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<h1><span class="notranslate">Avengers meet future peter fanfiction</span><span></span></h1>

<span class="main-info__teaser teaser">Avengers meet future peter fanfiction.  Peter Parker Meets The Avengers By: arabellagaleotti.  &quot;Stark I did not come here so you could waste my time,&quot; Called Clint.  30.  Flash grabbed his arms, helping Peter stay upright.  Clint Barton &amp; Original Female Character (s) Jane Foster/Thor.  Rhodey is tired of Tony's shit.  Cat's in the Cradle By: Mrs-N-Uzumaki.  Peter goes back in time to try to fix the events of the snap, &#224; la suite de Tony Stark.  &quot;Hurry up already!&quot; Loki glared up from his menu.  Full summary inside! T for language and violence.  Summary: Peter is bullied by Flash and his goons and even the teachers, because he said he has a Stark internship.  The guy went flying down and landed on top of the other unconscious man. He felt somebody run their hands … One-shots of the Avenger's life. E.  Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov.  Hawkeye peered into the one-way mirror before letting out a laugh.  That he wouldn't come home.  arguing! Peter Park Meets Steve Rogers.  It was a small beautiful ceremony in the field next to the river by the newly built Avengers Compound.  Tony came inside.  His shoulder sent another painfully throb speeding up his arm.  They suspect it was Hydra, but they can't find any trace of him, in any of the places they looked.  &quot;No way,&quot; Micah said, pushing his way to the front to stare at the new-and-improved equation on the whiteboard.  Even when he tries to, people always find out because he forgets to clean up evidence and has a horrible blank face, so when his friends and family start to notice that he's hanging out less, they call a family meeting without Peter of course.  &quot;Well he's having fun.  Peter says, not unkindly, and looks up for a second to make sure there wasn't anyone else with her.  Their latest hiccup in the timeline: one Steve Rogers, who keeps trying to stay in the 1940s instead of return After Infinity War, Steve calls Pepper.  Spider-Man AKA Peter Parker usually follows his own path, but that hasn't stopped him from teaming up with The Avengers a few times.  Pepper shot Tony an angry glance.  Abandoned, unloved and angry.  We love all the Avengers.  After The Snap, The OG 6 are decimated, except for Bruce.  The avengers are powerless to help as the watch HYDRA's The Next Avengers - The Legend (MCU) by Ninjaboy13779546 reviews.  The Republic has fallen, and the Jedi were slaughtered but some survived.  &quot;Peter Parker, meet Pepper Potts.  Pretty much what the title says. &quot; &quot;Peter told me about your mother.  Mostly during Ep.  Once in Tony's lab, they find an album of video clips and voicemails of a boy called Peter Parker.  Rated T, just in case! Crossover - Percy Jackson and the Olympians &amp; Avengers - Rated: T .  Avengers and Loki crossover fanfiction archive with over 15 stories.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Supernatural/Tragedy - Black Widow/Natasha R.  Peter never thought his Saturday would end with an actual princess in his apartment, but sometimes, you just have to roll with it.  But then he gets kidnapped by someone from his past and the other avengers go to rescue him, and … Peter and Michelle got married when Morgan is 12.  Together, the New Avengers watched as the black and sleek Quinjet landed before them.  Peter Parker meets the Avengerrrrs Chapter 1: yoink waiting, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction.  She and several of the Avengers get introduced to the Spider-verse and meet a few of Peter's 'family'.  Help me find an Avengers meet Peter Parker fanfic please.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Drama - Captain America/Steve R.  That there would be a day that he'd go out on patrol, stop a robbery, be in the absolute wrong damn place at the wrong damn time…. &quot; Ned bit his lip, not convinced.  &quot;A evil version of me.  They uncover the truth, about Fisk, and some secret identities.  There is no way that this little boy is Tony Stark from when he was six years old.  When the present meets their future. &quot; Tony whispered looking at her as the Rogues began to walk out, his body was tense and his back was as straight as a … The ground rocked harder, and Bruce lost his hold, green creeping up his arm, and becoming so strong the table crumpled under his weight.  hulk.  How to Train Your Dragon and Avengers crossover fanfiction archive with over 26 stories.  Peter Parker has no idea that Harley Keener is coming to New York. &quot; Peter nodded, &quot;nice meeting you Bruce, but I need to go.  Peter asks Natasha for a very complicated favor, that has to do with another Spider-kid. 2K 686 449.  Hands pushed him down.  Fanfiction.  Peter was standing in some living room in Tony's house at the … avengers meet future Peter Parker; Future!Peter - Freeform; This is a petty fic; I read a fic where avengers meet future peter; but it never updated; so this is my take on future … Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor - Words: 1,047 - Reviews: 31 - Favs: 321 - Follows: 295 - Published: Oct 7, 2018 - id: 13086873.  Peter was becoming quite the mystery! The door opened, revealing Pepper and Morgan, Morgan on her Stark Pad because Pepper had brought her along to the meeting.  He meets him on a dreaded field trip to Stark Tower, finds out they're going to live together, and everything changes.  Meanwhile Peter's struggling with the loneliness of his hero life and the guilt of his Peter was 10, abused, neglected, severely malnourished, incredibly traumatized locked in the basement.  Years later, with a new found hope and with the help of some files Tony made for possible recruits, Peter Parker and James Rogers assemble a forceor more like a group of crazy teens, to help bring everyone back.  This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! Movies Avengers.  Tony patted Peter on the back.  It was part of the reason he was considering it, legacy.  Well, kinda.  The quicker everyone is moved to Avengers tower, the safer Fury would feel.  Ned was Peter's best man and May was Michelle's maid of honor.  Between the workload of SI, Shield, the Avengers, and his own personal projects, Tony was getting behind on sleep. &quot; (In which, Peter has blossomed something in Movies Avengers.  &quot;Oh, come on Pep! It was just one meeting!&quot; She held her glare, but it faltered when she noticed the Avengers standing behind Tony.  Forget Your Past and Embrace Your Future By: Dean'sNerdyAngel.  Everyone … Just A Peter Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. &quot; &quot;Thanks, Ryo made it. &quot; Spider-Man 1 stated. /MJ, Eddie B.  &quot;My name is Morgan, and I think you're my brother.  The Aftermath By: Hard-headed-woman.  &quot;This place needs a new DJ,&quot; Tony stated plainly.  Waking up in a hero's body is one thing, being a hero is another.  Language: English Words: 43,086 Chapters: 13 Movies Avengers.  640K 15.  Curt Connors: Come on! [Peter 3 grabs the anti-collider and tries to gain some distance, but the Lizard pins him down mercilessly.  Hope van Dyne was adding the final touches to the Quantum Tunnel with Scott Lang watching her when the two disappeared in a flash of light.  -The Avengers (including Tony) doesn't know that Peter's spider man.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort Peter Parker and Harley Keener meet and so there relationship of brotherhood starts.  I Swear I Don't Know Him! by ReadsForLife reviews. , Harley K.  Knows that Flash might be the same as Tony Stark at 16.  After a few hours of getting the large crowd from the abondoned factory, to a SHIELD location, Fury had everyone sitting in a large room with a screen set up and ready to get things moving.  Loki is finally able to write his own ending and be the good guy for a change.  Ba-&quot; &quot;Call me Bruce.  Peter Parker existed.  There was something in May's eyes, something she wasn't telling him.  Stark.  Will they go all the way to space to get their team back and avenge the universe? Based on a prompt sent to me on tumblr: Could you write an avengers finally knowing who spider man is and going to meet him as Peter Parker but unfortunately on that very day Peter starts to develop his spidey sense and it's reacting to everything and anything because it's still new and developing, making for an interesting meeting.  We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  (Part-Time Sugar Baby too tbh) With a life that's been led through crime and violence, he now wants to keep Peter safe while he's busy with the Family.  He had vowed it the day his beautiful son was born and in his arms, breaths soft and eyes screwed shut.  Peter Parker Meets The Avengers (ao3) - arabellagaleotti G, 9k.  Another Peter Parker has a school trip to Stark Industries Fic.  &quot;It was nice meeting you Dr.  Rating due to language and the aforementioned uncomfortable situations.  She walked up to him, and slapped him … Peter Parker just lost his mom at the age of 14. &quot; Peter stood up quickly and made to shake Pepper's hand.  The warmth of the air, hum of conversation, and his full belly were starting to make his eyes droop.  - Chapters: 3 - Words: 3,302 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 8 - Updated: … BAMF Tony Stark.  Peter started recounting his day as they ate with Morgan laughing and encouraging him to continue, Tony remained quiet.  Peter Parker is Tony Stark's boyfriend.  Steve knew, and that meant that- since Peter hadn't been lying about his internship and getting to meet all the Avengers because of it- it was probably safe to assume that Tony also knew.  HYDRA had brought down SHIELD, Steve had taken down HYDRA.  A swift punch to his gut made Peter double over and cough.  He gets a crazy notion to protect the kid and will, as soon as he gets up the courage to meet him.  Peter didn't have much time to mourn her death, for that same night the Ms. Based on Episode 5 of WandaVision.  &quot;Are you sure this is safe?&quot; Peter asked, his hand unconsciously brushing up against his opposite hand's web-shooter.  Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 369 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 10 - Published: Oct 31, 2015. , Diana of Themyscira/Wonder Woman The Avengers Meet the Justice League by The tears began welling in Peter's eyes again as he felt his last few specks of hope being blown away.  I'm sure there are more of them.  He knew he would be leaving his loved ones.  La vie du petit gar&#231;on va brutalement changer.  Hey guys! So, here's a little series called … The Avengers meet Peter.  Inspired by Addams Family.  Kidnapped Peter Parker.  Also - please go to YouTube and check out the channel PJ’s Reads.  avengers meet future Peter Parker; Future!Peter - Freeform; This is a petty fic; I read a fic where avengers meet future peter Okay so if you didn't read the tags there was this fic on .  Fully using Peter's genius, the new Spider-man finds a balance between being a hero and a teenager.  Peter ignored the boy and instead asked Friday, &quot;Who is the stranger, Fri?&quot; The boy let out a slight huff, &quot; Hey I asked you first.  Takes 4 months after Marvel Future Avengers one of the residents. net that was about future peter meeting the Avengers and it hasn't updated in four years.  Crossover - Avengers &amp; Halo - Rated: T Soon, they will meet again.  some things really are the same everywhere, Spider-Man thought morosely, recalling how Norman, at the height of his power and influence, had sought to make Harry into his &quot;American Son&quot; so that he could have him killed on the front lines with the Dark Avengers to play the &quot;grieving father&quot; for sympathy points that would blind the … When a cargo ship is found in the Atlantic Ocean sunken by an unusual force, the Avengers find themselves investigating the power of the legendary King of the Monsters.  Pepper shot him a sidelong glance.  Lets get you a bottle mommy has so kindly gave us before she left. &quot; They all head into the base, as they make their way to … Karen plotted a map and notified Peter of any small crimes taking place along his route.  Then Cassie got to meet Peter's aunt … Peter says, not unkindly, and looks up for a second to make sure there wasn't anyone else with her. &quot; said Peter.  Oneshots about Peter in his life hanging out with the … We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.  It goes as well as you might expect.  Peter has really only read S.  The Avengers get news on a new vigilante in town, well, not really in town.  Pep, this is the kid.  But when an old enemy rises from the ashes, the Avengers learn there's more to Peter than they Movies Avengers.  (The version that is merged with carnage symbiote.  Peter Parker, Spider-Man, Kate Bishop, Hawkeye.  One day, her heart gave out on her.  Tony Stark felt the power of the collected Infinity Stones course through his body.  Amber Morgan, a Jedi Padawan, and Captain Rex.  5 Times an Avenger (or two) Looked Out For Peter (ao3) - Fangirl_Disaster G, 24k. &quot;Spider Gwen said.  Peter's P.  5 of WandaVision, post-X-Men: Apocalypse.  The entire Stark family is in here and before anyone says anything Tony is alive and Peter is kinda a Stark.  1st chapter is more of just a set up, but the whole story is written, so I will try to upload regularly.  Pepper took one of Tony's hands into one of her slim ones, her crimson nails stood out against the two hands.  Before I Knew You By: Cheryl W.  &quot;Uh, yeah, um…&quot;. &quot; It grew quiet.  Pre-Movie: Avengers (2012) Time Travelling Tony Stark.  In this story, Civil War never happened.  As Aunt May asked him how his day was, the two disappeared in a flash of light.  This is a collection of drabbles and one shots of Avengers (including Spider-Man) as family. &quot;He said with a smirk and he puts on his mask.  (I think) -There was that one scene where Peter got himself strangled by Flash or some bully, and the avengers worry about it and Peter worries about the avengers realising he had super Avengers and Venom crossover fanfiction archive with over 8 stories.  Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S.  Peter saw Loki seating in the couch silently with the Thor talking to the Avengers the moment he stepped on the living room of the Avengers tower and began squealing mentallyhe's as still as a rock.  Avengers.  82 - Favs: 201 - Follows: 191 - Updated: 4/29/2020 - Published: 12/16/2014 - [Spider-Man/Peter P.  He told me how she died, and how the Jackal wanted him to suffer for not saving her.  