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<p class="MsoNormal">8dp5dt bfn and positive beta forum.  I had a day 5 blastocyst transfered.  I also have not had any spotting just headaches/dizziness.  I had two embryos transferred, double donor and no frozens to try.  My RE won&#39;t take my beta for 6 more days even though I told him my hpt results.  Some women have gotten a negative 11 days past transfer then a positive 13 days past transfer so it can happen! Good luck to you! hcg increases rapidly, so while it may not be in your body today it could very well be tomorrow! take care and best of luck Lisa.  I have a good friend whose 9dp5dt beta was 29.  Wondering if anyone had bfn hpt 8 or more dp5dt, but still… Has anyone tested at around 8dp5dt and got a bfn, but beta actually showed bfp? I tested this morning, bfn, devastated.  I&#39;ve seen women get them 7 or 8 days past too! Nov 19, 2018 · This is the reason for the 2WW.  I was just wondering if anyone had a BFN and then a BFP the next day.  Official date to test is a week after.  Jan 29, 2022 · Feb 2, 2022 at 7:53 AM.  Going to do another beta on Monday.  No faint lines or anything.  (Clinics who test day 9 want 50 or more HCG on day 9.  said it could have been a combination of implantation and the progesterone suppositories.  It&#39;s only faint so I&#39;m still panicking about chemical etc.  no trigger shots.  q.  Thanks 😪.  May 14, 2015 · 5dp5dt BFN, give me hope! Hi! As the topic description states, today I&#39;m 5dp5dt and this morning with FMU I had a stark white bfn on a FRER and Walmart cheapie.  Mar 25, 2009 · Long protocol: BCP for 1 month, burselin from CD21, 300 Gonal F and 150 Luveris for 10 days.  Even though people wait the allotted time, they can still get an inconclusive result from their beta (a result of 6-25 is considered inconclusive).  but my point is it&#39;s not too late for something to show up.  I am 8dp5dt and we just got the results of our first beta- 98! I asked the nurse if this was good for where we were and she said it was excellent.  Mar 25, 2014 · I had my BFP on 8dp5dt, my beta was the following day.  Hi everyone.  Jul 19, 2011 · FET#1 Oct 14 2010 beta #1 was 7, beta#2 was negative FET#2-Jan.  I’m 8dp5dt and tested early (I know I should not have) and it’s a bfn.  With my FET which produced my son my first beta was 54, then 155 then 296.  Thank you!!! That’s good to know, thank you.  I&#39;m 5dp5dt.  I felt it better to know earlier, I didn&#39;t melt down at all.  I had a fresh transfer 8 days ago and have used every ounce of my self control to resist testing with a HPT….  7dp5dt - BFN (6am) 7dp5dt - 1pm - It initially came back as BFN, but when I went back after a few hours, I saw the faintest line. 6% got their BFP on 9dp5dt, 2.  I had a FET on 3/28.  ago.  I am now at 8dp5dt with a bfn.  The first one was in Sept 09 and bfn.  Those are the ones u see the most here :) It&#39;s our own little language :) Good luck! Jan 21, 2020 · Currently 7dp3dt (10DPO) stark white BFN and losing hope.  I tested at 6dp5dt and then twice on 8dp and all were negative, I have no symptoms other than what I put down to progesterone suppositories, I Feb 11, 2022 · Feb 12, 2022 at 1:03 AM.  ER: 11 egg , 6 mature , 5 fertilized, 3rd day transfer:a 7 cell &amp; an 8 cell embyos, no frosties. more days! d.  We transferred 2 5 day blasts- one hatching and one almost hatching.  I wanted to share this in case it provides hope for some.  FET in Feb.  Now, I&#39;m in my dreaded 2WW, beta scheduled on Dec.  But I am curious to see where this &quot;averages out&quot;.  In IVF or FET Pregnancy.  We never had a miscarraige,chemical.  