Your IP :

Current Path : /home/sudancam/.trash/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/sudancam/.trash/

# Change Log

## [Unreleased](

[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Discussion: Links and Labels for the View generated in Controller [\#3752](
- images with symbol \# in name not show, OC [\#3751](
- Config.php bad setup [\#3749](
- Admin Dashboard is all jumbled up [\#3746](
- Error calculation of totals order is updated in the admin panel [\#3743](
- image resizing and transparency [\#3741](
- Install error [\#3740](
- Error on editing account address  [\#3738](
- When using new theme, it still uses the default css file [\#3737](
- Image resizing [\#3736](
- Image resize tool on white background, create gray lines or gray pixels [\#3734](
- Admin Menu Controller - Broken Customer links [\#3733](
- Fatal error: Class 'Factory' not found in /opencart/upload/install/index.php on line 30 [\#3729](
- opencart upgrade Issue [\#3728](
- opencart upgrade [\#3727](
- Opencart Simple register  and simple checkout . [\#3726](
- error in Xtensions-Best Checkout and Customer Solution extension [\#3725](
- svg file resize issue [\#3724](
- XSS Vulnerability in OpenCart [\#3721](
- EHLO and RCPT errors on mail.php [\#3720](
- Affiliate Change [\#3719](
- Email address regular expression is wrong everywhere. [\#3718](
- Error upgrade [\#3717](
- Issues with edit/delete order [\#3716](
- PHP Notice:  A non well formed numeric value encountered in /system/library/mail.php on line 172 [\#3712](
- I want to add Update Button under common/cart without Refreshing [\#3709](
- Product attribute error [\#3706](
- Error in addImage\(\) of banner\_form.tpl \(admin\view\template\design\) [\#3705](
- A match of the Shipping Address City, State, and Postal Code failed [\#3704](
- Security possible bug  mysql\_real\_escape\_string deprecated [\#3702](
- cannot login to api  [\#3701](
- Google captcha with telephone [\#3700](
- opencart meta description meta tag closing tags [\#3697](
- Admin =\> System =\> Settings =\> Edit =\> Google tab is removed. [\#3694](
- Permission issues while installing \(Step 2\) [\#3693](
- How to install and configure OpenCart on NGINX [\#3692](
- Error uploading file option in product detail page [\#3690](
- Account/account "Undefined variable: header" [\#3688](
- Empty \<title\> at static information pages [\#3687](
- $shipping\_method in orders [\#3685](
- how to check whether ocmod is working properly or not [\#3683](
- Bug in catalog/controller/feed/google\_base.php [\#3682](
- All shipping methods are not visible in checkout/checkout page even if they are enabled and selected from "checkout/cart page" shipping estimate. Only flat rate shipping is visible. Please help. I am using latest oc and multimerch free package  [\#3681](
- Open cart unable to access admin [\#3680](
- Error: Could not load model /var/www/html/catalog/model/extension/extension/getExtensions.php! [\#3678](
- Error: Could not load template /var/www/html/catalog/view/theme/common/column\_left.tpl! [\#3676](
- Search Engine Friendly Urls not used everywhere [\#3673](
- Use a number identifier in the seo-friendly urls [\#3671](
- Missing close quote in banner\_form.tpl [\#3670](
- mail configuration in opencart [\#3669](
- Notice: Error: Unknown column 'username' in 'order clause' Error No: 1054 SELECT \* FROM `oc\_api` [\#3668](
- \[feature\] product title to automatic meta title [\#3667](
- If product has min quantity, adding 1 of that item to cart changes to min amount [\#3666](
- File Manager Error When triying to open modal window [\#3665](
- installation fails [\#3661](
- Wrong option value displaying on edit product page after values being deleted. [\#3658](
- My account in the toolbar menu should switch to the user name when a user is loged in [\#3656](
- API documentation [\#3655](
- RTL native support for RTL locales  [\#3654](
-  Moving Customers from one group to another: Warning: Please check the form carefully for errors! [\#3650](
- Can't change order status [\#3649](
- Installation Issue [\#3647](
- Order edition error [\#3643](
- Reward points are not subtracted when order is placed. [\#3637](
- Sale - Order - add IP [\#3629](
- Three issues that affect live store [\#3628](
- First order & registration bug [\#3627](
- Can't Use AWS SES  [\#3625](
- Cannot change status of order with last item avaliable [\#3623](
- Error when I change the status of order from the admin [\#3622](
- When i whant delete order button not working. [\#3621](
- regular expression to validate email address for IDN [\#3620](
- Buttons not working on image uploader [\#3619](
- Subdirectory 'catalog' in 'image' directory is hard coded [\#3618](
- OpenCart Installation - extra forward-slash in directory listing [\#3614](
- Quoted shipping is incorrect [\#3612](
- The Date and Time Picker with Print v1.1 [\#3610](
- HTTP 500 Internal Server Error [\#3609](
- Incorrect Tax with guest checkout \[\] [\#3608](
- Notice about array to string conversion in seo\_url.php [\#3606](
- Incorrect language & tpl variables [\#3605](
- Quoted shipping is incorrect [\#3604](
- Wrong path [\#3602](
- Share on Facebook [\#3599](
- Running list of outstanding issues with not upgrade. [\#3598](
- Installer doesn't work [\#3597](
- information pages [\#3596](
- Can't view orders in admin [\#3595](
- 500 internal server error on update order [\#3593](
- Feature: Weight based shipping choose source currency [\#3591](
- Installer doesn't work [\#3590](
- cart/checkout page showing not needed options [\#3589](
- how check islogin admin? [\#3587](
- Edit order language issues [\#3585](
- Unable to attach multiple images to a product [\#3584](
- Unable to attach multiple images to a product [\#3581](
- Unable to attach multiple images to a product [\#3580](
- Rounding issue again [\#3578](
- Image manager Multiple image upload [\#3577](
- Unused $points variable in ModelTotalReward class [\#3576](
- Localisation in Order Information page is broken \(v\) [\#3575](
- items in opencart shop \> any category \> products page dublicates throughout pages. [\#3574](
- Unable to show image in products [\#3573](
- double cleaning super globals [\#3572](
- After upgrade I am missing part of the home page layout with exception of Banner, Menu and footer [\#3571](
- How to upgrade or port an extension to work in OpenCart [\#3570](
- url.php on line 26 [\#3569](
- multi vendor, affiliate shopping, ccavenue  facility for India not added [\#3567](
- how to build a opencart native app? [\#3566](
- New installation, /admin/, got fatal error calculate\(\) in featured.php  [\#3562](
- API session error [\#3557](
- Extension installer issue [\#3556](
- New voucher issue [\#3555](
-  Warning: Your IP \* is not allowed to access this API! [\#3554](
- Opencart 2 android/paypal error [\#3549](
- Any plans to remove and relabel as not an upgrade or relabel it as Beta? [\#3548](
- Google Analytics Multi-Store [\#3547](
- Result Title [\#3546](
- DISCUSSION: namespaces and PSR [\#3545](
- SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data  OK [\#3543](
- opencart installation - session bug. Session limit \[22,40\] chars [\#3542](
- opencart installation - session bug. Session limit \[22,40\] chars [\#3541](
- Missing Cart\ [\#3537](
- Modifications error=skip bug [\#3532](
- delete return status bug [\#3531](
- Sort Order Field Missing In Added 'Banner' Rows \[\] [\#3529](
- Secure password with symbols - [\#3528](
- Session class error [\#3524](
- Admin voucher send and order complete status [\#3521](
- Undefined variable error in Backup & Restore page from admin [\#3519](
- Closing tag missing [\#3514](
-  Undefined variable: search\_action in /home/amillio8/public\_html/Demo/catalog/view/theme/red nav/template/common/search.tpl on line 20 and 46 [\#3512](
- Home Page Content not showing with exception of banner an menus. [\#3511](
- New banner image sort order not displaying.  [\#3510](
- Notice: Undefined variable: icon in /home/amillio8/public\_html/Demo/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-system\_modification\_catalog\_view\_theme\_red nav\_template\_common\_header.tpl on line 20 [\#3509](
- DISCUSSION: tax\_rules and geo\_zones [\#3508](
- Notice: Error: Unknown column 'name' in 'order clause' Error No: 1054 SELECT \* FROM `oc\_api` ORDER BY name ASC in /home/amillio8/public\_html/Demo/system/library/db/mysqli.php on line 41Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/amillio8/public\_html/Demo/admin/model/user/api.php on line 77 [\#3507](
-  Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModelToolOnline::whosonline\(\) in /home/amillio8/public\_html/Demo/system/modification/catalog/controller/common/footer.php on line 80 [\#3506](
- Missing Order tabs Version [\#3502](
- Dashboard Activity PHP errors [\#3498](
- Typo and Suggestion on OC [\#3494](
- Class 'Controllerpayment' not found [\#3492](
- The side navigation isn't opening in Firefox [\#3491](
- Guest Checkout [\#3490](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input OK [\#3489](
- Forget email admin [\#3488](
- Edit order [\#3487](
- mail service not working in opencart 1.5  [\#3486](
- pp\_payflow.php variable typo [\#3484](
- Remove this [\#3483](
- Session start not working well [\#3482](
- Why not default lowercase URL [\#3478](
- admin/controller/common/filemanager: variable '$filename' might have not been defined [\#3476](
- No return data from column\_left admin controller [\#3475](
- getTotalRecurrings has 0 parameters, 1 parameter is passed [\#3474](
- PayPal not comminucating with my site.  [\#3473](
- Notice: Undefined variable: session\_id [\#3471](
- Where $this-\>load-\>library in system/engine/loader.php [\#3469](
- Division by zero [\#3468](
- [\#3467](
- Order form language issue [\#3466](
- Shopping Cart  and Check outError [\#3463](
- Google reCAPTCHA checkout register error [\#3462](
- Recurring Price Total [\#3461](
- Undefined variable: entry\_export [\#3459](
- Filter module doesn't work [\#3454](
- Api voucher wrong model [\#3453](
- $this-\>load-\>language  && $this-\>language-\>load\( [\#3448](
- 2.1.01 admin/controller/design/layout.php [\#3447](
- 2.1.01 admin/controller/design/banner [\#3446](
- After installation fresh store problem [\#3440](
- Permissions on the directories list below [\#3439](
- OC - Editing order history throws "syntaxerror: Unexpected end of input" [\#3438](
- Notice: Undefined variable json in \opencart\admin\controller\sale\order.php on line 2221 [\#3436](
- Does title instead Page URL display of in Category Page. [\#3430](
- PHP Notice [\#3429](
- Button bug when finalizing an order [\#3428](
- Model checkout order missing array totals. [\#3426](
- Required values DEMO data not complete. [\#3423](
- Inconsistent zone data for zones in Austria [\#3420](
- variable: entry\_export [\#3414](
- Payment Method "terms" error code fix $payment\_method\['terms'\] [\#3408](
- Upgrade script column modidy [\#3406](
- Admin Royal Mail Shipping Does Not Retrieve Saved Rates [\#3405](
- Banner Sort Order Issue [\#3399](
- on the checkout page, step number does not re calculate when disable required shipping [\#3397](
- oc\_customer\_activity not update [\#3395](
- Extention PayPal PayFlow template $text\_loading Error [\#3380](
- Klarna Invoice - Not showing Thank you/Order compleate page [\#2794](

**Merged pull requests:**

- \[product.tpl\] Customer Name in Review Name Field [\#3745]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Issue \#3706 fixed [\#3739]( ([Newman101](
- Endpoint changes for Log in With PayPal [\#3732]( ([davidteal](
- Weight limit error check [\#3731]( ([DaveMcW](
- Fix missing international girth [\#3722]( ([DaveMcW](
- merge 2 condition into !empty\(....\) [\#3708]( ([pine3ree](
- Undefined variable 'header' on line 1 of account.tpl when trying to v… [\#3689]( ([mroffice](
- simplified format method [\#3660]( ([pine3ree](
- Changed search selector in common javascript. [\#3653]( ([StefanYohansson](
- no need for substr\(\) [\#3652]( ([pine3ree](
- replace if block with min function [\#3651]( ([pine3ree](
- optimized check queries [\#3646]( ([pine3ree](
- Add field to validate the custom fields. [\#3645]( ([valdeir2000](
- avoid calling strlen\(...\) inside a loop [\#3642]( ([pine3ree](
- This resolve the issue \#3553 [\#3639]( ([savage4pro](
- in\_array already returns the needed bool [\#3636]( ([pine3ree](
- Bug fix Trying to get property of non-object [\#3635]( ([valdeir2000](
- Update variable name [\#3634]( ([valdeir2000](
- simplified "has" methods [\#3633]( ([pine3ree](
- Rawurlencode for non-URL letters in image URLs [\#3630]( ([toporchillo](
- Minor Fix: Update Link to 2.0 Support on Readme.MD [\#3616]( ([stockmaster](
- Extra Slash deleted on Storage/cache [\#3615]( ([stockmaster](
- Solved issue \#3606 [\#3613]( ([Newman101](
- Reset continue button on payment method step 5 in case of error [\#3607]( ([chienhoang](
- \[order.php\] missing key "override" [\#3603]( ([mgraph](
- Incorrect Comparision condition [\#3588]( ([sharanhayer](
- Delete a non-existent city 'Gomo-Altaysk' from Russia country [\#3583]( ([GreenRobot777](
- The Comparision Condition was placed wrongly [\#3582]( ([sharanhayer](
- Updated version [\#3579]( ([vivekkiran](
- Language Text Update [\#3561]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Language Text Update [\#3560]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Updated error\_store Language [\#3559]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update login.php [\#3558]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Featured Products Fix \(Bug \#3551\) [\#3552]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fixed Register Text [\#3550]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update store.php [\#3540]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- \[securetrading\_ws\_order.tpl\] fix table layout [\#3539]( ([mgraph](
- \[securetrading\_ws.php\] fix template rendering [\#3538]( ([mgraph](
- Update order.php [\#3534]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update return.php [\#3533]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- \[securetrading\_ws.php\] addOrderHistory [\#3527]( ([mgraph](
- correct private variable name [\#3526]( ([pine3ree](
- Fix pagination [\#3523]( ([Spell6inder](
- \[customer.php\] forgot params "filter\_ip" [\#3522]( ([mgraph](
- product report total [\#3501]( ([pine3ree](
- Update install.txt [\#3499]( ([moein](
- Add `use Cart\User` namespace/class [\#3493]( ([matrunchyk](
- Update pp\_payflow.tpl [\#3485]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Removed unused local variable [\#3481]( ([matrunchyk](
- Fixed variable overwrite within a `foreach` loop. [\#3479]( ([matrunchyk](
- Removed declaration of unused array variable `$json = array\(\);`. [\#3477]( ([matrunchyk](
- Update product\_form.tpl [\#3470]( ([billynoah](
- \[category.php\] show warning on all error [\#3458]( ([mgraph](
- SEO Keyword -\> SEO URL [\#3452]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update To Header Menu [\#3451]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Removing duplicate rows language setting.php [\#3444]( ([ManoelVidal](
- Correction in translation google\_captcha.php [\#3442]( ([ManoelVidal](
- Update opencart.sql [\#3437]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Added Checkout Step Reassignment When Shipping Not Required [\#3435]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update order.php [\#3434]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Added Meta Title Content To Installation [\#3432]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Reset payment method continue button if terms are not agreed [\#3431]( ([davidteal](
- \[pp\_express\] Changed the logo's width to 750px [\#3427]( ([tiborbesze86](
- \[pp\_express\] Added an ID tag to the logo's hidden input [\#3425]( ([tiborbesze86](
- Replace html entities with real umlauts [\#3421]( ([hoermannklaus](
- Voucher -\> Gift Certificate [\#3416]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Bug fix \#3412 [\#3413]( ([Newman101](
- Updated From Email For Marketing Mail [\#3357]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fix reply\_to in header [\#3165]( ([detergen](
- \[admin\] missing tooltip in featured.tpl [\#3097]( ([opencart-russia](
- Adding image to option type checkbox in product details [\#3086]( ([ManoelVidal](
- copyProduct: unused var assignment and db join [\#2675]( ([pine3ree](

## []( (2015-10-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- when i install import/export tool in opencart diplay this suggest me the best solution [\#3418](
- Wishlist wrong product\_id [\#3412](
- Is there any way to auto refresh modification when install/reinstall module? [\#3409](
- Admin customer edit form IP not displayed correctly [\#3407](
- Open Cart [\#3404](
- Straight outta options [\#3403](
- SQL injection BUG  [\#3398](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Download Error Log [\#3417]( ([valdeir2000](
- use ip from data object & wording changes for fraudlabspro anti-fraud [\#3192]( ([chrislim2888](

## []( (2015-09-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Order edit changes the customer cart [\#3392](
- Controller voucher error [\#3391](
- Permission denied [\#3386](
- Still problems with custom database port. [\#3379](
- Version Error ----PP\_EXPRESS Error [\#3377](
- Order form and new cart system [\#3375](
- OC\_rc1 Edit Order not working [\#3374](
- Modification Refresh makes site go into maintenance mode [\#3373](
- Add to cart with string quantity [\#3372](
- Question [\#3371](
- https destroy theme [\#3370](
- Vsprintf [\#3369](
- Finish restore url [\#3367](
- Question about difference [\#3366](
- Cutomer Whislist not exist [\#3365](
- Admin Permission Denied after upgrade to latest master [\#3364](
- multiple file locations issue [\#3362](
- Shoiwing error "We are currently performing some scheduled maintenance....." when not logged in as admin [\#3360](
- Strange errors [\#3359](
- Custom fields by group error [\#3355](
- Coupon per category does not work [\#3354](
- mail issue [\#3352](
- PayPal IPN - special characters [\#3351](
- Mysql error `cart` table option column remove index [\#3349](
- Missing setTitle [\#3348](
- Add wishlist table [\#3347](
- HTTP\_IMAGE is removed, starting from 1.5.?.? version, but still exists in cli\_install.php file [\#3346](
- Icon in Product\>Description cannot make hyper link [\#3344](
- Error: DATA not accepted from server! in /var/www/html/system/library/mail.php on line 418 - Version [\#3343](
- Adding reward points in admin \(\) [\#3341](
- Un expect  [\#3340](
- Bluepay Redirect controller setting wrong type [\#3339](
- Bluepay Redirect payment getting wrong totals [\#3338](
- Bluepay Redirect payment Trans Type wrong [\#3336](
- Language button name undefined [\#3335](
- Manufacturer empty canonical [\#3333](
- MaxMind Fraud module is broken [\#3331](
- error in upgrade part 3 and other error  [\#3329](
- Warning in order return page [\#3328](
- Issues in notification admin panel [\#3327](
- Login restore cart [\#3326](
- error in upgrade part 2 [\#3325](
- Issues Related version 2.1  [\#3324](
- Wrong select name in setting [\#3323](
- Error in orders v2.0.3.1 [\#3322](
- Error successful registration [\#3321](
- Voucher send query is strange [\#3320](
- Model voucher missing [\#3318](
- error in upgrade [\#3317](
- startup.php [\#3316](
- Installation Issue - DB Prefix [\#3307](
- Remove \</form\> [\#3305](
- G2A Pay Module Not Working [\#3290](
- google\_base.php missing "google\_product\_category" [\#3228](
- Improving getTotalProducts\(\) and maybe other queries [\#3198](
- Pay with Amazon tax not being calculated [\#3167](
- Cart in multistore mode [\#2704](

**Merged pull requests:**

- v2936 OpenBay Pro release. [\#3394]( ([jamesallsup](
- Adding config\_login\_attempts = 5 to install sql [\#3390]( ([davidteal](
- Checkout register login [\#3389]( ([davidteal](
- Improved UX for slow payment gateways/shipping methods as loading but… [\#3388]( ([davidteal](
- Update bestseller.php [\#3368]( ([osworx](
- Update latest.php [\#3363]( ([osworx](
- Fix dspan to div [\#3350]( ([GomDani](
- remove duplicate lines [\#3337]( ([stan-bg](
- Removed Duplicate ip\_city In maxmind.php [\#3332]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Convert Limit to Integer [\#3330]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Hotfix/g2 a vat bug [\#3319]( ([chris-wm](
- Change SEO Keyword Text to SEO URL [\#3315]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update guest.tpl [\#3314]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update basic\_captcha.tpl [\#3313]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update order.php [\#3310]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update order.php [\#3309]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update install.php [\#3306]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- redundant array access [\#3285]( ([pine3ree](
- Fixed broken layout when adding a new image to a banner [\#3255]( ([tiborbesze86](
- Fixed broken layout when adding a new discount [\#3254]( ([tiborbesze86](
- remove redundant conditions [\#3249]( ([pine3ree](
- Friendly error when mPDO error occurs on installation of Opencart. [\#3171]( ([Tijme](
- Prevent html content inside modules dropdown [\#3140]( ([aldoanizio](
- Bug fix: if $mail-\>reply\_to is set, use that \(instead of $mail-\>from\) in the email headers  [\#3023]( ([steefdw](
- never met condition [\#2868]( ([pine3ree](