On the third anniversary of his death, the team is given chance to save him by going back in time to warn their younger selves.  The whisper was garbled, and Peter watched as a few tears dripped down the god's nose and softly plopped on the red and gold armor.  Peter closed his eyes and rested his head against his dad's arm.  Series of unrelated pieces in which Peter Parker meets the Avengers (or Rhodey or Ant-Man or someone like that).  - I.  The battle is over, and the war is won; but what happens after? There is more to Tony Stark than meets the eye, and his part in the battle affects more people than everyone seems to realize.  - I found that information that you were asking for.  While running away from the school bully Flash, Peter Parker takes cover in the closest building.  Strangerous, LaydeeLegs91, Freya332, BeScared, One_queer_fanfic_reader, GrandioseGay, DseaLXVI, kuraikuro, fangdori, Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Drama - Chapters: 12 - Words: 22,663 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 1 - Published: Aug 1, 2011 - Complete.  Bruce was … Avengers Team &amp; Peter Parker Masterlist.  &quot;Don't touch me,&quot; Loki hissed. &quot; He stands up.  Tony was wary of the idea at first, saying that he'd have to run it by Spider-Man first; but the boy was pretty excited with the idea of officially meeting the rest of his heroes and agreed immediately.  He was an X-Man.  Watch-it fic.  After he finished that, he had 4 other critical projects to do.  Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,569 - Reviews: 30 - Favs: 54 - Follows: 71 - Published: Jul 9, 2014.  &quot;What!&quot; &quot;What!&quot; Peter echoed, missing the full sync by a brief second.  Not a Kid Anymore By: Freckled Angel 11.  After three pieces Tony was looking for another flute of champagne.  &quot;You're right, Mr.  Loki and Sylvie are running the TVA together.  Just A Peter By: Capstar98.  Sora and Steve shrunk down back to the future just as the Stopza spell wore off.  Tony recruited Peter unbeknownst to the other Avengers to take him under his wing and keep him safe.  If only he knew what to call the fear clawing at him from the inside out.  She tells him that Tony was working on new and improved gear for them.  Chapter 1.  Established TS/JR, Tony/Rhodey.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Iron Man They decide to work together to get the Avengers home.  It wasn't even like it hurt that bad.  They all think it has something to do with trust, which is half right, but the truth is, Tony doesn't want the kid to find someone else he wants as his mentor.  He's never met his father.  For the worst two words he has ever had to say in his entire life. &quot; said Sora.  Chapter 4: Tony's secret part 2! Tony had walked with the android to the courtyard that Torrun had moments ago been only to stand in front of a memorial of the Iron man's face on it, placing his hand on the surface only for it to shine bright blue opening a secret stair way in the middle of the courtyard much to the … Summary- Quicksilver, Peter Maximoff, had settled into his life as a music teacher in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters fairly well.  Everyone is confused.  An icepick jammed through his temples.  &quot;Mmmmm&quot;, he hummed, and his eyes slipped closed.  A/N: the Avengers meet Peter in their day to day lives, not knowing who he is, but wishing they did because they'd die for him.  Otherwise_Notice6421.  The Spider By: I'mjusttryingtofindmyway.  That's about itRead to find out more Rated: Fiction K - English - Family - Iron Man/Tony S.  Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,564 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 26 - Published: Feb 15, 2018 - Complete.  Peter flinched as a piercing scream echoed out into the hallway.  Peter Parker is now an Avenger, the youngest Avenger at 17.  Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover. &quot; Peter muttered, fighting back the saliva pooling into his mouth over and over again.  by RelationshipSeeker.  A hot dog cart went flying through the air, crashing into the street.  He had pressed a gentle kiss against his baby’s head, looking on in sheer awe as the baby gurgled and squirmed and grabbed onto his clothes.  &quot;Shh, Shh, I know.  The tendril snatched a pie knife while its identical twin took a plate from the near pile.  A small noise of amazement escaped her.  It’s game night at the tower to bad Peter forgot and was dragged there by tony so the unsuspecting Peter … Peter Meets the Avengers.  Clint and Kate meet in an unlikely situation and sparks fly.  Tony sighed as he stared into the never-ending void of stars.  Steve Rogers &amp; Natasha Romanov Friendship.  Evans, the social worker, came to pick him up.  I know it was impossible because he already had a father, but I began to wonder about the future if- no WHEN - I began ruling the Earth.  &quot;And he uses a different last name for protection, of course.  Rated: T - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,317 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Published: Aug 4, 2013 - Kate B.  &quot;Peter.  Sort by: Hot.  And Tony instantly recognized this department.  &quot;Come on, Stark,&quot; Peter heard Thor mutter.  Pepper and Tony decide to leave the couple and show Ned to a spare room.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Avengers and Deadpool universe.  And what's this about a group bet about Peter and MJ! Wanda and Peter were already in tears, Wanda crying into Vision's chest.  He wouldn't lose another father figure.  Carol and Rhodey are besties.  The Rogue Avengers are back at the Tower, Peter runs into them and they question him … Avengers React To The Past, Present &amp; Future.  One he just so happened to know since the beginning of this whole mess.  ago.  But when an old enemy rises from the ashes, the Avengers learn there's more to Peter than they Forced to work on Bucky Barnes' cybernetic arm, Peter's cheerful demeanour is a stark contrast compared to the soldier's silence and menacing presence. , Linda L.  &quot;Men,&quot; Peggy says, &quot;come on, let's go. &quot; Tony sadly said. &quot; Peter felt him sigh, then seconds later, his hands in his No one could ever guess that The Avengers would fall to something known as The Peter Factor. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 4,893 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 136 - Follows: 76 - Published: Dec 24 Tony was going to be a better man.  Peter shot a few extra webs to keep them secure on the ground for encase they woke up.  But he was ready to storm out of the tower and find Peter if it was the last thing he did.  Kid Peter Parker.  The Next Avengers - The Legend (MCU) by Ninjaboy13779546 reviews.  Peter started squirming a bit before letting out a gusty, quiet cry.  But it felt best to just leave it for the time being.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Suspense/Family - Chapters: 2 - Words: 6,579 - Reviews: 29 - Favs: 371 Movies Avengers.  He might be injured but it was his duty to protect non-superheroes.  Nope, it was just her.  Avengers and Deadpool crossover fanfiction archive with over 21 stories.  Clint Barton &amp; Natasha Romanov.  Stark's arms to his sides.  They are brought to 2015, where they are reunited with Cap and meet the Avengers.  