Your IP :

Current Path : /proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html3/host/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/src/Admin/Builder/
Upload File :
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html3/host/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/src/Admin/Builder/Help.php


namespace WPForms\Admin\Builder;

 * Form Builder Help Screen.
 * @since 1.6.3
class Help {

	 * Settings.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @var array
	private $settings;

	 * Docs data.
	 * @since 1.6.4
	 * @var array
	private $docs;

	 * Initialize class.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	public function init() {

		// This should be here, otherwise scheduled task doesn't executes.
		add_action( 'wpforms_builder_help_cache_update', [ $this, 'update_docs' ] );

		// Terminate initialization if not in builder.
		if ( ! wpforms_is_admin_page( 'builder' ) ) {


	 * Setup settings and other things.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	private function setup() {

		$upload_dir  = wpforms_upload_dir();
		$upload_path = ! empty( $upload_dir['path'] )
			? trailingslashit( wp_normalize_path( $upload_dir['path'] ) )
			: trailingslashit( WP_CONTENT_DIR ) . 'uploads/wpforms/';

		$this->settings = [

			// Remote source URL.
			'docs_remote_source' => '',

			// Docs cache file (full path).
			'cache_file'         => $upload_path . 'cache/docs.json',

			 * Allow modifying Help Docs cache TTL (time to live).
			 * @since 1.6.3
			 * @param int $cache_ttl Cache TTL in seconds. Defaults to 1 week.
			'cache_ttl'          => (int) apply_filters( 'wpforms_admin_builder_help_cache_ttl', WEEK_IN_SECONDS ),

			// Static URLs.
			'docs_url'           => '',
			'support_ticket_url' => '',
			'upgrade_url'        => '',


	 * Hooks.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	private function hooks() {

		add_action( 'wpforms_builder_enqueues', [ $this, 'enqueues' ] );
		add_action( 'wpforms_admin_page', [ $this, 'output' ], 20 );

	 * Enqueue assets.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	public function enqueues() {

		$min = wpforms_get_min_suffix();

			WPFORMS_PLUGIN_URL . "assets/js/components/admin/builder/help{$min}.js",
			[ 'wpforms-builder' ],


	 * Get localized data.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Localized data.
	public function get_localized_data() {

		return [
			'docs'       => $this->get_docs(),
			'categories' => $this->get_categories(),
			'context'    => [
				'terms' => $this->get_context_terms(),
				'docs'  => $this->get_context_docs(),

	 * Get docs from the cache.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Docs data.
	public function get_docs() {

		if ( is_file( $this->settings['cache_file'] ) && is_readable( $this->settings['cache_file'] ) ) {
			$docs = json_decode( file_get_contents( $this->settings['cache_file'] ), true );


		if (
			empty( $docs ) ||
			(int) filemtime( $this->settings['cache_file'] ) + $this->settings['cache_ttl'] < time()
		) {
			// This code should execute once when the method called the first time,
			// Next update_docs() should be executed by schedule.
			$docs = $this->update_docs();

		// Store in class private variable for further use.
		$this->docs = ! empty( $docs ) ? $docs : [];

		return $this->docs;

	 * Update docs cache with actual data retrieved from the remote source.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array|boolean Updated docs data. Or false on error.
	public function update_docs() {

		// Unfortunately, we need to call setup() here for properly scheduled execution.

		$request = wp_remote_get(
				// Limit the processing time to half of the default PHP max execution time,
				// so we will have a chance to see the Form Builder even without the docs data.
				'timeout' => 15,

		if ( is_wp_error( $request ) ) {
			return false;

		$content   = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request );
		$cache_dir = dirname( $this->settings['cache_file'] );

		// Check cache directory and create it if needed.
		if ( ! file_exists( $cache_dir ) || ! wp_is_writable( $cache_dir ) ) {
			wp_mkdir_p( $cache_dir );
			wpforms_create_index_html_file( $cache_dir );

		// Attempt to decode the json data.
		$docs = json_decode( $content, true );

		// If the data successfully decoded to array we caching the content.
		if ( is_array( $docs ) ) {
			// phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.AlternativeFunctions.file_system_read_file_put_contents
			file_put_contents( $this->settings['cache_file'], $content );
		} else {
			$docs = [];

		// Schedule recurring updates.

		return $docs;

	 * Schedule docs updates.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	public function schedule_update_docs() {

		$tasks = wpforms()->get( 'tasks' );

		if ( $tasks->is_scheduled( 'wpforms_builder_help_cache_update' ) !== false ) {

		$tasks->create( 'wpforms_builder_help_cache_update' )
		      ->recurring( time() + $this->settings['cache_ttl'], $this->settings['cache_ttl'] )

	 * Get categories.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Categories data.
	public function get_categories() {

		return [
			'getting-started' => esc_html__( 'Getting Started', 'wpforms-lite' ),
			'functionality'   => esc_html__( 'Functionality', 'wpforms-lite' ),
			'styling'         => esc_html__( 'Styling', 'wpforms-lite' ),
			'extending'       => esc_html__( 'Extending', 'wpforms-lite' ),
			'addons'          => esc_html__( 'Addons', 'wpforms-lite' ),