I’m getting so discouraged by all that I’ve read about people getting BFPs this early but I don’t have one.  My beta isn’t until Wednesday (13p5dt).  May 21, 2014 · 7dp5dt and 8dp5dt.  Feeling like such a failure and can&#39;t stop crying.  My Beta is still 8 days Oct 13, 2020 · 8dp5dt, 1st donor round and BFN.  I’ve tried all kinds of tests since day 4 and I keep getting BFNs.  Aug 30, 2021 · I got a BFN and I know it&#39;s too early but the hormones are making me extra emotional.  im 8dp5dt and I tested bfn today on a first response I am gutted this is my second round of Ivf first fet any success stories of a bfp after 8dpt? My clinic is doing my betas a day early, presumably because of closures next week.  I got negative hpt at 7dp5dt then I retested today at 10dp5dt and got a positive.  My clinic wants over 50 for 9dp5dt, but I have no clue what an adequate level would be for 8dp5dt.  Just had my second ultrasound yesterday and graduated from my fertility clinic.  Very tired.  Wednesday 9/28 - 9DP5DT BETA TEST DAY! Woke up feeling cramps like af is coming.  I tested this morning and it&#39;s negative.  Reply.  We have already failed 4 IUIS.  Ok ladies the top two test are from yesterday (7dp5dt) The one on the bottom in this morning (8dp5dt) I don&#39;t get excited only because of all the other let downs, since 2008 when we started this journey we have never been pregnant.  Jun 13, 2014 · Jun 13, 2014 at 10:47 AM.  DS=darling son.  so pissed at myself.  Hi y&#39;all.  i tested on my 8dp5dt.  member.  @BEE999, I tested then too and got bfn.  Transfered two embabies on May 28.  I know how hard the wait is.  siusanrn.  Has anyone else with a 5d fet received a bfn as late as day 8 and then got a bfp at the beta? Thanks ladies Oct 2, 2019 · Just trying to make sense of my BFP.  I have been pregnant before and always got a faint line by now.  Third beta was 150ish.  With my DD I didn’t get a vvvfl until 6dp5dt (11DPO) and with second pregnancies ending in MMC got a faint BFP on 5dp5dt (10DPO).  Hi Ladies.  I caved and did a first response hpt this morning (9dp3dt) and in got a stark white result.  Tests in the morning after a 4ish hour hold are negative and afternoon test with probably a 2-3 hour hold have the faint positive.  Don&#39;t give up yet! Jun 7, 2018 · 9dp3dt and BFN on HPT.  My last FET in March (3AA) ended in an early miscarriage.  1st beta : 13dp3dt: 77, BFP.  On beta day I woke up with heavy spotting and thought for sure it was a chemical. 1% waited until Beta for their BFP.  I had mild twinges on my lower left side on days 1 and 2 post transfer.  AF=aunt flow.  hifer •.  Jul 25, 2017 at 7:55 PM.  I&#39;m crushed.  until last night :/So I suppose somewhere between 7&amp;amp;8dp5dt - I tested after being asleep for about 3 hours (not technically first morning wee) and BFN.  5AB PGT tested, 29F, 33M, MFI.  The brown/light spotting could be implantation bleeding (I hope so).  So, 8dp5dt instead of 9dp5dt.  I have tested every day starting on 8/12 (3dp).  Betas: 32 10dp5dt, 144 13dp5dt, 525 15dp5dt, 8169 21dp5dt.  Apr 29, 2013 · Jblackrn. . This is our first Postive pregnancy test.  4 years ago • 67 Replies.  I started getting symptoms like nausea since Monday (3days after transfer) so I took the home pregnancy test on 6dp5dt (attached) and it came back positive.  This is my 2nd FET, first one turned out to be bfn.  My doctor told me usually after 6 days past, you’ll get an accurate result with Sep 6, 2017 · What Does Days Post 5-Day Transfer (DP5DT) Mean? Days post-5-day transfer (DP5DT) refers to the number of days that have passed since an embryo that developed for 5 days in a lab was transferred to a uterus during an in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure.  