Parker, Gwen The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Thor: Ragnarok, Avengers; Infinity War, and &quot;Still it's nice that you made a suit for Peter.  Bruce groaned, his voice deepening and growing louder, until it was a booming growl.  Steve, Natasha, Rocket and Thor set out to Stark Tower.  Now, after the war is over, Tony Stark is dead.  Peter Parker &amp; Natasha Romanoff.  So.  Kind of an X-Men crossover.  &quot;I—I—I—&quot; &quot;Also I snooped around in your room for a bit. M said and fly away to the closest burger king. &quot; Wasp smiles at Ryo.  And dang, did the kid make it hard.  This is one shots and group chats of our favorite family having time together mostly ironwidow and spider son and of course there is something other things, other ships, what if, not only ironwidow and spider son , there is Stony, romanogers, winter iron, yada yada.  &quot;Come on, we don't have all day.  The elevator dinged and open.  Tony however rolled his eyes, &quot;Well bird brain your time will not Peter's attention snapped back to the man himself. avengers meet future Peter Parker has been made a synonym of Peter Parker Meets the Avengers.  Peter 3: [chased by the Lizard] I'll meet you at the top.  It was one of my days to head to Stark industries to … 4.  Peter met Tony's gaze.  Not that his classmates were meters from him or that there were reporters nearby holding eager cameras.  Characters: Tony Stark.  &quot;Dad, I'm back, and I remember everything.  Most of them will be centered around Peter Parker/Spider-Man but other Avengers will be there too.  She trailed off, noticing the look on his face.  His spider-sense tingled lightly up the back of his neck, and his masked eyes flittered about in confusion Anti-Sokovia Accords. /Hawkeye, Hawkeye/Clint B.  If only By: wolfypuppypiles.  As he approached the Tower, his phone began to ring, and Tony's face popped up on the HUD.  One that desperately needs a hero.  Avengers and Agent Carter crossover fanfiction archive with over 35 stories.  May and Ben never met and so when Ben died Peter went into foster care. &quot; Peter's past catches up to him in the form of an eleven-year-old girl.  Peter Parker's two best Avenger friends Carol Danvers and Natasha Romanov take it upon themselves to tease and embarrass him in front of the team for something that happened during a mission in deep space.  &quot;Incoming call from Tony Stark,&quot; Karen said.  Suddenly Peter banged his locker with his fist in frustration, resting his head on it in defeat with a small thud.  Okay, so here … Knowing and Changing the Future Chapter 1: Time Travel, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction. &quot; &quot;Well it's good to meet you, Peter,&quot; Steve says, shaking out of his stupor.  &quot;We helped your Spider-Man before with … Even I wanted to meet him.  Movies Avengers.  The rest of the avengers come back to the compound, and Tony's not too happy.  Everyone including your family will come back&quot; future Peter said and Clint frown &quot;you sure?&quot; Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant.  Only their sheer-will and determination will make them worthy opponents to face Godzilla in all of his glory.  the girl stutters before taking a deep breath.  When we accidentally traveled to their universe we kind of crashed her and Steve's wedding,&quot; Anthony explained.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Avengers Words: 8,139 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 13 - Follows: 10 - Published: 11/14/2023 - Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Loki, Lady Loki/The Varient - Complete.  Aqu&#237; nos gustar&#237;a mostrarte una descripci&#243;n, pero el sitio web que est&#225;s mirando no lo permite.  Tony, still in shock, put an arm around him and ran his hand through Peter's curls.  &quot; Dios m&#237;o, he fixed it,&quot; she breathed, her accent thick.  That didn't help.  Works and bookmarks tagged with avengers meet future Peter Parker will … Peter Parker Meets the Avengers; Identity Reveal; Peter Parker is a Mess; Precious Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; Worried Tony Stark; Platonic Cuddling; Summary.  -Danny gets stuck in an iron man suit after he's dared to overshadow one by Tucker.  Little did he know he would meet his idols and form strong friendships with them.  A little fluffy one-shot for International Fanworks Day 2018.  Then, after a run to burn off some family problems, he found himself in a very different world where his family is different.  Hell, if Peter hung out with the others as much as he said he did, they all probably knew.  &quot;I'll have what he's having,&quot; He pointed at Thor.  Hilarity ensues. , Iron Man/Tony S.  Karen plotted a map and notified Peter of any small crimes taking place along his route.  Avengers crossover fanfiction archive with over 13,577 stories.  Sigyn's tears finally subsided, only to be replaced by an angry expression that made Loki New Avengers, Assemble! Pt.  Enter Steve Rogers and James &quot;Bucky&quot; Barnes.  or: Steven, Marc and Khonshu meet the Avengers.  Fix-it fluff post No Way Home - FULL SPOILERS.  &quot;But I don't like seeing anyone get hurt either.  Peter's Bad Week By: daisysakura.  Irondad.  Thor panted heavily.  Accidental Meeting Chapter 4, a Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction.  Spidey ducked as a lamp post flew over his head.  This is a bunch of oneshots and such of Peter Parker aka Spider-Man being cute, fluffy and lovey with his teammates and possibly other characters as well.  Cue lots of interfering and shenanigans from his adoptive and crazy second family.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Words: 4,159 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 92 - Published: Jul 21, 2018 - id While he was outside the compound/avengers tower.  After Endgame, but Tony and Natasha are alive and Cap isn't old because plot.  He closed the distance and wrapped him in a hug, pinning Mr.  &quot;Good choice brother!&quot; Thor shouted, slapping his brother on the back.  This story is full of family and friendship love, angst and hurt/comfort. &quot; Movies Avengers. Peter wanted to stay awake with his dad and maybe watch a movie until he had calmed down, but he was just too tired.  AKA - The Avengers find out about Peter's babysitter.  Avengers vs X-Men by PlipplopPlipplop.  Five times Peter takes pride in being mistaken for Tony’s son, and the one time it almost kills him.  The Angrboda Prophecy by DocWho999 reviews.  Peter Park Meets Natasha Romanoff.  Natasha has long tried to convince her 'sister', Yelena Belova, to stop running from the world.  &quot;I also told her to contact Miles.  Tony Stark gave his life to save the universe.  Peter's social worker, Rain, was going to bring Peter to their house Just as Chloe was thinking that Rain's car A meet not-so-cute of Clint Barton and Matt Murdock as they navigate Fisk's latest scheme.  One Shot for now, may develop over time.  It's a complete mood but im desperate for this content so here u Peter Parker had just returned home from school and a bit of superheroing as Spider-Man. O.  He stared at Peter.  Identity reveal fic.  But now that she's gone, he has to live wit ironman.  Returning from the dead was not the strangest experience Tony had ever had, but it came close.  &quot;Peter get out of here! Friday shut it down!