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Current File : //proc/self/root/home/sudancam/public_html3/host/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/components/admin/builder/setup.js

/* global List, wpforms_builder, wpforms_addons, wpf, WPFormsBuilder, wpforms_education */

 * Form Builder Setup Panel module.
 * @since 1.6.8

'use strict';

var WPForms = window.WPForms || {};

WPForms.Admin = WPForms.Admin || {};
WPForms.Admin.Builder = WPForms.Admin.Builder || {};

WPForms.Admin.Builder.Setup = WPForms.Admin.Builder.Setup || ( function( document, window, $ ) {

	 * Elements holder.
	 * @since 1.6.8
	 * @type {object}
	var el = {};

	 * Runtime variables.
	 * @since 1.6.8
	 * @type {object}
	var vars = {};

	 * Public functions and properties.
	 * @since 1.6.8
	 * @type {object}
	var app = {

		 * Start the engine.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		init: function() {

			$( app.ready );

			// Page load.
			$( window ).on( 'load', function() {

				// In the case of jQuery 3.+, we need to wait for a ready event first.
				if ( typeof $.ready.then === 'function' ) {
					$.ready.then( app.load );
				} else {
			} );

		 * DOM is fully loaded.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		ready: function() {


			el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsBuilderSetupReady' );

		 * Page load.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		load: function() {


		 * Setup. Prepare some variables.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		setup: function() {

			// Cache DOM elements.
			el = {
				$builder: $( '#wpforms-builder' ),
				$form: $( '#wpforms-builder-form' ),
				$formName: $( '#wpforms-setup-name' ),
				$panel: $( '#wpforms-panel-setup' ),
				$categories: $( '#wpforms-panel-setup .wpforms-setup-templates-categories' ),

			// Template list object.
			vars.templateList = new List( 'wpforms-setup-templates-list', {
				valueNames: [
						name: 'categories',
						attr: 'data-categories',
			} );

			// Other values.
			vars.spinner = '<i class="wpforms-loading-spinner wpforms-loading-white wpforms-loading-inline"></i>';
			vars.formID = el.$ 'id' );

		 * Bind events.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		events: function() {

				.on( 'keyup', '#wpforms-setup-template-search', app.searchTemplate )
				.on( 'click', '.wpforms-setup-templates-categories li', app.selectCategory )
				.on( 'click', '.wpforms-template-select', app.selectTemplate )
				.on( 'click', '.wpforms-trigger-blank', app.selectBlankTemplate );

			// Focus on the form title field when displaying setup panel.
				.on( 'wpformsPanelSwitched', app.setupTitleFocus );

			// Sync Setup title and settings title.
				.on( 'input', '#wpforms-panel-field-settings-form_title', app.syncTitle )
				.on( 'input', '#wpforms-setup-name', app.syncTitle );


		 * Set panels toggle buttons state.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		setPanelsToggleState: function() {

				.find( '#wpforms-panels-toggle button:not(.active)' )
				.toggleClass( 'wpforms-disabled', vars.formID === '' );

		 * Set attributes of "blank template" link.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		setTriggerBlankLink: function() {

				.find( '.wpforms-trigger-blank' )
				.attr( {
					'data-template-name-raw': 'Blank Form',
					'data-template': 'blank',
				} );

		 * Force focus on the form title field when switched to the the Setup panel.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e    Event object.
		 * @param {string} view Current view.
		setupTitleFocus: function( e, view ) {

			if ( typeof view === 'undefined' ) {
				view = wpf.getQueryString( 'view' );

			if ( view === 'setup' ) {

		 * Keep Setup title and settings title instances the same.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		syncTitle: function( e ) {

			if ( === 'wpforms-setup-name' ) {
				$( '#wpforms-panel-field-settings-form_title' ).val( );
			} else {
				$( '#wpforms-setup-name' ).val( );

		 * Search template.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		searchTemplate: function( e ) { $( this ).val() );

		 * Select category.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		selectCategory: function( e ) {


			var $item = $( this ),
				$active = $item.closest( 'ul' ).find( '.active' ),
				category = $ 'category' );

