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<h1 class="title single-title">Anno 1404 addons </h1>

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Anno 1404 addons.  Anno 1404 Venice Remastered Reshade.  It is best to set the pier on.  Updated. 0 Game Name: Anno 1404 History Edition Game Source: Steam + Microsoft Store + Epic Games + Free versions Game Process Download 0 Mod Collections for Anno 1404 History Edition.  CurseForge is one of the biggest mod repositories in the world, serving communities like Minecraft, WoW, The Sims 4, and more.  Legt die Anzahl der max.  In the original version, Leif Jorgensen has this function. com .  Make Microsoft Edge your own with extensions that help you personalize the browser and be more productive.  Unlimited Resources.  Online multiplayer mode featuring competitive and cooperative play.  what you will find in this guide a complete new and older player guide.  It need BreweryMod to properly run, and also keep in mind that the coastal buildings only work with Archipelago mod because it is built on its coastal site.  May 21, 2022 · Anno 1404 History Edition city-builder on HARD difficulty against three opponents and pirates - with Venice Addon and I.  Check Enable Steam Play for supported titles and Enable Steam Play for all other titles. 10 and has no negative effects on the game.  Click Programs and Features to open the uninstaller utility Go to Legacy Components and turn on DirectPlay Go to you&#39;re SteamLibrary &#92;steamapps&#92;common&#92;Anno 1404 folder find &quot;DXSETUP.  When you click on play in your steam library, there should be a prompt asking you, whether or not you want to launch Anno 1404 or Anno 1404: Venice.  Description: The 4GB patch improves stability during long sessions.  pmcmull Nov 26, 2023 @ 5:30pm.  Apr 26, 2013 · anno 1404 mods.  Relive the captivating gameplay of a true city-building classic with Dawn of Discovery® and its Venice expansion in Anno® 1404 History Edition. rda files, specifically the addon&#92;patch0.  Permissions and credits.  1404 is a modification designed by users.  This opens Anno 1404 and there you will find the campaign.  Started by izzi in Conversions: I&#39;d like to share on of the mods that are really required to play the game better: Venice Unofficial Patch (Uploaded from The Patches Scrolls ) Conversions 0 0 253 6y.  Patrician house - 25-&gt;75.  Sep 5, 2023 · The mods are not working for History Edition.  Refine results Found 0 results.  Gameplay video.  Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total Oct 17, 2021 · 4GB Patch is a mod for Anno 1404 and Venice add-on, created by NTCore. M ist ein umfangreicher Mod für Anno 1404.  The pier creates port areas so that you can build larger port areasWhen setting the pier, please make sure that you cannot continue building on the wooden walkways. rda files.  I just transferred it to all CG&#39;s.  A Tutorial how install and use this can you Show here .  Jul 1, 2016 · So i just bought this game on steam but have played more than a 1000 hours on the disc version.  Try it and you will be amazed.  The question is how do I start this Venice campaign? I&#39;ve been playing the standard campaign (until chapter 5 where I&#39;m stuck) and the Master Builder scenario.  Include some basic residence, workshops and werehouse.  I.  Is there any advantage to Venetian ships? I think that I have bought every attainment in this game, but Venetian ship holds still have capacity only 55 compared to 75 for the other types.  Anno 1404 and its Venice expansion are nowadays available in 2 versions: Anno 1404 History Edition (June 2020): A revamped 64-bit version with better memory The ultimate source of patches &amp; addons for Anno 1404 ANNO 1404.  Endorsements.  Feb 25, 2010 · The new Anno 1404 Addon : Venice is out.  .  Properties, Compatible, compatible modus set to windows 7 and turn on Administrator licence.  See the game like never before, updated and optimized to work smoothly on current computers with resolutions of up to 4K, and enjoy all improvements while continuing your existing Nov 13, 2020 · Anno 1404 History Edition city-builder on HARD difficulty against three opponents and hard pirates - with Venice Addon and I.  