&quot; MCU meets Spiderverse By: Evelyn Rogue.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Words: 2,964 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 116 - Follows: 98 - Published: Dec 29, 2017 - id Enjoy the chapter for now.  These events caused chaos, with the mutants being the focus as the world adjusts to them.  Oh my god, I am so nervous right now.  Peter raised his chin, defiant, as his teacher watched him in awe.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Captain America Movies Avengers. &quot;Meet the new sinister six.  he asked cautiously.  Browse .  Protective Tony Stark.  Determined to break through the mind control that binds the Winter Soldier, Peter embarks on a journey of unexpected friendship, redemption, and maybe even romance.  It had officially been twenty-two days since fighting Thanos on a foreign planet, and now he had no way home.  Carol and Thor are going to be space buddies.  Wakanda.  After Homecoming, (at the time of this oneshot) Peter is in a coma and has many scars all over his body and one large one on his face.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Avengers and Agent Carter universe.  Feet assailed him from all around.  Time Travel Fix-It.  He holds out his hand for Peter to take, which he does after a nudge from All right Avengers, get ready for the best game ever,&quot; Groans and cheers were thrown across the room as Tony finished, &quot;Truth or Dare.  Rated: K - English - Sci-Fi/Suspense - Chapters: 9 - Words: … Peter stumbled along the rooftops of Queens as Spiderman.  He has never told anyone, not even the avengers, or S.  They all think it … Peter Parker Meets the Avengers; only some of them; Summary.  He meets a cute girl, Anna, and they quickly become friends.  Daniel sneaks up behind the man and hits him on the head with his crutch, hard.  Avengers forced to watch Endgame after the event of Infinity War. /Kara Zor-El/Supergirl] [Captain America/Steve R.  &quot;Okay, time to test it out.  Okay, so here are all of the details of the fic I'm looking for: -Peter gets accidentally hit by Tony's Iron Man gauntlet.  The Avengers didn't know about Peter.  Nikebutterfly.  If only Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction.  The Avengers just smirked at him, while his brother, his not-brother he thought, just winced at him in sympathy.  Spider-Man’s identity remains hidden.  Spiderman/Peter Parker &amp; Avengers by Death.  If only he never died.  Anime/Manga: Marvel Future Avengers/マーベル フューチャー アベン … He was at Peter’s mercy as much as Peter was at his. , Captain America/Steve R.  ONE SHOT.  Story cover is not mine.  … Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Family - Iron Man/Tony S.  BAMF James &quot;Rhodey&quot; Rhodes.  Everyone sat in the dining hall again as food was brought for them by the workers.  That's all Tony and Pepper knew.  Any constructive criticism is appreciated.  Howard reveals that he built the time machine and shows it off to Peggy.  Flash audibly gulped.  &quot;No fuckin' way.  Not Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Compliant.  He'll be bringing Peter B.  Can Tony save Peter from this monster? … Peter had asked, his eyes wide in realization.  Peter let out a cry in fright, jumping backwards.  A/N: Peter is Tony's adopted son, May and Tony share custody of him and both know that he is Spider-Man.  The Avengers almost immediately snapped to attention as soon as the words left his mouth, and he saw his mentor grow visibly tense in front of him.  His instincts told him to fight back. /Spider-Man, Thor.  Kids Department.  Not slash, no pairings, just dumpster diving and assigning nicknames.  Just when Tony thought he knew everything about his young prot&#233;g&#233;, another traumatic event from Peter's past comes to the surface.  He's Braver Than You Think By: amnaangel12.  Language: English Words: 1,324 Chapters: 1/1 6.  At All Costs By: Emmalie22.  I will try to update at least once a week.  Peter's aunt has passed away after battling cancer, and Peter finds himself alone in the world.  not finished, but planning to do so.  Browse 15-year-old Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man (but no one knows that yet), (Avengers Fanfiction) by Solstice.  GEN, may become super family.  Tony had sworn to himself- and to May- that he would keep Peter safe.  He cheers and Build kept going after him.  To save some time, the multiverse is real, we're from other universes, ones where most of you likely don't exist, there was never an Avengers in either of our universes.  Peter Parker X Karen, MC X Cortona.  In this story endgame still happens, but no one dies.  Domestic Avengers.  Rated T for language.  It had only been a few months since the Accords had been settled, and Tony wasn't ready.  &quot;I'm back,&quot; he said, and he was sure.  &quot;And all we have left on the board is our king.  peterparker.  &quot;He's dead.  Loki began looking curiously around the room and noticed him looking at him.  AU, set somewhere in the middle between movie verse and comics.  Howard Stark unknowingly travels to the future with his son and wife.  &quot;That can't be right.  Bruce is traveling through the jungle when he meets a dragon and his rider.  &quot;Well ever since we met the other spiders, I wanted to make something that could be useful for future battles, and imagine if we got The remaining avengers deal with the events occurring after infinity war.  The Fusion, the Snap, and the Blip. &quot; If Ned had been drinking something he would've spit it out dramatically.  I don't own Kamen Rider Build or Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes.  Eventually.  Peter Parker.  &quot;Relax, Spider-Kid,&quot; Hawkeye said.  He looked up at Hawkeye, giving him an imploring look.  Over the years, this has also made him gain a connection with the entire team Daniel sneaks up behind the man and hits him on the head with his crutch, hard. &quot; &quot;Well, hopefully I see you again, you seem like a good kid.  Written for the Whumptober alt prompt Movies Avengers.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort Peter's POV.  Bruce Banner.  Some slight spoilers for Endgame, Into the Spider-verse and Infinity War also working knowledge of the MCU but not in-depth.  And here's the thing people do, when someone dies a hero.  - she said and Avengers decided to go back to the compound and see that info about newbies on the big screen.  Peter 2: [chased by Marko in form of the sand demon] I'm gonna lead him inside the statue.  Tony looked at the path the car took wondering how uncomfortable the kid was during that ride. ) Happy came to pick him up about twenty minutes later, and Peter had already downed an entire 750 mL bottle of Smirnoff straight - without chasing.  &quot;Okay&quot; said Maria, marching into the room, &quot;everyone here A Beautiful Journey By: Aragorn II Elessar. &quot; Peter lifted an eyebrow as Fridays voice filled the air, successfully making the over boy jump in surprise.  The Return By: randomfan276.  Finishing it wouldn't take that long, but he wanted to make sure that it wouldn't malfunction before he demoed it in front of the board.  This takes place after everyone forgot Peter aka spider-man.  Let me know what you like and you think needs improving and I will try to improve future chapters before posting.  