## []( (2015-09-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Error Activity.php [\#3302](
- Admin Language [\#3301](
- Extension Installer Not Work in Version 2.0 [\#3299](
- Edit Order Fetches Current Product Price, Not Sold At Price [\#3298](
- Image manager not working in Mozzila and Chrome [\#3296](
- Default Theme [\#3295](
- Changing order status in history tab increases stock quantity [\#3292](
- MemCached external [\#3291](
- Color profile not correct [\#3286](
- ORM for Model querying [\#3284](
- opencart login Qnap [\#3281](
- Opencart admin shows white screen [\#3280](
- invoice and order notification email list coupon code instead of coupon name [\#3279](
- No admin user [\#3278](
- Can not remove options from products [\#3277](
- Wrong redirect [\#3276](
- Missing config\_language\_id [\#3275](
- When you add an attribute without group [\#3274](
- Fatal Error: Memory Exhausted [\#3272](
- Coupon/Voucher should be available during checkout [\#3271](
- Double quotes breaks product name on edit form [\#3270](
- loader.php is problem for modules and templates [\#3269](
- Hidden currency problem [\#3268](
- Forgottern password check account has been approved [\#3266](
- file manager not  working on github master test [\#3264](
- the currency and location browser [\#3262](
- Problem round discount \(double round\) [\#3260](
- If two categories have same sub category name then website does not show correct products [\#3259](
- Make tooltips work on new elements [\#3258](
- Native iOS/Android m-commerce app with opencart backend [\#3257](
- Unable to change order status from pending to complete through add history option  [\#3256](
- Document selection "lost" in filemanager when a filter is applied [\#3253](
- The extension/modification refresh bug [\#3252](
- install error [\#3251](
- It's possible to order out-of-stock products when "Stock Checkout" is set to "No" [\#3248](
- Remove forward slash from download [\#3246](
- Image frame shift down on each next image viewing [\#3245](
- should Url Link self-manage SSL config? [\#3241](
- Please add textarea for Google Tag Manager \(OpenCart\) [\#3238](
- error on checkout [\#3236](
- OCMOD regex deletes searched token if add position is not replace [\#3235](
- Admin text\_default plain text [\#3234](
- Ability to add priority to event listeners [\#3233](
- owl.carousel missing css [\#3227](
- opencart cart update problem  [\#3225](
- missing class .product-layout in tpl modules [\#3224](
- Customers Online Report [\#3223](
- USPS Priority Mail to Canada [\#3221](
- Suggestion for change to config.php [\#3220](
- fopen problem can\t acces admin or website [\#3217](
- Multistore order history problem [\#3216](
- Why are there so many unmerged PRs? [\#3214](
- Gift voucher applied and after removal of cart ,still gift voucher there [\#3213](
- Notice: unserialize\(\): Error at offset [\#3212](
- cart.php All the option quantities are zero and are required. [\#3211](
- Annoying sample data [\#3210](
- Incorrect permission referenced in Worldpay payment controller for admin [\#3209](
- OC modification extension - brace expansion of pathnames does not work [\#3206](
- Reset google recaptcha after submit product review [\#3205](
- Order Editing Stock Quantity Issue. [\#3204](
- Catalog \> Options : Page Not Found [\#3203](
-  Error: Table '.oc\_address' doesn't exist [\#3202](
- Option value list layout issue [\#3201](
- Can't log in [\#3200](
- All fields Blank caused by json\_decode? [\#3199](
- Not sending order status change email [\#3195](
- SyntaxError: JSON Parse error: Unrecognized token [\#3189](
- Order admin page error [\#3186](
- Password Decode Failure, Step 3 Installation \(Access denied for user 'username'@'hostname' \(using password: YES\)\) [\#3185](
- Missing meta data in add language [\#3184](
- column\_left.tpl+column\_right.tpl [\#3183](
- ORDER STATUS ERRORS SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data  [\#3182](
- Notification Menu on Pending Orders [\#3180](
- Category canonical & breadcrumbs are incorrect - Generate from found category\_id and not uri path [\#3179](
- Product options weight wrong on shipping list - only shows base product weight [\#3178](
- Opencart Smtp Mail not Sending To hotmail Account [\#3177](
- install file looking for "storeage" [\#3175](
- Install step 2 missing storage/ [\#3174](
- PHP Warning: rmdir directory not empty  [\#3173](
- Integrate Multimerch by default in opencart [\#3172](
- Modification refresh causes maintenance mode off with no on [\#3170](
- Site goes into maintenance mode after changing settings in admin [\#3169](
- Product option selection gets erased from time to time [\#3168](
- MaxMaind error HTTP 500 and Opder crash OC 2.03.1,\_rc [\#3166](
- Bug in sale/order controller. [\#3164](
- Order editing [\#3163](
-  \[OC2.3.1\] reward points not added to returning customer  [\#3161](
- How to new field at oc\_order table in admin [\#3160](
- OC does not diminishing stock at all [\#3159](
- "Notify Customer" box in History tab on Order screen not working properly [\#3158](
- placeholder display issue in product edit -\> special -\> priority field [\#3157](
- Print shipping list - wrong weight [\#3155](
- Category -\> Data -\> Filters autofill show just some filters, not all [\#3154](
- Unable to modify orders in latest Version\_rc [\#3153](
- Error in comment of Product [\#3152](
- New Template Engine for Opencart 3 [\#3151](
- i can't recieved enquiry mail while submit contact page [\#3150](
- Image Manager not working [\#3148](
- 4 products after the system is broken [\#3146](
- categories and products do not appear or link [\#3145](
- Address book link in my account not work and only blank page [\#3144](
- OC 2.0.3.x Obsolete code in admin/controller/catalog/product.php [\#3143](
- Show all product tags at once [\#3141](
- Stock quantity bug [\#3139](
- Product count very slow on large store [\#3138](
- Modules not appearing on layout after installing [\#3136](
- Register account email field accept invalid email address [\#3134](
- Unable to load sitemap.xml [\#3133](
- Option 'sets' or 'product types' would be invaluable to many like me [\#3132](
- Warning: ini\_set\(\): A session is active [\#3131](
- htaccess force ssl getting error redirect loop [\#3130](
- Cooment order in mail admin order [\#3129](
- Not Sending EMail [\#3127](
- Bootstrap info button showing blue border  [\#3126](
- Opencart SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input [\#3124](
- Wiki OCMOD [\#3123](
- Missing rename of country method location in ajax call [\#3121](
- library-image-\>watermark not work [\#3119](
- Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModelAffiliateAffiliate::deleteLoginAttempts\(\) [\#3116](
- \[\]  \upload\catalog\model\openbay\ebay\_product.php [\#3115](
- Install Error Log In admin [\#3114](
- admin/index.php?route=setting/setting returns Nginx 500 error on update [\#3112](
- OpenCart error: SyntaxError Unexpected end of input OK [\#3111](
- Strange behavior [\#3110](
- Paypal payflow pro [\#3109](
- Historical Fraud data is missing after [\#3108](
- \[improvement\] trim file path in modification.php [\#3107](
- API-login.php  [\#3106](
- Mail alert Not working in Opencart 2.02 [\#3104](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected token [\#3103](
- Historical Fraud data is missing after [\#3102](
- Customers orders report wrong information [\#3101](
- Duble Encode in search url [\#3099](
- Paypal Express Payment Module - exclude totals - hard-corded [\#3094](
- Gift voucher mails not sent automatically!! [\#3093](
- Admin permissions problem? [\#3091](
- At Least add correct info - Event Wiki [\#3090](
- Opencart Minimum order checkout [\#3089](
- browser format is all messed up after upgrade [\#3088](
- i got this issue when i try to change status order \#3072 [\#3087](
- FTP fails to upload Extensions  [\#3085](
- $this-\>document-\>addScriptFooter\(\) [\#3084](
- $this-\>document-\>addTimestamp\(\) [\#3083](
- $this-\>document-\>addMeta\(\) [\#3082](
- Missing SSL [\#3081](
- A trifle, but it is inconvenient [\#3080](
- The page you requested cannot be found error [\#3078](
- Opencart Product Adding/Updating Giving Error [\#3075](
- Opencart Jewelry Site Feature [\#3074](
- i have a merchant account please suggest me an extension [\#3073](
- i got this issue when i try to change status order [\#3072](
- Wrong event name for new address and login trigger not working [\#3071](
- seo url problem on other functions like [\#3070](
- Maxmind Error ! [\#3069](
- Undefined variable: entry\_captcha in [\#3068](
- Gift Voucher can be used more than once in OpenCart 2.0.2 Ver. problem [\#3067](
- Unable to upload SVG images for categories [\#3064](
- Properly handle errors on sites with curl http loopback disabled [\#3063](
- Installer check for Curl HTTP Loopback support [\#3062](
- FedEx shipping module improvements [\#3019](
- Image manager infinate looping images [\#3016](
- No canonical url on special pages [\#2900](
- Commit \#2652 breaks the Featured module's layout [\#2886](
- umask prevents mkdir 0777 after image upload in backend [\#2745](
- Wrong order status if clause [\#2722](
- Can't void order if in banip or fraud [\#2720](
-  opencart/upload/catalog/controller/api/order.php - Shipping Method [\#2712](
- Class for modules in column-left and -right [\#2710](
- Extensions needed to be looked at [\#1747](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Updated the OBP release number. [\#3304]( ([jamesallsup](
- OpenBay Pro update to latest. [\#3303]( ([jamesallsup](
- Added priority to event listener. Higher priority means more importance. [\#3300]( ([smilesrg](
- Hotfix/g2 a form bug [\#3294]( ([chris-wm](
- LPA - updating platform id code [\#3293]( ([chris-wm](
- geocode language [\#3283]( ([pine3ree](
- add russian ruble to pp\_standart [\#3267]( ([opencart-russia](
- Update opencart.sql [\#3244]( ([vivekkiran](
- Added Croatia to the list of EU countries [\#3237]( ([tiborbesze86](
- Update usps.php [\#3222]( ([billynoah](
- Contact POST url with regards to SSL [\#3215]( ([rredpoppy](
- Add "required" asterisk to locale field [\#3208]( ([sifRAWR](
- Encryption is not required for 'File' type option [\#3197]( ([hydrowire](
- use mt\_rand\(\) instead of rand\(\) [\#3147]( ([skyosev](
- Added PHPUnit bootstrap.php file to .gitignore [\#3125]( ([incarnate](
- Fixed issue 3121 [\#3122]( ([mrnfrancesco](
- Fixed issue \#3116 [\#3117]( ([mrnfrancesco](
- add event \*.admin.language.\* [\#3113]( ([halfhope](
- Fixed issue 3101 [\#3105]( ([mrnfrancesco](
- Country named corrected [\#3098]( ([syamvilakudy](
- Modification to pre.order.history.add event trigger [\#3092]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- State name changed [\#3065]( ([syamvilakudy](

## []( (2015-05-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Write review undefined variable: site\_key issue [\#3061](
- we are not  getting any email  while making new registration in opencart [\#3060](
- Google Sitemap error Oc 2.0.0- [\#3057](
- Filemanager image will not open if anyone image has filename empty [\#3056](
- Opencart add order in admin [\#3055](
- image manager backdrop lost [\#3054](
- OC - admin/model/openbay/amazonus.php [\#3053](
- OC redirect bug in authorizenet\_sim.php [\#3052](
- OC Incomplete for-attribute in information\_form.tpl [\#3051](
- Not load image  [\#3050](
- Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server! [\#3049](
- OC Insecure Cancel-links in various admin payment controllers [\#3048](
- Problem with cart edit method. [\#3045](
- OC Bug in admin/controller/module/html.php [\#3044](
- File Upload doesn't work for PDF files \(Incorrect file type\) [\#3043](
- OC2.0.3 Maintenance Mode switch On automatically   [\#3042](
- use admin/marketing/mail function  PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach\(\)  in //system/library/mail.php on line 22 [\#3041](
- In my account on /index.php?route=account/return is an blank page [\#3040](
- OC - Unitialised variable $data\['totals'\] [\#3038](
- Menu bar buttons not clickable big problem in mobile version [\#3036](
- button currency error v2.0.3.0 [\#3035](
- oc - feed: google base [\#3034](
- email bug for 2.0.3 [\#3032](
- Edit Order - field validation issue [\#3031](
- Image manager issue: Warning: File could not be uploaded for an unknown reason [\#3030](
- Few bugs fix [\#3028](
- $this-\>config-\>get\('config\_mail\_protocol'\) returns NULL [\#3026](
- Feature: choose currency in admin order add / edit [\#2965](
- owl-carousel issue on Safari browser [\#2921](
- Custom customer field sort order not working [\#2907](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Added permission Anti-Fraud [\#3039]( ([ManoelVidal](
- Added $\_\['entry\_db\_port'\] and $\_\['error\_db\_port'\] [\#3037]( ([ManoelVidal](
- \#2921 owl-carousel flashing text on Safari [\#3033]( ([Dvir-Julius](

## []( (2015-05-20)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- cross domain issues [\#3025](
- Not getting email notifications for orders in opencart [\#3020](
- Possible bug with order status. [\#3018](
- Bug in admin/model/setting/setting.php [\#3015](
- Installing opencart theme on localhost [\#3014](
- Cannot update quantity when using SSL [\#3013](
- Bug in admin/model/localisation/language.php [\#3012](
- Account -\> register -\> emailing to admin [\#3009](
- In Opencart 2.0 OCMod, modified file is not used [\#3008](
- API Issue / Permissions [\#3006](
- Bug to update the quantity of a product when you have an option [\#3005](
- Unable to modify admin views using OCMOD [\#3004](
- Edit order fails [\#3003](
- login with paypal 2.0.2 [\#3002](
- Table .order\_fraud doesn't exist [\#3001](
- language problem during install steps [\#3000](
- Price presentation fault [\#2999](
- Admin order edit attempting to query products instead of order products [\#2997](
- error on admin login after first install [\#2996](
- Login and Pay With Amazon module not working [\#2994](
- Cannot Update Order Status in [\#2993](
- www and non-www add to cart [\#2992](
- Proposition regarding template use [\#2991](
- Missing check in install step 2 [\#2986](
- Update quantity from cart not \(always\) working [\#2980](
- Free shipping Coupons [\#2979](
- Error in admin/model/catalog/product.php [\#2977](
- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* {edited by ManaKill}  [\#2976](
- do I not need rewritebase file htaccess [\#2975](
- Affiliate links broken / not tracking sales / non working buttons [\#2974](
- Affiliate links broken / not tracking sales / non working buttons [\#2973](
- OCMOD \<operation error="skip"\> ABORTING [\#2972](
- Bug in admin/controller/catalog/manufacturer.php [\#2971](
- Bug in admin/controller/catalog/category.php [\#2970](
- no transaction on returns [\#2968](
- Custom database port [\#2967](
- Filters not getting displayed [\#2966](
- Virtual Merchant Converge Issue [\#2964](
- admin/catalog/../autocomplete array\_multisort unneeded.  [\#2963](
- Backend order edit just default currency [\#2962](
- Coupon,Gift  can't limit use,and database no record ,please help!!! [\#2960](
- Region/State Issue [\#2959](
- UNDEFINED undefined Success: You have added "PRODUCT ADDED TO YOUR CART! [\#2957](
- Error code on the top of web admin [\#2956](
- move theme preview image from root image folder to theme image folder [\#2955](
- Errors after update and same error on fresh install with old DB  [\#2952](
- encoding of log modifactions is not utf-8 [\#2951](
- Incorrect order item shows when editting  [\#2947](
- Repeat Error in customer.php [\#2946](
- paypal express checkout module [\#2943](
- method getTotalSales throws an exception when num\_rows = 0 [\#2942](
- Create new order by Admin [\#2941](
- Gift Vourcher recepient never recieved Email [\#2937](
- Bug in admin/controller/module/bestseller.php [\#2936](
- Question about github [\#2934](
- PayPal currencies list lack RUB [\#2932](
- Modification refresh results maintenance mode on [\#2931](
- SMTP host config setting is wrong [\#2930](
- Handling Total Operator Typo - Greater Than instead of less than [\#2929](
- Skrill Payment error on php + URL + Image [\#2927](
- Unable to Edit Orders  [\#2926](
- ocMod regex operations are never trimmed [\#2925](
- Multiple orders on checkout [\#2920](
- Language load issues [\#2919](
- Cash on Delivery payment lacks loading "data-loading-text" attribute [\#2918](
- \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* {edited by ManaKill}  [\#2915](
- Cart add\(\) function doesn't follow minimum requirements [\#2914](
- Default information links in header/footer has no way to setup "SEO" urls [\#2913](
- Opencart 2 filter module not work [\#2912](
- Amazon modules/Payments [\#2911](
- Customer Registration, blank screen, Error: E-Mail to required! [\#2910](
- Language locale values do not match web standards [\#2909](
- language files [\#2908](
- Main store always using "home" layout, despite of selection in "Settings" [\#2905](
- Manual Order status change triggers email to customer regardless of notification flag [\#2904](
- Opencart is not loading english.php defined text variables [\#2903](
- Opencart : COD orders jumps to missing orders [\#2901](
- install step 3 coming up blank after submitting database details [\#2899](
- Customer Service, Extra, My Accounts pages are Not [\#2898](
- error after buy gift voucher and some problem [\#2896](
- re-Captcha does not work on reviews [\#2894](
- Category Product Count Not working [\#2893](
- On order update, Click notify Customer they dont get notified OC [\#2892](
- Bootstrap still contains some dubble stylesheets on container [\#2891](
- Refine Search still missing clear button [\#2890](
- Mail: SMTP "getaddrinfo failed" error in OpenCart [\#2887](
- SEO not working in IE, firefox or chrome [\#2885](
- OCMOD wildcard doesn't work anymore [\#2884](
- Getting error on front end and back end " start up error " please resolve it. [\#2883](
- Duplicate URL After SEO Enabled [\#2882](
- OC buttons dont work in google chrome [\#2880](
- Emails not working in [\#2879](
- New vqmod/ocmod system [\#2877](
- Amazon modules wont apear in any Layout [\#2876](
- Shared SSL broken [\#2875](
- Wrong query in admin/model/report/product [\#2874](
- SEO URLs ampersands in product tags/keywords [\#2873](
- OC OCMOD path wildcard with braces  [\#2872](
- missing payment images [\#2871](
- Code mixture .. [\#2870](
- language \> name of main file [\#2866](
- \[admin\] V.2020 product options don't show [\#2865](
- Add to cart button available when out of stock [\#2864](
- output date in mails [\#2863](
- \system\library\mail.php ENT\_QUOTES [\#2861](
- openbay/ebay\_new.tpl small errors [\#2860](
- undefined variable json when updating order history [\#2857](
- OcMod on OC not correct search code [\#2855](
- Please close if i have missed read email error [\#2854](
- Can't send e-mail [\#2852](
- OC [\#2851](
- World Pay - on Module - gives 404 error if clicked - OC [\#2850](
- Category Bug \(OpenCart\) [\#2849](
- Log In With PayPal OC [\#2848](
- Can't Edit or Add orders  there's a reason! [\#2844](
- If the new G-recaptcha is enabled, the reviews are not sent in OC2.0.2.0 [\#2843](
- Dashboard Stats don't show on long month [\#2842](
- OC [\#2841](
- Mail error [\#2840](
- reCaptcha validation on product reviews [\#2839](
- Paypal Express in forces all currencies to USD, incorrectly converts value. [\#2836](
- Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in line 711 [\#2834](
- Customer.login event only called if login in via admin [\#2832](
- Composer and auto-loading support [\#2828](
- opencart.sql small error [\#2820](
-   ocmod cannot handle renamed admin folder [\#2816](
- multistore currency conversions issues in catalog/controller/payment/pp\_express.php? [\#2768](

**Merged pull requests:**

- OpenBay update to latest v2831 [\#3027]( ([jamesallsup](
- Fixed Maxmind not load on order info page [\#3021]( ([eka7a](
- Bug fix \#3015 [\#3017]( ([Newman101](
- reverting cookie name to correct value and adding comments to warn ag… [\#3010]( ([chris-wm](
- Full path disclosure due to Undefined index [\#2998]( ([mrnfrancesco](
- Fixed security issue on log filename [\#2995]( ([mrnfrancesco](
- G2Apay: Adding integration files [\#2987]( ([chris-wm](
- FAO James - Bug fixes First Data: [\#2985]( ([chris-wm](
- Update installer.php [\#2984]( ([QualityWorks](
- Fix syntax error [\#2983]( ([manashcse11](
- Remove 2 "\)" extra [\#2982]( ([valdeir2000](
- Displays errors custom\_field field [\#2969]( ([valdeir2000](
- Lebanon regions added [\#2961]( ([syamvilakudy](
- added fraudlabs pro module [\#2958]( ([chrislim2888](
- Zone name corrected [\#2954]( ([syamvilakudy](
- Position correction of custom fields in admin panel [\#2953]( ([valdeir2000](
- Added missing jQuery link to order invoice and order shipping. [\#2949]( ([longlivedigital](
- Update coupon.php [\#2945]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fixed changelog typo [\#2938]( ([radarhere](
- Update cart.php [\#2935]( ([osworx](
- Small Fixes - Trying to do it RIGHT! [\#2928]( ([stockmaster](
- Hotfix/amazon [\#2922]( ([chris-wm](
- Update modification.php [\#2895]( ([osworx](
- Hotfix/amazon [\#2889]( ([chris-wm](
- BUG when sending the e-mail to admin [\#2888]( ([opencart-russia](
- ensure it's a file, include\_once [\#2858]( ([pine3ree](
- remove unneeded array\_merge calls [\#2856]( ([pine3ree](
- Fix pagination issue [\#2853]( ([mariavilaro](
- Update common.js [\#2814]( ([TomekWW](
- removed unused empty function [\#2634]( ([tomkoo](
- removed unused empty function [\#2632]( ([tomkoo](