			$active.removeClass( 'active' );
			$item.addClass( 'active' );

			vars.templateList.filter( function( item ) {
				return category === 'all' || item.values().categories.split( ',' ).indexOf( category ) > -1;
			} );

		 * Select template.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		selectTemplate: function( e ) {


			var $button      = $( ),
				template     = $ 'template' ),
				templateName = $ 'template-name-raw' ),
				formName     = el.$formName.val() || templateName;

			// Don't do anything for templates that trigger education modal OR addons-modal.
			if ( $button.hasClass( 'education-modal' ) ) {

			el.$panel.find( '.wpforms-template' ).removeClass( 'active' );
			$button.closest( '.wpforms-template' ).addClass( 'active' );

			// Save original label.
			$ 'labelOriginal', $button.html() );

			// Display loading indicator.
			$button.html( vars.spinner + wpforms_builder.loading );

			app.applyTemplate( formName, template, $button );

		 * Apply template.
		 * The final part of the select template routine.
		 * @since 1.6.9
		 * @param {string} formName Name of the form.
		 * @param {string} template Template slug.
		 * @param {jQuery} $button  Use template button object.
		applyTemplate: function( formName, template, $button ) {

			el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsTemplateSelect', template );

			if ( vars.formID ) {

				// Existing form.
				app.selectTemplateExistingForm( formName, template, $button );

			} else {

				// Create a new form.
				app.selectTemplateProcess( formName, template, $button );


		 * Select Blank template.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {object} e Event object.
		selectBlankTemplate: function( e ) {


			var $button  = $( ),
				formName = el.$formName.val() || wpforms_builder.blank_form,
				template = 'blank';

			app.applyTemplate( formName, template, $button );

		 * Select template. Existing form.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string} formName Name of the form.
		 * @param {string} template Template slug.
		 * @param {jQuery} $button  Use template button object.
		selectTemplateExistingForm: function( formName, template, $button ) {

			$.confirm( {
				title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
				content: wpforms_builder.template_confirm,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_builder.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
						action: function() {

							app.selectTemplateProcess( formName, template, $button );
					cancel: {
						text: wpforms_builder.cancel,
						action: function() {

			} );

		 * Select template.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string}  formName  Name of the form.
		 * @param {string}  template  Template slug.
		 * @param {jQuery}  $button   Use template button object.
		selectTemplateProcess: function( formName, template, $button ) {

			if ( $ 'addons' ) ) {
				app.addonsModal( formName, template, $button );
			} else {
				app.selectTemplateProcessAjax( formName, template );

		 * Cancel button click routine.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		selectTemplateCancel: function( ) {

			var $template = el.$panel.find( '' ),
				$button = $template.find( '.wpforms-template-select' );

			$template.removeClass( 'active' );
			$button.html( $ 'labelOriginal' ) );

		 * Select template. Create or update form AJAX call.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string}  formName  Name of the form.
		 * @param {string}  template  Template slug.
		selectTemplateProcessAjax: function( formName, template ) {


			var data = {
				title: formName,
				action: vars.formID ? 'wpforms_update_form_template' : 'wpforms_new_form',
				template: template,
				form_id: vars.formID, // eslint-disable-line camelcase
				nonce: wpforms_builder.nonce,

			$.post( wpforms_builder.ajax_url, data )
				.done( function( res ) {

					if ( res.success ) {

						// We have already warned the user that unsaved changes will be ignored.
						WPFormsBuilder.setCloseConfirmation( false );
						window.location.href =;
					} else {
						wpf.debug( res );
						app.selectTemplateProcessError( );
				} )
				.fail( function( xhr, textStatus, e ) {

					wpf.debug( xhr.responseText || textStatus || '' );
					app.selectTemplateProcessError( '' );
				} );

		 * Select template AJAX call error modal.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string} error Error message.
		selectTemplateProcessError: function( error ) {

			var content = error && error.length ? '<p>' + error + '</p>' : '';

			$.alert( {
				title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
				content: wpforms_builder.error_select_template + content,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_builder.ok,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
						action: function() {

			} );