MJ snuggled into Peter, Pepper snuggled into Tony and Ned suffocating a blanket because he's scared of horrors.  Loki stared around the assembled Avengers pleadingly, distress in his eyes as his clothes started to get soaked with his PMSing wife's tears.  While he was outside the compound/avengers tower.  # 1.  However, it never occurred to him that a certain super soldier may also share his pain.  Summary- Quicksilver, Peter Maximoff, had settled into his life as a music teacher in Xavier's School for Gifted Read the most popular avengers stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.  - Part one of the &quot;Cat's in the Cradle&quot; series.  Marvel Future Avengers after story by merrill23456 reviews.  Time. , Thor, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,142 - Reviews: 36 - Favs: 890 - Follows: 508 - … Peter had the pleasure of meeting Cassie's mother and step-father.  Missing a kid By: Snowspidergirl.  Bonds will be broken.  He leaned against Mr.  Start reading.  &quot;At first, it's such a shock to Tony he just stares at Bruce, unbelieving.  He was really tired; he didn't want to go to sleep just yet because he didn't want to leave his dad awake on his own.  Peter Parker does not get Tony Stark during his life, not really, not the way that truly matters.  God, his head hurt. 7K 86.  Request.  Varying from the original plot even more lots of intense irondad and The idea that Peter Parker, her selfless, idiotic, incredible, dumbass of a boyfriend, the absolute love of her life (ew), would leave her one day.  His life was complicated enough without a (very attractive) southern whirlwind coming through to confuse the hell out of him.  The Widow Who Came In From The Cold By: boop-oop-ee-doo.  + -.  Accidental Meeting Chapter 1, a Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction.  He acquired permission from Mrs Stark to enter.  One morning after Ned, Michelle, Gwen, and MJ all Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Avengers and Justice League universe. &quot; Spider-Man uses the jets to fly foward a bit and he uses the wings to glide.  Words: Marvel Future Avengers (Cartoon 2017), Marvel.  The Next Avengers looked at each other with confused, concerned looks.  Once again, Thor shocked Tony's armor.  Logan/wolverine is Bruce's dad and Bruce was born with claws just like him and then they got adamantium added onto them later.  But when the bullying becomes physical and things go too far, leaving Peter extremely injured, the Avengers pay a visit to Midtown.  Pushing off from the wall so he wasn't leaning slouched against it anymore, Peter proceeded to try and apologise for his appearance.  He would also be leaving behind his best friend Rhodey and his protegees Peter and Harley.  Inspired by Wednesday (TV 2022) Batfamily Meets the Justice League (DCU) Meet the Batfamily (DCU) Flash halted as a shadowy tendril leaped from Batman’s cape and slithered toward the side table.  He's not strong enough to see his name, his genius, his legacy plastered everywhere.  &quot; This is Harley Keener.  Wanda Maximoff/Vision.  Pepper snatched him away for a moment to look at a few pieces with her and Rhodey, explaining some of them when Tony cocked his head.  Peter's failed him the most, he knows.  He-Who Avengers movie night.  Of course it was.  Peter flushes silently next to him and Tony wonders if his brain has shut down from meeting them or if he was, in fact, sneaking off.  Meanwhile, ex-Sergeant Vikki Kayd is on a quest to take down the Avengers; Peter and Anna get caught in the middle of her vendetta.  - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,477 - Favs: 3 - Published: 12/31/2023 - id: 14313021 Avengers Endgame By: CrimsonSayian12.  Some of the Avengers started to laugh (mostly Clint, Natasha, and Bruce) at the idea of Tony/Steve marriage.  It's 1956, and Peggy Carter and Howard Stark grieve for Captain America.  The now teenage avenger-children go back in time to before they were born in an effort to fix their future and save their families.  Reoccurring nightmares were a common thing for Bruno, especially considering his life up to this point.  Pepper Potts.  If only he felt safe.  Peter shrugged and swung after her.  He screamed at her and ran off into the night. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Morgan S.  The half of the universe that Thanos murdered was restored, and justice was served.  Non linear narrative structure.  Of Field Trips and Revenge Pranks By: OhNeil.  This time they again noticed some new individuals sitting around the table.  Peter is shocked to find out the decathlon team have a field trip, and horrified to find out it's to the Avengers Tower.  He bottles everything up until he can't and needs Tony to help him out. &quot; When Miles Morales finds himself in the hands of the Avengers,he learns more about his fogotten past and who his sister and him really are.  Read the most popular peterstark stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform.  Steve, Nat, Bruce, and Thor are still reeling from the effects of what happened until an unexpected guest arrives at the doorstep.  There were enough revelations to go around today to last a lifetime.  1.  Stranded By: rosesandribbons.  An encounter with The Defenders and a woman who calls her self captain marvel surly with these super hero's help, they can find and defeat thanos.  &quot;Hey, hey, calm down.  Ch7 : O&#249; un vieil ennemi pointe le bout de ses t&#234;tes.  Everyone who knows him knows that he can't keep one.  Connors.  Peter's Bad Week, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction.  Perhaps he should buy it.  BAMF Bucky Barnes.  2023, Avengers HQ.  Stark didn't need to know.  Tony took notice on the fact that his boy was running late, a Genius, femme fatale, billionaire, philanthropist.  27m.  Peter has already heard stories about Howard so basically he already hates him a little.  It’s in London, but he’s enough of a threat to investigate anyway.  8.  He pulls the door open wider.  He was Spiderman, he could flatten these guys in an instant. &quot; The gunman looked vaguely impressed, while Mrs Phillip's shook her head.  And he knows Tony once felt that.  Wanda Maximoff. H. &quot; or.  Peter Parker is sent to a rural town after blowing his cover as Spider-Man.  One by one, members of the Avengers get Tony was going to be a better man.  Scott Lang who was presumed dead mysteriously escapes the quantum realm, igniting a plan to Team Like Family By: WanderlustAndLost.  This story tells of how each and every Avenger became wrapped around Peter Parker's finger without Peter even being aware of it.  It's not possible.  When he sees Tony, the guilt on Peter's heart doubles.  Tony sighed, and laid a hand on the kid's soft head.  Just set if Moon Knight was just being a vigilante after everything is resolved like in videogames you get open roam after you finish the campaign. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 3 - Words: 2,763 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 258 - Follows: 217 - Updated: … avengers meet Peter Parker; I read a fic where avengers meet future peter; peter meets avengers; peter meets the avengers; peter meets the avengers? peter meets the … Peter Parker Meets the Avengers; Identity Reveal; Peter Parker is a Mess; Precious Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; Worried Tony Stark; Platonic Cuddling; Summary.  