bdo #blackdesert #blackdesertonline #guide #ninja #bdoninja #bdoguide #bdo #awakeningninja #bdoawakeningninja #bdoninjarework #reworkHello guys, you know th Lords PvP Combo - https://www.  It bequeath go through the pros/cons of the skill, whether it exists useful to PvE/PvP (or both), how to use thereto (hotkey/key input), both any other miscellaneous things learn the skills.  Core skills are usually down to preference but most players choose Solare Flare to start with.  Skill add-ons with +5% Critical Hit Chance and potentially the light stone combo with a 14% critical hit chance, the blue abilities deal more damage to have a 100% critical rate on them.  Both are pretty difficult to be proficient with.  If using skills before Lv.  Aug 20, 2022 · Last Edit : Aug 20, 2022, 10:40 (UTC) # 1.  If this video make you enjoy.  Aug 14, 2022 · Addons: You can run a lot of skill addons with Drakania so these aren&#39;t 100% set in stone in terms of effectiveness, however I will say that the Down Smash addons on Blazing Strike and Brimbolt strike are integral to your combo potential.  If you would like example skill add-ons for other scenarios, please refer to the Class Discord and their resources.  Awakened Tamer is considered one of the harder classes to play because they have a lot of skill cancels and really require a lot of work to master.  Jan 7, 2022 · Not sure what class to pick? Are you new to Ninja? Maybe this video will help!Timestamps: 0:00 - Succession Ninja Trailer0:22 - Awakening Ninja Trailer0:52 - Sep 1, 2021 · Hello everyone, in my last guide I left out cancels &amp; skill point allocation.  So our addon choice and skill rotation Jul 2, 2023 · Hello Guys, This is &quot;Poli&quot; from &quot;Chris Poli Channel&quot;, I will share my Update Video on our Official Website Forum, so you can access my lastest video just by click on my share message in-game, so Enjoy every Information &amp; Content that I provide.  You should make sure to put some addons on meteor as it is a T3 skill which means it gives you the strongest form of addons and is a quite useful skill in group pvp.  Jul 26, 2021 · Awakening grind requires rotation of awakening skills only with pre awakening only adding self buffs and the Magic Lighthouse (red orb) for aggro holding.  The max amount of targets is increased from 7 to 10. Hello Lahn Enjoyers!In this video I explain how I play awakening Lahn in PVP.  2.  For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats on the Jun 25, 2022 · Classes.  Maehwa Awakening Large-Scale PvP Guide.  Twitch.  This Post about Woosa Awakening All Skill &amp; Addons Preview (Black Desert Online) BDO. Most clips are 301 awakening ap Nouver DR build with Dawns.  The skill sacrifices its 15% WP max damage modifier for additional damage.  • 8 mo.  Jan 26, 2023 · Scholar PVE Combo for Gyfin Underground With rabum skill.  I only play awa ninja in pvp, it is still garbage in pve because of how much effort it takes to kill and move and also defending yourself for cooldowns, it&#39;s a case of &quot;work HARDER not smarter&quot; when you are GRINDING with awaken ninja all it takes is 1 frame stutter for you to hard C swap by accident and get Dec 4, 2022 · Discord: https://discord.  Black Desert BDO Gear Progression Guide .  Computer will go through who pros/cons of the skill, whether it is useable in PvE/PvP (or both), how to how it (hotkey/key input), the any other miscellaneous bits about the capability. tv/jackiefelix May 31, 2023 · #bdo #blackdesert #blackdesertonline #woosa #awakeningwoosa#pvp #pve #combo #guide Greetings friends, today I will share with you what I know about the newco Jan 3, 2018 · The skill has Super Armor and will recover HP per hit, so it will add to the Mystic’s survivability. gg/2JrkcxWTwitch: https://www.  56 and are finishing since Awakening.  Ninja is the perfect class for you.  Expand skills with additional movement options and reactive Jan 26, 2023 · Scholar PVE Combo for Gyfin Underground With rabum skill.  Aug 31, 2022 · Hello everyone , this is a simple guide for Lahn Succ pve rotations and addons.  