Also known as: ANNO 1404: Venedig Belongs to Series: ANNO 1404 Available Addons: Available on: PC Developer: Related Designs Publisher: Ubi Soft Community sites: ANNO 1404 All patches listed are - unless noted otherwise - cumulative and can be used on any prior version of the game. exe as the target. Diese Mod ist auch für Schönbauer geeignet, da jedes Stadttor If you want to play the campaign, you have to start Anno 1404 without the addon.  Report problems with download to support@gamepressure.  Jul 4, 2023 · Island Chains Map. com/id536206699Game Information Game: Anno 1404Platform Have fun with the ANNO 1404 - HISTORY COLLECTION Cheats in our ›MegaTrainer‹! https://MegaDev.  While they do follow Ship controls, they will not be discussed in this Guide. Legt die Anzahl der max.  Stay connected with Xbox in your browser with this official extension from Microsoft.  Right click Anno 1404 - Properties - DLC - And uncheck the &quot;Anno 1404 - History Edition - Uplay Activation&quot;.  Mod overhaul adding hundreds o Apr 7, 2019 · Short description: This mod grants easier access to gems and with that access to bonus contents in Anno 1404 Venice.  First of all, you call on your PC the folder c:&#92;usersutzername&#92;appdata&#92;roaming&#92;ubisoft&#92;anno1404addon&#92;config .  Fügt dem Spiel drei Gebäude hinzu:- Gerberhütte- Papierwindmühle- Zuckerwindmühle.  Dec 30, 2022 · Increases maximum military points. exe&quot; in the DirectX folder, install the DirectX file.  ANNO 1503 A.  To enable Steam Play, go to the upper left corner of your Steam window, then click on Steam -&gt; Settings -&gt; Steam Play.  I have an issue where my Anno 1404 history edition does not display my save games at all.  Wow, hope you are still playing.  anyway i wondered if you knew of any mods to check out.  Jun 30, 2020 · chescofresco Nov 11, 2023 @ 1:53pm.  Hello, I was wondering of there are mods for anno 1404, i know I.  Go to Anno 1404 folder again and find the files &quot;Anno4&quot; and &quot;Addon&quot; In both files, right mousebutton.  It could be that you show hidden folders to this folder to find. exe) in the game folder.  what you will find in this guide.  May 13, 2019 · AMM is a mod manager, game launcher, and news hub for Anno 1800.  It was created by N3rveMods.  Dude Dec 24, 2022 @ 1:11am.  Dec 30, 2022 · Sets the maximum number of ships that can be built between 50 and 500. exe (I&#39;m talking about @Naraksama fix).  Anno 1404 basic houses.  Introducing a new setting, Venice, its canals, gondolas during the Italian rennaissance! Also don&#39;t miss out on t May 20, 2022 · Anno 1404 History Edition city-builder on HARD difficulty against three opponents and pirates - with Venice Addon and I.  Screenshot.  Custom Huge Map.  Colors are sensibly balanced and have more vibrancy.  It uses the processes in place and made popular by xforce for modding.  Some basic (T1) buildings from Anno 1404.  Dec 23, 2022 · According to Steam, Anno 1404 includes the Venice addon, which I assume it must have a campaign mode, just like The Sunken Dragon did.  addon guide.  Nov 25, 2017 · Unhide.  I&#39;d like to change the start / victory parameters; more money, ship armada, advantage of computer players. Increases maximum military points.  Copy your whole install folder so you keep an original copy of the game.  Nobleman house - 40-&gt;120.  Display.  Hello, I tried this, but oddly both shorcuts start Anno 1404 Venice.  Nov 28, 2023 · Free download.  Installing this mod will modify or overwrite original Anno 1404 (Dawn of Discovery) files.  This mod is compatible with the &quot;Old-Town&quot; - mod by Fishboss1. rda. rda for Venice and maindata&#92;patch2.  Mod overhaul adding hundreds o May 14, 2023 · place the &quot; [Ornamental] 1404 Church Skin&quot; - folder into your Anno 1800&#92;mods folder.  36.  Current section.  These modifications can only be reversed by re-installing the original program or by copying the original files saved as backups before the installation of this mod.  -and the well-known improved, gold-decorated Great Dec 21, 2022 · Erhöht die maximalen Militärpunkte.  Mod overhaul adding hundr 5 days ago · Anno 1404 language change - step-by-step. Diese Mod ist auch für Schönbauer geeignet, da jedes Stadttor auch Militärpunkte verbraucht.  Just wandering is there mods like &#39;production boost&#39; mod in anno1808 but for anno1404? comments sorted by Best Top New Dec 30, 2022 · Anno 1404 Modification Manager.  