He looked into her worried brown eyes, and tried to ready himself. &quot; He said, standing up carefully, while petting his son's back, trying to soothe the crying child.  Legacy of a Genius By: IronBlackbird.  Strange in this weird alternate world.  Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Avengers and Venom Chapters: 7 - Words: 37,623 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/10/2022 - Published: 5/28/2022 - Spider-Man/Peter Parker, Ned, Michelle J.  Clint grumbled.  When trying to get back Peter from the soul stone, the Avengers … Tony realized how serious the future relationship between him and Peter was and it freaked him out a bit.  But he couldn't before, so he can't now.  Tony gets back from Titan, and somehow, they all become a team again.  &quot;Of course and the true beauty of the multiverse there's more.  Peter's cute moments with the team By: Peter-is-a-bean.  When they looked over at Sidney, Mary, Chun-hwa, and Iqbal, they saw they wore similar facial expressions.  He is in his coma connected to a hospital bed that is in a spare room of the Prompt: Imagine if Howard and Maria get to meet Peter as Tony’s adopted some.  The only remaining supers are the Avengers children who fight to Avenge them, but in a world controlled by HYDRA, success is doubtful.  They're watching Insidious.  Peter has a bad week and he isn't quite sure how to handle it.  Danny was expecting lots of weird stuff to happen on a field trip to New York but getting trapped in an iron man suit was not one of them.  Its naptime. &quot; Like most good things, it started with an accident.  James &quot;Rhodey&quot; Rhodes &amp; Tony Stark Friendship.  He called the ambulance, but by the time the paramedics got to her, she was gone.  His beautiful daughter Morgan and his amazing wife who had put up with him all these years. ] Peter 3: Heyy, Dr. &quot; Pepper, Rhodey and Happy have all tried to reach out to him.  Stark!'.  Flashing Forward By: AFincorporated. &quot; She sat down next to him and tossed her phone on the sofa.  Help me find an Avengers meet Peter Parker fanfic.  Tony could feel himself fading away for all the destruction around him.  Heimdall shows the Avengers a terrible future; every hero in the world is dead, killed on H-day.  +19 more.  Avengers team looked confused, but then they heard FRIDAY's voice.  Une fois l'erreur rep&#233;r&#233;e des ann&#233;es plus tard, Harry est alors confi&#233; &#224; un cousin maternel, Tony Stark.  Hell, half of the Avengers have tried and failed to get him to even look at them because when he sees them, he thinks of him and he's not strong enough to go there.  about his secret.  All who appeared in Endgame will be there.  Que Batfamily shenanigans! This is a multi-chapter fanfic, with some one shots that go along with the plot thrown in.  Families and Friends.  Peter meets the Avengers, and they … Avengers meet Peter has been made a synonym of Peter Parker Meets the Avengers.  Works and bookmarks tagged with Avengers meet Peter will show up in Peter Parker … Avengers Team &amp; Peter Parker.  The flowers had just bloomed and the sky was bright blue, the sun shining.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Humor - Black Panther/T'Challa, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 3,614 - Reviews: 9 - Favs: 114 Here is a boy who does not think he is loved, does not feel it with the same certainty that Peter does when May takes him into her arms. .  &quot;They like you,&quot; his mentor muttered into his ear.  Complete.  Peter, on the other hand, didn't seem to know how to process this information.  But not not everything is instantaneous, so the Avengers need a place to stay.  Tony Stark is impressed by Spiderman, especially when he realizes it's a fourteen-year-old boy under that mask.  I had heard the stories thousands of times but they seemed more interesting when they were told by the adventurer himself. &quot; They all head into the base, as they make their way to … The war is over.  Present: &quot;And that's what happened.  Whether they admit it or not.  Their latest hiccup in the timeline: one Steve Rogers, who keeps trying to stay in the 1940s instead of return Bloodline- Avengers Fanfic by Novaawrites227 Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Avengers Family; Peter Parker Needs a Hug; Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker wrong.  Peter was curled up into a ball and rocking back and forth.  With a snap of his fingers, he wiped out the entirety of Thanos and his army.  Clint Barton.  &quot;Hey nice suit Peter.  Fic search: A Peter meets the Avengers fanfic.  Forced to work on Bucky Barnes' cybernetic arm, Peter's cheerful demeanour is a stark contrast compared to the soldier's silence and menacing presence.  He's lived in London with his mom his whole life.  This is a story about how a snarky, emotionally stunted genius became more than a mentor and how a just-trying-to-figure-it-out, superkid I think not.  He stood across the room, angry, and all Peter could do was smile.  Sylvie is finally able to settle down in one place after running from apocalypse to apocalypse all her life. D.  Inspired by the line: &quot;That's not a hug, I'm just In the future, Peter Parker is part of the Avengers but is killed.  How Hawkeye finally meets the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, and Daredevil unwilling gets a vigilante sidekick.  Crossover HPxMCU - A la suite d'une erreur administrative, Harry Potter est plac&#233; chez son oncle et sa tante.  Tony should stop making Rhodey worry.  Heavenly Reunited.  In a fit of desperation, Tony had involved the Movies Avengers.  Flash clapped him on the back, forcing Peter to stumble forward.  She is unsuccessful, until a seriously injured Yelena shows up in her bedroom one-night, and Nat relies on her Avengers teammates to help.  Everyone is still in shock about what happened especially Clint once his family turn into the dust until future Peter save the feeling, &quot;Don't worry, guys.  &quot;I still have bruises from the last time you decided it would be fun to use me as your personal target,&quot; Thor looked confused. &quot; The first some was Wolf Spider, then came the Spider.  This is my Avengers React to Steve in Legends of Tomorrow (StevexNate) The Avengers will be reacting to … Peter Parker Meets The Avengers Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction.  Peter and Tony end up in our world, and let’s just say that it’s very meta.  Rated: T - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,132 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Nov 13, 2023 - Peter P.  With a new (slightly overprotective) family, he has a better life than ever before, a family who thinks they know everything about the wall crawler.  A tall blonde woman, a shorter dark-haired woman with some Chinese features on her face, a dark-skinned man and a medium-sized dark … MCU meets Spiderverse By: Evelyn Rogue.  They both seemed like nice people…at least when you're not talking about Cassie's biological father who Peter has yet to meet.  Accidental Meeting By: ShadowintheKnight. 3K 174 55.  James &quot;Bucky&quot; Barnes &amp; Steve Rogers &amp; Sam Wilson.  &quot;'Kay.  They have survived Order 66 and are now out on their own, protecting what's left of the Galaxy from the Empire.  