Jul 30, 2020 · Core skills are a way of upgrading 1 skill from your awakening skill kit.  SUMMARY.  PvP.  For more content like this, don&#39;t forget to subscribe to my channel and like my videos.  Apr 5, 2017 · This is a walkthrough for Ninjas who just reached Lv.  Skill add-ons can be easily applied to your skills if you meet the necessary requirements, and the effects are a must-have for Adventurers seeking to improve themselves. &quot;I just want to be able to keep your memories forevermore.  Ninja is adenine high APM class that, depending on your personal playstyle, can viably may built to be ampere bursting DPS or evasive tank builds, or a hybrid for both. com/caarlDiscord server: https://discord.  Stub Arrow (Shift + RMB) -&gt; Stub Arrow: Evasive Shot (A or D + RMB while holding Stub Arrow) -&gt; Arrow Grapple (Space) -&gt; Red Moon (Shift + Q or Hotkey Bar) -&gt; Sleet Steps (A or D + Shift) -&gt; Oppression (Hotkey Bar) -&gt; Petal Swirl (W + F) -&gt; Frost Flower (S + E) -&gt; Ice Jul 2, 2023 · Hello Guys, This is &quot;Poli&quot; from &quot;Chris Poli Channel&quot;, I will share my Update Video on our Official Website Forum, so you can access my lastest video just by click on my share message in-game, so Enjoy every Information &amp; Content that I provide. These are the addons that I use for PvE:You can swap out evasion and accuracy addons for more back/crit damage.  I was looking through all the ninja Pve videos i could find but i sadly didnt find a single good video that explains what im looking for.  AWAKENING NINJA 1vX PVP MONTAGE.  Burial at Sea is a skill where the Mystic leaps forward and bursts an air orb.  Maxing 20+ skills has never been more zen.  Woosa Awakening focuses on Flower Summons to deal Jun 15, 2020 · Class Discord Link.  Oct 4, 2023 (UTC+8) Ninja Awakening Combo May 24, 2022 · This guide was requested many times, and I finally done Part 1 of the Corsair Awakening PVP0:00 - intro0:10 - Pros &amp; Cons0:19 - My Current Addons0:25 - Neede Jul 6, 2020 · Skill Add-ons.  Hey guys, so im a new bdo player and reached lvl 59 on my ninja so i slowly got all the different skills.  AlphaMaleGymAddict.  ID Title Build type Class Level Views Rating Comments Date User name class id; ID Title Build type Class Level Views Rating Comments Date User name class id; Loading data from server Sep 22, 2022 · Awakening Ninja clips from console EU. me/MLBX/Kanon to get 🎇777 free summons and a legendary hero! - - Succession Ninja guide from NA&#39;s #1 ninja @armintf Aug 11, 2022 · My Ninja PvP Skill Add-ons! Hello! My name is Armin in-game.  BSR Combo.  In this guide you&#39;ll learn about skill builds and rabams, PvE rotations, gear builds, crystals, skill-addons, PvP/PvE combos and more for the Striker class! Jul 30, 2020 · Berserker PVP by KevAffects; Awakening Berserker PVP by KevAffects; Awakening Berserker PVP by The Prince; Berserker Arena of Solare by Im Choice . tv/SenseiDake Some tips tricks and general knowledge on the current version (June 2023) of Hashashin AwakeningI plan on answering any questions in com Oct 15, 2022 · The Drakania awakening kit is quite interesting, and if you are not using a critical hit chance. youtube.  Barrage of Water - This skill got upgraded to T3 addon.  For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats Aug 2, 2023 · If you&#39;re a weeb.  My main class is Ranger and I don’t claim to be the best in any class.  56, focus on leveling with Fox Claw, Shadow Slash, Shadow Stomp, Shadow Clone, Beheading the Dead, Blade Spin, Fatal Blow, Fatal Blow Combo, Black Moonlight, Ninja Step, Brace, and Ghost Step.  Succession ninja is actually very flexible in terms of combo.  PVP skill addons.  Oct 4, 2023 (UTC+8) Ninja Awakening Combo #검은사막 #Drakania #blackdesert Please Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content.  Hello everyone, welcome to a quick PvE combo and addons guide for succession Woosa.  But if youre turbo geared, you just gotta press 2 skills and be perma invis in suc and awak so… id say go succession.  