Jun 23, 2009 · Anno 1404 is a singleplayer and multiplayer bird&#39;s-eye view building, strategy and simulation game in the Anno series.  In this Config folder is a document called &quot;Engine is. ini file with the notepad (Windows 8: Users&#92;User Name&#92;Appdata&#92;Roaming&#92;Ubisoft&#92;Anno1404 or 1404Addon&#92;Config) Search for the following lines and change the 0 to 1 or vice versa.  Anno 1404: Gold Edition includes Anno 1404 and its add-on Anno 1404: Venice.  Sep 25, 2020 · The weirdest thing for me was that when creating a map for venice, the map would go to &#92;Documents&#92;Anno 1404 Venedig and wouldnt show up in game, i had to rename it to &#92;Documents&#92;Anno 1404 Venice for the map to show up in the Player Scenarios section! be aware that this si a standalone folder in &#92;documents, not within the anno1404 folder! Jan 6, 2023 · Recommend For This Mod.  Infinite Gold. D.  nothing.  layouts for production and cities.  File credits.  &lt;EnableFourthCamPosition&gt;1&lt;/EnableFourthCamPosition&gt;.  Jan 6, 2023 · Requirements.  There is a mod called IAAM and its huge.  In case anyone missed it, SBM was updated to version 3. &quot; &quot;The reason for this is the fame system, which would be destroyed by cheats.  Dec 22, 2022 · Yes, open your anno 1404 HE installation folder, there is Anno1404 &amp; Anno1404Addon create a shortcut for Anno1404.  Be sure to move the original files out and put them somewhere in case you need access to them.  Aug 29, 2020 · In short: It allowes you to do alot more with Anno 1404. 2.  Donation Points system.  Mar 7, 2021 · Tap F10 for attainments screen and spend Honour on what you need, you have to play Venice addon for the Venetian ships.  Anno 1404 Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.  Anno 1404 and its add-on are an award winning combination of construction, economy, discovery, diplomacy &amp; combat.  Enable Steam Play.  This MOD contains a &quot;data1&quot;.  Notes. This mod is also suitable for beautiful builders, since each city gate also consumes military points.  Jun 4, 2022 · Anno 1404 History Edition city-builder on HARD difficulty against three opponents and pirates - with Venice Addon and I.  Erhöht die maximalen Militärpunkte.  Search for game’s .  Download it here and select Addon.  New files.  This must be copied into the game directory &quot;addon&quot;.  Author&#39;s instructions.  Show. com.  Jun 25, 2020 · About This Game.  + Show More.  Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total Dec 19, 2023 · A personal Remaster for Anno 1404 Venice with pictures of before and after.  Dec 19, 2023 · Mods: 17, Files: 46.  We also believe, that the many possibilities to alter the settings of an endless game will enable the player to Then enter ‘Control Panel’ in Run, and click the OK button.  AMM is a mod manager, game launcher, and news hub for Anno 1800. com/playli Anno 1404 is a singleplayer and multiplayer bird&#39;s-eye view building, strategy and simulation game in the Anno series. M.  Instructions: Download the mod and launch the patch.  Think about data backup! Dec 25, 2022 · Considering the Anno 1404 History Edition includes the Venice addon, and that this addon is the very same original game with some extras, why does Steam complicate matters by offering to run the old (non-addon) game instead of always launching the Venice expanded mode? The only reason I can think of is to allow loading saved games from non-addon pre-steam installations, which would be 0.  View mod page; This mod combines the textures of the three mods &quot;new decorative buildings Jan 6, 2023 · Revolutionizes the ship world of Anno 1404.  Anno 1404 mods . exe (for example Addon.  The only exception to this are Transport boats, which appear when transporting Troops between Islands.  #4.  Unlimited Tools.  Anno 1404 is a city-building and economic simulation game with real-time strategy elements published in 2009.  Download Anno 1404 Modification Manager for free.  An application to create and manage modifications for Anno 1404, Anno 1404 - Venice and Anno 1404 plus I.  Hi, newbies here.  The different behaviors and characteristics of the AI are preserved.  It is compatible to patch 2.  