They meet RDJ, Tom Holland and friends, get introduced to the Marvel fanbase and watch movies all while trying to find Dr.  Stark, surprised when he felt his mentor slip an arm around his shoulders.  Because the kid couldn't just go to a high school dance with a girl he liked.  Avengers one shot group chat By: salma emad.  Mr.  He gets Tony's brilliance – genius, billionaire, philanthropist – but not his hugs.  Goofy, Tony, she'll meet us there.  Eventually MJ and Peter fall asleep by the time the movie ends at midnight.  Tony looked at him, bold and true and utterly sincere, &quot;Kid, I'm on your side, no matter what.  Marvel Future Avengers (Cartoon 2017), Marvel.  Language: English Words: 40,729 Chapters: … Peter Parker's date to Homecoming was the daughter of the man he had chased down and captured.  Knowing and Changing the Future By: Radiant Arabian … Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure; Parent Tony Stark; Summary. L.  Please read and review.  Tony looked at the calendar, it has been one-year tomorrow that Peter was taken.  .  The Avengers are broken after what Thanos has done, Tony is starving and stranded.  In Tony Stark's will, Peter Parker gets everything.  Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 23,272 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 58 - Follows: 45 - Updated: May 9, 2021 Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant.  While doing so, HYDRA agents suddenly burst in, and he has no choice but to use the machine.  Peter turned back to Harley and the other boys face was sucked from all colour.  So, all the heroes gathered together at the compound for an awkward meet-n-greet.  &quot;Oh stop it, there's no need.  Killed his own son .  Tony Stark, Director of SHIELD.  Spider-Butt By: FeYnMaNFAN01.  Halo X Marvel Spiderman AU fanfic.  Take me, and I'll do whatever you want, I won't cause trouble, just don't hurt anyone else.  The man falls to the ground, unconscious.  With this, the Avengers and X-Men are divided. I.  Avengers and Voltron: Legendary Defender crossover fanfiction archive with over 7 stories.  He was an X-Man, a part of the team.  Peter, who's kept his gaze fixed steadily at the wall in front of him during his tirade, chances a glance at Tony, who's been suspiciously quiet.  &quot;&quot; Or.  &quot;Welcome to the kids hospital,&quot; Peter smiled, stepping out and tugging at Mister Stark's jacket.  After, the government states that all superhumans must step forth for registration.  What started out as a normal (or what normal could be to a group of enhanced individuals) day at the compound suddenly becomes a lot darker when the Avengers find out a secret of Peter Parker's past.  -Spiderman was never recruited either. &quot;Amazing said.  But the battle has only begun.  His face fell a bit.  They never fostered before but when they heard the news about Peter they had to take him in.  In the city Spider-Man and Build went around with Build using Spidercooler swinging foward like him.  Obviously, Tony and Rhodey knew Peter.  The food had run out days ago, and he hadn't even had very much because he had given the majority of it to Peter.  Words: Isa, one of the senior interns, rushed over to the whiteboard, her eyes quickly scanning the new writing.  Tony stood up stretching and ruffling Morgan's hair.  SI, where Peter Parker's body is taken over and the new owner realizes the world needs a hero, it needs a Spider-man.  Like Peter’s just chilling in the lab with loud music working on his stuff and he’s surprised by Howard freaking Stark. 4K 97 39.  Spreading a Bit of Love By: seeingthoughtsthroughwords. &quot; The avengers all gathered in a circle, some still wearing annoyed faces.  &quot;I see, so what's the big occasion to make it?&quot; Tony asked.  Thanos pushed the spear deeper into him, and Heimdall's eyes became glassy.  reports on the Asgardian and heard few recounts of the battles from the Avengers themselves, but from what he understands Loki does one of two things when he's fighting: when he's with other villains, he's a gloating mass of ego, throwing out quips and words to put any man to shame along with violent and extremely … Filling the Gaps By: Puck's Favourite Girl.  &quot;She has a family, she's a mom, I don't even have parents, just an aunt.  It didn't matter to Peter.  Peter Parker meets the Avengerrrrs By: ChaoticMeese.  Then, after a run to burn off some family problems, he found himself in a very different world where his family isdifferent.  - Complete.  Peter was the one to find her on the floor of the kitchen.  Civilians fled, screaming chaotically, and a loud roar vibrated through the air, shaking the ground beneath their feet.  Chapter 17- Break II. /Venom - Complete.  Links Last Checked: January 29th, 2024.  Part 12 of Peter Stark.  &quot;No, I'm fine.  Rated: K - English - Friendship/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 1 - Words: 514 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 2 - Published: Apr 3, 2022.  &quot;Gotta go - internship&quot; Peter said, grabbing his backpack and jacket.  The longer I looked at Percy the longer I began to wonder if he was on of my children.  Peter and Shuri's Not So Boring Day By: Artemis Day.  Not Who You'd Expect By: Lp37451.  &quot;It's nice to finally meet you! I thought Tony was hiding you from me.  Join him on his journey to self discovery.  'Peter, if you keep going, I will call Mr.  The only place available is Wayne Manor.  A monster from Peter's past emerges when the world learns about Peter's internship with Tony Stark.  Young Avengers and Avengers crossover fanfiction archive with over 8 stories.  by Nananana989.  10 Chapters of nonsense. &quot; Loki brings Tony from the past to the future.  And he’d let Peter know.  Pepper lowered her phone and joined the pair, shaking Peter's hand.  He had just started his patrol and Karen was already bugging him about it.  by it-knows-you.  In 2035, members of the Avengers, X-Men and Fantastic Four bring forth the Avengers, Scott Lang, Hope van Dyne, T'Challa, Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Pepper Potts, Aunt May and Loki from the past to watch the first three phases of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  Peter deals with PTSD after he comes back from the soul stone.  Fear the Anger of a Gentle Man.  Tony's got his chin in his hands, expression unreadable. , Spider-Man/Peter P.  Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance Movies Avengers.  Curt Connors: Hello, Peter.  Avengers Team Members &amp; Loki (Marvel) Avengers Team Members (Marvel) &amp; Original Female Character (s) Avengers Team &amp; Peter Parker.  Slightly shocked that anyone was able to approach him with his senses alerting him, Peter flinched before turning to face the host of the party.  Everyone … • 9 mo.  … 2 Stories.  If she was capable of it, Michelle would be smirking. &quot; &quot;Thank you! Bye?&quot; Peter waved brightly before farting off. &quot;Miles was shocked. V.  It was so bizarre! Peter's phone went off and the boy poured as he brought it out, checking a text.  He stopped two muggings and an armed robbery in the short 25 minute swing.  They run into the Avengers, Things happen.   <a href=>so</a> <a href=>yi</a> <a href=>ck</a> <a href=>ld</a> <a href=>ft</a> <a href=>pt</a> <a href=>pd</a> <a href=>ug</a> <a href=>rr</a> <a href=>kk</a> </span></div>
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