## []( (2015-03-30)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Admin config file error [\#2823](
- Feature request: Persian/Arabic Language and RTL Layout [\#2819](
- Order model : language filename  [\#2818](
- bower.json [\#2815](
- Langauge Option Not Working Properly In My Server. [\#2812](
- Html.tpl - Html Module.  [\#2811](
- Issue at the Extension Installer [\#2809](
- New g-recAptcha not working  [\#2808](
- Multi-currency issue in order\_info \(currency\_code & amount not matched\) [\#2807](
- BUG!!  Editing orders / deleting orders [\#2803](
- It's a Bug\(?\) Multistore can't find images and Stylesheets \(404 Error\) [\#2802](
- need to change MyIsam to InnoDB [\#2800](
- Class 'Image' not found in admin/model/tool/image.php [\#2795](
- Deleting old Github repositories [\#2793](
- No able to register on forum|  PlayThru game not getting displayed [\#2792](
- Administration - Menu layout - 3rd level  [\#2791](
- Spam referral links Co.lumb [\#2787](
- Not possible to ad zone to county in Geo Zones [\#2786](
- Sending Emails to Customers with non-active member too [\#2780](
- Dirty URL [\#2779](
- Paypal refund in OpenCart \(rs.6\) [\#2778](
- Different Checkout prices when purchasing the same items [\#2776](
- Editing orders / deleting orders [\#2775](
- bad sitemap.xml [\#2770](
- " Symbol Issue [\#2769](
- missing code in admin/\*\*\*/affiliate.php [\#2766](
- Payment Methods sould refresh when a Shipping Method is selected in an Order from the Admin Panel [\#2765](
- Opencart admin/controller/extention/modification.php issue [\#2764](
- Need to understand how we can change / modify opencart 2.0 code base. [\#2763](
- Update new WorldPay module file standards [\#2756](
- product copy\_rc [\#2754](
- Review - Submit Button is now working on Mobile, Pad. [\#2752](
- own Paypal pending status is ignored [\#2750](
- Order edit [\#2749](
- Product Option Saving Issue [\#2748](
- New G-recaptcha not working  [\#2744](
- FYI - Royal mail prices changes [\#2743](
- Open Cart Contact Form Fails [\#2742](
- Bug on category template [\#2741](
- Missing jQuery [\#2740](
- Tool bar Icons & Buttons are Not Lording perfectly most of the time. [\#2739](
- Invalid call $language-\>load\('default'\) [\#2735](
- opencart Hide Empty Categories [\#2734](
- Core SEO Clean URLs suck. Lets end the madness [\#2733](
- Error with 2.0 mail.php rolled back to 1.5.6 mail.php and works fine [\#2729](
- settings not accepting email id with .clothing TLD [\#2727](
- OCMOD continuous loop [\#2725](
- french translation of opencart [\#2724](
- Hide english tab if language is disabled [\#2721](
- Not accepting email ID with .clothing tld [\#2718](
- product count showing value wrong [\#2717](
- Warning: array\_key\_exists\(\): [\#2716](
- Wrong folder permissions after extension \(ftp\) install [\#2715](
- Order History showing other customers' information [\#2714](
- /system/engine/action.php limit the route [\#2713](
- customer orders report totals wrong [\#2709](
- Admin review's notification is not working properly [\#2708](
- Newsletter success AJAX stopped prematurely [\#2707](
- Quantity is multiplied in admin order form [\#2703](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected Token [\#2698](
- Path Replacement [\#2696](
- Had to add column to table for PayPal Express Checkout [\#2695](
-  Error when attempting to create new customer from admin [\#2694](
- "E-Mail Message required!" when I try to email newsletter [\#2693](
- Customer email address rejected [\#2692](
- Unable to install Opencart on ISS8 [\#2690](
- Order History showing other customers' information [\#2689](
- Module - HTML Content Module [\#2688](
- Error Messages [\#2687](
- Two installations under the same domain has huge security issue [\#2686](
- Admin dashboard user access permissions [\#2685](
- .htaccess "download" wrong rule [\#2684](
- Limit in category autocomplete [\#2683](
- Cannot use string offset as an array [\#2681](
- Watermark error [\#2678](
- Directory structure misplace [\#2670](
- array\_key\_exists\(\) [\#2669](
- Notification Area - Reviews [\#2666](
- Reviews Status [\#2665](
- g-recaptcha error on submission \(review, contact, return\)   [\#2663](
- Undefined index: recurring\_id [\#2662](
- Admin\>Modules\>Featured-Home Page : gives error if no products are added [\#2660](
- Confirm \#2636 [\#2659](
- Recent activity links not correct when a customer is waiting approval [\#2658](
- Review Does not give proper message [\#2657](
- Reports product viewed. wrong method used, corrected method was deleted. [\#2656](
- Voucher can be used more than its value [\#2653](
- Filter Display [\#2652](
- Errors in customer admin not working well [\#2649](
- html\_entity\_decode\(\)  should be called before strip\_tags\(\) in mail system [\#2648](
- Maintenance mode should be triggered when important modifications are missing [\#2647](
- Send voucher function is automaticly sending to all customers with vouchers [\#2646](
- Opencart 2.0 voucher not change value after use [\#2645](
- DIR\_UPLOAD missing from CLI installations [\#2642](
- filemanger overwriting files \(solution\) [\#2639](
-  filter module opencart not working [\#2638](
- Affiliate Forgottern password  [\#2637](
- Opencart Order Issue in back end. [\#2636](
- OCMod Error run SQL [\#2635](
- Bug in admin/controller/extension/modification.php [\#2633](
-  controller/checkout/cart -- $quantity [\#2631](
- Reports\>Sales\>Orders bug  [\#2630](
- Cart not update when add a product from a grid table or a related product [\#2629](
- Template Default Admin Menu Problem [\#2628](
- Email regex [\#2627](
- Modification OCMOD [\#2623](
- Upload and install upgrade Opencart [\#2622](
- friends Goods does not see the table , please help [\#2621](
- Testing Forum [\#2620](
- Opencart Problem [\#2619](
- openbay \(PHP Notice:  Undefined index: category\_id\) [\#2618](
- Mail password is HTML encoded [\#2616](
- New Product add [\#2615](
- HTML module Uninitialized string offset: 1 [\#2614](
- Google Analytics code not updating from admin settings config [\#2611](
- Ajax upload bug \(solved\) [\#2610](
- Image manager upload image spam success messagebox [\#2609](
- Error into file catalog/controller/common/content\_top.php [\#2607](
- Product edit after upgrade [\#2605](
- Add a Modification OCMOD  [\#2604](
- Try upload functionality OCMOD [\#2603](
- File config-dist.php without content [\#2602](
- multistore currency conversions issues in catalog/controller/payment/pp\_express.php? [\#2601](
- Opencart problems with moving [\#2600](
- syntaxError: Unexpected token \< OK \<b\>Notice\</b\>: Error: RCPT TO not accepted from server! in \<b\>/system/library/mail.php\</b\> on line \<b\>345\</b\> [\#2599](
- Removing tooltip method inconsistent or non existent \(solution\) [\#2595](
- not wasting your time, there is 20px at bottom of slider images [\#2593](
- Error: Subquery returns more than 1 row [\#2591](
- Message Error Template + Review Success Message not showing [\#2590](
- Order item quantity and total keep inflating [\#2589](
- OC Reports\>Products\>Purchased - Inflated amounts in Totals column [\#2588](
- Can't edit an order, getting syntax error [\#2587](
- Getting error on checkout [\#2586](
- Payment: PayPal Standard [\#2585](
- Navigation not working - IP Addressess tab in the customers screen [\#2582](
- Gift Vouchers, email sent to all even when only one is selected [\#2581](
- special price cancels out multiple quantity discount [\#2580](
- Stock subtracting not working [\#2579](
- Coupon code  bug! [\#2578](
- Column size change of logo and search through header.tpl [\#2577](
- Order Status Update Emails [\#2576](
- 'append' key for order history issue/irrelevant? [\#2575](
- My Account Changes [\#2574](
- Checkout - Address [\#2573](
- Error when changing the Order Status [\#2572](
- Notice in \admin\controller\tool\backup.php on line 13 [\#2571](
- Side menu issue [\#2570](
- Error when logging in as a user [\#2569](
- Email Spam [\#2568](
- Edit Order [\#2567](
- Updating order history bug or error :\( [\#2565](
- Missing tpl file in admin \(common/buttons.tpl\) [\#2564](
- 2.x catalog/model/checkout/recurring.php-\>create\(\) expects 1.5.x keys [\#2562](
- \(ocmod\) Path cannot start with brace  e.g. {admin,catalog}/  not allowed [\#2561](
- cant use multi xml file in ocmod \(xml over 64kb error\) [\#2559](
- Sales Report Product Count [\#2556](
- Compare doeas not cross original price when special price available [\#2555](
- Customer report model [\#2554](
- Login attempts [\#2552](
- I am getting error when i am creating clone of carousel module  [\#2551](
- Unknown: Object of class Language could not be converted to string  [\#2550](
- Issues with Opencast Dashboard Please Help! [\#2549](
- Highly inaccurate Fedex rate quotes being generated - \(1.x\) [\#2547](
- Add History: email notification is sent regardless of Notify checkbox value [\#2546](
- common.js popover \(solution\) [\#2544](
- Wrong font family in breadcrumb \(home\) [\#2543](
- Product Feed not working [\#2542](
- https [\#2539](
- Image Manager Search Issue - Opencart [\#2538](
- add/edit order from admin \> Sales \> Orders not working [\#2537](
- no review sent confirmation message [\#2536](
- css for slider still small 20px  issue after applying fix [\#2535](
- Amazon payments not working [\#2534](
- Missing array\(\) [\#2533](
- Fedex admin typos [\#2532](
- Product order - stock calculation after shipment [\#2530](
- SyntaxError on adding order history/click Continue in the order [\#2529](
- Product order - stock calculation [\#2528](
- Upgrade Error: 1.5.6 to [\#2526](
- Notice in /admin/controller/common/header.php [\#2525](
- upgrade success page has broken images [\#2524](
- after upgrading my store settings are empty for non default stores [\#2523](
- upgrade.txt has references to oc 1.5.x stores instead of 2.x [\#2522](
- Summernote bold bug [\#2521](
- bug fixing help [\#2520](
- Review Cannot be posted [\#2519](
- Modification List [\#2518](
- Header shopping cart [\#2517](
- Category, filter limit when adding new product [\#2516](
- Uploading images issue [\#2513](
- Parent not updated for Category [\#2512](
- OC 2.x Paypal standard checkout error [\#2511](
- Successful registration contact us link incorrect [\#2510](
- broken image link in product description section [\#2509](
- Delete product images during deleting product. [\#2508](
- Currency won't change [\#2506](
- USPS Stamped Letter [\#2505](
- Admin issue [\#2504](
- Settings - Comments  [\#2503](
- dont load manuel added orders on clean install [\#2502](
- 404 Error in store when Use SEO URLs in the store settings [\#2500](
- oc2 modules are not display properly on category page [\#2499](
- $setting return an empty string [\#2497](
- Multistore - Settings - Opening Times and Comments [\#2496](
- Summernote paragraphs [\#2494](
- Search by tags [\#2493](
- More filters goods Admin [\#2492](
- Set alignment prices in Admin product\_list [\#2491](
- Error display discharges in Admin [\#2490](
- Currency settings - Issue or feature? [\#2488](
- Multishop - Contact us - Our Location [\#2487](
- wiki/Modification-System inconsistencies [\#2486](
- I'mg getting  missing orders on opencart Version [\#2485](
- Image manager in admin panel is not open [\#2480](
- .list-group a style should be looked at deleting [\#2479](
- Multiple stores route issues. [\#2478](
- error on top [\#2477](
- API Issue when trying to read cookies [\#2476](
- AIM module not submitting product information [\#2475](
- Registration postcode issue with Firefox [\#2474](
- add category BUG. [\#2473](
- summernote doesnot format the text if there is \<strong\> tag inside [\#2467](
- Recurring profile gets deleted from the list after applying \*Copy\*. [\#2466](
- Update is not working with mysqli and is not translated [\#2465](
- Notice: Error: Could not load language default! in language.php line 39 [\#2464](
- Problem with icons not displaying in google chrome [\#2463](
- Payment Module: PP Express does not save a logo [\#2462](
- "I wish to subscribe to the %s newsletter" [\#2461](
- Still unable to copy a Recurring Profile [\#2460](
- Auto complete is broken on common.js [\#2459](
- Unable to copy a Recurring Profile [\#2458](
- JSON error in order's history [\#2457](
- Opencart 2.x in Internet Explorer [\#2455](
- ZIP Extension While Installing  [\#2454](
- Does not change the Number of Items to Cart [\#2452](
- After upload ocMod, btn Continue not working. [\#2451](
- Admin is compiling LESS in production downloads [\#2447](
- Royal Mail Shipping Module Services incorrect [\#2020](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update OpenBay Pro to v2813 [\#2829]( ([jamesallsup](
- Globalpay/Realex ECI message changes [\#2821]( ([davidteal](
- Globalpay/Realex fixes [\#2810]( ([davidteal](
- Amazon - warning class to alert class [\#2806]( ([chris-wm](
- Hotfix/amazon large update [\#2805]( ([chris-wm](
- OpenBay Pro update to latest stable v2794 [\#2785]( ([jamesallsup](
- Hotfix/amazon large update [\#2783]( ([chris-wm](
- Hotfix/amazon large update [\#2782]( ([chris-wm](
- Hotfix/amazon large update [\#2781]( ([chris-wm](
- Hotfix/amazon large update [\#2777]( ([chris-wm](
- fix cart quantity input width on mobile [\#2773]( ([veksen](
- - updating event methods from tool/event to extension/event [\#2767]( ([chris-wm](
- Feature/paypal onboarding [\#2762]( ([chris-wm](
- In the callback method there is a bug when Paypal is the chosen card typ... [\#2761]( ([chris-wm](
- Recurring orders are stored in the cart on their own array level e.g. \['... [\#2760]( ([chris-wm](
- Adding customerfirstname and customerlastname to the payment form as req... [\#2759]( ([chris-wm](
- removing debug code in the cron job method [\#2758]( ([chris-wm](
- Feature/amazon [\#2757]( ([chris-wm](
- Feature/worldpay [\#2755]( ([chris-wm](
- clear review buttons [\#2753]( ([veksen](
- Update securetrading\_ws.php [\#2747]( ([osworx](
- Update securetrading\_pp.php [\#2746]( ([osworx](
- Adding Globalpayments [\#2738]( ([davidteal](
- fix trailing whitespace in catalog template [\#2737]( ([veksen](
- Fix event bug in manufacturer.php [\#2732]( ([haydenw](
- Sort modules by name [\#2730]( ([sabitertan](
- Fixed a bug when product layouts were used in left and right columns. [\#2728]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- Fixes line endings in several files \(CRLF are now LF\) [\#2706]( ([schrodervictor](
- Admin Tweak - Reverse Default Order of Reviews [\#2702]( ([OC2PS-2](
- Fix default value of error\_address [\#2701]( ([CZechBoY](
- Add HTTPS support during installation [\#2682]( ([redochka](
- redundant product\_attribute queries [\#2676]( ([pine3ree](
- store product\_reward entries only when points \> 0 [\#2674]( ([pine3ree](
- Typo in filling addresses after login [\#2672]( ([acidclick](
- $data\['tax\_class\_id'\] integer casting [\#2671]( ([pine3ree](
- Update order\_info.tpl [\#2661]( ([dragoncorpgit](
- Update stylesheet.css [\#2644]( ([saifwebberoo](
- Disable maintenance check for API requests [\#2606]( ([JAY6390](
- Add basename in backup filename [\#2507]( ([Rubens2014](
- get HTTP\_ACCEPT\_LANGUAGE when necessary [\#2498]( ([anrip](
- stray closing form tag [\#2495]( ([Equotix](
- Incorrect argument passed [\#2468]( ([opencarthelp](
- I think that "Show All" is Better than "See All" [\#2456]( ([Dvir-Julius](

## []( (2014-12-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Latest Module - Showing Twice \(image\) [\#2450](
- SQL-backup file name [\#2449](
- Error after update from to [\#2448](
- Specials not showing in admin panel [\#2445](
- v2.0.1.0 breaks every single previously installed module.... [\#2444](
- Problem with Refresh on Modifications-Tab [\#2443](
- order history update sytax error [\#2441](
- 2369 [\#2440](
- Module Featured is not working at version [\#2438](
- New options not appearing when adding products [\#2437](
- ocMod bug: ignoreif tag [\#2436](
- Recurring Profiles Checkout Step \#6 Errors [\#2435](
- Deleting item from cart problem [\#2433](
- Registering a new account problem [\#2432](
- Slideshow Not Displaying [\#2431](
- PP Button Does Not Save Enabled State [\#2430](
- Module menu department - Problem at moment set avaiable [\#2427](
- Add modification dir to install check [\#2426](
- OCmod bug [\#2424](
- Affiliates account issue [\#2422](
- undefined variable textyes [\#2420](
- Another load of shite in latest release [\#2417](
- When I Upload a ocmod.xml file using extension installer and do refresh in modification it not working [\#2416](
- issue \#2291 --\> still getting the error  in\_array\(\) expects parameter 2 to be array, ecc.... [\#2413](
- Custom field for file uploading not working [\#2412](
- Information module status not saved [\#2409](
- Bonus point system and voucher system [\#2408](
- Modules\>Bestsellers and Modules\>Latest [\#2407](
- Latest Module [\#2406](
- I can not edit order by admin [\#2405](
- opencart template issue [\#2403](
- Coupon Code Error Internet Explorer [\#2401](
- Admin and User experience issues [\#2399](
- Urgent - Cannot add items to cart in latest iPhone 6 - Safari - iOS 8.1.1 - OpenCart 2.0 [\#2398](
- CSS small issue [\#2397](
- MSSQL driver named mmsql.php [\#2396](
- \[CRITICAL\] Cart total shows empty after adding the product on IOS 8.1.1 Safari  [\#2393](
- admin - header.tpl, several issues [\#2392](
- Warning: in\_array\(\)  in /catalog/view/theme/default/template/checkout/guest.tpl and others [\#2391](
- Required custom input field for file uploading not working in theme/default/template/checkout/guest.tpl [\#2390](
- Alert message \(twice\) on dashboard in admin [\#2389](
- PayPal Login [\#2383](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix cart when screen resolution is less than 478px [\#2446]( ([Dvir-Julius](
- Fix uninstall module  - layout\_module issue. [\#2442]( ([ocextensions](
- Fix javascript error on Autocomplete [\#2429]( ([ocextensions](
- Rename mssql driver file [\#2428]( ([threesquared](
- Fix variable text\_yes in customer edit form [\#2421]( ([gortsilas](
- Fix owl-carousel for RTL useres. [\#2419]( ([Dvir-Julius](
- Update filter.php [\#2418]( ([jorritd](
- Prevent plotting of the chart in case there is no data [\#2415]( ([gortsilas](
- Fixed allignment of Currency drop down menu  \#2397 [\#2411]( ([gortsilas](
- Update banner.tpl [\#2402]( ([CoverUp](
- Fix for ftp\_mkdir error during extension installation OCMOD [\#2400]( ([gortsilas](
- Update slideshow.php [\#2394]( ([opencart-russia](
- Remove language string duplicated [\#2387]( ([ManoelVidal](
- Remove language string duplicated [\#2386]( ([ManoelVidal](