	 * Get context search terms.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Search terms by context.
	public function get_context_terms() {

		// phpcs:disable
		return [
			'new_form'                                           => 'add form',
			'setup'                                              => 'form template',
			'fields/add_fields'                                  => 'add fields',
			'fields/field_options'                               => 'field options',
			'fields/field_options/text'                          => 'single line text',
			'fields/field_options/textarea'                      => 'paragraph text',
			'fields/field_options/number-slider'                 => 'number slider',
			'fields/field_options/select'                        => 'dropdown',
			'fields/field_options/radio'                         => 'multiple choice',
			'fields/field_options/checkbox'                      => 'checkboxes',
			'fields/field_options/gdpr-checkbox'                 => 'gdpr agreement',
			'fields/field_options/email'                         => 'email',
			'fields/field_options/address'                       => 'address',
			'fields/field_options/url'                           => 'website/url',
			'fields/field_options/name'                          => 'name',
			'fields/field_options/hidden'                        => 'hidden',
			'fields/field_options/html'                          => 'html',
			'fields/field_options/pagebreak'                     => 'page break',
			'fields/field_options/entry-preview'                 => 'entry preview',
			'fields/field_options/password'                      => 'password',
			'fields/field_options/date-time'                     => 'date time',
			'fields/field_options/divider'                       => 'section divider',
			'fields/field_options/phone'                         => 'phone',
			'fields/field_options/number'                        => 'numbers',
			'fields/field_options/file-upload'                   => 'file upload',
			'fields/field_options/captcha'                       => 'custom captcha',
			'fields/field_options/rating'                        => 'rating',
			'fields/field_options/richtext'                      => 'rich text',
			'fields/field_options/likert_scale'                  => 'likert scale',
			'fields/field_options/payment-single'                => 'single item',
			'fields/field_options/payment-multiple'              => 'multiple items',
			'fields/field_options/payment-checkbox'              => 'checkbox items',
			'fields/field_options/payment-select'                => 'dropdown items',
			'fields/field_options/payment-total'                 => 'total',
			'fields/field_options/stripe-credit-card'            => 'stripe credit card',
			'fields/field_options/authorize_net'                 => ' credit card',
			'fields/field_options/square'                        => 'square credit card',
			'fields/field_options/signature'                     => 'signature',
			'fields/field_options/net_promoter_score'            => 'net promoter score',
			'settings/general'                                   => 'settings',
			'settings/notifications'                             => 'notification emails',
			'settings/confirmation'                              => 'confirmation message',
			'settings/form_abandonment'                          => 'form abandonment',
			'settings/post_submissions'                          => 'post submissions',
			'settings/user_registration'                         => 'user registration',
			'settings/surveys_polls'                             => 'surveys and polls',
			'settings/conversational_forms'                      => 'conversational forms',
			'settings/form_locker'                               => 'form locker',
			'settings/form_pages'                                => 'form pages',
			'settings/save_resume'                               => 'save and resume',
			'settings/webhooks'                                  => 'webhooks',
			'providers'                                          => '',
			'providers/aweber'                                   => 'aweber',
			'providers/activecampaign'                           => 'activecampaign',
			'providers/campaign_monitor'                         => 'campaign monitor',
			'providers/constant_contact'                         => 'constant contact',
			'providers/drip'                                     => 'drip',
			'providers/getresponse'                              => 'getresponse',
			'providers/getresponse_v3'                           => 'getresponse',
			'providers/mailchimp'                                => 'mailchimp',
			'providers/mailchimpv3'                              => 'mailchimp',
			'providers/zapier'                                   => 'zapier',
			'providers/salesforce'                               => 'salesforce',
			'providers/sendinblue'                               => 'sendinblue',
			'providers/hubspot'                                  => 'hubspot',
			'payments'                                           => '',
			'payments/paypal_standard'                           => 'paypal standard',
			'payments/stripe'                                    => 'stripe',
			'payments/authorize_net'                             => '',
			'payments/square'                                    => 'square',
			'revisions'                                          => 'revisions',
		// phpcs:enable

	 * Get context (recommended) docs links.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Docs links by search terms.
	public function get_context_docs_links() {