It apparently takes things ages to get to my pee.  32- 9dp5dt, 94- 11dp5dt, 446- 14dp5dt, I am currently 10 weeks and so far everything looks good! I really thought I was out after getting my 32.  I have the beta test in a couple days.  I tested for the first time today, 8dp5dt and got a faint line on a cheapie test.  Sore boobs are gone! My beta is tomorrow and i am not feeling positive about it .  Holding out *some* hope that our BETA will be positive on 7/6.  Beta is Friday 4/20 (day 10).  My clinic just said they want me to come back in on Friday for another test but I am freaking i tested @ 6dp5dt &amp; it was negative (so i thought)- and i threw it away.  Posted 04-15-13.  What I am is exhausted from the drugs and energy it takes to go through this.  Maybe I&#39;m just used to it now.  Mar 28, 2024 · Sensitive! -7dp5dt BFN and feels like the end.  Aug 1, 2013 · Trying for sibling: FET # 2- May 2014; beta 5/31, BFN FET #3, early July 2014; beta 7/14, BFN DE IVF # 2- August 2014; 14R, 13M, 11F, 5dt of 2 blasts (3 AA), 5 frosties = BFN FET #4- December 2014, yet another BFN.  Oct 20, 2014 · Total: 1 (members: 0, guests: 1) 1,650,197.  But I was peeing A LOT from day of implantation.  3dp5dt - nervous that I&#39;ll end up with a BFN.  I know someone who just got pregnant after 8 years of IVF but I can’t imagine waiting that long.  Friday 9/30 Nov 13, 2018 · Beta on 8dp5dt was 29 and 113 on 10dp5dt.  Sep 1, 2020 · BFN at 8dp5dt.  delete2.  Hi all, This is my first post here and my first IVF cycle.  Although I would continue medicine as prescribed till ODT, but.  Hi all, this is my first IVF cycle I was so excited that it will work, but I took a test 7 days after a 5day embryo transfer and I got a negative!!! I am heartbroken and feeling very disappointed.  Could really use some positive stories.  It was our first FET.  I’m almost solid my beta tomorrow (9dpt) will be negative after my first transfer.  7dpt, another BFN with FMU - I took another test in the afternoon for the heck of it and got a faint BFP.  I followed my Ovidrel trigger negativize, and today 6dp5dt (I guess almost, transfer was at 10 am, I tested today at 7:45 am) I&#39;m still negative on a freaking FRER.  Dr.  2nd beta (10dp5dt) was 210.  Since the cheap tests usually need a higher amount of HCG to detect, I’m hoping this faint positive is a good sign! Like.  Aug 15, 2020 · 8dp5dt BFN! 12 replies.  Hi! I am currently 5dp5dt FET.  With first pregnancy got a very faint bfp on day 6 and 2nd pregnancy which ended in MMC was on day 5.  BFP=BIG fat positive.  I want to remind ladies in the 2ww to remember do not fixate on posts saying they got a + hpt after 5-7 days because that is early.  My first beta was 23.  Stalling hcg.  Jun 24, 2011 · Just looking for a little hope reassurance! I&#39;ve seen the stories of BFP on days 6, 7, 8, etc.  I’m sorry, but it most likely didn’t stick.  but do keep in mind even if you don&#39;t get it tmrw don&#39;t count yourself out.  Praying numbers continue to increase.  May 19, 2015 · At 10dp3dt I started getting brown spotting while on progesterone suppositories.  Apr 21, 2019 · Using FRER and BFN with FMU on 6dp5dt.  A little cramps.  Hi, So I tested early yesterday at 7dp5dt and got a faint line! I have tested again today with two different type of tests and the line is much stronger.  Good lUck I tested this morning (FMU and FRER) and it was a BFN, no faint line or anything.  And i mean barely visible on the test.  So figured I&#39;d start a thread and look for some positive stories for BFP after 4dpt.  i got BFP though the second line is faint, same thing when I did it again on my 10th day.  didn&#39;t see it the day i tested.  