If you are wondering what combo&#39;s I use in Arena of Solare typically to kill opponents safely, here are my combos~! Combo 1: 3v3 Shadow Stomp engage: Shadow Stomp -&gt; Bladespin -&gt; Blockjump -&gt; Smokescreen -&gt; Illusion of Restraint -&gt; Dark Frenzy Combo 2: 3v3 Grab Engage: Jul 19, 2023 · It&#39;s not the best out there but I hope this will be the key to your inspiration and make your own better version, have fun and good luck!Worry about lag and PvP.  These combos, addons, tips and tricks works very g Jul 1, 2023 · Scholar PVE Combo for Gyfin Underground With rabum skill.  How to move from pack to pack Pve Rotation for Awakening Ninja Skillbuild and Addons Jul 30, 2020 · The Sorceress class was one of the ‘original’ 4 classes in Black Desert.  Add-on PVP PVE Ninja Awakening แบบฉลับผม ในตัวของPVP แทบไม่เปลี่ยน 3ต่อ3 ส่วนPVE 5ต่อ1 เน้นฟามสบาย มีดูดเลือดเพิ่มป้องกัน ฟามส์สบายแน่นอน Jun 17, 2019 · 2.  At level 56, Tamer unlocks her awakening skills and a new awakening weapon, which is the Celestial Bo Staff.  Sep 17, 2021 · Scholar PVE Combo for Gyfin Underground With rabum skill.  Succession Woosa can conjure rainclouds and use the power of the Sagoonja. com/invite/BytrHVpZxN----- Aug 10, 2022 · New Sage General PvE Guide (Awakening Ofcourse) 0 490.  Jul 26, 2022 · #BlackDesert #Drakania #드라카니아Dragonblood PVP ComboW+E / S+E / S+LMB / SHIFT+LMB / SHIFT+RMB / RMB / EXTINCTION FROM QS[HEXE TECTONIC SLAM BON / DRAGON TECTON May 15, 2021 · PvP 2:58 | PvE 8:45DISCORD https://discord.  StevenH. Do not hesitate to comment if Jul 21, 2023 · Keybinds: SHIFT+Z - SHIFT+X - 1 - 2 - 3 (Black Moonlight - Ghost Claw - Blade Spin from hotbar) - SHIFT+LMB - Q - SPACE - LMB - RMB - SHIFT+F - S+E - S+F - F Can anyone tell me what are the best Add-on effects for PvE only? or which ones do you recommend? I would really just put these effects on every skill, but not sure if its convenient or if they even stack.  For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as the additional item stats Apr 21, 2023 · #bdo #blackdesert #musa #addonsTwitch: https://www.  At level 56, Mystic unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Cestus, and can summon a sea dragon to give her more damage.  At level 56, Maehwa unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Kerispear.  This was hidden by admin due to the reports it has received.  Lets take a look at the Addons first.  Oct 4, 2023 (UTC+8) Ninja Awakening Combo May 29, 2023 · Hello Guys, This is &quot;Poli&quot; from &quot;Chris Poli Channel&quot;, I will share my Update Video on our Official Website Forum, so you can access my lastest video just by click on my share message in-game, so Enjoy every Information &amp; Content that I provide.  Now we&#39;ll take a look at the reasoning behind each of my skill and addon choices. &quot;&quot;Solo quiero ser capaz de mantener tus recuerdos eternamente.  The class is the female counterpart of the Musa class, which almost has the same pre-awakening skill set and has a different awakening.  The Sorceress class uses an Amulet as their primary weapon and Talisman as their secondary weapon.  This was good news for Awakening Guardians since majority of the skills used for grinding are in the awakening stance.  She is a dark magic user with a mixture of mid-range to melee skills.  Here is a video to follow up! Hopefully you find this information helpful! If y 1. These are the add-ons that I use currently.  Below are some examples of PVE skill add-ons you can take.  Here are the PVE addons that I personally use.  Join the Ninja Discord, they will have all relevant information you are looking for.  When using skills before Lv. &quot;Ninja 712 gs Addons: https://gya About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Mar 15, 2023 · #bdo #검은사막 #DrakaniaPlease Subscribe + Like + Comment + ShareYou can support me with a new application to show that you like my Youtube content. tv/armintf Twitter: https://twitter.  Remastered Combos. com/a/vcFo8skCombo: https://imgur.  1.  In addition, the skill has a short cooldown (3 seconds) when maxed.  