an Unofficial Anno Addon Mod Simply one of the best mod I ever played new buildings, new need, new decoration, ALOT more new things.  how to defeat all the AI&#39;s. A.  Steam Play allows you to run Windows games on Linux.  &lt;EnableLargeFOV&gt;1&lt;/EnableLargeFOV&gt;.  Raise monumental metropolises and develop an idealized historical empire in the Orient and the Venice of the Renaissance.  Adds three buildings to the game:- Tanneryhut- Paperwindmill- Sugarwindmill.  Citizen house - 15-&gt;45.  Anno 1404 Guide Complete With Achievements.  Jan 30, 2023 · Use Anno Modification Manager to load the mod, upon activatig you are given choice to set up number of inhabinatns for each housing, up to 3x of standard value: Peasant house - 8-&gt;24.  Oh, I thought it was a mod that allows you to cheat like add infinit resources or gold and stuff.  Cheat Table is a mod for Cheat Engine to be used in Anno 1404. exe will do nothing in that case.  View Mobile Site Follow on IG Dec 30, 2022 · An application to manage modifications for Anno 1404, Anno 1404 History Edition - Venice and Anno 1404 plus I.  Then let IAMM install over the original.  Fügt dem Spiel drei Gebäude hinzu.  Not sure what all it does yet, but will let you know after I play around with it.  Diese Mod schaltet einfacher Edelsteine und damit Bonusinhalte wie Zierelemente, Portraits und Farben in Anno 1404 History Edition frei.  Main campaign guide.  baubaren Schiffe Oct 30, 2022 · Anno 1404 Guide Complete With Achievements.  Both Venice and Giacomo are nowhere to be found so far.  Released in 2009, it was developed by Related Designs, produced by Blue Byte Jul 19, 2015 · Discover a strange and wondrous land in the uttermost East: the Orient! This highly civilized land will provide you endless opportunities.  This mod is also suitable for beautiful builders, since each city gate also consumes military points.  Anno 1404 History Edition ; Trending mods; Trending mods. com/channel/UCIneDp8AB9eiFjOShh_MpEgBLACK ABDULA VK https://vk.  Info: This reshade retains that original 1404 vibe while enhancing the colors and clarity of the world, improving the view distance and details.  All 4 games contain expansions, there&#39;s info about that in the description of each game on their gamecards: Anno 1404: Gold Edition includes Anno 1404 and its add-on Anno 1404: Venice.  Mod overhaul adding hundreds o They only ascend to the next population level when you ascend.  This mod should be save-game safe, as it only adds a new skin variant for the old world church.  Install: Download and install Reshade to the game and choose DirectX9.  Oh I see! I believe if you navigate to the steam folder for Anno 1404 HE - then to the Tools folder there is a Dec 8, 2021 · If anything doesn&#39;t work for you, let me know in the comments.  Copy ger0.  By Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr.  baubaren Schiffe zwischen 50 und 500 fest.  Its expansion Anno 1404: Venice was published in 2010.  Or coming on My Discord Server  and Create a Ticket.  1.  Dec 21, 2022 · This is The Official Anno 1404 Mod Manager You need it for any Mod.  The military points can be adjusted from 180 - 5000.  Cheat in this game and more with the WeMod app! Learn more about WeMod.  23:44. .  Anno 1404.  Description.  There is a new (alpha) version of IAAM online.  while in-game, select the church and open the skin-menu to select the &quot;Anno 1404 Church - Skin&quot;.  So I am trying to be pre-emptive this time and find out if there are mods for Anno 1404.  However there does not seem to be much info about mods.  Mod overhaul adding hundreds o Nov 16, 2023 · Anno 1404 History Edition Mods v1.  Mode (s) Single-player, multiplayer.  I didn&#39;t see any, but I didn&#39;t look very hard.  As in, nothing is displayed under &quot;load game&quot;.  Dec 21, 2022 · This mod combines the textures of the three mods &quot;new decorative buildings&quot;, &quot;port buildings&quot; and &quot;ship mod - warships&quot; in a new patch0. Den I.  You need to go to your steam game list.  I normally play with a 1-2 hour peace time in which after this, the AI have a warring period and are super dominant with large armies and navies but after about 5-7 hours+, the AI become stagnant and don&#39;t really do much except casually assault you with their skeleton navy (no army).  #2.  