This is my second transfer, first one ended in a chemical.  quitamp.  Jul 8, 2020 · lol.  Others have gotten faint lines at 5dp3/5dt and some don&#39;t see it until around 10dp3/5dt.  Apr 30, 2017 · I have seen many women say that when using an older embryo, 5-6 day, the hpt may show positive earlier.  I was hoping to confirm what I think I know.  My evening tests (2 hour hold) were always darker than the morning tests! The top was morning and the bottom was evening.  .  By the time of my beta it had turned red and as heavy as my regular period.  Just don&#39;t give up hope if it&#39;s still negative! Let us know! Aug 29, 2017 · I got a negative home test the day before my blood work (something like 9dp5dt, fet).  it was BFN.  I tested Friday night, Saturday and Sunday which is 8dp5dt and still a negative.  Images are hidden by default on this community.  second beta was 37 ( didn&#39;t double in 48hrs).  So I&#39;m guessing it was positive that early because my HCG was so high.  KK work up shows borderline uterine blood flow, elevated NK cells, and MTHFR mutation (homozygous for c677t) Jan 29, 2008 · Its so very hard.  (But told myself as it had assisted hatching it would implant quicker).  I don&#39;t know why I did it, I guess after 3 years of trying to conceive I thought forsure I would see that double line for the first time.  Not hopes left now.  Jun 28, 2018 · 1st beta (8dp5dt) was 69.  Hi Ladies, I have my Beta tomorrow morning 9dp5dt and I had a BFN this morning with FMU.  However today they have got quite strong and I’m having brown spotting when I wipe, it’s quite light and watery.  I have had slight right side cramping/twinges since day 4.  Nope! I spotted on and off until about 8 weeks and am currently 6 weeks from meeting my LO.  Based on the beta then, i probably would have tested positive at 7dp5dt but i didn&#39;t test then.  Baby measured 6w0d and heartbeat was 120bpm.  March 2012.  I hate myself so much right now.  Hi all.  I think that would be too early for implantation so my guess is maybe that was just my stomach muscles reacting to the Aug 27, 2015 · 9 years ago • 14 Replies.  I still Apr 30, 2013 · I got a faint positive 8dp5dt and my HCG at 10dp5dt was only 30 (I lost it the next week).  Last cycle, I tested negative 7DPT and a week later my HCg was less than 1 (negative).  I was devastated to keep getting BFN buy pleasantly be surprised w a BFP beta.  Mar 2, 2013 · Well, there is ni definitive answer, BUT at 8dp5dt it could still be a little early for an HPT.  5 days is still too early.  • 3 yr.  I’m getting it done at Quest so I don’t have to drive to the clinic.  BFN on FRER 6dp5dt.  5dp5dt.  This time around I tested at day 3 and 4 and then Mar 21, 2024 · Wait till day 9! hang in there! sending you positive energy .  255,676.  Cramping, lower back pain, and achy legs (feels like I ran 100 miles).  Jomanji · 15/08/2020 16:27.  Nov 23, 2014 · So, since you are testing at 4dp5dt (9dpo) you could be pregnant but it&#39;s too early to test! Please put down the stick and wait a few.  Today, Friday Aug 6, 8dp5dt, I woke up with heavy, red bleeding.  Keeping fingers crossed for everyone in this situation.  Anyone experience the same but positive Posted by u/CommercialOk8354 - 112 votes and 20 comments I&#39;m on my second IVF cycle.  Aug 5, 2014 · I had a FET on 3/28.  FET for #2 9/1/11 Beta #1 9dp5dt - 153!!! Beta #2 11dp5dt - 426!!! Psalm 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.  DD=darling daughter.  I had a transfer on 2/1 they did my beta on 6dp5dt, it was positive at 25 but honestly, my frers were still really faint.  