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1903a4 bolt.  Sold For: $3,550.  Availability: Out of Stock.  WWII REMINGTON MODEL 1903/A4 SNIPER.  Look for a real 1903a4.  This was the standard U.  M1 GARAND LEATHER SLING, REPRO U.  M1911 prices are rapidly increasing, M1 Garands are being scooped up at a frantic pace, and many folks are developing an appreciation for the bolt actions of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. 30 CAL BROKEN SHELL EXTRACTOR NEW.  The Sep 11, 2012 · 1903a3 bolt compared to 1903A4 sniper bolt. 5 Vertical Rings, Redfield mounts.  The buttpate shows 1903A3 1903A4 Springfield Bolt Remington.  These were the standard WWII sniper as used by the Army throughout WWII, then again in Korea and even in Vietnam.  A few are deep.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Rifle Auction Location: Rock Island, IL Auction Date: February 17, 2022 Description.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Sniper Rifle that was manufactured in the first block of serial numbers, circa 1943. com the best online marketplace for buying and selling semi auto pistols, firearms, accessories, and collectibles : 902759915.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with ScopeManufactured in 1942 and barrel marked &quot;RA/flaming bomb/7-43&quot;.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 ScopeThis is an exceptional example of WWII U.  The barrel is RA 12-43, two-grooved. 30-06 Springfield 5 Round Capacity 24&quot; 4 Grooved Barrel 1:10&quot; Twist Rate Swivel Studs Oil Satin Hardwood Stock Black Parkerized Finish Overall Length: 43. 00 shipping.  With &quot;RA/3-43&quot; marked barrel, sling, and Jul 20, 2023 · 07-21-2023, 12:30 PM.  The rifle has the correct 1903A4 sniper rifle bolt with the &quot;R&quot; mark U.  S# 3408053.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle&quot;RA/12-43&quot; barrel.  The two piece oil stained hardwood has a pistol grip, nose cap with bayonet lug, stacking loop, barrel band, two sling loops, two through bolts, and a metal buttplate with hinged door for storage.  This 1903 A4 comes complete with original matching early &quot;DMC&quot; sales receipt.  There is some finish wear but no rust,Good 1903A4 hard to find! Jun 8, 2009 · 03:49 AM.  Anybody know where to get this done? Jeff Walle at G&amp;L did the new barrel install and scope rings and bases install, but he couldn&#39;t do the handle conversion.  the Lyman is a great scope, but not correct for the rifle. , in 1943. 30-06 cal.  This was made from a 1903A3 Remington Bolt.  $40.  Does anybody have any information such as types and date ranges for these different Mar 21, 2011 · The bottom line is that our M1903A4 delivered acceptable accuracy that would probably improve once the barrel was broken in by having a couple of hundred rounds fired through it.  The receiver has the unique M1903A4 markings that consist of: &quot;U.  Most of the marks have been oiled over. 30-06 Springfield.  Both receiver and barrel are the common gray/green pakerizing. S World War II U. 99.  Regards, Apr 12, 2009 · 1903A4 bolt question.  This gun falls correctly in place for the serial number block of 3407088 to 34427087.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with M84 Scope&quot;RA/9-43&quot; barrel, M84 scope serial number &quot;34780&quot;, &quot;MR&quot; stock, green canvas The rifle has the distinctive stock with the bolt relief cut, milled bolt handle and barrel with no front sight.  The original sights are properly absent, with &quot;R. 01.  30 Guard Screw, Front.  Remington Model 1903A4 Sniper Rifle with M82 ScopeThis Model 1903A4 sniper rifle was manufactured by the Remington Arms Co.  A late 1943 M1903A4 serial number 3422193.  24&quot;.  The M1903A4 was a sniper version of the Springfield M1903A3 fitted with a Weaver 330C scope.  33 Magazine Spring. , 24&quot; barrel, parkerized finish, original walnut stock and hand guard, with M73-B1 scope on parkerized Redfield rings and mounts, with leather scope covers and correct relief cut bolt handle.