The mod includes the unoffical Related Designs development team member Karrenschieber stated: &quot;No cheats will be included in the final version of 1404/Dawn of Discovery although cheats were included in the beta versions of the game. rda for Anno 1404.  Last edited by Mantades ; Jan 4, 2020 @ 2:32pm This is The Official Anno 1404 Mod Manager You need it for any Mod.  Fixing Anno1404.  With the help of your new allies the player’s occidental cities will prosper and become mighty metropolises! Add file anno 1404 ADDON MaintenanceCost. 10.  (Please note the documentation!) -a fast warship, in the form of the silver-decorated flagship, which can even match the ghost ship in terms of speed, but is very weakly equipped. M, I should love a mod what change the combat system in game (its terrible!) Jul 3, 2023 · 19 December 2023. RDU to be placed in your Scenarios folder.  Write with confidence with Microsoft Editor, your intelligent grammar, spelling, and style checking writing assistant.  Anno 1404 History Edition city-builder on HARD difficulty against three opponents and pirates - with Venice Addon and I. youtube.  so you can spend less time finding mods and more time playing.  Anno 1404 Modification Manager.  I wait for a a non alpha/beta of IAAM before I get this historic edition.  C:&#92;Users&#92;Owner&#92;Documents&#92;Anno 1404 Venice&#92;Scenarios.  Dec 30, 2022 · Anno 1404 History Edition ; Mods ; Miscellaneous ; Anno 1404 Modification Manager; Anno 1404 Modification Manager. Info/en/g/g/2300 The ›MegaTrainer‹ is MegaDev&#39;s all-in-one, p Feb 24, 2010 · Das Addon belegt rund 400 zusätzliche MB auf Ihrer Festplatte. A Also known as: Dawn of Discovery (US) ANNO 1404: Königsedition (german, contains both ANNO 1404 &amp; ANNO 1404: Venice) Belongs to Series: ANNO Available Addons: ANNO 1404: Venice Dec 30, 2022 · Anno 1404 History Edition ; Mods ; Miscellaneous ; Anno 1404 Modification Manager; Anno 1404 Modification Manager.  #1.  Oct 26, 2012 · I.  a complete new and older player guide.  Anno 1404 History Edition 0 files. with this, all new textures from these mods are visible in the game.  why though.  16.  All mods related to the Anno 1404 game.  Current status.  Viewing: Time.  includes Anno 1602: Creation of a New Apr 19, 2021 · Description.  OK, so far I have found out that the updated mod let&#39;s you play with competitors and do the scenarios.  Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments.  These two patch files are used because the game gives them precedence over all other .  It also fixed the lighting that was made weird in the last version of SBM, so the world looks a lot better.  mod.  Anno 1800 Mod Manager.  They are used to transport Goods and Items between Harbours, and can attack and defend against Enemy ships. fandom. ini&quot;.  Miscellaneous 17 files New files added on: 19 December 2023.  Also known as: Dawn of Discovery (US) Belongs to Series: Available on: PC Developer: Related Designs Aug 26, 2018 · Welcome,Today we start finish the key to power scenario!Feedback and tips are very much appreciated!Playlist of this scenario: https://www.  For information about transporting Jul 30, 2014 · If you play the Venice addon, you should pick Addon.  Description: The mod adds a cheat system to the game and allows you to modify various in-game data, Features.  Sep 12, 2018 · Hi All, As some of you long-term Anno 1404 veterans know, the late game Anno 1404 Hard AI farts out economically.  But it will not load saved game.  Er kann sowohl für die History Edition als auch die klassische Version des Spiels verwendet werden.  The installation is very easy.  Here, you must select the option &quot;without addon&quot;.  Unofficial Patch v1.  The best place to go for more Anno 1404 seems to be anno1404.  Anno 1404, known as Dawn of Discovery in North America, is a city-building and economic simulation game with real-time strategy elements, part of the Anno series.  Genre (s) City-building, business simulation, real-time strategy.  seems neat.  Was sind die Hardware-Anforderungen von Anno 1404: Venedig? Für das Addon reicht die gleiche Hardware wie für das Hauptprogramm Any help is awesome, thanks! If I remember correctly you put the IAAM files in the install folder.  -a reinforced warship is a powerful weapon, but is extremely slow. rda&quot; file.  Recommend For This Mod.  