## []( (2014-11-30)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Installation fails [\#2385](
- SEO URL - Categories [\#2384](
- Multilanguage slideshow [\#2382](
- \<Confirm Order\> button does not function [\#2380](
- Warning Message - Always displayed on all pages [\#2379](
- Subtract stock on CHECKOUT and  on Delete Order from - Admin/Sales/Orders/ - Problem [\#2377](
- Small issue Undefined variable: code [\#2375](
- Edit order product increment [\#2372](
- crash during checkout [\#2364](
- installer doesnt use defined paths [\#2363](
- version 2.0 [\#2362](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input [\#2361](
- Notice: Undefined variable: text\_edit in setting.tpl on line 29 in Open cart [\#2359](
- Wrong data on cart update for OC 2.0 [\#2354](
- Admin ControllerExtensionPayment-\>getList\(\) Breadcrumbs [\#2352](
- missing image file [\#2351](
- Rewards applied multiple times when changing order status [\#2349](
- $\_\['button\_example'\],$\_\['tab\_example'\]  will remain in default language in master-branch [\#2348](
- Post installation ver. issue [\#2346](
- New classes autoloader [\#2345](
- ControllerExtensionInstaller-\>clear\(\) fails on dot-files \(eg: .gitignore\) [\#2344](
- Setting's Mail Pass Word [\#2343](
- No download limit in catalog/controller/account/downloads.php [\#2342](
- Wrong option label in DB Driver dropdown list [\#2340](
- MySQLi installation error  [\#2339](
- undefined variable $group  in admin/mode/setting/setting [\#2335](
- Undefined banner\_id [\#2334](
- Undefined variable: text\_edit in admin/view/template/setting/setting.tpl on line 29 [\#2333](
- Missing In view/theme/default/template/account.tpl custom field display  [\#2332](
- Admin Category list displays wrong sort order [\#2329](
- Spelling error controler -\> checkout -\> guest [\#2328](
- Carousel not works [\#2327](
- required custom field validation return always false in account/edit [\#2326](
- Parent only show 5 categories [\#2325](
- Error during checkout [\#2324](
- Unexpected end of input while changing order status [\#2323](
- still getting errors for checkboxes ---\> issue 2305 [\#2319](
- ajax remove all classes if file upload is successfully in register.tpl, ecc... [\#2318](
- Using pay with rewards points in Cart [\#2316](
- Module HTML Content [\#2315](
- Rewrite url error [\#2314](
- PayPal Express Checkout Button Module [\#2313](
- PayPal Login No Longer Working [\#2311](
- free\_checkout not activated when coupon makes cart total = $0 [\#2310](
- Downloads manager broken [\#2309](
- empty space in carousel  manufacturers  [\#2307](
- bestsellers currency use USD only shows number in USD symbol in other currency [\#2306](
- issue \#2300 \(not keeping values in register.tpl\) -\> still not working for checkboxes and file uploading [\#2305](
- paypal changes 3rd december [\#2304](
- custom select, radio, etc...will not keep the value  [\#2300](
- Sales\>Order Action Loads forever [\#2299](
- Small Typos [\#2298](
- Featured and latest modules left and right display issue [\#2297](
- $mail-\>send\(\) in voucher model [\#2295](
- Marketing email: Message required! [\#2294](
- Error access admin module [\#2293](
- Log In with PayPal [\#2292](
- Image Manager Freezes [\#2291](
- Undefined index on line 281 in catalog/controller/account/register.php [\#2290](
- Gift Vouchers Do Not Work [\#2289](
- invalid argument foreach\(\) [\#2286](
- Filter does not work [\#2285](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input  [\#2284](
- Warning code just after installing Opencart   [\#2283](
- Deleting Item from Cart [\#2281](
- Region / State required, even if there is none \(Affiliate\) [\#2280](
- Notice: Undefined index: banner\_id in /catalog/controller/module/slideshow.php on line 14 [\#2279](
- Internal Server error OCv2 [\#2277](
- OpenCart not showing Paypal Express button [\#2276](
- image manager bug [\#2275](
- featured.php on line 24 & 26 problem [\#2274](
- Wishlist template [\#2273](
- PayPal Express Button Not Displaying [\#2272](
- Manufacturer Description over-riding Product Description [\#2271](
- OCMOD Module code exist error [\#2270](
- FedEx shipping module issues [\#2269](
- When i am trying to change the logo,  the button hover tooptips are not closing [\#2267](
- "Special" module [\#2266](
- After installization, i'm getting the error on home page. [\#2265](
- Customers not approved when manually entered [\#2264](
- Add Live chat box in verson 2.0.0 [\#2263](
- File Manager embeds HTTP link in product description, even if SSL is enabled [\#2262](
- Featured module [\#2261](
- Switching to SSL results in blocked content [\#2260](
- Renaming admin folder makes it inaccessible [\#2259](
- Countries with no Zones Fail [\#2258](
- SEO friendly URLs not working for catalog information pages [\#2257](
- what is this error mean after first install 2.0 from github ? [\#2256](
- \[del\] [\#2255](
- Featured Module [\#2254](
- Shipping and taxes on cart page [\#2252](
- Syntax Error when adding order history [\#2251](
- BUG Undefined variable: text\_edit [\#2250](
- Test Checkout Error [\#2248](
- Marketing Report [\#2247](
- Error registering a new store [\#2246](
- Reopening of "'replace' operation of ocmod does not work as expected" issue [\#2245](
- Error: Could not load database driver ! [\#2243](
- OC 2, Wrong MYsql Table References in Recurring  [\#2242](
- futured products  [\#2240](
- OCmod still has the same old bugs [\#2239](
- Order Status not working [\#2238](
- Stock does not return after you delete from Sales-\>Orders [\#2237](
- 'replace' operation of ocmod does not work as expected [\#2236](
- There is no way to strict right for installing module [\#2235](
- \<b\>Fatal error\</b\>:  Cannot use string offset as an array in \<b\>/admin/view/template/sale/customer\_form.tpl on line 489 [\#2234](
- People Online Gadget Not Working [\#2233](
- Modification Installer \> Compare catalog files [\#2232](
- script tag after $footer in default template product/search.tpl [\#2227](
- about seo keyword explode " - " [\#2224](
- seo keyword use isue [\#2223](
- Error occurs while installing facebook like box extension [\#2222](
- Cant upload the file with extension installer [\#2221](
- Featured Module Shows Error at Frontend Side in OpenCart [\#2220](
- Image Manager does not load the images [\#2218](
- /admin/view/template/sale/customer\_form.tpl \> throws errors  [\#2217](
- pp\_express problem with product prices over 1000 [\#2216](
- In Opencart 2.0 OCMod, modified file is not used for view [\#2215](
- Event action names are inconsistent [\#2214](
- Blank page for Edit module in admin pannel after hosting [\#2213](
- Bug in installing the specials module [\#2212](
- OC 'mail message required' [\#2211](
- Invalid file type [\#2210](
- Notice: undefined variable button\_continue in /special.tpl [\#2209](
- customer\_list.tpl error [\#2208](
- admin/view/template/setting/setting.tpl issue [\#2206](
- Emails not working in Opencart 2.0 [\#2205](
- customer\_list.tpl error [\#2204](
- SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected end of data at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data  OK [\#2203](
- Content Encoding Error [\#2201](
- Please sort out OCmod [\#2200](
- Contact form does not send mail [\#2198](
- coding standards for same values​​? [\#2197](
- Unnameable error [\#2193](
- catalog ModelAccountCustomField - function getCustomFieldValue [\#2192](
- Error - Sales \> Customers [\#2187](
- duplicate sql querys on home page. [\#2186](
- customer transaction  [\#2185](
- Email Sending Error Dashboard [\#2182](
- catalog ControllerProductCategory - function index\(\) [\#2181](
- admin class ModelOpenbayAmazonPatch - public function runPatch | low priority [\#2177](
- admin class ModelSaleVoucher - public function addVoucherHistory [\#2176](
- Unable To change setting [\#2174](
- New bug in [\#2172](
- Removal order in maintenance mode  [\#2171](
- Orders - undefined constant https\_catalog OPENCART 2.0 [\#2170](
- Extension Installer [\#2165](
- OC2.0.0.1b: Bug in modification system [\#2157](
- custom fields status [\#2155](
- JSON End of Input error during checkout [\#2154](
- google chrome slide issue [\#2152](
- Bank Transfer payment module in admin doesnt show errors [\#2150](
- admin product form table cell width [\#2149](
- Change misleading text [\#2148](
- Customer custom field error in registration [\#2147](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input OK  [\#2146](
- Product Special date is not working [\#2144](
- ajax post loop error in route=catalog/download/add [\#2142](
- Admin product images Bug [\#2139](
- No font size on product page for "note-editor" [\#2138](
- Double entry for $\_\['text\_confirm'\]  in english admin language file [\#2134](
- Admin side Mail showing error [\#2133](
- you code bullshit! [\#2132](
- Content Form pages doesn't seem to be stripping slashes for form values [\#2130](
- Admin Settings: Undefined variable: text\_edit [\#2129](
- Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message 'Error: Unknown column '\_modified' in 'where clause' [\#2128](
- issue about the store credit in opencar 1.5.6 [\#2127](
- issue about the store credit in opencar 1.5.6 [\#2125](
- Opencart 2.0 OC2.0: pictures oversize in mobile view, any way to disable mobile view? [\#2123](
- issue about the store credit in opencart 1.5.6 [\#2122](
- is OC Sql Querys are bad coded ? [\#2120](
- Order error [\#2119](
- Extension installation error [\#2118](
- Empty value should be empty on summernote editor [\#2117](
- Update Modification documentation for recent changes! [\#2114](
- Featured Products Not Working Correctly in Multistores [\#2113](
- Remove banner items persistent tooltips; [\#2109](
- OC 2.0 and Explorer 8 - compatibility [\#2108](
- Bug in admin customer form [\#2107](
- Themes from ThemeForest for last version [\#2105](
- Site search [\#2104](
- order edit telphone,fax field dont be saved [\#2103](
- Bug in Admin Panel -\> Settings -\> Store -\> Settings [\#2102](
- First experience using Modifications and Installer [\#2100](
- Customer can not log into account [\#2099](
- Use single config file for site and admin [\#2098](
- dont show online customer on admin [\#2097](
- Admin panel -\> icon resize bug [\#2093](
- Admin settings poblem [\#2091](
- Undefined variable: text\_edit in /var/.../admin/view/template/setting/setting.tpl on line 29 [\#2089](
- 'Bestsellers' and 'Latest' modules not working [\#2087](
- Bug in admin product listing [\#2085](
- Success.php language file mistake [\#2073](
- admin orders edit request. [\#2071](
- Undefined variable: continue in /catalog/view/theme/default/template/products/special.tpl on line 105 [\#2070](
- Breadcrumb manufacturer error [\#2069](
- Unlimited coupon use when "use per customer" and "uses per coupon" set to 1 [\#2068](
- setting store's email with new gTLD  admin/index.php?route=setting/setting [\#2066](
- test [\#2065](
- Error in the driver cache memcached. [\#2062](
- Extension installer should run $this-\>model\_extension\_extension-\>install\(\) or at least have the option to.  [\#2061](
- Payment methods - moneybookers -\> skrill [\#2060](
- Adding new payment - Amazon Payments [\#2059](
- Adding picture  [\#2058](
- Products -\>Special on Chrome [\#2057](
- Banner doesn't fit resizing window [\#2056](
-  Notice: Undefined variable: text\_edit [\#2054](
- Order Model missing type-checking, throws error [\#2052](
- CURL Error on attempting to delete order \(SSL\) [\#2051](
- resets cart when clicked [\#2049](
- OpenCart 2.0 icon issue? [\#2047](
- OC2.0.0.1b: Bug in modification system [\#2045](
- Paypal Express after payment database error [\#2036](
- Incorrect list of regions of Ukraine [\#2035](
- Minor error in responsive design; [\#2034](
- issue in common.js [\#2033](
- Latest,Featured modules display issue [\#2032](
- "Payment method required" in admin -\> order edit [\#2031](
- caching.php is corrupted [\#2030](
- Paypal Express Checkout not sending address to Paypal [\#2027](
- home page banner slider dont refresh size when browser size is changed. [\#2025](
- top category menu not clickable ,  need to fix it. [\#2024](
- Installer should check for MySQLi or PDO extensions [\#2023](
- ... [\#2021](
- Order List [\#2018](
- Error Update order [\#2015](
- SEO Keywords "already exist" when left empty [\#2011](
- Opencart 2.0 Checkout missing coupon option [\#2010](
- Change URL structure to SEO friendly.  [\#2008](
- \[question\] Mass discount [\#2006](
- Issue in setting [\#2003](
- Bug with installer when \< in password [\#2002](
- Adding Options does not work! [\#2001](
- Geo Zones contain Congo twice [\#2000](
- troubles with recurring payments [\#1999](
- Get error on Setting page [\#1998](
- Products:  Image selection [\#1997](
- Bug On User.php Library [\#1995](
- Cannot create new Customer. Undefined index: custom\_field [\#1994](
- Cannot delete or edit an Order [\#1993](
- When copying existing product, both products are deleted from OpenCart and database [\#1991](
- Total calculation - excess cent\(s\) [\#1990](
- After install latest Master Admin cannot do anything: Access denied [\#1989](
- Localization [\#1987](
- Cheque/Money Order and Bank Transfer payment options not being displayed on Checkout Page. [\#1986](
- Modules - Banners, Slideshow and Carousel - v2? [\#1985](
- wrong regex in upgrade.php? [\#1984](
- OCMod does not allow you to modify startup.php! [\#1983](
- Html module Error ligne 5 v [\#1982](
- Image upload issue in IE and Chrome [\#1981](
- Syntax error Fresh Install  [\#1980](
- localStorage detection missing [\#1979](
- Buying a voucher triggers Free Checkout [\#1975](
- OCMod bugs [\#1967](
- Localization bug \#1911 [\#1962](
- Extension Installer Error [\#1961](
- OC 2.0: New order in backend throws json error [\#1958](
- Can't see product discount price [\#1956](
- Hidden admin menu elements still accessible [\#1955](
- Email Send is not working [\#1954](
- PayPal Express Checkout button not displayed \(v2.0.0.0 release version\) [\#1953](
- Log In with PayPal module not working [\#1952](
- hii i an not able to see and edit anything in admin pannel [\#1951](
- hii [\#1950](
- Fatal error: Call to a member function getUrlAlias\(\) on a non-object in /admin/controller/catalog/product.php on line 1328 [\#1949](
- TypeError: a\(...\).\_lang is undefined [\#1948](
- Category Page - Grid and List View Buttons do nothing on mobile view! [\#1947](
- Implementing only one config file [\#1946](
- Nav column issue on report/customer\_online [\#1944](
- Custom Profile Fields, value not showing [\#1943](
- Opencart 2.0 - Errors in the language files [\#1942](
- Unable to add space behind currency symbol in Admin [\#1941](
- Manually adding LESS as a mimetype in IIS should be mentioned somewhere in docs. [\#1940](
- Error message does not display on install step 3 [\#1939](
- Format currency in OpenCart [\#1938](
- forgot to adding the text\_edit [\#1936](
- Marketing - Contact not sending mail: E-Mail Message required! [\#1935](
- Product description CKEditor [\#1934](
- Pagination closing tags [\#1933](
- Error on upgrade to [\#1932](
- Extension Installer Error [\#1931](
- OC2: Extension installer bugs [\#1928](
- modification refresh error [\#1927](
- Bestsellers module not enabling [\#1926](
- module name strip\_tags [\#1925](
- Summernotes editor insert images bug [\#1924](
- In admin area [\#1923](
- Accessibility issues [\#1922](
- Error Order Status Update [\#1921](
- Fix for module/latest image width/height settings in [\#1920](
- OC2: Undefined variable: text\_edit in admin\view\template\setting\setting.tpl on line 29 [\#1918](
- Bug in admin\view\template\setting\setting.tpl on line 29 [\#1917](
- url alias problem  [\#1915](
- OC2: bug in admin/controller/extension/modification.php [\#1914](
- Small image in products list [\#1913](
- Settings: Processing Order Status \ Complete Order Status bug [\#1912](
- Localization bug [\#1911](
- Problem with Profile Cliente Default [\#1910](
- space in scroll bar if select menu in rtl \(screenshot\) [\#1908](
- flexslider not support rtl if direction rtl [\#1907](
- Images not visible with image manager version [\#1905](
- OCMod wiki update [\#1904](
- PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: text\_edit [\#1903](
- Extension installer [\#1902](
- Issue with Image Picker in Summernote adding image in wrong place. [\#1901](
- Strange behavoir with namespacing on PDO driver! [\#1900](
- home page manufacturer logo not clickable [\#1899](
- Opencart 2.0 - Undefined variable text\_edit in admin store settings title [\#1897](
- Problem with datetimepicker in Product Edit page. [\#1896](
- Opencart 2.0 - Installation Database error messages not passed [\#1895](
- Opencart 2.0 - Installation Database Prefix Issue & Solution [\#1894](
- Header alert messages not in a one line [\#1892](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix breadcrumbs and request post width [\#2378]( ([dangtienngoc](
- Update opencart.sql [\#2369]( ([CoverUp](
- Update modification.php [\#2358]( ([saifwebberoo](
- Update filter.tpl [\#2357]( ([CoverUp](
- Fixed smtp send mail. [\#2356]( ([jonasmello](
- OpenBay Pro update for latest release. [\#2353]( ([jamesallsup](
- Update customer.php [\#2338]( ([anrip](
- Remove Hungarian Regions [\#2337]( ([OC2PS](
- Fix link "How to documents" [\#2317]( ([ManoelVidal](
- Update currency.php [\#2308]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- LIPP - Fixed issue with unapproved logins [\#2303]( ([davidteal](
- Update length.php [\#2296]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fix Printing Styles [\#2288]( ([uksitebuilder](
- using 'destroy' to remove tooltips, tooltips are now active on newly add... [\#2253]( ([websitedesignby](
- Added Auto Sort Order Number on Filter, Option, Product Image, Banner and Layout Form [\#2249]( ([eka7a](
- rename no\_image.jpg -\> no\_image.png when selecting new template [\#2244]( ([websitedesignby](
- remove tooltip before deleting option row [\#2241]( ([websitedesignby](
- Confirm bug branch [\#2228]( ([chris-wm](
- Update special.php [\#2219]( ([manakill](
- Bug fix: customer no approved can now be approved from customer list [\#2207]( ([makeen](
- Update nochex.tpl [\#2191]( ([Equotix](
- Update sagepay\_direct.tpl [\#2190]( ([Equotix](
- Design/Layout title fix in select dropdown [\#2188]( ([Dreamvention](
- check if $session-\>data\['guest'\]\['customer\_group\_id'\] &  $session-\>data\[... [\#2180]( ([Dreamvention](
- Update owl.carousel.css [\#2175]( ([CoverUp](
- bugfix - Fedex quoted rates always return account rates and ignore config setting [\#2168]( ([janitor61](
- BUG FIX on category.tpl [\#2167]( ([CoverUp](
- "404 Not Found" for nonexistent information pages [\#2166]( ([opencarthelp](
- Fix some incorrect breadcrumbs [\#2158]( ([uksitebuilder](
- Fix PayPal Pro Iframe [\#2153]( ([uksitebuilder](
- Fix Some Incomplete Breadcrumbs [\#2140]( ([uksitebuilder](
- OpenBay Pro update for latest release. [\#2131]( ([jamesallsup](
- fixed missing $ssl property [\#2121]( ([tomkoo](
- OC Fixed persistent tooltips in design/banners [\#2112]( ([gortsilas](
- Fix Layout Routes [\#2110]( ([uksitebuilder](
- Update reward.php [\#2096]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update customer\_list.tpl [\#2095]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update low\_order\_fee.php [\#2094]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fixed category count to be called only when count is turned on [\#2086]( ([davidteal](
- OC Fixed language file success.php for account and affiliates [\#2076]( ([gortsilas](
- OC Fixed breadcrumb link in manufacturer error page [\#2074]( ([gortsilas](
- OC Fixed missing text for button\_continue when special is empty [\#2072]( ([gortsilas](
- BUG FIX on address\_form.tpl [\#2067]( ([CoverUp](
- OC Fixed notifications drop down in admin header [\#2055]( ([gortsilas](
- Typo in installer admin language file [\#2043]( ([gortsilas](
- Two typos in file comments [\#2042]( ([gortsilas](
- Fixed image padding in product list view [\#2041]( ([gortsilas](
- Opencart 2.0 paypal\_order field date\_modified issue \#2036 [\#2040]( ([gortsilas](
- Update common.js [\#2039]( ([latestthemes](
- Update opencart.sql [\#2038]( ([stalker780](
- Added missing custom fields on sale/order/info [\#2029]( ([CoverUp](
- Update product.tpl [\#2026]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update opencart.sql [\#2016]( ([CoverUp](
- BUG FIX on affiliate\_list.tpl [\#2014]( ([CoverUp](
- Fix for URL alias empty string [\#2013]( ([JAY6390](
- add url\_alias and redirect 301 [\#2009]( ([opencart-russia](
- Update stylesheet.css [\#2005]( ([mmosolution](
- Update seo\_url.php fix for another route [\#2004]( ([opencart-russia](
- Removing unused file [\#1996]( ([davidteal](
- Fix admin permissions/unserialize error \(\#1989\) [\#1992]( ([opencarthelp](
- better specified extensions in Extension Installer [\#1976]( ([martinille](
- BUG FIX on address\_form.tpl [\#1974]( ([CoverUp](
- BUG FIX on address.php [\#1973]( ([CoverUp](
- Corrected 2 typos [\#1971]( ([gortsilas](
- FAO James - using order currency code instead of default store currency ... [\#1965]( ([chris-wm](
- Fixed Multi Store Order on Custmor/Orders page [\#1964]( ([eka7a](
- Fixing accidental profile to recurring replace for Log in With PayPal [\#1963]( ([davidteal](
- Corrected typo, changed 'date\_added' to 'added' [\#1960]( ([gortsilas](
- Update category.php [\#1959]( ([tomkoo](
- Error validate updated [\#1957]( ([eka7a](
- Fixed load model URL Alias [\#1945]( ([eka7a](
- Update installer.php [\#1929]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fixed image\_width and image\_height modules [\#1916]( ([eka7a](
- More DB driver namespace fixes [\#1909]( ([opencarthelp](
- Progress bars in the stats.tpl doesn't scale [\#1906]( ([nutama](
- Fix calc of PROFILESTARTDATE with proper "gm" func [\#1861]( ([pcgamez](
- Update seo\_url.php [\#1802]( ([ghost](