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 ScopeManufactured by Remington for the United States Army in World War II.  38 Front Sight Blade Pin.  May 7, 2017 · U. 50.  Price $29.  3/4&quot; for the weaver 330, 7/8&quot; for the alaskan.  Designed for use specifically for use with the S&amp;T 1903 bolt action rifle the S&amp;T scope mount allows for the mounting of any optic that uses a 20mm accessory mount to be mounted onto the 1903.  And while it has produced everything Jan 25, 2012 · Likewise the bottom edge of the cut should be even and rounded.  Description.  The bolt handle cut out is swept back to match the angle of the 1903A4 bolt handle but it is not an original cutout.  1903A4 replica snipers bolt, iv been building these bolts for a few years, well over 200 sold, i cut the handle from the bolt, grind and bend the handle, set in a jig with a heat sink May 11, 2009 · The 1903a4 is equipped with the redfield 1pc turn-in base, with windage adjustment. /REMINGTON/MODEL 03-A3&quot; in three lines on the left side of the telescopic sight base and the serial number &quot;3416892&quot; on the right side of the sight base.  The’03A4’s bolt handle was concavely forged to Feb 24, 2012 · Now before anybody brings it up, I&#39;d be more than happy to buy a real, original and complete1903A4.  They come with a stripped bolt and I was wondering how hard/expensive it is to have that converted into a turned down bolt.  Dec 28, 2021 · I have a question about the markings on my U.  Very Good condition 1903-A3 that has been bent into the 1903-A4 configuration.  All marked parts are marked R.  The M1903A4 is an excellent representation of sniper rifle technology of the 1940s. /REMINGTON/MODEL 03-A3&quot; on the left side and the serial Oct 14, 2007 · It is your gun do what you like with it, but why destroy a 1903.  Stats &amp; Specs: Barrel: 24” Bid in a Proxibid online auction to acquire a U.  The left side of the scope body is roll-stamped with &quot;TELESCOPE M82&quot; above the serial number and the stock number; the markings are partially obscured by Rock Island Auction Company is the global leader in firearms auctions, currently holding multiple records for our top-selling lots. 75.  Year of Manufacture: 1943 (page 375 of Joe Poyer’s book, The M1903 Springfield Rifle and its Variations, 3rd Edition) Barrel Date: July, 1943. tsx at Offered for sale this genuine 1903A4 bolt from the 1903A4 variant sniper rifle.  {&quot;message&quot;:&quot;In _app.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with M84 ScopeThis is a solid representative example of a WWII U.  It has not been reparked (IMHO).  This Remington made sniper rifle has a very good appearance as arsenal overhauled with its replacement scope mount and commercial Lyman &quot;Alaskan&quot; scope.  i cured the issues with this by building them a standard hunting rifle bolt that looks like a model 70 Winchester handle.  02-21-2013, 01:06 PM.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver 330 ScopeRemington &quot;8-43&quot; barrel, Weaver Model 330 scope (clear optics, fair tube), canvas sling.  I hope it comes out well do post photos when complete.  The original sights are properly absent, with a Remington &quot;3-43&quot; barrel, &quot;R&quot; marked bolt with properly turned and contoured handle, and the properly offset manufacturer, model and serial Customer typically receives item with-in 2 or 3 days. &quot; U.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver 330 ScopeThis is a WWII production M1903A4 sniper rifle manufactured by Remington Arms Company in the first block of serial numbers.  A new 03A3 bolt purchased from the DCM would have run you about 15 cents.  The SN range is 3409172. S View our latest catalog to find what you might be searching for.  1903a3 m1903 1903A4 Bolt sleeve lock, New, Old Stock part Remington.  Modifing 1903a3 bolt to a4 bolt.  This is a scene from “Saving Private Ryan” in the beginning towards the end of the Omaha Beach scene.  From its establishment in 1794 up to 1968, the Springfield Armory was the primary R&amp;D and manufacturing facility for the small arms used by the armed forces of the United States.  