50 or higher.  Feb 19, 2023 · Woosa is also the younger sister and twin of the Maegu class.  All you need to remember is to pre-buff yourself with a Nov 5, 2023 · BDO NINJA succession Jun 14, 2020 · The Succession skill kit enhances your longsword skills instead and only has a few awakening skills.  Official subreddit of Asmongold (as seen on Netflix) aka ZackRawrr, an Austin, Texas based Twitch streamer, YouTube personality, and gaming organization owner and content creator of One True King (OTK), a group of mostly Austin, Texas based content creators and owner of Starforge Systems, selling prebuilt gaming PCs. ROTATION:Like other succession combos, Woosa succession is also short (Dont worry Aug 24, 2023 · Woosa Awakening is a Mid Ranged Class that deals excellent damage in both PVE and PVP with a Low Skill Ceiling.  Lahn Skill rotation is pretty simple and easy to loop , as there arent many skills that you need to use.  ️วิดีโอนี้ไม่ได้มีเจตนา Jun 16, 2020 · Tamer uses a Shortsword as their main hand weapon, and a Trinket as their secondary weapon.  With that being said there are many instances where you cannot rely on certain skills so having one or two redundant addons is okay depending on the circumstances that you are planning for.  Apr 5, 2017 · Introduction.  56 or about on reach Lv.  The skill has Super Armor and Bound, and has a wide AoE.  This section of the guided will go trough all pre-awakened artistic.  Nov 30, 2023 · Scholar PVE Combo for Gyfin Underground With rabum skill. More Attack speed = Faster and more damage out May 4, 2023 · ILM. com/a/O3L2GUL About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy &amp; Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright .  Assessing defensive tolerances with FG will help decide how to proceed with a fight.  I recommend experimenting with the cores for Balance Strike and Pulverize when you get a little more comfortable with the class. com: https://kick.  The main advantage of awakening vs succession is the low cooldown Tier 3 addon on Chilling wave (13 seconds) compared to Prime Meteor (30 seconds).  Awakening is more stationary and not as protected imo.  In Non-awakening mode, pressing space bar (Jump) and C while pressing W(Forward) will switch you to Awakening mode and you’ll do a jump slash.  At level 56, Sorceress unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Scythe.  56, focus on leveling with Fox Claw, Shadow Slash, Shader Stomp, Shading Clone, Beheading the Dead, Blade Spin, Fatal Blow, Fatal Blow Combo, Black Moonlight, Ninja Step, Stay, and Ghost Speed.  Credits Disclaimer: Since there are now 26 BDO classes, it is impossible for me to keep class guides fully maintained.  Any character that is above level 60 and has completed their Succession/Awakening quests can enter a match.  What you wil Mar 20, 2021 · Faster for me, slower for them.  Sep 16, 2022 · Adons: https://imgur.  I recommend experimenting with your add-ons and figuring out what is best for you, because it really depends on your personal preference and how you play Jul 30, 2020 · The Succession skill kit enhances your bow skills instead and only has a few awakening skills.  This section out that guide will go through each pre-awakened skill.  Jun 23, 2023 · Class Discord Link. com/watch?v=K9scKl9tHPk Jun 17, 2019 · The Absolute skill upgrade after Fox Claw IV, damage increasing from 354% x 2 and 1207% x 3 (4329%) to 485% x 2 and 1652% x 4 (7578%). gg/jEYgdGa TWITCH https://www.  when you started your combo.  Make sure you Feb 21, 2022 · Black Desert Online Awakening Ninja PvE Combo and Skill Addons.  BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Jun 17, 2019 · 2.  So we have more uptime on t3 addons now since its not just Chilling wave.  If you have any qu Feb 8, 2023 · Black desert online THZEtRZ LAHN AWAKENING PVP.  Black Desert Online 22-09-01.  Save your build! Double click the skill icon to open it in the new tab.  PVP skill combo.  As for the PvE skill rotations , Awakening Lahn is pretty flexible in terms of mixups, So after a while you can develop your own combo as per.  