## []( (2014-10-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Resizing Image That Has Been Uploaded [\#1887](
- how to edit customer email messages in admin ? [\#1885](
- duplicate layout common/home in sql [\#1884](
- error log message for recurring\_form.tpl [\#1882](
- fix stylesheet for banner and carousel module [\#1881](
- Google Analytics escape quotes [\#1880](
- strange language behaviour [\#1879](
- Checkout term and conditions do not open in colorbox [\#1878](
- frontend slide isue [\#1877](
- Make PHP 5.4 OpenCart's Minimum Version [\#1874](
- OC2: Please implement a proper language fallback [\#1873](
- Add a dedicated upload directory [\#1869](
- summernote issues [\#1867](
- FrontEnd Issue [\#1866](
- Design issue OpenCart 2.0 Beta [\#1865](
- shopping cart on top can grow very wide hiding currency sellector [\#1860](
- Delete button on File Manager don't ask to confirm action [\#1857](
- Additional language fallback to english/default [\#1366](

**Merged pull requests:**

- OpenBay update pre-release [\#1891]( ([jamesallsup](
- Marketing Tracking doesn't count orders [\#1886]( ([devtsit](
- Missing ";" at recurring language file [\#1883]( ([devtsit](
- Update opencart.sql [\#1876]( ([skithund](
- Update image.php [\#1784]( ([ghost](

## []( (2014-09-27)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- opencart.sql incomplete [\#1872](
- Database didn't build [\#1871](
- database prefix not fixed in last beta. [\#1870](
- OpenCart installation should check for ZipArchive availability [\#1863](
- Some files don't have proper line endings! [\#1862](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Pass zlib installer text [\#1868]( ([opencarthelp](

## []( (2014-09-25)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Modules not showing up [\#1859](
- Tadabase update [\#1856](
- category,manufacturer link in product add page and also in modules problem [\#1854](
- Automatic login after user registration [\#1853](
- Table Prefix  Problem [\#1852](
- Admin navigation and setting saving error [\#1851](
- PDO Namespacing error [\#1848](
- Provide a message when not able to connect to database [\#1845](
- email validation [\#1844](
- typo error in 'still updating the modules section', commit 095dd84db92b0a7a558bf33267bfacf3f97ab0de [\#1842](
- Different breadcrumbs [\#1841](
- Admin login not possible after installation \(Softaculous\) [\#1836](
- Error displaying double category parents in admin. [\#1831](
- Product image seemes buggy [\#1830](
- product sort on frontend does not work in latest OC [\#1826](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input OK [\#1825](
- product layouts not correctly copied [\#1824](
- OC2: OCmod files not written [\#1823](
- Critical issue with admin images [\#1821](
- session\_save\_path for windows [\#1820](
- OC2: Bug in admin Error Permission template  [\#1817](
- OC2: Please don't external websites when loading an OpenCart page [\#1816](
- OC2: Please re-configure Summernote to generate cleaner code [\#1815](
- OC2: Please get rid off OpenBay PRO [\#1814](
- \[Bug\] Placing and order in the back-office [\#1812](
- Image double-click problem [\#1810](
- Use more events to help developer modify core template and controller without vqmod [\#1803](
- FedEx Module - List Rate Selected but Displaying Discounted Account Rate [\#1777](
- ocmod should, at least, have the option not to use the db [\#1769](
- pp express has bad code [\#1742](
- First Data EMEA Connect [\#1740](
- bluepay hosted admin buttons [\#1737](
- correct layout when we have form errors [\#1690](
- OC Mod allows for uploading same file multiple times! [\#1530](
- MD5 hash field on and opencart aim module are not compatible.  [\#1419](
- pp\_express.php + coupon discount. [\#1324](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Carousel image size [\#1858]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- Changes to install to auto enable / disable during install / uninstall [\#1850]( ([jamesallsup](
- OpenBay update. [\#1849]( ([jamesallsup](
- Currency class unit test [\#1838]( ([opencarthelp](
- Update sale.php [\#1835]( ([mmosolution](
- OpenBay Pro Update. [\#1834]( ([jamesallsup](
- OpenBay Pro updates [\#1829]( ([jamesallsup](
- Removed FE events from OpenBay Pro [\#1819]( ([jamesallsup](
- OpenBay Pro updates [\#1818]( ([jamesallsup](

## []( (2014-09-05)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Language library has not been used rightly? [\#1809](
- Check SEO Keywords to prevent duplication [\#1808](
- Error while try to open Extension Installer [\#1807](
- Some header bug [\#1806](
- Bugs in order process from the backoffice [\#1805](
- \[Admin\] Sort Order within Options Display [\#1795](
- Event system [\#1793](
- OC2: Various errors in admin \> Sales \> Recurring Orders [\#1792](
- Admin mobile content outside of viewport when navigation menu is open [\#1791](
- OC 2 system/engine/action.php bug [\#1790](
- OC 2 still broken because of namespace [\#1789](
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 \(Not Found\)  [\#1787](
- Can't make an order in the backoffice [\#1786](
- namespace usage, events bugs [\#1785](
- Featured Module - Unnecessary field stored in oc\_setting table [\#1779](
- Some suggestion for OpenCart GUI Interface   [\#1778](
- Opencart/hostjars? [\#1775](
- OpenCart web site? [\#1774](
- Undefined method ModelSaleRecurring::getTotalRecurrings\(\) [\#1773](
- Notice: Undefined variable: button\_continue [\#1768](
- Manufacturer SEO improvement [\#1764](
- Products [\#1763](
- Changing the length of username for the admin login [\#1762](
- Summernote - Image insertion [\#1761](
- Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModelCatalogProduct::getProfiles\(\) [\#1760](
- vQMod? [\#1759](
- Undefined variable: class [\#1754](
- Missing tab\_recurring in admin/language/english/english.php [\#1752](
- unserialise error in admin backend [\#1751](
- Store front categories menu [\#1749](
- URL Alias Table Structure [\#1748](
- dup code in catalog/controller/checkout/manual.php [\#1746](
- CSS  [\#1745](
- text\_help [\#1741](
- ocmod logging [\#1739](
- order info buttons [\#1738](
- Profiles need to be renamed to Recurring [\#1736](
- Amazon Payments [\#1735](
- Central Location for uploads [\#1685](
- Mail not being sent. [\#1583](

**Merged pull requests:**

- OpenBay initial merge [\#1811]( ([jamesallsup](
- Update recurring.php [\#1800]( ([ghost](
- Update pp\_express.php [\#1799]( ([ghost](
- Update recurring.php [\#1798]( ([ghost](
- Update product.php [\#1783]( ([ghost](
- Update customer\_online.php [\#1782]( ([ghost](
- undefined method Response::setContentType? [\#1770]( ([pine3ree](
- Update cache.php [\#1767]( ([JAY6390](
- Update db.php [\#1766]( ([JAY6390](

## []( (2014-08-14)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Localization causes information pages to be hidden [\#1732](
- Store admin customer bug [\#1721](
- Admin panel current user info wrong [\#1720](
- Custom field without Title [\#1719](
- single link for url \(scrap the SSL link\) ? [\#1717](
- Menu error [\#1716](
- Modification does not work \(as used with vqmod\) [\#1561](
- Installer \> folder upload [\#1560](
- Use class "has-error" to highlight form fields that has errors in them [\#1235](
- Removing a product from an order will remove all inactive products [\#878](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Adds missing username field to admin profile template [\#1734]( ([Server4001](
- Coding standards fixes for CBA admin controller and view [\#1733]( ([davidteal](
- OC-1800 - Fix for ups when no rates available [\#1731]( ([davidteal](
- OC-1815 - Fixing mandatory fields bug when empty. [\#1729]( ([davidteal](
- Fixes custom fields language error. [\#1724]( ([steven-wm](
- Fixed opencart.sql for CREATE TABLE oc\_settings [\#1722]( ([shadyyx](

## []( (2014-08-08)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- I have the issue when i save the update product ... please ASAP :\( :\( [\#1714](
- Captcha verification does not match the image with writing a review [\#1713](
- error in errorlog after clean install [\#1709](
- Admin error [\#1706](
- SEO keyword for category destroy category list [\#1691](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Updating PayPal Express version number needed to use Seamless Checkout \(... [\#1711]( ([davidteal](
- Removed phone number link in top bar [\#1710]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- Update event.php [\#1708]( ([JAY6390](
- Changed "Continue" To "Submit" for Contact Us and Return Forms [\#1705]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Added HTML support for Admin Order Notification email [\#1704]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Fixed form Submit for IE Browser and clear white space [\#1703]( ([eka7a](
- Styled the currency dropdown. [\#1701]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- Changes to search transactions page. [\#1700]( ([steven-wm](
- Fixed sort order on category list and Larger "No Image" [\#1699]( ([eka7a](
- Currency select [\#1697]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- Fixes a typo on the product return page. [\#1694]( ([steven-wm](
- code optimization [\#1693]( ([stan-bg](
- Added Custom Heading Title in Welcome module and rename module [\#1692]( ([eka7a](

## []( (2014-08-06)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Proper output for product form fields' values [\#1688](
- Opencart- “not all related options are set” error after configuring related products option extension [\#1687](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Pagination with rel="next" and re="prev" on Catalog [\#1684]( ([eka7a](
- fix minor typo [\#1683]( ([stan-bg](
- Adding return URL to LIPP [\#1682]( ([davidteal](

## []( (2014-08-05)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- install test mysql not mysqli [\#1680](
- Telephone/fax number validation [\#1678](
- seo\_url fails when query string contains array parameters [\#1674](
- cart not carrying over between multi stores in chrome or firefox [\#1669](
- \[KIS-2014-08\] OpenCart PHP Object Injection Vulnerability [\#1667](
- Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in /home/XXXX/public\_html/index.php on line 40 [\#1666](
- Undefined variable : salt in line 14 customer.php [\#1664](
- not to declare $ this-\>load-\>model [\#1662](
- Chrome browser Unexpected Token \< on JSON [\#1661](
-  Warning: implode\(\): Invalid arguments passed in ...admin\controller\common\header.php on line 62,63,66,67 [\#1660](
- how to fix print preview blank page issue in chrome on opencart website ? [\#1659](
- Categories "banner" disappears [\#1658](
- order.php mixup with braces.  [\#1657](
- \[2.0\] why 'Meta Tag Title' is necessary in Product add? [\#1656](
- Checkout doesn't work in opencart [\#1655](
- add validation on order page when deleting or printing without selecting an order [\#1653](
- fix typo [\#1650](
- pp\_express total discrepancy [\#1649](
- getcustomers function removed [\#1648](
- Unused code in admin controller files! [\#1647](
- Incorrect methods in search.tpl \(catalog \> view\) [\#1646](
- How can i install vqmod? [\#1644](
- DB table oc\_event not created during install \(OC 2.0 master branch\) [\#1643](
- Product Weight column should be added on INVOICE so get better idea for dispatch department [\#1642](
- Rename system/library/event.php \(OC 2.0 master branch\) [\#1640](
- Make model classes more extension friendly \(OC 2.0 master branch\) [\#1639](
- Need Help In Vqmod  [\#1638](
- redundance 	code [\#1634](
- Json response header for API methods [\#1633](
- Missing validation for SEO keywords [\#1632](
- Bugs of apperance in admin mode [\#1630](
- Feature: option model to include "variations" in addition to "components" [\#1628](
- Product show NULL when no login for see prices [\#1627](
- PHP Warning:  Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by  [\#1626](
- Incorrect response code header in "catalog\controller\error\not\_found.php" [\#1620](
- opencart 2.0 install by mysql  [\#1612](
- SQL\_MODE = 'MYSQL40' [\#1611](
- install/opencart.sql bug \(OC 2.0 master branch\)  [\#1610](
- multi store issues [\#1609](
- Fatal error while deleting an order via admin panel [\#1605](
- admin/setting/store.php getStores\(\) [\#1604](
- $this-\>model\_account\_customer-\>getCustomers\(\) [\#1603](
- Contact page and SEO URLs [\#1602](
- page not found in review [\#1600](
- Product review bug \(OC 2.0 master branch\) [\#1595](
- Checkout, View Cart, and Shopping cart issue after latest commit [\#1593](
- Product Image Popup issue [\#1592](
- Googlebase Performance & Standards [\#1590](
- In addition to ticket \#1583 [\#1589](
- Product Compare issue on Master version [\#1587](
- Order comments never sent order email [\#1586](
- Vat and round issues [\#1585](
- Suggestion for featured module [\#1584](
- mini cart remove product issue [\#1582](
- Notifications link for "customer's waiting for approval" is incorrect [\#1578](
- Cart clear after checkout [\#1577](
- emails not sent to gift voucher recipients when the customer's cart contains regular products and gift certificates. [\#1574](
- HTML 5 Input Types [\#1572](
- Does it even make sense to report OC 2.0 bugs? [\#1571](
- No notification of return request [\#1570](
- Products with Quotes Cannot Be Deleted [\#1569](
- how to get current page url in opencart [\#1568](
- opencart.sql file, tables are not ordered alphabetically [\#1566](
- php echos, missing semi-colon after variable ! [\#1565](
- Last value in array with delimiter \(comma\) [\#1564](
- Typo shipping.php \(catalog\) [\#1554](
- Dashboard icons too big [\#1553](
- Incorrect index in guest checkout [\#1549](
- Wrong pagination link in account return [\#1548](
- catalog \> twice defined lang vars [\#1547](
- Wrong timepicker call \(recurring\_list.tpl\) [\#1546](
- Images missing [\#1545](
- Language \> wrong text [\#1544](
- var double defined [\#1543](
- Helptext in localisation/language [\#1542](
- Language files stored in ANSII [\#1541](
- \<text\_loading\> missing in catalog/controller/module/cart.php [\#1539](
- sale / order\_form.tpl \> hardcoded language value [\#1538](
- order.php \> undefined index [\#1537](
- checkout \> fatal error \(missing model\) [\#1536](
- Modules cart, currency, language & search not loaded \(displayed\) [\#1535](
- PHP Object Injection Vulnerability [\#1534](
- please be sure about  clean code . \( javascript must be before body to speed up page [\#1528](
- where is title  of  pages ? [\#1527](
- catalog/category - page url parameter being added to the URL twice [\#1521](
- Registration issue [\#1520](
- Need some kind of menu item selected class adding [\#1519](
- include page url parameter in category save form [\#1518](
- suggestion [\#1517](
- Opencart search fast [\#1514](
- Ban IP Order Status ID [\#1511](
- Suggestion [\#1474](
- Upgrade Custom Modules to OC 2.0 [\#1473](
- Default Fedex Module ERROR [\#1469](
- install crashes [\#1467](
- Product Quantity Should Accept only integer values [\#1466](
- Massive flaw found in OC version X \(all versions\) - solution provided. [\#1464](
- mini shopping cart issue [\#1463](
- Checkout step 6 - confirm order error [\#1462](
- ISBN suggestion [\#1461](
- Various user/api bugs \(2.0 master branch\) [\#1458](
- Incorrect parent\_id and sort ordering in admin getCategories [\#1454](
- Error adding new address while in checkout. [\#1451](
- emailtemplates ugly font [\#1450](
- FlexSlider issue [\#1445](
- Add to cart bug [\#1443](
- Categories Issues - slow & limited \> poss. fixes! \(OC\) [\#1441](
- Bug in admin/controller/extension/installer.php \(OpenCart 2.0 master branch\) [\#1439](
- Generally poor on-page/on-site SEO control \(OC\) [\#1438](
- Accessibility \(OC\) [\#1437](
- Admin Login - can improve security \(OC\) [\#1436](
- SEO URLs result in incorrect pathing, lack of 404s \(OC\) [\#1435](
- Category Filters - Sort and NumItems \(OC\) [\#1434](
- Pagination - SEO :  Canonical issue regarding page=1 \(OC\) + \[PATCHED\] [\#1433](
- Store settings issue [\#1432](
- opencart version 2 installation issue [\#1430](
- Language definitions missing in install/../step-3 [\#1429](
- Bug in system/modification.xml [\#1428](
- Notification menubar css issue [\#1427](
- Extension installer not working [\#1425](
- Call to a member function get\(\) on a non-object in /home/.../public\_html/.../admin/index.php on line 84 [\#1424](
- Bug in system/engine/controller.php [\#1423](
- Bug in catalog/controller/payment/pp\_express.php [\#1422](
- Fatal error: Class 'Controllercheckoutcheckout' not found in vq2-system\_engine\_front.php on line 39 [\#1421](
- Admin Page [\#1415](
- Bug in catalog/model/checkout/order.php [\#1414](
- The new version opencart gives "internal error" [\#1406](
- Undefined variable: directory  in system\library\language.php on line 8 [\#1405](
- Please reopen \#1393  Firefox has a problem [\#1404](
- OpenCart modifies globals in the Request object [\#1402](
- Ampersand in company name [\#1399](
- Bug in admin/controller/extension/modification.php [\#1398](
- OpenCart 2.0 still Slow. F Grade on GTMetrix [\#1397](
- error after add robots file in admin menu [\#1396](
- error after add robot at the admin [\#1395](
- \<Div id="container"\> closing tag is NOT a \</div\> tag [\#1394](
- Admin Inforamtion pages Issues cannot update or add new FIREFOX [\#1393](
- Language fall-back removed\(?\) [\#1390](
- CKeditor [\#1383](
- Welcome module \(discuss\) [\#1382](
- Editing Store  [\#1380](
- HEAD content rendered in BODY area [\#1378](
- ckeditor [\#1375](
- getTotalOrders function wrong SQL field [\#1374](
- Admin: edit order product price change after offer expire \(special or discount\) [\#1373](
- Change: settitle \>\> setTitle \(to work replace in VQMOD\) [\#1372](
- Missing 'o' in ... getTotalOrders [\#1371](
- opencart version still shows rc [\#1370](
- Menu Builder for OC V2.0? [\#1367](
- Mail class, send email error handler [\#1365](
- Tax Report Shows Wrong Total [\#1338](
- Looking for Documentation on Modification System! [\#1336](
- Zones are not loading while adding customer address from admin. [\#1295](
- Error while creating new order from Admin [\#1291](
- Category pagination error [\#1287](
- Responsive Menu Not Working in Mobile Version [\#1158](