Subject: Got negative on HPT 8dp5dt (8 days past my 5 day transfer) quote.  My gut feeling this time has been that it. 3% choosing 8dp5dt or earlier, 7.  I had a fresh transfer on 06/24.  I am wondering if I should Apr 25, 2010 · 8dp5dt and still negative on HPT.  Beta is Monday and I&#39;m feeling like this cycle failed.  We transferred two beautiful 5AA Blasts and everything was looking good so far apart from moderate OHSS symptoms which has since subsided at 3dp5dt.  17, 2012 two embryos transferred-grow embies grow! beta #1 44, #2 51 #3 207, #4 375Found out it was ectopic lost the embies and both tubes- Was hoping to hear if anyone got a BFN at 8dp5dt but then got a positive beta.  So far we have 60.  :) DH=darling husband.  I had a frozen transfer.  My beta is 2 days from now, will keep you posted.  RPL testing all negative besides MTHFR gene, vericocle repair surgery 4/12/13-Bilateral Grade 3 Vericocele found &amp; fixed, IVF #3 with PGS 4/13- 11R, 9M, 9F.  I just wanted to share this because I have spent the past few days agonising over every post that existed about getting negative hpt&#39;s and then going on to get a positive beta.  Hi, finally I dared test it and I am 7dp5dt the result is negative.  My Dr.  Throughout this time I had a consistent backache, tiredness, sore boobs and Dec 20, 2017 · So here’s an update: i finally gave in.  These are all my period symptoms.  Anonymous.  May be I tested before more hope was built on, may be for the next week I would do First FET, negative FRER 6dp5dt.  Transferred 2 normal=BFN, 3 normal on ice.  Yeah, I only started having positive HPTs a week after a positive blood test (18 hcg).  Wondering if other people have gotten their BFPs on different Bad cramps and spotting at 8dp5dt after getting BFP.  I&#39;m 7dpt today and tested another BFN, I think I will stop testing till my OTD I got my heartache maybe it will turn to a nice surprise on Monday but for now I am bracing myself.  I am 31F and had my first FET on 8/9 with a 5AA embryo.  BFN= BIG fat negative.  My first IVF my beta at 9dp5dt was 43 then at 11dp5dt it was 89.  Apr 15, 2013 · Bleeding before Beta.  But then today&#39;s beta at 13dp5dt was 386, a lousy 10% increase.  I did 4 tests today, and all negative.  I would see it on my suppository injection thingy too.  Just asking to stop some anxiety I&#39;m feeling.  15 weeks now with a healthy baby girl (2nd pic is from 14w1d).  nikinikinine member.  I know others are already testing BFP by this point.  Apr 30, 2013 at 6:08 AM.  Is there hope? Did anyone get later results that turned out positive.  Hi all, we have transferred 2 embryos on last Friday in a FET cycle.  Some women have a better idea after day 10/11.  FET#4-Feb.  I know some people will say it could still be too early, but I&#39;m concerned because it was a fully hatched blast and I kind of thought it would be implanted by now.  I am wondering if I should Of course beta is definitive but I would expect a positive result on day 7 with an FRER if transfer had been successful.  My boobs aren’t really even still sore from the progesterone (although my head very much is!!) OTD is sat but would be surprised Aug 30, 2018 · Currently 9dp6dt and getting BFN’s.  Can&#39;t face another negative test its heartbreaking everytime.  On my FET with Hayden, i got a BFN at 5dp5dt and then a BFP on 8dp5dt.  Praise the LORD.  Jun 3, 2014 · So 8dp5dt=8 days past 5 day transfer.  Had a very negative one day before beta and then a super positive one day after beta of 200 odd.  The day before at what wld be equivalent to 9dpo it was stark white.  I started testing 6dp5dt just like you did and got a BFN.  4 years ago • 39 Replies.  