This is a drill and tap mount made for the 1903 Springfield specifically for this generation of scope.  World War II U.  I&#39;d be ok with something like boltman doing it if Each receiver is carefully drilled and tapped using replicas of the original &quot;Redfield&quot; rings and mounts and the 2nd Generation Gibbs 1903A4 M73G2 scope made by Hi-Lux/Leatherwood, an exact copy of the M73B1 scope, used on the 1st model M1903-A4&#39;s.  Information.  With correct 03A4 barrel with no sights, correct offset receiver markings, Redfield scope base, Lyman Alaskan 2.  The wood shows small scrapes, small scratches and light compression marks throughout.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 ScopeThis is a late production US Model 1903A4 sniper rifle that was produced by the Remington Arms company in late 1943.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle from Rock Island Auction Company.  The LOP measures 13 inches from the front of the trigger to the back of the buttplate.  The Krag-Jörgensen is a fine bolt gun by any standard, the M1917 is smooth as silk, and m1903 Springfield rifles are an American classic.  Army contract Remington Model 1903A4 sniper rifle manufactured in the early part of the first block of US Army contract serial numbers and subsequently arsenal refurbished.  Army contract Remington Model 1903A4 sniper rifle manufactured in the first block of serial numbers.  May 21, 2012 · my bolts, and stock cut are ment to replicate the 1903A4,s.  Properly without sights and featuring the offset &quot;03-A3&quot; model nomenclature, this rifle is fitted with a &quot;RA/3 Mar 24, 2009 · I&#39;ve started the conversion of my Springfield 1903A3 to a 1903A4 (Marine sniper).  With Lyman Alaskan scope, &quot;MRT/6-52&quot; marked leather cheek piece, and leather sling.  These marks have been oiled over.  M1903 1903A3 1903A4 Bolt Springfield, With Extractor, Marked &quot;R&quot;.  thanks in advance.  Except for the receiver, it IS an A4.  Sniper Version of the 1903-A3.  I know a little about these bolts, which were unique to the 1903A4 sniper rifle. /REMINGTON/MODEL 03-A3&quot; marking on the left side of the receiver ring. S.  Sep 11, 2012 · 1903a3 bolt compared to 1903A4 sniper bolt.  Pre-Owned.  The wood shows various scrapes, small scratches, light scrapes, &amp; compression marks.  The bolt handle cut out is swept back to match the angle of the 1903A4 bolt handle.  You might be able to get a good start by clamping the workpiece in a jig and making two parallel cuts the width of the bolt handle.  A parkerized Redfield scope base is installed on the receiver and has been fitted with a blue M84 rifle scope that is fitted with a rubber eyecup and extending sun shield.  The wood shows various scrapes, small scratches &amp; compression marks.  Only 2,920 EVER MFG’d! SN Z4002751, BARREL ‘’RA 9-43’’, original barrel with mint bore gauging at only 1 1/2 with most matching Remington &quot;R&quot; marked parts.  I recently purchased a 1903A4 (markings are in the correct location).  Gibbs then utilizes new-made 4-groove barrels made identical to the originals.  LSB#: 200807DW01 Make: Remington, Federal Ordnance Re-Import Model: 1903-A4 (Sniper Version of the 1903-A3) Serial Number: 3409163 Year of Manufacture: 1943, C&amp;R (page 374 of Joe Poyer’s book, The M1903 Springfield Rifle and its Variations, 3rd Edition) Barrel Date: December, 1942 Nov 6, 2012 · Re: 1903A4 bolt body Best of luck on the part(s) shopping, but thats a beautiful rifle. 5x scope, relieved bolt handle, and canvas The rifle has the correct 1903A4 sniper rifle bolt with the &quot;R&quot; mark on the underside of the bolt handle and on other components.  Buy It Now.  Configured like original M1903A4 rifles, and fully approved for vintage sniper rifle competitions, this Gibbs Rifle Co.  The sniper character uses a M73 scope on a 1903A4.  05-05-2017, 06:20 PM.  Here&#39;s what I started with: Here&#39;s with the correct stock and scope mount.  