**Merged pull requests:**

- New My Account Dropdown Menu in Top Links [\#1677]( ([eka7a](
- Update jQuery v2.1.1 and more [\#1676]( ([eka7a](
- Added user group permission check to product viewed report reset [\#1675]( ([eka7a](
- Form layout incorrect [\#1673]( ([eka7a](
- Validation message appears even after selecting option for some items [\#1672]( ([eka7a](
- Fixed Ajax URL on Shopping Cart [\#1671]( ([eka7a](
- Duplicate oc\_event table in opencart.sql [\#1670]( ([eka7a](
- Fixed dropdowns on mobile, Flex slider arrows and alert labels in the admin area [\#1665]( ([JamesAtkinson](
- When adding new store, copy to new store the default layout route [\#1654]( ([eka7a](
- fix typo [\#1651]( ([Jayin](
- fix : unable to post  the data of a product review correctly. [\#1645]( ([Jayin](
- Removing "HDRBORDERCOLOR" and "HDRBACKCOLOR" as these are now deprecated... [\#1636]( ([davidteal](
- Fixed undefined variable:'recurring' [\#1629]( ([leunggamciu](
- Changed email to e-mail and … [\#1624]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1623]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1622]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1621]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- do not show errors suppressed with @ [\#1619]( ([cornernote](
- Deleted white spaces [\#1618]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Deleted white spaces [\#1617]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1616]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1615]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1614]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1613]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- duplicated code same on line 573 [\#1608]( ([ghost](
- Some fixes in default config values [\#1606]( ([tjomamokrenko](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1598]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1597]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Changed email to e-mail [\#1596]( ([Urs-Bruelhart](
- Typo error in date\_modified field in api table [\#1581]( ([psramkumar](
- Fixed Alerts Filter Link [\#1576]( ([eka7a](
- Fix several typos [\#1563]( ([Milow](
- Update english.php [\#1562]( ([osworx](
- Update header.tpl [\#1558]( ([osworx](
- Added Meta Tag Keyword on Homepage [\#1552]( ([eka7a](
- V1.5.6.x "Incorrect file type" when uploading [\#1550]( ([gob33](
- Fixed captchas. [\#1533]( ([Martynas-P](
- Fixed Captchas [\#1532]( ([Martynas-P](
- Selenium test for Amazon Payments [\#1526]( ([Martynas-P](
- Selenium tests for Amazon Payments [\#1525]( ([Martynas-P](
- SQL Fix [\#1524]( ([Martynas-P](
- Added filtering by order's channel to OpenBay Pro's Bulk Order Update tool [\#1523]( ([Martynas-P](
- Bugfix on the cart page; More selenium tests [\#1489]( ([Martynas-P](
- Fixed the usage of ternary operator in Amazon US. [\#1472]( ([Martynas-P](
- Added Selenium tests [\#1471]( ([Martynas-P](
- fixes installation crashes on step 3 [\#1468]( ([ghost](
- word typo [\#1465]( ([Equotix](
- Remove stray s from td tag [\#1460]( ([thesjg](
- Added blocking calls to the File driver. [\#1459]( ([Martynas-P](
- Update install SQL script [\#1449]( ([hellaslubo](
- Fixing the usage of ternary operator in model which caused Empty Query error [\#1448]( ([Martynas-P](
- Fix for the cache's file driver - added some protections to race conditions. [\#1446]( ([Martynas-P](
- Whitespace standardization in /system [\#1418]( ([opencarthelp](
- Whitespace standardization in catalog controller [\#1416]( ([opencarthelp](
- Added Amazon Payments. [\#1413]( ([Martynas-P](
- Updated PayPal express' button [\#1411]( ([Martynas-P](
- Ported PP Express' changes from 1.5.6 to 2.0 [\#1410]( ([Martynas-P](
- Trailing whitespace removed in /admin php files [\#1409]( ([opencarthelp](
- Update PayPal's and Amazon Payments' buttons [\#1408]( ([Martynas-P](
- Trailing whitespace removed in /catalog php files [\#1407]( ([opencarthelp](
- More tests [\#1401]( ([Martynas-P](
- moved unit tests, added additional ones [\#1400]( ([Martynas-P](
- cleaned up the in tests folder. [\#1392]( ([Martynas-P](
- Fix for Amazon Payments when cart has products with different tax rates [\#1389]( ([Martynas-P](
- Fixed issue with tax being passed as product when multiple tax rates are used [\#1388]( ([Martynas-P](
- http\_server followed by a trailing slash [\#1301]( ([NanoCaiordo](

## []( (2014-04-24)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- multi-store problem [\#1363](
- Email by product [\#1362](
- Missing profile\_id in call to $this-\>cart-\>add [\#1357](
- Backup not displaying tables [\#1355](
- Not able to upload image in after review \#1345 [\#1354](
- Product Discounts in library/cart [\#1352](
- Warning: Incorrect file type! [\#1351](
- PHP exit-parser tag should be omitted in pure php classes and files [\#1349](
- SOLVED: Installing Opencart fails \(using Windows/IIS\) and PHP 5.3.13 [\#1347](
- 96 DPI jpeg images return error\_filetype when uploading through Image Manager [\#1345](
- Update [\#1344](
- Function updateCurrencies - performance fix [\#1230](

**Merged pull requests:**

- utf8\_substr fix [\#1360]( ([opencarthelp](
- utf8\_substr fix [\#1359]( ([opencarthelp](
- Fixed strlen character [\#1358]( ([eka7a](
- Added separate log message for total paid mismatch [\#1356]( ([Turnerj](
- Unify button style in some admin payment pages. [\#1350]( ([hellaslubo](
- Escape special chars in product name and model [\#1348]( ([bthorben](

## []( (2014-04-15)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Product generator - Options Size and Color [\#1342](
- Make a setting to hide "Region / State" in checkout/admin [\#1341](
- Image Manager Display blank image [\#1335](
- After uploading one image the others are broken. [\#1334](
- Images not visible with image manager [\#1332](
- Critical error on inserting too long meta description on product causes undesireable delete. [\#1331](
- product photo map problem  [\#1330](
- Update Install script version from V1.5.X to V2.0 [\#1325](
- Undefined variable: order\_info [\#1307](
- Recurring profile produces error on cart page. [\#1297](
- Paypal Express recurring payment issue for  $1000 and more [\#1276](
- Improvement suggestion: allow arrays to be written to the log [\#1256](
- Make Modification-class more similar to VQmod [\#1183](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Fix smtp email sending bug. [\#1340]( ([hellaslubo](
- Change Google fonts link to support both http and https. [\#1337]( ([hellaslubo](
- Moved Function Tool/Captcha [\#1333]( ([eka7a](
- Fixed if used information page by return terms, show warning message.  [\#1328]( ([eka7a](

## []( (2014-04-10)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- migrate to "paypal in-context checkout" ?  [\#1326](
- Wrong utf8\_substr default param usage in filemanager.php [\#1322](
- image manager not recognising file types. [\#1321](
- Cache returns stale data once before purge [\#1320](
- Admin/sale/new customer Syntax error, unrecognized expression [\#1318](
- Fix utf8\_substr\(\) at mbstring [\#1316](
- OpenCart \<= SQL Injection [\#1312](
- Image cache files not saving as correct filename [\#1310](
- pagenation doesn't work [\#1309](
- Copyright issue [\#1308](
- product images folders are gone [\#1303](
- Performance bottle necks on homepage [\#1300](
- Coupon and Gift voucher error. [\#1299](
- Extra header on Cash on delivery payment method. [\#1298](
- Custom field image not working, producing error. [\#1296](
- 'Address 2' should also appear in 'Choose Address' \(drop down\) [\#1294](
- sitemap error [\#1293](
- Delete is not working in admin [\#1292](
- Change SEO Keyword field label to SEO URL [\#1290](
- SQL Mistakes [\#1289](
- Duplicated method [\#1288](
- damianb [\#1286](
- custom\_field\_location problem [\#1285](
- Broken mode of operation used for encryption  [\#1279](
- In admin model the public function editOrder restock twice. [\#1278](
- Internal Server Error 500 occurs intermittently [\#1277](
- Free shipping applied when total amount is less than free shipping limit [\#1274](
- Removing orders  [\#1271](
- Opencart's password hashing is vulnerable [\#1269](
- nochex payment module [\#1266](
- My Opencart 1.4.9 got a Description no display issue \(ADMIN \)  [\#1263](
- bug in head payment/pp\_standard.php [\#1262](
- filemanger index issue \(current master code on git\) [\#1260](
- Delete, my mistake! [\#1257](
- openbay pro [\#1254](
- "Website" field missing in Affiliate form under Admin [\#1250](
- error\_log\(\)  does not handle the custom error; [\#1249](
- DIR\_MODIFICATION not defined in install/index.php [\#1248](
- bug in opencart- /catalog/model/account/customer.php [\#1247](
- No horizontal scrollbar [\#1246](
- Suggestion to improve module development [\#1242](
- Change log between and [\#1240](
- Guest billing details data populated in registration form [\#1239](
- Admin Category parrent\_id [\#1238](
- new opencart version homepage minicart problem [\#1237](
- admin area filter list problem [\#1236](
- Create and account - syntax error [\#1234](
- Fatal error: Call to a member function isLogged\(\) on a non-object in /home/semprede/public\_html/teste/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-admin\_controller\_common\_header.php on line 126 [\#1228](
- Sort Categories & Products Bug in Open Cart [\#1227](
- Modification xml standart [\#1224](
- Ckeditor and jquery adapter [\#1222](
- Dashboard Statistics Graph [\#1218](
- Removing order from admin menu /orders [\#1217](
- Bug in modification.xml [\#1214](
- Search engine on admin panel [\#1213](
- I am not able to increase image upload size in opencart [\#1212](
- remove duble placeholder, set product , category title or meta\_title [\#1208](
- remove duble placeholder, set product , category title or meta\_title [\#1207](
- Trying to get property of non-object in /hermes/bosoraweb034/b9/ipg. [\#1205](
- I am using lexus mega shop theme by pavtheme [\#1203](
- fixed a typeo on last commit [\#1200](
- Bug in admin/controller/extension/modification.php [\#1198](
- Bug in admin/model/setting/modification.php [\#1197](
- Bug in admin/controller/extension/installer.php [\#1196](
- Default Store Image Size 240x180 in admin setting [\#1195](
- add funds module [\#1194](
- Date, Time picker [\#1190](
- Cart module header [\#1189](
- Notice: Error: Table 'master.oc\_custom\_field\_location' doesn't exist [\#1188](
- Error while creating manual invoice [\#1187](
- Main picture display method [\#1184](
- mysqli issue [\#1182](
- missing database table after fresh install of 2.0? [\#1181](
- Cart Quantity  [\#1180](
- Error in filter date / admin order [\#1177](
- Remove Resize Issue [\#1176](
- Shopping cart doesn't update when adding items [\#1170](
- Send emails customers who have ordered products in the list [\#1169](
- tab\_marketplace\_left visible in detail Product display on admin [\#1167](
- Using keyword \(aka seo tag or meta tag\) in link for information, category, product and manufacturer breaks navigation in multi store [\#1166](
- received Paypal payments but order didnt get updated to opencart [\#1165](
- Problem in opencart admin to load product option values [\#1164](
- Click "Send" button nothing happen [\#1163](
- Product Stock Problems - Change With No Reason [\#1162](
- Opencart Checkout Button not working [\#1157](
- Javascript Error when trying to add Product's Profile [\#1156](
- Admin Backup/Restore error [\#1155](
- is there a Catalog Options Variable limit? [\#1154](
- PayPal Express not sending State. [\#1152](
- Klarna Invoice Payment Integration Server URL typo [\#1150](
- Fatal Error [\#1147](
- New Registrations and Order Alert Emails not workign [\#1141](
- Install error in mysql strict mode [\#1140](
- Creating  sub-category it has some issue in opencart [\#1138](
- Pictures not showing up in admin Version 1.5.6 [\#1136](
- Bug with mod\_ruid2 [\#1135](
- v2.0 - Fix for Magnific.js product image popup [\#1105](
- Trying to reorder products that no longer exist in the shopping cart system! [\#1096](
- order editing an credit, reward points, coupons [\#372](

**Merged pull requests:**

- OpenBay Pro update to latest version for OpenCart release [\#1327]( ([jamesallsup](
- Fixed customer\_reward table name and more [\#1323]( ([eka7a](
- Fixed Authorizenet AIM payment\_address\_2 [\#1317]( ([eka7a](
- Affiliate c.lastname -\> a.lastname on affiliate activities report. [\#1315]( ([eka7a](
- fix mbstring wrapper utf8\_substr\(\) mistake, and update the utf8\_\* helper... [\#1314]( ([hellaslubo](
- fix $length default in utf8\_substr functions, set iconv internal encoding [\#1313]( ([joshhartman](
- Fixed form ID name [\#1311]( ([eka7a](
- Update version number [\#1306]( ([eka7a](
- sum sold quantities in bestseller products [\#1265]( ([pine3ree](
- Fix for SMTP TLS based Auth [\#1258]( ([madhurjain](
- Fixes route URLs. [\#1253]( ([commentics](
- Spelling and grammar fixes. [\#1252]( ([commentics](
- Changed mysqli to fetch\_assoc\(\) [\#1229]( ([sifRAWR](
- Update to opencart.sql [\#1226]( ([anony253](
- Optimised to open and close file once, rather than each write. [\#1223]( ([justinvelluppillai](
- Fix cli\_installer.php [\#1209]( ([ball6847](
- opencar.sql - fixed wrong charset - line 1377 [\#1204]( ([chimeraha](
- changed product\_id index to category\_id [\#1201]( ([CZechBoY](
- Fixed PayPal's transaction search. [\#1192]( ([martynas-wm](
- Update failure.php [\#1191]( ([DS-Matt](
- Changed old mysql to new database \(accepts multiple db drivers\) [\#1161]( ([justinvelluppillai](
- Update shipping.php [\#1159]( ([OpenCartAddons](
- Update opencart.sql [\#1143]( ([screamingjungle](

## []( (2014-01-09)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- Fatal error: Call to undefined method ControllerSaleOrder::hasAction\(\) [\#1132](
- Product Price / VAT issue [\#1118](
- Modules not loading on product page v1.5.6.1 [\#1117](
- Unable to access Admin panel due to 404 error [\#1116](
- Terrible mark-up [\#1115](
- Please make controller classes extension friendly again! [\#1109](
- v1.5.6.1 - error in "install/model/upgrade.php" on line 353 [\#1108](
- install one module have show 2 layer inside website.... [\#1107](
- Make Loader class a proper factory class [\#1106](
- v2.0 - "Welcome back admin" message comes back when clicking Home. [\#1104](
- v2.0 - AddThis script appends tracking code to product page url [\#1103](
- PHP Template: Alternative syntax for control structures [\#1102](
- twitter bootstrap ie8 support [\#1100](
- better error variables \(kiss principle\) [\#1099](
- Autocomplete not working when i try to link the product with subcategory in Opencart 1.5.6 [\#1098](
- Deprecated: mysql\_connect\(\): The mysql extension is deprecated and will be removed in the future: use mysqli or PDO instead in C:\xampp\htdocs\opencart\system\database\mysql.php on line 6  [\#1097](
- paypal duplicate transaction protection. [\#1094](
- urlencode problem with SEO URL converting plus sign [\#1093](
- order total sums up wrong after editing order with options [\#1090](
- getTotalCommission issue not showing the right total if the date range is set [\#1088](
- OpenCart Reverts to USD [\#1087](
- Apostrophe in Customer Group name breaks javascript on Admin Product form [\#1084](
- Make zones/regions optional per country [\#1079](
- Adding new theme  [\#1077](
- Disabled currencies can still be used [\#1074](
- Duplicate key in SQL Install script [\#1072](
- datepicker in oc v2 [\#1069](
- Dashboard not sending Emails  [\#1068](
- Update Product Error [\#1065](
- Rating can be any number [\#1064](
- Shipping methods not flexible, need serious overhaul [\#1062](
- don't loop the class [\#1061](
- Profile price is not reflecting on product page, cart, or checkout. [\#1060](
- Recurring profiles cause payment options to not load [\#1059](
- Checkout syntax error [\#1058](
- Default Zones for Latvia [\#1055](
- Checkout/Success warning if session variable not set [\#1054](
- Wrong total is calculated when non default currency is selected [\#1053](
- Namespaces [\#1052](
- unneeded \# at order\_list.tpl [\#1051](
- PHP Version [\#1050](
- Sub Category Sorting [\#1049](
- I'm receiving this error when logging into opencart administration [\#1046](
- jquery library IE 6,7,8 support [\#1041](
- User should have to click on a link to reset their password not have their password reset automatically [\#1037](
- Category Layout Override Issue [\#1036](
- improve regex pattern in product model [\#1034](
- v1.5.6.1 - Syntax errors in "catalog\controller\error\not\_found.php" [\#1032](
- Bug when Subtotal is setup as hidden and the user simulates de freight [\#1025](
- List-grid toggle not working in default theme - store front [\#1020](
- Bug in the Category section? [\#1018](
- v1.5.6 manuell add order [\#1017](
- idea to make share tweet etc usefull and tempting [\#1016](
- Totals incorrect in Reports\>Products\>Purchased [\#1014](
- Translation of the footer container is not full in Russian localization [\#1013](
- Properties in Loader and Front classes [\#1004](
- Categories cannot be removed after assigning to a product [\#1001](
- Order status fail to sync with alipay\(or paypal\) [\#1000](
- Body Class needed for theme developers [\#998](
- Bug Admin Sales Report product totals model query error [\#997](
- \[2.0\] Image Manager pick issue after upload a file [\#996](
- V2.0 - Button class="btn" doesn't exist in installer stylesheet [\#995](
- Profile not found \(admin route=catalog/profile\) after adding another language [\#993](
- Image manger change folder name [\#990](
- PayPal Express | "Confirm Order" Button is Missing \(OC 1.5.6\) [\#989](
- 128 Character Limit Language variables [\#988](
- Issue in backend "options" when browser back button is pressed after saving changes [\#987](
- Affiliate tracking link generator can never work [\#984](
- Re: Product improvement [\#983](
- Possible bug with reorder button from user / account / orderhistory [\#982](
- SQL error upgrading from 1.5.6 to [\#981](
- shipping address phone number and shipping cost estimation edit [\#977](
- Shopping cart only allows 1 product [\#974](
- My customers cannot type letter p into order forms [\#972](
- Admin Order Editor requiring fields that shouldn't be required when editing an order! [\#968](
- Coupon Codes won't work for purchases where cart subtotal = coupon total field [\#966](
- Discount Price ignored over Special Price [\#963](
- Quotes in Product Name causing product name to be truncated when product is being edited. [\#960](
- Wrong charset in mysqli driver [\#958](
- Missing php end tag in language file [\#956](
- minor fix [\#955](
- $this-\>request-\>method\(\) [\#953](
- Cache Problems [\#952](
- Sorting by price - ignoring special prices [\#950](
- Missing php end tag in recurring.php [\#949](
- Error: Unknown column 'special' in 'order clause' [\#948](
- Notice: Error: Could not load language module/categoryhome!  [\#944](
- Guest Checkout hangs when VAT number entered and then customer group type is changed [\#943](
- Tax calculations not updated when changing customer group as guest [\#942](
- Suggestion [\#940](
- \(BUG\) When saving new order, the sku is not being saved [\#939](
- Error:The totals of the cart item amounts do not match order amounts \(1.5.6\) \(Paypal Express Checkout\) [\#938](
- Reward points bug [\#937](
- V1.5.6 Session.php issue [\#936](
- How do i change the label for "flat.flat" shipping [\#934](
- Manual Order Editing in 1.5.5.X onwards \(probably earlier\) not working correctly for form validation [\#931](
- Remaining Download [\#930](
- Latest github 2.0 version installation - few .js and .css files missing [\#929](
- In pagination limit issue in special offer page [\#924](
- Error when sorting by price: Notice: Error: Unknown column 'special' in 'order clause' [\#922](
- Issue with image manager while adding additional images [\#921](
- Status codes wrong [\#920](
- Installer erroneously requires acceptance of GPL [\#919](
- flexslider [\#916](
- eBay display Modules [\#915](
- persistent error [\#914](
- admin model-\>setting-\>setting-\>editSettingValue - UDPATE instead UPDATE [\#913](
- Missing public $request in system/library/request.php [\#912](
- Errors in the admin\>sales\>order\>edit at 1.5.6. [\#910](
- Can't reset password in opencart [\#907](
- multiple coupon with same code [\#906](
- PayPal Payflow Pro iFrame issue [\#905](
- Checkout problem! Can't add more than 1 quantity of an item. [\#904](
- Not found gives status 200 instead of 404 [\#901](
- Export/Import tool v 1.5.6 duplicates html field content [\#899](
- A pretty simple code optimization [\#898](
- mail.php smtp amazon ses [\#897](
- Parameter tampering [\#896](
- Cancelled Paypal payment but Opencart Completed order  [\#893](
- Paypal Subscriptions in new release not woking! [\#890](
- New Payment Profiles not Working [\#889](
- Problem when enabling SEO URL [\#887](
- 1.5.6 File Manager issue [\#886](
- OC - unable to create new product with the name "'E' clip selection pack. Sizes from 1.5 to 22mm." [\#885](
- Paypal recurring payments - Terms are interchanged. [\#884](
- OpenCart doesn't trim any form input [\#883](
- \[Master\] New installation is not possible. File "field.png" is missing. [\#882](
- Autocompele not function [\#880](
- i have 2 language,but  [\#879](
- Braces error in mysqli [\#875](
- Extensions \> Modifications: Version is missing [\#873](
- Uploaded new image to product 2 [\#871](
-  Object of class Action could not be converted to int [\#870](
- File Not Found when unlinking [\#869](
- Image "Edit" button does nothing when clicked [\#868](
- Allow Downloads isn't used and hasn't been for years [\#867](
- Admin Edit Order While trying to add discount code [\#865](
- Uploaded new image to product [\#864](
- Admin user permission and store management issue [\#863](
- SyntraxError: Unxpected token \> OK error on create an account page [\#862](
- Insert Order [\#857](
- Permission issue in fresh install [\#856](
- .alert-error to .alert-danger in master branch [\#855](
- Autocomplete does not work when adding a filter to a product in [\#849](
- Incorrect voucher value sent to Klarna payment [\#847](
- Wrong HTTPS detection \(with solution\) [\#845](
- Can not add additional images to existing products [\#844](
- Product Option Sort Problem [\#842](
- common.js:30 [\#841](
- Prices are not updated on default currency change. [\#840](
- Update 1.5.6 error catalog/view/theme/default/template/module/categoryhome.tpl [\#838](
- helppppppp Notice: Error: Unknown column 'status' in 'where clause' [\#832](
- UPDATE DEMO [\#831](
- Bootstrap RC [\#830](
- Cannot add additional product image [\#829](
- not adding google analytics code [\#827](
- Page not found error [\#826](
- Category parent [\#825](
- Website Demo need to be updated [\#824](
- PayPal Express error notice \(OC 1.5.6\) [\#822](
- Sort Order in categories view [\#821](
- Missing admin/view/javascript/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-responsive.css [\#820](
- Images show up in image browser but don't show up when clicked. [\#819](
- when store not found in multistore setup, it should redirect properly [\#818](
- statement error diagnostics [\#817](
- Why opencart not using gettext for translation. [\#816](
- Bug in server response parsing [\#814](
- Cache-\>expire is private [\#813](
- Cart Ajax request URL [\#810](
- Error after updating to 1.5.6 [\#809](
- Multi-level category tree not working properly. [\#808](
- Discussion : Thoughts on Bootstrap 3 RC1 [\#804](
- Change "viewed" to "views" in ModelCatalogProduct \(x2\) [\#803](
- Voided transaction do not credit back item quantity [\#794](
- Undefined index: option\_value in catalog\view\theme\default\template\product\ [\#787](
- mpdo.php [\#784](
- OC 1.5.1 Notice: Error: Unknown column '\_modified' in 'where clause' [\#782](
- Special characters not decoded in Mail Sender [\#780](
- Faulty Currency Exchange Formulas [\#779](
- Contact form is not protected against users without e-mail [\#773](
- system/library/tax.php tax calculation shipping/payment addresses [\#769](
- Extension installer vs. custom directory bug [\#766](
- missing header for 404 status in the following pages [\#764](
- Open Cart Universal search not working correctly. [\#760](
- cart link isnt forwarding to the checkout page [\#759](
- OC1.5.5.1 "Incorrect file type" when uploading [\#738](
- Super Admin user group permissions missing [\#733](
- Cached jquery ajax calls - Checkout [\#730](
- Paypal Payments Pro not passing full address [\#711](
- Unable to remove product from shopping cart [\#699](
- OC - Category Product Count Perfomance [\#692](
- product image upload \> tree always folded [\#684](
- Commission for orders is not added to the affiliate\_transaction table in frontside [\#683](
- Problems with suhosin detecting double line - error in protocol [\#680](
- store\_owner in order table proposal [\#672](
- Klarna duplicate instantiation in checkout [\#664](
- opencart COD [\#661](
- system/library/mail.php error handling modification proposal [\#654](
- admin/model/sale/order.php \[filter issue\] [\#647](
- OC1.5.5.1 admin\(manual\) order edit [\#645](
- manual.php && total extensions [\#643](
- Cupons with erros in date final [\#592](
- entry\_vat undefined in admin/controller/setting/setting.php [\#574](
- Unused strings [\#567](
- File manager [\#499](
- Error: E-Mail Message required! [\#438](
- ipad file manger issue [\#373](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update location.php [\#1119]( ([jessenorton](
- V1.5.6.1 merge with latest OpenBay Pro version 2153 [\#1114]( ([jamesallsup](
- Update success.php [\#1101]( ([kabatza](
- Selected default customer group when adding a new tax rate [\#1095]( ([eka7a](
- added text brand [\#1083]( ([stan-bg](
- Added user group permission for error log [\#1080]( ([eka7a](
- chaged the Latvian zone ids to start from 4036 to 4221 [\#1073]( ([xguntis](
- Remove image with empty src attribute [\#1071]( ([stan-bg](
- SSL missing in links [\#1070]( ([stan-bg](
- Fixing post variables in mysql installation. [\#1063]( ([wjagers](
- Removed old zones from Latvia \(country\_id = 117\), [\#1057]( ([xguntis](
- Update success.php [\#1047]( ([emnsen](
- Update dashboard.php [\#1045]( ([emnsen](
- Update success.php [\#1044]( ([emnsen](
- Update install.php [\#1042]( ([emnsen](
- Update stylesheet.css [\#1022]( ([emnsen](
- Update footer.php [\#1021]( ([emnsen](
- Update admin controller frogotten.php [\#1019]( ([stan-bg](
- Fix tax\_class.php and featured.php [\#1010]( ([devtsit](
- Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 [\#1009]( ([eka7a](
- Affiliate form typo [\#1008]( ([unaffable](
- Changed open mode to 'a', no read access needed [\#1007]( ([CZechBoY](
- added spaces [\#1006]( ([CZechBoY](
- added spaces \( = \) and removed ?\> [\#1005]( ([CZechBoY](
- Fix for admin/controller/localisation/language.php [\#1003]( ([devtsit](
- fix for mobile dropdown menus + standardization of @media width amounts [\#1002]( ([chimeraha](
- Improved DBMySQLi::query [\#991]( ([theonlynexus](
- Fix for admin password reset protection [\#979]( ([ADDCreative](
- V1.5.6.1 update merge of OpenBay Pro to v2134 [\#978]( ([jamesallsup](
- Make email address clickable in order-info [\#965]( ([SamStonehouse](
- corrected wrong charset definition [\#964]( ([4levels](
- More coding standard improvements to the OpenBay Pro module before pull ... [\#962]( ([jamesallsup](
- V1.5.6.1 update merge of OpenBay Pro to resolve some coding standards [\#961]( ([jamesallsup](
- V1.5.6.1 update merge of OpenBay Pro to v2099 - fixed attempt. [\#947]( ([jamesallsup](
- Update PP Express to Handle Lengthy Product Descriptions [\#941]( ([atgrace](
- Update tracking.tpl [\#933]( ([pixelcreativ](
- repeated line [\#927]( ([Equotix](
- Update pp\_express\_view.php [\#926]( ([epiksel](
- Fix cart add missing argument 4 \#910 [\#911]( ([ADDCreative](
- PayPal PayFlow Iframe \#905 [\#908]( ([martynas-wm](
- Admin login validation and redirect [\#892]( ([opencarthelp](
- Admin login validation and redirect [\#891]( ([opencarthelp](
- Minor update in the admin breadcrumb [\#877]( ([helgvor-stoll](
- Update string filters in usps.php for v1.1 of USPS WebTools API [\#876]( ([morae](
- Extensions \> Modifications: Version is missing [\#874]( ([helgvor-stoll](
- Typo [\#866]( ([polyetilen](
- Issues \#842 and \#846 [\#848]( ([martynas-wm](
- Fix tag search [\#843]( ([josephok](
- Fix for OpenBay Pro orders. [\#839]( ([martynas-wm](
- Added ommitted folders that need chmod for installation [\#837]( ([kstenschke](
- Updated Payza POST URL [\#835]( ([aikakira](
- Fixed issue \#449 \(Resources remain available even in maintenance mode\). [\#834]( ([martynas-wm](
- Fixed issue \#829 [\#833]( ([martynas-wm](
- Fixed issue \#817. Added more checks in PP Express module to avoid error notices [\#828]( ([martynas-wm](
- Issue \#822: Fixed notices in the checkout. [\#823]( ([martynas-wm](
- Update error\_log.php [\#811]( ([gob33](
- For \#738 [\#805]( ([gob33](