		return [
			'add form'                  => [
			'new form'                  => [
			'create form'               => [
			'form template'             => [
			'add fields'                => [
			'recaptcha'                 => [
			'spam'                      => [
			'fields'                    => [
			'field options'             => [
			'field settings'            => [
			'conditional logic'         => [
			'single line text'          => [
			'paragraph'                 => [
			'paragraph text'            => [
			'textarea'                  => [
			'input mask'                => [
			'limit words'               => [
			'limit characters'          => [
			'style'                     => [
			'custom css'                => [
			'css'                       => [
			'dropdown'                  => [
			'select'                    => [
			'multiple options'          => [
			'bulk add'                  => [
			'multiple columns'          => [
			'columns'                   => [
			'randomize'                 => [
			'image choices'             => [
			'multiple choice'           => [
			'radio'                     => [
			'checkboxes'                => [
			'checkbox'                  => [
			'gdpr'                      => [
			'gdpr agreement'            => [
			'number slider'             => [
			'range'                     => [
			'email'                     => [
			'address'                   => [
			'field'                     => [
			'state'                     => [
			'province'                  => [
			'region'                    => [
			'city'                      => [
			'country'                   => [
			'zip code'                  => [
			'postal code'               => [
			'hidden'                    => [
			'rating'                    => [
			'star'                      => [
			'rich text'                 => [
			'wysiwyg'                   => [
			'editor'                    => [
			'rich editor'               => [
			'page break'                => [
			'page'                      => [
			'entry preview'             => [
			'break'                     => [
			'multi-page'                => [
			'password'                  => [
			'name'                      => [
			'first'                     => [
			'last'                      => [
			'surname'                   => [
			'custom captcha'            => [
			'numbers'                   => [
			'website/url'               => [
			'website'                   => [
			'url'                       => [
			'html'                      => [
			'code'                      => [
			'date/time'                 => [
			'date'                      => [
			'time'                      => [
			'calendar'                  => [
			'section divider'           => [
			'section'                   => [
			'divider'                   => [
			'header'                    => [
			'phone'                     => [
			'telephone'                 => [
			'mobile'                    => [
			'file upload'               => [
			'file'                      => [
			'upload'                    => [
			'signature'                 => [
			'likert scale'              => [
			'likert'                    => [
			'scale'                     => [
			'net promoter score'        => [
			'net'                       => [
			'promoter'                  => [
			'score'                     => [
			'nps'                       => [
			'payment'                   => [
			'price'                     => [
			'cost'                      => [
			'single item'               => [
			'multiple items'            => [
			'checkbox items'            => [
			'dropdown items'            => [
			'total'                     => [
			'stripe credit card'        => [
			' credit card' => [
			'square credit card'        => [
			'settings'                  => [
			'submit'                    => [
			'button'                    => [
			'dynamic population'        => [
			'offline'                   => [
			'offline forms'             => [
			'notification'              => [
			'notifications'             => [
			'notification email'        => [
			'notification emails'       => [
			'confirmation'              => [
			'confirmation message'      => [
			'redirect'                  => [
			'go to url (redirect)'      => [
			'confirmation page'         => [
			'conditional confirmation'  => [
			'form abandonment'          => [
			'abandonment'               => [
			'abandon'                   => [
			'lead capture'              => [
			'post submissions'          => [
			'guest post'                => [
			'user submission'           => [
			'blog'                      => [
			'post'                      => [
			'user registration'         => [
			'register'                  => [
			'registration'              => [
			'user meta'                 => [
			'user'                      => [
			'surveys'                   => [
			'polls'                     => [
			'surveys and polls'         => [
			'conversational forms'      => [
			'conversational'            => [
			'form locker'               => [
			'password protection'       => [
			'entry limit'               => [
			'scheduling'                => [
			'restrict access'           => [
			'limit'                     => [
			'schedule'                  => [
			'restrict'                  => [
			'form pages'                => [
			'save'                      => [
			'resume'                    => [
			'continue'                  => [
			'save and resume'           => [
			'save and continue'         => [
			'webhooks'                  => [
			'aweber'                    => [
			'campaign monitor'          => [
			'constant contact'          => [
			'drip'                      => [
			'getresponse'               => [
			'mailchimp'                 => [
			'zapier'                    => [
			'salesforce'                => [
			'sendinblue'                => [
			'hubspot'                   => [
			'integrate'                 => [
			'integration'               => [
			'crm'                       => [
			'api'                       => [
			'paypal'                    => [
			'paypal standard'           => [
			'stripe'                    => [
			'authorize'                 => [
			''             => [
			'square'                    => [
			'revisions'                 => [

	 * Get context (recommended) docs.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @return array Docs recommended by search terms.
	public function get_context_docs() {

		if ( empty( $this->docs ) ) {
			return [];

		$docs_links = $this->get_context_docs_links();
		$docs       = [];

		foreach ( $docs_links as $word => $links ) {
			$docs[ $word ] = $this->get_doc_ids( $links );

		return $docs;

	 * Get doc id.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @param string $link Absolute link to the doc without the domain part.
	 * @return array Array with doc id as element.
	public function get_doc_id( $link ) {

		if ( empty( $this->docs ) ) {
			return [];

		$result = array_filter(
			static function( $doc ) use ( $link ) {

				return ! empty( $doc['url'] ) && $doc['url'] === '' . $link;

		return ! empty( $result ) && is_array( $result ) ? array_keys( $result ) : [];

	 * Get doc ids.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	 * @param array $links Array of the doc links.
	 * @return array Doc ids.
	public function get_doc_ids( $links ) {

		if ( empty( $this->docs ) ) {
			return [];

		$ids = [];

		foreach ( $links as $link ) {
			$ids = array_merge( $ids, $this->get_doc_id( $link ) );

		return $ids;

	 * Output help modal markup.
	 * @since 1.6.3
	public function output() {

		// phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped
		echo wpforms_render(
				'settings' => $this->settings,