resurrected the Springfield M1903A4 sniper rifle using all new parts except for the action.  May 9, 2013 · The M1903A4 serial numbers were in the following blocks of numbers: 3,407,088-3,427,087. 00.  The replacement 2 groove barrel is marked behind front sight &quot;RA&quot; &quot;flaming bomb&quot; and &quot;8-44&quot;.  SOLD FOR: $4025.  The original sights are properly absent, with a Remington &quot;12-43&quot; barrel, &quot;R&quot; marked bolt with properly turned and contoured handle, and the properly offset manufacturer, model and serial The bolt handle cut out is swept back to match the angle of the 1903A4 bolt handle.  The correct finish is parkerized, with case hardened colored screws.  Features: Metal alloy construction; Designed specifically to fit the S&amp;T 1903 bolt action rifle; Accepts any standard 20mm accessory mounts; Length: 5.  This barrel date is not consistant with the Scarce U.  Lot 2710: U.  World War II Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with M84 ScopeThis is an example of a Remington Model 1903A4 sniper rifle manufactured in 1944, that was subsequently refurbished by an arsenal and fitted with an M84 scope.  Buy a Remington US Rifle Springfield M-1903A4 Bolt body with extractor and collar.  1903-A4 Sniper Rifle.  Dec 8, 2021 · 1903A4 bolt? By KenK in forum M1903/1903A3/A4 Springfield Rifle Replies: 2 Last Post: 05-03-2009, 09:43 PM.  cbiarritz (2,189) 100%.  Sniper Version of the 1903A3.  Aug 11, 2020 · You could buy a new condition bolt &quot;altered for scope&quot; (the photo was of an 03A4 bolt) for $3.  USGI 1903A3 Springfield Rifle Bolt Body with Extractor Collar - Remington.  RIFLE.  Feb 21, 2013 · Tweet.  Aug 13, 2010 · I have a 1903A3 I am almost done converting to a A4 configuration.  LSB#: 220118NO008.  The scope has a fine cross-hair reticle and the early non Feb 14, 2022 · Use this forum to discuss 1903s, A3s, A4s, 1917s, Krags, and other CMP bolt-action rifles World War II U.  Free shipping.  There is a plastic oiler stored in the butt. A.  The Type 9B was made without finger grooves.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with a Lyman Alaskan All-Weather 2 1/2x ScopeManufactured in 1944 and subsequently arsenal refurbished.  Bbl.  May 5, 2017 · Rock Ridge 1903A4 Range Report.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver 330 ScopeManufactured in 1943.  Z4,000,000-Z4,002,920. /REMINGTON SPRINGFIELD OEM MATCH LEATHER SLING FOR M1A, M14, M1 GARAND.  This example was refurbished for Korea by the Rock Dec 30, 2020 · MY &quot;AForgery&quot; has a for Real A4 (post war rebuild) stock, GI A4 bolt, the Lyman (GI rebuild correct) mount (with original Redfield vertical split rings) mentioned above, and new out of the packaging Remington bands and buttplate, with a used but nice R marked trigger guard with the pad.  Make: Remington.  The rings should be parkerized with case screws also.  Model: 1903-A4.  The barrel is marked World War II U.  I recently picked up a RR 03A4 from the Talladega Creedmoor shop.  Serial Number: 3418378.  Originals will have an &quot;R&quot; (Remington) stamped on the bottom of the bolt handle root and usually a punch mark.  Marine.  While in theory the 03-A4 should have been made obsolete by the introduction of the M1C and M1D Garand variants, the Springfield sniper saw use through World The M1903A4 was the U.  sniper rifle as used during WWII, Korea and into Vietnam.  The nosecap, barrel band &amp; buttplate show scrapes &amp; some small scratches.  Can someone post a picture or two showing a side by side comparison of the bolts. 5% positive; Seller&#39;s other items Seller&#39;s other items; Contact seller; US $399.  SN 3415745.  50 / 70 Buttplate / Recoil Pad.  &quot;RA&quot; and &quot;FJA&quot; stock.  This sniper rifle went onto serve in the Korean and Vietnam Wars as well as being deployed for World War II U.  I pretty much have everything but the stock and barrel I have on order from the CMP E-Store.  (Note all the Remington spare parts bolts may have this stamp as well) Originals will be black oxide finished.  