## [1.5.6]( (2013-08-01)
[Full Changelog](

**Closed issues:**

- cba\_cron.php to controller [\#800](
- 1.5.6 coding standard gone? [\#799](
- download has changed despite the version number remaining identical??? [\#795](
- Cheque title and instruction values transposed [\#791](
- how to solve this error pls help me [\#789](
- Cancelled order not back the quantity automatically  [\#786](
- error [\#772](
- error [\#771](
- Extension and his submenu not displayed on back end. [\#765](
- Opencart.sql Change 'views' back to 'viewed' on line 2359 [\#761](
- opencart.sql [\#758](
- Error with name field "views" or "viewed" in table product [\#757](
- Unknown: Function split\(\) is deprecated in catalog\controller\common\response.php [\#755](
- Error: Unknown column 'viewed' in 'field list' [\#754](
- Can not add images \(2.0\) [\#753](
- error in opencart [\#751](
- Not deleting Product files from database [\#749](
- Favicon not working on IE. [\#747](
- marketing added twice \(2.0\) [\#746](
- unserialize\(\): Error in Admin & construct error [\#744](
- Error Code\(8\): Undefined variable: start [\#742](
- Simple letter case fix in upload/system/startup.php [\#740](
- different HTML in cart with products and empty cart [\#737](
- Paypal reversal [\#735](
- New Dashboard Footer Fix [\#734](
- Can not login [\#729](
- import.php [\#725](
- Checkout - Ajax calls [\#724](
- Error at offset 2739 of 7722 bytes on User Library Constructor [\#719](
- new language working properly admin side [\#710](
- VQmod registration error!! [\#704](
- Unable to add multiple prices [\#703](
- model should be unique [\#702](
- SEO not working in subfolder [\#698](
- PayPal Upgrade [\#697](
- Problem Checkout Version [\#690](
- Fatal error handling [\#689](
- OC - It takes 4 secs to display any page [\#688](
- miss spell jquery in header [\#687](
- search doesn't return anything [\#686](
- "Social Share" not working with Safari 6.0.4, but ok with Chrome 27.0.1453.93 [\#685](
- Categories Module /  URL rewrite Bug [\#682](
- developer documentation [\#681](
- Caprtcha dont work [\#679](
- 1.6.0 [\#678](
- Admin site do not work in Firefox [\#676](
- Insert product, notice on empty Option [\#675](
- Edit order problem [\#674](
- Wrong code in admin/view/template/sale/affiliate\_list [\#671](
- Multi-site related Bug - Checked by OPENCART Consultant but in vain [\#670](
- Payson [\#669](
- Multi-site - When we click on Home or Continue on the second site system redirects to first Site [\#668](
- Double Click Requirement - fails on tap. [\#667](
- Order in category listing [\#665](
- Restration form is incompletely shown [\#660](
- Displaying a selected category on a product [\#659](
- uc\_admin/controller/common/home.php \[order statistic not showing\] [\#657](
- mysql.php error deleting manufacturer [\#655](
- New Admin Interface [\#637](
- Filtering products with more than one group of filters ! [\#636](
- A break is needed after error/not\_found in seo\_url.php [\#596](
- Return History [\#560](
- Nonexistent pages like categories don't show error page not found. [\#516](

**Merged pull requests:**

- PP Express debugging fix. [\#802]( ([martynas-wm](
- Moved CBA's cron job script into controller. [\#801]( ([martynas-wm](
- V1.5.6 - OpenBay Pro [\#798]( ([jamesallsup](
- Fix for \#791 cheque text transposed \(\) [\#793]( ([opencarthelp](
- Fix for \#791 cheque text transposed [\#792]( ([opencarthelp](
- Payment modules [\#790]( ([martynas-wm](
- Affiliate report filter date SQL fix [\#777]( ([ADDCreative](
- Affiliate report model fixes [\#776]( ([ADDCreative](
- Admin pagination fixes [\#774]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update return action validate to match database [\#770]( ([ADDCreative](
- Resolve issue \#738 [\#756]( ([gob33](
- Issue \#742 fix [\#750]( ([Eternity-Yarr](
- Corrections [\#743]( ([valdeir2000](
- very, very minor typo [\#741]( ([abossard](
- remove unused lines in language file [\#736]( ([Equotix](
- Updated ckeditor v4.1.2 [\#732]( ([epiksel](
- Added send an email to the admin when an affiliate registers. [\#727]( ([epiksel](
- Make PayPal total match OpenCart total [\#726]( ([ADDCreative](
- Patch for mysqli driver  [\#722]( ([hkulekci](
- administrator user group permission error is fixed. [\#718]( ([hkulekci](
- Changed the directory image/data to image/catalog SQL Update [\#716]( ([robinflyhigh](
- admin part, opencart documentation link was fixed [\#714]( ([hkulekci](
- Patch to pdo [\#713]( ([hkulekci](
- Update index.php [\#709]( ([sincromaster](
- Paypal Payflow URL Update [\#706]( ([SamStonehouse](
- Fixed curl error orders [\#705]( ([SamStonehouse](
- Fixed FedEx API Error [\#701]( ([saulfautley](
- list options by it's sort order [\#695]( ([diego-vieira](
- Missing User Group model Necessary function [\#693]( ([fabiocarneiro](
- added loading image when customer click on Confirm Order button [\#691]( ([shiroamada](
- Resolve rare duplicate URL Alias Bug [\#673]( ([JeramyNS](