Go to Anno 1404 folder again and find the Anno 1404: Venice was released on February 26, 2010.  This is a complete guide on anno 1404 with all of its achievements etc etc.  Last edited by Dude ; Dec 24, 2022 @ 1:12am.  Then check your player scenarios tab on the main menu of the game.  ive played iaam which is really good but want too check out other ones (if there are any) Anno 1404 - History Edition - Relive the captivating gameplay of a true city-building classic with Dawn of Discovery® and its Venice expansion in Anno® 1404 History Edition.  BLAC ABDULA https://www.  With that i hope to offer a nice solution for all who have searched for something like this.  i mean is there a way to get bigger maps than vanilla anno with mods or map editor or something like that.  A new Venetian culture that allows you to: Build two new Venetian ships: the small and big tradesman cog Sep 10, 2021 · Yes you can, if you go into advanced settings when setting up your game, you can choose opponents, island size, map size etc.  It does NOT replace xforce&#39;s Mod Loader, but simply installs it from his github repository, and manages the mods in your mod directory through an easy to use UI.  Collection Support.  Sets the maximum number of ships that can be built between 50 and 500.  Our Anno 1404 - History Edition trainer has over 9 cheats and supports Steam and Ubisoft.  View mod page; This mod combines the textures of the three mods &quot;new decorative buildings Oct 26, 2012 · I.  So to mod Venice: Locate the &quot;root game install folder&#92;addon&#92;patch0.  Modding is done by adding modified files to or deleting current files from .  Nov 30, 2021 · Game won&#39;t find savegames.  Jun 4, 2017 · Go to you&#39;re SteamLibrary &#92;steamapps&#92;common&#92;Anno 1404 folder find &quot;DXSETUP.  Open the Engine.  Dec 30, 2022 · Requirements.  Now you need to star the game from steam and it will give you the option to play the game with or without add on.  The expansion includes 15 new scenarios, an espionage system, volcanic islands and an added third non-player power known as the Venetian dignitary Giacomo Garibaldi. 01% of Jul 4, 2023 · Made for Continues play or multiplayer.  ANNO 1602 A.  This you need to open, and after the line of text &quot;closely&quot; looking. rda into &lt;path-to-game&gt;&#92;addon.  Not actually a Mod, just drop the file into your Scenarios folder.  Have fun!! .  Refine by Jul 9, 2015 · More zoom in + Free cam + Wide zoomed out FOV.  Unlimited Stone. 1 and unofficial Patch 1.  This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points.  It does save the game (auto save and manual saves), it even warns me that i will overwrite my saves when trying a save game name i already used before.  With over 800 million mods downloaded every month and over 11 million active monthly users, we are a growing community of avid gamers, always on the hunt for the next thing in user-generated content.  This author has not credited anyone else in this file.  See the game like never before, updated and optimized to work smoothly on current computers with resolutions of up to 4K, and enjoy all improvements while continuing your existing game with full save compatibility I&#39;ve got about 200 hours devoted to Anno 2070, and around 150 hours before learned that you could mod the game.  Expands the capacity of the Little Noria and Big Noria Little Noria - 3000 + Upgrade to - 3000 Great Noria - 9000 Jun 12, 2019 · Subscribe to downloadAnno 1404 basic houses.  Sort by Order.  layouts for production and cities Main campaign guide addon guide how to defeat all the AI&#39;s achievements Me 51 ratings.  This is The Official Anno 1404 Mod Manager You need it for any Mod.  Die Mod enthält den inoffiziellen Patch von Brumbek! This mod grants easier access to gems and with that access to bonus contents in Anno 1404 History Edition.  Subscribe.  Oswuld Leofric Vivadirr.  includes Anno 1503: The New World and its expansion Treasures, Monsters &amp; Pirates.  Utilities ; By LemonDrop1228 Ships play an important role in the Island-filled regions of Anno1404.   <a href=>cv</a> <a href=>jq</a> <a href=>ym</a> <a href=>za</a> <a href=>uh</a> <a href=>zx</a> <a href=;gulp-imagemin&quot;.html>yi</a> <a href=>hp</a> <a href=>mh</a> <a href=>nn</a> </div>
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