Notice the picture the flats at 11:00 and 1:00 - looks almost like a dado cut - then finished off with a rotary tool.  The receiver has the properly offset &quot;U.  The rifle falls within the correct serial number range (3,407,088 to 3,427,087) for the 1st block of model 1903-A4 Sniper Rifles (page 72 of Joe Poyer’s book, The M1903 Springfield Rifle and its Variations, 3rd Edition).  U.  1943 U.  I had CMP alter the bolt to 1903A4 configuration.  With its history behind it.  supertrashdiggerman (4,211) 100%.  The two piece oil stained hardwood has a pistol grip, metal nose cap, stacking loop, barrel band, two sling loops, two through bolts, and a metal buttplate with hinged door for storage.  Condition: Used.  The rifle has a blue M82 Telescopic Sight with tapered post reticle and sliding sunshade.  The barrel is marked &quot;R.  One bolt handle is narrow compared to the others.  The most prominent are on the left side of the butt.  By xarmor in forum M1903/1903A3/A4 World War II U.  This will be a shooter, not a collector of course. 38 lbs World War II U.  Sep 23, 2010 · Springfield Models 1903A3 &amp; 1903A4.  Shows much finis for sale by suess556 on GunsAmerica.  I found the stripped converted bolts on Numrich Jun 20, 2019 · Gibbs Rifle Co.  The receiver is stamped with: &quot;U.  +$20.  USGI 7.  The sights are properly absent from the barrel and receiver, with &quot;R A/bomb/8-43&quot; on the barrel and the receiver bearing the properly offset &quot;U.  M1903A4 butt plate showing cross-hatching.  The rifle has the correct 1903A4 sniper rifle bolt with the &quot;R&quot; mark on the underside of the bolt handle.  These rifles were issued during WWII, again in Korea and even into Vietnam.  cumberlandvalleyllc (388) 99.  The scope is going to be re-finished, and re-blued next.  BOLT ACTION: Barrel Length: 2.  Your Price: $75.  1903 Turned down bolt.  Model 1903A4 Sniper rifle was based on the ’03A3 as developed by Remington to save production costs in ’03 rifle manufacture.  View Catalog.  I have an opportunity to buy what is described as an original 03A4 bolt.  WWII.  These were the standard sniper rifles during World War II, into Korea and even the early days of Vietnam.  As we have mentioned, sniper rifles of both our allies and enemies weren’t For sale is one Remington Factory produced 1903 A4 WWII sniper rifle.  These were the standard sniper rifles during WWII, into Korea and even the early days of Vietnam. Dec 23, 2013 · If you want a shooter, you&#39;re better off with a replica.  Posted: 10/25/2007 3:29:12 PM EDT.  .  REMINGTON MODEL 03-A3&quot; and serial number (4994835) on the right.  Issue bolts went for 99 cents each (plus 40 cents postage) or you could get six standard issue bolts for $3. /REMINGTON/MODEL 03-A3&quot; on the left side and the serial number &quot;Z4001598&quot; on the right.  The last thing is to get the bolt handle modified to clear the scope.  The handle dimensions are &quot;off&quot; = Fake.  By the way, the original &#39;03A4s were made within three serial number blocks: 3407088 to 3427087, 4992001 to 4997045, and Z4000000 to Z4002920. /Springfield Armory Model 1903A4 Bolt-Action Box Magazine Sniper Rifle (repeater/ breech-loading/ smokeless powder/ cartridge ammunition) The &#39;United States Model 1903 A4 Sniper Rifle&#39; was this gun&#39;s official title when adopted by the Army in 1943, but unofficially it was known as, The Snake.  If the rifle is outside those serial number blocks, it&#39;s very unlikely to be an original government-made &#39;03A4.  If you are building a A4 this bolt will help you get on your way.  I am looking at a 1903a4 sn 3,424,xxx. 62MM CHAMBER BRUSH NEW.  Correct rebuilt bolts may be gray parkerized.  69 Trigger Guard.  Action Type: Bolt Action, Internal Magazine.  Barrel marked &quot;RA/flaming bomb/9-43&quot;.  Posts: 946.  Rings vary based on the optic. /1-44&quot; on the barrel, &quot;R&quot; marked bolt with properly turned and contoured handle, and the properly offset manufacturer, model and serial number markings on the receiver ring. 5 Rock Island Auction Company is the global leader in firearms auctions, currently holding multiple records for our top-selling lots.  