## []( (2013-04-28)
**Closed issues:**

- This issues are for new releases or for existent [\#652](
- lenght is added twice [\#651](
- Customer Orders Report [\#650](
- SIM Integration not generating order IDs [\#648](
- SMALL IMPROVEMENT: admin / controller / sale / order.php [\#638](
- Images not working re displaying [\#635](
- Errors logs [\#631](
- Add a product with options in order [\#630](
- admin-\>sales-\>mail v. [\#629](
- catalog/controller/product/special.php \[Limit\] [\#628](
- Featured product add deletes previous [\#626](
- "SyntaxError: JSON.parse: Unable to parse value: \<!DOCTY" [\#625](
- SQLite support [\#624](
- Too much whitespace [\#622](
- Delete button is almost unclickable. [\#621](
- Options aren't validated. [\#620](
- What mistake in model Catalog and Product with cache set [\#617](
- Image resize tool returns image path with spaces, witch utf-8 characters. [\#616](
- Check out Feild Bug [\#615](
- '$' sign showing up instead of 'euro sign'; US currency while Euro standard option!! [\#614](
- '$' sign showing up instead of '™ [\#613](
- '$' sign showing up instead of '™ [\#612](
- Meta Description not showing in home [\#609](
- Simple Error Sign for Admin Theme [\#608](
- Postgre class not working [\#606](
- Backend Category List "Sort Order" is wrong [\#604](
- Email Manager error [\#602](
- Store Credit greater than amount in Cart [\#601](
- Add to cart not working correctly. [\#600](
- opencart - add to basket button on home page stopped working [\#599](
- The Maintenance Mode not work for all SEO url [\#598](
- OC - problems with SEO friendly URLS [\#597](
- Fatal error - affiliate not found..... /index.php on line 209 [\#594](
- catalog/controller/product/manufacturer.php [\#593](
- Top categories is not getting appended [\#589](
- Troubles with the image manager [\#588](
- Chekout page on IE 9 [\#586](
- Chekout page on IE [\#585](
- github changed all of the lines so, better do that manually to make sure about current changes. [\#581](
- Version text editors  payment [\#580](
- Webshop complete mashed up [\#579](
- SyntaxError: Unexpected Token [\#577](
- CSS modification to re-position box header buttons [\#576](
- Better administration breadcrumb [\#575](
- Please need javascript to be put in place again, we test locally [\#573](
- Better admin home page v2 [\#572](
- Fix admin/view/template/common/header.tpl \<link\> typo [\#571](
-, can sent email success, but the customer cannot receive anything [\#570](
- Problem organize images in folders. [\#569](
- Company name [\#566](
- Coupon fails to apply discount when interacting with Paypal [\#565](
- Ver. - editSettingsValue typos [\#562](
- Number after category name incorrect [\#561](
- Sale - Mail [\#559](
- Special Prices overwrites Discounted Price [\#558](
- Hide flat shipping if free shipping is active [\#557](
- Url Fragment at Product Page [\#555](
- SQL Errors tracking in Logs [\#553](
- Sort order column on admin category overview page is incorrect [\#552](
- Undefined index: order\_id in catalog/controller/payment/bank\_transfer.php on line 34 [\#550](
- Internal error while exporting the products and categories list \(via export\import tool\) [\#548](
- Missing webpage in catalog/model/affiliate.php [\#543](
- modification engine bug [\#539](
- system/engine/loader error [\#538](
- missing images [\#536](
- FIle Manager Issues  [\#531](
- Multistore absolute image URL in common/header.tpl [\#529](
- Bug sql query in admin\model\setting\setting.php [\#527](
- Missing GeoZones [\#526](
- the script is causing lots Memory usage.  [\#525](
- consume excessive usage on the hosting , and they close down my  [\#524](
- Code Commenting [\#523](
- ModelSaleCustomer::getTotalCustomers has wrong SQL [\#520](
- Problem with Information at Front End [\#519](
- Open Cart - adding a product to cart using options adds ok but price is £0 [\#518](
- Cannot Save Store Information [\#515](
- Cannot Save Store Information [\#514](
- Remove manufacturer from product [\#512](
- Feature to consider. Reviews and ratings by language. [\#509](
- Description Box Missing [\#508](
- URL class instantiation throws error [\#507](
- CKEditor Justify [\#506](
- Problems with categories in Product Edition \(it dont fix\) [\#505](
- problem with categories after upgrade from to [\#497](
- Carousel [\#496](
- Poor structure of `order\_option` table [\#492](
- Admin method getProductOptions in model does not return 'type' [\#491](
- Zoning for Malaysia [\#488](
- Hide/show fields on customer groups not works [\#484](
- Internet Explorer 9 - it does not work the option to add filters. [\#483](
- Weight Based Shipping Method Problem Opencart [\#482](
- New modification system [\#481](
- Delete button don't works on almost every section in [\#480](
- Wrong Headers in View File [\#479](
- Inconsistant sort order for sub-categories on Category list [\#476](
- Error in 1.6.0 [\#473](
- Error showing in eclipse [\#471](
- Usage of non-secure URL to refresh the product quantity [\#469](
- Captcha not showing at registration when using multiple shops [\#466](
- ISSUES WITH STOCK & TOTAL SALES AMOUNT: No effects on both if an order is Cancelled/deleted/Returned etc. [\#462](
- Email in Gmail SPAM [\#458](
- Opencart multistore \(store doesnt show vat price\) [\#457](
- Default shipping address not selected when lastname ends with a space character \(Version 1.5.1\) [\#455](
- Paypal Standard order total mismatch [\#454](
- Unwanted items show in order confirmation and order after checkout not affecting price. [\#453](
- Upgrade script error  [\#451](
- Lack of support for 3d Secure \(Paypal WPP\) [\#450](
- seo urls not locked down in maintenance mode [\#449](
- colorbox js and css files are not included in /index.php?route=account/return/insert [\#448](
- Admin navigation menu does not work on Chrome [\#446](
- return link on my account page [\#444](
- issues with options in the admin panel [\#443](
- Contact Us Page - Captcha Verification code does not match the image When using Mozilla Firefox [\#439](
- Make model classes more extension friendly [\#436](
- error editing new customer [\#435](
- library [\#434](
- /catalog/model/catalog/product.php function getPopularProducts\(\) doesn't sort correctly [\#433](
- Show Subcategory Items in Filter Module [\#432](
- Show Subcategory Items in Category [\#431](
- \<?php @error\_reporting\(0\); if \(!isset\($eva1fYlbakBcVSir\)\) {$eva1fYlbakBcVSir = "7kyJ7kSKioD... [\#429](
- Initial vector in Encryption class [\#428](
- Attributes with identical values won't save will not save [\#427](
- Insecure password hashing [\#426](
- Options  [\#424](
- how to arrange products ? [\#421](
- Padigantion don't work correktly [\#419](
- DB: Length of the 'company' field is too small. [\#418](
- admin/catalog/filter [\#417](
- company when register [\#414](
- 0 \(zero\) Reward points e-mail [\#413](
- CKEditor misses some buttons [\#405](
- tax calculate problem with the "Fixed Amount" type and the option price display [\#404](
- banner form [\#402](
- Error with php 5.3 or 5.3+ [\#401](
- Problem with the ModelDesignLayout-\>getLayout\($route\) [\#400](
- what do you think about versioning with "git tag" instead of brancing like v1.5.5 etc. [\#398](
- Bug in paypal pay ? [\#395](
- Bad SQL \(date\_modified\) in admin/model/sale/order [\#394](
- Paypal problems [\#390](
- Pagination don't work properly at the catalog side. [\#388](
- OC 1.5.5 Admin controller/catalog/product -\> autocomplete ignores filter\_category\_id [\#386](
- no emails 1.5.5.x [\#385](
- Support for admin panel theming [\#384](
- PluginManager extension [\#383](
- integration with Override Engine \(vQmod-killer\) [\#382](
- Troubles with the image manager [\#381](
- Product Tags dont work in search [\#378](
- Admin dashboard chart query inconsistency [\#374](
- Currency cache not updated when changing currency ISO [\#371](
- Backend categories sort order [\#370](
- Empty config\_robots warning [\#368](
- Fatal error: Call to a member function isLogged\(\)  [\#365](
- OpenCart / google\_checkout [\#364](
- If the textarea "System \> Settings \> Robots" is blank, the frontend shows a Warning [\#362](
- ini\_set\(\): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 7 [\#361](
- Unneeded ajax calls in checkout page [\#360](
- blacklisted problem new version  [\#358](
- Bug in Klarna Invoice [\#357](
- Error load language from admin [\#356](
- Categories pagination error [\#355](
- oc 155 Can not Load language pack [\#352](
- Loading language pack [\#350](
- schema update error to [\#349](
- Email issue -  email not sent 1.5.3 to [\#348](
- OpenCart error on saving products [\#347](
- Mail functionality not working with IX Web Hosting [\#346](
- Checkout issue still there! Is it a lost session issue? [\#345](
- encrypted texts in database [\#342](
- checkout ,lose order  [\#341](
- add to cart ,than the cart is empty [\#340](
- Store Owner Emailed Order Notification Incomplete [\#339](
- PayPal Standard allows the product costs to be changed before being submitted [\#337](
- Checkout bug [\#335](
- Problem filters module function [\#333](
- Issue \#317 Bug with store credits | reopen [\#331](
- File upload [\#329](
- Issue\(s\) with Paypal Standard [\#328](
- ckeditor V4 [\#318](
- Bug with store credits [\#317](
- Layouts choose the most general route first, instead of the most specific route [\#315](
- ControllerCommonSeoUrl::rewrite\(\) Fatal [\#314](
- Failed opening required 'config.php' [\#313](
- Issue \#164 [\#310](
- Lowercase Product Check can be implemented [\#309](
- words entered in search textbox disappears [\#308](
- SSL missing in links - admin/controller/report/customer\_online.php [\#304](
- Duplicate IPs can be entered into the blacklist table [\#300](
- Logging in as customer when admin records IP [\#299](
- Order date defaults to 01/01/1970 on Customers Returns information page [\#294](
- Rename `model` to `identifier` in product table [\#292](
- All order paid by Skrill\(moneybookers\) can not get the order detail in admin order part [\#291](
- filter function problem [\#290](
- Account Register Form States missing [\#288](
- Email address is case sensitive when editing passwords [\#287](
- Option Values Deleting Automatically [\#284](
- Per Item Shipping update [\#283](
- Per Item Shipping charges for products marked as not requiring shipping [\#280](
- Customer/affiliate registration form country selection [\#278](
- New User Registration Form [\#277](
- On fresh install creates db table oc\_coupon\_category instead of DBPREFIX\_coupon\_category [\#274](
- Language cache file is set differently by admin and customer sides [\#272](
- Duplicate e-mails are sent through the admin panel when choosing a product [\#271](
- Unit tests? [\#270](
- Customer's cart added to admin edited order [\#268](
- system crashed after adding language option [\#263](
- "Search in product descriptions" option not returning results V1.5.5 [\#261](
- Error in site made from open cart [\#257](
- Featured item path in catalogue [\#256](
- 500 internal server error [\#254](
- The error log  [\#253](
- Creating Radio Button Options [\#251](
- Fatal error: Call to undefined method ModelCatalogProduct::getProductTags\(\) in C:\wamp\www\op\catalog\controller\product\product.php on line 353 [\#250](
- 500 eroor in admin settings [\#249](
- OpenCart doesn't work at Internet Explorer 8 [\#247](
- problem with tax included and tax exempt display [\#246](
- \[CRITICAL\] USA States Error [\#243](
- Setting an items per page limit that matches a preset number causes redundant entries [\#242](
- Call to undefined method ModelCatalogFilter::getCategories [\#241](
- Top Administrator Some Access + Modify  Permission are disabled  [\#240](
- In Admin Category Name  [\#239](
- Undefined variable: entry\_parent in category edit page  [\#238](
- Discounts don't work, when Special is active [\#237](
- Upgrade.php missing from install folder [\#235](
- Insert New Product insert error/warning [\#233](
- Insert New Product error [\#232](
- Stocks positions wrongly updated to zero in products purchased in O [\#231](
- email with order confirmation not send to customer and admin when using SSL in OC [\#230](
- Region/State field in Dashboard \> Suppliers is broken [\#229](
- Simplify & Cleanup SQL [\#228](
- Usability When Adding An Admin Order [\#227](
- error in edit  Category [\#226](
- Opencart Stop running if insert name of new language incorrect [\#224](
- uid/xml\_id in product table [\#221](
- Category Respective Search [\#220](
- Disabled rating can be seen in the compare pages [\#218](
- Error when inserting new product [\#213](
- MD5 Hash not posting Back [\#212](
- Search ignores category [\#211](
- Bug entering my opencart administration [\#207](
- Query taking forever for reports [\#206](
- consistent url for home page [\#204](
- \[CRITICAL\] Error with No-English language when include product Admin Order [\#203](
- Correct tagging in repository [\#202](
- Notice: Undefined variable: data in upload/admin/model/catalog/category.php  on line 80 [\#201](
- Installer doesn't work on R/O filesystem [\#200](
- Bug in /catalog/model/affiliate/affiliate.php Line 51 in getAffiliateByEmail [\#198](
- Can't see any orders \(only aborted orders\) [\#194](
- Undefined index: payment\_address [\#191](
- mail marked as spam by spamassassin [\#190](
- Undefined variable: parent in category\_form.tpl line 55 [\#189](
- Footer version number not updated [\#188](
- Wrong email sender [\#186](
- urlescape on image filenames [\#184](
- Empty end date in Coupons display [\#182](
- Discount minimum quantity [\#180](
- Special for Products Date not working for current day [\#179](
- Checkout Success Page Breadcrumb Inconsistency [\#178](
- Multi-column table Indexes causing slowdowns [\#177](
- Image option size setting [\#175](
- Admin Customer Edit - Country problem [\#174](
- Bulk Import/Export for products and categories/images [\#172](
- Checkout Address 1 characters length error [\#171](
- Removing address error [\#170](
- Problems with payment hash check. [\#169](
- double else [\#166](
- Tags or words in the description with upper case characters are never found by search [\#165](
- Payment method not Selected in checkout processes [\#164](
- SQL - product\_id AUTO\_INCREMENT in oc\_product\_description [\#163](
- Reward Points Fix [\#160](
- Opencart 1.5.4 SEO keywords for categories not working properly. [\#155](
- Multi language for instalation [\#153](
- Adding products to a coupon with max\_input\_vars restriction [\#152](
- Please use git tags to mark releases [\#151](
- Installation translations? [\#148](
- Consistent/Global Breadcrumbs? [\#147](
- Order Total Error [\#145](
- SEO keyword per language [\#144](
- error creating new attribute without defining the group [\#143](
- Unable to access SSL pages \(My account, cart\) in French [\#140](
- Registration/Login problem [\#138](
- Downloadfiles can not be deleted. [\#137](
- Version constant value for is 1.5.4 [\#135](
- Phone number and Postal Code validation [\#133](
- Git Tags [\#130](
- Paypoint digest calculation fails [\#129](
- Discount coupons percentages calculated before tax [\#128](
- Internet Explorer hangs on clicking of continue button in checkout [\#127](
- SEO language [\#125](
- IP is getting blocked [\#124](
- 301 redirect not work [\#122](
- Users are not required to confirm their existing password prior to changing their password. [\#121](
- User should have to click on a link to reset their password not have their password reset automatically [\#120](
- product price options [\#115](
- Cart showing prices to unapproved customers [\#113](
- sort by price problem  [\#112](
- upgrade.tpl missing image [\#111](
- Ckeditor don't save product description [\#108](
- Missing settings/extension. [\#106](
- Then trying update configuratin have an error [\#99](
- FedEx Extention not working [\#97](
- Order comment missing from HTML mail confirmation [\#93](
- Vulnerabilities in OpenCart [\#91](
- 'order\_misc' table missing in [\#90](
- Auspost shipping estimate error [\#88](
- Sending email fails when using comma or semicolon in to field [\#87](
- Secure session cookies? [\#85](
- Some country issues [\#83](
- Belgium Regions : Brussels is missing ! [\#82](
- Coupons and taxes - don't interact [\#81](
- Checkout issue - Continue button not working [\#80](
- Google Base feed is served only in default language [\#79](
- Google Base feed excludes currency information [\#78](
- Can't add image to a new product on ipad. [\#77](
- Klarna payment method is not working correct. [\#76](
- Attribute automatically duplicate in multiple language environment [\#74](
- Featured module limit is not working correctly [\#72](
- templates hijacking [\#67](
- paths disclosure [\#66](
- missed download directory [\#63](
- HEAVY load on MySQL server after \#46 [\#62](
- Edit order fails if stock empty [\#60](
- View order info on shipped notification adds all order items to cart [\#59](
- Login as admin [\#51](
- Changing type of Option causes problems [\#50](
- Fatal error: require\_once\(\) \[function.require\]: Failed opening  [\#48](
- Undefined index:  shipping\_address\_id in line 11 [\#45](
- Delete address from address book [\#39](
- system/library/encryption unsafe [\#38](
- Serious security flaw [\#37](
- customer\_blacklist IPv6 fix was unrolled [\#29](
- Any chances to get a PostgreSQL support? [\#22](
- payment Module \(bank\_transfer\) [\#19](
- ie7.css button [\#18](
- Banner images in cache are huge [\#11](
- Link from order email puts products into cart [\#10](
- Querying for product totals by subcategory could be much faster [\#9](
- Address book problem [\#8](
- OpenCart website is mangled on iPad \(Safari\) [\#7](
- Unexpected Token / Guest Checkout [\#6](
- Pointless? [\#1](

**Merged pull requests:**

- Update order.php [\#653]( ([pine3ree](
- Correction in Breadcrumb [\#646]( ([valdeir2000](
- 2Checkout new features [\#639]( ([craigchristenson](
- typo [\#634]( ([Equotix](
- limit\['value'\] instead of limits\['value'\] [\#633]( ([Equotix](
- Possible division by zero at Weight::convert\(\) [\#623]( ([Hrumpa](
- Typo [\#618]( ([Equotix](
- Fixed typo in jQuery selector [\#605]( ([rickard2](
- Included image in sitemap.xml [\#590]( ([fahmi182](
- Changing the list of folders that must be writable [\#582]( ([HNygard](
- Banner image sort ordering [\#568]( ([scotteh](
- Remove p.rating - getProductList\(\); [\#563]( ([valdeir2000](
- catalog SQL optimisations. [\#549]( ([msva](
- Update review.php [\#547]( ([YuriGural](
- Image manager upload is not working with Opera [\#546]( ([devtsit](
- Store location no results colspan should be 6 [\#542]( ([eorza](
- Fix for pagination translation in customer\_online [\#541]( ([msva](
- Add more security to config\_encryption [\#540]( ([msva](
- add setTitle for tag in search [\#537]( ([fahmi182](
- Fix E\_NOTICE showing when product keyword isn't set [\#535]( ([dirkjanm](
- Fixed if enable smtp mail, utf8 character errors in header. [\#533]( ([epiksel](
- sample category and product is ready for seo url enabled [\#530]( ([fahmi182](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/localisation/return\_reason.php [\#504]( ([devtsit](
- added flag for specific info [\#502]( ([faaliyet](
- fix for [\#501]( ([faaliyet](
- Update upload/admin/controller/localisation/return\_reason.php [\#500]( ([devtsit](
- Update upload/admin/view/template/catalog/filter\_form.tpl [\#495]( ([jcsmithy](
- browser compatibility [\#493]( ([faaliyet](
- changed english wording error =\> separator convert to separator. [\#490]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#489]( ([apisznasdin](
- Fixed some typos [\#487]( ([Fogelholk](
- A typo [\#486]( ([Fogelholk](
- Klarna Fee fix [\#485]( ([martynas-wm](
- breadcrump is changed to breadcrumb [\#478]( ([hkulekci](
- Incorrect Sort Order value in admin Catalog \> Categories list [\#477]( ([kenfai](
- update Top Administrator permissions on sql [\#475]( ([epiksel](
- Breadcrump patch [\#474]( ([hkulekci](
- Added If the customer is logged automatic review name fill [\#470]( ([epiksel](
- .htaccess changes for robots.txt [\#468]( ([hkulekci](
- Added allow guest review enable/disable [\#467]( ([epiksel](
- Added config\_review\_mail in opencart.sql [\#465]( ([epiksel](
- refresh captcha of review form of product page when the form posted. [\#464]( ([hkulekci](
- Klarna update [\#463]( ([martynas-wm](
- added "New Review Alert Mail" status to setting mail tab. [\#461]( ([hkulekci](
- Send E-Mail Notification Admin on Product Review [\#460]( ([epiksel](
- Prevent direct access to http://.../system/logs/error.txt [\#452]( ([rb2](
- Is an account created when requesting a return? [\#445]( ([Fogelholk](
- Added Image File Size Setting [\#442]( ([epiksel](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/payment/worldpay.php [\#441]( ([Fogelholk](
- read me file  [\#440]( ([hkulekci](
- fix pull request for \#433, because mysql "order by" default is ASC. [\#437]( ([hkulekci](
- update Top Administrator permissions on sql [\#425]( ([epiksel](
- Klarna Invoice fix [\#423]( ([martynas-wm](
- Some PHPDoc in engine files for autocomplete [\#422]( ([nikita-ushakov](
- mysqli.php -\> fixed wrong syntax [\#416]( ([Zemistr](
- Fixed option required! [\#411]( ([epiksel](
- fix for file cache.php [\#410]( ([sincromaster](
- Cleanup whitespace in /system/\* [\#407]( ([Milow](
- Fixed error\_desc\_limit -\> error\_limit [\#403]( ([epiksel](
- catalog\_desc\_limit renamed -\> list\_description\_limit [\#399]( ([epiksel](
- fixed error\_custom\_field\_value [\#396]( ([epiksel](
- Royal mail standard parcels [\#393]( ([uksitebuilder](
- Remove 2 Countries that are now zones - Fix UK VAT Zones [\#392]( ([uksitebuilder](
- upload/catalog/controler/common/seo\_url.php [\#389]( ([uksitebuilder](
- update Top Administrator permissions on sql [\#380]( ([hkulekci](
- Add Jersey & Guernsey to upload/install/opencart.sql [\#379]( ([uksitebuilder](
- Product image options not added to cart when reordered. [\#377]( ([mireks](
- Klarna Account notice fix [\#376]( ([martynas-wm](
- Update upload/catalog/controller/common/seo\_url.php [\#375]( ([laanlabs](
- Klarna Invoice Fee [\#369]( ([martynas-wm](
- Klarna module fixes [\#367]( ([martynas-wm](
- Display actual file and line number where the sql error is occured. [\#366]( ([jimymodi](
- Default invoice prefix has been changed [\#363]( ([epiksel](
- Update upload/system/library/language.php [\#354]( ([aa100](
- Syntax Highlighting for the CKEditor \(Source View\) with the CodeMirror Plugin [\#353]( ([epiksel](
- Update upload/catalog/model/account/customer\_group.php [\#336]( ([amdev](
- Product filter doesn't work with multiple languages [\#325]( ([devtsit](
- Added resize type to following modules [\#324]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/payment/klarna\_invoice.php [\#323]( ([opencartarab](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/payment/klarna\_account.php [\#322]( ([opencartarab](
- Update upload/catalog/language/english/total/klarna\_fee.php [\#321]( ([opencartarab](
- Update upload/catalog/language/english/payment/klarna\_invoice.php [\#320]( ([opencartarab](
- Update upload/catalog/language/english/payment/klarna\_account.php [\#319]( ([opencartarab](
- image tool improvement about scale according to width, height, default [\#312]( ([hkulekci](
- gitignore file addition for development [\#307]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/install/view/template/step\_2.tpl [\#306]( ([opencartarab](
- "Notice: unserialize\(\): Error at offset 2742 of 7368 bytes in " notice f... [\#305]( ([hkulekci](
- changed: public with protected to bypass route parameter [\#302]( ([faaliyet](
- order table error fixed when DB\_PREFIX is null [\#301]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/setting/setting.php [\#298]( ([opencartarab](
- utf8\_strtolower addition on admin side. [\#297]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/catalog/view/theme/default/template/common/header.tpl [\#296]( ([rokdazone](
- utf8\_strtolower addition, widely \(include system/library files\) [\#295]( ([hkulekci](
- Edit password fix for case sensitivity \[for all email where clause\] [\#293]( ([hkulekci](
- Edit password fix for case sensitivity [\#289]( ([opencarthelp](
-  fixed some mistakes + also removed unnecessary functions from review model [\#286]( ([faaliyet](
- Option Values Deleting Automatically for \#284 [\#285]( ([hkulekci](
- admin customer\_form history text cleared after clicked "Add History" but... [\#282]( ([hkulekci](
- Update upload/admin/language/english/setting/setting.php [\#279]( ([andrejuseu](
- "Notice: Error: Table 'opencart.oc\_filter\_value\_description' doesn't exi... [\#276]( ([hkulekci](
- Validation of database prefix at install [\#275]( ([devtsit](
- Added some of the newer countries and fixes [\#273]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix customer's cart added to admin edited order [\#269]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update upload/system/library/request.php [\#266]( ([rokdazone](
- Fix admin getZonesByCountryId so that it only returns enabled zones [\#265]( ([rebdog](
- Admin Customer Edit - Country problem fixed \#174 [\#260]( ([hkulekci](
- added catalog/filter permission to Top Administrator Group  [\#258]( ([hkulekci](
- Fix for removing 'first' option in admin [\#252]( ([rebdog](
- Add workaround for unpatched Internet Explorer bug [\#248]( ([ADDCreative](
- Missing layout\_route entry for sitemap in database [\#244]( ([opencarthelp](
- Add a php script for installation via command line [\#225]( ([naiquevin](
- Display preference of list or grid is not remembered between sessions. [\#222]( ([Ictinus](
- Fix vertical align cart block in product page [\#217]( ([lusever](
- On product page when switching tabs, viewport jumping too high. [\#205]( ([lusever](
- Fixed large file downloads and removed non-standard headers [\#187]( ([bull5-i](
- Only show downloads that I can download [\#185]( ([khflab](
- Fix typo in New Zealand regions in initial database [\#181]( ([gurubobnz](
- Update upload/admin/view/template/common/header.tpl [\#176]( ([JFox-sk](
- Add update product stock quantity to order editor [\#173]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix VAT validation in admin [\#162]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix guest checkout ignoring customer group [\#161]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix session not cleared on admin login as customer [\#157]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix add new language at admin [\#154]( ([devtsit](
- Fix Fedex not showing error [\#149]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix admin ups template [\#136]( ([devtsit](
- Fix typo in check logs directory is writable [\#134]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#132]( ([rokdazone](
- Fix search to return more matches for products [\#131]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix horizontal scroll bar missing in Firefox [\#123]( ([ADDCreative](
- Small fix at install step 3 [\#118]( ([devtsit](
- Fix zones at install [\#117]( ([devtsit](
- More country and zone updates [\#116]( ([ADDCreative](
- Fix local zone setting [\#114]( ([ADDCreative](
- "Reset your password" at admin not working [\#109]( ([devtsit](
- Added agree return terms on return insert page [\#104]( ([epiksel](
- Added Address Books Links to Account Module [\#102]( ([epiksel](
- Named vqmod columns  [\#96]( ([edgabaldi](
- Added Montenegro and Serbia and some fixes [\#95]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#92]( ([juliao](
- Fixed scale issue in image resize bug [\#89]( ([JAY6390](
- Add Jersey and Guernsey and some fixes [\#86]( ([ADDCreative](
-  readme changes to be pulled [\#75]( ([qphoria](
- Expand carousel module functionalities [\#71]( ([erdembey](
- Removed XML declaration and attributes [\#69]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update \(AIM\) for Shipping information [\#68]( ([Asif-Mahmood](
- utf8\_strlen to filename in product.php [\#54]( ([epiksel](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#53]( ([aa100](
- customer\_online: IPv6-related fix [\#52]( ([msva](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#49]( ([ghost](
- Improved SQL Performance of Category Module [\#46]( ([chrisatomix](
- Sending mail to customers fails when SSL enabled [\#41]( ([ADDCreative](
- Customer group list colspan [\#40]( ([ADDCreative](
- Abnormally large images in default theme [\#36]( ([ADDCreative](
- Patch 6 [\#35]( ([prof-web-coding](
- Top Administrator You do not have permission to access [\#33]( ([epiksel](
- Added number of order on success page [\#32]( ([JohnnyVega](
- Update upload/catalog/controller/module/category.php [\#30]( ([prof-web-coding](
- Update upload/admin/model/catalog/product.php [\#23]( ([opencarthelp](
- Use default PNG compression level of 6 [\#21]( ([ADDCreative](
- Removed unused CSS [\#20]( ([ADDCreative](
- Add .gitignore and keep local dev passwords and settings safe \(ignore real used config.php\) [\#16]( ([rb2](
- Update upload/admin/controller/tool/backup.php [\#15]( ([aa100](
- customer\_blacklist: IPv6-related fix [\#14]( ([msva](
- Fix 404 not found page breadcrumb [\#13]( ([ADDCreative](
- Update upload/catalog/controller/module/language.php [\#12]( ([prof-web-coding](
- Update upload/install/opencart.sql [\#5]( ([prof-web-coding](
- Stop infomation pages being indexed twice [\#4]( ([ADDCreative](
- Only products commission. [\#3]( ([andrejuseu](

\* *This Change Log was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](*