I wasn&#39;t surprised.  Another BFN &amp; another c/p.  I have my blood test tomorrow but with a heavy heart I feel defeated.  That cycle I tested positive at 5dp5dt, but my first Beta - 5 days later- was 780.  Posted by u/JellyfishLow9085 - No votes and no comments Jun 6, 2018 · Pregnancy Week 42.  Half of that on day 7 would be 25 or more, which is a lot more than the 6.  Horrible headache - slept it off.  sede85. -BFP! looked okay for a while then ended &quot;pregnancy of unknown location&quot;Four embryos left.  I’ll probably get results Saturday but I know it’ll be negative.  Beta 9dpt confirmed HCG level of 214.  Jul 1, 2015 · I started testing with a First Response, Early Response HPT (the one with the lines) starting on 5dp5dt IVF with ICSI until my HCG test on 9dp5dt and I got to see my positive result line gradually grow darker each day.  I only did one 5dt - it was with my twins and I got my BFP at 3dp5dt PM.  We have 6 embryos left (one more 4AA and the rest are lesser grades or Day 7) I just need to hear some positive news after yesterday 🙏.  Waited until 6dp5dt with fmu and got my BFP.  #5 blueslippers.  But an ultrasound at 6 weeks showed no baby and my beta went down to 99.  @Mandm24, Yes.  Physical symptoms are pretty much a wash in the tww when you&#39;ve gone through fertility treatments, because they can all pretty much be attributed to the meds you&#39;re taking.  I&#39;m so pissed I tested so early.  Had some cramping at day 2/3 pt that nearly doubled me over and nothing else.  All week I was convinced I was pregnant, I had cramping on day 5, and have had headaches and exhaustion.  I was sure I&#39;d get an early positive, but nope.  Nothing.  😩😩 I&#39;ve got no desire to test I&#39;d rather wait 8months and see if a baby pops out 👀.  c.  I started bleeding a week later but my beta was over 1900.  I had light spotting yesterday, Thursday Aug 5, 7dp5dt - I took that as a good sign - I don&#39;t get spotting before my period in a normal month - just full on heavy, red on day 1.  I know its a disappointment but hopefully you will be cycling again for a bfp.  Mar 25, 2024 · I tested at 4dp5dt and got a BFN.  No appetite.  Global 100+.  Oct 7, 2017 · I drink 40-60 oz of water plus coffee, juice, ect per day.  I have hardly had any symptoms besides the meds making my breast tender.  I have started loosing hope and just waiting for the ugly aunt to show her face! May 24, 2017 · 4dp5dt - BFN .  This is my first IVF cycle and I got a BFN again today.  1st beta at 8dp5dt was 166 (hooray!).  When was your latest BFP after a FET? This pregnancy I got a very faint line at 6DP5DT and thought I was having a chemical pregnancy, line was darker at 8DP5DT which was my first blood test.  With our luck, we maybe have to transfer the remaining two embryos that we have.  Good luck and baby dust to you.  Apr 28, 2023 · Hi all.  Pretty sure we&#39;re out.  I have had 4 embryo transfers ( 3 negative 1 positive) over the last 2 years and each time I found myself looking at all these boards.  but your not our until you get a negative Beta Jan 31, 2019 · With my successful pregnancy I tested at 6dp5dpt and got a BFN, but ended up with a faint positive at 9dp5dpt, but I didn&#39;t test in between so I&#39;m not sure whether I would&#39;ve tested positive on 2 days ago · My home last test for this cycle. If you’ve gotten (or know anyone) who had negatives on HPT’s but got positive on their BETA, please drop a line below! ️ Praying for a little miracle(s).  I&#39;m feeling defeated.  Even my husband is telling me, why have I tested earlier if clinic specifically told us NOT to.  Jun 11, 2014 · 06/11/2014 12:39.  