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header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
if($allw_print == 1){

$sorax = intval($_GET['sora']);
$ayax = intval($_GET['aya']);
$typex = intval($_GET['type']);

function select($sora,$aya,$type){
global $q,$quran_type_view,$htmlorphp,$QURAN,$Q_W,$siteurl;

if(!isset($type) OR $type == 0){ $type = 1; }

if(file_exists(include_tafseerfilse($sora,$aya,$type))){ include(include_tafseerfilse($sora,$aya,$type)); }else{ $err = $Q_W[34]; }

$text_tafseer = $TAFSEER[$type][$sora][$aya];
$ayatext = $QURAN[$sora][$aya];
$ayaorders = $aya;

if($text_tafseer == ""){ $text = $Q_W[27]; }else{ $text = nl2br($text_tafseer); }

$s = '<p>'.$ayatext.' <a href="'.url(9,$sora,0).'"><span>('.$ayaorders.') ('.$q[$sora].')</span></a><br /><br /></p>

return $s;

if(isset($sorax) AND $sorax != 0 AND $sorax <= 114){
$sora = $sorax;
$soratitle = '&raquo; '.$q[$sora].'';
$sora = 1;
$soratitle = '';

if(isset($ayax) AND $ayax != 0){
$aya = $ayax;
$aya = 1;

if(isset($typex) AND $typex != 0 AND isset($sorax) AND $sorax != 0){
$type = $typex;
$txt = select($sora,$aya,$type);
$soratitle = '&raquo; <a href="'.url(6,$type,0).'">'.$tafseers[$type].'</a> '.$Q_W[29].' '.$q[$sora].'';

if(isset($typex) AND $typex != 0){
$type = $typex;
if($typex > count($tafseers)-1){
$type = 1;
$txt = all_sora_loop_tafseer(6,$type);
$soratitle = '&raquo; '.$tafseers[$type].'';
$type = 1;
$txt = all_sora_loop_tafseer(6,$type);
$soratitle = '&raquo; '.$tafseers[$type].'';

if ($htmlorphp=="1"){
$linksp = "".$siteurl."/t-".$sora."-".$type."-".$aya.".html";
$linksp = "".$siteurl."/tafseer.php?sora=".$sora."&type=".$type."&aya=".$aya."";

$titlepage = "".$tafseers[$type]." ".$Q_W[26]." ".$q[$sora]."";
$titlepage_en = "".$tafseers_en[$type]." Surat ".$q_english[$sora]." Aya ".$aya."";

$dates = date("j/n/Y g:i:s",time());

$texts = preg_replace('/ّ|َ|ً|ُ|ٌ|ِ|ٍ|ْ/', '', $QURAN[$sora][$aya]);
$m1 = $tafseers[$type]." - ".$texts;
$m2 = str_replace(" ",",",$texts).", ".$tafseers[$type];

echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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<meta name="description" content="'.$m1.'" />
<meta name="keywords" content="'.$m2.'" />
<title>'.$tafseers[$type].' '.$Q_W[26].' '.$q[$sora].'</title>
<div id="wrap">
<div class="title"><h1>'.$titlepage.'</h1></div>
<div class="tafseer">
<div class="ayat4tafseer">'.$txt.'</div>

<!-- <div style="text-align:center; padding:50px 0 10px 0;">'.$Q_W[30].' '.$dates.'</div> -->
<div style="text-align:center; padding:10px 0 10px 0;">'.$Q_W[31].' <a href="'.$linksp.'">'.$linksp.'</a></div>
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echo '<p align="center">not allow</p>';