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/* CSS Document */

[Table of contents]

- Body
- Language
- Search domain
- Navigation
- Slider 
- Inner pages banners 
- Colors & Headings
- Carousel 
- Services
- Features 
- Pricing 
- Portfolio 
- Testimonials 
- Contact us 
- Footer 
- Home page 2 
- Home page 3 
- About us Page
- WHMCS Page
- Domain Page
- Error Page 
- Blog Page 
- Blog Detail Page 
- Support Page 
- Our Team Page 
- FAQs 
- Transfer Domain 
- Hosting 
- Coming Soon 
- Contact 
- Buttons 
- Media quries

/* ------------------------------------------------ BODY STARTS ------------------ */

body {
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/* ------------------------------------------------ BODY ENDS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRELOADER STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE STARTS ------------------ */

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ul.login li {
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/* ------------------------------------------------ LANGUAGE ENDS ------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ SEARCH DOMAIN STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ------------------------------------------------ SEARCH DOMAIN ENDS ------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ NAVIGATION STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ------------------------------------------------ NAVIGATION ENDS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIDER STARTS ------------------ */,
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INNER BANNER ENDS ------------------ */
/* ------------------------------------------------ COLORS & HEADINGS STARTS ------------------ */

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/**   /Colors    **/

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h4 {
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/* ------------------------------------------------ COLORS & HEADINGS STARTS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CAROUSEL STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CAROUSEL ENDS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- SERVICES STARTS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES STARTS ------------------ */

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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- FEATURES STARTS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING STARTS ------------------ */

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.plan-block .basic {
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.eclips {
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PRICING STARTS ------------------ */
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PORTFOLIO STARTS ------------------ */

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****************** Home 2 ********************

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****************** Home 3 ********************
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****************** Retouch Nav ***************

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****************** About Us ***************

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******************   WHMCS   ***************

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******************   Domain   ***************

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******************   Error Page   ***************

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******************   Blog   ***************

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****************   Blog Details  *************

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*****************   Support  *****************

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****************   Data Center  *************

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****************** Our Team  *****************
*********************************************/ {
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*****************   FAQs  *******************

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****************   Tranfer Domain  ***********

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****************   Hosting   *****************

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****************   Coming Soon  *************
*********************************************/ {
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******************   Contact    ***************

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/**********  Settings   **********/

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/**** Buttons ****/

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