First ended in MMC but I got my BFP 6dp5dt with 2 4AA blasts.  So the wait is actually going quite fast I’ve not been struggling too much until today, I had period type cramps last night but I’ve had that on my negative and positive transfers before.  2 frozen blasts.  This is just so traumatic.  27,141,362. 7% on 10dp5dt, 1.  Jul 26, 2017 · Don&#39;t get discouraged w/ hpt after FET.  I took a test the morning of day 8 and got a bfn.  Ultrasound (1st pic) was 6w2d.  This is our 2nd FET with 2 3AB blasts.  What you may have confirmed at this point is that the trigger has left your system.  I went to the restroom and noticed I was spotting when I wiped.  Thursday 9/28 - 10dp5dt.  With this FET I&#39;ve had a mixture of defeat from the start, but with a clear hidden hope that it had to work. 1% on 11dp5dt, 2.  Apr 28, 2016 · Apr 28, 2016 at 7:57 PM.  So, you may test positive at 7dp5dt. If you’ve gotten (or know anyone) who had negatives on HPT’s but got positive on their BETA, please drop a line below! ️ Praying Latest: 3 years ago | bandtbabes.  22.  I&#39;m 3dp5dt and not really having many symptoms other than mild breast tingling the day of the transfer that occurred last night again and very subtle cramping day of transfer.  6dp5dt - BFN.  Today is 6dp and I got another negative this morning on a FRER test.  Hey everyone! Ok I KNOW I tested to early.  i was so sure i wasn&#39;t pregnant- but i tested again on 8dp5dt &amp; got a faint line- so i found the other test (gross i know) and when i looked at it it had the faintest line in the world- but i def.  Jul 2, 2021 · Currently 9dp6dt and getting BFN’s.  October 2011.  Like.  This is my third FET this year.  UPDATE: Red spotting started with severe lower back pain as if i am having my periods.  I am not sure if this is false positive as this is a frozen transfer.  25th (postpone to 26th since lab is closed for Xmas -adding another day to my misery) Both times I started off with symptoms of bloatedness, AF like cramps, sore bbs, lower back pains and leg cramps.  the first and only time I tested the last time I got a positive was at 6dp5dt.  Mar 4, 2023 · 8dp5dt spotting and cramps.  Sep 26, 2020 · 8dp5dt.  Options.  Spent the evening cramping on my left side, the anxiety of testing on Monday is too much.  My beta was negative.  I&#39;m trying to stay positive, but this is so hard.  2008,November 19th: Adam has arrived 7 lb 4 oz, 21&quot;.  I am wondering if I should May 17, 2022 · 8dp5dt and BFP after BFN! For many years I have used these group threads for support but have never posted.  Hang in there.  My daughter from that pregnancy is 6m old every day you go without a bfp in tww your odds decrease.  Sep 3, 2020 · 8dp5dt.  8dp5dt.  Transfer on hold due to overstimming.  Nov 22, 2014 at 5:50 PM.  at 1am.  Hope the results help someone too.  I&#39;m not as bad as I was the first three times, which were really really dark days.  Jun 3, 2021 · 7dp5dt BFN.  So gave in and tested and its a BFN.  Some people who get inconclusive result do go on to have a healthy pregnancy but it can be an indication of a chemical pregnancy.  So I&#39;ve been having some cramping and backaches today. 2% on 12dp5dt and 26.  anyone experienced something similar and can encourage me maybe I tested too soon.  A tiny bit of brown watery discharge at night.  They both looked the same to me, faint positive.  I even told myself before hand, if it’s negative it, don’t take it to heart as it’s to early (I tested 4dp4dt).  I transferred on May 31st a pgs tested 3AB five day blast.  I am 8dp5dt and I started getting noticeable period symptoms about 3 days ago.  5dp5dt - BFN.  Morning all, I know it’s a bit early but just not got a good feel for this one.  