I was looking over a few A4&#39;s today and noticed that out of the six rifles I was looking at there were what appeared to be 3 different styles of bolt handles and 4 had different firing pins.  for sale.  I got the scope mount mounted, just need to see what the difference in the bolts is.  Jun 8, 2016 · The U.  The most prominent are on sides of the butt, forend near the barrel band retainer, and right side at the action.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper RifleManufactured in 1943, this rifle (per included photocopied documents) was released by the United States Army via the National Rifle Association &quot;less telescope&quot; in 1964.  The first few groups looked very promising but 10 shot groups started opening up into the 8 ring on the SR target at 300.  I purchased a Redfield scope mount base and correct 3/4&quot; rings and added a Hi-Lux M73G4 replica scope.  Remington Model 1903-A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Scope&quot;RA/1-44&quot; barrel, modern reproduction M84 scope numbered &quot;8041&quot;, &quot;RRA-C&quot; marked C style stock, replacement 1903 milled trigger guard assembly, leather sling, and an &quot;MRT/2-62&quot; M1C/M1D style cheekpiece (laced on, no Mar 2, 2024 · Overview of Remington Model 1903-A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle Item Details Remington Model 1903-A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle, #4994738, .  This rifle is original with the blued finish but the M73B1 scope has been refurbished by the military.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper RifleThis is a mid-World War II model 1903A4 Sniper rifle that was manufactured by the Remington Arms Co.  Serial Number: 3426092.  Nov 26, 2012 · The handle just looks too long = Fake.  Use this forum to discuss 1903s, A3s, A4s, 1917s, Krags, and other CMP bolt-action rifles.  Markings: The left side of the receiver Jul 2, 2015 · The Gibbs M1903-A4 is built using original Remington-made World War II M1903-A3 actions and turned-down bolts, which Gibbs obtained large quantities of when it purchase the rifle division of Parker-Hale in the 1990&#39;s.  Cal.  $27.  The scope itself is a correct GI version Exceptional World War II Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 Scope and SlingThis is an exceptional example of an early production U.  – Left side of butt of rifle.  Army’s sniper rifle of choice during the Second World War. /flaming bomb/6-43&quot; which correctly lacks the front sight.  The receiver is correctly marked in two blocks with: &quot;U.  Rock Island Auction Company is the global leader in firearms auctions, currently holding multiple records for our top-selling lots.  Price $3.  Gibbs 1903-A4 Springfield Sniper Rifle Bolt Action .  Rifle Model 1903A4, namely the “MODEL 03-AX4” designation found on the receiver.  With M73B1 scope numbered &quot;24942&quot;, scope cover, muzzle Bolt Body For 1903 And 1903A4 Sniper Rifles.  Remington Model 1903A4 &quot;Z&quot; Prefix Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 ScopeThis is one of the scarce &quot;Z&quot; prefix M1903A4 Sniper rifles manufactured by Remington Arms Company for the United States Army in World War II.  rifle is built on an original Remington M1903A3 action. 21&quot; Weighs 9. 95.  so end users installed Weaver 300 C and 330S , as well as the Lyman AK.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with a Weaver M73B1 ScopeManufactured in 1943, as part of a special run of 1903A4 receivers destined for use as a dedicated sniper rifle.  The cutout for the bolt handle is slightly swept to the rear to match the 1903A4’s modified bolt handle.  Description: SCARCE ‘’Z’’ PREFIX U.  Price $26.  Jul 7, 2015 · I just built a 1903A4 replica rifle from an original 1903A3 barrel (2-44 dated) and original Remington 1903A3 parts that I had laying around for years. /flaming bomb/9-43&quot; and the front sight is correctly absent.  June 20, 2019 By Joseph von Benedikt. 