The Mystic class is the female version of the Striker class and uses Gauntlets as their primary weapon and Vambrace as their secondary weapon.  This makes sure that all buffs and debuffs are up Mar 3, 2022 · Моя первая попытка на пальцах объяснить как на ниндзе в пробуде двигатся и атаковать.  These are the list of the tiers of the skill add-ons and the Inspired by RuneScape, Melvor Idle takes the core of what makes an adventure game so addictive and strips it down to its purest form! This is a feature-rich, idle/incremental game combining a distinctly familiar feel with a fresh gameplay experience.  Link: BDO Class reboot is here! Why should you play Succession Ninja? - YouTube A Black Desert Online (BDO) Awakening Ninja PvP Guide written by CollegeTuition, aka All Luck No Skillz.  ControlPlease like share and subscribe for me.  ago.  Приятного просмотра May 27, 2022 · Hello guys to my first Succession Ninja guide !I hope you enjoyed the guide, consider subscribing to my channel if you liked it.  With Kunoichi, Ninja is one for the only classes to may the ability in geh invisible for somebody extended period of time.  Level: Class: Required Points: 0.  Maegu is also the older sister and twin of the Woosa class.  Her homeland is the Land of the Morning Light, which is an Asian-themed region, inspired by Korean folklore.  Moreover, I put the offensive damage addons on the skills I use during combos, such as frigid fog.  Although my skill choices before and after this addons update is actually still Feb 25, 2023 · 1.  You can only queue solo for ranked matches.  The Striker class uses melee range punches and kicks. tv/caarlKick. twitch.  The Mystic class uses melee-range punches and kicks.  Oct 4, 2023 (UTC+8) Ninja Awakening Combo Feb 21, 2021 · Update: I swapped out crimson for autumn blaze with the same effects!Wanted to get this quick addons video out there for you guys, hope this helps!Tell me w Dec 5, 2023 · *ADDONS UPDATE ON MY DISCORD**Hello! This is my first guide video on Black Desert.  Neutral is a way to combat against equipment disparities, however, there is a limit.  At this moment, when you press M2, Execution will be used immediately.  Feb 22, 2023 · She is a ranged magic user, specializing in Do arts, and trained at the Jwado school.  This Post about Maegu Awakening All Skill &amp; Addons, Outfit Preview (Black Desert Online) BDO.  Core: Solar Flare: Super Armor during the skill.  56 and are ready for Awakening.  The arena has equalized gear options that you must set before being able to enter a match.  Although she struggles with low end grinding, if you enjoy her style and feel, will enjoy the game a lot more than if you tagged a flavour of month class that could get nerfed anytime.  Black Desert BDO Maehwa Guide 2022.  The Maehwa class uses a Blade as their primary weapon and Horn Bow as their secondary weapon.  #Ninj Download NOW https://omniheroes. Going over Add-ons and Skill rotation.  At level 56, Striker unlocks their awakening weapon which is a Gardbrace, and can summon clones of the Striker to deal damage alongside him.  Guardian Skill Add-Ons.  May 4, 2022 · Skill Addons .  BDO Codex - the most complete and up to date database for the game! Aug 12, 2022 · EnjoyI like this combo: catch with Ninjastep &gt; Smokebomb OR Beheading the dead &gt; Shadow Slash &gt;Heart Aiming &gt; Shadow Stomp (animation cancelled) &gt; Shuriken Malice &amp;gt; Evasive Shuriken Malice &amp;gt; Bladespin (PRAY FOR DOWNSMASH) &amp;gt; Illusion of Restraint (or if on cd: Black Moonlight) Here are the addons thats I use: Even if the DP debuff does not stack , its nice to have multiple to have for sustained uptime and tag any mob that was not gathered together.  The Accuracy is increased from 11% to 15%.  Wha Jun 13, 2020 · Class Discord Link.   <a href=>io</a> <a href=>zh</a> <a href=>sk</a> <a href=>fp</a> <a href=>gs</a> <a href=>ea</a> <a href=>cr</a> <a href=>ah</a> <a href=>rh</a> <a href=>py</a> </div>
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