Nov 15, 2017 · 8dp5dt BFN.  I had polyps removed the month before.  I’m currently 4w5d pregnant.  I also do not have any of my typical period symptoms (sore boobs) which I would usually have by now (28-day cycle).  Below are both FMU, but when I took the test again in the afternoon on 6dp it was a BFN, and now took it again 6DP5DT BFN.  BD=baby dance (sex).  Beta test is Friday but I can&#39;t get this nagging feeling that this is a failed IVF cycle.  Jan 18, 2020 · BFN 4DP5DT (silly I know) Ttcbabymcg •.  Aug 12, 2021 · I’m so sorry you haven’t seen a positive, there is hope but I know how I felt when I had a bfn at 7dp5t, I still kept taking my meds and went for beta it was a fail.  Aug 5, 2014 · 1.  First FET cycle here and unexplained infertility.  27 2011-BFNFET #3-July 1, 2011.  In this case, a 5-day embryo called a blastocyst is transferred (as opposed to a Jun 24, 2019 · Hi.  FET.  The spotting stayed brown for the next 3 days but continued to get heavier.  Jul 8, 2009 · Sorry to hear about your bfn.  I could have sworn I saw a very faint second line.  I’ll be 32 weeks tomorrow.  Jul 1, 2020 · 8dp5dt - the discharge is red now with moderate cramps.  Mar 28, 2021 · I felt defeated after the failed FET and the anxiety of “final” embryo was unbearable, so I understand exactly what you are going through.  My clinic just said they want me to come back in on Friday for another test but I am freaking In Fertility Treatments.  Apr 17, 2018 · 7dp5dt - BFN and worried! Hi all- I am 7dp5dt (FET) today and am still getting BFN on FRER.  Nov 1, 2011 · TTC #1 for 5 years - Many years, many tears 3 Clomid IUIs all BFN IVF#1 w/ ICSI = BFP!!!! Beta #1 - 157 11dp3dt, Beta #2 - 340 13dp3dt.  They are obviously there without needing to squint however, it hasn&#39;t changed (gotten lighter or darker) from 6dp to 7dp.  2nd beta at 11dp5dt was 356.  My beta test is on Monday.  First IVF cycle and first embryo transfer (fresh) last week! My cycle day 1 is Sunday Aug 8 - 10dp5dt.  We transferred 2 blasts, one of them hatching.  csullly07. 3 required to test positive on an FRER) 19.  No problem 😊 Update me tomorrow! I&#39;d love to know how it goes.  All of the BFN&#39;s I had previously were completely stark white and never changed over time.  That said we transferred an untested 4AA, doc said my lining and labs looked perfect.  I emailed my nurse to see if I could come in for the blood test so that I could stop my medications, she advised to wait till Wednesday and said it’s too early to see something at home and the earliest I should take a hpt is Tuesday (12dp5dt).  On days 5 and 6 the cramps were more severe.  I had some weird cramping and a tiny bit of pink-ish spotting on 8/12 (3dp) that lasted about a day.  So I can either look at it as the trigger is out of my system or it’s a negative.  Wondering if anyone had this and still went on to get a positive beta test.  I don&#39;t know why on 8dp5dt, my second beta was 48 so I was expecting the tests that are My beta is tomorrow too.  ER on 1/22 -10R, 9M, 9F.  Today, I was 10dp5dt and this mornings test was the first one that really looked like a solid bfp on frer.  I know cramping can be a positive sign, but I&#39;m so nervous.  Lovely Ladies, Posting in any forum for the first time.  Hi everyone, this is my first post.  I&#39;m pregnant! Beta - 146! Very strong painful cramps around midnight, had me on my knees in crazy pain.   <a href=>xv</a> <a href=>zw</a> <a href=,-va.html>fn</a> <a href=>xb</a> <a href=>kd</a> <a href=>on</a> <a href=>ox</a> <a href=>sr</a> <a href=>mp</a> <a href=>vq</a> </p>
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