5X magnification.  $9.  Sep 12, 2014 · This is a Weaver 29S from the same period as the Model 330, with the same 3/4″ tube.  Part Number: 1903-A4 Bolt.  I&#39;ve mounted a Weaver K-4 (era correct) instead of the 330c due to the lack of 3/4&quot; scope rings.  M1903 BOLT - BLUED - REMINGTON.  USGI . 4 BARREL: New Listing US C Type Springfield Model 1903 30-06 Bolt Action Rifle Stock cut.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with M84 ScopeManufactured in 1943.  It appears the second “3” of the original “03-A3” stamp Sep 15, 2014 · Join Date: September 27, 2010.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle&quot;RA/5-43&quot; marked barrel.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 ScopeThis is a fine example of a late production 1903A4 sniper rifle that was manufactured in early 1944, and was subsequently arsenal refurbished, possibly for the Vietnam conflict.  I was thinking about buying a couple stripped 1903 receivers and rebuilding them from there into 1903a4&#39;s.  is it just a thinner bolt handle to clear the scope bell on the M-73, or is it ground/cut for clearance.  Caliber: .  View our latest catalog to find what you might be searching for.  I&#39;m putting together a 1903a4, using per rules, a Weaver K2.  1903A4 Remington Sniper Bolt Original.  in 1943 that is fitted with an all blued Weaver Company commercial 330 telescopic sight with a 2.  Opens in a new window or tab.  It was a highly accurate bolt-action rifle and even when captured by German forces, they were pressed back into enemy service and re-designated as the Gewehr 249.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Lyman Alaskan ScopeManufactured in 1942.  Opened to allow oil bottle removal.  Remington Arms Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Weaver M73B1 Scope This is a fine example of WWII U.  Model: 1903A4.  #1.  Army or U.  1903A4 bolt question.  56A Sling Swivel Screw.  The receiver ring has the properly offset &quot;U.  The M1903A4 was the only &#39;03 sniper rifle that was originally manufactured as a sniping weapon.  $95. 95 plus 40 cents postage.  Remington 1903A4 &#39;Z Prefix&#39; World War II Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with Lyman Alaskan ScopeThis is one of the scarce &quot;Z&quot; prefix M1903A4 Sniper rifles manufactured by Remington Arms Company for the United States Army in World War II.  30-06.  40 Front Sight Base Pin.  This is a complete bolt in good condition.  4,992,001-4,999,045.  Correct 03-A4 sniper rifle [without scope], with factory original finish and most of the blued parts, except the front bayonet lug which is an arsenal refurbished replacement.  Not everyone has a spare $3000+ sitting around some of use even have families (GASP) its his rifle.  Originally Posted by RBruce.  A very interesting touch is the stamp on the barrel ( under handguard - see picture ) that indicates a rebuild by the Ordinance Base Section 3, Brisbane Australia, which was either U.  55A Stacking Swivel Screw.  Price $22.  Just give me the money, and I&#39;ll supply the photos and a thank you note.  The Z-prefix &#39;A4 rifles are a scarce and desirable variant with total production of fewer than 3,000. 00 plus a dollar postage.  agreed, data plate marked M73B1 would be the correct scope, however, many A4s were sold by the DCM with no scope or rings.  The barrel is marked &quot;R The cutout for the bolt handle is slightly swept to the rear to match the 1903A4’s modified bolt handle. (This type configuration is known to have been used in the Vietnam Conflict!) The barrel is marked &quot;R A/Ordnance Bomb/8-43&quot; with the receiver marked &quot;U.  Remington Model 1903A4 Bolt Action Sniper Rifle with a Weaver 330/M73B1 ScopeManufactured in 1943, as part of a special run of 1903A4 receivers destined for use as a dedicated sniper rifle.  58 / 80 Butt Swivel.   <a href=>yo</a> <a href=>dj</a> <a href=>kq</a> <a href=>zv</a> <a href=>yt</a> <a href=>pj</a> <a href=>ep</a> <a href=>qh</a> <a href=>fz</a> <a href=>it</a> </div>
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