		 * Open required addons alert.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string} formName Name of the form.
		 * @param {string} template Template slug.
		 * @param {jQuery} $button  Use template button object.
		addonsModal: function( formName, template, $button ) {

			var templateName = $ 'template-name-raw' ),
				addonsNames = $ 'addons-names' ),
				addonsSlugs = $ 'addons' ),
				addons = addonsSlugs.split( ',' ),
				prompt = addons.length > 1 ? wpforms_builder.template_addons_prompt : wpforms_builder.template_addon_prompt;

			if ( ! addons.length ) {

			$.confirm( {
				title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
				content: prompt
					.replace( /%template%/g, templateName )
					.replace( /%addons%/g, addonsNames ),
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_education.install_confirm,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
						action: function() {

								.prop( 'disabled', true )
								.html( vars.spinner + wpforms_education.activating );

								.prop( 'disabled', true );

							app.installActivateAddons( addons, this, formName, template );

							return false;
					cancel: {
						text: wpforms_education.cancel,
						action: function() {

			} );

		 * Install & Activate addons via AJAX.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {Array}  addons        Addons slugs.
		 * @param {object} previousModal Previous modal instance.
		 * @param {string} formName      Name of the form.
		 * @param {string} template      Template slug.
		installActivateAddons: function( addons, previousModal, formName, template ) {

			var ajaxResults = [],
				ajaxErrors = [],
				promiseChain = false;

			// Put each of the ajax call promise to the chain.
			addons.forEach( function( addon ) {

				if ( typeof promiseChain.done !== 'function' ) {
					promiseChain = app.installActivateAddonAjax( addon );


				promiseChain = promiseChain
					.done( function( value ) {

						ajaxResults.push( value );

						return app.installActivateAddonAjax( addon );
					} )
					.fail( function( error ) {
						ajaxErrors.push( error );
					} );
			} );


				// Latest promise result and error.
				.done( function( value ) {
					ajaxResults.push( value );
				} )
				.fail( function( error ) {
					ajaxErrors.push( error );
				} )

				// Finally, resolve all the promises.
				.always( function() {


					if (
						ajaxResults.length > 0 &&
						wpf.listPluck( ajaxResults, 'success' ).every( Boolean ) && // Check if every `success` is true.
						ajaxErrors.length === 0
					) {
						app.selectTemplateProcessAjax( formName, template );
					} else {
						app.installActivateAddonsError( formName, template );
				} );

		 * Install & Activate addons error modal.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string} formName Name of the form.
		 * @param {string} template Template slug.
		installActivateAddonsError: function( formName, template ) {

			$.confirm( {
				title: wpforms_builder.heads_up,
				content: wpforms_builder.template_addons_error,
				icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle',
				type: 'orange',
				buttons: {
					confirm: {
						text: wpforms_builder.use_template,
						btnClass: 'btn-confirm',
						keys: [ 'enter' ],
						action: function() {

							app.selectTemplateProcessAjax( formName, template );
					cancel: {
						text: wpforms_builder.cancel,
						action: function() {

			} );

		 * Install & Activate single addon via AJAX.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		 * @param {string} addon Addon slug.
		 * @returns {Promise} jQuery ajax call promise.
		installActivateAddonAjax: function( addon ) {

			var addonData = wpforms_addons[ addon ],
				deferred = new $.Deferred();

			if (
				! addonData ||
				[ 'activate', 'install' ].indexOf( addonData.action ) < 0
			) {
				deferred.resolve( false );

				return deferred.promise();

			return $.post(
					action: 'wpforms_' + addonData.action + '_addon',
					nonce: wpforms_builder.admin_nonce,
					plugin: addonData.action === 'activate' ? addon + '/' + addon + '.php' : addonData.url,

		 * Initiate template processing for a new form.
		 * @since 1.6.8
		applyTemplateOnRequest: function() {

			var urlParams = new URLSearchParams( ),
				templateId = urlParams.get( 'template_id' );

			if (
				urlParams.get( 'view' ) !== 'setup' ||
				urlParams.get( 'form_id' ) ||
				! templateId
			) {

			el.$panel.find( '.wpforms-template .wpforms-btn[data-template="' + templateId + '"]' ).click();

	// Provide access to public functions/properties.
	return app;

}( document, window, jQuery ) );

// Initialize.